2004/4/30-5/1 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:13484 Activity:high |
4/29 Has anyone got notice about gmail? I signed up for information as soon as I heard the news on the radio but haven't gotten anything from them. \_ It's still invitation only. The only people who have accounts right now are Google employees, their friends, then each of them were just allowed to invite 2 more people. \_ Well, the beta service has been an invite-only thing. It helps if you know someone at Google. \_ Gmail is just pre-IPO PR noise. Until you can get an account without silly invites and it is officially out of beta, it does not exist as anything more than pre-IPO fluff and hype. |
2004/4/30 [Uncategorized] UID:13485 Activity:nil |
4/29 How does one learn musical farting? |
2004/4/30 [Uncategorized] UID:13486 Activity:nil |
4/29 [ recruiters are evil, and so are you for taking a head cut ] |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13487 Activity:high |
4/30 http://csua.org/u/74q http://csua.org/u/74h [this one looks overloaded] Pix of the Iraqi POW torture. One of the captions descrbies the picture as a man who was beaten to death by Americans. That's BS, right? Please tell me that's not true. \_ there are always things like this that happen in war. vietnam, korea, WWII, panama, etc. why don't you think "americans" are capable of this? when ppl are shooting at you, cursing you, and generally hate you for "liberating" them while shooting up their neighborhood, family, and friends...well, somethings gotta give. war isn't rational...it's irrational. even your friendly US police beats suspects, prisoners, etc. i've seen this with my own eyes. \_ But look at the friendly soliders smiling! It's all just fun and games. \_ US thrashed a city of 300k, killing hundreds because a small group of people killed and mutilated 4 US mercenaries, so does the above mean Iraqis should kill a few hundred Americans in revenge? \_ The rest of the population didn't help find them. It's called "aiding and abeiting." \_ Yeah but just because a mob of a few hundred did this, should you trash a city of 300k? You don't think any of those people will become terrorists? \_ Given the number of unsolved murders in big cities, most of the US should be firebombed.... \_ Most unsolved murders in the US don't have multiple pictures of the perpetrators pasted in every paper in the world. \_ You've seen pictures? URLp? \_ I saw the live film on TV. You think pictures of these assholes don't exist? Are you for real? \_ You saw a mob after the fact playing up for the cameras. You didn't see these guys actually mutilated on camera, did you? \_ Hey! For all we know John Kerry could have done it. \_ Well, that's the reality of war. The US has no choice, being an occupying power they have to crack down on insurgency even if innocents are killed. It's not like troops just go around randomly killing passers-by. Do you think Saddam was nice to insurgents under his rule? \_ Seriously. Do you think ANY regime that lasted long was nice to insurgents? If you don't stomp them, insurgents tend to become revolutionaries. \_ Exactly. Nothing wrong with Saddam stomping the Shitte uprising either. Those dudes just want a Shiite dominated theocracy kind of like Taliban. The soccer stadium mass grave in Falluja is probably comparable to the Shitte mass graves now. \_ "The Pentagon was really very concerned about broadcasting the pictures, and I think they had good reason," said 60 Minute executive producer Jeff Fager. "The idea that there are hostages being held in Iraq concerned us quite a bit in terms of broadcasting them. It wouldn't take long to get on Al-Jazeera at all." -BBC "But it was agreed for the photos to be shown this week because other news outlets had obtained similar pictures." -UK Daily Mail "Arab television stations led their newscasts Friday with photographs of Iraqi prisoners being humiliated by U.S. military police ... Al-Jazeera introduced the pictures by saying they showed the 'immoral practices' of Iraq's occupation forces." -AP Michael Jackson as lead photo -Major U.S. news sites \_ Humiliated? If we hear one more time about some dimwit bitching about humiliation I say we nuke the place to glass and be done with it. After all the mass murders, gassing, rape, and other abuses from the Saddam dictatorship, these bozos are whining about humiliation and how suicide bombs and mortars are the only answer to save their precious honor? They have no honor or they would've killed Hussein decades ago. \_ Is this a troll? \_ yeah, I can't tell either \_ The Troll Defense. When the nail is hit right on the head quickly allude to it's possibly being a "troll" and hope nobody takes a second to read it more carefully. \_ now this is a troll. The correct way to respond is for op to just say "yes, it's a troll", or "no, it's not". \_ no, it's not. --op of that sub-thread \_ Don't worry, Pentagon has arrested at least 6 soldiers who leaked the photo and they will be sent to court martial. Cameras of any kind are now banned unless explicitly authorized by the high command. \_ It's comforting to see The Pentagon take aggressive action to prevent this sort of thing from coming to light in the future. \_ Hey, it worked for the coffins. \_ Out of sight, out of our fucking minds. \_ Idiot. The rest of us don't need to see coffins to know young Americans are dying in Iraq almost every day. \_ This is merely the tip of the iceberg. These "stupid" soldiers took these pictures because they think its fun, not wrong. You bet no pictures will be taken when they actually do torture/rape them. This is merely humiliation, not torture. \_ I think the young man anally raped by an interrogator would probably think different, but then again, there are no photos of that particular incident, so maybe that makes your point. \_ Raped? URL? |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:13488 Activity:nil |
4/30 Key-escrow is back (now for your luggage): http://www.travelsentry.org/travelers.htm |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13489 Activity:very high 80%like:13482 50%like:10961 |
4/29 Help, Al Qaeda has infiltrate csua and nuking motd is!!! \_ CSUA Motd has Yoda as member, not! \_ Actually... soda:[~] finger yoda Login: yoda Name: Sean Yoda Rouse Directory: /home/sequent/yoda Shell: /usr/local/bin/ksh Last login Thu Apr 22 15:02 (PDT) on ttyBu from New mail received Fri Apr 30 10:17 2004 (PDT) Unread since Fri Apr 30 05:57 2004 (PDT) No Plan. ... though I suppose it's an unanswerable question whether yoda@soda (I love that) is a "member of CSUA Motd". What exactly constitutes motd membership? -- ulysses \_ [formatd] \_ b/w al qaeda & the u.s., the world knows that only the u.s. definately has nukes!!! so, it might be the u.s. nuking the motd.. if it is al qaeda, it is blasting airplanes into the motd!! \_ Israel has nukes! It must be the evil Jews! Kill the Jews! Think of the children! Save the motd whales! \_ Thinking like this will destabalize the Middle East for generations. \_ w00t! \_ I think I will institute a new rule. Anytime my posts are deleted three times in a row, either by malice or by cowardly ssh'ing scumbags who refuse to use motd, I will nuke the motd. Sound fair? ssh'ing scumbags, I will nuke the motd. Sound fair? \_ Nukes are not the answer -liburl \_ I like Bush! -moron \_ I like bush too! -lesbian \_ I like Bush! -moron \_ I like bush and Bush! -Mary Cheney \_ just run your own motd archive if you want to restore after a nuke. that's what i did, after mehlhaff stopped his. obtw, how often does motd update from motd.public? i'd like to make sure i have a good sampling rate. \_ fyi, from looking at mehlhaff's log, it looked like his was done every two minutes \_ That's the default with motdwatch. See "/csua/bin/motdwatch -h" to see how to make your own motd archive. \_ yep, though i didn't even bother with motdwatch. i am running mine every 120 seconds, because that's the motdwatch standard, but i am still curious if that is sufficient. \_ I'd venture to guess that the time between motd changes follows a power-law distribution, and so there's diminishing returns as you watch ever more closely. Since almost all changes are simple non conflicting additions and subtractions, you really only need to watch often enough to catch most changes that orrur right before a nuke. \_ you would be right if you were not interested in microchanges in the motd. me, i like to make sure i can recover if someone just wants to censor a particular comment or thread (cf. the guy who's trying to kill the java job ad). \_ speaking of which, what's a good way to automate the rotating of the archive, assuming i don't have access to cron/at? \_ I'd make a monitoring program generate filenames based on `date "+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S"` and then purge stuff older than a day or so. ssh'ing scumbags, I will nuke the motd. Sound fair? \_ Get lost, loser. \_ Nukes are not the answer -liburl sure i have a good sampling rate. `date "+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S"` and then purge stuff older than a day or so. \_ find . \! -mtime 1 -exec /bin/rm {} \; \_ i was going to make it based on -size, but yes. |
2004/4/30 [Industry/Jobs] UID:13490 Activity:nil |
4/29 My recruiter is looking for some entry to intermediate level Java developers. Please see the description at: /csua/pub/jobs/intermediate-java-developer \_ if nothing else should, at least this should get restored. \_ Someone is being nice enough to post a job listing. If you don't like recruiters, fine don't apply for the job. Just don't try to deprive other people of the job opportunity. \_ Is there a particular reason you're hiding the name of your company? It may explain why this posting keeps being removed. \_ I assume there's the poster, his recruiter, and the company the recruiter is recruiting for. The op may likely not even know the name of the company. \_ I'm guessing the company might be http://geac.com -!op \_ Not a clue. I'm the one doing the restores and not the OP. I just think there might be people looking for jobs. Call it public service on my part, and I assume the OP's. \_ There is no company. It's a recruiter. The guy posting gets a referral cut. Evil. \_ how do you know? \_ Why would he post a recruiter add on the motd? \_ Who cares? Even if he does get a cut, that's one more job going to a csua'er. Better that than no cut, but the job goes to somebody else. NEPOTISM! \_ He's doing other motd readers a favor? I've often pointed friends at recruiters with just a "he's looking for X" and no additional information. \_ Because the motd censor is much wiser than the rest of us. \_ Yeah, right, like resumes and job applicants are such hot commodities right now. \_ I have recruiters contacting me a couple of times a week for unsolicited job offers these days. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:13491 Activity:nil |
4/30 Not what I wanted to see when I go to http://cnn.com http://i.a.cnn.net/cnn/2004/LAW/04/30/jackson.hearing/top.jackson.fri.ap.jpg \_ I'm telling you, he's the freaking Joker! Just dye his hair green, and I would hire him to star in the next Batman movie. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Health/Disease/General] UID:13492 Activity:high |
4/30 From http://finance.yahoo.com: "The Google IPO filing reports a Proposed Maximum Aggregate Offering Price of: $ 2,718,281,828 The value of the natural log e is 2.71828183." Now, how do you feel about investing in a company run by geeks? This is no longer the dot-com era. \_ It's worth e-Billions! \_ Google to investors: We know it is not the dot-com days...do you? http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/30/technology/30value.html?hp \_ Google to investors: We're the hottest thing in town, and we're going to go IPO and *still* retain management control. Who cares if your shares have 1/10 the voting power of employee shares? \_ Sorry, but the "value of the natural log e is" 1. \_ 'Sorry, but the "value of the natural log e" is 1.' \_ 'Sorry, but the value of "the natural log" e is 2.718'. "the natural log" e as opposed to "the drug" e. \_ One can argue that "the natural log" is a function which doesn't have a value, while the "base of the natural log" is e and is 2.718......, and "log(e)" is 1. \_ Sorry, but the value of e is $20 HEY: NO ONE CARES. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Finance/Investment] UID:13493 Activity:high |
4/30 Is Google stock for sale yet? What's the ticker symbol? \_ Try reading one of the bazillion articles on the Net. SJ Merc has at least four in the paper today. \_ You have no business investing in anything risky. Go buy a CD. \_ No. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:13494 Activity:nil |
4/30 C-50 (w/ help from Cl): http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994942 |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13495 Activity:low |
4/30 For you anti-bush liburals (yes I know that's redundant), there are two good opinion pieces on http://nytimes.com today in EDITORIALS/OP-ED. \_ Why do you hate America? ED! ED IS THE STANDARD! _/ \_ HATE! HATE IS THE STANDARD! \_ PLEASE! What does this mean? Why do you keep posting this? I don't get it but I'd like to get in on the joke. \_ USE LINUX! \_ USE L1NUX! \_ RIDE B1KE! \_ it's a question used to get liburls off-balance \_ It's a kind of jab at the whole "my country right or wrong", "support our president or you're unpatriotic" mentality. \_ Yeah, I think someone's trying to make the "PLEASE!" segment into a similar kind of catchphrase. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Computer/Companies/Google, Recreation/Dating] UID:13496 Activity:kinda low |
4/30 How does the SafeSearch feature in http://images.google.com's filter out porn images? Does it have software to detect the amount of skintone colors in the images? \_ Search for "La Blue Girl" in quotes or "urabon." Apparently, it's some sort of language-based filter. \_ http://ipatterson.com/projects/images/blue-girl.jpg \_ that's actually a pretty nice photograph, too bad it looks like it was taken during a football game we were losing \_ there was a recent article i read on how google is getting a lot of flak for the pretty shitty quality of safesearch. apparently, it gets confused by substrings like sex or girl, so sites with stuff like "essex" or "littlegirlclothing" get censored. \_ I love how people love to nitpick at Google. If they have such problems why don't they write their own search engine or just not use Google? \_ actually, this was in the context of legitimate sites getting censored. as you may be aware, for many sites, google visibility can be a make-or-break factor. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:13497 Activity:high |
4/30 I am impressed, GWB knows about bit from byte. He said "..... one bit". Wow. \_ That's nothing compared to Al Gore, who invented the internet. http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue5_10/wiggins Al Gore was the first political leader to recognize the importance of the Internet and to promote and support its development. \_ You know, if Star Wars had succeeded and Reagan had the physical capacity today to say "I created Star Wars", all you freepers wouldn't be saying that Reagan invented laser-based-weapons. Fortunately, for Reagan, Star Wars was only something you watch in movie theaters and he never had a chance to make such statements that would be intentionally misinterpreted. \_ If Star Wars (SDI) had happened under Reagan then he could say he "created" it. The internet didn't happen under Gore either in the sense that he made it happen nor in the joking sense that he literally created it with his mad skillz. \_ You squished 2 posts. Use motdedit. \_ Do any laser-based weapons exist today? \_ Deployed? No. There's a prototype of a chemical-powered laser mounted in a 747 which detects and destroys missiles. Last I heard they were planning on bringing it into production. \_ but he did!! \_ he took the initiatives. \_ alg0r > joo http://csua.org/u/74z http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Gore#External_links \_ urlP? |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:13498 Activity:moderate |
4/30 what does this do: soda [~] % more ~emarkp/bin/clean.pl /home/sequent/emarkp/bin/clean.pl: Permission denied \_ ~emarkp/bin is not group executable. \_ Why don't you email and ask him? \_ It takes all the evil swear words and turns them into things like a** and f***. When it was world readable people were amusing themselves giggling over some of the words emarkp was so horrified of seeing he had to have them stared out. \_ Do tell! \_ Swearing f\/cking kicks AS5! \_ And this, ladies and gentleman, is why emarkp is the motd's best Mormon. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:13499 Activity:nil |
4/30 Media on torture back in 2001 (nonfree article is on nyt but here is a free link) http://www.refuseandresist.org/newrepression/110501torture.html For development since, google Dershowitz (Chutzpah) with torture. Although the pictures coming in are not pretty, it's hardly surprising. We should do a better job of catching those who are distributing the pics since they obviously are trying to disrupt our job there. \_ Sure, let's start arresting and stringing up journalists we don't like. That would be par for the Neocon course. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Finance/Investment] UID:13500 Activity:high |
4/30 Other than making the current shareholders rich, why is Google making an IPO? What will they do with the money so raised to make money? \_ The "other" is a bigdeal. The original investors want liquidity, as do many of the employees. \_ Money allows them to take more risks (inovation) than they can now. It also, if they use it correctly, minimializes the impact of a bad economy or a business downturn against their core company. \_ I haven't really been reading up on this since I'm too poor to buy any stocks, but how are they going to go public and take more risks? \_ They have to do public reporting now so they might as well get the benefits of being public. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:13501 Activity:nil |
4/30 Given the auction structure of google ipo as proposed in its S-1 filing, I would be able to get share if I put my bid sufficently close to the upward ceiling, right? \_ Yes and you'll lose your shirt when it sinks like a rock after. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:13502 Activity:high |
4/29 http://csua.org/u/74u Sinclair not to air Nightline's The Fallen \_ McCain for 2004. Please. \_ Yar. It's nice to see someone else saying this. I've been hoping for the past two years that he would pull a coup. \_ Please. John "I hate the 1st amendment" McCain got my vote in the Republican primary in 2000, but will never get it again. Nightline's name-list is obviously politically motivated--it was originally going to only air the names of troops killed since Bush announced an end to "major hostilities". \_ Why are you so ashamed of the war dead that you want them hidden away? \_ There's a difference between hiding them and not using their deaths to further your own political agenda. We all know how many have died since it gets announced a zillion times a day on tv and in every newspaper. \_ You would have a point here, except the issue is that Bush is hiding them to further his own political agenda. Both sides are equally bad, but Bush is the one going against all historical precedent here. \_ "I hate the 1st amendment"? Explain. \_ Regulation of political speech. McCain-Feingold. Note that the ads this year are even nastier than before, and the little guy can do even less to get his voice out. \_ Money as speech is a fat fucking lie. \_ You are a fat fucking idiot. \_ Set up a webserver. Post a blog about a lying politician. You've most likely gone over the limit and have to register with FEC. And you can't do this within 90 days of federal election. \_ TV time costs money whether individuals pay or corporations pay. Are you saying a television spot isn't speech? \_ I support campaign finance reform, and I support the elimination of big money in politics. Give the candidates a month to campaign, give them all equal broadcast time, and penalize the hell out of them for violating that. All you're telling me is that John McCain is my boy. \_ Cool, then we'd never be able to get rid of a bad incumbent. \_ That of course guts the 1st amendment. It also is impossible. Now we just have groups like http://MoveOn.org slamming Bush's policies, with funding from foreign nationals like George Soros (and I'm sure there are examples on the Republican side of the aisle). \_ No, our boy is an american. \_ McCain-Feingold, does little good and some harm. CFR is compicated and there are real speach issues involved. Speaking of Soros, his website has a good primer: link:tinyurl.com/2th23 -phuqm \_ Source for the end to major hostilities bit? Also remember Nightline dedicated a show to the names of those who died on 9/11, so this isn't totally out of the blue. \_ Can't find it now. However, why aren't they doing this on the anniversary of the *beginning* of the war? \_ Someone is being nice enough to post a job listing. If you don't like recruiters, fine don't apply for the job. Just don't try to deprive other people of the job opportunity. \_ Is there a particular reason you're hiding the name of your company? It may explain why this posting keeps being removed. \_ I assume there's the poster, his recruiter, and the company the recruiter is recruiting for. The op may likely not even know the name of the company. \_ I'm guessing the company might be http://geac.com -!op \_ Not a clue. I'm the one doing the restores and not the OP. I just think there might be people looking for jobs. Call it public service on my part, and I assume the OP's. \_ There is no company. It's a recruiter. The guy posting gets a referral cut. Evil. \_ how do you know? \_ Why would he post a recruiter add on the motd? \_ Who cares? Even if he does get a cut, that's one more job going to a csua'er. Better that than no cut, but the job goes to somebody else. NEPOTISM! \_ He's doing other motd readers a favor? I've often pointed friends at recruiters with just a "he's looking for X" and no additional information. \_ Because the motd censor is much wiser than the rest of us. \_ Yeah, right, like resumes and job applicants are such hot commodities right now. \_ I have recruiters contacting me a couple of times a week for unsolicited job offers these days. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13503 Activity:nil |
4/30 on average, motd is posted by at most 3-5 different people a day. I make this conclusion based on the fact that for the past 2 weeks, I actually wrote 1/3-1/2 of the posts. It's actually quite sad. \_ Someone is being nice enough to post a job listing. If you don't like recruiters, fine: Just don't apply for the job. Don't prevent other people from applying. \_ For you or for the motd? \_ For him, I guess. I, and I hope most people, only post to the motd once or twice a day. \_ Obligatory "One person writes 1/3-1/2 of the posts? Now it makes sense!" \_ there are at least 10 users who sign their posts. i know of several ppl who post but dont sign their posts. Of the anonymous posters, several personas (could be the same person?): Anti-Semite, Jew, Arab, NeoCon, TrueCon, Libertarian #1-N, Liberal, Bleeding Heart Liberal, Con who hates Bush, Deaniac, Kucinich Freak, Taiwan (pro and con current govt), the several users getting married, divorced, single, wnat to get laid, etc. \_ Bastard! You forgot me!!! --Nader '04! \_ wait! I want to get laid! That one must be me! \_ i'm trying to figure out who i am. \_ The motd is no place to search for self-enlightenment. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:13504 Activity:nil |
4/30 What's a good simple freeware/shareware spreadsheet program for Palm OS 5? \_ USE LINUX! |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:13505 Activity:high |
4/30 It is nice outside. What are you doing in front of your computer? \_ Shut up, Paolo. \_ trolling on the motd! \_ are you a Dwarf? (vs Elf or Human) \_ Shut up, Paolo. \_ Working. Just got back from lunch outside. \_ Your text here demonstrates you are (were) not working, ipso facto, but hey. \_ Working for the csua. \_ Waiting for compilation to finish. \_ Getting paid to sit in front of a machine. \_ sys admin? \_ just ahead of schedule and on the clock (contract). \_ working for the weekend? \_ killing kittens |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13506 Activity:high |
4/30 Commie, America hating Scientific American weighs in on the Bush Administration's science policy: http://csua.org/u/74x \_ More like Scientific UnAmerican! \_ Some ppl take this freedom of speech thing too damn far! where's the patriot act when you need it? \_ Soon, baby. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13507 Activity:nil |
4/30 It's hell...everything will be destroyed http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1206705,00.html |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:13508 Activity:moderate |
4/30 Quick C++ question. In Meyer's More Effective C++, Item 22, he has a snippet of code like this: template<class T> const T operator+(const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return T(lhs) += rhs; } My question is, why is it legal to do 'T(lhs) += rhs;'? T(lhs) yields a temporary, which is AFAIK, an rvalue, so since operator+= is not a const member function, the compiler shouldn't allow that line. My reading of the C++ standard seems to support my line of thought. But OTOH, g++ 3.4.0 happily accepts code similar to the above. So am I missing something here? Thanks. \_ T(lhs) is calling the copy constructor, which returns an object; I don't think it counts as a temporary. Not sure though. \_ No, T(lhs) is the functional cast expression, which may call a constructor (but not the copy constructor). Section 5.2.3/1 of the standard says that T(lhs) (that is, a type followed by parens and a single argument) is equivalent to (T)lhs. 5.4/1 then says that (T)lhs for a REFERENCE type is an lvalue, but for a non-reference type it's an rvalue. -emarkp \_ I agree with what you say, except for the part where you say a copy constructor can't be called. That's illogical, and I don't see where the standard says anything about that anyway. \_ Well, that's the only part that isn't clearly in the standard, so I'm glad you agree with the rest. :) Anyway, the standard says that: T(x) is equivalent to (T)x, which any compiler will turn into a noop if the type of x is T. I guess one exception for this would be if the type of x is T const. In which case I guess it would call the copy constructor if T is not a reference type. T *is* a reference type in the example though. -emarkp \_ Oops, my bad. Yeah, this would call the copy constructor (what was I thinking?) because of course lhs can't be modified, but since lhs is a reference type the copied object is an lvalue. I'm sure this is one of the screwy type rules that was made precisely for operator overloading. Sorry for the screwup. -emarkp \_ Hmm, I don't think so. lhs may be of reference type, but T(lhs), which is the same as (T)lhs, is of type T, which is not necessarily a ref type. -op \_ Okay, section 3.10/10: An lvalue for an object is necessary in order to modify the object except that an rvalue of class type can also be used to modify its referent under certain circumstances. [Example: a member function called for an object (9.3) can modify the object.] So it *is* being copied, and it *is* an rvalue, but non-const member functions can modify an rvalue of class type. -emarkp \_ That's nasty, but thanks! -op \_ Ob: And this is why C++ sucks. \_ I agree it is often way too complex, but it has its moments. -op \_ Ironically, the reason this is so complex is so that it will work like you expect, or in a way that a compiler can optimize well. \_ Disagree. At a certain point of complexity it's no longer economical to expect anything. All of this would be irrelevant with T.add(lhs, rhs). \_ Are you arguing against overloaded operators? In your expression, where does the sum go? \_ It's returned as an instance of of T. I'm not being a smartass here, I'm just wondering about cases where operator overloading saves anything more than a few characters of function name. What's the real win? \_ Operator overloading is essential to having user-defined types that don't feel like second-class citizens. "Smart pointers" would be syntactically ugly and cumbersome to use if you couldn't overload pointer-ish operations, for example. I'm sure there are lots more examples when you start using c++ as more than just "a better C". \_ To whoever asked why ocaml syntax is so warty -- in part because ocaml has no operator overloading. I sometimes wish it was there, but I am not holding my breath. The ocaml way \_ Perl. is that the operator can only be the same if the underlying algorithm is the same (so for instance they have +. for floats and + for ints, but < for both floats and ints). So they have 'polymorphism' instead of 'overloading'. -- ilyas |
2004/4/30-5/1 [ERROR, uid:13509, category id '18005#2.68' has no name! , ] UID:13509 Activity:moderate |
4/30 The president of Sinclair Broadcasting Group, the local television group that is refusing to air the Nightline soldier broadcast, has been arrested in Balitomore for pandering. No URL just yet but this is reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ Is this for real? Is Pittsburgh close to Baltimore? \_ Where is Balitomore? \_ 24 hr later still no url and not on google. This must be a troll. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:13510 Activity:kinda low |
4/30 Now do you still sympathize with the Japanese hostages? They call their captors resistance fighters who acted in self-defense. http://tinyurl.com/39l6e (yahoo AP) \_ Yes. \_ yes. For all pratical purpose, their kidnap is just part of their resistance toward occupation. \_ Just because they're stupid doesn't mean I don't sympathize with them. I know many stupid people. \_ This story is interesting. Just reading your description, I thought, Stockholm syndrome, so what? But the gist of it is that their captors didn't threaten them with death every day, like they did with the European hostages. I can understand why the Japanese police didn't believe their stories: these two guys are idiots, at least. \_ No, of course not. If you stick your hand in a meat grinder, we all know you'll get your hand turned into hamburger. If they got tortured and killed I might feel badly for their families. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Uncategorized] UID:13511 Activity:high |
4/30 "Americans claim that they respect freedom and democracy but only in their country." - Ahmad Taher, 24, a student at Baghdad's Mustansiriyah University. \_ He's wrong -- send him a copy of the Patriot Act \- can someone explain to me why john walker lindh is not at the guantanamo holding facility? --psb \_ The U.S. has never been a democracy. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ America has always been a representative republic not a democracy (as Athens was supposed to be). \_ Students are so cute. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13512 Activity:moderate |
4/30 Vietnam's Hero Still Grateful to Anti-War Americans "I would like to thank them," the 93-year-old veteran [Gen. Vo Giap] said on Friday of those Americans who opposed the war. \_ you know by now everyone knows that you are hiding freeper posts by using the ip address. \_ WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA? \_ I would thank them too, cuz it stopped a senseless war at first place. \_ Even Yoda can speak better than this and he's just a sock puppet on steroids. |
2004/4/30-5/1 [Finance/CC, Science] UID:13513 Activity:kinda low |
4/30 Given that the Fed now has huge databases about us (like the info. all the arilines provided after 9/11 which contains address and credit card #), would it be long before some rogue employee share it with google, spammers, mafias, terrorists, or rogue states? And the spammers probably have better data technology than FBI. \_ You think the feds didn't already have your address? Uhm, duh, have you ever paid taxes? Kids today.... \_ not me, pal. I happen to own a *large* black magic marker, and have removed my name from all the phone books I can get my hands on! \_ The IRS does not have my c.c. #. |
3/15 |