2004/4/26 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:13375 Activity:nil |
4/25 I've got top saying that 100% of the cpu is being used 70% user 30 system. But the processes it lists aren't using anywhere close to 100% cpu cumulatively. Is there some other way to see what is eating upt the cpu? \_ Either hacker processes or the kernel, and also top isn't always right..... \_ It is an MP machine? Top doesn't work very well with MP machines, for obvious reasons. |
2004/4/26 [Uncategorized] UID:13377 Activity:nil |
4/26 Teacher threatened with cookie: http://www.wjactv.com/education/3031940/detail.html |
2004/4/26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13378 Activity:nil |
4/26 I am not a liberal, but I am wondering about the relationship between GWB and Condi Rice. I have come across opaque reference to the "very close/special personal relationship between them" several times in mainstream news articles. Then comes the famous slip: http://tinyurl.com/2vxv5 that even made its way to freerepublic (as of now). What's your take? \_ Dr. Rice's warmongering is, imho, criminal and it is my hope to see her on trial at the Hague in some distant future. Having said that, I'm disappointed with the innuendo surrounding her professional/personal relationship with Dubya (for the record -- they are NOT having an affair!). One of the dubious pleasures of observing a black woman with real power & visibility was assuming Dr. Rice was treated as an individual and not subjected to the usual racial stereotypes of black women as hypersexual dynamos (a NY Times article about her choice of hosiery aside). Guess I didn't hold my breath long enough. --elizp, a fly Pinay \_ I've made stupider slip ups in casual conversation, that consisted of no more than "I was talking to [insert random person handle here] the other day..." \_ Condi isn't married, that makes the "husb-- President" comment a bit odd. \_ Umm.. no it doesn't. Before I was married a once call a female friend of mine "my wife." I meant to say "my friend" but some how the wrong word got out. \_ I would expect Bush to make a slipup like that, but we probably wouldn't notice it hidden amongst the other 5 slipups in whatever sentence he was uttering at the time. \_ Where is that picture of Bush kissing Rice on the neck and her eyes half closed in ecstasy? I keep posting it, but some Bush droid keeps censoring it. I can't find the URL now. \_ Here you go: http://www.radioholes.com/images/rh0002.gif \_ That's on the cheek, you tease. \_ http://www.culturekitchen.com/archives/000647.html \_ I think Condi is hot! You may see her in a contest against Hillary. |
2004/4/26 [Computer/SW/Unix, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:13379 Activity:nil |
4/26 How do I use sed or perl, etc. to delete all lines from a file before or after some pattern. For example, in vi, I could type /<pattern>dG or 1Gd/<pattern>. But how do I put this into a script? \_ I believe sed '/<pattern>/d' will do what you want. \_ No, that only deletes the line with the pattern. It doesn't do anything to the lines before or after it. \_ Sorry. Misread the question. \_ in perl you want something like: $skip = 0; open(INFILE,$infile); open(OUTFILE,">$outfile"); while (<INFILE>) { $skip = 1 if (/[pattern]/); print OUTFILE $_ unless ($skip); } close (INFILE); close (OUTFILE); \_ one line form: perl -ni -e'$skip=1 if /PATTERN/; print unless $skip' FILENAME Change "unless" to "if" if you want to print after the PATTERN \_ Thanks. \_ manning sed should reveal addresses. you can do: sed '/moo/,$d' to delete all lines after finding a line that matches the regexp /moo/. -ali |
2004/4/26 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:13380 Activity:nil |
4/26 Kerry doesn't own an SUV, his family does: http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-4009850,00.html \_ Oooh! Tell us about Roger Clinton! \_ Funny how he both uses his wife as a dodge, by saying it's not really *his* car, and sets himself up as a hero for buying an American car. So, is owning a Chevy SUV good or bad Mr. Kerry? \_ 'Cos when your own candidate is suffering due to a war he created and the lies he told, it's best to point to his opponent's car. \_ The point here is that Kerry lied about owning the car because he didn't want to look bad. He should've just told the truth. He is a career politican in the worse sense. \_ 1 SUV is less expensive than 80 billion to invade iraq \_ unlike Bush? \_ Oh Bullpucky. I hate my wife's car and would sell it in a hearbeat if I could, but since she bought it before we were married I just have to put up with it. I am sure with a millionaire wife, she can buy whatever car she likes, with or without her husbands permission. It is not "his" car unless he drives it. Does he drive it? \_ This is just sad. The man's wife's car is about as relevant to this campaign as Laura Bush's formerly liberal ideals. \_ As I pointed out above, I don't care what he drives, but the fact that he's making such pathetic attempts to lie about it. Not to mention, but since they are married, it IS "his" car. \_ I am pretty sure married people can own property seperately. Am I wrong here? \_ For those who espouse traditional family values as republicans do, marriage is an absolutely form of bondage. Yes. \_ Don't be an idiot. It has nothing to do with republicans. They didn't set up the marriage and divorce laws. \_ When you get married to an independent woman, check back in with us. Until then, get a life. \_ So says the same sort of idiot that put in place the "divorce means the woman gets half the man's stuff" laws. According to the law, just property is jointly held. (Unless they have a prenup that says otherwise.) \_ Which state? California is a community property state. How about Massachussetts? And if you ask me if I support Windows, I'll tell you no, because I own and use a Mac exclusively; my wife's PC is nothing to do with me, despite my community property interest. This is pure bullshit semantics. \_ You don't know what you are talking about: http://csua.org/u/72l "Separate property is property that each spouse owned before the marriage. Separate property also includes inheritances and gifts (except perhaps gifts between spouses) acquired during marriage. During and after the marriage, each spouse may keep control of his or her separate property." She came into the marriage worth $400M, surely she is able to afford to buy her own seperate car, unless they have comingled their accounts. Do you have any evidence otherwise? |
2004/4/26 [Transportation/Car] UID:13381 Activity:nil |
4/26 I read somewhere that you can't buy regular deisel cars in California (eg, the VW Jetta TDI). Is this true? I've seen a lot of good things about VW's deisel line and I'm mildly interested in buying. \_ There is a limit allowed sold per year, it is an air quality law. Generally the TDIs run out around mid year, you should still be able to get one. \_ What with improved gas milege and better scrubbers and such for deisel cars, do they still pollute more than gasoline cars, and how much more? \_ Fuel prices for deisel are often higher than straight gas. Be care what you wish for. \_ It's often cheaper too, due to lower federal taxes. \_ What the crap are you responding to? |
2004/4/26 [Health] UID:13382 Activity:nil |
4/26 Mary-Kate Olsen on drug addiction: "If I had a drug addiction, I would be in a thingy--like Promises, the Malibu [rehab] place. You don't see me there. So, like, come on. It's crazy." |
2004/4/26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan] UID:13383 Activity:moderate |
4/26 NYTimes is running an editorial promoting marijuana decriminalization http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/26/opinion/26SCHL.html \_ An article written by Eric Schlosser. 'Eric Schlosser is the author of "Fast Food Nation" and "Reefer Madness."' Just so's you know. \_ Right. Thanks for the correction. \_ how is this a correction? is the piece no longer on http://nytimes.com because Eric Schlosser wrote it? \_ Someone performed sed s/editorial/article/ on my post. \_ It's neither an article nor an editorial. It's an op/ed piece. \_ Has anyone been able to get nytimes working with the web browser links? I can do it with lynx, but not links. tia. \_ Wow. Was it really necessary ot modify my posting like 4 times? -op \_ Yes. It is easier for the weak minded to modify your post instead of replying intelligently to it. When my posts are modified I accept it as complete and total victory over the vastly inferior intellects that invest the motd. |
2004/4/26 [Consumer/Audio] UID:13384 Activity:nil |
4/26 If my closing date on a condo is 5/31, is there any way to order DSL for it through Speakeasy and get the free iPod, given that the deal expires on 4/30, or am I just ass-out? \_ Order it and schedule installation for after 5/31. \_ Not seeing this free iPod offer on http://Speakeasy.net.... \_ http://speakeasy.net/promos/bribe/?source=hp \_ You're willing to pay ten bucks more a month for four more email addresses and an iPod? Dood, yr getting played. Even if you drop them when your 2-year contract runs out, they're still only out $50. |
2004/4/26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:13385 Activity:nil |
4/26 Jordan Foils Chemical attack making the rounds again. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1124697/posts?q=1&&page=51 \_ Jordan's VX attack == Chemical attack and I've seen only one URL which said "VX" |
2004/4/26 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13386 Activity:nil |
4/26 How do i rewrite alias ff='find . -name "!*" -print' in bash? thx \_ You need to use a shell function to emulate that behavior in general, but for your example, the -print is redundant anyway, so alias ff='find . -name' would suffice. \_ Bash? Why would you convert to a useless bastardised shell like that? Gach! Ptooey! |
2004/4/26 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:13387 Activity:nil |
4/26 Most spams/frauds are easy to spot, but what if someone from Africa wrote you with professing interest in buying stuff that your biz advertises? Should one discount everything from Africa? \_ Has anyone ever actually replied to one of those spam emails asking for help transferring funds? What happens when you contact them? Do they then ask you for some money? \_ there are actually whole websites devoted to this topic. there are pictures of these people posing with the nigerians too. stfw for 419 related stuff. \_ http://419eaters.com is my favorite. \_ I would personally not take the risk, since it is probably 90% likely to be a scam. But if you do decide to do business with an unsolicited customer from overseas, make sure you have cash in hand before sending merchandise. Not a cashiers check, either. \_ Seconded. You could also use an escrow agent. \_ Use http://www.escrow.com I was ripped off by a phoney escrow agent that a seller suggested to me. \_ What's wrong with a cashier's check? \_ They can be faked. Even if your bank puts the money in your account, then can still take it back if the check comes back phoney. \_ Damn! I didn't believe this, googled a bit. That's pretty depressing, so many gotchas out there... *sigh* http://www.craigslist.org/about/scams.html So is there any way to quickly check whether a cashier's check is valid or not? Why can't this be immediate? \_ Did you hear about the guy who got $100K in cash from a phony check? \_ Yeah! And then she dried her dog off in the microwave oven and he exploded and turned into an alien and ate her spine! \_ Uhm, it's actually a pretty well documented story. \_ I always thought cashier's check is as good as cash, and that when I send out one I always assumed it's gone. Guess regulations are always designed so that only criminals can take advantage of it. |
2004/4/26-27 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:13388 Activity:nil |
4/26 Trying to compile Perl on Darwin, I'm stuck on this line: ar -rc bar2.a bar2.o bar1.o Any reason why? ok thx \- did you run into problems with the case-insensitivity on the mac file system? that's probably a different problem but somthing i ran into building perl a while ago. --psb \_ Starting with 10.3, you can turn "on" case-sensitivity on HFS+, but there is no gurrantee that it won't create more problems than it solve. By the way, how did you manage to compile perl eventually? \- the general view seems to be fmting the fs with the case sensitivity option is asking for trouble as a number of tools dont expect this, such as some backup software. re: perl ... not's not hard to get around once you figure out what is doing on, e.g. configure = Configure = CONFIGURE. --psb \_ mac osx doesn't have perl included as a default?? \_ he's referring to Darwin, not OS X. |
2004/4/26 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:13389 Activity:nil |
4/26 US warns Taiwan not to perceive pledge of defense as blank check http://csua.org/u/72p (NYTimes: csuamotd/csuamotd) \_ thank you for the csuamotd!! now i can read NY times!! \_ and numerous other pseudo-free registration sites. \_ Yeah, that and all the other news I've been reading still suggests that the U.S. doesn't think Taiwanese independence is worth it; if Taiwan wants to break the status quo by pushing for formal independence, we might break away from the Taiwan Relations Act -- there is only one China \_ If it comes down to it, I don't think it's worth it either. The status quo works. I don't want to get into a war with China over a semantic pissing match. \_ The current status quo only works up to now because it is based on the assumption of a static model that the 2 sides are on equal military footing. However, the situation across the TW Strait is dynamic one. With recent missiles build up in CN, CN is estimated to have the capability to invade and take TW by 2006-2008. TW's current administration is under time pressure to take some form of action by then. One scenario is an outright formal independence. Another one is unification under CN's one-china terms. The current status quo is unlikely to be able to last for another 10 years. \_ "With recent missiles build up in CN, CN is estimated to have the capability to invade and take TW by 2006-2008" -- this is the first time I've seen this, and I read a lot of stuff. "TW's current administration is under time pressure to take some form of action by then". Have you considered that a vastly more important factor could be that Chen's term will be up by then so he's trying to get the change in while he can, since Ma, KMT's probable candidate, will probably win in 2008 and follow this with dropping any pro-independence measures in progress? \_ Actually this quote suddenly appeared on some newspaper from Taiwan today, ostensibly quoting Jane's, which, as I recall, has always been giving fuzzy statements like that not just on China but just about any contentious subject, but the dates keep changing. |
2004/4/26 [Recreation/Humor] UID:13390 Activity:nil Cat_by:rory |
4/26 List your favorite South Park series: \_ You mean episode? I have only 1 favorite South Park series. \_ and what is that? \_ Chinpokimon \_ Chinpokomon. \_ Japanese Cartooned South Park (Butter's Eyes got poked out) \_ "Fun with Weapons" \_ Christian Rock (Cartman leads) \_ Mr. Jefferson (Michael Jackson) \_ Casa Bonita \_ Mecha-Streisand \_ Scott Tennorman Must Die |
2004/4/26 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:13391 Activity:nil |
4/26 I don't understand this whole Axis deal. I mean, what does Germany have in common with Japan? Food? Language? Georgraphic location? No, no, no, and no! What the heck were Hitler/Hiro thinking? \_ They both believed in dominating "inferior" peoples by force of arms for "living space", and exterminating/experimenting on said "inferior" people. Natural allies. \_ Sorta like the Europeans and the Native Americans? \_ Dang straight. Only problem with the theory was that they tried on superior people. \_ Wow, the motd is full of intelligent people.... This reminds me of one post that said that the (west) indians created thanksgiving to show their gratitude and another that implied that westerners came here only to tax the locals, and I believe they weren't joking or sarcastic. \_ "they" = the axis? The axis was kicking the allies ass and only lost because Hitler micro managed his superbly top notch generals. \_ The allies' breaking of communication codes was also a big factor against both Japan and Germany. And the battle of britain. But if it had gone on much longer I guess Germany would've gotten nuked. Actually Hitler personally helped screw the BoB too by switching to pointlessly bombing London. \_ the "Axis" was Germany and Italy; Japan joined later. \_ The heat is unbearable, and you are not helping. \_ What do you mean, I'm not helping? \_ The axis are the bad guys, like the "axis of evil". The good guys are the allies. Mysterious evil strangers in a foreign land who would compromise the American Dream? Axis. \_ Germany and Italy made up the name themselves. \_ If we want to be anal, the URL below says Hungary came up with "axis" first for Italy, Germany, and Hungary, but no one used it. Mussolini popularized it, and he used axis to mean Germany and Italy. Then in 1940 there was a "Three-Power Pact" which included Japan; all three countries would cooperate "to establish and maintain a new order of things". Probably Roosevelt at some point decided to start throwing around "Axis powers". \_ Wrongo, boyo. http://csua.org/u/72n \_ While the historical origin of "axis" is such, the usage as applied today is as originally stated \_ Useless dodging. We're all too smart for that. \_ I'm not sure what point we're arguing, but I did post something above ("If we want to be anal"). \_ They were both running up against the British empire and the US. The Brits and Americans and French were screwing around all over Asia. It's the same kind of alliance as France-Russia, where they have a mutual enemy between them but no possible conflicts. \_ There were liberators and opponents of the British hegemony. |
2004/4/26 [Finance/CC] UID:13392 Activity:nil |
4/26 http://www.csua.org/u/72a \_ Unclear on what a Devian is. I know what a Tart is, though. |
2004/4/26-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13393 Activity:nil |
4/26 InterScan jobs at GlobalVR. see /csua/pub/jobs/GlobalVR |
2004/4/26-27 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:13394 Activity:nil |
4/25 Did the motd just get too long to leave my tech Q up? Anyone out there want to clue me in on how to check kernel cpu usage? I assumed that would be part of top's "system" cpu numbers. no? \_ If memory serves, nobody had a usefull answer. \_ http://csua.com/?entry=13375 \_ ps |
2004/4/26-27 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:13395 Activity:nil |
4/26 Someone is using my domain as a return address to send a whole lot of spam (if the bounce messages I am receiving are any indication of quantity). I know this because I receive any mail sent to my domain. Is there anything that I can do about this? The bounce messages are annoying but I am most concerned that I will end up on many spam filter black lists as a result. Thanks for your useful and humorous suggestions, \--mrehrer \_ many bounce messages contain the bounced message attached, complete with headers. this lets you have some idea of who is behind the spam. if you can shut down enough of their accounts, maybe they'll get the message and pick on someone less troublesome. \_ rofl... do you really think they keep their accounts a long time in any case? Do you really think they know, or even care who reports them? No. They PLAN on having throw away emails, hosts, spam relays, etc. \_ rofl... you're an idiot. note the part where i said maybe. a lot of this does depend on the particular circumstances, but most spammers do have to perpetually try to stay one step ahead, so why have more meddling than necessary if they can just pick on an easier mark? op may want to try a service like spamcop with a little more clout than the average joe. \_ If they're being hosted at a Good place, then sure, you might have a chance of shutting them down. If they're on your system, then sure, you can shut them down completely. If they're just using your domain as the nominal return address, and they're not hosted by a Good place, you may very well be SOL. Unless, of course, you can find their Snail Mail address and make it physically unbearable to continue. \_ You may want to contact Matt Seidl (seidl@soda). He involved himself in a lengthy lawsuit over exactly this sort of thing a number of years ago. I don't know how his efforts panned out. He used to keep a web page following events. -- ulysses \_ http://www.wraith.com/seidl/lawsuit |
3/15 |