2004/5/9 [Uncategorized] UID:30111 Activity:high |
5/9 Buddies turn in Sasser worm creator. Inquire whether they can receive $250K Microsoft reward. Yay! \_ so... i'll write a worm... you be my friend, we split 50/50 \_ ok, cool... and you'll do the jail time, right? |
2004/5/9 [Uncategorized] UID:30112 Activity:nil |
2004/5/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:30113 Activity:kinda low |
5/9 http://breaking.examiner.ie/2004/05/01/story145446.html Why you shouldn't believe every report about terrorist plots uncovered \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ At a guess: Because people are always shouting at him? |
2004/5/9-10 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:30114 Activity:high |
5/9 My roomate gambles online 4-5 hours a day. He is really really good (he's a pretty smart guy) and says that he actually makes money because most of the people who play online are not that smart. Here's my question. Say you're smart and can count cards, know the statistics, etc, is it REALLY possible to make *consistent* money by gambling? \_ No, because eventually the casino will decide that they don't want to play with you anymore. \_ In games like poker, yes. At least if you make a habit of playing against poeple less skilled than you. And the house doesn't care because they are taking a cut no matter who wins. \_ You have to choose less-skilled poker players to play against, but you also have to cover the house-rake and dealer-tokes(no tokes online). You may *win* against other players, but still not be able to cover the expenses. You also have play at the proper money-limits (levels) _and_ have the bankroll and stomach and discipline to handle it. Consistent is probably not the best word, because you have to be able to handle the fluctuations -- sometimes you'll have a streak of bad luck. You can win in the long-run, but not all the time. Very few people can make *real* money at poker, even fewer can make it professionally, and do you really want that type of lifestyle? How much does your room-mate win? If it's only 500 per week, for 40 hours per week online, is it *really* worth it? Are you *really* making money, or actually losing time that could be used to make *bigger* money elsewhere? There's a difference between "winning" at poker and "making money" at poker. \_ what about those famous MIT kids who got kicked out of Vegas forever cuz they won too much $? http://abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/US/MITgamblers030915.html Makes me want to be a math major at MIT \_ Big difference between BJ and Poker, but both can be beaten. When I was in college we tried the card-counting thing but (1) it's quite a bit of hard work and long hours and (2) it takes a bankroll which we didn't have. My friend got banned from one casino just because he was joking around saying he was keeping track of how many Aces were left. It's not enough edge to win, but it pissed off the pit-boss enough to say he "wasn't welcome anymore" |
2004/5/9-10 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:30115 Activity:insanely high |
5/9 Must see on History Channel today, 9-11pm: "They were "Whales"--the highest of high rollers. Treated like royalty by casinos worldwide, they won millions throughout the early to mid-1990s. And nobody had a clue that they were MIT students, part of an underground blackjack team--card counters who used mathematical wizardry to win. This is the true story of the rise and fall of the MIT Blackjack Team, featuring interviews with Ben Mezrich, author of "Bringing Down the House", casino executives, security experts, and actual members of the team." \_ So they cheated and won alot of money? \_ nope, they were just smart. very smart. card counting, for instance, is not illegal in NV, but casinos are private businesses and can ask you to leave for any reason. \_ yes, they won a lot of money. \_ They did not cheat; they just counted cards. \_ They signalled to each other... thats cheating. \_ I don't understand how you can say counting cards is not cheating and signalling is cheating. Neither or both. Both will get you kicked out if the casino thinks you're making too much money off it. \_ Counting cards is not cheating; it's just playing wisely. Signalling involves breaking the rules. Casinos, though, don't like either one, so they'll kick you out for doing either. \_ Okay, I want to know where it says signalling, is illegal when playing blackjack in Las Vegas. especially as applied to team card-counting, is cheating when playing blackjack in Las Vegas. \_ I believe it's something to the extent of blackjack being a game of an individual (or several) against the house. The house is playing each person separately. I don't know the exact maths of who has an advantage, but signalling turns it into a team-vs-the-house game, while simple card counting keeps it at an individual level. -John \_ Card counting is not illegal. Signalling is not illegal. Barring counters and others from a casino in Nevada is also not illegal (non-disciminationary removal of persons). However, it is illegal to bar counters in Atlantic City. The reason is Nevada is very pro-casino, New Jersey isn't. Follow the $. Signalling the whale just a way of avoiding the casino from seeing a counter. Instead of a single player using spread bets (ie. betting more they are favored), a whale betting more when they are favored), whale comes, bets big, and leaves when the counter/signaller notes the count has gone against the players. Nice technique. \_ ObNitpick: I never said "illegal". -John \_ Thanks, that's what I thought. Like you said, card counting and "team card-counting" is not illegal, but casinos are private businesses, so they can refuse doing business with you for any reason (short of the discrimination exception). \_ Any arrests you might see are barred counters making multiple returns to a casino. Then the casino can cry "trespassing." In AC, card counting is allowed, BUT the casino has the right to reshuffle between hands (ruining the count) or changing the min/max bet possible (changing the risk/reward for counter). Fun stuff. \_ Signalling *is* cheating. If you do not think so then place a call on your cell while playing. The reason is that people have used computers to count the cards and the partner will signal the result of the computer. Counting cards is not cheating in itself, but using a computer is. Imagine a parallel to chess. \_ Signalling is not illegal. The whole phone thing is to prevent possible communication between players and spotters (see movie Casino for example). It also slows up the game and is irritating. Computer use is just counting on a different level. You can use it instead of keeping a count in your head/chips or have it use several different counting systems and then the user decide which one to use. But definitely not illegal. The only thing which is illegal is when dealers and players collude to win. That's fraud. \_ It's really not worth debating. Whether or not it's illegal is irrelevant; if for any reason the casino doesn't like how you play, you're out of there. \_ Of course it matters. There is a big difference from being thrown out of a casino and being thrown in jail. \_ It is *not* legal to use a computer. Nevada Senate Bill 467 (passed in 1985) says: "It is unlawful for any person at a licensed gaming establishment to use, or possess with the intent to use, any device to assist in projecting the outcome of the game." The penalty for a first offense is 1-10 years in prison, a $10000 fine, or both. A second offense includes mandatory imprisonment. \_ I'm into 20 min into the show. It's a #*&*($# enterprise! 20-30 really really smart MIT students, backed by investors and management. Math majors, computer scientists, etc, you name it. Man I want to start a UCB gambling team now. \_ cool, please post on the motd if you start a team \_ useful fact: canada's casinos are largely government run and have a *much* more lenient attitude towards counting. a friend of mine's math professor from a Canadian university made a consistently decent amount of money each year counting. \_ Yeah, but then you're betting with Canadian money, and we all know how much that's worth. \_ There was a write-up on these guys in Wired about a year back. http://csua.org/u/78c \_ Yeah, that was a pretty sweet article. For those of you like me who missed the show, they'll show it again this Saturday at 6pm |
2004/5/9-10 [Computer/Rants] UID:30116 Activity:very high |
5/9 If Bill Gates designed buildings instead of software: http://www.eecs.mit.edu/images/big-stata5.jpg \_ http://broken.typepad.com/b/2004/02/modernist_archi.html What does Bill Gates have to do with anything? Microsoft may produce bug-filled software with some ill-conceived features, but they don't do avant garde nonsense. \_ both have bad design and the name william h. gates. http://www.kunstler.com/eyesore.html \_ That actually looks like a very cool building. I wish Gates would design buildings. \_ http://www.eecs.mit.edu/images/big-stata23.jpg you like? \_ Again, yes, I do. It's refreshing to see unique and and unusual building designs. Let me guess, you hate it for those very reasons. right? \_ it looks like something out of a demented dr. seuss fantasy. it isn't exactly cool, just interesting in a bizarre psychopathic way. \_ No, I like interesting buildings, but this is the worst design I have ever seen. I cannot imagine people working in that space without going insane or becoming very unhappy. I have heard that people are already getting lost in this building. Have you ever heard of Feng Shui? \_ I can't help but be reminded of that Dilbert strip where PHB's secretary convinced him the computer fan was killing him. The fact that people take Feng Shui seriously makes me sad. -- ilyas \_ There are enough buyers who care about Feng Shui that it seems to have an effect in certain Bay Area housing markets. When I was house shopping in Foster City, houses with obviously bad Feng Shui were selling at a discount (of 10% by my estimate). \_ A lot of "bad feng shui" is generally annoying even if you don't care about that kind of stuff. For instance having a house at the head of a T intersection sucks no matter what. \_ This building has bad Feng Shui. \_ NERDS!!! |
2004/5/9-10 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:30117 Activity:nil |
5/9 In gcc how do you force a binary to be build even though there are undefined references, which you know will never be called during runtime? ok thx \_ That's normally a linker setting - for instance on Solaris, using native ld (not gnu ld), you'ld want the -z nodefs flag passed to the linker during the link phase (and probably -z lazyload so it doesn't complain when you try to run it). I don't know the GNU ld flag. -alan- \_ from the archive: What's the flag to gcc that will ignore "undefined reference"? \_ isn't this an error and not a warning? how can you ignore it? \_ well if you know a symbol is never referenced then you can get away with it. I did the same thing with ctwm. I forgot which flag you use for linking and ignore symbol not found, I just rtfm but I can't seem to find it anymore. \_ you can fake an empty definition \_ This is standard behavior on VM. I didn't know you can do this on Unix. |
2004/5/9-10 [Science/Disaster] UID:30118 Activity:high |
5/9 Why "10.5" is a load of horseshit: http://www.earthquakecountry.info/10.5/MajorMovieMisconceptions \_ did you actually believe the events that occurred in the movie? or did you think we did? \_ Of course not. I just found the link amusing. \_ Some very interesting earthquake facts. Thanks for the pointer. \_ Wait, someone actually watched that mini-series? \_ I wish I did now, just so I could better get all the parodies. |
2004/5/9-10 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:30119 Activity:moderate |
5/9 Sometimes I need to upload large files on my 1500k/192k aDSL. This totally kills my Internet usability. Is there any uber cool BSD/Darwin tool that will let me throttle a particular socket? If I could just limit my FTP to something like 128k... tnx \_ rsync --bwlimit=KBPS ... \_ man ipfw \_ cstream: http://www.cons.org/cracauer/cstream.html |
2004/5/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:30120 Activity:nil |
5/9 RIP Alan King. \- Thom Gunn -> dead. --psb |
2004/5/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:30121 Activity:nil |
5/9 http://www.movie-list.net/exclusive/shaun-of-the-dead.mov Zombies rule. \_ Brilliant. Can't wait for the US release. |
3/15 |