2004/5/2 [Uncategorized] UID:29941 Activity:nil |
5/1 link:csua.org/u/75e \_ what is it about good looking men who are gay? and has psb come out yet? |
2004/5/2 [Uncategorized] UID:29942 Activity:kinda low |
5/1 Ikea's tribute to Objectivist Philosophy: http://tinyurl.com/2xtf4 \_ is that really what that is, or is there some other explanation for the name? do any sweedish speakers here want to comment? |
2004/5/2 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW] UID:29943 Activity:high |
5/1 mehlhaff, why did you stop your motd archive? \_ Why don't you just run your own? It isn't magic. \_ I think that binary flood was designed to break motd archive. \_ Checking the file type and length before archiving wouldn't be a difficult addition for those who care. |
2004/5/2 [Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29944 Activity:very high |
5/1 waner, cut the binary shit out. \_ waner is smushing the motd with binaries? waner the good stalker christian? no way! \_ what binary was he using? I ran strings on it the first time but I couldn't really see. \_ how did you figure it out? -waner \_ I propose waner's account be suspended. \_ second that. tell us how did you figure this out. by knowing who did the last motd destruction/censoring, may be we could stop motd censoring altogether. \_ If you squish tom you'll end most motd censorship. \_ Maybe keep one window tracking changes, and another tracking people's idle or last login. This would only work for hosings in the middle of the night. \_ there is no middle of the night. people post from all time zones. \_ Some time zones are more active than others. There is a middle of the night for a machine where most of the users are in California. \_ I'm going to measure activity as a function of time over a few 24 hour periods and see if you're right. i'll get back to you on this. \_ I haven't measured it scientifically but I know motd activity is primarily M-F/8-6. I'd like to see what you measure and what the numbers look like when you're done. \_ i log fstat and diff on motd.public. it's usually not hard to figure out who's modifying the file with what, particularly if the person does it repeatedly. \_ except that some (many?) editors don't keep a file open while they're editing. so the window during which they have the file open (i.e., reading or writing) is rather small. \_ he's a stalker too? do tell. \_ There was a world-readable text file in his home directory which in obsessive detail chronicled his every interaction with this particular girl over the past year or two. Someone posted the filename to the motd. Then everyone was creeped out, then waner made the file non-readable. \_ It was a great file. I've never had such a deep look into the mind of a psychotic/stalker before. Did anyone figure out who the girl is and warn her? \_ maybe if anyone knows felicia, presumably ex-cal student, religious, looks like the righthand chick in http://tinyurl.com/yubsf |
2004/5/2 [Uncategorized] UID:29945 Activity:kinda low |
5/1 Don't hose the motd or get sorried. \_ What the heck kind of threat is that!? @_@ |
2004/5/2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29946 Activity:moderate |
5/1 Stop posting commercial porn links. \_ Yeah, let the amateurs have a chance. \_ May I have more commercial porn links, please? |
2004/5/2-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:29947 Activity:insanely high |
5/1 Anyone recommend a word processor for writing a book? My friend's mom just finished her book, and it's one Word doc per chapter... I was wondering if there is any software out there geared to handle 300 pages? She's a writer, so no, she doesn't want to use LaTex. \_ FWIW, my mom wrote her dissertation (100s of pages, plus footnotes) in WordPerfect. She seemed pretty happe, but she also used EndNote in WordPerfect. She seemed pretty happy, but she also used EndNote to help with footnoting. \_ Why in god's name did she start a new doc every page? \_ sorry, I meant one doc per chapter. \_ Framemaker...kinda industrial, but powerful. \_ Don't be mad. FM is such a bitch she might as well us LaTex. \_ People have written math books in latex. -- ilyas \_ that's the whole point. she has no interest in making perfectly typeset symbols and the like. she probably just needs something to efficiently handle many pages of text. \_ asking someone's mom to use latex is just plain stupid. she needs a word processor. what she really needs is for someone to teach her how to use Word properly. one .doc per page is just user error/ignorance. she already has the right tool. she now needs lessons in basic use. \_ no one doc per page is my typo. it was 41 chapters, so 41 docs. she wanted to get the page numbers right before sending the book off to the publisher, so printing each document wont do. as for using 1 doc vs. 41 docs, I don't think her decision to go one doc per chapter was so bad... it's faster to load, easier to manage, etc. also, there are probably fears of losing 1 chapter vs. losing the whole document if there is corruption. \_ How many math books nowadays *aren't* written in LaTeX? I can't imagine trying to make a 100+ page document with extensive mathematical typesetting without LaTeX. However, I think it's pretty clear that the op's friend's mom is *not* writing a math book. \_ TeX/LaTeX are good even for non-math stuff. I wrote all my english essays in LaTeX, for example. \_ I think the OP was acknowledging that LaTeX could be used, but it's complexitity was too great for the intended user. \_ LaTeX is really not that hard to use. You can do all the typing first, and then the proofing and formatting later. \_ Latex is so easy, even I use it all the time. -- ilyas \_ aren't there plenty of graphical LaTeX editors? \_ there's scientific word, but personally i don't trust it. I've seen people wrestling with it for hours to get it to not fuck up their figure captions, and i've seen it destroy bits and pieces of documents in screwy ways. mathematica can generate latex from its wysywyg, but it's some kind of fucked up latex code that not all latex compilers will recognize. if you want a point and click interface, why use latex? \_ no \_ LaTeX is flexible, powerful, and totally impossible to use on any non-*nix platform. Don't delete this again. \_ wrong. i used to use latex all the time on windows, using miktex under cygwin. there are also other fine editing environments like winedt, if you don't like CLI's. \_ winedt rocks. also, ostex for mac is really nice. \_ Why would she not use Word, and put the whole book in one document? Let the publisher worry about formatting it, that's not the author's job, unless it's a "book" she'll be printing out and binding herself. (In which case she should still write it in Word and then lay it out in Quark or InDesign). -tom \_ I agree. also, writing the document in word doesn't mean you can't typeset it in latex later, or better yet get someone else to deal with typesetting. as an author, typesetting is not really your problem. I know of one journal(science) that actually lets authors submit latex manuscripts which they then actually *convert* to Word 97 for publication. go figure. \_ Actually, this is largely the purview of the publisher. Most publishers say ``Thou shalt use xxx.'' In most cases, xxx is one version or another of Word. Most of them like Word for its change tracking features. A handful of publishers will let you use any tool you want, but, unless your friend's mom is sufficiently well established to pick and choose among publishers, the question is probably moot. -dans \_ What's wrong with one word doc per chapter? When I was writing, I put each chapter in a separate word document. The publishers liked this as it made it easier for them to email the chapters between the different editors and myself. Once the manuscript is finished, the publishers will use something like frame or quark to layout all the chapters and add indexing codes, consistent footnote numbers, pg numbers, &c.). I wouldn't put all the chapters into a big word doc and worry about getting the pg numbers right &c.; let the publishers do that, they have better tools. Just make sure that the publishers send the proofs in ps or pdf so that she can get a good idea about how printed edition will look. I would plan to spend a couple of weeks reviewing the proofs in order to make sure that formatting codes and deleted text don't accidentally show up. BTW, I wouldn't recommend word for chapters longer than 50 pages. I ran into problems with footnotes and revision control (office{98,X} on Mac). \_ I would suggest she try a stick and rock. |
2004/5/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29948 Activity:very high |
5/1 Heh, your guy can't even get his story straight! hehe, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101040510-632009,00.html \_ How about putting an old Republican Guard general in charge of Fallujah? Talk about the Mother of Flip Flops. \_ Here's someone who missed the message. -op \_ maybe because it's totally unclear? who is "your guy?" in case you haven't noticed, the motd has a plurality of libertarians with a smattering of anarchists, democrats, communists, far-right republicans, moderates and some buchannan nuts. \_ Clinton gave sworn testimony behind closed doors. Bush and Cheney gave unsworn testimony behind closed doors. I'll take sworn over unsworn any time. |
2004/5/2-4 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:29949 Activity:insanely high |
5/1 If the motd is nuked again, the following will restore it (it's a hidden feature): lynx -dump 'http://csua.com/?text=2day > /etc/motd.p ublic \_ kchang's archive only updates a few times a day, right? \_ 6 times during peak hours and twice at night. It's really meant to be used as a search/engine for old entries and doesn't have the quick, interactive feel of motd,v. By the way entries from 1998-2003 are now posted, you can check out all the stupid comments tom made http://csua.com/?q=tom&start=0&type=hist \_ Why would I want to read tom's old stupid comments when I can get them fresh everyday right now? It isn't like he's ever changed (grown up) or anything. \_ and you're the model of maturity. \_ you didn't sign your name so you're stupid and your opinion has no value. --irony #1 Fan \_ ~tse/motd,v \_ Gary, I thought you had a life?! \_ No married man has a life. You should know that. \_ BDG, is that you? |
2004/5/2-4 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:29950 Activity:very high |
5/1 Can someone please recommend a good apachelog analyzer (generates statistics, etc etc)? Something cool, maybe with HTML+graphics, easy to use, and free. \_ awstats. uses php, easy to set up. maybe doesn't do everything that webalyzer does, but a heck of a lot easier to install. \_ umm, webalizer is pretty easy to install. \_ analog is the STANDARD! \_ Search the web for "Scratchy" |
2004/5/2-4 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:29951 Activity:high |
5/2 Everyone be sure to watch "10.5" on NBC tonight from 9-11 PM. It's TV at its finest! |
2004/5/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:29952 Activity:insanely high |
5/2 http://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/03/science/03RESE.html?pagewanted=1&hp US is Losing its Dominance in the Sciences \_ what a typically crappy article. \_ so now NYT articles are crappy? \_ Too bad we can't lose our edge in thinly veiled leftist media. |
3/15 |