2004/3/2 [Science/Space] UID:12480 Activity:very high |
3/2 There was water on Mars! http://www.jpl.nasa.gov \_ chances are good that an ice comets hit mars several times over so why is this such a surprise? \_ The levels and prevelence of water-formed minerals they're \_ The levels and prevalence of water-formed minerals they're talking about would not be from a few a few comets. \_ don't expect anyone to actually read a link before posting on the motd. this is like slashdot where the less someone knows the more likely they are to mouth off. |
2004/3/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:12481 Activity:high |
3/2 Can any car/bike racing enthusiasts recommend which nearby track is better (i.e., Laguna Seca vs. Sears Pt)? \_ Don't forget Thunderhill \_ Is that a recommendation? \_ Thunderhill is the one I would recommend if you are running and not just watching. It is a great place to learn and has a lot of run off room. \_ seconded. Thunderhill is cheaper than Laguna Seca, and safer than Sears/Infineon. --jwang, ex-AFM#911 e/2 Today is super tuesday. Don't forget to vote. Here's the obPoll: Kerry: .. (lemmings) Kerry: ... (lemmings) <-- whatever Edwards: . Kucinich: .. Sharpton: . Neither: .. yes on prop 55: ..... no on prop 55: .. yes on prop 56: ... no on prop 56: ... yes on prop 57: .. no on prop 57: ... yes on prop 58: .. no on prop 58: .... yes on Measure 2: . no on Measure 2: . tired of polls: .. don't care: . \_ not so. there are several other very important issues on there even if you think the primary is over. \_ votes formatted not because I'm anal, but because I'm so incredibly bored. :-) \_ No open primaries this year. This sucks if you are an independent but want to actually have a say in what your choices for the prez vote are. \_ You can still vote for Nader... \_ If you want to have a say, you should have registered as a Dem for this election, then switched back before November. If you can't figure out how to game the system, you have no place whining about it. \_ Not true. You can request a Democrat ballot if you want. I am an independent and I voted for a Democrat in the primary. \_ Yeah, those damn parties thinking they should base the primary on who the party members choose... \_ Let the parties hold their own elections then instead of having the government foot the bill. \_ The independent in front of me in line asked for a republican ballot. There's nothing contested in any election for the republicans. Why would he ask for that instead of the democrat ballot where he can make a difference? \_ Which prop is about raising the bridge tolls? I'm so ignorant. \_ Measure 2, comes with good things and bad things. Translink would be great, but ferries are a waste of money as is extending BART to Byron. \_ The problem with M2 is it raises the bridge toll but uses the funds for many other unrelated projects. So it taxes a small number of people but asks a larger number of people if it is ok to tax that smaller number for the larger group's benefit without cost to that larger group. This is the worst form of taxation possible. I voted against it merely on those grounds even though we need to improve the transit system. And no, I don't drive the bay bridge regularly. Maybe twice a year. \_ I agree that ferries suck, but BART builds slowly and it makes sense to build in the direction of future growth, which is to the east. \_ BART is a ridiculous boondoggle, far too expensive and slow to cover the distances it's trying to cover. The more we extend BART, the longer it will be until we have a decent transit system in the Bay Area. That said, I begrudgingly voted for RM2. -tom \_ Slow? 32min from Hayward to downtown SF during morning commute hours seems pretty fast to me. Can't beat that even if you're carpooling with two passenges. \_ you *can* beat that if you're using a train system in any major city in Europe or Japan. And the ride from Byron is likely to be more than an hour. -tom \_ How often do those train systems stop? Thanks. Let's get some apples/apples here. Put away the oranges. \_ Heavy-rail systems with stops at similar distance to East Bay BART are much, much faster; top speeds 50-100% higher than BART. In dense areas, systems like the London Underground do just as well in comparison. -tom \_ And cost how much? Are you seriously saying we should replace BART with a new system that will cost more to run and run louder through all the neighborhoods? \_ No system will cost more to run than BART--standard rail costs quite a bit less than non-standard rail. And have you ever actually been to another country? The trains are quieter than BART. -tom \_ Have you ever been to New York? You don't have to go to another country to beat BART. \_ NY is much better than BART, but it's not particularly fast or quiet. -tom \_ How many trains have to go by before you can be pushed into one in the Tokyo area? \_ let me get this straight--BART is better because it's really slow, so no one uses it, so the trains aren't as crowded? -tom \_ No, more like people use trains because the population density is so insanely high they live like rats. Is that what you want? \_ How long does it take to get to the station and find parking in the morning? \_ There are always more than a hundred empty spaces in the parking structure even at 9am everyday. \_ Which parking lot are you at? If I'm not there by 8:30, it's completely filled. \_ 32 minutes? I'm a bit further out on that line and it isn't 32 minutes for that part of it. \_ Glen Park BART is 12 minutes to Montgomery, which is faster than you can drive that route on a fast motorcycle. I know, I have tried. -ausman \_ How is a proposition different from a measure? \_ Prop=Statewide, Measure [1-9]=County, Measure [A-Z] = City \_ Why are they trying to fund healthcare with a sales tax increase? It's regressive taxation and falls whenever the economy is in trouble. Not to mention it harms the local economy more than an income or property tax because it's easier for people to shop somewhere else than to move or change jobs. \_ Because nothing but a sales tax increase will ever pass county wide. Any policymaker worth their spit would prefer an income or property tax but they are generally impossible to pass in CA. \_ with good reason. taxes are already too high. \_ Where are they trying to do this? \_ Alameda county. Proposed sales tax increase to 8.75% It's a worthy cause, being funded in one of the most ass-ways possible. \_ So for the "yes on 55" folks, why do you want to add a $12B bond with $12B interest to the CA finance mess? \_ Because it is an investment for the future, because I think education is usually money well spent, because CA spends less than it should on education, because we are in a recession and I believe in Keynesian economics. Yeah, I know we will probably not still be in a recession by the time the money is spent, but the CA finance mess is not a good reason to not spend money on worthy causes, since the economy will be better sooner or later, probably sooner. \_ We already spend more on education/pupil than most states and get the least for it. Education doesn't need more money. It needs a structural overhaul. \_ Somewhat untrue: Education in CA needs more money AND they need to spend it more wisely. \_ I don't think it's a case of "spend it more wisely" but restructure the entire educational system. The people in charge from the top all the way down plus the teacher's unions all have to go. Until that happens, no amount of money will improve CA education. \_ Wrong. California ranks 33rd in per pupil spending. We spend like a poor Southern state and wonder why we get crappy results. CA needs to spend more on schools. http://www.edsource.org/sch_expend.cfm \_ Dump the illegals and then recalculate, or get a chart that shows absolute numbers which your chart is hiding or better yet, do both. \_ Prop 55 includes a $300m grant to build more charter schools. On this basis alone, I cannot, in good conscience, support it. \_ Building schools makes no sense when the kids at the current schools don't even have books or teachers. This is money poorly spent in the name of education. \_ For the "yes on 56" folks, why do you want to lower the number of legislators needed to increase taxes to 55% from 2/3? \_ The state budget has been in chaos over not being able to return tax rates to an equitable level. Giving the legistature the ability to actually do their job sounds like a good idea, unless you are one of the many in CA who doesn't like paying for what we have here. \_ If you paid the taxes *I* pay you'd think they're already too high. Go get a real job and pay that shit yourself for a few years and we'll see what you think "equitable" looks like. \_ I for one think welfare queens should start paying their fair share. \_ What percentage of the state budget is spent by your so-called "welfare queens"? Do you even know? \_ I already pay more than my share for what "we" have here. \_ If you really fell that way, why not leave? \_ The weather which is not something improved by increased taxes. \_ Because it only takes 51% to lower them. \_ Is that true? I thought *all* tax legislation had to be passed by the same amount. \_ and when was the last time your state taxes were lowered? \_ It's sad how easy y'all get brainwashed by right wing talk radio. \_ When was the last time taxes were lowered? \_ Last fall, by Herr Gropenator. \_ Case in point. Look for a reference to a "car tax" before, oh, '96. \_ No taxes were lowered by the Governor. http://www.igs.berkeley.edu/library/htCAVehicleLicense2003.html \_ I wonder how it feels to be you and be wrong about everything, all the time. \_ I see a fee being lowered after it was raised earlier. Where is your tax? Do you think I was unaware of the VLF being lowered? You're not even remotely as clever as you think you are. \_ In real dollars, property taxes go down every day. Thanks, prop 13. \_ Until you move. \_ Yes, thanks prop 13 or I couldn't afford to own a home. My parents would already be in the street. \_ Prop 13 doesn't do anything to help new homeowners; it only helps people with hundreds of thousands of dollars of equity in their homes keep from contributing to the community. The idea of people losing their homes over property taxes is a myth. \_ A myth? I was here and saw it happen. It is real life to me, not some history book lesson. I lived in pre-prop 13 CA. Did you? \_ Yeah, I was here too. We used to have good schools before Prop 13 dried up the revenue for them. CA has been on a slow downward spiral ever since it was passed. \_ Yeah, the state was better bankrupting families so they'd leave and take their kids with them. Who wants to spend money educating all those middle class kids? \_ Uh huh. Without Prop 13 my taxes would be up 40% over the last two years. Since they are already $5K now that's another $2K. I wouldn't lose my house, but I'd suffer. Eventually, I might lose my house if the taxes double/triple. \_ So? Suffer away. It's market economics. You could always move instead. Also, without prop 13 the burden would be spread everywhere. \_ It's not market economics. What good does it do me if my house is worth 20x what it used to be? I should pay tax on it when I sell and not before, like with stock. \_ I think Mr. I Hate Prop 13 is just a bitter apartment dweller who gets off every night thinking tomorrow will be the day the housing bubble bursts and he can finally afford a house. \_ property taxes pay for the services which support the value of your house, like police, fire, and roads. The analogy to stocks is totally missing the point. -tom \_ So if my house is worth 20x what my neighbor's house is worth then I should pay 20x more for this? \_ I think so. -!tom \_ Even if it doesn't cost 20x to supply services to his house? He uses the same amount of road, fire, police and other services. His more expensive house does not put a bigger drain on the local services. Let me guess, you're not a home owner and don't work yet, either? \_ I am a homeowner, and have been working for 15 years. Try again, anonymous coward. -tom \_ You 'work' for UC and live in Oakland. \_ How do either of these points matter to the discussion? And why do you put "work" in quotation marks? Because I didn't get laid off with the rest of the dotbombers? -tom \_ How much more will you lose if your block goes up in flames? Or if property values crash because of high crime and shitty schools? -tom \_ He's getting the same service as the shitty house next door. Will the local fire department make his fire a priority when both houses catch fire at the same time? Not a chance. Will the cop go to his house first? Nope. \_ You didn't address my point. If property values drop by 50%, Mr. Expensive House will lose a lot more money than Mr. Cheap House; therefore, Mr. Expensive House has more personal interest in services which support property values. -tom \_ You think this relationship is linear? When the house price doubles, does the cost of these services also double? \_ Because it is past time that California raised its taxes. \_ no its past time California lowered its expendatures. \_ Okay, where? (And no, deleting my question does not count as a win.) \_ I wasn't here when your question was deleted. Where? 2 things for starters: revamp the educational system, and stop spending money on illegal aliens, then we'll have a chance to see what The People's real needs are and go from there. \_ California already spends less on education than most states. This has been the case for a very long time. \_ I didn't say spend less. I said revamp. The entire system is broken and needs to be redone. \_ illegal alien is a federal issue, not state one. I think it's unfair to ask California to bear the burden of Federal government's failure to guard its borders. \_ None of this really matters as long as the e-voting machines can be shown to be easily compromised and voters are not required to show ID in order to vote. Aargh! \_ I had to show ID this morning. \_ Where did you vote? (City, County) \_ Dublin. They asked everyone for ID. \_ When I was voting this morning I saw an old person asking about paper receipts and audit trails. It made me happy. \_ In San Francisco, we vote by filling in lines with a pen on a piece of paper, which is then read by an optical scanner. This seems like an ideal solution - not prone to error or fraud, easy to understand for everyone, leaves a permanent record for recount, and not labor intensive for the precincts. Why do other counties insist on using such awful solutions like Diebold? \_ Who keeps the piece of paper, the voter or the polling station? If it's the voter, this system is highly vulnerable to verifiable vote-selling. If it's put in a lock-box at the polling place, you're in much better shape. \_ The actual ballot with the pen markings is fed into the optical scanner by the voter themselves - after this it is locked away for safekeeping. The voter keeps only the receipt torn from the top of the sheet. See here: http://www.fairvote.org/administration/votetech.htm Scroll down to "optical scanning." \_ Wow, that rocks! Thank you! Now if only Alameda County would implement this. |
2004/3/2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:12482 Activity:very high |
3/2 Does anyone know how long can you drive with an expired vehicle registration sticker? This morning I realized my car has an expired Feb sticker, and I wonder if I will get ticketed. But I paid registration fee but haven't received the sticker. \_ I had a friend who had Michigan tags that were expired for more than a year. He got pulled over, ticketed for speeding but the cop never realized that he had expired tags. I'm not sure they're that observant. \_ until you get caught. Youmay be able to argue that it is paid and only get a fix-it ticket for not having the sticker. \_ I went all of last year without one (had it but put it on in February, after it expired) and I still don't have one for this year. I've been pulled over once for speeding but the cop said nothing. It's an old car, maybe they're taking pity on me? \_ you can drive as long as you want, but you're eligible to be ticketed the instant it expires. if it's expired for more than 6 months, they can impound your car if they want to. \_ Same situation happened to me and I got pulled over for speeding. Cop can look up your registration and verify it's paid. Still got the speeding ticket though. \_ I always pay late. You can avoid the ticket up to a couple months in but after a while the cops and esp. chp get anal about it. If you don't drive on the highway much you might be able to get away with it. However, your car might be missing if you leave it on the street and they decide to tow. \_ In California, it's standard practice to get one month's grace. If your sticker says FEB, it's policy to ticket you on April 1. Parking enforcement left two tickets for me over two weeks in L.A., but they also make a business of ticketing residents who park on the wrong side of the street during street-cleaning days. \_ Depending on the city they will pull you over just for expired tags, I have gotten tickets in SJ and Castro Valley. -oj I have gotten fix-it tickets in downtown SJ and Castro Valley, from a cop who was directly behind me when I was stopped at a light. e/2 Today is super tuesday. Don't forget to vote. Here's the obPoll: Kerry: .. Kerry: .. (lemmings) Edwards: . Kucinich: .. Sharpton: . Neither: . yes on prop 55: ..... no on prop 55: . yes on prop 56: ... no on prop 56: .. yes on prop 57: .. no on prop 57: ... yes on prop 58: . no on prop 58: .... tired of polls: . \_ Don't care -- the primary have already been decided so there's no more point in voting. don't care: . \_ No open primaries this year. This sucks if you are an independent but want to actually have a say in what your choices for the prez vote are. \_ Not true. You can request a Democrat ballot if you want. \_ You can still vote for Nader... \_ If you want to have a say, you should have registered as a Dem for this election, then switched back before November. If you can't figure out how to game the system, you have no place whining about it. \_ Not true. You can request a Democrat ballot if you want. I am an independent and I voted for a Democrat in the primary. \_ Yeah, those damn parties thinking they should base the primary on who the party members choose... \_ Let the parties hold their own elections then instead of having the government foot the bill. \_ Don't care -- the primary have already been decided so there's no more point in voting. \_ Odd...my poll responses were overwritten. Or maybe the censor is enforcing the fact that nobody cares? \_ Which prop is about raising the bridge tolls? I'm so ignorant. \_ Measure 2, comes with good things and bad things. Translink would be great, but ferries are a waste of money as is extending BART to Byron. \_ I agree that ferries suck, but BART builds slowly and it makes sense to build in the direction of future growth, which is to the east. \_ How is a proposition different from a measure? \_ Prop=Statewide, Measure [1-9]=County, Measure [A-Z] = City \_ Why are they trying to fund healthcare with a sales tax increase? It's regressive taxation and falls whenever the economy is in trouble. Not to mention it harms the local economy more than an income or property tax because it's easier for people to shop somewhere else than to move or change jobs. \_ Because nothing but a sales tax increase will ever pass county wide. Any policymaker worth their spit would prefer an income or property tax but they are generally impossible to pass in CA. \_ Where are they trying to do this? \_ Alameda county. Proposed sales tax increase to 8.75% It's a worthy cause, being funded in one of the most ass-ways possible. \_ So for the "yes on 55" folks, why do you want to add a $12B bond with $12B interest to the CA finance mess? \_ Because it is an investment for the future, because I think education is usually money well spent, because CA spends less than it should on education, because we are in a recession and I believe in Keynesian economics. Yeah, I know we will probably not still be in a recession by the time the money is spent, but the CA finance mess is not a good reason to not spend money on worthy causes, since the economy will be better sooner or later, probably sooner. \_ Prop 55 includes a $300m grant to build more charter schools. On this basis alone, I cannot, in good conscience, support it. \_ Building schools makes no sense when the kids at the current schools don't even have books or teachers. This is money poorly spent in the name of education. \_ For the "yes on 56" folks, why do you want to lower the number of legislators needed to increase taxes to 55% from 2/3? \_ The state budget has been in chaos over not being able to return tax rates to an equitable level. Giving the legistature the ability to actually do their job sounds like a good idea, unless you are one of the many in CA who doesn't like paying for what we have here. \_ I for one think welfare queens should start paying their fair share. \_ What percentage of the state budget is spent by your so-called "welfare queens"? Do you even know? \_ I already pay more than my share for what "we" have here. \_ If you really fell that way, why not leave? \_ Ah. "Love it or leave it." If they make me pay even more for what "we" have then maybe I will. Lots of Californians are. \_ Because it only takes 51% to lower them. \_ Is that true? I thought *all* tax legislation had to be passed by the same amount. \_ and when was the last time your state taxes were lowered? \_ It's sad how easy y'all get brainwashed by right wing talk radio. \_ Last fall, by Herr Gropenator. \_ Case in point. Look for a reference to a "car tax" before, oh, '96. \_ In real dollars, property taxes go down every day. Thanks, prop 13. \_ Until you move. \_ Because it is past time that California raised its taxes. \_ no its past time California lowered its expendatures. \_ Okay, show me where. \_ None of this really matters as long as the e-voting machines can be shown to be easily compromised and voters are not required to show ID in order to vote. Aargh! \_ When I was voting this morning I saw an old person asking about paper receipts and audit trails. It made me happy. \_ In San Francisco, we vote by filling in lines with a pen on a piece of paper, which is then read by an optical scanner. This seems like an ideal solution - not prone to error or fraud, easy to understand for everyone, leaves a permanent record for recount, and not labor intensive for the precincts. Why do other counties insist on using such awful solutions like Diebold? \_ Who keeps the piece of paper, the voter or the polling station? If it's the voter, this system is highly vulnerable to verifiable vote-selling. If it's put in a lock-box at the polling place, you're in much better shape. \_ The actual ballot with the pen markings is fed into the optical scanner by the voter themselves - after this it is locked away for safekeeping. The voter keeps only the receipt torn from the top of the sheet. See here: http://www.fairvote.org/administration/votetech.htm Scroll down to "optical scanning." \_ Wow, that rocks! Thank you! Now if only Alameda County would implement this. |
2004/3/2 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:12483 Activity:very high |
3/2 Today is super tuesday. Don't forget to vote. Here's the obPoll: Kerry: .. (lemmings) Edwards: . Kucinich: .. Sharpton: . Neither: .. yes on prop 55: ..... no on prop 55: .. yes on prop 56: ... no on prop 56: ... yes on prop 57: .. no on prop 57: ... yes on prop 58: .. no on prop 58: .... yes on Measure 2: . no on Measure 2: . tired of polls: .. don't care: . \_ not so. there are several other very important issues on there even if you think the primary is over. \_ votes formatted not because I'm anal, but because I'm so incredibly bored. :-) \_ No open primaries this year. This sucks if you are an independent but want to actually have a say in what your choices for the prez vote are. \_ You can still vote for Nader... \_ If you want to have a say, you should have registered as a Dem for this election, then switched back before November. If you can't figure out how to game the system, you have no place whining about it. \_ Not true. You can request a Democrat ballot if you want. I am an independent and I voted for a Democrat in the primary. \_ Yeah, those damn parties thinking they should base the primary on who the party members choose... \_ Let the parties hold their own elections then instead of having the government foot the bill. \_ The independent in front of me in line asked for a republican ballot. There's nothing contested in any election for the republicans. Why would he ask for that instead of the democrat ballot where he can make a difference? \_ Which prop is about raising the bridge tolls? I'm so ignorant. \_ Measure 2, comes with good things and bad things. Translink would be great, but ferries are a waste of money as is extending BART to Byron. \_ The problem with M2 is it raises the bridge toll but uses the funds for many other unrelated projects. So it taxes a small number of people but asks a larger number of people if it is ok to tax that smaller number for the larger group's benefit without cost to that larger group. This is the worst form of taxation possible. I voted against it merely on those grounds even though we need to improve the transit system. And no, I don't drive the bay bridge regularly. Maybe twice a year. \_ I agree that ferries suck, but BART builds slowly and it makes sense to build in the direction of future growth, which is to the east. \_ BART is a ridiculous boondoggle, far too expensive and slow to cover the distances it's trying to cover. The more we extend BART, the longer it will be until we have a decent transit system in the Bay Area. That said, I begrudgingly voted for RM2. -tom \_ Slow? 32min from Hayward to downtown SF during morning commute hours seems pretty fast to me. Can't beat that even if you're carpooling with two passenges. \_ you *can* beat that if you're using a train system in any major city in Europe or Japan. And the ride from Byron is likely to be more than an hour. -tom \_ How often do those train systems stop? Thanks. Let's get some apples/apples here. Put away the oranges. \_ Heavy-rail systems with stops at similar distance to East Bay BART are much, much faster; top speeds 50-100% higher than BART. In dense areas, systems like the London Underground do just as well in comparison. -tom \_ And cost how much? Are you seriously saying we should replace BART with a new system that will cost more to run and run louder through all the neighborhoods? \_ No system will cost more to run than BART--standard rail costs quite a bit less than non-standard rail. And have you ever actually been to another country? The trains are quieter than BART. -tom \_ Have you ever been to New York? You don't have to go to another country to beat BART. \_ How many trains have to go by before you can be pushed into one in the Tokyo area? \_ let me get this straight--BART is better because it's really slow, so no one uses it, so the trains aren't as crowded? -tom \_ No, more like people use trains because the population density is so insanely high they live like rats. Is that what you want? \_ How long does it take to get to the station and find parking in the morning? \_ There are always more than a hundred empty spaces in the parking structure even at 9am everyday. \_ Which parking lot are you at? If I'm not there by 8:30, it's completely filled. \_ 32 minutes? I'm a bit further out on that line and it isn't 32 minutes for that part of it. \_ Glen Park BART is 12 minutes to Montgomery, which is faster than you can drive that route on a fast motorcycle. I know, I have tried. -ausman \_ How is a proposition different from a measure? \_ Prop=Statewide, Measure [1-9]=County, Measure [A-Z] = City \_ Why are they trying to fund healthcare with a sales tax increase? It's regressive taxation and falls whenever the economy is in trouble. Not to mention it harms the local economy more than an income or property tax because it's easier for people to shop somewhere else than to move or change jobs. \_ Because nothing but a sales tax increase will ever pass county wide. Any policymaker worth their spit would prefer an income or property tax but they are generally impossible to pass in CA. \_ with good reason. taxes are already too high. \_ Where are they trying to do this? \_ Alameda county. Proposed sales tax increase to 8.75% It's a worthy cause, being funded in one of the most ass-ways possible. \_ So for the "yes on 55" folks, why do you want to add a $12B bond with $12B interest to the CA finance mess? \_ Because it is an investment for the future, because I think education is usually money well spent, because CA spends less than it should on education, because we are in a recession and I believe in Keynesian economics. Yeah, I know we will probably not still be in a recession by the time the money is spent, but the CA finance mess is not a good reason to not spend money on worthy causes, since the economy will be better sooner or later, probably sooner. \_ We already spend more on education/pupil than most states and get the least for it. Education doesn't need more money. It needs a structural overhaul. \_ Somewhat untrue: Education in CA needs more money AND they need to spend it more wisely. \_ I don't think it's a case of "spend it more wisely" but restructure the entire educational system. The people in charge from the top all the way down plus the teacher's unions all have to go. Until that happens, no amount of money will improve CA education. \_ Wrong. California ranks 33rd in per pupil spending. We spend like a poor Southern state and wonder why we get crappy results. CA needs to spend more on schools. http://www.edsource.org/sch_expend.cfm \_ Dump the illegals and then recalculate, or get a chart that shows absolute numbers which your chart is hiding or better yet, do both. \_ Prop 55 includes a $300m grant to build more charter schools. On this basis alone, I cannot, in good conscience, support it. \_ Building schools makes no sense when the kids at the current schools don't even have books or teachers. This is money poorly spent in the name of education. \_ For the "yes on 56" folks, why do you want to lower the number of legislators needed to increase taxes to 55% from 2/3? \_ The state budget has been in chaos over not being able to return tax rates to an equitable level. Giving the legistature the ability to actually do their job sounds like a good idea, unless you are one of the many in CA who doesn't like paying for what we have here. \_ If you paid the taxes *I* pay you'd think they're already too high. Go get a real job and pay that shit yourself for a few years and we'll see what you think "equitable" looks like. \_ I for one think welfare queens should start paying their fair share. \_ What percentage of the state budget is spent by your so-called "welfare queens"? Do you even know? \_ I already pay more than my share for what "we" have here. \_ If you really fell that way, why not leave? \_ The weather which is not something improved by increased taxes. \_ Because it only takes 51% to lower them. \_ Is that true? I thought *all* tax legislation had to be passed by the same amount. \_ and when was the last time your state taxes were lowered? \_ It's sad how easy y'all get brainwashed by right wing talk radio. \_ When was the last time taxes were lowered? \_ Last fall, by Herr Gropenator. \_ Case in point. Look for a reference to a "car tax" before, oh, '96. \_ No taxes were lowered by the Governor. http://www.igs.berkeley.edu/library/htCAVehicleLicense2003.html \_ I wonder how it feels to be you and be wrong about everything, all the time. \_ I see a fee being lowered after it was raised earlier. Where is your tax? Do you think I was unaware of the VLF being lowered? You're not even remotely as clever as you think you are. \_ In real dollars, property taxes go down every day. Thanks, prop 13. \_ Until you move. \_ Yes, thanks prop 13 or I couldn't afford to own a home. My parents would already be in the street. \_ Prop 13 doesn't do anything to help new homeowners; it only helps people with hundreds of thousands of dollars of equity in their homes keep from contributing to the community. The idea of people losing their homes over property taxes is a myth. \_ A myth? I was here and saw it happen. It is real life to me, not some history book lesson. I lived in pre-prop 13 CA. Did you? \_ Yeah, I was here too. We used to have good schools before Prop 13 dried up the revenue for them. CA has been on a slow downward spiral ever since it was passed. \_ Yeah, the state was better bankrupting families so they'd leave and take their kids with them. Who wants to spend money educating all those middle class kids? \_ Uh huh. Without Prop 13 my taxes would be up 40% over the last two years. Since they are already $5K now that's another $2K. I wouldn't lose my house, but I'd suffer. Eventually, I might lose my house if the taxes double/triple. \_ So? Suffer away. It's market economics. You could always move instead. Also, without prop 13 the burden would be spread everywhere. \_ It's not market economics. What good does it do me if my house is worth 20x what it used to be? I should pay tax on it when I sell and not before, like with stock. \_ I think Mr. I Hate Prop 13 is just a bitter apartment dweller who gets off every night thinking tomorrow will be the day the housing bubble bursts and he can finally afford a house. \_ property taxes pay for the services which support the value of your house, like police, fire, and roads. The analogy to stocks is totally missing the point. -tom \_ So if my house is worth 20x what my neighbor's house is worth then I should pay 20x more for this? \_ I think so. -!tom \_ Even if it doesn't cost 20x to supply services to his house? He uses the same amount of road, fire, police and other services. His more expensive house does not put a bigger drain on the local services. Let me guess, you're not a home owner and don't work yet, either? \_ I am a homeowner, and have been working for 15 years. Try again, anonymous coward. -tom \_ You 'work' for UC and live in Oakland. \_ How much more will you lose if your block goes up in flames? Or if property values crash because of high crime and shitty schools? -tom \_ He's getting the same service as the shitty house next door. Will the local fire department make his fire a priority when both houses catch fire at the same time? Not a chance. Will the cop go to his house first? Nope. \_ Because it is past time that California raised its taxes. \_ no its past time California lowered its expendatures. \_ Okay, where? (And no, deleting my question does not count as a win.) \_ I wasn't here when your question was deleted. Where? 2 things for starters: revamp the educational system, and stop spending money on illegal aliens, then we'll have a chance to see what The People's real needs are and go from there. \_ California already spends less on education than most states. This has been the case for a very long time. \_ I didn't say spend less. I said revamp. The entire system is broken and needs to be redone. \_ None of this really matters as long as the e-voting machines can be shown to be easily compromised and voters are not required to show ID in order to vote. Aargh! \_ I had to show ID this morning. \_ Where did you vote? (City, County) \_ Dublin. They asked everyone for ID. \_ When I was voting this morning I saw an old person asking about paper receipts and audit trails. It made me happy. \_ In San Francisco, we vote by filling in lines with a pen on a piece of paper, which is then read by an optical scanner. This seems like an ideal solution - not prone to error or fraud, easy to understand for everyone, leaves a permanent record for recount, and not labor intensive for the precincts. Why do other counties insist on using such awful solutions like Diebold? \_ Who keeps the piece of paper, the voter or the polling station? If it's the voter, this system is highly vulnerable to verifiable vote-selling. If it's put in a lock-box at the polling place, you're in much better shape. \_ The actual ballot with the pen markings is fed into the optical scanner by the voter themselves - after this it is locked away for safekeeping. The voter keeps only the receipt torn from the top of the sheet. See here: http://www.fairvote.org/administration/votetech.htm Scroll down to "optical scanning." \_ Wow, that rocks! Thank you! Now if only Alameda County would implement this. |
2004/3/2 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:12484 Activity:kinda low |
3/2 How do I disable tab in emacs and make it output space only automatically (without doing "untabify" manually)? Thanks. \_ Why don't emacs users just mail directly to psb? He's the only one here who knows anything about it. \_ on the contrary. (setq indent-tabs-mode nil). but since that only does it for the current buffer, you may want to do (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) in .emacs.el or whatever. \_ do not underestimate the motd \_ Just do it on write? (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook (lambda () (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks (lambda () (untabify (point-min)(point-max)))) ... |
2004/3/2 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:12485 Activity:nil |
3/2 Is there a list somewhere of google tools (like http://www.google.com/linux that pre-limit searches to specific topics? I can't find it at http://labs.google.com. -John \_ I recall seeing this at one point, but the list of topics was small (e.g. five subjects) and contained mostly nerd things, e.g. Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD. The site: directive may be of some help. |
2004/3/2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:12486 Activity:nil |
3/1 Wedding gift advice: how much should you spend on a gift for someone in your top 5 closest friends? Does it make a difference if your are good friends with just one person or the couple? $100? $300? $500? \_ I was best man at a wedding for some really good friends (both of them) and I got them a case of very nice wine that only matures in about 12 years or so. Be creative--I think expensive, dull gifts are lame, and won't buy from a wedding registry out of general principle (let the relatives take care of blenders and silverware and shit like that) but that's just me. Just get them something you put some thought and effort into. Rules about how much a gift should cost seem sort of pointless. -John \_ Then you're an idiot. My wife and I spent at least twenty hours working on the registry and all of our friends did the same. Nobody you just gave a gift to is going to say this to your face but get over yourself and get something people have actually indicated they want. As mentioned below, though, cash is greatly appreciated as a gift at wedding time. It's really what most newlyweds need most. We are going to have to postpone any honey moon for quite awhile for lack of it. -- ulysses \_ Maybe pointless to follow them slavishly. But consider someone from Japan or China or India or Russia...say they need some kind of basic guideline. A lot of these answers although creative do not answer the basic question. Obviously, if you are a surgeon making $250k/yr the answers are different than if you are a math teacher at a high school in Virginia. If you are an artist who has gallery exhibits, "your art" may be fine. A sketch of the Capanille you did last saturday would be a little silly otherwise. I think for a single person going to a wedding, who has additional expenses for travel, $300 is pretty fair. \_ Good point, given that in Japan you give ornate little envelopes full of cash, and at Bangladeshi weddings (at least in the UK) you just dump moolah into a bag. But I think that regardless of where you're from or how much you make, something cool/creative will always come across well and be appreciated. -John \_ What I heard was whatever it costs them to invite you to their wedding x 2. So yes, you bring more money as a couple. \_ I mean: If you are friends with both the bride and groom do you expect to spend more than if you are on one side of the family. \- when i dont like one party, i try to give something the party i like will get in the divorce, like if she is a dumb, materialistic bitch and he is an ethical guy with a GiantBrain, i'd give them the OED. \_ i just give them cash, $200 or so. \_ Why don't you try to buy them something nice that they might need? -tom \_ Depends on your income, but I think anything less than $400-500 is an insult to one of your closest friends. No, it does not make a difference if you know them both. Give as if you are friends with both even when you are not. FWIW, I gave an expensive set of knives and he got them in the divorce. Woo hoo! So I guess guns are good gifts if you are friends with the man! \_ ugh.. i feel cheap, i only spent $100 or so. \_ If your friend is a man, the best gift you could possible give him would be to prevent him from getting married. He may never thank you for it, but take comfort in the fact that you have saved one man from falling into the bottomless pit of misery that results from marriage. \_ bah, u just need to learn communication skills. see men are from mars, by john gray. \_ Communication skills won't help you when your wife decides that she would rather have your money and a life of luxury in the Bahamas based on your blood and sweat rather than work to build a life together. Communications skills won't help you in a community property state when she lies and tells the all-men-are-rapists divorce court judge that you were a spousal abuser. Communication skills won't help when every cent you make you is directly transfered to her account while you don't have enough to buy a burrito at Taco Bell. \_ ah, BDG is a wife-beater; unsurprising. \_ This isn't the BDG, just an imposter. -- bdg #1 fan \_ One thing people on this thread have suggested is not getting stuff from the registry. I suspect that these people are not married. The point of a registry is to make it more likely that you get things you want/need/can use and to prevent you from getting a whole bunch of weird stuff that you don't want. After all, people only have so much room for decorations and if everyone gets the newlyweds artsy stuff, there won't be anywhere to put it. Also, if the couple is paying for the wedding themselves (as opposed to parents paying), I can guarantee you that money is always appreciated since weddings can be very expensive. \_ I think the most badass thing ever would be to register at mcmaster carr. \_ As a sorta-recently married person, I agree with this: registry is *good*: we wouldn't have put it on the registry if we didn't want it! I also don't care how much a guest spends because the wedding is a party for everyone. I mean, don't be cheap if you can help it, but really it's just nice to celebrate. If you don't want to get something from the registry, then *cash* (or equivalent: e.g., gift certificates) is very appreciated. Again, amount doesn't matter. Getting three toaster ovens is lame (yes, we really did). However, we did get a few unexpected gifts which made us happy -- our favorite unexpected gift was a hedgehog mud scraper (for shoes/boots). Obviously it wasn't expensive but in the midst of opening gift-after-gift, it gave us quite a laugh. And we use it all the time. \_ It's all circumstantial. The registry is a guide that can help you make a useful choice (however, sometimes the registry has been made by the bride only, thus explaining "coral" and "seafoam" as color guides).I've given gifts when I was poor and when I had money, and when the couple were newlywed (never lived together) and older divorcees, each with their own homes. Give what you are comfortable with relative to both of your circumstances. A wedding is supposed to be celebrating the joining of two people's lives, not a treasure hunt. That happens when you graduate. \_ I got nothing when I graduated - not even a party. I never understood parents giving their kids things like cars when they graduate high school. I think I got an expensive pen. \_ I think it's because people generally need a car, and the parents have money and the kid doesn't, so the parents feel it's sensible to give them a car, and graduation seems like a logical time, as it usually coincides closely with the 18th birthday. \_ How about offering some service as a gift? An caucasian co-worker of mine was an amateur photographer, so he offered to take pictures in my Chinese wedding as a gift (and it worked out well even though he didn't understand the rituals). A service as a gift is silly in the Chinese mind because a service is just "helping out", but I think in the American mind it's a sincere gift. |
2004/3/2-3 [Recreation/Celebrity/WilliamHung] UID:12487 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
3/1 For those not on csua@csua: CSUA General Meeting & BBQ next Monday, March 8th, at 5:30pm on the volleyball court behind Soda Hall. \_ Will William Hung be performing? \_ dear politburo, if you can get William Hung to perform at the politburo, I will donate $500 -csua alumni \_ I'll throw in $50 more. I think we could get at least a G for it. \_ I will pay $500 to ban American Idol from ever airing again. \_ How do I get on csua@csua? \_ use usenet: http://ucb.org.csua \_ Wow, FOX might be tempted... but probably not. \_ How do I get on csua@csua? \_ How do I get off csua@csua? \_ How do I get off on csua@csua? \_ Type with one hand and use your other hand for that. \_ use usenet: http://ucb.org.csua |
2004/3/2-3 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:12488 Activity:nil |
3/2 I'm looking for a very lightweight laptop that has a decent screen and is reasonably priced. Recommendations? \_ Sony Vaio PCG-Z1A? $2K for that 14' LCD 4.5 pound notebook. \_ i have had 2 VAIOs and know about 10 people in my lab with VAIOs. The video on the first failed. The PCMCIA slot on the second stopped working. Others in the lab have complained. On the other hand, noone has any problems with the IBM laptops, so we're not just whiners. SHARP has a really nice small laptop for $1500. -ali \_ I have the Sharp Actius MM10; decent 10" screen (1024x768), 2.1 pounds and very small, $1399 from Amazon. If low weight is your primary concern, it's hard to beat. -tom \_ 12" ibook or powerbook. \_ Ibook is not exactly lightweight but it is not too heavy either. \_ IBM X20, 21 or 22 from EBay. Why does the AMC hate this entry? It keeps getting deleted... \_ Seconded. I had an X20 for a long time--it's a fantastic little machine. Buy a USB storage key, though. -John \_ What will you be using it for. How "decent" a screen? \_ mainly web-surfing, text editing and photoshop and maybe occasionally running some java stuff for work (which would mean it would need a good amount of memory). It's not a desktop replacement so i'm more concerned with portability than having lots of bells and whistles. the suggestions so far have been good but I'm wondering if there's anything that weighs around 3 lb and has a 14" screen. (the Vaio is the closest to what i'm looking for but it's more than I want to spend. I would consider ebay since i don't particularly need the latest processor) -op \_ "Small, large, cheap: pick two." -tom \_ I'd like it small and large, please. \_ Go to <DEAD>fujitsupc.com<DEAD> and look at the S series notebooks. There are cheap ones with AMD mobile CPUs (which suck IMO) and more expensive ones with Intel Centrinos. 13.3", 4.5 lbs. Buy them at http://laptopinc.com or http://newegg.com. For 14" at 5.5 lbs., I recommend the Dell Latitude D600. You can get a D500 or D505 if it's not for gaming. Don't get the Inspirons. My co-worker has a D800 which stopped working. Whatever you do, get the 1024x768 XGA screen (not 1400x1050 or higher). I believe all 14" notebooks you find will weigh at least 4.5 lbs. (unless it's a Mac notebook). \_ First of all, using photoshop on LCD screen is simply a bad idea. Secondly, if you *REALLY* want portability, you need to give up on that 14" screen. I would recommend the new IBM X40s. They are tiny. Dell is pretty decent too, but Dell doesn't have dedicated memory for its video. If money is an issue, how about looking for IBM X31? -- the guy who carries his laptop on subways and buses all the time \_ I use photoshop on multiple LCD displays. It's better than a monitor. WTF is up with this comment? |
2004/3/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:12489 Activity:moderate |
3/2 Early reports say Kerry is making a clean sweep today. Oh well, 4 more years for GWB. \_ Edwards to drop out tomorrow. \_ you mean become Vice Presidential Candidate \_ no way that vain Boston prig would pick someone who'd upstage him, even if Kerry/Edwards is in the party's best interest \_ don't understand what do you mean. you mean Edward with his anti-trade, protectionist platform has better shot at winning votes from the undecided? \_ ^undecided^undecided and Southerners^ \_ why Kerry won Ohio? you would imagine a state lost 250k jobs would find Edwards more appealing. \_ Yes. More than Kerry. Where have you been? A lot of people in this country lost jobs to NAFTA, overseas outsourcing, often paid for with their own tax dollars and they're pissed off. \_ why Kerry won Ohio? you would imagine a state lost 250k jobs would find Edwards more appealing. \_ It's the "Most Electible" vote. \_ duh, it isn't a general election. they had to vote for even though they create jobs OVERSEAS. May be tha corporate someone. and tell me this: how many stayed home? \_ just part of globalization, my friend, bite the damn bullet. USA as a whole has benefited from this trend, it would be foolish to roll back. My problem with the current system is that we offer tax break to companies even though they create jobs OVERSEAS. May be the corporate tax code should be rewritten so it only rewards companies that offer jobs within USA border. This wouldn't stop moving jobs to overseas, but it will stop unnecessary job migration. \_ I don't disagree with you. I'm just telling you what you already know: there are a bunch of pissed off people out there who are going to vote against pro-global candidates if at all possible. \- why should companies be given tax breaks for job creation again? isnt that just a subsidy to the owners? how about giving tax breaks to people who buy "american cars" or "american shoes". \_ what is considered "American " is no longer clear. \- that is why i quoted "american". i think it was actually a good thing that the developing countries said "fuck you" in cancun. can you imagine india trying to protect "chai" like the french protect champagne? or the mercan- tilism of the RIAA and MSFT? --psb ... \_ In cancun, it's less to do with intellectual properties right, more to do with government subsidies on agrecultural product, and Brazil and India and rest of developing nation wants to got rid of it. Besides, this entire IP fiascal started by USA, and the rest of the country is just trying to do the same thing. again? isnt that just a subsidy to the owners? how about giving tax breaks to people who buy "american cars" or "american shoes". But when the chosen people grew more strong, The rightful cause at length became the wrong: The moderate sort of men, thus qualifi'd, Inclin'd the balance to the better side: --john dryden Toyota Camery is made in USA, is that considered an "American" car? When American product flooding other nations, USA was being a such arrogant asshole saying that this is part of globalization and eventually offer consumer better/cheaper product is best interest for everyone in the long run. It's kind of funny that other nations start to beat USA with USA's own game and USA start to bitching about it. I never said the trade rules are fair, but it is HEAVILY favors American corperations that most other nation is actually compete at much of a handicaps. The irony is that American citizens (aside from wealthy share owners of these corporation) start to loose out, as they too become victims of corporate expoitation. \_ There's no longer any such thing as a USA corporation among the large companies. They're all multi-nationals which means they're going to screw anyone and everyone they can if it makes them a penny. When some dumb cunt like 'Carly' at HP says and does some of the evil stupid shit she has, you can be certain that "USA" is the last thing on her mind. \_ And just how is Bush and his "outsourcing is good" policy going to appeal to the people who have lost jobs? You're \_ 1) It's not, 2) Bush never said that. Some paper pusher knee biters 9 layers deep in the beauracracy said it and were repudiated the next news cycle by the admin. \_ Actually, it was the head of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers, Gregory Mankiw. And the Bush "repudiation" was a lukewarm "the president is strongly committed to creating jobs here at home" from mouthpiece McClellan. Not inspiring stuff. |
2004/3/2-3 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:12490 Activity:nil 66%like:29848 |
3/2 When a public library offers laptop connections, is it normal to restrict outgoing access to port 80 and 443 only? |
2004/3/2-3 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:12491 Activity:nil |
3/2 how do i deter flies from flying around my back yard? i suspect the pigeons in my neighbor's back yard is attracting those flies. \_ flypaper. For the larger problem, Alka Seltzer + cats. \_ RAID. Or poison the pigeons. \_ I really don't understand how disk arrays would prevent flies. \_ Some sticky yellow tapes which attract flies and sticks to them. I don't know what they're called. \_ the number of flies is too many plus it's outdoor. sticky paper won't work well in this condition. i just want to see if there's some non-destructive and environmental friendly way. \_ what about those things that emit sound on frequencies annoying to insects? i've always wondered how well they work, though. \_ what about those "bug" lights? \_ i think those attract bugs and fry them, as opposed to just keeping them away in the first place. \_ Actually I've used flypaper outdoors to great effect. Had what seemed like a zillion flies zipping around, the paper worked well. Put up about a dozen strips, and the flies were all stuck to the paper within a few days. \_ frogs \_ part of Fly's life cycle is that its larvae need to be hosted in dead animal / decade flesh. You might want to find out the source of these dead animal near your back yard. Once you are able to cut the part of fly's life cycle, you will able to cut number of flys significantly. This is the only effective way for dealing with Flys (aside from massive DDT/pesticide spread). |
2004/3/2-3 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Reference/Tax] UID:12492 Activity:high |
3/2 I'm a little confused. Does it make any sense to vote Yes on 58 but no on 57, or vice versa? What's the alternative to 57-- bankruptcy? Higher taxes? Ending school lunches? \_ 58 can only pass if 57 does. I am not sure if 57 can pass without 58, but I think so. \_ You've got it backwards: !58 => !57 http://www.voterguide.ss.ca.gov/propositions/prop57-title.html \_ both are needed to pass to have any effect. I wouldn't mind 58 and 57 so much *IF* Arnie decided to raise just a bit taxes 58 and 57 so much *IF* Arnie decided to raise just a bit taxes n and didn't cut car taxes. \_ What if he decided to only raise taxes for people in *your* tax bracket? Would that be ok? \_ good point, and the answer is no. this bond is about as regressive as sales tax, where the wealthies pays a much less portion of the burden than they should bear. |
2004/3/2-3 [Computer, Computer/Rants] UID:12493 Activity:nil |
3/2 Lou Dobbs tonight: "taking a look at top U.S. universities for computer science": http://www.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/lou.dobbs.tonight \_ exporting America? ouch... blame globalization, huh? |
2004/3/2 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:12494 Activity:nil |
3/2 Are the 2 parties actually any different, and will Nader really threaten the dem candidate? part one: http://tinyurl.com/3ffcl part two: http://tinyurl.com/3dl6n \_ Kind of nice how they can put up graphs and images to illustrate their points. |
2004/3/2 [Computer/Theory, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29844 Activity:high |
3/1 Computer science trivia of the day: Say you have X memory and have 8X that size to sort on the disk. Each time you swap from X memory to one of the 8 pages, it will cost you n time. Using what you know about merge sort, quick sort, and what not, what is the complexity in terms of n? \_ Do your own homework. \_ I used to know that but then I graduated and stopped spending my time on useless homework problems. It was O of something. |
2004/3/2 [Transportation/Car, Politics/Domestic] UID:29845 Activity:insanely high |
3/1 In case anyone's still interested, I saw a cop standing on the corner of Telegraph and Durant for at least 30 minutes doing nothing else but giving out citations for gaywalking. At least one guy was able to "talk" his way out of it. \_ Just run and hide in Unit 3 somewhere. \_ I wonder if there was an accident recently? \_ What's the penalty for it? Also, how do they enforce it? Can't you \_ It's the law that you must carry ID. Whoops, another ticket! say you don't have ID etc? \_ I've been told that there's a law that requires all adults to carry some form of approved ID on them at all times out in public. \_ He's just doing his part to fix Berkeley's budget deficit. \_ I guess this is what happens when people keep breaking parking meters. \_ Nonsense. The parking meters are set to give less time than they say so they give out more bogus tickets. Breaking meters was civil disobedience. \_ um, no. how many meters did you break? i broke and destroyed maybe a dozen or so over the years in berkeley, and knew people who destroyed more. none of us ever drove, had cars or parked. it was just random violence. \_ I remember about 7 or 8 years ago, the bike cops would nab gaywalkers during the weekends. I heard one cop telling a gaywalker that the fine was 75 bucks. \_ Mine was $40. When I forgot to pay it, my mom got a threatening call from some bitch affirmative action hiree at the BPD--"he's in trouble, he's committed a crime." -John |
2004/3/2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29846 Activity:nil |
3/1 Since the last dating thread generated so much excitement, here is a new poll: Would you date someone who did immoral things not related to your relationship. Say cheat on exams in college, petty theft from stores. Steal from work. etc. Or if the sex was good, other sins are forgiven? \_ I think one should have the same moral standards as one's partner, whatever they may be. \_ cheat on exams: sure, petty theft shows there's some other problem and would make me think about it, from work depends. I would never stay with someone that was doing something that would risk getting me into trouble. -oj \_ "I want a lady on the street, but a freak in bed." -John |
2004/3/2 [Consumer/TV, Recreation/Media] UID:29847 Activity:nil |
3/1 Watching Alias from the beginning on DVD, it's better than I recall. In particular Sidney kicks a lot more ass at the beginning of season one, she actually kills a few people in the first three episodes. I'm not entirely sure, but I don't think she kills people later in the series. I suspect the network requested this to make Sidney more appealing to mass audiences. \_ -dans \_ No. It isn't. I just suffered through the first 2 seasons on DVD last week. It almost drove me to drink. \_ Alias kind of sucked. Too much of a La Femme Nikita ripoff. \_ What's wrong with ripping of La Femme Nikita? It was a good movie/show? -dans \_ Because it's a poorly done ripoff. LFN rocked. Alias sucks. \_ Wooh, leverage that million-dollar vocabulary! \_ Better to sound like Beavis and Butthead than an MBA. \_ I think she kills more people in later episodes...rather than just knocking out nameless, faceless guards, she actually KILLS people. Actually, i stopped watching alias about 5 weeks ago, but up to then i had seen every single episode and it was the only TV show i regularly watched. \- it's getting a little formulaic ... fly to high tech glass and steel bldg where a lot of people speak german and jump out of ceiling and fight 5 guards off and steal plans for "FOOtanium" device ... --psb \_ And wear ridiculous wig so she won't be recognised yet hang out with lots of other agents who don't wear any 'disguises'. \_ Did you see the India eps? It was very amusing. |
3/15 |