2004/3/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12772 Activity:nil |
3/19 Hahahahaha! Look at your stupid conservative guy trying to reply! http://www.democraticunderground.com/bob/04/97.html Hahahaha! Bush is doomed! \_ Yeah, it's just as great "It's none of your business!" or "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it" \_ I want links for these quotes..._ \_ 1) google. 2) read a newspaper, they were in several. 3) if he didn't make them you'd see it *everywhere* that the evil BushCo had fabricated quotes. Don't be silly, they were made in public in front of a zillion people. \_ Do liberals actually think this is what conservatives are like? It would be far more interesting if you could get a real conservative to write a counter point instead of just smearing them with froth and bile. |
2004/3/20-21 [Reference/Religion] UID:12773 Activity:moderate |
3/19 so it's okay for "ethnic albanians" to ethnically cleanse kosovo and burn all the churches there. \_ Yes. The Albanians aren't Israeli and their victims aren't a harmless, defenseless people like the Palestinians. The Albanians are a peace loving people who are merely setting right historical injustices done upon them by Evil Christans(c). It's a form of international level affirmative action. \_ You really have a one track mind, don't you? \_ Not at all. (say something stupid get a stupid reply) \_ What ever gave you that idea? NATO is calling for more troops and informing the populace that this must end, now. \_ "or else!" what good does that do for the ones already butchered? not a god damned thing, that's what. but they're only dirt eating eastern european christians so who cares? \_ I appreciate your frustration, but the point is that NATO is trying to do something. If you have concrete suggestions on what they can do, post them. \_ Ok, so where are the troops? No, they're only talking about sending troops whenever the hell they get around to it. There have been troops in the region since Clinton put them there half a decade ago. Why aren't they doing something? \_ I bet you were one of those guys who said Clinton was just trying to wag the dog when he sent troops to Kosovo, aren't you? \_ Except we were supporting the wrong side. We should be supporting the Christian Serbs. \_ as a christian I disagree with your stoopid viewpoint. \_ as a christian on the motd your opinion has no value. you are automatically scum of the earth and full of hate and a redneck. \_ I'm still waiting to read a single post by a motd christian that uses their religion to argue anything but hatred of homosexuals, jews, muslims or the word "fuck." Do you want to be the first? \_ I'm not a christian and I agree with him, but not because "they're christian". why should we help separatist albanians in a historically serbian area? \_ That's fine with me. I just don't like people giving Christians a bad name. I am against mass murders. giving Christians a bad name. \_ No one ever said that. He was wagging the dog when he blew up an aspirin factory in the Sudan and a few empty tents in Afghanistan. |
2004/3/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12774 Activity:very high |
3/19 Apparently the Taiwanese have hired Jeb Bush to run their election. \_ Huh? \_ I don't know about that comparison. If, however, the President of the United States use his presidential powers to stage an assassination attempt by Al Queda in a last minute bid to win the election, that would be comparable to what happened in Taiwan. \_ No matter how many times you repeat this, it is still not true. http://www.guardian.co.uk/US_election_race/Story/0,2763,430306,00.html \_ What's not true? "It"? "It" is true. Join us in the year 2004. The weather is great up here! \_ I was referring to the ballot shennanigans, not the assasination. \_ Oh my God, can't you just let it go and moveon? The whole country has been over this a million times. The press did their own recount of everything, Gore lost, join us up here in the now and the future. \_ No matter how many times you repeat this, it is still not true. http://www.guardian.co.uk/US_election_race/Story/0,2763,430306,00.html \_ What's not true? "It"? "It" is true. Join us in the year 2004. The weather is great up here! \_ Will you please open your eyes? The recount itself is meaningless. The only way that election would have been valid is if they'd had a runoff. The difference in ballots was squarely within the margin of error! Take Stats and you'll know that you can draw no solid conclusions in a contest like that. \_ We don't do "runoffs" nith si country. Were *you* calling for a run off in 92 when Perot took 19%? The election was valid. It followed the laws and it's unfortunate but there is no procedure for statistical margin of error problems. Winner takes all and that's that. I've had "stats", thanks. Have you had civics? It's over, move on. Frothing won't bring more people \_ Oh, he became president through a _legit_ process. (You could make the argument that the process needs fixing, but so far, it's legit by definition). to your party for 2004. \_ There are so many red herrings here, I think you must be a fishmonger. I know we don't have run- offs; I'm saying that not having runoffs is assinine. I'm calling for a runoff because the difference in votes fell within the margin of error; in 92, this was not the case in any state. \_ It wasn't worth saying anything more to such crap. If you had posted something worth responding to, you would have had a real response. As I said when I responded. There's no reason to provide a real response to a frothing troll who has added nothing to the thread. You might as well just say, "Yes, it is!" so I can say, "No, it isn't!" and we can cut'n'paste back n forth for a while. Add value and you'll get a real reply. Do you really honestly believe you said something worth responding to? \_ I don't know about that comparison. If, however, the President of the United States use his presidential powers to stage an assassination attempt by Al Queda in a last minute bid to win an election, that would be comparable to what happened in Taiwan. meaningless. The only way that election would have been valid is if they'd had a runoff. The difference in ballots was squarely within the margin of error! Take Stats and you'll know that you can draw no solid conclusions in a contest like that. \_ This has got to be tearing Taiwan apart right now. Anyone with relatives/friends/actual presence there like to comment? I'm done frothing; I'm trying to get reforms. Bush is president now, so be it; but don't pretend he's president through a legit process. \_ Oh, he became president through a _legit_ process. (You could make the argument that the process needs fixing, but so far, it's legit by definition). \_ Rule #1) Have family in high places. Rule #2) Have the supreme court in your back pocket - maybe go duck hunting together. It worked for us! \_ Rule #3) wear tinfoil hat. If you had a higher quality post you'd get a higher quality response, frother. \_ Uh huh. Your only response is to continue to claim, against all evidence, things that are not true. \_ It wasn't worth saying anything more to such crap. If you had posted something worth responding to, you would have had a real response. As I said when I responded. There's no reason to provide a real response to a frothing troll who has added nothing to the thread. You might as well just say, "Yes, it is!" so I can say, "No, it isn't!" and we can cut'n'paste back n forth for a while. Add value and you'll get a real reply. Do you really honestly believe you said something worth responding to? |
2004/3/20-22 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12775 Activity:nil |
3/19 Why do you guys insist on putting stuff in /csua/pub/jobs/* ? You're posting on motd, so obviously you want many people to look at the job and to apply. Why not put it in places like http://csua.berkeley.edu/pub/jobs/* where your listing will get even more exposure? \_ Because that's where they've always been put. Because these are job postings to fellow members. Because the CSUA is a social (read networking) organization. \_ Because 1) we didn't know it was there and 2) don't know how to put files there. What's the file system path? \_ 1) that gives me a 404, how about you? 2) motd isn't global -- so these postings are for the benefit of members \_ DEAR POLITBURO, as a recruiter I'd like to put stuff on <DEAD>csua/pub/job/*<DEAD> so that more ppl can access it. How do I do that? Thanks. \_ boy man mail [Restored. If you keep censoring it, I will keep restoring it.] |
2004/3/20-21 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:12776 Activity:nil |
3/20 (ssssshhhh!) Restored: White's only scholarship. Hurry, apply now! http://tinyurl.com/222cs \_ http://www.rwu.edu/about+rwu/fast+facts hmmm.... 20,000 dollars tuition for some shitty noname east coast school. I'd say I got the equivalent of a 40,000 dollar scholarship from those people just for going to a public school. [Restored. If you keep censoring it, I will keep restoring it.] |
2004/3/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:12777 Activity:high |
3/19 This has got to be tearing Taiwan apart right now. Anyone with relatives/friends/actual presence there like to comment? \_ I am in TW right now. Really think DPP rigged the election. Numerous of things, such as disallowing police and military to vote really made a difference this time. DPP fully aware that police / military tend to be pro KMT, and using assassination as an excuse to put them in high alert is a relatively reasonable as an excuse to put them in high alert. It's a relatively reasonable reason to disallowing them to vote. The assassination attempt, which many believed is being staged by DPP, really helped in galvanizing the swing voters to vote DPP at last minute. Having said that, I don't think pan-KMT fraction can do anything about this. I, for one, now leaning toward CCP instead. \_ Many people believe that Bush paid the Israeli secret service to blow up the towers in NY, too. Just because many people are stupid doesn't mean they're right. \_ My dad said Chen placed 300000 army and police on high alert after the "assassination" attempt on him, so these 300000 people couldn't vote. DPP "won" by 30000, one tenth of 300000. \_ just in case someone wonders, the above numbers were not typos. The army and police who were supposed to vote in special voting places but were mobilized just on the election day and didn't get any chance to vote numbered at least ten times the margin of of "victory" claimed to be won by Chen. There are numerous irreg in the vote counting process, including massive selective \_ The assassination stunt Chen pulled is kind of like the President of the United States using his presidential powers to stage an assassination attempt by Al Queda in a last minute bid to win the election. \_ Look, I'm not disputing whether the assassination attempt was staged or not. I'm looking for insight from people who are there. Do you know anyone who's there right now? Then ask them what they think is going on and post it. labelling of votes against Chen as beling invalid. Frankly, I don't like Lien, because he seems like a indifferent wimp. What worries me is having someone who is capable of a treachery of this magnitude as the leader of a still young democracy. \_ Too true, once we kill off the splittists, the motherland will be reunited and we can execute or put in mental hospitals the splittists who remain. \_ well, even CCP have not been saying things like that, for many year. Almost no people on taiwan want immediate reunification, including those against Chen and DPP. Even many people on the mainland does not think unification is a viable idea now, including all of the leadership, not the least because of the divergent political system. They just want to maintain the status quo, perhaps indefinitely. The DPP and Chen, however, want to severe any hope and good will between Taiwan and the mainland. They want to write textbooks that claim "Taiwanese" (Chinese immigrated there two centuries earlier, not the minoriity aborigines) as a different and superior race and glorify Japanese's role in WWII. To achieve the former, they used all the media they control to forment hatred against and demonize all people on the mainland as well as Taiwanese who disagree with their agenda. When the last time there was a solar storm disrupting satelite communication, they put out "news" that claim Beijing is send death ray against their with their agenda. Example: I remember when there was a solar storm disrupting satelite communication, they put out "news" that claim Beijing sent death ray against Beijing. satelite. During SARS, they first claimed Taiwanese are immune from it during to their superiority. When it broke out there too, they claim it was a biological attack from Beijing. You don't hear this on the western media because they are clever enough to realize it is not PC so they do not release it in English, and (at least the american) media never picks it up, intentionally or not. \_ The mainland leadership doesn't want reunification? Excuse me, but that's complete bullshit. I won't actually call you a liar. They've been putting out pro-unification noise since day one. They're building up military force on the mainland side of the water for years and continue to do so. They have stated outright that if they don't reunify at some unspecified but near-future date that the mainland *will invade* to make it happen. I don't know about the propaganda coming out of Taiwan but the mainland makes their own positions very public and very clear. \_ summary: The margin which DPP won by: < 30k (or 0.23%) The number of military/police personel which are not given the chance to vote: 300k The number of votes which counted as "invalid" due to "more stringent validation process:" 330k The number of ballots casted: 13 million \_ "We didn't like the results so let's have a do-over!" |
2004/3/20-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:12778 Activity:nil |
3/19 In Perl, how do I do file descriptor jumps. I'm asking because I want to implement my own "tail -f" or "tail -100" where I can just find out the size of the file, then jump towards the end, and move around the files. THanks. \_ jumps? you mean seek() and/or fseek()? \_ tell me why would the UN want to give up its exploitation of making millions off Saddam and the Oil for Food program? what incentive for the UN to get rid of IRAQ's saddam when they are making millions. You want nothing more than to put the Iraqi people back under oppression so that the UN can make millions more off the poor Iraqi people exploiting the Oil for Food program. |
2004/3/20-21 [Reference/Military, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:12779 Activity:nil |
3/19 Echoes of the Wild West in one man's border war http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1102005/posts |
2004/3/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:12780 Activity:nil |
3/19 Al Qaeda aims at US target because it disagrees with the US Policy. What is wrong with the US Policy again? \_ Is this a troll? \_ No, they kill non-Muslims of all types because they're non-Muslims. Convert or die. The 'problem' with US policy is the US isn't an Islamic state run by some Ayatollah. \_ wow, how clever. looks like one troller responds to another troller. |
2004/3/20-21 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12781 Activity:nil |
3/19 The assassination stunt Taiwan's president Chen pulled is kind of like the President of the United States using his presidential powers to stage an assassination attempt by Al Queda in a last minute bid to win the election. \_ Tinfoil hat time. What evidence is there that he had himself and his VP shot? It's ridiculous. \_ what about this claim that years ago he falseley accused political rivals of poisoning him on TV right before another election? Is there any basis in fact there? I'm not trying to troll here, I'm just new to following Taiwan politics. \_ it's totally like something he would do. he does anything and everything to win elections. |