2004/3/9 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:12578 Activity:low |
3/8 Would someone be willing to take delivery of a handgun for me in the Bay Area in the next 2 months? It's a gift from a friend in Oregon, which I would like to take over to Switzerland the next time I'm in the US (May-ish.) He can't meet me in person. I can supply any needed papers. -John \_ Which handgun? (I am not in BA, or I d take it) -- ilyas \_ Can you supply a good lawyer, too? \_ can i use it on Highway 580? \_ Just sort of curious, John, why're you asking in the motd rather than approaching some friends you consider trustworthy directly? \_ Assuming you go through with this, it is illegal and considered a federal crime. To do this right, your friend needs to transfer ownership using someone with a FFL. Any reputable gun store will do this, for a small fee, and even hold it in storage, for another small fee. Transferring the gun out of country is another whole mess of paperwork. \_ You have to forgive John. Living in oppressed Europe for so long, he must have forgotten how easy it is to commit a federal crime here in the Land of the Free. -- ilyas \_ Was he thinking of wearing a head scarf, too? \_ In Switzerland, men are REQUIRED to keep an arsenal in their home as they are citizen military reservists, and could be called up in time of need. \_ Because so many Italians and Germans will be invading for the chocolate and watches? Actually, it won't be the Germans. They already bought their way in with blood money. \_ As if Europe is a haven of freedom and goodness. Whatever. \_ I think you are missing the point. \_ I don't think there was a meaningful point to begin with. \_ What point? It was standard mindless America bashing. |
2004/3/9-10 [Computer/HW/IO] UID:12579 Activity:nil |
3/8 Can someone recommend a good 3 button mouse for PC hardware? Is there any reason to favor USB over PS2? Price not an issue. \_ Microsoft Intellimouse Optical (Retail). It has two more buttons that you'll use a lot for going Back or Forward in web pages. Look, Amazon is selling it for $23.84, no tax! It's an upgrade from a year ago, it captures 6,000 images per second, which you'll notice. \_ Eh, the extra buttons are useless and get in the way. Stick with Logitech, and you'll never go back. The MS wheel-buttons have too much (or too little resistance). Logitech gets it right. Logitech also makes symmetric mice so I can use them with my left hand. And they have great drivers. \_ I really like my Kensington expert mouse v5 (the huge trackball with 4 buttons.) It takes a bit of getting used to, and the price is astronomical, but for work it's superb. Only problem with mine (I use the serial one) is that the connector to the trackball chassis is bad quality and can fall out if you move it (so not too good for active gaming.) They may have fixed this since I bought mine a few years back, though. http://www.kensington.com/html/1175.html -John \_ I appreciate the suggestions but I am looking for something 3 buttons. I would rather not get a wheel-as-button. I just use X11, no Windows. Any basic 3b mouse options? \_ Oh sorry. For bog-standard 3 button mice, I really like the older Compaq ones (sort of wide-ish and goofy- shaped. Can't find a picture, but you should be able to pick one up on ebay.) I find them pretty relaxing on my hand. -John \_ Kensington is the answer to all mouse needs. Go to their site and see their 3b mouse products. \_ We had a short-lived manager that came in here ordered a $300 kensington track ball to see how high he could get people to jump. \_ They only go to $105. \_ I like USB mouse on laptops. It has advantage of hot plugin / pull out without causing too much harm. For desktops, I prefer PS2 mouse mainly because USB ports are relatively valuable real estates. I prefer reserve USB ports for truely portable devices such as thumb drive, digital camera, etc. Personally, I use the cheap logitech optical mouse (wheel mouse) for portable needs. And, if you want an ergonomic mouse, I highly recommend this product called "Anir Mouse." http://www.animax.no it is the most comfortable mouse I ever used. email me if you got more questions. -kngharv |
2004/3/9-10 [Health/Skin] UID:12580 Activity:nil |
3/9 Good Skin Guy, I've followed your advice and stopped drinking milk and I've shown marked improvements in complexion. Do you have any other tips? \_ Sorry, milk doesn't have anything to do with acne. It's just coincidental. \_ stop eating grease. \_ what do you wash your face w/ ? also, what shampotioner do you use? lastly, have you considered that acne medication that fucks w/ your liver (forgot the name)? --washes face w/ water, no soap. \_ http://ixix.com/english/beautiful/beautiful_01.htm http://ixix.com/english/life/life_01.htm \_ hahah!!! "Years of working 18-hour days and delivering 40 babies a month led to a drastic weight gain." \_ 1. stop touching your face 2. if you take showers in the morn, wash that pillow cover or start taking showers at night. 3. change your bed sheets often. |
2004/3/9 [Reference/Tax] UID:12581 Activity:high |
3/9 GREEN! : . PURPLE! : . \_ This a lightsaber color poll? \_ No \_ Are you the Green leader? \_ Why do motd polls always lack the right answer? Everyone knows RED! is the right answer. I want to see a url from a source I approve of before I'll even consider discussing these other useless \_ Red Five standing by. \_ Green must fight purple, purple must fight green. Is no other way. \_ Cut the chatter, Red 5. \_ It's not a Star Wars reference --op \_ Why do motd polls always lack the right answer? Everyone knows RED! is the right answer. I want to see a url from a source I approve of before I'll even consider discussing these other useless options. options. RED!: . \_Green must fight purple, purple must fight green. Is no other way. |
2004/3/9-10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:12582 Activity:nil |
3/9 Read businessweek online issue on 'china.net'. Lots of stories on internet activities in china. Anybody thinking of moving back to china or taiwan to start companies? I've been thinking about going back to TW to start an online gaming company. DSL penetration is pretty high. \_ let me know if you do please! -brain \_ in the same vein (is there a latin term for that expression?), does anyone have any Indian tech connections? I have an idea for outsourcing (not HiTech related) to India but don't have the connections. \_ mail me. - rory \_ "Online gaming company", you mean developing online games, or what? \_ I think he means online sex chat \_ No wonder DSL penetration is so important! \_ I would think penetration not important for online sex. \_ He said "gaming" which is gambling, not "game". \_ An ex-boss went there 2 years ago. He has a company, website, etc, but I don't think he has final product or beta customer 1. \_ I wanna make the China version of Yahoo Maps / Mapquest. Anyone here has any experience? eg. Worked at Navtech? We can start with like Beijing and move on from there. \_ Do people there really have a need for a service like that? \_ I am sure there is. Hwy system and car ownership are exploding. Biggest problem is probably that the road system is changing and expanding too fast. \_ Instead of driving direction from pt A to pt B, you can provide transit directions from pt A to pt B. --- yuen \_ In Taiwan right now, and talked to friends from the mainland regards to LBS service. The main issue is that, unlike USA, which essentially gave out GIS map of entire country for free (TIGER db), in both mainland China and Taiwan, GIS Maps has to be purchased. I am less familiar with what is going on in the mainland, but in Taiwan, first, the government actually holds copyright on these maps, secondly, the government impose a very restrictive license on how the map can be used, and charge a very handsome sum for "value-added redistribution." Second issue is less difficult. There is simply no good Chinese parser out there to tokenize addresses. In taiwan, life get even more complicated because maps are controlled by several different government agencies. The main obsticle is that Chinese people on both strait treat map as some sort of military secret, and very reluctant to release them to civilian use. If you are interested in this kind of things, email me, as I am in the process of getting street maps of Taipei to play with (which going to cost me $150 USD just for personal use). -kngharv \_ You mean in Taiwan tourists can't buy somthing like "Map of Taipei" at a bookstore for a few bucks? \_ I don't get the tokenize address part. Just let the user enter the address as seperate fields. Take my aunt's address (using commie romanization): tai2 bei3 (taipei city), xin1 dian4 (subdivision), zhong1 zheng4 lu4 (road), wu3 hao4 (number) If they write it all together, sure, but if it's entered in seperate fields or with a delimiter, I don't see what's the difficulty. |
2004/3/9-10 [Health/Disease/General] UID:12583 Activity:nil |
3/8 http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/040309/95575_1.html Scary! 1918 Spanish Flu is an avian flu similar to today's Bird Flu. Scientists are very worried. \_ So we can't eat meat, chicken, fish or veggies? What's left? \_ Sperm. \_ Must..not...quote...Monty...Python...mUst..NOT..<croak> |
2004/3/9-10 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:12584 Activity:nil |
3/8 Another annoying Firefox/Mozilla question: I like the find-as-you-type feature, but is there a way to make it do "next match"? It seems pretty useless to just get the first one. \_ ctrl+g to find next, ctrl+shift+g to find the previous match. http://texturizer.net/firefox/keyboard.html \_ F3 also works, but that was just a random guess of mine. \_ hit F3 \_ Great question, I've been wonderin the same thing. |
2004/3/9-11 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:12585 Activity:low |
3/8 Why is Soda still running 700Mhz? Is it suffice? Do you want a better processor? -alumni working at Intel \_ The CSUA wants all the free hardware you want to give it, but if we're going to go to the trouble to upgrade soda we aren't just going to throw in a new CPU - I think that the VP-ish people these days are thinking along the lines of dual-xeon or something. If you have the juice to get us free stuff from {Intel,AMD,*}, you should email politburo or the vp directly, they will be very interested. Disk for the office system got upgraded last semester thanks to njh, soda disk is probably next (eventually). Some of this stuff is in the CSUA minutes. --jhs (current ugrad) \_ I think I have a 6 year old 80GB RAID 5 SCSI Array. Can we think of anything fun to do with it? \_ Drop it off of evans? \_ Hey jhs, are you on the politburo, or do you just take it upon yourself to speak for them? \_ I'm not on politburo, I do go to most pburo meetings, I spent a lot of time in previous semesters talking with the previous and current VPs about these issues. I thought that everyone might be interested in what is actually going on with current pburo thoughts on these issues. The current pburo people don't go on the motd very often - I pointed this thread out to erikk, the vp, so maybe he can post with definitive info if that's what you desire. --jhs \_ so youre saying if i donate a few terabytes i wont get insulted on the motd for daring to offer free stuff to the csua? -alum \_ A more charitible interpretation is that they have uses for any semi-modern hardware, but that they won't bother upgrading the main server without having something substantially better. Lesser donations can be used on the lounge machines. \_ I don't think there's any way to guarantee you won't be insulted on the motd. The statements found on the motd do not in any was represent the opinions of either the Politburo or the CSUA's official stance on any subject. - Poliburo-alum \_ Indeed. There are much more appropriate venues to discuss such subjects where you won't meet with the motd-type railing. Try mailing csua@csua.berkeley.edu, politburo@csua, hardcorps@csua, etc. --scotsman \_ suffice is a verb, but yes, we need a better processor! \_ hey nice way to slam someone doing you a favor for nothing. \_ Also, "alumni" is plural. It should be "alum", "alumnus", or "alumna". \_ How do you know it wasn't posted by a few alums who decided to make a gift together? How deep do you look into a gift horse's mouth before your head gets bit off? \_ don't tell them about the "Prescott is AMD 64's beyatch" thread \_ Because it doesn't run Windoze which needs 2GHz for one user. \_ Another clown.... No class. \_ See the post below, moron. \_ You: no class. It doesn't matter if the item offered is useful or not. Oh fuck it, nevermind. Why do I bother trying to teach the most basic manners that any 6 year old understands to motd jerkoffs? \_ It's funny that someone calling others clown with no justification talks about basic manner. \_ If you don't see the justification you're beyond hopeless. \_ a better processor is not much use without a motherboard (and everything else that entails) to support it. though frankly, how much processing power can a machine used to read mail and edit a text file need... \_ But Intel makes mobos too. All you'd need is probably new RAM. I don't know what type soda has now. We don't need the latest greatest RAM so maybe the current stuff would work. \_ uh, run uptime: 183 users, load averages: 1.29, 0.94, 1.00 \_ Your point? \_ his point is that politburo is stingy on processing power and imposes our freedom to run useful tasks such setiathome and gene folding and porn storage. \_ motherboards, etc, are cheap. \_ so are lots of >700 Mhz processors... \_ Here is a very fundamental question. Is CSUA more CPU bound or disk space bound? I would say definitely the latter because of all the h0zers storing email and never cleaning them up. Secondly, it's easy to do "ps aux" and see who should get squished, but it's not so easy to do "df -k /users/*" because of file permissions, so we don't have a clear idea on who to target. My point is we need an alumni who works at Western Digital to donate free space more so than an alumni who works at AMD/Intel to donate a powerful space heater that will most likely be underutilized. \_ Why not both? Haven't you seen soda's load a 8? \_ Before spamassassin, soda didn't have any shortage of cpu. Faster/multi-spindle disk would help with that, but that's about the only thing that cpu would help. \_ I'm sitting on a few terabytes I have no use for but I can't imagine donating them if I'd get the same treatment as the op for this thread. \_ Har har har. Troll. |
2004/3/9-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:12586 Activity:kinda low |
3/8 anyone else having problems with the java ssh applet? (http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/ssh - the window dies after I enter in my password, I'm not certain if it was a change in my setup or in the system... Thanks! \_ java ssh applet is pretty dependent on your jvm. Try updating. \_ Yeah it dies for me, too. \_ Related question: With all versions of mindterm, I am able to run it both on a client as a jar file, or load it off a web page and run it from a browser. For some reason, for all versions, I can't get them to use an http proxy when running from a browser...anyone else see this? -John \_ i don't think the browser will allow you to open a network connection to anywhere besides the host where the applet came from, unless the applet is signed (in which case it would popup messages asking whether you want to allow full network access, etc.). \_ java ssh applet is pretty dependent on your jvm. Try updating. \_ Can't get it to work on XP or 2000, but it's fine on '98. Same JRE version. Mozilla's java console gives this: java.lang.VerifyError: (class: b7, method: lx signature: ()Z) Incompa\ tible object argument for invokespecial java.lang.VerifyError: (class: b7, method: lx signature: ()Z) Incompatible object argument for invokespecial at b5.ld(JAX) at bq.run(JAX) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) --scotsman \_ do you happen to know how old the mindterm ssh install is? \_ /csua/www/htdocs/ssh Looks like it's from 2000. --scotsman |
2004/3/9-10 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking] UID:12587 Activity:nil |
3/8 http://www.pfir.org/meltdown PFIR announcement of an "emergency" conference aimed at preventing Internet meltdown. |
2004/3/9-10 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Security] UID:12588 Activity:nil |
3/8 Where can I find the definitions of the 3 timestamps associated with a file on a linux system: "Access Modify Change" \_ On most OS's that informaion is in the ls man page. Or do you need something more detailed? \_ Yes, I need to know the exact technical definition of "Changed" in this context. I'm trying to track down when/how my /usr/bin/perl file got changed from the debian "stable" version to the "testing" 5.8.2 version. Thanks. \_ is man 2 stat sufficient? \_ Yes siree. Perfect. Thank You! |
2004/3/9-10 [Computer/Companies/Google] UID:12589 Activity:nil |
3/8 How do I make google search my new domain name? \_ google is dead. \_ long live google. \_ http://www.google.com/addurl.html \_ google does not search domain names. it searches websites. put a website on your domain and point some links to it. The Web != The Internet. |
2004/3/9-11 [Computer, Recreation/Humor] UID:12590 Activity:nil 55%like:12570 |
3/9 Did anyone ever come up with a url for a recording of that Chapelle segment "if the internet was a place" ? \_ yes, i did. should be in the archive \_ Any change of getting a local copy in /csua/tmp ? -- streamng-impaired \_ That was a miserably stupid bit. \_ The number of humor-impaired people on motd never cease to amaze. \_ humor is subjective. That bit was only very mildly funny. \_ yeah, certainly not among his funniest bits |
2004/3/9-10 [Recreation/Dating] UID:12591 Activity:nil |
3/9 Yahoo! News - Study Examines STD Rates of Teen Virgins http://csua.org/u/6cw "The study found that the STD rates for whites who pledged virginity was 2.8 percent compared with 3.5 percent for those who didn't pledge. For blacks, it was 18.1 percent and 20.3 percent. For Asians, 10.5 percent of virginity pledgers had STDs compared with 5.6 percent of non-pledgers. For Hispanics, it was 6.7 percent and 8.6 percent." Casual non-scientific thoughts: 1. The less horny an Asian claims, the more horny (s)he is. 2. It's safer to screw a seemingly horny Asian chick then a seemingly non-horny one. Also, "88 percent of pledgers have sex before marriage." Most pledgers are liars. :-) \_ 3. You're safer with whites than anyone else. 4. statistics tell you about averages, and if you base your decisions on the averages of large numbers of people, you're a fucking idiot (and you're probably fucking an idiot as well.) \_ but as long as idiots are monogamous, they're not getting stds! \_ Does that make me an idiot-fucking idiot? Oooh. \_ Actually that would be an idiot-fucking fucking idiot. Or fucking idiot-fucking idiot. We have rich vocabularies. \_ This seems to go hand in hand with the Canadian study finding that huge swaths of kids don't think oral sex is sex, don't think it's sex if you pull out, don't think it's sex if you shower afterwards, etc... \_ Do they really think it's not sex, or are they simply in denial? \_ They just learned well from their hero, Clinton. |
2004/3/9 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:29861 Activity:nil |
3/8 Ashcroft surgery a success! Blessings to him and his family. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A42534-2004Mar9?language=printer \_ However, giant stick in up ass thought to be inoperable. |
3/15 |