2004/4/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13136 Activity:high |
4/12 well finally the us is finally releasing the death tool from recent activity. These bastards just didn't want to tell the public just how bad things got last thursday and friday, honestly I would not be surprised if the count just keep going higher the past 2 days have been somewhat calm, but there is a lot of talk about all hell braking loss. you just can't stop someone with a gun defending his home against unwanted invaders without massive deaths, I mean we are seriously on the offensive in a foreign land going up against defnde people- this is not a good situation. But alas there might be light at the end of the tunnel, Sadr is just trying to get power, that is how everything here is run- he knows he has to negotiate in order to get out of this alive with his power still intact, so would not be surprised to here of some "settlement" - kinney \_ ok, look. If you're reallly reporting straight from Iraq to the motd that's pretty cool, but could you PLEASE provide context for these posts? Are you in the army? marines? a contractor? tourist? where are you? \_ he mentioned Flur in another post, which probably means he's constructing infrastructure of some kind (I see mention of water< and electrical in central/south iraq) -chialea \_ civilian contractor working on iraq reconstruction. (our camp -fluor daniel-is located within camp taji) http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/iraq/taji_m.htm -kinney \_ This is the equivelent of political spam. Instead of posting this whole guys blog here, why not just provide a link and let us read it ourselves? \_ Kinney is a contractor. This is from one of his emails. He does not have a web site. Don't delete this. -dans \_ 4/11 [ I said, no spam, bitch. Just post a link ] \_ He's not spamming the motd. This is a first-hand report and he has unreliable net access. |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:13137 Activity:low |
4/11 Read the Presidential Daily Briefing for yourself: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/4710772 \_ Yeah, but this was during Bush's vacation. I know I don't pay attention to stuff on vacation. \_ If any of you were President at the time what would you have done differently that wasn't already being done and why would you have done so without hindsight to guide you? \_ I'd've solidified no-fly-zone policies nationwide, and I would have made it clear that shooting down a passenger plane or three is preferable to the use of planes as bombs. I would have made it clear that any lack of communication between the FBI, CIA, and NSA not having to do with Congressionally legislated limitations would result in the immediate termination of the various directors involved. These are old problems, and they should have been dealt with. \_ No fly zones? Wouldn't have helped. A national order on shooting down planes? You wanted to be impeached? You wanted the various 3 letter agencies to communicate with each other in VIOLATION OF THE LAW and bring the privacy nuts down on your head? Okey dokey! So you'd be about as effective as my dog as President. Probably less so. My dog is very cute. \_ How wouldn't no-fly zones have helped? How does having a policy on when it's acceptable to shoot down a plane become an impeachable offense? What part of "any lack of communication between the FBI, CIA, and NSA not having to do with Congressionally legislated limitations" is in violation of the law? When will you stop fellating your dog and post something intelligent? \_ I'd have ignored it since they haven't killed enough people to be significant. When they pass the magic total, I'll use it as an excuse to create an American hegemony in the Middle East. Perferably one with lots of oil. \_ I'd also cut anti-terrorism funding because we all hate swatting at flies. \_ Magic total = 911 people? \_ Contestant number 3, are you the son of a former President? |
2004/4/12 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Security] UID:13138 Activity:high |
4/11 anyway- things here have quiting down a little, A LOT of people took off, fucking whimps, fluor might end up loking like the bad asses out here since we are sticking it out, hell even our client took off and just screwed everyone doing so, so while the fluor group is just kicking ass and taking names, the guys we work for (who are responsible for proviing power), just took off. The damn military is taking over the power situation which in a lot of sears really saves our ass from some maintance and warrantee situations. we are all still .... old message.. the fucking intenet here goes down like all the time. hey maybe it is up again, work here has gotten really boring as of late, I use to be able to walk around the site and check out all teh action, as the controls guy that is my job- to know exactly what is going on everywhere and make sure I can report up to upper guys what the status is plus the game plan and time requirements for the future plus any snaggs in the way, I never had a car here and the job site is like a mile away but it was no big deal since I would just walk or hitch a ride, but NOW it is like impossible, since everyone is required to have their flack vest aand helmut walking out there is made quite difficult, everyone just keeps theres in the car, so ya I guess I could hitch a ride but i would be tied to that guy for the whole time which restricts his activities, of course 3 of the guys now have NOTHING to do since their sub contractors walke out of here today. but still boss hasn't asigned a car to me. plus our mess hall is closed and now we have to use the miltiary DFAC for food, of course that means I have to hitch a ride with someone,god damn this place is filled with flys, anyway using the DFAC is ok but due to the shear number of troops on this base it is just so damn crowded you wouldn't believe it- this base is lieterally bursting at the seems opps there goes the net again, i'll tell you getting p3 installed on my computer is a god send (is that the right phrase- god send?) anyway hoefully I can use that to parlay into a decent paying job, it really sucks never have access to the cool software which allows people to do there jobs, its like you really need to hook up with the right company which will prpvide you the training ) and see that is the whole key or I should say problem- even though as of 2 weeks ago I had never touched p3, I would consider myself an expert- I understanf all the theory behond scheduling- just not the actual commands and where they are on the software product, people use train to train people on business fucntions while at the same time training them on software intricacies, that is BS the 2 are totally seperate, I understand all the thoery just need to know where to find ceertain functions, of course that is just because most people are just stupid.. that is really weird, I mean when i grew up it wasn't like I was that much smarter than everyone else, but know from my experience working I can walk cicles around these guys have you noticed that as well.. anyway this delay is really bugging me again more later mor bomds are hitting later - kinney |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13139 Activity:high |
4/9 well looks like bits and pieces of what has happened are finally leaking out 1. us is suspending operations in Fallujah, well ya that is because we are getting our butt kicked and the fucking marines are probably blowing up some mosques. 2. 9 us guys die on convoy, it is really bad outside, hell it is bad in here god knows what else is going to be leaked as the day goes on, we can see some major fires on the horizon, notice how I gave everyone the heads up to this over the weekend- hell everyone here knew what was potentially going to happen and the damn news media was just clueless or chose not to report the threat a lot of contractors are being evaculated- of course us fluor guys are staying (for now) hell even our client is headed for the gate. Can only imagine what the guys from bechtel and kbr and parsons are doing. Figure a lot of guys are heading out of here. Of course this is why they pay us so much- but nothing is worth this. The financial mess this will cause is just amazing- i figure we will face a 250K/day claim from our subs for delay and standby due to military action. That is going to add up very very quickly. of course fluor is just going to make 2-3% on everything we spend and it is all reimbursable (we hope). anyway all we need are some beers and lawn chairs- it's a beautiful day 95 sunny, just another day on the beach. - kinney |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13140 Activity:high |
4/8 yup another day of gun fire and bombs, can't believe this shit. cnn should be taken off the air, the only thing they are reporting is the fucking 911 BS when peope are getting fucking shot and killed left and right out here we are at fucking war and it is like no one gives a damn but you know the us is fucked no matter what if - we stay massive more people are going to get killed if we leave iraq totally falls into civil war and 10's of thousands of guys will die and it will be our fault for leaving it will because WE started it- oh man this is really rewally ugly and the fucking news in the states isn't reporting a damn thing they say 6 poepl died.. fuck that, it's not how many people DIED it's how many people can die - one hit at the dining facility and 100-200 guys will go down in one shot- that will sure wake people up to the shit going down here - kinneY |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:13141 Activity:nil |
4/12 Numerous dates fixed. Don't you people have a calendar? |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:13142 Activity:moderate |
4/12 Kerry makes up his own measure of the economy to criticize Bush: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselections/nation/president/2004-04-12-kerry_x.htm (Historically, the "Misery Index" is unemployment + inflation.) \_ Really people, is it that hard to shorten a freaking URL? \_ I prefer not to shorten them. Please don't delete my URL. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselections/nation/gobush/2004-04-12-kerry_x.htm |
2004/4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13143 Activity:nil |
4/12 Ok, I am not anonymous, and I will nuke kinney's stuff on sight. Pages worth of his barely coherent ramblings are not something that should end up here. That it is about Iraq does not raise their usual quality. What primarily pissed me off was the volume. Perhaps this is obvious, but kinney does not have a soda account. Aside from a link to his stuff, or a reasonably sized quote in the context of a larger discussion, he gets no real estate here. This is the motd, not the motk. -- ilyas \_ oh, the irony \_ hi tom \_ Drivel from both ilyas and kinney should be nuked. \_ Hear hear. \_ look down at the passwd file fool \_ How can he be posting here if he doesn't have an account? \_ I was under the impression he wasn't posting himself. I stand corrected on his account, however. -- ilyas \_ He should do what psb and others have done, when writing long pieces, just put it into another world-readable file and post the path. (We actually have /csua/tmp/motd.kinney too.) \_ Kerry and Bush don't have logins either, but their shit shows up all the time. Can I munch them too? \_ Yes, feel free to munch Bush. |
2004/4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney] UID:13144 Activity:nil |
4/12 What's up with kinney stuff? Wasn't he squished? \_ grep kinney /etc/passwd kinney:*:10956:100:Darrin Kinney:/home/apollo/kinney:/usr/local/bin/tcsh Nope. \_ Probably why he's not able to post his stuff himself. Read the blog at: http://kinneyiniraq.blogspot.com \_ If you can't finger someone, it may be because they have a .nofinger file in their home directory and you are not using /csua/bin/finger*. Put /csua/bin earlier in your path, and hopefully there will be less confusion. \_ let's squish him again. |
2004/4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13145 Activity:nil |
4/12 A small reminder, automated adding stuff to motd is a squishable offense. \_ The rule is: "Destruction of the MOTD (by repeated deletion, jive, or any other method) is severly frowned upon and will result in the termination of your account. Making the motd extremely long is not cool either. Don't be a hoser." /csua/adm/doc/policies/motd \_ unless you're paolo. \_ paolo is god. He works at Intel Berkeley Research Lab. |
2004/4/12 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13146 Activity:insanely high |
4/11 erikred, stop spamming kinney's shit on the motd. post it on the web and give a link for those who give a shit. \_ identify yourself, censor \_ it isn't censorship. it is restoring sanity. stop abusing the motd. \_ then identify yourself, "sanity restorer" \_ It's at least 2 people, possibly more. \_ And yet you deleted the whole motd. Let's be reasonable. When has the motd REALLY been sane? \_ No, I restored it after someone else zeroed it. There's a difference between the usual gamut of stupid shit on the motd and countless pages of kinney's crap which could just as easily have been posted by URL instead of full text just like most everything else here. If the NYT only gets a link, kinney doesn't get 25 paragraphs. \_ It's better than reading you whine. Quitcher bitchin. \_ Agreed. \_ lol, you idiot, dans was posting kinney's email. He said as much. I'm the one who suggested that he create a blog for Kinney at blogspot. --erikred \_ It pisses me off that cool shit gets posted to the motd on the weekend and as soon as the first grumpy old man logs in on monday morning, it's all toast. \_ What, is less on soda broken? -dans |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Health/Women] UID:13147 Activity:high |
4/12 Canada soon to slaughter 300,000 seals. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3618901.stm \_ I guess all the yeti baseball really got that Canuck blood going. \_ I thought those were penguins \_ If you can't wack the one you love, wack the one you're with. \_ I wonder if I can get a job clubbing baby seals? \_ Maybe I can go clubbing with baby seals. \_ I guess all that yeti baseball really got that Canuck blood going. \_ Wouldn't it suck if you were an endangered species and NOT cute? |
2004/4/12 [Computer/Blog] UID:13148 Activity:nil |
4/12 USE BLOG! -dwc \_ ok |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:13149 Activity:nil |
4/12 Hey ilyas, did you like the Tobler book? I did a couple of classes with Roendel daggers and lichtenhauer's take on 'em it was nift. - pst \_ Good stuff. Eerie similarites to 'The Art of Not Dying'. Of course that's just 'the convergence of what works.' -- ilyas \_ Tobler chocolate is the bomb but I prefer Scharffenberger. |
2004/4/12-13 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:13150 Activity:high 50%like:13181 |
4/12 So what happened to soda? I see nothing in Official. \_ yeah, wha'appened? \_ I heard soda had a power outage --scotsman \_ Campuswide power outage, haas isn't even back yet. - pst \_ it wasn't campuswide. at least some parts of south side had power the whole time. \_ That's why I couldn't get to the main http://www.berkeley.edu page either. \_ What type of machine is soda now? Does it have a UPS? \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/computing/hardware/soda-mark-vi.html and no. - pst \_ A UPS that could last the 2 minutes it would take to do a clean shutdown and send an automated message to all logged on users about it might cost as much as $75. \_ Genuinely curious: how do you determine how long a UPS will support a machine off the grid? \_ A UPS should have a rating of AH (amp-hours) or WH (watt- hours). Also, mAH are milli-amp-hours. 1000mAH = 1AH. 1 Amp-hour at 120V = 120 Watt-hours. If your whole system is drawing 500 watts, it will stay up for 1 hour for every 500 watt-hours your battery has. Oh, also, the VA (volt-amp) rating tells you the maximum amount of power you can draw. Of course, having soda stay up doesn't help much when all the routers go down. \_ this is why you use apmd, and only get enough battery to shut soda down safely. As was said above, it's cheap and effective. --scotsman \_ The routers aren't on UPS?! \_ that would cost another $49.95 per router to survive through the length of most power outages. \_ I think your number is a bit low. Routers draw a LOT. Generally a good deal more than any tower case. \_ It all depends on the size of the router. My router at home is 20W, tops. \_ Hrm. Last I checked, we were talking about SODA. Useless... \_ um, whatever happened to the Soda alumni donation thing? My guess is that most of them got cheap and paid... ZELO DOLLAH!!! \_ I think what happened is that the students got picky. The recent thread where it was said CSUA needed 40 terabytes of disk, an LTO2 tape silo, and 14 3.6 GHz CPUs (or something almost as ridiculous) turned me off. \_ amen, brother. \_ me too. current offers of alum donations that are being sniffed at and turned away as useless crap are way way better than what was available for real class work, in the labs, or previous incarnations of soda when we were students. you don't need hundreds of top end cpus, peta bytes of storage and 10 gigabit switches to run a student login, motd, wall, and smtp/imap/pop box. if there weren't so many snotty greedy unappreciative brats here there'd be more alum help. \_ Hey asswipe, I gave $500 last time the CSUA passed the hat and would do it again, if the Politburo would get its stuff together and make a proposal. -alumnus \_ Curious, did anyone even thank you? I got zippo thanks for my last donation. -never again alum \_ No, but I would still give again. \_ dude, please give me $500. I'm poor and starving and I eat cup-o-noodle every other day just to save money. And Westwood rent is a rip-off -ucla cs student \_ Weren't you just bragging about all the 19 y.o. hardbody LA chixs you were nailing? Don't expect any sympathy from me. \_ You'd think that an enterprising young ucla cs student would have recorded his exploits and sold access on his website. \_ Yeah! uclacsstudent #1 fan \_ where can we get a list of the donation record? I'd like to see something similar to opera where there's a sheet of top X million $ donations, followed by Y million $ donations, etc for building/funding the opera house. \_ Top donor gets their name stenciled onto the CSUA bat in gold letters. Second highest doner gets their name spelled out in slices of pepperoni on the next pizza given away at a General Meeting. |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:13151 Activity:nil |
4/12 S A T O R A R E P O T E N E T O P E R A R O T A S \_ yay mithras! \_ Would someone explain this? \_ "Arepo the sower holds the wheels at work" \_ Would someone explain this? \_ http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Arepo+the+sower+holds+the+wheels+at+work%22 |
2004/4/12 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:13152 Activity:nil |
4/12 Can anyone recommend a good USB hub keyboard? I prefer clicky keys like the old IBM PC's. I prefer not to have internet shortcut buttons also. \_ All the clickey boards I know (model M) are PS/2. You could get a PS/2->USB adapter... I have a clicky IBM PS/@ keyboard which has a "trackpoint" mouse in the middle, like on thinkpads. \_ I heard there's a really good mac compatible keyboard with the features you're looking for. \_ Pricey but good: http://halfkeyboard.com/tactilepro/index.php |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:13153 Activity:nil |
4/12 Wierd Al's parents die of accidental CO poisoning. http://www.weirdal.com/msg.htm \_ Dead Parents Aren't Much Fun. \_ Not true; sometimes they challenge you to contests of skill. |
2004/4/12 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:13154 Activity:nil |
4/12 What's a good perl module (cpan) that strips off all the html tags and javascript crap? And perhaps be smart enough to strip off menus and ads? Thanks. \_ lynx -dump <pagename> \_ s/<[^>]*>//g |
2004/4/12 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:13155 Activity:nil |
4/12 Motd restaurant review: Liaison Bistro, Berkeley Decor was pleasant, if perhaps a little overwrought in its attempt to recreate an authentic French bistro(t). Service was polite and attentice, without being solicitous. Roast leg of lamb was excellent; fairly strong sauce complemented the meat nicely without overpowering it. Duck confit was very good. It was moist and flavorful. I would have prefered some vegetables in the presentation. Marinated artichoke was good and the presentation with citrus and fennel complemented well. Sauteed spinach also good. Not too special but well done. Desserts were mixed. Tarte tatin was good but not special. Side of rum raisin gelato went well. Crust was a bit soggy. Poached pear was poached in red wine, served with very rich vanilla ice cream and slice of puff pastry. Topped with excellent dark chocolate sauce, which unfortunately distracted from the rest of the dessert. Creme brulee had excellent custard with a lot of vanilla, but the sugar was too thin so it didn't form a stiff crust. \_ hello tawei. learn to indent. \_ I'm not tawei \_ restaurant/movie reviews with no attribution are worthless. \_ tawei hasn't logged in for a month \_ I haven't eaten at Liason in over a year, but I recall it was quite good. They had fresh oysters on the half shell as a specialty appetizer which was excellent. Portions were niggardly (no that's not a slur, look it up), but the meal was enjoyable nonetheless. \_ Oh dans, you are so smart and manly, can I suck your cock please? Pretty please with sugar on top? \_ Geez, you're really hostile. You should work on that. You'll forgive my defensiveness, but college professors have been kicked off campuses because some reactionary elements choose not to use dictionaries. In this case, it was the right word. -dans \_ college professor? I thought it was some city official on the right coast. Personally, I prefer Gregoire on Cedar. The food is comparable to that at Liaison, and, though not cheap, much more reasonably priced. Decor is, however, nonexistent. -dans \_ The portions seemed fine last night. Probably depends on what you order. \_ I'd believe that. As I said, I haven't eaten there in over a year. A lot can change in a year. -dans \_ So wait, Kinney's stuff is bad, but this excretion is ok? \_ basically, kinney's stuff is much longer, and he is known for it. personally I like his posts, though. \_ me too. |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Domestic/Gay, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney] UID:13156 Activity:nil |
4/12 Sorry, I just don't get the idea of a guy blob. The idea of a guy blob is gay, and the idea of reading a guy blob is gayer. Kinney is gay. |
2004/4/12-13 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:13157 Activity:nil |
4/12 I don't get the logic of those suing google about Gmail. It's an invasion of privacy? But it's a choice. For a free 1 Gig email account, what do I care if some automated non-human searches my mail and spits me out an advertisement. And if I don't like it, I don't need to use Gmail. I just don't see the logic of the lawsuit. \_ What lawsuit? I have heard nothing about this. \_ kinney!!1!1 \_ Quit crucifying him already. \_ The Passion of The Kinney. |
2004/4/12-13 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:13158 Activity:nil |
4/12 Is is common but implicit in computer repair to use used but *working* component to replace bad components on the unit you gave them? I took a Powerbook Pismo to we-fix-macs and was told to shell out $351 for reburbishing the processor boards (actually the genius said they would repair and refurbish the CPU!). If so, it doesn't seem worthwhile to reapir at all! \_ Mac people... hehehe. If it was a PC, you'd spend less than that to get a new motherboard and cpu and end up with a better computer than you had before for less money instead of the same computer with equally old parts. Did they also change your fan belt oil and the power supply equalizer? What about your cam shaft bearings and the differential rotar terahertz storage display? *snicker* \_ I remember trying to fix parts on my old PC. You'd replace one thing and Windows wouldn't boot normally, so you'd go to 'safe mode' and see that not only does windows insist on trying to find stuff on your old motherboard, it has your mouse device loaded like 8 times, still is looking for a sound card you replaced last year, and the only sure way to clean this up is to reinstall from scratch. And reinstall DirectX. And the endless rebooting.. \_ It's generally better now. You can tell it "that part doesn't live here anymore" \_ I'm still using my old PC except since I first built it I've changed every part except the floppy, a few cables, and what little remains of the case and PS. Nothing you're talking about has ever happened and I didn't spend $351 to get my cam shaft rotorhertz drive pixelation problem refurbished at some rip off joint that survives by screwing endless generations of mac wielding english major freshmen. \_ My main expectation with a repair is that I should get new parts replacing the broken ones, instead of some parts just as old or even older salvaged from other dead units bought over ebay. -- op \_ well, every warranty I've seen says that the manufacturer could use refurbished parts \_ but can the "refurbished" part be from another computer that has been equally old but just hasn't failed yet? \_ yes \_ Are you talking about out-of-warranty repair? \_ in-warranty ... out-of-warranty, they can still be refurbished, but the implication is that the refurbished parts need to be "recertified". Guess who determines the part is recertified (hint: not the manufacturing company). \_ I always thought that repair means replacing bad parts with new parts, and refurbish means checking and repairing new or almost new (returned by unhappy customers with 30 days) units. Guess I was wrong. \_ I've found that typically, a warranty means if it breaks, you get one that works. Not necessarily a new one. As far as I can tell, the only difference between in-warranty and out- of warranty is in the latter, you pay for more than just shipping it to them. |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:13159 Activity:nil |
4/12 One step closer to the ultimate input device... http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/13/health/13BRAI.html \_ urlD was here \_ Bah! --op \_ the monkey experiments remind me of System Shock 2 |
2004/4/12-8/5 [Uncategorized] UID:13160 Activity:nil |
4/12 campus power outage at 2:32 PDT; soda up by 3:50 |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:13161 Activity:nil |
4/12 POR EWE ROP |
2004/4/12-13 [Computer/SW/Languages/JavaScript] UID:13162 Activity:nil |
4/12 I'd like to create a web page with javascript that pops up a small help window when you go over certain URLs, where do I start? I've googled but there were too much crap out there. ok thx. \_ google onmouseover \_ thank you. I got it now: http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex5/popinfo2.htm |
2004/4/12-13 [Reference/Military] UID:13163 Activity:nil |
4/12 Even baboons learn to solve conflicts through diplomacy rather than war: http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/13/science/13BABO.html?pagewanted=2 \_ until another band of baboons comes along and kicks their ass. \_ Huh huh huh. Hey Beavis, pull my finger. \_ only within their troop, they do battle other troops \_ They've also mastered the art of in-tribe psych warfare and will purposely inflict stress on lower ranking members. You know: kind of like how your boss gives you stoopid documentation assignments when the brass chews him out. |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:29915 Activity:nil 54%like:29908 |
4/11 "My prediction: Bush will take California and win in a landslide." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4709863 |
2004/4/12 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29916 Activity:nil |
4/11 Bush foreign policy http://www.thestreet.com/_yahoo/funds/supermodels/10151634.html |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:29917 Activity:nil |
4/11 \_ 4/11 [ I said, no spam, bitch. Just post a link ] \_ He's not spamming the motd. This is a first-hand report and he has unreliable net access. \_ Oh yes he was. Were you still asleep when there were 5 or 6 'blog entries' from him on the motd? No, whoever posted his rants was spamming. It's interesting to get a perspective of someone who is there, but not more interesting than lots of other Iraq-based bloggers, who generally have a much better way \_ I'd've solidified no-fly-zone policies nationwide, and I would have made it clear that shooting down a passenger plane or three is preferable to the use of planes as bombs. I would have made it clear that any lack of communication between the FBI, CIA, and NSA not having to do with Congressionally legislated limitations would result in the immediate termination of the various directors involved. These are old problems, and they should have been dealt with. with the written word than kinney. As is, the spam pisses me off, so his crap will get deleted on sight. \_ Since the AMC has taken offense at this, could you blog-ify it for us? Free hosting at http://blogspot.com. |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:29918 Activity:nil |
4/11 Ok, I am not anonymous, and I will nuke kinney's stuff on sight. Pages worth of his barely coherent ramblings is not something that should end up here. \_ oh, the irony That it is about Iraq does not raise their usual quality. What primarily pissed me off was the volume. -- ilyas |
2004/4/12 [Uncategorized] UID:29919 Activity:nil |
4/12 AMC STrikes again! |
3/15 |