2004/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:29953 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 To whomever was asking about utilizing Word for long manuscripts, \_ humane, compare with stucking broom stick and chemical lights right in those prisoner's ass, rape and electrical shocks routinely used by the US Army Intelligence unit. (go read New Yorker yourself when you got a chance). \_ this is amusingly nonsequiter. motdedit is lame. please realise that since at least Word 2000 there has been the option to utilize subdocuments and combine them together into one large document. Word is quite capable of handling complex document structures and pagination and TOCing and indexing if you just learn how. I would suggest that you or your mother invest in a good book on advanced MS Word functionality. --williamc \_ it's my friend's mom, but this is great advice. thanks. i'll make my friend figure out the details |
2004/5/3-4 [Recreation/Food] UID:29954 Activity:insanely high |
5/2 History: Noah's Bagel opened up on Telegraph in 92/93. Is it still around? It was October, 1993... I was turning in my 60a HW and on the way I bought a .50 bagel and got tricked into buying their special $2.00 strawberry cream cheese. I blew 2 friggin dollars... worth good 6 cup-o-noodles that I could have eaten while playing diku-mud. Instead all I got was this stingy little pack of cream cheese. Damnit!!! Is it still around? IS IT??? -bitter old alum \_ Weaksauce. You were still playing diku-muds in 93? I was already on AP because of diku-muds by 92. BTW, you could have gone down the street to one of the various bakeries and bought a day old loaf of bread for that much and eaten for a week. Thats how I survived spring break. \_ It's still around, and Noah's as a whole is springing up everywhere. There were some teevee ads a few months ago, but I haven't seen them recently. I've been told that the one on Telegraph is the very first one, is this true? |
2004/5/3-4 [Recreation/Activities, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:29955 Activity:very high |
5/2 Is anybody running SpamAssassin on SOLARIS (5.7)? Does it run reliably? Easy/Hard to install? \_ I've run it on Solaris 5.8. Everything runs fine except for spamd which segfaults on startup. I'm not sure why and haven't had the time to look into it any further. Though this begs the question, why are you still running 5.7? 5.8 is pretty crufty and ancient, I can only imagine what 5.7 is like. -dans \_ I've run spamd for long periods on Solaris 8 before, and it's been pretty reliable. \_ 5.8 isn't much different from 5.7. Many old 5.7 sites saw no reason to up to 5.8 because, well, there aren't any. 5.9 added a few things for some people. 5.10 might actually be new. For the average joe running spamassassin on some old box he might as well be running anything from 2.51 to 2.9 for all it matters. \- anybody running crm114? having dealt with a reasonable number of programs that can be described as "do complicated analysis on hostile input", SA makes me nervous ... especially when your are getting the arb input both in terms of mail and users writing fairly arbitrary "policy". --psb \_ I've been running crm114 for about 2 months but only doing a small amount of training. It does at least as well as spamassassin even though I'm not training it like I should be. If SA catches it, crm114 mostly will. crm114 catches many things SA doesn't. Unfortunately, a few things still slip by *both*. Yes, I'm using both on the same stream. |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Domestic, Politics] UID:29956 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 How many of you would support the President in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief issuing an apology [to whom?] for the conduct and pictures at the military prison in Iraq. \_ Actions speak louder than words. The Americans who did that should be caned, at a minimum. \_ I mean in addition to individual disciplining. Just the "sorry about the bad apples in the US Military basket" doesnt seem like enough. It's not reasonable to claim "this was part of military interrogation" considering the "souvenir pictures" that were taken. For the US to try to get off "cheap" will cost more in the end. \_ they were stucking broom stick and chemical lights right in those prisoner's ass. Other than that, rape and electrical shocks are common method used by the Army Intelligence unit. I suspect this is also happening in Guantamano Bay as well. \_ We are the guardians of Democracy and Human Right. These video has again prove that our interrogation methods are far more humane than Saddam's. \_ public execution of those soldiers would help, and I am not kidding. \_ you're an idiot. we still have laws. they are being followed to the letter in this case. \_ Apologizing means very little. Publicly punishing/humiliating those responsible, for the world to see, might be more useful. \_ It isnt an either/or choice. |
2004/5/3-4 [Science/Electric, Reference/Tax] UID:29957 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 This is what should be taught in schools: http://www.fixedearth.com As a real conservative, I want to save tax money by not funding this current "secular science" education. \_ Mm... a crank as well as an anti-semite. \_ Grade school should be nothing more than the 3Rs. |
2004/5/3-4 [Computer/Networking] UID:29958 Activity:high |
5/03 What's people's idea on running an unsecured WiFi AP as a method of plausible deniability for any P2P traffic on your DSL line? Clever or stupid idea? \_ Not sure, but there are some ISP that restricts you from running more than one computer off the line. And then there are companies like Earthlink who want to charge you extra to allow sharing. \_ SBC and Speakeasy allow it. They both charge more for static IP and extra IPs, however. \_ It's not hard to set up NAT/DHCP. \_ FBI: Your line, your responsibility, your fine. Stupid idea. |
2004/5/3-4 [Computer/Rants, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:29959 Activity:very high |
5/3 The new $50 bill: http://www.moneyfactory.com/newmoney/main.cfm/currency/new50 \_ Who uses $50s? I thought $100s were the drug dealer cash of choice. \_ $100s for the middle men on up, $20s for the street trash. \_ Middle men and higher use $20's becuase everyone gets paid by the lower tier. \_ Gotta change them into $100s though. The US $100 has long been a currency of choice for international crime and terrorism of all kinds, because of its decent cash/weight ratio. I'd hate to take a million dollars worth of $20 over the border in a suitcase (well, several suitcases). \_ People moving pounds of weed use $20's. I'd say for MJ that is top-tier. \_ I've heard the 100 Euro note is taking over due to inflation (internationally) \_ There is also a 500 Euro note. \_ What about the 500 Euro note? Why does the AMC keep deleting this comment? Jesus Fuck, you can't even make an innocuous comment anymore without some asswipe taking offense. \_ Innocuous comments get deleted by people who don't use motdedit squishing changes, or people using motdedit squishing changes of people without a file lock. \_ they also get deleted when the whole motd is deleted, then restored by someone with a stale copy. \_ What will Warren Buffet say about this? |
2004/5/3-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:29960 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 Does anyone have a link to a picture of this year's csua t-shirt design? \_ Yes. \_ http://soda.berkeley.edu/~jvarga/images one of those |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29961 Activity:very high |
5/3 "I went down to Tier 1 (the cellblock where much of the abuse is said to have occurred) and when I looked down the corridor, I saw two naked detainees, one masturbating to another kneeling with its mouth open," he is quoted as saying. "I thought I should just get out of there. I didn't think it was right, as it seemed like the wrong thing to do. I saw Staff Sergeant Frederick walking towards me, and he said, `Look what these animals do when you leave them alone for two seconds.'" -NY Times ... quoted General Taguba as saying the military police and intelligence officials had committed "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal abuses," including sodomizing a prisoner "with a chemical light and perhaps a broomstick." -NY Times again In the report, Taguba also noted that "many individual soldiers" and some units in the 800th had "persevered in extremely poor conditions" and upheld "Army values." For instance, he commended a Navy dog handler who "knew his duties and refused to participate in improper interrogations despite significant pressure from military intelligence personnel at Abu Ghraib" and two Army military policemen who he said blew the whistle on abuses. -LA Times \_ Why there shoud be no gays and women in the military. All the photos show is hazing, poor Muslim babies. \_ so what's your point? \_ everyone knows the photos, but not the above http://cnn.com on Sunday was all about the rescued contractor (Hamill) \_ everyone? All of this has been all over. Even Fox was broadcasting it. What are you reading that didn't carry it? |
2004/5/3-4 [Reference/BayArea, Reference/RealEstate] UID:29962 Activity:moderate |
5/3 I'll be working at the Powerbar building this summer and I need housing from late June to late September. If you have a place to sublet or have a room to rent near the Berkeley/Oakland/Walnut Creek please email me, thanks -kchang \_ wtf? \_ and just to authenticate myself, here: {soda}/home/apollo/kchang/bin> last kchang kchang ttyAX Mon May 3 11:15 still logged in Name: http://Samoa.CS.UCLA.EDU Address: \_ Craisglist must be chock-full of summer sublets right about now... |
2004/5/3-4 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:29963 Activity:high |
5/3 How good is gmail's sperm filtering? I've considered stress-testing it but it seems a shame to spoil a spam-free account for an experiment. \_ you could make a sneakemail address and have it temporarily forward spam to your gmail account. --jameslin \_ I don't think gmail can filter any sperms. |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:29964 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 Are you offended? http://www.gothamist.com/archives/2004/04/15/protesting_details.php (Gay or Asian article in Details magazine) \_ Welcome to two months ago. \_ s/months/weeks/ \_ Two weeks old. How was the protest? |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29965 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 So what's happening to the oil in Iraq? Are we getting it all for free? Why no news coverage on it? Does the average American not want to hear about it? Guess the media is only interested in reporting the robbers getting shot at while leaving the bank. This reminds me of a quote "It's always easier to rob than to make your own". \_ No, we didn't go there to rob the oil. We went there to find WMD! Oh wait, we went there to liberate Iraq!! Oh wait, we went there to, to, to, well, the truth is, we do whatever we want because we can and there ain't nothing you can do about it!! \_ Sure there is. Terrorism is the answer to oppression from superpower. You think you can just bomb us because you feel like it? You treat us like dirt, we will strike you \_ I didn't know there were any Iraqis posting to the motd. where it hurts. \_ Yeah like how Spain and the Philipines are both super powers. Here's the ob ad hominen: you're an idiot. \_ I didn't know there were any Iraqis posting to the motd. \_ Dubya went in there because Saddam was a bad man, who even if he didn't have WMD, would use them against the U.S. (by giving them to terrorists) some day. Dubya also wants to make sure post-Saddam Iraq doesn't become a threat to the U.S. I think most Republicans, and some Democrats, understand this. The counter-argument is that Saddam had already been contained. I think some Democrats and some Republicans understand this. \_ Containment is never perfect and is subject to political winds and whims. Containment can only slow the inevitable. In this case, several of the countries that were supposed to be helping contain were cashing in behind everyone's backs. \_ Have you considered containment until you get a smoking gun on WMD? \_ The smoking gun might by a crater in a Western city. I am not prepared to wait for that. \_ Isn't that what Homeland Security is for? Also, I don't think even the Bush administration thought Iraq had any nuclear capability to give. I believe the best they could come up with, after the war, was a scientist digging up centrifuge parts, saying that they were stored until Saddam wanted to restart the program. \_ True but I have no problem with a better safe than sorry policy. And no, the HS department doesn't stand a chance of keeping us 100% not-blown up in a terrorist act. It just isn't possible. We must do our best at home regarding security such as better trained people, better equipment and real world improvements like hardened cock pit doors but that's all hindsight. There will always be some weakness that can be exploited to create death and havoc. Thus, we also need an active foreign policy to find and crush our enemies before they can create the capabilities. Note that we're not discussing the *IF* nature of what a Hussein or Al Qaeda group's goals and plans. No one questions that they'd nuke a major Western city if they could. We're only discussing their current capability. At some point in the future they *will* have the capability so we need to stop them now. I won't go into the historical "the west has been at war with islam since near the birth of islam" bits. \_ So, contain until you get a smoking gun. With a smoking gun, you stand a chance of being like Bush Sr. and getting an international coalition. \_ And some of us knew that Saddam Hussein was no friend to Al Qaeda, so the idea that he would give them WMD was laughable. Bush's Crusade diverted America from far more serious threats to our security. \_ You knew? Really? The American intelligence establish- ment still isn't certain. And he doesn't have to give Al Q. anything. He had plenty of his own agents who were perfectly capable of putting a nuke or some nasty bug in a shipping container to the US. He didn't need anyone else. Kaddafi managed a-OK to blow up a plane without anyone else's help. You think Hussein really needed anyone else? No, he just needed a nuke or a bug. \_ There are only two real solutions to the problem, which have worked throughout history. We kill all of them, like we did to the Native Americans (you don't hear about them wanting to take back the US do you, hehe), or, we treat them properly. We want to do the first, but the world it is today, it's no longer an option. We don't want to go with the 2nd option either, simply because "Why should we?". Capitalism is all about taking advantage of the other guy as much as possible. It will be against our nature to treat them properly, because we don't have to. This goes in the same way as people usually do the maximum that the law allows them to do without being considered a crime. Unfortunately there are no check and balance in the international world right now. We do a lot more than what the 'law' would allow us to do. So the other side has no choice but to engage in terrorism, as they also have no choice. Direct confrontation with us is not an option, because if they are that strong, we wouldn't have been able to take advantage of them in the first place. Unless we fundamentally change the way we deal with the rest of the world, especially the weak ones, terrorism will never end. \_ You should say there are three real solutions to the problem. \_ Capitalism is not about fucking the other guy. It is about maximising profit for least effort. A capitalist would not kill his best customer and take their wallet because then he would lose that customer's future business which is certain to exceed one wallet's value. (This is aside from the moral and legal context of murder in our society). \_ So you think terrorism will end when we give them everything they want? Do you understand that the core issue Islamic terrorists have with the West is that we exist? Go look up the word "Wakf". Since you won't I'll give you the executive summary: all lands that were ever under Islamic control at any time in history are Muslim lands no matter how briefly, how long ago or what has happened since. Spain getting bombed wasn't a random soft target. Half of Spain was once under Muslim rule and hence is wakf land. As for the rest of the world, that falls under the part about spreading Islam by the sword which is how Spain ended up in Muslim hands in the first place. Know thy enemy. \_ Spain was bombed to affect the election, and to embarrass and to put pressure on the U.S. with the resulting pullout of Spanish troops. The former head of Spain was all-Bush, and the majority of Spanish people were against the war, before and after the bombing. I think you need to find a better example. \_ Yes, that's what the western press says. Go read the Arab press. |
2004/5/3-4 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:29966 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 I just got some spam saying that Ed Meese is running for President. Is this true? \_ I just got some spam saying, "UR DIKI IZ 2SMAL $D GIRLZ! UZE V'I AG'ReA FRUM M3 2 MAEK B1G DIKI!!". Is this true? \_ What will Warren Buffet say about this? |
2004/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:29967 Activity:high |
5/3 Dear h0zers, do you hate Tom Holub and his twink point system? Here is your chance to get even. Happy Suite (est. 1998) is now back. http://compilers.cs.ucla.edu/~kchang/happy -kchang \_ when did you get unsquished? \_ I bet you just earned yourself another twink point. \_ It's just Tom. Who gives a damn what he says? He couldn't even manage to get a 4 year degree. He just has a giant self esteem issue so he acts out. Ignore him. \_ so what's your self-esteem issue? \_ I'm not giving happy faces to twinks who use Windows XP. \_ The screenshots seem to pre-date XP. |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29968 Activity:high |
5/3 Yahoo! News - Salvadoran Army Cited for Heroism in Iraq http://csua.org/u/75v Quote: "The Spanish didn't fight, and only after a long delay agreed to send out their armored vehicles to help evacuate the wounded. Flores says he cannot question the Spanish decisions that day, but with a slightly sardonic smile adds that they "could have helped us sooner." \_ "So Salvadoran Cpl. Samuel Toloza said a prayer, whipped out his switchblade knife and charged the Iraqi gunmen...Toloza stabbed several attackers..." Now THAT'S tough. |
2004/5/3 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29969 Activity:nil |
5/3 Is this Iraqi popping a boner? http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&u=/040503/ids_photos_ts/r2377536700.jpg \_ Wouldn't you be? \_ And the Iraqis are complaining? Oh, must be their wives who are complaining. \_ What will Warren Buffet say about this? |
2004/5/3 [Transportation/Car] UID:29970 Activity:high |
5/3 I'm selling my old car, '97 Honda Civic in good shape. http://www.craigslist.org/sfc/car/30291821.html Don't know where else to post this within the CSUA so the motd will have to do. --lye \_ In SOVIET RUSSIA, car sells YOU! \_ How much? -- car's pissing radiator fluid in the parking lot \_ Well, its listed at the top of the Craigslist posting, but I'm asking $7800...or best offer, obviously. --lye \_ Whoa, sorry... that was stupid. I've been conditioned to ignore large text. \_ What is the Blue Book? $7800 seems high for a car that cost maybe twice that 7 years ago. \_ Hmm, you are right. I must have made an error when entering data in KBB. I've corrected the ad. --lye \_ I bet you were trying to game the heartless capitalist system, Lye! Don't think I am not on to you. -- ilyas |
2004/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:29971 Activity:nil |
5/3 http://ascii.hotornot.com |
2004/5/3-4 [Consumer/Audio] UID:29972 Activity:high 53%like:30723 |
5/3 What's a good gadget to buy? I have $1000. \_ 200 nights with yermom \_ hire thug to steal all of the below. \_ Apple iMac \_ IPOD IPOD IPOD IPDO \_ Garmin GPS 60c \_ Nikon D70 \_ Second that. \_ With lens+mem card that's like $1500. \_ PDA \_ Treo 600: uberPDA + phone \_ TiVo \_ Fancy-schmancy headphones \_ Tablet PC \_ Real Doll \_ too expensive \_ perhaps he could afford a used one? \_ What's a Real Doll? - real question \_ http://www.realdoll.com - nws \_ Get a fleshlight (fleshlight.com) instead. Check their videos! \_ nGage \_ Exotic cat \_ 24" Sony CRT monotir or 20" LCD \_ 1TB of disk \_ a low risk 6mo-1yr investment \_ Google stock \_ 1TB and something to house it, or 2TB and a cardboard box. |
2004/5/3 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:29973 Activity:high |
5/3 Disguising freerepublic links by using IP addresses is totally cheeseball. \_ Here is the "unbiased" source of the essay: http://www.hughhewitt.com It is sort of like Ann Coulter, but not as coherent. \_ Oh boo hoo it was an email from a Lt. in Iraq - the humanity!! Why are you leftists such pussies? \_ Why are neocons so deceptive? \_ Because they are LYING, BACKSTABBING JEWS! |
2004/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:29974 Activity:high |
5/3 I can't get any girls. What should I do? Switch team? \_ Please to tell them you are number A1 super stud! \_ Take $200 and go down to O'Farell's. \_ No, but if you TELL them you've switched teams (and dress to match) they'll be all over you. \_ Please to tell them you are number A1 super stud! \_ Take $200 and go down to O'Farell's. \_ No, but if you TELL them you've switched teams (and dress to match) they'll be all over you. |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29975 Activity:insanely high |
5/3 Controversial Tillman cartoon (i.e., idjut liburals can draw) http://www.ucomics.com/tedrall \_ This guy is an idiot, I think most conservatives (and liberals) would agree. \_ as a liberal, i agree. however he also can't draw for shit. personally even if i *like* someone's message(not that i like this guy's message), if they can't draw for shit they have not business being on the comics page. Here's a liberal who actually knows how to draw: http://www.ucomics.com/boondocks and another: http://www.andysinger.com and another: http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury \_ agreed. A little tact could have gone a long way. -- liberal \_ It's not only tact. He had the guy saying, "Will I get to kill Arabs?". This is just plain bad. -another libural \_ Why? He could have joined the CIA, FBI, or Homeland Security in order to fight terrorism. He joined the Army with intent to become a Ranger, who get to play judge, jury, and executioner on people they feel are terrorists. \_ No. By the time Rangers or regular 11B's are called in, someone else has alreday played judge and jury. Even Spec Ops guys are usually called in only after the big decisions have been made by some grey-haired guy in an office. \_ No. Ranger training is geared towards jump missions and taking over air ports and other air related activity. Anything after that falls under standard special forces training that anyone in the military can get if they're a notch above the cut. \_ I don't understand why people have to insult people even when they do something cool. Why make fun of this guy? Why do republicans try to tear down Kerry's Vietnam record? It's petty. Why did Doonsebury try to make fun of Bush's visit to Iraq? When someone does something cool, let 'em have it. Sheesh. \_ The point of contention is that he incessantly portrays himself as a Vietnam war hero. But you can't have it both ways - yes he went and deserves credit but his subsequent actions were despicable, to put it nicely. \_ How is "despicable" putting it nicely? What sort of hate filled vitriol would be "calling it as it is"? \_ You know, the above discussion leads me to believe it's not that controversial a cartoon -- basically nobody likes it, and they are all right. Re: republicans trying to tear down Kerry's record, I think even Limbaugh is giving him due credit. (When was the last time Bush got credit for anything from the other side? Did he truly accomplish nothing?) Perhaps Kerry might have gotten a little bad press about that whole medal throwing thing, since some people view that as trying to sit on two stools at once. -- ilyas \_ What should Bush seriously be given credit for? Afghanistan seems to be the main thing that most people agreed on. Bush has gotten a lot of credit in the press about "leadership" with the 9/11 stuff, besides the background rumblings about intelligence failures, which in the end is true, if the buck stops at the top then Bush's administration is responsible for failing to prevent 9/11, although obviously not from some egregious personal wrong- doing. He gets rightfully criticized for foolish political stunts like the mission accomplished thing. And you can't expect "the other side" to cheer for republican policy items, although he is certainly 'given credit' for those. About Iraq, actually I felt that a lot of people approved of his tough stance towards Saddam, myself included, however this feeling dissipated when I watched the subsequent farce unfold. \_ Don't forget Lybia. If you are an economist of a certain stripe you also think "tax cuts cause recovery", so you would probably attribute the recovery to Bush's insistence to cut, cut, cut. At any rate, it seems pretty clear Bush did some good. My point is that he gets no credit for the good he did, which is unfortunate. Actually I think all the anti-Bush bile is having a counterproductive effect (if you want to get Bush out of office). -- ilyas \_ I tend to think of Lybia in the same way I think of the Berlin Wall coming down: it was in the works, and it was just a matter of time. For the sitting President to take responsibility for it is rather disingenuous. And as for Afghanistan, props to Bush for pursuing the removal of the Taliban, and props for finding Karzai, but a bakers- dozen of wtfs for not finishing the Taliban off and for withdrawing all military and most financial support for the new govt. Seriously, wtf? \_ Libya was in the works? In what sense? Do you say the same for Syria which has just started to cooperate? Will you say the same for Iran if there's an uprising and the crazies are kicked out and replaced by some sort of republic/democracy? The world doesn't get better without people trying to make it better. Bad people don't just quietly go away. They need to be threatened or killed to make changes. \_ Libya, not Lybia! \_ I thought it was Libia. \_ Very true. It's not controversial. It's just bad. Has anyone seen any interviews with Tillman or the like beforehand? I'd be surprised that a story like his slipped past sports journal- ists unnoticed. I'd be very interested to hear Tillman's own point of view on why he would enlist. As for Bush's accomplish- ments, the only things I've seen that have approached notability are things which later proved to be all lip service and no funds (Education, Jobs Training, AIDS Research, Terrorism Funding, Military Funding, etc.). Kerry got bad press over throwing the medals (and just about every single charge of waffling I've seen) because there are plenty of hack journalists more than willing to trim stories to fit their talking point du jour. --scotsman \_ No, Kerry got bad press because he earned it. \_ Kerry did significantly more than throw his (actually someone else's depending on the day of the week) medals over a fence. He was in the vanguard of leftists undermining of the Vietnam war effort. He and his ilk are why a free Hanoi subsequently fell and the millions fled on rafts. All of his treasonous behavoir is well documented if you would bother to investigate: http://ice.he.net/~freepnet/kerry \_ "free Hanoi"? You are a moron. \_ thanks for adding so much to an otherwise intelligent discussion. -!the person you're replying to. \_ huh huh ... you call the above an intelligent discussion? you are a moron. |
2004/5/3-4 [Politics/Domestic] UID:29976 Activity:moderate |
5/3 Today's Doonesbury has the "Why do you hate America" joke: http://www.doonesbury.com/strip/dailydose \_ Why do YOU hate America? \_ They steal all my best ideas. http://csua.com/?q="why+do+you+hate+america"&start=0&type=hist \_ April never ended!!! \_ "April is the cruelest month, breeding Freepers out of the dead gland, mixing Merde and desire, stirring Dull shoots with spring rain." |
2004/5/3 [Uncategorized] UID:29977 Activity:nil |
5/3 Did anyone here read Junior Great Books as a kid in elemntary school? I've found a bit of stuff about it on the web, but I remember reading this one story about a kid who was trying to be perfect and ended up just drinking tea and doing nothing all day. or something like that. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? - rory \_ Yes! I don't know what Junior Great really is, but I do know that book specifically. It was called Be A Perfect Person In 3 Days, and the kid did stuff like sitting around in a dark room for an entire day and sip tea, or eat broccoli, or respond to people's questions with weird responses. Good book. \_ I think it was a longer period (3 weeks) and he had to wear the broccoli around his neck. Also, the book was smarter than the kid, and when he tried to sneak a peek at the last page, it warned him that he had to follow the rules to a T. \_ ah. cool, thanks... that's it. I loved this book as a kid. I dont think its actually associated w/ JGB though. I must've gotten confused. |
2004/5/3-4 [Uncategorized] UID:29978 Activity:high |
5/3 Medal of Honor, Vietnam, yay or nay? -BF1942 fan |
3/15 |