2004/5/12 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30174 Activity:moderate |
5/12 On the flip side, CNN headlines "U.S., Iraq vow to hunt down killers of American hostage", but do not attribute this declaration to anyone in particular in the story itself. \_ uh, what do you mean? \_ On the flip side of what? Are you trying to be shocked that CNN does third rate reporting? |
2004/5/12 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30175 Activity:low |
5/11 how do i check to see that the ISO I have was faithfully burnt to CD. Can I run and MD5 check on a CD? (how?). I have an md5 checker for windows which works for the iso but not on the cd, I could always put the cd on a linux box if there is a way to do it there. \_ Uh, run the verification after you burn, which practically every CD-ROM burning software has as an option? I mean, c'mon, do you you really have to ask a question like this on the motd? \_ nero, for one, doesn't seem to allow you to verify ISO burns. \_ My version of Nero seems to allow verification just fine. What version are you using? -williamc \_ Hold the orginal and the copy up to the light, side by side. \_ This solution has never failed me. \_ huh huh, smart guy isn't so smart anymore huh? -troll \_ hi troll, troll better! that was weak! \_ In Linux, with an ide-cdrom: "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=newcdimage.iso" or with scsi (or ide-scsi): "readcd dev=N,N,N f=newcdimage.iso" cksum newcdimage.iso ; cksum sourcefile.iso or use md5sum if it was complied with "big file support". |
2004/5/12 [Uncategorized] UID:30176 Activity:nil |
5/11 This is the best article I've read in a long time, and it's very positive too. It's about Taguba: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A18916-2004May11.html |
2004/5/12 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30177 Activity:insanely high |
5/12 Bush not attending his daughters' graduations because he "does not want to subject other families to the disruptions of a presidential visit". He doesn't, however, seem concerned about disruptions at the 3 commencments in battleground states he'll speak at. http://csua.org/u/79o (nytimes.com) \_ Can you *really* not tell the difference between having the President Of The United States as a speaker vs. having him as a random there in the audience to scream "JENNA! WHOO! YEAH BABY!" when she gets her diploma? Troll harder. \_ His two daughters are graduating. He's making public excuses for why he's not attending their commencements. He's, instead, speaking at graduations in swing states. He can't bring himself to say "We have scheduling conflicts." He has to lie. \_ from the persptective of turning the streets of new haven into a fucking circus, there's no difference between bush giving a speech and attending in the audience. also, bush is really really hated in this town. I think there may actually be fewer republicans in new haven and at Yale than at berkeley. -new haven resident \_ I shall translate these posts for those of you less fluent in modern "liberul speech." <Bush sucks! Hate BUSH!!! BUUUSSSSHHHH!!! EEEVVVVIILL! HATE, FEAR, KILL, HAAATTEEE BUUUSSSSHHH!!! AUGH!> \_ Typical Right Wing villification of anything that might challenge your way of thinking. Chill out, son. \_ It's not hate. It's terror at what our country is becoming from the top down. \_ A) BS. B) What I'm saying is you guys have lost all touch with reality. \_ dear ass monkey, "bush is hated in this town" is an observation of how other people feel, not necesarily my own opinion. If you think that Bush is anything but despised in ultra-liberal college towns it is you who are out of touch with reality. republican campaign strategists, unlike you, are very aware of this reality, which is why they know it's a waste of time and money to campaign in an ultra-liberal college town. \_ Dear Moron: I can only assume you misinterpreted this on purpose. I was not responding to the statement of fact that Bush is hated in said town. I was translating the posts that claimed Bush was weaving an evil tapestry of lies and deceit to get out of his daughter's graduation. Your assumptions of understanding all the details of what went on it planning behind the scenes in the Bush administation are completely retarded. You're all making mountains out of molehills for your anti-Bush campaign. I am not a Bush fan, but even a monkey could see this. \_ dear jiveass dipshit: if you were not replying to that post, you shouldn't have formatted your post so it looked like you were. learn to fucking format. \_ Sigh, low reading comprehension scores, huh? You notice I used the word "posts." You see, that's a pural. It means "more than one post." I responding to elements of BOTH posts. Not a specific fact in ONE post. \_ But why even bother throwing out bogus excuses? Because "I'm on the campaign trail, so I can't make my daughters' graduations" won't play well? It's an epidemic with the man. He can't appear flawed so instead he lies. That's sociopathic any way you cut it. \_ Try cutting it so it looks more like reality. They probably decided the graduation thing years ago. Now, the campaign advisor sees he has free time that day and schedules a speech. What, did you expect him to sit home and watch Oprah just because his daughter was graduating and he couldn't go? \_ I love America and am as patriotic as they come. And I agree that Bush has to go for the good of America. Fortunately, I am in a large and growing majority. Enjoy your next four years out of power. \_ so if Bush is the speaker he'd attend? \_ Well, I doubt he got to be valedictorian at his own graduation. \_ Yes, but wouldn't be sitting next to Random Parent in the audience. He'll be up on the stand with the rest of the speakers where the attention is already focused. |
2004/5/12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30178 Activity:very high |
5/12 http://www.hillnews.com/news/051204/patriot.aspx confuses me. Are we supposed to like republicans for opposing the patriot act extension because we hate the patriot act or are we supposed to now like the patriot act because republicans oppose it? Or are we supposed to hate republicans *and* PA no matter what they vote for or against? \_ I think we need to be glad that more GOP lawmakers have found their balls again. \_ Exactly. We'll see how long it goes until they cave. Besides it's a rollback they should be shooting for as "libertarian- minded Republicans". -- ulysses \_ So since this is just their nature its ok to keep hating them? \_ Say what? -- ulysses \_ Well, this is just for show. They will quietly sign on later. And so will the democrats. \_ So we should hate democrats as well? \_ Hate whoever you want, gays, liberals, feminists, or free thinkers. This is a free-to-hate country. |
2004/5/12 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas, Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30179 Activity:very high |
5/12 Suppose I have as much RAM as a computer and can memorize/count card. But what good is it if the casino uses 10+ decks and they can shuffle any time they want? Isn't card counting good only when you have very few decks? \_ Card counting gives you an advantage. The size of that advantage is determined by how many decks are in play and how many cards have been dealt since the last shuffle. The house has a built-in advantage. If your counting advantage is less that the house advantage (because of #decks or shuffling) then don't play. \_ Casinos don't exist for you to apply your mad math skillz and get rich and famous like some MIT cheats from a few years ago. They exist as a form of entertainment. Some people actually do win money sometimes but (here's the Stat 2 part) because the house has a built in advantage you *will* lose money over the course of your life if you don't cheat. The MIT crew were cheating. Card counting alone will not help you tip the odds in your favor. \_ How were they cheating? From what I heard of it, they had one player sit at a table playing small hands and when that player saw the count become favorable, they signaled for a whale player to come over. When the count went south the whale left. They were sneaky about it, but that's not illegal, just common sense. \_ I didn't say it was illegal. The State determines what is legal or not. The casino determines what is cheating. I never used the word "illegal" to describe them. \_ I agree with the previous poster. You need to show how the MIT crew were cheating. Everything I've seen and read suggests that they were not cheating. \_ If the casino says it is cheating, it is. They make the rules. Breaking rules = cheating. It's very simple. \_ So if the casino says wearing a red shirt is cheating, that's cheating too? \_ It's called a dress code, and if they so chose, they could throw your ass out for violating it, yes. \_ The question wasn't "should they throw you out", it was "is breaking any casino rule cheating" and the answer is "no" \_ Well, actually, since most casinos are private establishments, they can throw you out any time for any thing. They write the rules of the game, they arbitrate those same rules. So, I think the actual answer you're looking for is, "yes". I think the question you're answering is "is it illegal". \_ You said "breaking rules = cheating". Breaking rules. Not some rules, but just breaking rules. So is wearing a red shirt cheating, if the casino has a rule against the wearing of red shirts? \_ You're being obtuse. See the post below -- I think he's got a sane explanation. \_ I'm not being obtuse. The "breaking rules = cheating" guy has a stupid definition he was trying to defend, and I just showed how ultimately silly it was. \_ Maybe we should make 3 distinctions. Breaking the house rules: Whatever rules they want. They can eject you and ban you from the premesis. Breaking the game rules: Looking at other people's cards, changing your bet mid-game. Against house rules and generally illegal. Breaking the law: They eject/ban you and you go to jail. Card counting without the use of a computer is only aginst the house rules. \_ Does signaling a whale player count as #2, breaking the game rules? \_ Counting cards by itself is a 1. Not against the rules, but some casinos won't want you as a customer. Signaling a friend by itself is a 0. It's quite common and acceptable to tell a friend to gamble at your "hot" table, for reasons of hotness unrelated to card counting purposes. So a combination of a 1 and a 0, signaling based on card counting, should not be a 2. |
2004/5/12 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30180 Activity:nil |
5/12 I have 2GB of ram and a server that has 20 20MB processes. I have over a gig free but many of those processes are put on disk. Is there a way to tell Solaris to be less aggressive about putting certain processes on disk? Memory: 2.0G real, 1.5G free, 266M swap in use, 2.3G swap free 28820 root 1 50 0 12.5M 1416K sleep 11:07 0 1.60% dansguardian 28821 root 1 59 0 12.5M 1464K sleep 3:54 0 0.54% dansguardian 28822 root 1 59 0 13.5M 2216K sleep 3:43 0 0.52% dansguardian The processes used to be 50MB but I reconfigured the server to use smaller list files. BTW, this is a content filtering proxy that does a pass through to squid. |
2004/5/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30181 Activity:kinda low |
5/12 Any NFS servers that run on windows? \_ Can you just use smbmount? \_ Unpredictable port number is bad for firewalls \_ smbmount doesn't exist for all systems. \_ Haven't used any in about 8 years, but a google for nfs server windows turns up a bunch. --scotsman \_ Sort of. PCNFS is a commercial product and there are others but they all have the same core windows/unix compatibility issue re: user name mapping. It can be done but it becomes a bitch for large user bases. Maybe these days it offers a more automated way of doing it when fed a passwd file. \_ I haven't used it, but Unix for Windows(or similar name) from Microsoft has nfsd. And Microsoft is giving these away. I got one in the mail a month ago. A coworker told me that a lot of people prefer installing this first, before resorting to Cygwin. |
2004/5/12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30182 Activity:high |
5/12 I started interviewing again. Is it just me, or are a lot of Java programmers obsessed with the minutiae of the language? \_ You Java programmers still exist? I thought you guys died with the whole dot-com fad. \_ just Java programmers? \_ what specifically are you referring to? are they asking you about APIs or stupid questions like "Name 7 things not found in Java that are present in C++"? \_ some API questions- for example, when to use HashMap vs. Hashtable (which I actually knew the answer to...). I've had that question twice in two weeks. -op \_ They all pull them from the same online quiz. \_ no. They're also all out interviewing and steal questions from each other. I've been heavily interviewing for the last few months. After the first 3-4 interviews, the rest were all clones. Several admitted that their lists were direct ripoffs of what they had been asked before. I do the same thing when interviewing others. It makes sense. \_ I got the Vector vs. ArrayList one twice. \_ Maybe people aren't smart enough to think of questions that are better than crap you can lookup. \_ It isn't about crap you can look up. It is about "if you don't know this well enough to talk about it briefly then you haven't done this that often". Yes, anyone can look up anything but if you've been around longer you're likely to be looking up less. Don't be bitter about it. Seriously, just apply for everything in sight just to learn what the latest round of questions are so when you get to the interview you really want you'll fly through it and look like an uber genius even though you're just some mid-grade coder monkey. |
2004/5/12 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:30183 Activity:very high |
5/12 "The lead attorney in the case, Eugene Crew, planned to ask the judge Wednesday for more than $18.5 million in fees. He told the judge in legal briefs that he deserves about $3,000 for each of his 6,189.6 billable hours, "considering the enormity of this undertaking against the most powerful corporation in America." \_ fucking lawyers \_ yeah, and don't forget all the hours that they fuck the client for three grand, but have some paralegal do the work at 12 bucks an hour. \_ Why do you hate capitalism? \- it's not capitalism, it is self-regulation ... see e.g. the Texas Bar suit again Nolo Press [which fortunately they lost]. --psb \_ they probably fuck the paralegal too \_ What is this about? \_ M$ antitrust \_ To be fair, it's typical that class action firms charge what seems like larger-than-normal hourly fees for their hours. The reasons: 1) If they lose, they don't get paid. At all. If "Crew" had not won that case, that's 3 years of working for no salary. 2) They have to pay for the costs of the case up front and only get paid back many years later (and only if they win). So usually a firm like that gets what is called "lodestar" fees which multiply the normal hourly rate by 2x or 3x to make up for the above two points. Normal hourly rates for attorneys are $3-400 or so, with super exceptional ones $600ish. So, by any metric, this would seem like an exceptionally large amount to charge. However, note that if the case was on contingency, he'd be getting 1/3 of the settlement, which is way more than $3k/hour. \_ $3-400 normal hourly rate! That's 6-8 times what I'm getting for being a senior software engineer. \_ Right, but if you were working for a consulting firm, they'd probably be billing you out at that sort of rate. $3-400 includes lots of other costs besides attorney salary, like staff salary, rent, copying, couriers, etc. \_ I see. \_ $50 an hour? Your fully burdened cost is double that. \_ My attorney fiancee reports that "those lawyers did a fantastic job" and deserve $3k/hour. The California settlement is a really good one for consumers; in fact, it's a larger settlement than the *national* settlement. She said that basically when you take a case like this, if you fail, you're bankrupt; if Townsend had lost the case, there would have been no more Townsend. Other firms suffer the same problem (in the IBM toxics/cancer recent case, Alexander Hawes & Audet lost and is now in serious financial condition). |
2004/5/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Industry/Jobs] UID:30184 Activity:nil 57%like:30190 |
5/12 Snapfish is hiring a mobile architect. See the posting in /csua/pub/jobs/Snapfish.mobile.architect for more details. -- ajani |
2004/5/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30185 Activity:high |
5/12 Berg's father blamed the U.S. government for creating circumstances that led to his son's death. Coalition spokesman Senor said that in Iraq, Berg had no affiliation with the U.S. government, the coalition or "to my knowledge" any coalition-affiliated contractor. http://tinyurl.com/343s7 (yahoo news) \_ tourist? \_ http://csua.org/u/72a \_ Wrong url? \_ Mossad spy? \_ "On April 5, the Bergs filed suit in federal court in Philadelphia, contending their son was being held illegally by the U.S. military. The next day, Berg was released. He told his parents he had not been mistreated. Michael Berg said that in early April, his son refused a U.S. offer to board an outbound charter flight because he thought the travel to the airport through an area where attacks had occurred was too risky. State Department spokeswoman Kelly Shannon said that on April 10, Berg told a U.S. consular officer in Baghdad that he wanted instead to travel to Kuwait on his own." \_ "Today, coalition spokesman Dan Senor in Baghdad said Berg had been held by Iraqi police and questioned by the FBI three times. Senor said that to his knowledge Berg 'was at no time under the jurisdiction or detention of coalition forces,' according to the Associated Press." |
2004/5/12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:30186 Activity:very high |
5/12 I'm having a wierd problem with the JNI. I have a class with some native functions, and in that class I use the statandard static{System.LoadLibrary("x")} call. I have to similar programs, in one I have Java call the native claases. This works fine. In the second, everything is the same except C starts up the JNI, which then instantiates this class, which calls loadLibrary. This one crashes, badly, on the loadLibrary call. What the crap is up with that? \_ What do you mean by "C starts up the JNI"? The JNI is an API. Do you mean that you are starting up a JVM in a C program? -williamc \_ Sorry, yes, starting up the JVM in a C program. \_ How are you starting the VM? Are you forking a new process to start the VM? Are you calling it using something like sys? |
2004/5/12 [Uncategorized] UID:30187 Activity:nil |
5/12 Prozac does a body good! Make sure to take your daily allowance today aaron, mkay?? |
2004/5/12 [Reference/BayArea] UID:30188 Activity:high |
5/12 What is the best gyro/shwerma in Berkeley? \-i had a pretty decent GYRO at the mexican [?] place directly south of SHK. truly med in SF is good so ostenisbly the berkeley \_ Pollo? one will be ok. --psb \_ not as good, but still a lot better than most of the medit. food in berkeley. of all i've had in the bay area, though truly med in the mission is the best. |
2004/5/12 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:30189 Activity:high |
5/12 On Enterprise (the tv show) their computers have a cool way of watching logfiles, similar to "tail -f". Except theirs scrolls up a bunch of lines together so that each new line added doesn't force the screen to scroll. It makes things easier to read. Anybody know of a program like this? Otherwise I'll write my own. Thanks. \_ tail -f | more. And you're a dork. \_ That requires user interaction. not what I want. \_ what you're decribing would be thoroughly unuseful for general real world use. \_ less \_ justthesame \_ Start your xterm with the "-j" option. Or press and hold ctrl- middle-button in your xterm window and select "Enable Jump Scroll". \_ That sucks. What if there's a bunch of lines and then one that says "starting long-ass job.." followed by a long delay, you might miss that message until after the job is done because it got batched up with its own results. \_ sounds like you want jump scrolling as a less option. Rather than scroll the screen for each line, scroll by say half a screen width and then don't scroll again until bottom of screen is reached. I'm kind of surprised that isn't already in less (yes I did RTFM). \_ what are you talking about? less is a pager, it doesn't scroll unless you press space or whatever. It doesn't have some timed auto-scrolling thing (right?). Although, that would be a nice feature for it (but you should be able to jump in and out of that mode via a command). |
2004/5/12-13 [Industry/Jobs] UID:30190 Activity:nil 57%like:30184 |
5/12 Telespree is hiring a mobile application developer. The posting is in /csua/pub/jobs/Telespree_junior_mobile_appdev. --njh |
2004/5/12 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:30191 Activity:high |
5/12 http://www.wired.com/news/autotech/0,2554,63413,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_1 Honda's Civic Hybrid is rated by the EPA to get 47 miles per gallon in the city, and 48 mpg on the highway. After nearly 1,000 miles of mostly city driving, Blackshaw was getting 31.4 mpg. "I feel like a complete fraud driving around Cincinnati with a license plate that says MO MILES," says Blackshaw, who claims that after 4,000 miles his car has never gotten more than 33 mpg on any trip. (Also, if you check the Prius msg boards linked from the article, it appears those drivers get 45+ mpg. 2004 Prius >> Civic Hybrid. But I still think it's easy to hit some poor pedestrian who didn't hear you coming.) \_ There's very little difference in road noise at speed between a hybrid and a standard car. \_ "at speed" is definitely not the situation I'm imagining. I am now assuming I don't need to give examples of the situations I'm actually afraid of. \_ Toyota is ahead on the hybrid tech, they've done it longer. \_ That's really sad, I get 33-37 in my regular Honda Civic. \_ I used to get 38-42 combined in my crappy '87 Ford Escort. Maybe it's the way he drives. Does electric motor have the same problem as gas engine where rapid acceleration consumes more energy than gentle acceleration in order to reach the same final speed? \_ It's probably something like that. The VW diesels say they can get over 40 mpg, but you have to shift at like 2000 rpm to get that kind of mileage. Many people get only around 30 some when driving like they would with a normal car. \_ Is it correct that they'll use the gas engine to augment the electric engine during hard acceleration? \_ The gas engine is the primary means of power. The batteries are charged *solely* by the brakes storing energy in them. *If* the batteries have power, the electric will try to take over for the gas engine, but in a high-horsepower situation both will operate together. \_ Just from the brakes? So that means that living in a hilly place makes a huge difference, right? \_ Is that true for all hybrids? I thought it was supposed to be that that gas engine generated electricity, which moved the car. If it's just based on brakes, unless you were very careful you'd just be driving a regular car with too many batteries. \_ OK, hybrid cars shouldn't be thought of as some revolutionary new propulsion technology. All they are is small gasoline-powered cars with an added system that recaptures energy normally wasted when you hit the brakes. If you live in a hilly area or have to use the brakes a lot, a hybrid will save over a conventional car. If you drive a lot at constant speed or accelerate hard, you won't save much. Simply having the gasoline engine generate electricity for the electric motor will waste power, because every time you convert forms of energy, you lose. A normal car converts chemical, to pressure to motion. If you then convert motion to electricity and then back into motion, you've wasted energy and had to cary around an electric motor too. -dgies ( majored in Physics) \_ dewd, if you checked the Prius web site, you would see that it said the gas engine would recharge the battery if the batteries were low. Also, further refinements include shutting off the gas engine entirely while the car is stationary. Note that this is linked to the first statement. \_ Directly charging the batteries with the gas engine *is* wasteful of energy. However, since the hybrids have small engines, it makes sense to keep some juice in the batteries for when you need some extra horsepower. -dgies \_ okay, as long as we know the gas engine does charge the battery at appropriate times -- it's not all braking action as asked by a previous poster -- and one acknowledges the benefit of having the gas engine turn off completely while the vehicle is stationary. Finally, the battery is also charged when going downhill by applying automatic braking, and the gas engine may also turn off completely. \_ You are just wrong dgies. Do you understand how a diesel electric train engine works? The hybrids work the same way. \_ Those dang SCIENTISTS and ENGINEERS! \_ Actually, this is not quite true. There is no physical connection (via transm.) between the diesel engine and to the locomotives wheel. Prius has CVT as mentioned below. Prius uses the electric motor to either supplement energy (from the batteries) or used as a generator to capture excess engery (either from the engine or from the wheels "braking"). Diesel-Electric uses the engine soley as a power-plant for the electric motor (which connects to the wheels). The reason behind this is that the narrow powerband of the diesel engine would require a transmission with about 25 gears. BTW, you can use the elec. motor also to brake a locomotive. Think of it as a giant hair blow dryer. Instead of storing the energy in a battery, it is used to generate heat. \_ Why doesn't the locomotive also store the electric energy from braking (or at least some of it) instead of wasting it? \_ I guess because freight locomotives tend to do long haul and not do quick stop-n-go runs. It probably doesn't make economical sense (and much like hybrid doesn't "shine" in high speed highways). \_ With CV transmission, you can get "infinite" gear ratio (versus the traditional 1st gear, 2nd, etc). This way, the computer can operate the gas engine at the most efficient RPM without directly affected by the speed of the car. Any "excess" energy generated by the engine can be used to recharge the battery. \_ Yeah but then you don't get something to mash about while bombing around the hills. -John \_ CVT isn't specific to hybrids. MINI's and Audi A4's have them. \_ are they something that we should expect to see on all cars in the near future, or are they too expensive? (or is there some other reason that this would be undesirable?) \_ I imagine they're probably more expensive and less proven reliability. \_ Civic HX (a gas-only car) has CVT also. \_ it's my understanding that the Honda hybrids are primarily gas and use the electric motor to supplement it whereas the Toyota Prius is the other way around. |
2004/5/12-13 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:30192 Activity:high |
5/12 My work is planning on ordering a raid box and we're considering going with fibre channel instead of scsi. none of us have worked with fibre channel. can anyone recommed for/against any brand of fibre channel? the raid manufacturer is quoting us with a qlogic board. we'll be running it on linux, but experience with any os is appreciated. \_ You will be able to get *lots* of bandwidth over the fibre channel solution, assuming you are going with 7+ drives. The CSUA has a fibre channel raid array that hosts the office accounts and the debian mirror, plus some. It is running software raid 5. We only have a 1Gbit backplane, which I can easily saturate when doing linear disk access. Qlogic is the defacto fibre channel controller card. Make sure you have at least a QLA2200 card. I wasted 6 months of lockups when doing testing with a QLA2000 card. No driver issues since the change-over. If you have any questions, let me know. -- njh \- helo how much $ did you spend for how much storage? i have some SATA numbers built fairly cheeply but an curious about the perf gain if we spend a little more $ ok tnx. --psb \_ About $2000 for 1/2TB of 10K RPM 36GB drives in 2 chassis with redundant power supplies. This was for surplus, unused netapp hardware w/1 year warranty, and 2 spare disks. And no, I can't get such a good deal anymore. \_ Or you could get an external hardware raid box like the Arena from Maxtronic. The low end boxes are IDE drives attached via FC or SCSI (your choice). Rock solid. Cheap enough with decent perf. \_ you didn't mention what os you're planning on using it with. I can tell you now to avoid JNI cards like the plague. We're still having issues (linux) \_ apple xserve RAID |
2004/5/12 [Transportation/Car] UID:30193 Activity:nil |
5/12 When people compare miles-per-gallon between gasoline and diesel, are they comparing apples to oranges? How is one gallon of gasoline equivalent to one gallon of diesel? Can they be chemically converted interchangably? Or, can one gallon of gasoline and one gallon of diesel be produced from the same amount of crude oil? Thanks. \_ Diesel is more efficient in miles-per-dollar. \_ http://auto.howstuffworks.com/question399.htm |
2004/5/12-13 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:30194 Activity:very high |
5/12 So, do people think the motd is better without locking and some few over writes or the way it is now where motdedit totally fucks up the merge and munges a lot of posts? \_ The MOTD is better when people don't change it out from under someone who has a lock. \_ I think motdedit is an abomination. \_ I think people who stomp over other's posts are an abomination. \- i am outraged over the outrage. \_ That was very confusing until I realized you were talking about a program, and not yourself. \_ What is the problem with asking people try not to force write? \_ it doesn't work \_ the solution to this problem is simple. CVS. CVS does a better job at ci/co, and we'll keep a revision. I'd say it's a brilliant yet simple idea. \_ telling people to use certain programs to edit motd is like putting up a sign on the freeway that says "be nice to other drivers and say no to road rage!" It just doesn't work. \_ proposal, use CVS to handle merging which we know works way better than achoi's merge. The other advantage is knowing who edit/censors/alters the content and having an archived log. Vote: aye: .. nay: \_ why not try to improve the merge program? \_ I think the mis-merging is usually pretty funny. It's also easier to fix that having someone else accidently overwrite my post, now it still exists, just in the wrong place. |
2004/5/12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30195 Activity:high |
5/12 Kerry says first choice for SecDef would be John McCain http://tinyurl.com/2kd82 (politics.com, Reuters article) \_ Yes but would he be superb? \_ that's because he and Kerry are best buds. It would be funny if Kerry got elected and still chose McCain. I can understand why he named Levin, though. He was real sharp yesterday. McCain, Warner, Kennedy -- they all sounded not as bright. \_ hmm ... Kerry-McCain sounds mighty good to me. \_ How about McCain-Kerry? |
2004/5/12-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:30196 Activity:very high |
5/12 Perl question, I want to replace nnn with xxx, ie, \nnnn -> \nxxx (that's a backslash followed by n, not a newline), s/nnn/xxx/ gives me \xxxn!! What to do? I want the replace to change everything except a literal \n that should stay as is... \_ I think s/(\\n)?nnn/$1xxx/ will do it. That's "match an optional backslash-n and nnn and replace nnn with xxx". \_ Alternatively, s/(?<!\\)nnn/xxx/ explicitly matches any "nnn" that isn't preceded by a backslash. You may or may not find this more intuitive. \_ ?<! is the syntax? how weird. \_ It's based on the older syntax of ?!, which looks ahead in the string: /foo(?!bar)/ matches foo but not foobar. When they added the ability to look behind, matching bar but not foobar, /(?<!foo)bar/ seemed like the least bad choice. Yes, it's a mess. The tentative perl6 syntax for this is /<!after foo>bar/, where <!after foo> is read "not after foo" and means "assert that the current position in the string is not immediately after something that matches foo". --mconst \_ I must say the introduction of actual English keywords (in regexps, no less!) instead of line noise is a philosophical novelty for Perl. Or maybe they added so much functionality that the pigeonhole principle hit them pretty hard, and they had no choice. -- ilyas \_ Heh. You might actually enjoy reading some of Larry Wall's rationale for the new regexp syntax; it includes quotes like: It should not be considered acceptable to define new constructs that contain a plethora of punctuation, but we've become accustomed to constructs like (?<=...) and (??{...}) and [\r\n\ck\p{Zl}\p{Zp}], so we don't complain. Check out http://csua.org/u/7af starting at "First, let me enumerate some of the things that are wrong with current regex culture." --mconst \_ But I *like* line noise! It makes me look brilliant at work. |
2004/5/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30197 Activity:nil |
5/12 "My understanding is that they suspected that he was engaged in suspicious activity," Senor told a news conference. http://tinyurl.com/28ctq (Yahoo Reuters) |
2004/5/12-13 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:30198 Activity:kinda low |
5/12 Are there any emacs modes for .l files (lex) and .y files (yacc)? I'm running emacs20. Thanks. \_ just use c-mode or c++-mode. |
2004/5/12-13 [Uncategorized] UID:30199 Activity:kinda low |
5/12 I'm trying to make a line graph in the open office spreadsheet (Calc), and I can't get the X axis labels formatted the way I want. I would like them to be at even numbers, by thousands, regaurdless of my data points. Does anyone know how to do this? \_ Use a MS product. \_ Not an option. (besides, aside from this one problem, I'm very happy with Calc) |
2004/5/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:30200 Activity:nil |
5/12 The pernicious idiocy of the left epitomized by this thread. http://Salon.com accuses http://freerepublic.com of complicity in Berg's death. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1134424/posts?page=1,50 \_ Idiocy is synonymous with GWB. Stop trying to hijack our word. \_ w00t! |
2004/5/12-13 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:30201 Activity:high |
5/12 My brother works as a janitor for a cleaning company while he goes to college. He's paid well, so he doesn't want to quit. However, there's this guy he works with who he can't stand. Janitors have a lot of time to talk as they take out the trash, and this guy says really stupid things constantly. He's racist, sexist, and always asking for computer help. My brother asked to work with someone else, and his boss said that no one else could stand the guy either, but he had no reason to fire him. Is "None of your coworkers can stand you" just cause for termination in CA? \_ Sure you can be fired for any reason whatsoever, or no reason at all. Unless you are under some kind of contract, like at a Union job. Is this guy in a Union? \_ Not in a union. But I'm not sure you're right. I've heard of people sueing for unlawful termination before, and I know it was a concern with my boss when I was a pizza boy. \_ whatchoo talkin' bout, boy? unless you can show some kind of discrimination, or contract (union?) they can fire at will. just make up stuff about the guy, or tell the boss he was offensive and shit, that's a valid reason. \_ This is bad advice. Just fire him. Don't give any reason. Giving reasons is the #1 source of unlawful termination lawsuits. It sounds mean, but it covers your ass. \_ I love listening to the advice you guys give. It's obvious none of you have owned or run a business with employees. Firing someone safely is VERY VERY HARD. \_ his brother doesn't either. he's a janitor. i'm clearly missing something about this thread. \_ what state do you live in? I've seen enough CA layoffs that I have to doubt that. other than the safety angle of psychotic revenge with an assault rifle. \_ THE TIME OF PURIFICATION IS AT HAND. *CHA-CHICK* \_ layoff != firing. and i've seen people file suit after a layoff and the company settle. \_ Firing one person is a piece of cake. You barely need a reason. More than one person, then you have to have good reasons. As the numbers grow, the better your reasons need to be. Suing based on discrimination is HARD since the onus of proof is on the person fired. They would need to show intent of malice. Some folks sue, some employers settle out of court because it's cheaper. \_ convince the other guy to quit. have your brother tell him that he loves black/asian/hispanic/jewish/whatever people, that he can't wait to see a female POTUS, and some bad computer advice. \_ "Creates a hostile working environment." Log all complaints. Once the paper trail gets long enough, fire the guy with no cause given, and retain the paper trail for defense. If you really want to be safe, create an employee handbook with strict rules against racist comments, etc. and reprimand him for violating the rules. With luck, he might improve. Otherwise, you'll have plenty of ammo to get rid of him. \_ His brother isn't the manager but this is what the manager should be doing. And yes, like other people said above, it is very hard to safely fire someone in CA, at-will laws or no. \_ The best thing to do (as a manager in a situation like this) is to reduce the hours the guy can work. Reduce them far enough, and it won't be economical for him to work for you anymore. \_ Then he'll have grounds to sue you because you reduced his hours for no reason while keeping everyone else the same. This is stupid. Make policy, document violations from that point on, then fire. \_ Maybe he's trying to get himself fired? |
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