2004/4/15 [Politics/Domestic] UID:13209 Activity:nil |
4/14 http://www.economist.com/finance/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2577440 Republicans want more (much needed according to _the E_) regulation Democrats blocking it. \_ Need a subscription to the E to read it. Can you summerize (or at least describe what kind of regulation)? \_ sure, FANNIE MAE and Freddie Mac are behaving like 1980s era savings and loans (my words) and have de facto government protection (taxpayer protection) against the overreaching risks which they are (thus) willing to take. Also some accounting tricks that overstate the "reserve" capital that they have on hand to meet the (already too low according to _The E_) govmnt requirements. \_ Which party is doing what re fannie/freddie is political bullshit. However, there is a real problem with the way both funds are run and structured which goes back many years. Fannie is in exeptionally bad shape which will probably require entirely new management to correct their current way of thinking. Freddie can still be save as is if they beat on current management a little bit. |
2004/4/15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13210 Activity:high |
4/14 To the poster who suggested on making motd default for new accounts, I say no. Motd/wall usage is for the elite only, and newbies should have read only access until they gain the respect of the elite, and it is until then, that they have full access to motd/wall -elite alumni, 91 \_ You think you're elite? Hah. you are a FOOL. The elite are so lazy that they'd never induct anyone new into the Motd Brotherhood. \_ You're not so 318 as you think. They can already read the motd with out an account. And don't bring the wall into this. The wall is just the playpen for an inclusive little clique discussing their STDs and cricket scores. The motd has useful information on it. \_ I think it was a troll, guys. \_ You're the only one not in on the joke. Sorry. -- 23184U \_ Wow, I guess I'm just not 1337. |
2004/4/15-16 [Industry/Jobs, Industry/Startup] UID:13211 Activity:nil |
4/15 I finally understand what a CRM is and what it is used for. it's the database of contacts, customers, customers' employees, business leads, interests, themes, "opportunities" and a calendar to remind you the flow of following it all up. The front end is part of a CRM. -brain \_ throw in deliverables, impressions to cover marketing \_ http://csua.com/?entry=12519 \_ right, that was the post I was referring to. check out the mouseover on kchang's page! crazy! -brain \_ It should be noted that most CRM project fail. (you don't earn your money back on the investment for it) \_ Yeah. Most of the CRM software that people bandy about (RazorsEdge, etc), work out to be upwards of $150k. When we looked into it at the BAM/PFA, it was around $150k for the package and customization. Hardware to run it and ongoing support was a lot of money on top of that. There are other systems out there, though, with not quite all the functionality but much more reasonable price. -sax \_ the installation I was working with cost $30k, with $50k of labor and $200k of contracting that went into building custom modules into it. The data mining that resulted from it landed a $4.8 M deal. Sounds like a good investment to me! \_ I've struggled through goldmine for the last 2 years, and hate the pile of shit. 90% of user problems are goldmine crashing, "losing" mail, and just otherwise being a pile of shit. They still use a fucking broken bde library. The DB schema has grown without a redesign for years, and feels like it. I've been wanting to make my own suite out of open source stuff to replace the crap. --scotsman \_ We actually went with a Filemaker solution. It was developed by people who left Bluebaud. It is FM, but it has a pretty decent feature set... kind of focused on membership and donation campaign tracking. For under $15k, it does everything we need and more -sax \_ i agree, but it depends on which company you get it from. ROI from enterprise crm companies generates more cash flow. The mid-market crm products out there aren't that good and is why most fail. If you can come up with a cheap mid-market crm product, then definitly make one. \_ LT. TOEJAM: I just got another blast on the CRM-114, and the damned thing decodes: Wing Attack, Plan-R. MAJOR KONG: Wing attack, Plan-R? \_ Major Kong: Well, I've been to one world fair, a picnic, and a rodeo, and that's the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones. You sure you got today's codes? \_ http://crm114.sourceforge.net -John |
2004/4/15 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13212 Activity:high |
4/14 Life in a U.S. convoy http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A13038-2004Apr14.html \_ csua@csua.com / csua \_ motd@csua.berkeley.edu / csuamotd \_ Sorry, I don't understand this at all. What are these email addresses? \_ logins and passwords to the site above so you don't have to register yourself. thought about adding your obligatory motd insult here, but decided to just be mr. nice. |
2004/4/15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Korea] UID:13213 Activity:nil |
4/14 http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A14444-2004Apr15.html This is a fairly good run down on S. Korea's recent election. It's mainly interesting because most American's assume that this means Koreans are turning anti-American and pro N. Korean. Which is true to some degree, but my wife (who is Korean) belives this has more to do with a backlash against GNP corruption, and the Uri Party (Roh Moon Hyun's party) being realitively anti-corrution. Impeaching the president really went over badly for the GNP. -jrleek \_ when did you get married? \_ 1/31/2004. You can see a picture or 2 of my wife on my csua webpage. -jrleek BTW, who's asking? \_ congrats! -dwc |
2004/4/15-16 [Consumer/PDA] UID:13214 Activity:nil |
4/15 Paper based blue-ray discs from sony: http://www.japancorp.net/Article.Asp?Art_ID=7101 |
2004/4/15-16 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:13215 Activity:nil |
4/15 I was riding my motorcycle to work today, and a guy in an SUV pulled up next to me at a stop sign an yelled, "You Bitch!" When I turned to look at him he asked me the way to the freeway in a thick Chinese accent. I told him. \_ Thanks for sharing. \_ Eh? Trying to map what he said into something else he might have been trying to say, coming up empty... \_ That's what I couldn't get either. It must have been "excuse me" right? But even with a Chinese accent that's not even close... \_ "excuse, which" maybe? And then got flustered and started over? \_ "Hey you. Which way to the freeway?" which you only heard the first part of? Or maybe something Mandarin or Cantonese. \_ Now that I think about it, maybe it was some kind of sociology experiment. We could all get in on this fun. Walk up to someone on the street, mutter an explitive, and when they look at you, politely as the time of day. \_ It probably helps if you're a nice looking Chinese guy with an accent. |
2004/4/15-16 [Uncategorized] UID:13216 Activity:nil |
4/15 http://www.beatallica.com Beatles songs covered in a perfect Metallica-circa-1986 style. \_ I've been waiting for this my whole life... why didn't somebody tell me this earlier? \_ You're welcome. --op |
2004/4/15-16 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:13217 Activity:nil |
4/15 Why are conservatives so hostile to Open Source software? \_ You mean conservatives like this? http://www.catb.org/~esr/guns \_ But Eric Raymond is an idiot. He doesn't count. \_ "From age twelve I always wanted to be a Heinlein character when I grew up." \_ Isn't ESR a libertarian? \_ Because they hate freedom. \_ Why do liberals have to make up lies about conservitives to make themselves seem reasonable by comparison? \_ Why do conservatives have to impugn the patriotism of those who disagree with them? (See "Why do you hate America") \_ Why can't conservatives spell "conservative?" \_ http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/04/05/1081017093699.html Both the IPI and the Alexis de Toqueville institute have \_ Tocqueville \_ jackass <----------\ \_ You seem torqued. | \-----------------/ now denounced open source. \_ Why? Because there's no money in it? Because it's "communist"? \_ Open source == (UNIX) rw-rw-rw- == 666 == numba da beast! \_ But open-source binaries are code 555 \_ Open source software starts as code. Like marijuana, it soon leads to voting Democratic, gay marriage, and betraying America to communis...Islamic fanatics. \_ Not to mention commie mutant tratiors. They endanger the future of Alpha Complex. \_ If the comuputer really is your friend, you'd use MicroSoft. It's what the computer ask for by name! \_ Because Jesus hates it. \_ Because it's unpatriotic. |
2004/4/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc, Computer/HW] UID:13218 Activity:nil |
4/15 http://csua.com/?q=tom (118 results) http://csua.com/?q=psb (145 results) psb >> tom -psb #1 fan \_ that's >, not >> \_ What sort of horrible Frankenstein would result from appending psb to tom?! \_ Partha T. Holubjee \_ Ride Cricket Bat! \_ CHEESEBOARD! CHEESEBOARD IS THE STANDARD! \_ Cheeseboard IS the standard. I miss it. -- ilyas \_ Welcome! I am Frau Blucher! <sound of horses rearing> \_ kchang has access to soda again? |
2004/4/15-16 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/Solaris, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13219 Activity:high |
4/15 How do people deal with long file names when burning CD? Rockridge extension only allows upto 32 (31?) characters. \_ Rockridge supports up to 127 characters in UNIX. \_ tar (or use whichever archiver) first \_ can unix read PC and hybrid cd formats? \_ Depends on the UNIX. Linux can red Joliet if you compile it in. I'm sure *BSD has a backport. No go on Solaris. \_ I usually burn w/ joliet extensions turned on. This results in the shorter 8.3 file names on solaris boxes that can't read joliet, but the file names show up correctly on Linux, MacOS (9/X) and FreeBSD. \_ I usually burn with joliet (-J), rockridge (-R/-r), the translation table (-T), and long file names (-l). Probably overkill, but no problems reading the names. \_ cool, but which program on Darwin/OSX does that? \_ hdiutil, toast and mkisofs can all do this (the options specified look like they are for mkisofs) To make a joliet/iso9660 hybrid using hdiutil: $ hdiutil makehybrid -verbose -iso -joliet \ -default-volume-name [vol name] -o [iso file] \ [dir] \_ mkisof is not available on Darwin. hdiutil only does iso level 2 so probably cannot do the job. \_ mkisof is not available on Darwin. Anyway hdiutil to make an image before burning. Unfortunately if you want Rock Ridge extension, you have to use something else to make the image first. At least for the version I have: 5.2 \_ http://csua.org/u/6xb?arstechnica.com probably does the job though I haven't checked. What's nice about Toast is that it does not need to make an image before burning, unfortunately unless you want Rock Ridge extension, and it cannot be operated from command line. At least for the version I have: 5.2 |
2004/4/15-16 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:13220 Activity:very high |
4/15 Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said a video recording of the killing showed that Quattrocchi was hooded when his kidnappers put a gun to his head. "When the murderers were pointing a pistol at him, this man tried to take off his hood and shouted: 'Now I'm going to show you how an Italian dies'. And they killed him." -CNN \_ Bring It On! \_ Tough guy. \_ ADRIAN!!! \_ Very brave, but he's still dead. \_ My hat is off to him. He died like a real man. I hope I would have the balls to do the same thing in the same situation. -- ilyas \_ How does one die like a real woman? -chialea \_ With the same sort of courage. \_ Jeanne d'Arc. Let's keep the feminist bickering to a minimum in this thread, shall we? It seems out of place. -- ilyas \_ Is that really so brave? Why not plead for your life in that kind of situation? Many got out alive after being taken hostage. Sounds like a hot head to me. \_ Hmm, maybe this explains why aljazeera decided not to show this one. |
2004/4/15-16 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13221 Activity:high |
4/15 "I mean, one year after the liberation of Iraq, the revenues of the oil stream is pretty darn significant. One of the things I was concerned about, prior to going into Iraq, was that the oil fields would be destroyed, but they weren't. They're now up and running. And that money is -- it will benefit the Iraqi people [and my friends]. It's their oil, and they'll use it to reconstruct the country." -- President Bush \_ Whoah! "Pretty Darn Significant" -- I guess the invasion won't cost so darn much after all? \_ how do you measure the cost of 10,000 iraqi civilians killed by accident? \_ What do you care? Do you hate America? \_ nice little troll \_ duh. by barrels of oil. \_ Barrels of oil imported from Saudi Arabia? |
2004/4/15-17 [Transportation/Car] UID:13222 Activity:nil |
4/15 Should I get a transmission flush? My old Accord manual says to change it every 90K (which is a bit long), and it crapped out at 150K. Now I have a new Accord, I'm wondering if flushing the entire transmission will prevent it from dying so soon. Thanks. \_ 150K is a lot. You're not gonna get too much more. \_ my old accord (86) and current acura (95) all give me transmission and brake system problems (caliper keeps getting stuck). from what I heard, these two are honda's weak points. from what I read, a properly maintained car should easily go beyond 200k, especially hondas. \_ That doesn't mean it will go 200k without any work on it. It means you will go 200k before the engine is shot (e.g. water in the oil). The transmission may not make 200k. \_ I don't think Honda engines will have problem at 200k, unless you abused it. \_ my old accord and current acura all give me transmission and brake system problems. from what I heard, these two are honda weak points. |
2004/4/15-17 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:13223 Activity:nil |
4/15 OpenBSD ports/pkgs security issues are now available in vuxml. http://www.vuxml.org/openbsd/index.html (vuxml.org has a freebsd page as well) |
2004/4/15-17 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:13224 Activity:nil |
4/15 Are there any meta-installs for Firefox extensions? There are so many available... I just want to click on one link and say, "gimme everything that this uber-web-dev guy has". \_ use the source, luke. write it and tell us where you posted it. \_ what platform? |
2004/4/15-16 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:13225 Activity:nil |
4/15 what is an html way - easier than wrapping it in a table - to wrap a phrase you don't want broken up? (like say <don't break>Firstname Lastname</don't break>). \_ I think it's <nobr> or <nobreak>. \_ it's nobr, but that's deprecated. I think with CSS you need to specify a style: "white-space: nowrap;" \_ Substitute spaces with , as in Firstname Lastname. |
3/15 |