2004/4/9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:13106 Activity:insanely high |
4/9 "It is not just considered bad form to discuss ethnicity in the new California. It can land one in jail. Added to the penal code is the crime of "divisionism," a nebulous offense that includes speaking too provocatively about ethnicity." http://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/09/international/africa/09RWAN.html?hp yes, I replaced the word "Rwanda" with "California." The amazing thing is how little of a stretch it is. \_ you're an idiot. \_ Yeah, in California you'll just get yelled at, or maybe beat up. Well, unless someone (non-white) gets offended and manages to portray what you said as "Hate Speech." THAT could land you in jail. \_ As the above said, you're an idiot. Returneth thee to hate radio from whence thee came. \_ Darn you're right. You can't be jailed for "Hate Speech" in CA unless the "victim" feels "threatened." http://caag.state.ca.us/civilrights/htm/laws.htm A Google on Canadian Hate Speech Laws is fun though. \_ yeah, burning a cross on someone's lawn is free speech. people who feel threatened by that should lighten up. What is America coming to? \_ Usually I think of speech as refering to the practice of expelling air from the lungs though the mouth the produce a series of sounds known as language, which is then recieved by another persons ear. In fact, transmission by writing or electronic media could also be conisdered speech. But I would think burning a cross on someone's lawn would constitute other areas of the law, such as "tresspassing" and "fire ordinances." As far as spoken threats, there are other law for that. Anyway, I'm sure that Straw Man went over great a People's Park, but outside in reality it sounds pretty silly. \_ I'm not sure about what the People's Park reference is about but, anyway, Justice Scalia, for one, argued strongly that cross burning is free speech. \_ "Threatened" is way too broad. There is a similar law about weapons (not necessarily guns). In theory, you can carry certain weapons as long as they are visible. In practice, if someone feels "threatened" by this, off to jail you go. I can't help but remember Monty Burns: "Thank God we live in a country so hysterical about crime..." -- ilyas \_ Don't forget, if the person feeling "threatened" happened to be sleeping with a member of the politburo, it can even get the motd shut down. |
2004/4/9 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:13107 Activity:nil |
4/8 In SQL, say I have two tables, one references to another. What is the query that will list all the entries in the first table that doesn't occur in the second table? I'd like to do "SELECT a.id FROM a,b WHERE a.id!=b.id". However, this doesn't quite work. Thanks. \_ The following works in PostgreSQL; I don't know if the IS NULL syntax is part of SQL or an extension. Note that, in Postgres, replacing 'IS NULL' with '= NULL' doesn't work. SELECT a.id FROM a LEFT OUTER JOIN b ON a.id=b.id WHERE b.id IS NULL There may well be a more efficient way of doing this, but this one works. -gm \_ SELECT id FROM first_table a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM second_table b WHERE b.id = a.id) |
2004/4/9 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:13108 Activity:moderate |
4/8 So I'm using Subversion for personal work. I set up a debian server and got apache2 running and svn-dav working so I can use http URL's for the repository. I've got basic authentication working, but I'd like to try https authentication. But I'm an apache newbie. Anyone have pointers to either doing this specific task or a tutorial on apache2 SSL configuration (including certificates, etc.)? \_ and it all went quiet in the city and the wind blew down the road someone cried out SUBVERT! and the people all went cold meanwhile back in subvert city someone's writing on the wall fuck the government spraypaint hero it's subvert city...it's subvert rule!! \_ google is your friend. But you can check out http://www.geotrust.com/quickssl/csr/index.htm and http://www.geotrust.com/quickssl/install/index.htm for more info |
2004/4/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/911] UID:13109 Activity:nil |
4/8 I'm driving up to Seattle/Vancouver on Sunday just for kicks. Any suggestions of places to stop on the way? So far I've been recommended the Tulip Festival in Skagit (tulipfestival.org). \_ I'm leaving Sunday and have to be in Seattle on Tuesday, so like the person below says... I am sort of "blasting" through. However, I would like to make a 3-4 detour either through a national forest, quaint town, or something like that. The suggestions below are all great... much appreciated. \_ errr ... that's a very long drive with literally hundreds of places on the way worth visiting. \_ yes, that's teh problem, so much to do, so little time. http://traveloregon.com is a pretty good site. \- helo if you are interested in geology, there are some interesting locations in eastern oregon to drive through rather than blasting up 5. but yeah, you have to put more on the table for meaningful feedback. \_ If you're going through Portland, I recommend stopping at Powell's bookstore. I've been told it's the biggest bookstore. \_ Powell's rocks. Also in Portland is the nickel arcade (very cheap arcade games) and Dot's, a dive-y bar with a sock monkey tree. I recommend the Lime Rickey. -brain \_ An arcade? give me a break... \_ Redwood national forest on the border btw Oregon and CA, and some volcanic lake the name of which I forgot somewhat more inland. These things stand out on any map so I guess maybe you are not into nature things if you bothered to ask. \_ Crater Lake. It's cool. I think it's a National Park. \_ I was thinking about going here. What's it like? Big holes in the ground, volcanic ash? \_ It's a beautiful deep blue lake that is very deep. It's surrounded by a cliff rim all the way around that drops several hundred feet to the lake surface. There's a funny little island in the middle you can take a boat out to. You can also hike up to some of the little peaks around the rim. \_ Portland's rose garden is nice, though probably not so much so this time of year. \_ The Bridgeport Brewery in Portland: http://www.bridgeportbrew.com/bp-brewery.html Free tours at 2 and 5 daily. \_ don't forget to pick up danh on your way back \_ Lake Shastina. Say hi to Ponch while you're there. |
2004/4/9-10 [Recreation/Dating] UID:13110 Activity:nil |
4/8 Does anybody have audio of Ice T on Law & Order SVU saying, "You on the down-low, dude!". It was on Monday or Tuesday night. \_ on NBC? USA will re-air it a week or two later. let me know if you want me to get it for you then. --jameslin \_ That little bit with Ice-T explaining down-lows was the most fun SVU's been since I've started watching it. "I just know stuff.". -- forced to watch dumb TV w/ my wife. \_ What does she do for you? Anal? Threesomes? Fulfilling your "big black man fucked my wife while i was forced to watch" fantasy? Can I fuck your wife? I don't care if you watch or not. \_ Whoah. Did I piss in your Cheerios or something? If I did, I'm sorry about it. \_ What every good wife does, puts up with your shit without killing you. \_ You got the whole marriage thing all confused. I was joking before but if your reply is serious you need some serious marriage counseling to explain that marriage is a two-way street and it isn't a big 'favor' to you that she has deigned to marry you and stay. I'm the last person to use pansy ass phrases like "self esteem issue" but you qualify. -married on two-way street \_ you're full of shit, and probably love to hear yourself talk. putting up with someones shit can be a 2-way street. i put up with shit from my wife, and she puts up with shit from me. we both get more out of being together than we loose by putting up with the \_ nweaver is married? shit, so it's a net gain both ways. of course, the above issue is not relevant for me, since my wife and i both hate television. \_ Uhm, yeah, I'm so glad for you that your marriage is full of such joy that the best you can say is the benefits outweigh the crap. And you think *I'm* full of shit? I'm happily married. No one in my house puts up with crap from anyone. --happily married on 2-way street with no crap unlike you, you poor dumb bastard \_ So you both have the same personality? You have coupled bliss of no disagreements and no different opinions? Nothing you do bugs your wife or vice versa? Wow. \_ I'm sorry. I've noticed that the bi and large comment usually also apply to polyamourous women. \_ uh? a bit off topic this afternoon, eh? \_ how else would you interpret a two-way marriage? \_ He said two-way street, not two-way marraige. Normal people would just interpret that as meaning that sometimes you give some and sometimes you get some. Weird, sicko degenerates on the other hand... \_ if she hasn't killed you yet, it's only because your future earning potential >> f(life insurance coverage, your annoyance value, likelihood of landing someone better). once you stop being an earner, you're gone. \_ BDG, where are you??? \_ Yes, this is definitely the right time for BDG to come on board and help this poor dummy out before her lawyer gets to him. \- I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by marriage, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the sloda motd at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night, who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking in the supernatural darkness of cold-water flats floating across the tops of cities contemplating internet p0rn, who bared their brains to Heaven under the El and saw Mohammedan angels staggering on tenement roofs illuminated, who passed through universities with radiant cool eyes hallucinating freepers and Blake-light tragedy among the scholars of war, who were expelled from the academies for crazy & publishing obscene odes on the windows of the skull, who cowered in unshaven rooms in underwear, burning their money in wastebaskets and listening to the Terror through the wall, who got busted in their pubic beards returning through Laredo with a belt of marijuana for New York, who ate fire in paint hotels or drank turpentine in Paradise Alley, death, or purgatoried their torsos night after night with Skyler, with drugs, with waking nightmares, alcohol and cock and endless balls, incomparable blind. --Allan Ginsberg | psb@sloda |
2004/4/9 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:13111 Activity:nil |
4/9 Radar clocks Mini Cooper at mach 3: http://csua.org/u/6ud \_ Equiped with Mini-Twin Rocket Pack(c) and Dual Enhanced Thruster System(c) while pointed straight downwards after being dropped from orbit by ESA launch vehicle last June. \_ I wonder how much an outfit like Mini might pay for that sort of \_ BMW thing. |
2004/4/9 [Uncategorized] UID:13112 Activity:nil |
4/9 I'm detecting dangerous levels of non-entertainment. Why isn't the motd police here to cleanse this excrement? \_ Be more funny! |
2004/4/9 [Health/Men] UID:13113 Activity:nil |
4/9 There are 600,426,974,379,824,381,952 ways to spell Viagra http://cockeyed.com/lessons/viagra/viagra.html \_ The 10,000 names of God? |
2004/4/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13114 Activity:nil |
4/9 Iran is next: http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20040407-124311-9361r.htm \_ Will we be welcomed as liberators? \_ For some definition of "liberators," and some arbitrarily large epsilon around that definition. |
2004/4/9-10 [Computer/HW/IO, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:13115 Activity:nil |
4/9 One side of my shoulder hurts very often, even when I am not doing anything but (especially) sitting. Don't know if this is repetitive stress syndrome or anthritis. Not asking for medical opinion on motd but just wondering if anyone else has had that too. \_ Totally serious: left shoulder? I had the same thing, where I would slouch very slightly on the left armrest, which could not be adjusted low enough. 2 weeks ago I unscrewed the thing and made it into an office mobile, and my shoulder's starting to feel better. I keep the right one to use the mouse with. \_ My office chair has no arm rests, and I like it that way. \_ reformatted \_ Right shoulder, but I use my left for mouse, even though I am right handed. -- op \_ Do you carry a backpack on one shoulder? Or carry anything semi-heavy unbalanced on a regular basis? \_ My g/f, who is 33, had the same problem. She went to the doc and he said it was degenerative arthritis. He put her on an exercise regimen that mostly made it go away. \_ well are you doing a certain kind of movement (e.g. sports)? \_ this is the motd. \_ i had the same thing on my right shoulder. but it was only when using my home computer after buying a new Mac (only relevant bc I stopped using an MS keyboard). I bought a new chair and the prob mostly went away. |
2004/4/9-11 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:13116 Activity:nil |
4/9 I am switching to a maildir format with my mail server so I can implement virtual domains with courier imap. What should I recommend to users who are used to using pine. I don't want to have to patch pine for maildir. We,^H^H^H Some of these users have been using pine since their teens and are now well into their 30s and the transition many not be easy so i want to avoid telling them "learn mh". Anything out there pine-like that supports maildir that I can install for us^H^H them to use? \_hmm, if they connect with pine to I needn't worry about plain-text password passing right? \_ pine + imap kinda sucks. I moved our mail system over to qmail+ maildir, but forward my mail over to another machine so that i can still use good ol' pine. - ex-mh user \_ ex-mh user? there are no ex-mh users. and they sure as hell wouldn't go to pine. you mean you tried mh one day and gave up because you couldn't read a man page so you switched to the most broken mailer available. \_ Belive pine supports SSL/TLS too. Though, my personal suggestion would be to get rid of pine since it's author refuses to support this useful mail box format. He seems to have a personal vendetta against maildir and djb. \_ just implement and fork it. that's what OS is about! the original author owes you nothing. scratch that itch! \_ make virtual domains use maildir, keep local mail in mbox. This is the way I have it setup. shell users use pine, remote folks use maildir/courier/imap/ssl \_ ok this sounds like a good idea, but how do i tell procmail(?) to deliver the mail differently to virtual domains? Also, this means, i presume, that the shell users can't use imap even if they want to (which is ok, since I don't let them now anyway as my imap/pop is unencrypted). \_ You can't tell procmail to deliver mail differently to virtual domains because procmail has no idea what a domain is. It is a *local* delivery agent. There are hackish ways to accomplish this, but you don't want to go there. -dans \_ A few useful things you should know: * cyrus >> courier >> uw imap I've set up and used all three. Cyrus is a royal fucking pain in the ass to set up, but, once working, is a thing of beauty. Cyrus cannot be used with procmail (it's architectural, you can read the docs if you care). Courier is solid, but it runs as root and that always bugged me. Plus, it's performance on ludicrously sized mail folders (> 1.5G) was unacceptable (yes, I care, and if you're 30 and using pine, so do you). UW IMAP is, like most ``production'' software that comes out of UW a steaming pile of shit which lacks features and includes bugs they refuse to fix for `political reasons.' * Mutt can be made to act like pine, just change the keybindings. It has better IMAP support to (which is pretty absurd when you realize that UW IMAP is supposed to be the reference implementation). This is probably an hour of work, and somebody has probably already written the mutt-like-pine .muttrc if you're feeling lazy. * Why aren't you using SSL? It is trivial to set up in both Courier and Cyrus, and not completely gross in UW. You realize it takes about five minutes and costs nothing to roll your own CA, and create a cert for your imap server(s)? Yes, self-signed certs are a pain with some client software, but since your concern is the dour-naysayer big fat sysadmin types, they'll figure it out. \_ we're not fat. we don't have time to eat. we spend our waking (and sleeping) hours cleaning up other people's messes and implementing other people's fucked up plans and then fixing them after the obvious happens. \_ You're well into your 30s and still using pine. This is the behavior of someone who likes putting out fires, not someone who thinks strategically and applies his efforts to minimize fires which buys more time in the long run. \_ I'm well into my 30s and using mh. pine doesn't even exist on my systems. -- !fat, !time, !stupid, sysadmin \_ And you still feel the need to seek approval from anonymous motd posters. How's that working for you? \_ That's one interpretation. Wrong, but if you want to think that, whatever. You feel the need to insult and attack anonymous motd posters. How's *that* working for *you*? See? It goes both ways yet still means nothing. * The UW mailtool program (included with UW IMAP, I think) is your friend. Sadly, there still exists no swiss army knife for converting between mailbox formats, but the UW mailtool is fairly good, and it speaks IMAP so you can convert mbox spools to maildir by having it talk to your maildir format IMAP server. Oh, yeah, if all your mail start being reported as the wrong date (i.e. the day you converted it), that's due to the maildir format, and how Courier implements it. Notably, Cyrus, which uses its own maildir-like format (more or less non-standard maildir plus index file) does not suffer from this problem. * Bug me if you have any interest in running Cyrus, I have notes I took in order to write a how-to at some point in the future. - dans |
2004/4/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13117 Activity:nil |
4/9 did the bush administration actually say that we would be greeted as liberators or is that hippie propoganda? also, if it is true, what's the conservative response to that claim? is it that the vast majority of iraqis are happy for what we did? sorry for trolling, but i don't follow the news closely enough to remember what was actually said. \_ http://www.dailykos.net/archives/002162.html \_ You and everyone else. \_ it's a "small group of criminals and thugs" who are causing trouble right now \_ C'mon now, you can type "greeted as liberators" into google for yourself and find out. |
2004/4/9-10 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:13118 Activity:nil |
4/9 War is hell: http://www.livejournal.com/users/ginmar/256570.html \_ no it's not, it's like walking in the park! |
2004/4/9-10 [Uncategorized] UID:13119 Activity:nil |
4/9 Url without descriptive comment purged. |
2004/4/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:13120 Activity:nil |
4/9 Any comments on Bodik's cs164 class from last fall? I was looking over the assignments and they look interesting- http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bodik/cs164-fall-2003/assignments/pa4.pdf \_ i took it last fall. the projects were really interesting and he is a good lecturer. i'd recommend taking the class from him. if you'd like more info, email me - erikk |
2004/4/9-10 [Computer/SW/Compilers, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:13121 Activity:nil |
4/9 Anybody using Eclipse's CDT package? Is it possible to sync the gdb view with the current code that is being executed? |
2004/4/9-11 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:13122 Activity:low |
4/9 What browser do OS X users use? I use Safari but 3-4 of the sites I frequently visit have problems with it, so then I fall back to FireFox and as a last ditch effort, IE. \_ There's a way to enable the "Debug" menu in Safari. I forgot what it is but it's some XML preference. From there, you can switch your "User Agent". \_ Type the following in Terminal and restart Safari: defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1 \_ I use mozilla because, despite the fact that it's much slower, it is also a lot more feature rich than Safari. \_ I had to juggle among the 4. BTW, Safari beta was quite fast but since 1.0 it has become intolerably slower. Mozilla/FF, however, behave rather strangely at times and often refuse to download images on the web page. I also notice at lease one place where the current version of Safari version of safari is less compatible than earlier one: http://hotmail.com \_ windows and IE have no problem on any web pages. if you can't beat em, join em! windows/IE >>> non-windows/non-IE. \_ not totally true. Since the windows updates last fall, IE on W2K and XP acts strangely with backslashes in some tags. But, since most website design targets Windows IE users, this doesn't show up much. \_ Exactly. IE is the most popular and thus the best and that's why everything is tested and works on it. I'll bet those few broken things don't work on other browers either. \_ One HUGE place where windows IE out of the box sucks is that it doesn't block popups by default. Other features include Auto-Form Fill and Tabbed Browsing. Also, Safari lets me hit back on pages that I visited that contained forms, where WindowsIE won't let me. --mac/windows user. \_ why would you want to block popups? it's called targetted advertising. if you didn't want those products you wouldn't be on those websites. popups are good! they pay for the web. IE has autoform fill and had it long before mozilla. safari didn't even exist when IE had autoform fill. tabs are for babies. just open another window. what is the point of tabs when you're just getting more pages that your browser can't read anyway? while tabbing, mozilla will often freeze the curernt window so you're not really getting the multi tab features tabbing should provide. and lastly i dont know what your BACK problem is. i can go forwards/backwards through my history with no problem. IE won the browser wars for a reason: it is superior to the third party alternatives due to innovation and leading the pack, not following it. \_ I use IE, even though M$ dropped support for it. \_ There are also Opera for Mac and a browser from the OmniGroup. Anyone used them at all? |
2004/4/9-10 [Science/Electric] UID:13123 Activity:high |
4/9 This is one of the most elaborate April Fool's articles I've seen so far: http://www.japan.com/technology/index.php \_ what evidence is there that it is an intentional April Fool's prank and not just another article about some crackpot? \_ "The laws of thermodynamics WILL BE obeyed in this house, young lady!" |
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