Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:March:01 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2004/3/1 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:12462 Activity:nil
2/29    \_ s/key on my OpenBSD 3.3 system produces the following output:
           sha1:   AURA ALOE HURL WING BERG WAIT
           rmd160: ONCE FRAY EROS JADE GINA ONE
           \_ thanks!
2004/3/1 [Reference/Religion] UID:12463 Activity:nil
2/29    somewhere in here is definitive proof of God:
2004/3/1 [Uncategorized] UID:12464 Activity:nil
2/29    boy who feels no love
2004/3/1-2 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:12465 Activity:nil
3/1     I barely, if ever, used Javascript.  Can someone tell me if this is
        possible?  If so, can you either give me a sample of how to write
        "func()" or point to where I can find some samples?  Thanks.

        If I have the following embedded table, can I dynamically replace the
        embedded table with
          nothing (i.e., empty string)
          or from a selection of like 3 differently data sets
        when a user selects a different option in the dropdown menu?
        <form ...>
          <select onChange=func()><input>1</input><input>2</input>...</select>
        \_ Rather than removing it, you might consider simply hiding it with
           CSS (though removing it is possible):
           <table id="showMeAtFirst">...</table>
           <a href="#" onclick="swapVis('showMeAtFirst')">Show/Hide</a>
             function swapVis(id) {
                if (document.getElementById(id).style.display == 'block') {
                  document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
                } else {
                  document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'block';
        \_ Pretty cool--this actually shows up as intended on soda's finger
           cgi.  -John
2004/3/1-2 [Computer/Networking] UID:12466 Activity:nil
3/1     Inspired by the free wifi thread below-- is there any sort of warchalk
        symbol to say "Intentional free wifi access here, please be nice"?
        \_ yes.  I forget it.  A ha!  Got it!
           I think 'please be nice' is implied, but obviously hard to enforce.
2004/3/1-2 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:12467 Activity:nil
3/1     Does anyone know how to tell if an opteron system is running a 32
        bit linux kernel or a 64 bit linux kernel in RH 3.0 EL? tia.
        \_ Guessing: check the bootup logs?  uname?
           \_ it seems to print out x86_64 regardless of the kernel.
2004/3/1 [Recreation/Dating] UID:12468 Activity:kinda low
3/1     Fear of Janet's boob + The Sucess of the Passion of the Mel = most
        boring Oscar's EVER?
        \_ I don't fear Janet's boob.  Anyway, it's just an awards ceremony
           where they all tell each other how great they all are.  Just how
           exceiting could that ever really be?
           \_ Yeah, not very exciting.  What can you say?
        \_ When the best part is Blake Edwards doing some slapstick, you've
           got to worry.
        \_ I pity you guys...
2004/3/1-2 [Reference/Tax] UID:12469 Activity:low
3/1     a few weeks ago someone posted recommending against TurboTax on the Web
        this year (even though they liked it in the past). What exactly is
        different/bad this year?
        \_ Search in ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v with your favorite text editor.
           \_ I'm trying to ask for more info than was originally posted, not
              to read the same info again, so the archive won't help. -op
              \_ Oh, sorry.
        \_ I believe it's got this goofy product activation thing which causes
            problems for some people (link for 2002-related thing):
2004/3/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:12470 Activity:nil
3/1     China: US Human Rights Record Abysmal
        Pot, kettle, yes, yes, we know.
        \_ did you ever listen to the English Radio Moscow broadcasts during
           the cold war?  millions of political prisoners in the US, etc. etc.
2004/3/1-2 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:12471 Activity:moderate
3/1     Thinking about buying a Dell laptop from some reseller on eBay. New
        unopened box, warranty is transferable, highly rated seller,
        and it's a decent price ... anyone have any experience with this?
           \_ It's more likely that the guy just bought it to send in the
              rebate and is now selling it at the price he paid.  You can even
              check the rebate sites for the model-- go back 2-4 weeks, see
              what deals were available. is one such place.
              \_ That kind of makes sense.  Anyway, do read the fine print
                 on transferrable warranties.  I have a 1-year-old Fujitsu
                 notebook and the warranty is not transferrable.  An eBay ad
                 selling the same model said the warranty was transferrable.
                 Buyer beware.
        \_ It's probably bought using a stolen credit card.  I wonder if the
           warranty is truly transferrable -- check google, or your bud
           that bought a Dell notebook from the source.  I would guess it
           isn't transferrable.
           \_ It's more likely that the guy just bought it to send in the
              rebate and is now selling it at the price he paid.  You can even
              check the rebate sites for the model-- go back 2-4 weeks, see
              what deals were available. is one such place.
2004/3/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:12472 Activity:nil
3/1     Pink Underwear for Inmates
2004/3/1-2 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:12473 Activity:low
3/1     Another WiFi question:  If there was an ESS network, and there were
        areas that got signal from only a few APs, couldn't you mount a DoS
        attack on a client by forging their MAC and sending lots of forged
        reassociation messages to an AP they can't get signal from?
        \_ Of course.
           \_ So doesn't this throw cold water on any large ESS network without
              strong authentication?  You can break the access of anyone you've
              been in range of.
              \_ Even if there is strong authentication, you can break the
                 access of anyone.  It's called "jamming," and it's true of
                 every form of wireless communication.  -tom
                 \_ But jamming breaks the access of everyone over a specific
                    area.  Spoofed reassociation breaks access for specific
                    victims across the entire ESS network.
                    \_ so what?  Don't you have better things to do than
                       worry about DOS on wireless networks?  It's trivially
                       easy to do, but it's not a significant problem in
                       the real world.  Why would anyone bother?  -tom
                       \_ Do you work for MS's security division?
                       \_ I was just thinking about sfwireless and some big
                          community networks and bad people.  I know wireless
                          has security problems, and was just exploring a
                          single potential problem
                          \_ you can stop thinking now, you don't seem to be
                             very good at it.  -tom
        \_ This also works on wired networks, modulo arp spoofing.  What's
           your point? -dans
           \_ He's trying to learn.  Why are you and tom being such assholes
              to him?  And then everyone wonders why so few people want to
              attend csua social functions, hang out on wall, or post anon to
              the motd.  Actually I know why tom is being an asshole.  What
              exactly is your beef with the guy?
              \_ He's not trying to learn.  He's trying to show us how
                 clever he is.  -tom
                 \_ considering no one "knows" who he is, there's not much
                    point in strutting his stuff. i think he really is just
                    somewhat amazed at how fallible some things in the real
                    world are, and i think you're just being an asshole.
              \_ Huh? How was he being an asshole? tom's "not good at thinking"
                 was the only thing, which is pretty tame for the motd.
2004/3/1-2 [Health, Health/Women] UID:12474 Activity:nil
3/1     "I did drug deal but no spying."
        [Israeli handed over in prisoner exchange last month.]
2004/3/1-2 [Recreation/Dating] UID:12475 Activity:low
3/1     If you just wanna date to have sex, 18 year old girls are the best.
        Let me give you a few reasons:
        - younger, less chance of disease
        - tighter vagina
        - easier to convince her to be on the pill. feel better
        There are other reasons of course.                      -dans #1 fan
        \_ Easier to impress.
           \_ Yep, and put up with bullshit that older women avoid. Also can't
              use the "tried it and didn't like it" excuse as readily.
        \_ The disease thing is iffy. Unless you're preying on ingenues, an
           experienced 18 year old is _more_ likely to have a disease since
           she's less likely to have insisted on condoms with previous mates.
        \_ do 18 year old scream more/less than older woman?
        \_ None of you have ever had sex.
           \_ You mean for free, right?
        \_ I don't care for 18, 20, 24, etc. I just love to fuck virgins.
           \_ Uh huh. And just how many of these virgins have you fucked?
              The Tenderloin massage lady dressed in pigtails and a school
              girl uniform doesn't count.
2004/3/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:12476 Activity:low
3/1     Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism
        \_ "No Such Thread"
           \_ Exactly, he abandoned it.
           \_ Someone decided to modify the link.  It's fixed now.
        \_ I love the way Freeper articles always cite the media's support
           for anything they, the Freepers, find morally corrupt. Nothing
           like media persecution to make young white males feel empowered
           as a misunderstood pseudo-minority.
           \_ why is it always just young white males?  Your stereotype?
              \_ Freepers and serial killers, same demographic.
                 \_ racist
                    \_ Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Whitey.
                       \_ RACIST!!!
                       \_ I'm no Whitey.  Racist!
                          \_ Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Whitey.
                 \_ What resemblance do you see?
2004/3/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:12477 Activity:high
3/1     Three generations ago, it was routine for an 18 year old
        and a 17 year old to strike out on their own, get married,
        settle and work a 160 acre piece of land, build their own
        house with their neighbors help and start having children.
        These young people strike me as mature. Perhaps some things
        have changed in 100 years, but human nature has not. Do
        not confuse the fact that you don't know any mature 18
        year olds with the idea that there are none anywhere in
        the world.
        \_ I too long for the days where I could exploit the lower
           class. Thousands of slaves, living hand to mouth, working
           in factories with cheap, unreliable equipment... you could
           throw away dozens of lives a day and no one could do
           anything about it!  What a paradise that time was!
        \_ I too long for the days where I could exploit the lower class.
           Thousands of slaves, living hand to mouth, working in factories
           with cheap, unreliable equipment... you could throw away dozens of
           lives a day and no one could do anything about it!  What a paradise
           that time was!
        \_ There is much historically lacking in this statement.
           This version hasn't been acceptable even
           in high school level textbooks for, I'm guessing, about
           twenty years. Please don't take this as a personal attack
           but, well, you just need to do more reading before making
           statements like this if you expect to be taken seriously.
           Note that your core thesis - that individuals were often
           in positions of greater responsibility at an earlier age
           in the 19th century US is essentially correct IIRC - for a
           particular number of socioeconomic strata. The same could,
           however, likely be said for people from comparable
           backgrounds today. Take, for instance, a single teenage
           mother in Compton or the Rust Belt. -- ulysses
           \_ Just because it isn't PC to talk about the settlers
              doesn't mean it didn't happen. My great grandfather left
              home at 15, got a job as a ranch hand, and settled his
              own 1/4 section at 19 with his young bride, so I know it
              happened. I really don't see what in my statement would
              imply that there are no mature teenagers here since I
              stated the opposite. And yes, I agree, it has a lot to
              do with socioeconomic opportunities and responsibilities.
              I know young people that have worked since 14 and helped
              raise little brothers and sisters and are pretty mature
              compared to your average Cal student.
              \_ My very bad. I re-read your post and I was being a braindead
                 since, as you say, you had already pointed out that people
                 all over are in the position of being responsible for a
                 family at an early age. However, the main innaccuracy stands.
                 Though the anecdotal example of your own background shows one
                 example of the settler model, the majority of
                 individuals from the same period did not settle land - that's
                 pretty much just Western mythology. And, of those that did,
                 the vast majority did not make it more than a couple of
                 seasons. Good for your grandparents, though. I hope somebody
                 in your family has decided to write all down since those
                 experiences make for great histories. -- ulysses
              \_ Bully for grandpa. Your anecdotal evidence doesn't support
                 a trend, doesn't tell us anything about his maturity at the
                 time, and doesn't change the fact that _today's_ 18 year
                 old is remarkably immature when compared to today's 23 year
                 old, let alone today's 28 year old.
                 \_ It really depends on the 18 year old, the 23 year old
                    and the 28 year old. Young people are capable of being
                    mature, even if most are not, that is the point.
           in the 19th century US is essentially correct IIRC - for a
           particular number of socioeconomic strata. The same could,
           however, likely be said for people from comparable
           backgrounds today. Take, for instance, a single teenage
           mother in Compton or the Rust Belt. -- ulysses
           \_ Just because it isn't PC to talk about the settlers doesn't
              mean it didn't happen. My great grandfather left home at 15,
              got a job as a ranch hand, and settled his own 1/4 section
              at 19 with his young bride, so I know it happened. I really
              don't see what in my statement would imply that there are
              no mature teenagers here since I stated the opposite.
              And yes, I agree, it has a lot to do with socioeconomic
              opportunities and responsibilities. I know young people
              that have worked since 14 and helped raise little brothers
              and sisters and are pretty mature compared to your average
              Cal student.
                    \_ I'm a fanatical individualist, so I certainly won't
                       argue that point with you.  In general, however, you
                       know you've got an uphill battle convincing anyone
                       that 18 year olds are more mature than 23 year olds.
                       \_ No one has said or implied that except for you.
        \_ We coddle our youngsters here.
2004/3/1-2 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12478 Activity:nil
3/1     America headed for one-party PRI-style rule?
2004/3/1-2 [Politics/Domestic, Recreation/Media] UID:12479 Activity:high
3/1     Do you watch more broadcast TV or cable?
        Are you Republican or Democrat?
        Study suggests that Republicans watch more cable TV than Democrats.
        \_ How about the study that suggests more people in areas
           with ass reception watch cable TV? Sheesh.
        \_ Would you prefer if I were not republican or democrat?
2004/3/1 [Computer/Rants] UID:29842 Activity:nil 71%like:12458
        bill gates is worried that too few people are studying cs in college
        and is trying to do something about it. good luck getting other
        companies to follow, bill.
2004/3/1 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:29843 Activity:nil
3/1     dear grad students, say university mails you a letter and says they'll
        fund you 50% and pay Y money. Does Y cover tuition, or you gotta
        pay yourself?
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:March:01 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>