2004/4/21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13302 Activity:nil |
4/21 Republicans will have to rename cigars next. "Freedom cigars"? http://csua.org/u/6zl (Al-Jazeera) \_ Why do you hate America? \_ What does this phrase mean? Why do you keep posting it? No one ever responds, it makes no sense, it never seems to be in any sort of context. Please explain. \_ It started as a spoof of hardcore neocons who seemed to challenge any criticism of the war or the President as unpatriotic. It's since become a sort of catchphrase offered up any time anyone says or does something not in direct support of the war. You know, like RIDE BIKE! or ED! \_ ED! ED IS THE STANDARD EDITOR! \_ If this is true, it will destabilize the Middle East for years to come. \_ here we go again, you are not bein loyal to our great leadership in the time of crisis. \_ Then again, I also think Bush himself again and again bring entire nation into danger... just like the leader of German's National Socialist Party did 60 years ago. \_ "entire nation into danger"? I'm afraid to walk down the street! You do not know what danger is, boy. \_ German street was very safe after they got rid of all the commie mutants and before the Red Army marched in with our help. |
2004/4/21 [Recreation/Computer] UID:13303 Activity:nil |
4/20 One man's take on Friendster (warning: Quicktime) <link deleted> http://www.zefrank.com/smallworld \_ stupid shit... stop re-posting it \_ God, you're an asshole. I found it amusing. Why do you bother? Eat a bug. -John |
2004/4/21 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:13304 Activity:nil |
4/21 German Army Turns Into Gay Orgy: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/040421/325/ernky.html \_ Ok, the way it's written in the article makes it sound like a horrible idea. In practice it will probably just be a bad idea. \_ Come on, the Spartans didn't do too badly, although I'm sure it sucked to be a Messenian. \_ If this is true, it will destabilize the Middle East for years to come. \_ Was college a gay orgy for you? \_ No, but if it had been all male, it probably would have been. \_ That's what the Boy Scouts is about. |
2004/4/21 [Uncategorized] UID:13305 Activity:nil |
4/21 What are some ways to approximate geological location from a url? \_ whois, nslookup \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=ip+address+location |
2004/4/21 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:13306 Activity:nil |
4/21 Andrei Codrescu had a poem on All Things Considered last night, regarding gay marriage. Does anybody have the text? And before you accuse me of being an uppity NPR listener, I also watched Law & Order SVU, which really is the worst show on television. \_ Does this mean you have poor TV choice as well as being a commie pinko? \_ poor tv selection. \_ http://www.bestofneworleans.com/dispatch/2004-03-09/penny.html Not as impressive in print though; it loses his timing. \_ A *poem*? that's a poem?! Wow. I'm 100% pro gay marriage, but I don't find myself hating NPR any less than before. What shit. \_ He's a poet, he wrote an essay, it sounded good in traffic. Like I said, it loses something in print. You don't have to be a philistine about it. \_ That must have been SOME traffic. |
2004/4/21 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13307 Activity:nil |
4/21 fsck is going to run on the root filesystem of my remote server on the next reboot. Is there someway to capture the output without a human having to look at the screen while it is running. I don't have a remote console. \_ If this is linux, put a ">> filename" in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit for the fsck line. No. I lie. man initlog. --scotsman |
2004/4/21 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:13308 Activity:nil |
4/21 In programming speak we call a # a hash and a ! a bang. Is there a jargon name for ~? \_ tilde. \_ seconded \_ squiggle \_ twiddle? \_ I concurr. \_ I tend to call "#" a pound. \_ more discriminating people have tended to call this 'sharp', e.g. in K&R. pound is for phones. \_ Maybe, but #! being called sharp-bang seems odd. \_ not really. #! is called shebang, which would seem to be a shortening of sharp-bang. \_ Far more often referred to as "hash-bang", shortened to "'sh-bang." Let's not reference Mr. Hung any more than necessary. And, btw, the only appropriate place it's called a "sharp" is in music... Fuck C# --scotsman \_ I agree that # is properly called hash. I hate calling it a pound, that's for British currency. \_ Jargon File says: shebang: "The character sequence #! that frequently begins executable shell scripts under Unix. Probably derived from "shell bang"..." In any case, like I said, I think K&R calls it a sharp, and I sure wouldn't trust your judgment over K&R's. Also, I don't care for your "Fuck C#" justification at all -- you sound like a tool. \_ Wasn't the original name 'octothorp' coined by the bell folks? -saarp \_ Surely something so obtuse could only have come from IBM? \_ what's @ called? \_ yomama \_ at. \_ In Korean it's called a "snail." \_ it's an onion \_ cinnamon roll \_ What do you call a "*"? \_ star \_ Splat. \_ That's what I call it too, but only Berkeley people seem to use this. |
2004/4/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13309 Activity:nil |
4/21 OSC on how Bush did or did not cause 9/11! http://www.ornery.org/essays/warwatch/2004-04-11-1.html \_ See, this is why OSC gets a rep for being a crank. It's possible to understand that Osama bin Laden and al Qaeada were responsible for 9/11 AND see that the Bush Administration failed to do enough to prevent 9/11. OSC needs to learn a non-binary approach to the world. / What happened to your moral clarity? _/ \_ Ooo, ooo! What would you have done to stop 9/11 as the new president of the US with no idea it was coming? \_ We've done this before. See kchang's archives: http://csua.com/?entry=13137 \_ Ah yes, Nothing interesting, reasonable or remotely intelligent was posted. Go motd! \_ Kettle, pot, black. Plonk. \_ Umm.. I was making a point that a lot of people pass the blame, but nobody has any ideas. \_ Yes, and you made the point through demonstration just now. Nicely done. \_ Shooting down hijacked airplanes could have been made a government policy. So many off course planes in the last 10 years were intercepted by the Air Force, there really is no good excuse why the second WTC flight was not shot down. \_ why does anyone care what a hack sci-fi writer has to say about politics? \_ Because he wrote Ender's Game and people somehow think that makes up for the drivel he's written since then. \_ Ender's Game might be fun for kids and game geeks, but it's really not a very good book. -tom \_ He has written a number of good books since than, and some crap too. I read his opinion pieces because they're online, and usually different than what I hear elsewhere. I don't always agree, but it's usually a fairly intelligent take on things. \_ Note: Different is properly followed by from. Different to, for different from, is a common English colloquialism. Different than is quite inadmissible. (dict different) \_ Thank you Professor Higgens \_ You are welcome, my lady \_ The success of Ender's Game (and his other books) have something to do with his ability to express himself well, and (IMO) to talk about the truth of the human condition. That being said, his hobbies are history and especially military history, and I find his comments to be well-studied. -emarkp \_ Yeah, and the next political commentator will be Danielle Steele. -tom \_ emarkp is being disingenuous. The real reason he likes Card is that Card is a Mormon like him. BTW, haven't we already discussed this to death on the motd before? \_ Oh my gosh! It's a Mormon conspiracy! Sorry dude, that's the dumbest freaking thing I've heard in a long time. \_ You corrected my spelling and then made a serious grammatical error. Who's the dumbass? \_ You assholes did not correct anything. You interrupted posts to show what could be done to correct them. Posts fixed, idiocy removed. \_ one's a typo, the other shows bad spelling. \_ Not the same person either. \_ Did he say anything about not disbanding the Iraqi army? If so, he is already ahead of Bush Jr and his advisors. \_ Dear Mr. Card, I am sorry that you were not born in a time when America had stand-up enemies to fight (like the Nazis). I, too, wish that America had an enemy that would unite us in a universal morality, an enemey that we could point to as a negative reflection of everything that we stand for. Then we could point to that great enemy and say, We are the opposite of that. We could declare ourselves the good and the right in the face of utter evil. Unfortunately, all of our enemies these days exist on the fringes of morality. Many of them are our children come back to haunt us. Few of them have the military might or geopolitical will to inspire much more than a street-to-street city gunfight or individual suicide bomb attacks. None of them are the bogey-men we need to truly galvanize the nation (and the world) into the world-wide benevolent dictatorship that we need. Neither do we have the leadership to truly lead us in a benevolent world-wide dictatorship dedicated to the betterment of humanity. There are no wise Hegemons to bring us to a new Enlightenment; no Hari Seldons have stepped up to guide us to our true potential as the rightful rulers and benificent caretakers of our planet and our quadrant of space. No, our leaders, both Republicans and Democrats, are much more interested in the short-term gain in power of the next four years and the long-term acquisition of profit for the foreseeable future than they are in the betterment of mankind. Our leaders have allowed themselves to be led by past grudges and debts of honor to follow bad counsel from weak and self-serving sycophants. It is right and good to want a strong, united America. It is wrong and bad to mistake brutality for strength and sheepish acquiescence for loyalty. It is criminal to turn a blind eye to corporate greed and war profiteering especially when it is done in the name of building democracy. We owe it to ourselves and the America we dream of to open our eyes and see the wrong done in our name as well as the good. Only by doing this do we have any hope of seeing that America come to pass. Yours, erikred \_ Funny you use Nazis. They were on the fringe of morality in their time. Evil always trys to make itself look moral. \_ that is the problem, the word "evil." Nothing is black n white, there is no such thing as absolute evil. You need to learn that, eventhough most people learned that at age of 4. \_ I wonder how many victims of violent crimes are moral relativists. I wonder how many people who saw their children tortured and killed in front of their eyes agree with you. Moral relativism is a product of a safe and prosperous age. It was easy to believe in evil when you had to face it every day. -- ilyas \_ Evil exists but it's not a phantom force floating around. It's simply the case when people decide not to respect the rights of others in the pursuit of their own goals. Nazi Germany did some evil things, but then so did the USA, Russia, and Israel. Nations generally have more reasonable rationales for their actions than sadistic psychos whose "goals" are merely enjoying the infliction of suffering and pain. It seems to be the norm historically that cultures have different standards of ethics towards outsiders, often glorifying the destruction of other tribes. \_ I must respectfully disagree. - Cthulhu \_ I must disagree also - George W. Bush \_ w00t! \_ No, there really are people who will just cause pain, or steal, or do any other number of ethically repugant things for fun or profit. If they want to do it on a large scale, they will rationalize it with pretty words, but it's still evil. Besides, it there's no such thing as universal morals, why don't we just nuke thw whole middle east and be done with it? |
2004/4/21 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:13310 Activity:nil |
4/21 Do you notice a lot of non-Indian, non-Asian, non-Caucasian CS/EECS students these days? related article: http://tinyurl.com/2mg2f \_ It could be that the College of Engineering's sundry programs for recruiting underrepresented minorities and making sure they graduate in CS/EECS is actually working. (I believe Cal's is headed by a black, female Materials Engineering graduate who also distinguished herself as one of Cal's few Rhodes Scholars.)-elizp \_ tell me how smart or dumb the incoming class is. don't tell me what race it is. \_ or how privileged. \_ it would be great if uc adjusted admission based on socio- economic status (or lack thereof) rather than on race- substitutes. (btw, i believe i saw reference to a study that said, based on se status, asain attendance would go up, whites stay flat, and other privileged minorities would drop. sorry, no ref, so may just be faulty on my part.) \_ Why? Why not just have smart people rather than stupid poor people? Oh wait, I forgot... -John \_ we are. poor kid who did well tend to be smarter than rich kid who performed at an equal level. take bush and clinton for example. if clinton has low IQ like bush, he would not have made it to governor of arkansas. \_ The Clintons are poor now? -- ilyas \_ Bill Clinton grew up poor. Are you purposely being stupid? \_ Well I am not a Bill Clinton scholar or anything, nor did I read any of his biographies. Quick internet search turns up at least middle class, given the jobs of his mother and step-father. But yes, Tom, I am purposely being stupid. -- ilyas \_ that wasn't me, twink. I'm not sure you can help being stupid. -tom \_ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton "Clinton grew up in a turbulent family. His stepfather was a gambler and alcoholic who regularly abused his wife, and sometimes Clinton's half brother Roger, Jr." Search harder padawan. \_ I grant that he was a gambler and a drunk. But poor? No way. Look up what Clinton's parent did for a living again. -- ilyas \_ "He rose from poverty to graduate from Georgetown University with a degree in International Affairs" It does not matter how much money you make, if you gamble it all away. Your refusal to even bother reading the first few paragraphs of the refernce I found for you only demonstrates your desire to stay ignorant, the definition of stupidity in my book. -!tom \_ Well, I have a choice. One is to take wikipedia's word for it, and another is to look at what his adult family members actually did for a living... I ll take my chances with that. I ll grant you my stupidity if you want, just to avoid having to talk about it anymore. A short blurb from wikipedia doesn't prove your argument for you. I offered a reasonable piece of information for why he didn't grow up poor. You just flamed. -- ilyas \_ gambling can make you poor even if you have a decent job. \_ Yeah it may. Or not. It would be nice to actually look into that. But let's just quote wikipedia some more instead. -- ilyas \_ http://csua.org/u/708 If you really are interested. \_ I am not the person who quoted wikipedia. \_ and rich kids who did well tend to be smarter than other rich kids who did less well. so let's control for se status. \_ Cal does a "comprehensive review" which includes looking at socioeconomic status. -tom \_ And here I've been thinking that "comprehensive review" is just court approved smoke screen for "let's accept members of privileged minority classes rather than members of nonprivileged minority classes". Silly me. \_ Somewhat related question. There have been many studies along the lines of: send in white and black candidates for job/loan/ apt/whatever and observe white candidates getting better response. Has there been a study where they sent in college applications for black and white students of identical background/ grades/scores/recommendations/etc. and observe the admission results? \_ the scariest study of that nature I saw was one in which computer-generatred resumes were sent to perspective employers with fake randomized personal and profesional information, but with some having "black sounding" names that are typically associated with african americans, and some having more WASP sounding names. \_ Well who would this benefit? That's why it won't be studied. Merit-based admission is the dream, but won't happen until the educational playing field is leveled - which will be never. \_ Gee, isn't it worthwhile to find out if there's racial discrimination in the college application process? Color me curious. \_ It would be interesting if we can attach a value for being a member of <minority> in the college application process. Someone enterprising might be able to take advantage of that. A very straight friend joined all the usual gay/ lesbian/bi/transexual clubs as part of his med school application process and got into some pretty impressive schools that he thought he'd have no chance at. With no control, it's hard to know what the effect of his club membership might have had, but it'd be an intersting thing to find out, no? \_ We should screen for hot females. Old-time MIT-boys still tell me how great the class of '86 was. |
2004/4/21-22 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:13312 Activity:nil |
4/21 Does anyone archive funny/cute flash games posted on the motd? I really need to do something fun before I am officially laid off on Friday. \_ try this you pathetic depressed laid-off silicon valley engineer: http://www.bol.ucla.edu/~jha331 \_ In my day we surfed porn and planted at bombs. Kids these days. \_ http://www.ebaumsworld.com/helicopter.shtml http://games.geekhaven.net/penguin/penguin.swf http://www.jfedor.org/misc2/penguin.swf (with sound) -John \_ http://www.urban75.com/Punch/gates.html http://www.axlrosen.net \_ http://www.orisinal.com -- awesome \_ Why do you hate america? |
2004/4/21-22 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:13313 Activity:nil |
4/21 Do all firewire enclosures for 3.5" disks have fans? Couldn't an aluminium enclosure in contact with the drive go sans fan? \_ Kind of like this? http://csua.org/u/702 \_ Yeah, exactly like that. Do you have one of these? Do you have the loose-connection problem discussed in the newegg user forums? What chipset is in this device? Does it work with Linux? \_ I don't have one. Prolific chipset. |
2004/4/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13314 Activity:nil |
4/21 Doonesbury's got me wondering: are there any stats for the number of soldiers maimed in the current war? I've heard the new body armor is superb at protecting the torso, but that means (potentially) more soldiers losing limbs instead of dying. Does "700 dead" tell a reasonably accurate story? \_ An old article, but it does begin to address your query. http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1041822,00.html I would imagine the numbers have increased quite a bit given the past month's events. -- ulysses \_ 700 is not purely accurate no matter how you slice it. It's just the number dead in Iraq from hostile and non-hostile action. The number of wounded is a much higher ratio than most war conflicts due to improved body armor, equipment, supply, and tactics. Details: http://lunaville.org/warcasualties/Summary.aspx \_ a much more interesting question to ask is how many civilian iraqi casualties have there been? would it suprise you to find out that it's >10x this number? |
2004/4/21 [Uncategorized] UID:13315 Activity:nil |
4/21 Yay! "By that time, the 27 visa waiver countries will be expected to have so-called "biometric passports" for its citizens. Such passports will include fingerprint and iris identification features that make the documents virtually impossible to counterfeit." |
2004/4/21-22 [Consumer/Camera] UID:13316 Activity:nil |
4/21 I'm looking for a good zoom lens for my 300D (Digital Rebel). Any recommendations as to which Canon EF-S (or other brands) to consider? How about buying a used lens from craigslist? tia. \_ stick with Canon lenses. use ebay for used lenses. \- ebay has been a boon for sellers not buyers on things like lenses. might be ok for filters. often things in good cond sell for 90% of what you would pay to bhphoto. --psb what zoom do you want? Digital Rebel has a 1.6x cropping factor already. \_ My guess is that you have no idea what you want, no? What kind of lenses do you want? another places you can try (much better than ebay) is http://www.keh.com Go for the "bargain" grade. --happy keh customer who never own a single new lenses \_ I'm looking for something like a 28-105mm or 28-135mm. I mostly take pictures of wildlife (birds, &c.) while I'm out hiking/traveling. I don't really need the wide angle that the 18-55 provides but I also don't want to carry two lenses, one for zoom and one for regular shots. (I'm not sure if I explained that very well). I'll check out http://keh.com. \_ then get the 28-135 then. But don't forget about that 1.6x \_ Tamron lenses are a good alternative to canon lenses, and somewhat cheaper. There isn't too much drop off in quality. -meyers \_ Buy Nikon lens, they are better!! |
2004/4/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:13317 Activity:nil |
4/21 To whoever wanted the sound bite of Ice-T talking about the "down low" a couple of weeks ago on L&O:SVU: /csua/tmp/down_low.mp3 and /csua/tmp/down_low_2.mp3 |
2004/4/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes, Academia/GradSchool] UID:13318 Activity:nil |
4/21 A tangent from the underrepresented minorities in CS/EECS thread below: Why don't many Cal grads apply/get Marshalls or Rhodes Scholarships? In my experience teaching at both Ivy League and BIg Ten universities, it's certainly not that Cal undergrads aren't up to it. COuld it be that the university doesn't do enough to promote the scholarships (the RHodes interview, from what I've heard requires a bit of coaching)? Or that perfectly accomplished & brilliant Cal undergrads, after four years of getting their egos bashed, just want to apply to grad/prof. school and move on with their lives? Just speculating. -elizp \_ I believe it is mostly because Cal undergrads have a lower opinion of themselves than is warranted. -ausman (in general of course, there are many exceptions) \_ That sounds right. Remember, boys & girls: don't let the system get you down. Seriously. -elizp \_ After a few years at Cal, I felt pretty bashed. Then I entered the real world where falling into the 92% range wasn't an "F" any more and recovered. In fact, the rest of the world is so dumb compared to the weakest Cal grad that you can skim by in life doing 35% and still do just fine. I'm on cruise control at 70% and doing really well. The bell curve in life is much different than the bell curve at Cal. The fact that almost every Prof and TA will happily treat you like shit doesn't help students either. Screw Cal, join life, win big. \_ I know of 2 Cal undergrads who later got Marshall scholarships. One (EECS ugrad) declined a Gates Scholarship (this is a wannabe Marshall / Rhodes scholar), and another got a Luce scholarship. \) cal has one marshall scholarship this year but the farm has 5 http://www.marshallscholarship.org/profiles2004.html \_ Cal had a Rhodes scholar last year. \_ ankur. eecs & business. \_ ``Cyrus is a black belt karate instructor, a downhill skier, and a published photographer. He is also blind.'' --rhodes scholar How can that shit be real? \_ I can explain the black belt, I think. A lot of modern black belts are meaningless. -- ilyas \_ Don't nitpick, Ilya. You still don't get handed one for walking in the door and being able to write your name. -John \_ As long as sparring isn't a part of promotion I'm confused as to why a blind person wouldn't be able to learn karate anyway. \_ A lot of such scholarships are just jokes. \_ If it's free money, why not apply? |
2004/4/21-22 [Transportation/Motorcycle] UID:13319 Activity:nil |
4/21 Hey Crackhead (craigslist posting): http://csua.org/u/704 \_ Hey, this is very similar to the reason _I_ hate drug addicts.. |
2004/4/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:13320 Activity:nil |
4/21 What are your favorite useless lines on motd? I'll start: -Attitudes like this will destabilitze the whole middle east. -ED ED ED! ED IS THE STANDARD! EDITOR! -emacs user was here -RIDE BIKE! USE L1NUX! -go back to English/Rhetoric/Econ/History 1A \_ [tech threads deleted because of censorship of political threads] \_ why do you hate america? \_ "<Useless snide comment or insult> -tom" \_ spelling corrections \_ Questions easily answered by spending 5 minutes with google \_ It's on Slashdot. Go post there if you care. |
2004/4/21-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Ilyas, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13321 Activity:nil |
4/21 http://cal.berkeley.edu/directory/index.asp?msg=2 "Thomas Holub", "Tom Holub" -> There were no records found matching your request. "Partha Banerjee" -> There were no records found matching your request. When did they graduate? Degrees? \_ Graduate? Degrees? \_ Old motd saying: The ways of men do not apply to psb. As for tom, maybe it was a tragedy of the commons. \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~pst/csua/CSUA_Activist.html "The majority of the online csua community was composed of older legacy Associate Members, creating a "ol' Boys Club" which actively created an atmosphere in which the newer members were treated as inferior sub-citizens... " Paolo is talking about tom. It's been a long time since this has been tried, but I think now is a good time to squish tom. \_ paolo wrote that like 4 years ago, why do ANY of you care? who is cranky old tom-hater? I still don't know. i am sad about your pathetic life. \_ sup party peepz! That wasn't about tom. - pst (who didn't know about tom until 6 months after he wrote that). \_ First, you need some non-anonymous person to complain. \_ It works best if the complainant happens to be the girlfriend of a polit bureau member. \_ What misconduct specifically are you accusing Tom of? He's not even participating as much as he used to, so it's hard to make the case that he's creating a more hostile environment than has been cheerfully tolerated in the past. He hasn't walled anything about twink points in quite some time. I also believe that he labels his motd posts, and the nastiest, most evil posts are always anonymous. --PeterM \_ I'm hurt, peter. I try my hardest to be evil, and it just goes unnoticed. You don't send me flowers. --scotsman \_ My posts are always nasty and evil, and I sign too... -- ilyas \_ Your non-nasty post is much like the statement "this statement is false." I find it amusing. \_ Sorry, I ve been taking a lot of recursion theory recently. -- ilyas \_ Actually, tom walled about twink points yesterday. \_ not even worth further comment. |
2004/4/21-22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13322 Activity:nil |
4/21 Anyone have any insight on what is involved in war planning that it would cost $700 million? \_ 20-30K more U.S. soldiers for 3+ months longer (and this is only with respect to the $700 million figure) \_ Planning. Not deployment. \_ Who says planning costs $700 million? From what I've read, this is total cost (and is an underestimate). \_ This is in reference to the alleged $700 million taken from the fund authorization for Afghanistan action to form a new Iraq war plan. \_ It takes 700 million dollars to plan this shit?? fucking dickheads!! |
2004/4/21-22 [Computer/Theory] UID:13323 Activity:high |
4/21 Cute problem: You are given n bits which resulted from flipping a biased coin n times (you don't know the bias). The problem is to come up with an algorithm which will produce as many unbiased independent random bits from this string as possible (on average). You have no other sources of randomness except the input bits. One possible algorithm would be to pair up the bits, and produce a random bit 1 if the pair is 01, 0 if the pair is 10, and ignore the pair otherwise. This isn't optimal on average, however. -- ilyas \_ assume n is sufficiently large, first calculate the (biased) expected value over the n bits. then instead of pairing up bits, sample m bits at a time, and if there are more than (expected value * m) bits with 1, output 1 or 0 otherwise. slide the sample "window" down and continue. \_ How do you sample without any additional randomness? -- ilyas \_ a simple example of the sampling logic is to take bits 0~m, then 1~m+1, 2~m+2, etc. this does not require added randomness. a more sophisticated variation would vary the next sample depending on the previous 0 or 1 output (unbiased). \_ The problem is if you use more than $n/m$ windows the resulting bits will not be independent anymore, yes? -- ilyas \_ yes for the simple logic. what do i win for spelling out a more sophisticated logic? \_ 1 mid sized cupie doll. \_ eh? expected value? \_ I am interpreting "on average" here to be, "it doesn't have to be perfect, but come up with something good". \_ I think "optimal on average" has to mean something like it produces more bits (on average) than any other such algorithm that also works over the full range of possible biases. I don't see how it could be optimal for each possible bias (e.g. to be optimal in the case where there is no bias, it would have to output n bits for any input, but this would obviously not work if there is bias). - Johnny Von Neumann \_ With all due respect Mr. von Neumann, if the bias is 1, no algorithm will output any random bits at all. You simply have no randomness to work with in that case. To put it another way, the 'optimal' number of bits you should get on average isn't fixed, but depends on the bias. The metaphor here is 'refining oil'. The 'tainted' randomness you get as input is like crude oil. The 'unbiased' randomness you get at the output is like refined oil you get after processing the crude. The amount of stuff that comes out depends on how much crude you have to work with, and how 'crude' it is. -- ilyas \_ With all due respect, you don't seem to have understood what I wrote. An algorithm can't be optimal for the _unbiased_ case (in which case it would have to have no waste product) and also work in other cases, unless you could distinguish this case in advance. \_ I can see why you would think so, but surprisingly, it can. -- ilyas \_ I think ilyas means "optimal" in the sense that a competing algorithm would produce less random bits over the entire space of possible input strings. The "optimal" algorithm is the one most successful at producing the most random bits over the entire space of input strings, relative to all other lame algorithms that produce not as many random bits. Algorithms which produce ANY non-random bits are super-lame and do not qualify for consideration at all. \_ Yes, this is what I think he means, too, and is pretty much what I said above. He seems to be claiming something stronger, which I still think is impossible, but perhaps I have a blind spot. My intuition is that you can do about twice as well as the simple algorithm above. \_ Interpret it as "the expected number of random bits produced by the algorithm, given the input distribution determined by the unknown bias must be as high as possible." I mean "on average" precisely. It's good to think about why is it that the algorithm isn't caring what the input distribution is, essentially. -- ilyas \_ How about something like this: Suppose you saw k heads out of n flips. Lexicographically order all n-choose-k sequences of n flips that have k heads, find the index i of the actual sequence of observed flips amongst these n-choose-k possibilities, and take the binary expansion of i. This requires some fiddling when n-choose-k isn't a power of two, though --- maybe leaving out the last bit in i in this case. \_ This is one correct algorithm, well done. This is called a 'codebook based on the method of types', I think. Another algorithm: run the string through gzip. This algorithm and yours work for the same reason. In both cases you get n*H(p) unbiased random bits out, (which is the optimal number), where p is the unknown bias, and H is the entropy. The reason we don't care about the actual value of p is because the algorithms in question are 'universal source coding algorithms'. This is why people use gzip on just any old file, and expect it to work well. Mr. von Neumann's contemporary by name of Claude Shannon worked all this out in a famous paper. -- ilyas \_ What does "n-choose-k sequences" mean? \_ It's a function often used in combinatorics. You can google for its definition, and you can ask google to compute it for you (e.g. "10 choose 5"). -- ilyas \_ I'd get a better coin. It sounds like someone shaved yours. |
2004/4/21-22 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:13324 Activity:nil |
4/21 This administration stole $700mm from Afghan budget to attack Iraq. The public needs to know about this. Email Hiatt@washpost.com Tell him to cover the story, and tell him it's front page material. \_ I don't think this is true, because it would indicate this Administration has a clue. \_ they stole the election, stole from SS and medicare...hmmmmmmm, sounds like a pattern, but not enough care. So bizness as usual. |
2004/4/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:13325 Activity:nil |
4/21 http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/national/AP-Kerry-Purple-Hearts.html?hp Wow! Kerry's military records were just stellar! He may be diplomatic and charismatic, but he sure is decisive when fighting those vietcongs! \_ Explains why the French like him. \_ he's a runner scum in a speed boat shooting civilians |
3/15 |