2004/5/11 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:30146 Activity:very high |
5/10 I have years of experience with Solaris, but someone is asking if i've used "Solaris availability enhancements". What the heck are they \- these used to be known as Solaris Implants. talking about? tnx, \_ Means that the person you are talking to has never used Solaris. There's no such thing as "Solaris availability enhancements" unless person is talking about required patch clusters and server lockdown procedures plus potentially fallover switching to "enhance" uptime of said server. But I've never met anyone inside or outside sun or on sunmanagers that has ever referred to anything of that sort. -williamc \_ Sun Clustering/HA stuff was very big not long ago. Haven't heard much out of them of late because they've been pretty much priced out by other HA options. The way it's phrased does indicate pointy- hairedness, though. \_ time to hit the google sonny \_ Probably things like Sun Cluster and/or Veritas Cluster, Veritas or Solaris LVM, etc. \_ Note how most of the replies are in the form of "the idiot who asked you probably is asking about X,Y,Z". There is no such thing. This is some marketing person, pseudo-technical manager, or worse, a marketing manager who once managed to turn on their own PC, right? [restored, but maybe not completely intact] |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Health/Eyes] UID:30147 Activity:insanely high 50%like:12375 |
5/10 Work safe. Humiliation cartoon. http://www.lucianne.com/routine/images/05-11-04.jpg \_ While not denying your cartoon has a point, I'm shocked by the apologists coming out of the woodwork talking about a double standard, that "the terrorists" can use torture but we can't, boo hoo hoo. Of course there's a double standard! We're Americans; we know better than that, we are better than that. We're the most powerful nation on earth, we're singlehandedly defining right and wrong militarily, and the Limbaughs and O'Reillys of the world are saying that our troops were just having a good time, that it was ok to beat and humiliate helpless prisoners. THAT's disgusting. \_ Some useful questions to think about: (a) Is torture ever justified (another phrasing: are you a utilitarian)? \- you are clouding the issue by introducing utilitarianism. \_ Like the mighty squid. A true utilitarian should have the balls to look at torture and shrug. -- ilyas \_ A true utilitarian would want to see the cost- benefit analysis before signing off on torture. \-utils dont ness distinguish between the source or distribution of the benefits. like "i enjoy torture" vs "to save the children" --psb Past experience (South and Central America) suggests that torture has a very limited benefit and serious longterm fallout. Don't confuse utilitarianism with sociopathy. \_ It depends on who you torture, why, how, and who would care and how much if it got out. \-yes but a ultilitarian would not necessarily require it be for some important national purpose. interesting litmus test for would be utilitarians say sufficiently high TV ratings would do it in some conceptions of utilitarianism. --psb \_ holy shit! that is brilliant! thank you! you have given me the next great reality tv idea. i can't thank you enough! this is why you have a motd fan base. \- "Torture TV" is a standard hypothetical that comes up in critiques of util. In fact one of the other "standard hypos" involves torture of a spy in wartime. Also relevant to this is the notion of norm setting [see rule util, and the questions, should you chop up a sick person in a hospital to save 5 people with transplanted parts]. But even defenders of util in the war torture example would ack you have to be sure you have the right guy and that he has somethinof a spy in wartime. Als o relevant to this is the notion of norm setting [see rule util, and the questions, should you chop up a sick person in a hospital to save 5 people with transplanted parts]. But even defenders of util in the war torture example would ack you have to be sure you have the right guy and that he has something to say. You may wish to read B. Williams [ucb, dead], or Taking Rights Seriously. --psb \_ Ok, so I haven't read anything on util. philosophy. It's still great and needs to be done! The People Demand Entertainment! I think it'll be something like you get more money the more torture you choose to suffer but if you break you lose all the money you earned to that point. That's good for about 3 seasons before it gets a little stale and needs to get spiced up a bit. \_ I find the 'conventional' conception of utilitarianism hard to stomach as is. I am just pointing out the current situation as an interesting litmus test for would-be utilitarians here on the motd. What if there were no pictures, and the mental torture was done professionally? Would it be ok then? I have some difficulty saying 'yes.' -- ilyas \- issue now clouded. \_ I'm not a utility, but torture is justified if a guy clearly knows some stuff on which lives depend and doesn't talk. That leaves a lot of you something important. room for abuse though since they don't really know who might know anything. So I'm not happy with a generic "torture everybody just in case" setup. I don't imagine that would be be of much utility anyway. \_ Nonononono, you don't torture them "just in case. You torture them primarily _because_ it is fun and also because they might tell in other news, i heard J. BENTHAM's head fell off. --psb \- Auto-Correction: Head was procured in a scrum.--psb http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Bentham \_ is it strictly a utilitarianism question? is withholding medication a prisoner needs torture? is withholding drugs? is withholding illegal drugs ok if you're a doctor and you're trying to wean someone off drugs? is withholding also ok if you're a drug lord teaching someone a lesson? how about if you're trying to convert the prisoner from some other cause? would it matter if the "other cause" is islam or some cult with a messiah figure, 7 wifes, and 20 children living in a shack in texas? (b) Is physical torture 'worse' than psychological torture? \_ Some is, some isn't. There's a whole lot of ways to permanently fuck up someone's head while barely touching them. \_ There are four lights! (c) Is the defining moral characteristic of an act the _effect_ or the _attitude_? -- ilyas \_ Hi, thanks for coming forward. We knew you enjoyed it. \_ I have no unsigned posts on the motd at the moment. I don't even remember the last time I started a non-CS thread. Thanks for playing. -- ilyas \_ Whoever is trying to argue with Ilya, don't bother. Its like arguing with concrete, and about as enlightening. \_ actually, I like to see ilyas post. he's almost elevated himself to Fan #1 status. \_ Well, you either take my word for it, or think I am a liar. I don't mind either outcome, really. -- ilyas \_ it looks like you missed a joke of some sort there \_ Has O'Reilly actually condoned or excused the bahavior? Or is this just another dig at conservatives in general? (I *have* seen Rush's comments BTW, but no reference to O'Reilly). -emarkp \_ I haven't seen/heard O'Reilly say anything like calling it fraternity hazing but it is convenient for some people to just lump all the opposition together and pin all of them with what one of them said. \_ If you've never seen an Imperialist cartoon, this is one! |
2004/5/11 [Recreation/Food] UID:30148 Activity:very high |
5/10 I am interesting in having dinner with my operative from Palo Alto. Any recommendations for "neutral ground" between SF and PA? ok tnx. \_ I'll give you a recommendation if yout tell me what an operative is. \_ it's a pretentious way of saying "friend." -tom \_ no, he's a spy for the kgb. \_ price/cuisine? \_ basque cultural center. \- oh that is a good idea. i wanted to try that. however, any recs a little farther south?. tnx. \_ prince of wales. juban. spiedo. \_ what? operative? neutral ground? what are you, RUSSIAN??? \_ It's a bondage MI thing. He is planning an American conservative "hazing" ritual and his operative will administer deep multiple penetration to him. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:30150 Activity:very high |
5/10 Why do Republicans only support sodomy when it is nonconsensual? http://csua.org/u/793 \_ NO COOKIE! Play Again(Y/n)? ___ \_ This sounds like a troll except it is true - it's hard to find a popular conservative who is not defending the tortures. (Yes, \_ Those who do are partisan hacks with no core. Your link appears to be down, BTW. it is torture. Whenever we accuse other countries of doing it we always call it torture instead of abuse, hazing, or emotional release. And no, they didn't cut off anything. On the other hand, our arab and muslim allies have been cutting parts of prisoner and our goverment has been very supportive. Amputation is a tradtional punishment in Arab and Muslim countries and it is not usually used for interrogation, with which torture is usually but nonexlusively associated.) \_ There's no sin in it if you don't enjoy it. \_ Bend over and think of Iraq! \_ Those who do are partisan hacks with no core. \_ How did you infer this from the article you mentioned? If you want to help pick on Republicans, at least use a better example. \_ Inhofe is one of the most outspoken anti-gay activists in Congress. I assumed that readers would know that. \_ 'Inhofe, who visited Iraq in March, is described on his senatorial Web site as a leading conservative voice in the Senate, advocating "common sense Oklahoma values including less government, less regulation, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and a strong national defense."' He's not a Repub, he's a Libertarian. \_ never mind the fact that "less government, lower taxes" are directly opposed to "strong national defense." -tom \_ bzzzt! Libertarians are in favor of a strong nation defense. They understand, unlike most leftists, that without a strong military, the long term survival odds for your country are exactly zero. \_ No facts! Anyone not with us is against us! --JFK \_ "If you are not with us you are with the terrorists." -GWB When did JFK say that? Oh, that's right, he didn't. \_ He is registered and elected as a republican. He is a republican senator. \_ Hey, let's take it easy on "our heroes." They probably don't have Skinamax or the Playboy channel, so they are forced to get the murderous, terrorist insurgents to act out Oklahoman heterosexual fantasies lest the cornfed troops get urges to lather each other up in the showers and betray the American God's Laws by thinking homoerotic thoughts. Hmm. Let's whip the savages some more Sarge! \_ Sweet! That was so off topic and unrelated to anything in the real world yet managed to stereotype and disparage so many millions of people you've never met that you really should get sort of motd award. Maybe for Most Racist, Frothing, Thought He Was Clever, But Is Really A Drooler Reinforced By Other Motd Droolers post of the hour? \_ I rool! |
2004/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:30151 Activity:low |
5/10 On a 32 bit architecture, if I declare something boolean or byte, does it still use 32 bits, or is it possible to have a different offset for the alignment to pack it more efficiently? ok thx. \_ For boolean, it's all up to your compiler. For byte, most likely it's 8 bits, but it's still up to your compiler. \_ I heard that if the alignment isn't 32, either the arch would raise an off-alignment exception, or that there is a tremendous run-time penalty for the memory access. Is this true, and which architectures would this apply to? \_ memory alignment has nothing to do with this, since you're presumably not trying to load a 32 bit word from an arbitrary offset. if bool is implemented as a char, then typically it's 8 bits and alignment doesn't matter. x86 allows loading words from arbitrary offsets, but there can be a significant performance hit, whereas many mips style chips just do not allow it. \_ To clarify this: the 32-bit alignment the previous poster was worried about is only for 32-bit data values. If you have an 8-bit piece of data, it only needs 8-bit alignment. \_ The OpenBSD guys were saying that Sparc64 was their preferred dev/testing arch b/c it has strict memory alignment requirements; i386 less so. \_ On i386 or above, if you use 32-bits and it's not 32-bit aligned, there is a performance penalty but no exception. If you use 8 bits, I think for some instructions there is a performance penalty just from using 8 bits instead of 32 bits (excpet on the SX-variant processors.) However, I think there is no additional performance penalty if the 8-bit datum is not 32-bit aligned. \_ Do you mean 'bool' and 'char' in C++? Or some other language? |
2004/5/11 [Uncategorized] UID:30152 Activity:nil |
5/10 Everyday here is death to politics day. Don't bother. Mehlhaff and kchang aren't the only archive sources. restored as usual. |
2004/5/11 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:30153 Activity:insanely high |
5/10 You arrive at work. There is a mailbox here. > run outlook You have contracted an Outlook Virus. Your Inbox is full of emails from your friends wondering why you are sending them huge attachments. > claw out the eyes of your IT department who forced you to use Outlook\ I don't understand 'claw.' You are in danger of being eaten by a grue. > go north? You are at the copy machine. There is some IT dork here photocopying invites to his Ren Faire pre-party. The IT dork drools on you. > talk to dork His name is Tom Holub, a total l0zer. You ignore him. Tom says: "Do you really think I'd be a Ren Faire type?" Tom gives you a twink point. > kill tom You slash him with your blessed antique samurai sword. You wish that you would stop bleeding! You wish that you would stop bleeding! Tom is here. > strip pants The Tom appears confused. > take xerox paper You are now burdened. Tom gives you a twink point. > give xerox paper to tom Tom does not want the Xerox paper. A PHB has entered the room. > bend tom over What do you want to bend Tom over? The PHB asks "Where are your pants!?" > strip tom's pants Tom goes away to complain on the motd. The PHB seems agitated. > apply ky on tom Tom is not here! > bend phb over Not while burdened! The PHB recites the University's sexual harassment policy. The PHB has exited to the east. > go east It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. \_ hey this isn't an iraqi torture thread \_ uh, do you really think I'd be a Ren Faire type? -tom > kill tom You slash him with your blessed antique samurai sword. You wish that you would stop bleeding! You wish that you would stop bleeding! Tom is here. >strip pants \_ What is PHB anyway? \_ 'Pointy-Haired Boss'. Used to refer to a clueless middle management type. From the Dilbert character of the same name. > search I don't understand that. > search room You find a box of Fruity Crack. > take box You have a box of Fruity Crack. It is pitch dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue. > go north You are in the Ladies' Restroom. There is a Hot Receptionist here. The PHB is here. > drop xerox paper You are no longer burdened. > grab receptionist's chest from behind The Hot Receptionist screams. The Hot Receptionist slaps you. The PHB recites the University's sexual harassment policy. The PHB has exited to the south. > quit Your score is 0 [total of 585 points], in 19 moves. This gives you the rank of Beginner. \_ does anyone really find this amusing? \_ yes \_ yes, my coworkers are looking at me funny \_ http://thcnet.net/error/index.php To the Source, motders! \_ Can we upgrade to a more erotic version of the game? SodaZork 1.1 beta > run outlook There is a sexy mailbox here. > open mailbox The mailbox contains: Viagra A porno magazine > take viagra Taken. > w It is pitch dark. You are likely to be sodomized by a grue. > eat viagra As soon as you swallow the Viagra, you notice the package says "sugper viagrga". Nothing happens. Two hot chicks have entered the room. > look chicks The hot chicks smile seductively at you. It is romantically dim. You are likely to be sodomized by a grue. > set porno magazine on fire You have no means of ignition. The hot chicks make pouty faces at you. > \_ ok, as i recall, in the real zork you only got two warnings about darkness before being eaten(sodomized) by a grue. At this point, the player should be dead, having failed to generate light with the burning pornos. > lay hands on chicks' waists You have been sodomized by a Grue. Your score is 0 [total of 585 points], in 38 moves. |
2004/5/11-7/10 [Transportation/Car] UID:30154 Activity:moderate 66%like:29838 57%like:30165 |
7/9 /var is full. help \_ lately when /var fills it's usually a spamassassin process out of control, not someone leaving files around. \_ In /var/tmp: -rw------- 1 fchan wheel 1010293 Oct 21 2002 img-PAR087084 -rwx------ 1 brianm wheel 1308404 Sep 7 2003 DSC01095.JPG* -rw-r--r-- 1 coganman wheel 24274863 Jun 13 2003 coganman.tar.bz2 -rw------- 1 nevman wheel 35657877 May 11 13:09 nevman.devnull \_ /var/tmp takes 55M. |
2004/5/11 [Computer/Domains] UID:30155 Activity:high |
5/11 FYI: Everyone knows about csuamotd/csuamotd for websites; some however require e-mail addresses. There's nothing much to do about the ones that mail a confirmation key (I don't want even more spam going to lwall or whatnot), but the ones that don't use the email for anything important, I register as csuamotd@example.com/csuamotd So if you hit a site that uses an email as username only, try that and if it doesn't work register that (I know I've done this for SJ Mercury among others) --csuamotd \_ What ever happened to cypherpunk/cypherpunk? \_ I've registered at SJ Mercury with csuamotd@csua.berkeley.edu / csuamotd |
2004/5/11 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:30156 Activity:high |
5/10 partha, stop breaking up my posts in the middle, wait till the \_ And use '\_' not '\-' luser paragraph is over then post something ok? Stop being such a major \- sorry about that. ok thx. *ucking rude prick. \_ hey, asshole. if you delete my anti censorship post about fucktards who write "*uck" instead of "fuck" one more time, you will have started a fucking nuclear war. fucker. \_ hey, asshole. if you delete my anti censorship post about *ucktards who write "*uck" instead of "*uck" one more time, you will have started a *ucking nuclear war. *ucker. \_ *uck off!! hahahahahahahhahaha \_ f*ck you too! |
2004/5/11 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:30157 Activity:high |
5/10 Can I create arbitrary blocks of code in C without control structures? I really just want something I can "break" out of. GetLock(myLock); { rc = SomeLibraryCall(); if (rc < 0) break; // breaks to release lock rc = SecondLibraryCall(); if (rc < 0) break; printf("Success\n"); } ReleaseLock(myLock); return rc; Furthermore, is this advisable, or is there a better way to do it? \_ Yes, you can create arbitrary blocks. No, you can't break out of them; "break" is allowed only within loop and switch blocks. Use a goto if you must, or maybe even a do { ... } while(0) if you feel strongly against gotos. In your example though, I'd just use if/else. --jameslin \_ As jameslin said, but here's the solution: int SomeFunction(void) { ... GetLock(myLock); int rc = SomeLibraryCall(); if (rc >= 0) { rc = SecondLibraryCall(); if (rc >= 0) { printf("Success\n"); } } ReleaseLock(myLock); return rc; } \_ Thanks both, but the problem is that it's not just SecondLibraryCall, it's NinthLibraryCall and it's getting ugly. I think I'll use a goto ERROR sort of setup in the future. \_ How's this: int SomeFunction(void) { ... GetLock(myLock); while (1) { int rc = LibraryCall1(); if (rc < 0) break; rc = LibraryCall2(); if (rc < 0) break; ... printf("Success\n"); break; } ReleaseLock(myLock); return rc; } \_ I'd rather not use a loop, even a fake one, because it implies ... well, a loop. Same with the do / while above. I guess I'm looking for a try { ... } block, but it's gotta be C. \_ what's wrong with implying a loop? Use the tools the language gives you. If you're so concerned use "for (i=0;i==0;i++)". \_ Totally correct. How's this: int SomeFunction(void) { ... GetLock(myLock); int rc; if ( (rc = LibraryCall1()) >= 0 && (rc = LibraryCall2()) >= 0 && (rc = LibraryCall3()) >= 0 ... ) { printf("Success\n"); } ReleaseLock(myLock); return rc; } \_ guys guys guy, you realize that gotos are allowed in C right? \_ ob GotoConsideredHarmful \_ This is where goto is the best solution. |
2004/5/11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:30158 Activity:nil |
5/11 /var is full -rw-rw---- 1 georgy mail 28638578 May 11 10:56 georgy -rw-rw---- 1 njh mail 23594891 May 11 11:08 njh -rw------- 1 vlin mail 20938590 May 11 09:54 vlin -rw------- 1 danberry mail 20881048 May 11 12:10 danberry -rw------- 1 ericwo mail 20872793 May 11 08:01 ericwo -rw------- 1 milesm mail 20487765 May 11 12:35 milesm -rw------- 1 philb mail 20225961 May 11 12:38 philb -rw-r--r-- 1 nivra csua 19247689 Mar 12 12:29 nivra -rw-rw---- 1 shieh mail 18759181 May 11 12:29 shieh -rw-rw---- 1 marc mail 18391040 May 11 11:31 marc -rw-rw---- 1 alanc mail 18370337 May 11 11:05 alanc -rw------- 1 conrad mail 18259689 May 11 11:49 conrad -rw------- 1 dizzy mail 18153447 May 11 12:34 dizzy -rw-rw---- 1 pad mail 18120443 May 11 12:31 pad -rw------- 1 davecw mail 17915799 May 11 11:49 davecw -rw------- 1 mh mail 17686229 May 11 12:38 mh -rw-rw---- 1 deschan mail 17571738 May 11 11:42 deschan -rw-rw---- 1 katster mail 17276620 May 11 12:34 katster -rw------- 1 edmund mail 17260314 May 11 12:26 edmund -rw------- 1 phoy mail 17235821 May 11 11:13 phoy -rw------- 1 ccheng csua 17120934 May 11 12:04 ccheng -rw-rw---- 1 muchandr mail 17104892 Jul 15 2003 muchandr -rw-rw---- 1 adam mail 17063887 May 11 12:36 adam -rw------- 1 jenwong mail 17063722 May 11 12:22 jenwong -rw------- 1 blojo mail 17044386 May 11 11:43 blojo -rw------- 1 minhn mail 17022525 May 11 11:51 minhn -rw------- 1 duyphun mail 17006566 May 11 12:39 duyphun -rw-rw---- 1 klee mail 16984332 May 11 11:58 klee -rw------- 1 karthik csua 16949183 May 11 12:36 karthik -rw------- 1 agee csua 16948803 May 11 12:10 agee \_ How do these happen when everyone has only a 15MB quota on /var/mail? \_ Some people are 'special' and get to take the short bus. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:30159 Activity:nil |
5/11 Kerry ahead by a point in CA. http://www.surveyusa.com/2004_Elections/CA040507pressen.pdf I hope the Iraq prisoner abuse bounce kicks in soon! \_ "surveyusa.com"? Try the LA Times: http://csua.org/u/79b |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30160 Activity:nil |
5/11 New yorker article on Abu Ghraib: http://csua.org/u/792 |
2004/5/11 [Uncategorized] UID:30161 Activity:high |
5/11 Partha, I like Bengalis, they seem to be quite educated and clean and have manners. But I have a lot of problems with Southern Indians. We have a bunch of Southernersss and they're 1) loud 2) smell badly 3) they seem very righteous and insist they're always right and that you're wrong 4) they tend to be quite rude and interrupt me when I speak and seem to have very little manners. Is this common among Southerners and why? \_ Partha is a southy. \- Your brain has been classified as: small. \- Bengalis have the reputation as the Righteous/Arguing Kings. Southerners are often quiet and polite. As for the rest, maybe it is the Coconut oil, or your small sample size. --psb \_ This is consistent with my limited experience. The most polite member of my lab in Seattle was from Hyderabad, for example. I don't know if Hyderabad is considered "South", though he refered to it as such. -- ulysses \_ I don't know, but I think Tamil tigresses are the most beautiful, not like ugly northern Indian girls. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30162 Activity:very high |
5/11 Captured on video: Iraqi insurgents shown slitting throat and removing head of American contractor from Philadelphia using a large knife. (Yes, this is just after he names the members of his family and his hometown to the camera.) Nick Berg's body found on Saturday in Baghdad. It's all over the news now. \_ These people hate freedom. ---From Here--- \_ Bring 'em on! --Bush \_ Ahh, they're just blowing off some steam. --Rush Limbaugh \_ I'm more outraged by the outrage. --Senator Inhofe \_ Ugh! this is turning ugliyer and ugliger. \_ How long must the shit continue to hit the fan? \_ not really, turn off the Political correctness and Iraq war will be over in a drop of a bomb \_ What an intelligent solution! ---To Here--- \_ To the above: you think this is some fucking joke? Or it's just another way to take a shot at Bush for the fall election? Wake the fuck up, you jerkoffs. It was beyond the pale. After that shit, I no longer give a flying fuck what happens to any Iraqi. I *did* care what happened somewhat after the 4 guys getting shot, burned, dragged through the streets and hung from a bridge. I *did* kind of care about the prison abuse. I no longer care. They can turn it all to glass or use it as a huge target pracitce range now and I won't care about it anymore. These people don't deserve freedom, life, or anything else but a painful gruelling death. This has gone beyond the political and you three are too stupid and self absorbed to see it. \- the people claiming it is "some fucking joke" are animals like rush limbaugh. and those kinds of comments and reactions is what is in part nodoubt fueling this wave of reliation of al queda recruitment. let's ask howard dean again "has intervetion in iraq made your more of less safe?" --psb \_ Al Qaeda listens to Rush and got pissed off so they cut \_ "Berg's mother said the family had not seen the tape and were still trying to decide whether to view it. They had been having trouble accessing it because of a slow computer connection. 'I don't know if I want to see it. It's just so awful,' Suzanne Berg said." of this guy's head on video for his family to see and thus this is all Rush Limbaugh's fault because he made them do it? \_ Well honestly I felt kind of down about that for a little while but now I'm over it because you know, if you weren't so fucking naive you'd understand that such episodes are basically to be expected. I don't plan to watch that video. It's from an al qaeda guy right? Not some joe blow Iraqi. All the shit going on over there including the thousands of innocent Iraqi bombing deaths and the Falluja stuff are the semi-predictable postwar fallout so if you supported the war you have to just grin and bear it, so to speak. These guys trying to make money over there knowingly risk their lives. The above comments are more a bitter I told you so than comedy. \_ So, since Bush and his administration have claimed to be commited to bringing democracy, freedom and economic prosperity to Iraq, do you think that they are lying, or are you forced to no longer support them? \_ Price of tea in China? \_ You're right, this is far too awful to imagine. But you're mistaking their bitter tone for sheer jocularity- the point you're missing is that responsibility for this goes back further in time, and higher up the chain of responsibility, than Abu Ghraib. The dogs who did this to Nick Berg are one more symptom of a COLOSSAL miscalculation. \_ So Bush *made* them cut off his head and send a video? \_ The appropriate response is to get the people who did it. Unfortunately, they're all masked in the video. \_ Using your argument, someone should nuke the US also. I am sure our government has done similar things in the past. \_ Using your argument all humans should be killed. \_ Using Bush's words, "Those few individuals do not represent the ....." Need I say more? \_ Yes, you need to. \_ Your nationalism is obsolete and boorish. \_ And here we have a Citizen Of The World(c) adding his two bits. \_ We warned you not to let the US get involved in this pointless and illegal war. As for the self absorbed crack, you are the worst of the bunch. -antiwar protestor \_ Like the pacifists in the 1930's you still refuse to recognize evil. Militant Islam has declared war on the West. There is no middle ground - they wan't to kill or convert ALL of us. Berg's decapitation was not a isolated incident by fringe radicals; it is precisely how Islam has been spread since its inception. If the war is not fought now it will be fought on the streets of America. \_ In what way am I self absorbed? I'm not the one here getting amusement or seeking political gain from this man's brutal murder. It isn't too late to restore Hussein to power. Do you think we should do that? If we could go back in time, is that the right answer? \_ The right answer is to not go around sticking your nose into everyone else's business, especially when it is not invited and not welcome. This is a totally predictable outcome of warfare: I bet stuff like this happens in every war. Your self absorption is your "nuke them all, let God sort it out" philosophy. Rather than bother yourself with trying to punish the guilty and assist the innocent, you wish to take the easy way out and proclaim all evil. Btw, politics is sort of the opposite of "self absorption," almost by defintion, unless you are a politician, perhaps. \_ I understand your anger. It is right to feel angry when human beings do this kind of thing to other human beings. It's right to want to punish the ones who did this. It's also important that we don't take out our frustration and outrage on people who had nothing to do with this. Repeat after me: the murder of human beings, no matter how outrageous, does not excuse further barbarism. \_ Time to turn sand into glass. \_ Ugh! this is turning uglier and ugliger. __/~*##$%@@@******~\-__ /f=r/~_-~ _-_ --_.^-~--\=b\ 4fF / */ .o ._-__.__/~-. \*R\ /fF./ . /- /'~` - \_ * *\ *\R\ (iC.I+ '| - *- -@ )\ \ ) ) )|RB (I| ( [ / \-__ . ) ) /_/ | *)B (I(. \ `` \ \_-/~~/__/ )_ .-~ F/ \b\\=_.\_b`-+-~x-_/ .. ,._/ , F/ ~\_\= = =-*###%#x==-# *=- =/ ~\**U/~ | i i | ~~~\===~ | I I \\ / // I\ \\ ( [ (( WU) ))) ) \_\_VYOU_/ || * | | * *\ /* /I\ *~~\ /~-/* / \ \ ~~M~\ ____----=~ // /WVW\* \|\ ***===--___ PLEASE STOP NUKING MY NUKULAR EXPLOSION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ fyi, http://ogrish.com has a download available \_ Berg's purpose for visit is unknown. He has been arrested by FBI before. His story might be more complicated than just simple hostage taking. \_ His purpose in Iraq is clear from his parents' description. He was a war supporter who helped set up electronics equipment at the Republican National Convention in Philly in 2000. He was trying to get more work rebuilding radio towers. He was arrested by Iraqi police and detained by coalition authorities. They talked to the FBI, and the FBI talked to his parents. Which web sites have you been reading? \_ Yeah, that's it, blame the victim. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30163 Activity:nil |
5/11 Why THIS Iraqi doesn't give a crap about the Iraqi jail torture. (the second blog entry from the top of the page) http://healingiraq.blogspot.com \_ Healing Iraq has always been very pro-Invasion, pro-US. Since this runs counter to the vast majority of the populace there now, I've always wondered exactly who or what he is. \_ Could be it's as he claims, an Iraqi dentist. ie upper-class. \_ Cf. with the entry titled "Abu Ghraib." |
2004/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:30164 Activity:kinda low |
5/11 I hate Acrobat 6 -- the search function is overly cumbersome. Any way to simply search "from this page"? \_ install Acrobat Reader 5 \_ seconded. Reader gets worse every version. \_ Not terribly useful if the .pdf is created for ver. 6. |
2004/5/11 [Transportation/Car] UID:30165 Activity:nil 57%like:30154 |
5/11 /var is full [directory listing deleted] \_ /var/mail is a separate partition. \_ How do these happen when everyone has only a 15MB quota on /var/mail? \_ Some people are 'special' and get to take the short bus. \_ All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. \_ In /var/tmp: -rw------- 1 fchan wheel 1010293 Oct 21 2002 img-PAR087084 -rwx------ 1 brianm wheel 1308404 Sep 7 2003 DSC01095.JPG* -rw-r--r-- 1 coganman wheel 24274863 Jun 13 2003 coganman.tar.bz2 -rw------- 1 nevman wheel 35657877 May 11 13:09 nevman.devnull |
2004/5/11-12 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30166 Activity:kinda low |
5/11 Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, on the beheading of Nick Berg: "From my own perspective, it validates Secretary [of Defense Donald] Rumsfeld and General [Richard] Myers' attempt to keep these initial photos from being published," Hunter said. ... "I think it shows they were trying to save American lives when they did that. Unfortunately, those pictures were released." -CNN \_ The beheading took place some time back. This was not done in retaliation for the abuses at Abu Ghraib. This was not done by Iraqis. This was done by Al Qaeda. \_ I'll bet it would be even better if there was no torture to take pictures of. Then we'd be really set! \_ Even though you don't provide any supporting URLs, I kind of believe everything you wrote. Except, it's kind of hard to discriminate between Iraqi insurgents and Al Qaeda right now. \_ Actually, I was wrong about the timing. Nick was beheaded on Saturday. Nevertheless, I think this was a calculated move on the part of foreign insurgents in Iraq (i.e., Al Qaeda) to stir up precisely the sort of anger against Iraqis we're seeing here. Their hope is that this will drive a wedge between the Iraqis and US troops who have, to this point, been trying to bridge the gap. \_ The U.S. found his body on Saturday. I guess it's hard to believe the insurgents kept his corpse for a week. Naturally, anti-U.S. forces killed Nick Berg and released the video as an act of terror. \_ It's always good to know which congressmen would be happier if the American public were more ignorant. If we don't know bad things are happening, they they really didn't happen, right? Ooo shiny.. \_ So what do we know about this Nick Berg guy? Who was he there working for? Why was he 'detained' by the US for over a week? It was hard to tell from the news if he was even there legally or was just some random idiot who decided he was going to Iraq for his own random reasons. Does anyone know for real what he was doing there and who sent him, if anyone? |
2004/5/11 [Computer/SW/Graphics, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:30167 Activity:high |
5/11 How evil is this website? Find out here: http://homokaasu.org/gematriculator FWIW: http://www.yahoo.com is 51% evil. http://www.ibm.com is only 8% evil. Go Fig! \_ and http://csua.berkeley.edu is 19%. That's one of 5 politburo members \_ http://www.microsoft.com is 71% good. Yeah! \_ http://www.microsoft.com is 71% good. Yeah! Beats even http://homokaasu.org itself. http://www.stanford.edu is 80% good, but http://www.berkeley.edu is 92% while whitehouse.gov is 50%-50% and http://google.com is 99% good. \_ No, it says whitehouse.gov is 77% good. \_ that's weird that google is 99% good. \_ But http://whitehouse.com is 78% good. Bush is bad, bush is good. \_ Ha ha! \_ http://www.actionjav.com is 65% good. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:30168 Activity:high |
5/11 I'm waiting for the media and Dem. Congress to work themselves up into a frenzy over Berg's decapitation. Of course no news organization will show the video on TV. \_ His family sent their son their just so they could blame it on Bushco. \_ I heard they played it on CNN. \_ "This kind of barbaric behavior will have the same effect it usually has: it will make civilized people around the world more determined than ever to exterminate al-Qaeda and its likeminded brethren. "Barbaric behavior doesn't win wars, it just makes your enemies more dedicated to their cause, which is why it's so important to eliminate the kind of barbarism we've recently seen at Abu Ghraib from our own side: because it just makes our enemies stronger. If we don't purge it root and branch, we've as good as lost the war. In more ways than one." -http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/archives/individual/2004_05/003893.php \_ What do you hate America? Why are you not on the side of our troops? What's wrong with our heroic soldiers having some fun? Why aren't Iraqis grateful enough to volunteer as comfort women and boys? |
2004/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/Languages/OCAML, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:30169 Activity:very high |
5/11 To FP activists on the motd, if currying is such a great idea, why it's not implemented symmetrically in say Caml? It seems more natural to treat the arguments of a function more symmetrically. \_ If by 'symmetric' you mean that if, for example, I have a function f of two arguments a and b, I should be able to curry on either a or b, then Ocaml does this using labeled arguments. Caml does not since it's meant to be a 'minimalist' language. -- ilyas not since it's meant to be a 'minimalist' language. In conclusion, RIDE BULLET TRAIN! USE OCAML! -- ilyas \_ I am looking at it. So far so disappointed. \_ I think most people who have been programming for a while have gotten past the 'perfect language' disease. I would be happy to address specific questions you might have. Or better yet email me, or drop by #csua. -- ilyas \_ I am not through with the reading yet, so I could be wrong. So far, my complaint is the following: (1) rather bad grammar in general. (2) The use of capitalization and special characters to signify different kinds of identifiers at the language level. (3) Field name in record has file scope. (4) If typing is such an important aspect of it, it might as well make it optional to be dynamic, same with patterns. (5) Data structure does not feel as flexible as it could be. One might as well think it is C and implemnt cons using record. (6) I am not sure how ref works, but I certainly miss pointers. Overall, it seems to be somewhere in the middle from C, Scheme, and maybe Prolog. \_ (1) People complain about the syntax. It doesn't bother me. If it bothers you, Ocaml comes with a syntax redefinition tool called camlp4 -- you can change the ENTIRE syntax if you want. \_ You can write preprocessors to make Fortran look Lisp, Lisp look like Perl, Perl look like Basic, Basic look like C, and C look like Fortran. (2) This is because the language is 'rich.' Perl does the same thing. I don't really know a better way. What Ocaml has is better than throwing gobs of parens at the problem like lisp does. In other words, too much syntax is better than too little. \_ ruby i think is as powerful as perl yet has a very clean syntax, without $ % and bare filehandles it's as fast as it sounds. -- ilyas etc. -someone else \_ It's true that ruby is clean, but this comes with a price. Everything in ruby is an object, and it's as fast as it sounds. The other thing about ruby is that it's dynamically typed, so you need to distinguish less things at compile time -- this translates into a lot less syntax. Naturally, dynamic typing makes things slow, also. -- ilyas \_ No it doesn't. You are wrong on both accounts, here. There are implementation techniques to make pure object-oriented languages and dynamically typed languages perform very fast. \_ Sure it does. You may make it better than what ruby has (no hard accomplishment since ruby has possibly the slowest implementation of any language), but you will not be able to beat a statically typed language because the compiler simply has less information. OO is useful, but ruby makes everything an object, which is convenient but those virtual function calls do add up. Anyways, if someone writes a fast ruby compiler, it will make me happy, ruby is a neat language. A good thing to ponder, if you ever go to the 'great language shootout' page, is why the fastest languages there are either C or statically typed. -- ilyas \_ You are just wrong here. YMWTG polymorphic inline cache, or Cecil \_ Read what I said again. I would be happy to look at some benchmarks of Cecil or Self. Self is neat. -- ilyas \_ Stop being condecending. I wasn't referring to your complaints about the Ruby interpreter, but to your general statements about dynamically typed and pure OO languages. Virtual Machines have access to all the type information that was available statically, and in the case of some type systems, more. With that info, the VM and generate type-specific code, in-line away virtual functions, usw. \_ I think it's more to shift the burdern from the parser and compiler to the user. Perl is not a model for good design. (3) Yes, I don't like that. There are deeper problems with structs and typing. \_ I guess that labels of variant and records are internally represented as integers. I would be nice to be able to access them directly. Array type should have the option of specify size, both for efficiency and type checking. (4) I don't understand your reasoning here. Typing in Ocaml makes me really happy because it catches bugs for me, and because I know how to get around it if I need to (Obj.magic). \_ I am not saying typing is a bad idea. But it would be nice to have the option (1) to turn it off for some variables or some types and (2) to delay some typing until runtime and (3) go (not so much) further make type a type that one can modifies and manipulate in runtime. The same goes for pattern. There will conceptual problems involved, but they are worth the reward. Plus, most of the logic underlying is already present in the compiler and just need to be incorporated in the runtime, if called for by the program. (5) Don't understand what you are trying to say. Did you notice the object system too, and functors? Is the stdlib bad? What couldn't you find that you would find in another stdlib? \_ sorry, haven't got to the object system yet, but generally I feel that a language should either provide very elementary data structure that allows one to describe arbitrary complex ones with relative ease or provide so many high level data structures that it is hard to ask more. C and Lisp are examples of the former, while custom programing language (Maple, Mathematica, etc) falls with the latter. OCaml seems to be in the middle, which is annoying. For example, I haven't seen a set type, which of course can be implemented with tuple. But it is not easy to implement efficiently, unless you employs tricks that seem to defeat many OCaml principles. Again, I could be just ignorant of some of the powers of ocaml. (6) If you really want, you can play with pointers using Obj.magic (again), but you probably don't need them. Very few people these days need pointers (actual integer values) over references (names referring to objects) in practice. -- ilyas \_ somehow I couldn't find documentation for Obj.magic but it sounds like something bad that if you use all the time, you might as well use another language. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:30170 Activity:nil |
5/11 Subsidizing Illegal Immigration: Illegals get in-state tuition to UC & Cal State (Tom McClintock) <DEAD>209.757.34.100/focus/f-news/1133562/posts<DEAD> \_ The claim is ridiculous. I was a legal immigrant and I had to pay full tuition until I got a Green card. And BTW, it was a free republic link. Why bother to hide it? \_ its not a claim it is a law. State sen. McClintock is lying? I simply cut and past the link from my broswer. |
2004/5/11 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:30171 Activity:nil |
5/11 If it's a freerepublic link, call it a freerepublic link. \_ congenitally stupid twit \_ I think you mean "congenitally". --oc |
2004/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:30172 Activity:high |
5/11 I took pictures in my digital camera, but the date was set wrong. Now my computer has the wrong "last modification" and "date picture taken" values. How can I adjust these values after the fact? \_ can't adobe photoshop or some other too modify this? \_ Thanks! That solves only half the problem, though. Photoshop changes the "date picture taken" value, but not the "last modification" value. \_ uh, touch? \_ in windows? \_ http://unxutils.sourceforge.net \_ Shit that's cool! Why haven't I heard of it before? \_ There's also one that came with Borland C 4.5. \_ <whoops, wrong url. will find later> |
2004/5/11-12 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:30173 Activity:high |
5/11 Is there a sure way to sign an email up for lots of spam? \_ yeah I need to know too, my roomate fucked my my car and wouldn't pay for it \_ go sign up for a bunch of downloads online (quicktime, real audio, http://downloads.com, etc.), put down his email, then click "Yes, send me more information via email!" \_ But I want to have really BAD hardcore spams showing there, not just some legitimate but annoying promotinal offers. \_ try porn sites, posting to newsgroups. maybe try signing up for a hotmail account (which is a magnet for spam) and then have it forwarded to his email accout. \_ troll some newsgroups. \_ How do I tracelessly forge email address? Doesn't my ip get recorded and sent along as part of the header? \_ what do you care? do you think spammers check for spoofed headers when they try to harvest email addresses? \_ Well, maybe someone will google his email addr and find a forged posting under his name. |
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