2004/2/26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12408 Activity:nil |
02/25 Howard Stern pulled from all Clear Channel stations: http://biz.yahoo.com/bw/040225/255963_1.html Interesting timing, considering that he's been "indecent" for ages but just recently had started critizing Bush, which is a well documented no-no in ClearChannel land. |
2004/2/26 [Transportation/Car, Transportation/Airplane] UID:12409 Activity:nil |
02/25 After living in Berkeley for 6 years, today, for the first time, someone told me that he got a BPD jaywalking ticket in Berkeley (on Center, near BART, nothing particularly unsafe past the norm --- no cars coming or anything; just lots of HS kids around, since it was right after school). Has BPD just started ticketing for jaywalking? Have they been at it all along? What the hell, doesn't BPD have more worthwhile things to spend time on? \_ this is one issue where the nypd got it right. after the mayor decided to crack down on jaywalking a reporter jaywalked in front of a cop and literally asked for a ticket, and they refused. the cops decided en masse that giving jaywalking tickets in a city like new york is total bullshit and refused to do it as a matter of policy. \_ Yeah it is better to slow traffic, get pedestrians killed, piss off drivers and make it 'normal' for the numerous crazy and the alzheimers inflicted old to wander into traffic. If you'd ever been there to see someone get his, to see their body fly 20 feet like a rag doll and blood pool on the street and flow into the sewer you might have a different attitude. You're not an idiot but you are an arrogant know-it-all ignorant git. \_ What you're describing is a fine reason to push anti- jaywalking educational material, not a law fining people for doing it in front of cops. No one wants to see anyone get crushed by a car, but there's a limit to the efficacy of legislating common sense. \_ I got one back in 1991--it's nothing new. Depends on whether the cop's got a quota to fill, whether he got up on the wrong side of bed, cosmic rays, whatever. Same as campus cops with bike riders--remember that students are easy, profitable targets. -John \_ I had one walking from the Power Bar building to check my car in parking meter at lunch. Was a marginal infraction: I had started ~ 5m before the intersection (diagonal into the street) to reach the cross-walk which displayed the 'walk' signal by the time I reached striped lines. Sargent was on opposing corner. He had a gay lisp and an upside down flag on his lapel (this was a month or two after 9/11). I describe it as 'walking while white' - a hate crime in Berkeley. \_ Son, how do you use your arm with that huge chip on your shoulder? \_ You sound just like the hateful racists you think you're opposed to. You're no different. Intolerance hurts us all. \_ Hey dimshit, thanks for censoring. \_ I love how the answer to any good reply is always "I got censored!". I didn't censor you. If you think you've got something to say I can more than easily hold my own with you or anyone else on here. Fear of your sharp wit and clever replies isn't on my top 10 worries list. You're a hateful racist and need to deal with that. \_ It's also worth pointing out that if you have something more than a line long to say on the motd, it's really not hard to save a copy and paste it back in after it gets killed. It's not like you have to handwrite your motd posts. \_ It is an on and off thing. Generally they are very lax about jaywalking, but every now and then they will crack down at very specific spots. I suspect that happens right after an accident caused by jaywalking. Also I've seen cops give people a hard time for jaywalking right in front of them, and if that person blows them off they tend to get a jaywalking ticket. Cops seem to especially hate it when you slow down traffic by jaywalking. \_ Seconded. I once crossed Durant against the light, stared down an oncoming car, and walked up onto the sidewalk, nearly into a cop standing there. He yelled at me but as soon as he saw the look in my eyes (I was coming back from a far-too-long project meeting @ soda) he let it go. \_ So you're saying you struck fear into the heart of a BPD beat cop? Unlikely. \_ I think he meant pity, not fear. \_ In these budget-crunching times, I'm sure they are feeling pressured to bring in money with small-time infractions. \_ i think they only do it now and then when there are high school kids around, because they want to impress upon people that they shouldn't be a bad influence. i was stopped and written up once during the lunch hour, but i never actually got the ticket... -lila |
2004/2/26 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:12410 Activity:nil |
2/24 NM is where they do all the latest/greatest scientific breakthroughs relating to physics and what not, and it's also a place where really smart scientists live. Here is my question. How the heck do they [the gov] keep all these brilliant minds in one of the most boring, ugly, and inhospital places in the U.S.? \_ there are far more physicists on the east and west coasts in total. \_ what are you smoking? Santa Fe & Taos are nice, and there is lots of nice stuff to do around Los Alamos if you're a person who appreciates the outdoors... \_ There are lots of scientists in Albuquerque, too, Sandia National Laboratory is there, as well as some of Air Force Research Laboratory. And Albuquerque is not exactly a peach of a city. Still, it's livable, and it's nice to be able to have a job and afford a house. Many other locations of labs such as LLNL and LBL have real problems with housing. \_ LLNL is in the middle of nowhere. You can get housing there. \_ Not according to scientists who've tried. Sure you can get housing further away, but then you have to deal with all that traffic going into Silicon Valley EVERY FUCKING MORNING. \_ What does SV have to do with LLNL? Do you have any clue where the lawrence LIVERMORE national lab is located? If your scientist friends are so fucking stupid they're looking for LIVERMORE housing in the SV area then they are far too stupid to work in a lab. I live near the LIVERMORE lab and I've looked at housing in LIVERMORE and the towns around LIVERMORE and there's plenty of housing in the LIVERMORE area. \_ Livermore is not really cheap anymore, but Tracy sure is. \_ Livermore is a mix of cheaper older housing and newer expensive-but-very-nice-for-what-you-paid housing. Apartments are always available for the single nuclear scientists out there. Tracy is nearby, cheap, and the next up-and-coming town in the area. There are also several other new developments for those with more money all within 20 minutes of LLNL. A single person can get Livermore housing. A family person can get decent housing within 20 minutes. A person of moderate means can get anything in the area, a lot it is very nice. I'm still baffled at the SV comment. SV is not the center of the universe. \_ The govt wants to make sure that there are no hot chicks for the scientists to sleep with, so that the details of the next generation nuclear devices don't slip out of their mounts in bed. \_ for some reason I think this is a more plausible explanation than the first two. \_ You think wrong. There are hot women here. -PeterM \_ They're all spies. The MiB will be visiting you and your NKD 'girlfriend' this evening. \_ Oooh! Threesome! \_ Sort of. More like an orgy of pain at their secret love nest in Cuba. \_ Probably because aside from the gov, there just aren't that many places hiring these kinds of scientists. Working for the gov is bound to be more relaxed too. \_ More relaxed than what? I talked to some contractor types recently about their working environment. I've got a "todo" list with 20+ items and all of them are "important". The contractor has a "todo" list of maybe 5. I'm juggling a lot of stuff all the time and people are constantly coming to me for help. I do not feel relaxed, I feel harried. --PeterM \_ No one works hard for the government. That's the point. If you feel harried try working in industry where even if you and everyone else works their ass off and does a good job you might still lose the contract, your job, or the whole company. I've done government work. It's totally slack. \- the port of oakland != research lab \_ whats the port of oakland have to do with anything? \_ I told you, I talked to contractors who work in industry. It's as I said, I'm more harried than they are. It's to the point where I think industry would be MORE relaxed. I make no claims about gov't in general though. We are on a different system here. We get paid according to what we produce: I got a 10% incentive pay increase last year, they make an effort to make pay proportional to production: anyone who wants more money can get it by working harder and/or better. --PeterM \_ Contractors don't work anywhere. Talk to full timers. If you're one of the very few people working hard for the government then you missed the whole point of government work. \_ so do you get a busy sex life also? or are they also on your to-do list? \_ So-so. |
2004/2/26 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:12411 Activity:nil |
2/24 General question for anti-gov't-program types: Do you think it's ok to just abandon those that are unable to properly care for themselves? For example: retards, invalids, elderly, children of incompetents, incompetents, etc.? How would you propose dealing with them? \_ I'm one of the most conservative people on the motd. I propose that society takes care of those who truly can not take care of themselves. Our society moves too fast, is too dispersed and no longer fit to deal with charity cases with charity. However, I do not believe "the elderly" belong on your list of those unable to care for themselves. There is nothing about simply being 'elderly' that puts a person in the same category as the mentally disabled or those truly physically unable to care for themselves. They fall into the welfare-state socialism-is-a-failure i-hate-big-government- waste category. Social security was never intended to be the sole support for old people. It is/was a socialist policy designed to supplement an old person's other income. That "other income" is the old person's responsibility. They had an entire lifetime to get their act together. I don't feel responsible for people being wasteful or stupid with their lives. I would make ilyas pay a tiny amount of his income (less than 1%) to support the truly needy but wouldn't take a penny from him for "the elderly". \_ Well I put them there more as "incompetents". Or people who for whatever reason aren't smart enough or are unfortunate enough so wind up being economically unviable. We don't have a full- unemployment economy like Kucinich wants. So bottom line, do you just let them wander around homeless, spreading disease, and die? Who decides whether someone "truly can not take care of themselves"? That could be faked right? Or self-induced... I've been around mentally ill people. Sometimes they could sort of function, but not enough to compete. Or they might be stuck with the mind of a 10 year old, which is enough to appear coherent but not enough to really survive. If nothing else they could put themselves in jail. Isn't it perverse? At least with socialism, people who have some normal human ambition will strive to achieve while the rest are provided some simple support. (I'd also favor a more limited immigration policy. And I don't believe in giving "asylum".) \_ You are a conservative, but when the rubber hits the road you are a pragmatic first, a conservative second. The problem is, I can always make a case that more people need to be included in the entitlement you are creating (what about old people who immigrated from North Korea, who had no chance to improve their lot, etc. etc.) The real issue here is whether property rights trump 'right to not die.' I believe so (I also believe there is no such right as 'right to not die'). Once you are willing to redistribute money from specific people to other specific people (as opposed to servicing certain kinds of 'global goods') using force, it's all a matter of sliding down a gentle slope from your position to orthodox socialism. -- ilyas \_ I propose to rely on charity and culture of compassion (or if you are more cynical, peer pressure of compassion), rather than on forcing people to be compassionate. If confronted with a scenario where I have to choose between letting someone die and forcing someone to take care of them, I would choose the former. -- ilyas \_ in WW2 Japan, the old people were deemed useless because they took away precious resources (rice, time, etc) that could otherwised be used for expanding their empire. So, they killed many of them for the greater good. \_ nippon bansai!!! nippon ichiban!!!! \_ There is a difference between a safety net and socialized retirement / medical care. Do you want to inculcate government dependency (as if we haven't already)? \_ so... if there's a safety net then how do you prevent people from treating it the same as socialized blah? once most of these people fall in they probably can't get out anyway. \_ fuck em. let em die. |
2004/2/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:12412 Activity:high |
02/26 http://polls.yahoo.com/public/archives/57019568/p-quote-312 But that isn't how Social Security calculates initial benefits, at least since 1977. Instead, lifetime earnings are indexed by the annual change in average national wages--a procedure called wage indexing. Sound like a small technical difference? In fact, some authors have pointed out, the entire projected Social Security shortfall of 25 trillion dollars can be shown to disappear, merely by switching these two techniques. \_ it's on yahoo. Go post there if you care. \_ So instead of basing SS payouts on income earned, it becomes based on the cost of consumer goods. So under a new system: as things get cheaper, your SS payout gets smaller. Under the old system: as wages rise, so does your payout. \_ It doesn't sound like a small technical difference at all. Under the old system, SS had to track your success in life. Under the new system, SS merely has to track the cost of subsisting you. This is a HUGE difference, morally, considering the huge chunk of people's (generally rising) wages that have to be contributed to SS. Of course under this new system SS will not be bankrupt -- it just takes your money but only provides subsistence in return. How about we change SS so participation is voluntary? This will fix it instantly. -- ilyas \_ [Someone deleted the nifty anti-socialist troll.] \_ no, no, no, we can't have voluntary participation. how else will we reach socialist nirvana if we don't soak the people who work the hardest to support the least capable? [deleted again] [restored because I like seeing socialists cry and whine after they get put in their place on the motd] \_ Except that you didn't restore the part where YOU got put in your place. Selective restoration is even more dumb than selective deletion. Goodbye. \_ You're a big baby. I restored the parts I have from my own files. If you added something else after that which I never saw, tough shit, babycakes. \_ Uh, huh. Whatever, big boy - I'm not the one throwing around the word "socialist" like a big club... \_ Shaddup troll. \_ Die, socialist scum! The opposing view isn't a troll, it is the opposing view. If you had something worth saying on the topic, you'd say it. You don't so stop wasting bits. \_ Die socialist scum? Who's wasting bits? \_ Just playing along with the theme. The rest of what I've said in both comments above remains true, accurate, and unrefuted. Get a sense of humor. [restored because I like seeing socialists cry and whine dumb than selective deletion. Goodbye. after they get put in their place on the motd] \_ Sigh. What's wrong with wanting a society where every man, woman, and child is guaranteed nutrition, shelter, healthcare, safety, and a decent education? Social Security is just one small step in the right direction. Don't trash the idea just because the current system needs overhauling. \_ The problem is you want to coerce someone else to take your view at gunpoint - that is what is 'wrong'. Also recognize that those individuals using the same code words as you - Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, and Mao... - were directly reponsible for overhauling. 10's of millions of deaths in the 21th century. Shouldn't that be of some concern? \_ There is nothing wrong with wanting something like this, but you have to accept the consequences of the means you would use to achieve such a society. The problem is, I can keep expanding the scope of entitlements that would be good (what if I want to guarantee decent nutrition for all pets, or some minimum level of prosperity for every human being, or guaranteed college education, etc. etc. etc.) Eventually you end up extinguishing property rights altogether, but at least everyone has some minimal level of something or other. Is the price worth it? Everyone becomes a pauper. It's also worth it to think about _why_ SS needs overhauling. Is it an accident, or a pattern? -- ilyas \_ Any system, whether socialism or libertarianism makes no sense when taken to ridiculous extremes. You just have to hope that the people in control (hopefully voters) have enough sense to choose a happy middle ground. \_ Well, I am an optimist. I d like to believe that the best society isn't just some arbitrary middle ground between competing ideologies, twitching in some state of unsteady equilibrium, subject to vagaries of the election season and voter mood swings. -- ilyas \_ Ilya, I think you're an "idealist" rather than an optimist. The problem with idealists is that reality never conforms to an ideal. \_ When I lost my idealism I stopped being a libertarian. -- !ilyas \_ You are not an optimist, you are a kook at best, an extremist at worst. \_ But he's our kook and we love him. \_ But he's our kook and we love him. \_ They are not exclusive. You can be both. \_ They are not exclusive. You can be both. \_ Lenin would have called you a 'useful New Zeeland, The Netherlands all started in this idiot' \_ You keep claiming this ilyas, but can you give an example of any society anywhere in history that went down this slippery slope? Sweden, New Zealand, The Netherlands all started in this direction and have since then cut taxes and social benefits as they see the longterm cost to their economies. -ausman \_ This is a weak argument for two reasons. (1) We might not have given enough time to Western socialism. Eastern socialism is older, and collapsed. (2) Even if you are right, and it will never happen (or at least not any time soon), would you really want to live in a society where the only thing stopping complete soviet style income redistribution is expedience and voter inertia? How do you know these forces, which the pragmatic relies on so much, will not give out one day? -- ilyas \_ Where did Sweden makes cuts? New Zealand? \_ Maybe he meant Germany. I think the point is, these countries haven't gone headlong into full socialism or communism and don't appear likely to ever do so. It's true that their taxes harm their economic competitiveness. But life is about more than cold efficiency. \_ Harm the economy enough and there won't be enough wealth available to support the system. These sorts of supplemental assistance programs are draining off the economy. I don't believe in cold hard efficiency but I don't want to see the whole system suffocate in it's own feces. \_ Okay maybe Sweden is a bad example. I seem to remember The Economist claiming they had cut their social benefits, but if you look at government spending as a percentage of GDP, it has gone down in New Zealand, economies. -ausman efficiency but I don't want to see the whole system suffocate in it's own feces. citizenry, and you don't have to privatize all basic services in order to support a prosperous economy. Germany and The Netherlands over the last decade. http://csua.org/u/66p -ausman \_ The real point is this: Sweden, New Zealand, and Switzerland are positive examples of places that have great social benefits _and_ still support businesses. You don't have to abolish all property ownership in of supplemental income system so poor old people who are no longer able to work don't have to eat catfood. That's not order to provide the basics for your citizenry, and you don't have to privatize all basic services in order to support a prosperous economy. \_ For a generation such a system \_ The fact that you think this is actually important is at the heart of your ridiculousness. can exist, especially when national defense is paid for by Uncle Sam; these are already showing signs of decay and have < 20 years before bankruptcy. \_ I guess it depends on whether you see SS as a retirement system or a safety net. It was never really designed to be the former, but politicians have found it politically expedient to keep expanding benefits and including more and more people in it. The only way it works fiscally is as the latter. This is what it originally was intended as. Eliminate the survivor and disability benefits and the system would work fine. \_ You're trying to tell the motd about the need for safety nets? Good luck, dude. \_ Makes a lot of sense to me, SS as a safety net, not a retirement system, and I'm a libur'l. \_ I'm a conservative. I'm in favor of safety nets and some sort of supplemental income system so poor old people who are no longer able to work don't have to eat cat food. That's not what the current system is about today. It's a publicly known fact for many many years that the system *can't* last as it exists now. I've never expected to get a single penny from the system. I see it as part of my federal income taxes and nothing more. All out-go, no come-back. \_ Can you summarize your (conservative) position in some small set of principles? -- ilyas \_ The fact that you think this is actually important is at the heart of your ridiculousness. \_ Yes, I think principles are important. Sorry, I ll try to be less kooky next time. -- ilyas \_ No. Life is more complicated than that. That's one of things that is wrong with the libertarians and the various smaller one-item political parties. --conser. \_ I can - I believe it is incumbent on every individual as it exists now. I've never expected to get a single penny \_ Can you summarize your (conservative) position in some small set of principles? -- ilyas \_ catfood is a good deal more expensive price/nutrition-wise from the system. I see it as part of my federal income taxes and nothing more. All out-go, no come-back. \_ Can you summarize your (conservative) position in some small set of principles? -- ilyas \_ No. Life is more complicated than that. That's one of things that is wrong with the libertarians and the various smaller one-item political parties. --conser. (except for the retarded or disabled) to take responsible actions throughout their lives and live with the consequences. This is called 'freedom'; the freedom to succeed and the freedom to fail. I believe in equal opportunity, not economic equality by government fiat. The rule of law; a government of laws and not men. \_ Providing for a minimum economic floor is not the same as economic equality. Why should those retards get a free lunch when even millions of below- average people "fail"? The fact is that even with best efforts people can fail. And others can do well enough to get by most of the time... but how many can become independently wealthy? Your freedom is just greed. "i'm fine, fuck the losers". \_ No, I am a huge proponent of charity, faith based or otherwise. You instead, want to coerce me at gunpoint to pay to assuage your conscience. You are thief backed up by government fiat; that's tyranny. You are elitist statist and what Lenin would call a 'useful idiot'. American used to be place of rugged indvidualists who would balk at the idea of a gov't handout; now we have weak paintywaists who believe they have an enshrined constitutional right to cradle to grave care from an authority figure. Here's a great exegisis: http://csua.org/u/66u \_ Tell us, little chile, of the old Americans. Which John Wayne movies did you learn of them from? \_ cat food is a good deal more expensive price/nutrition-wise than human food. Go go marketing... \_ I don't think that was always the case. Anyway, dry dogfood is quite cheap, if you buy the right brand. |
2004/2/26-27 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:12413 Activity:nil |
02/26 Microsoft Japan office Raided By Japan's Fair Trade Commission http://csua.org/u/66e (bloomberg) \_ It's on slashdot. Go post there if you care. \_ Not everyone on the motd reads /., and the story is still deeply satisfying. \_ Now that they know the story is there they can go there. |
2004/2/26-27 [Recreation/Humor] UID:12414 Activity:nil 54%like:12520 |
02/26 Some of you have probably seen this before, but I think it's pretty funny. -John http://atomfilms.shockwave.com/af/content/pink5 \_ Very nice. Well worth the repost. \_ It's on http://shockwave.com. Go post there if you care. |
2004/2/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12415 Activity:nil |
02/26 Bush To Cut Deficit From Federal Budget: http://theonion.com/news.php?i=1&n=0 \_ Thank God! Now we can afford a permanent tax increase! |
2004/2/26-27 [Reference/Tax, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12416 Activity:nil |
02/26 Brookings Institution on whether Bush's tax cuts should be permanent: http://www.brookings.edu/views/papers/gale/20040308.htm \_ There you go: Dog bites man, no story; man bites dog, front page. \_ Huh? \_ It's on http://brookings.edu. Go post there if you care. |
2004/2/26 [Finance/Investment] UID:12417 Activity:high |
02/26 Just curious: How many people on the motd day trade? If so, what tools, brokers, etc do you use? \_ ameritrade, level2 quotes and streamer \_ I get all my tips from the shoeshine boy on the corner. We're beating the market by 15%!! \_ Sounds like you should run for Senate instead. \_ The shoeshine boy is supporting my run. We have a true gressroots moving starting for the next election cycle. I'm going to run against Feinstein when her current term ends. \_ hey, it's Not Even Remotely Funny Anonymous MOTD Comic! \_ If my average stock hold time is about 3 months, am I an investor or a trader? \_ That's speculation, unless you're just really indecicive. \_ it's more like I find a stock that's cheap and is ready to wait a year for it to go up, but it goes up fast really soon, and becomes fully valued, so I dump it. \_ Bingo. You just described speculation. \_ really? cool, now I know I am a speculator. but even for an investor, why would you want to hold when a stock that was cheap has become expensive, and is likely to fall back or stay flat for a long while? to save some taxes? \_ The idea is that it will still do well over the long term and/or pays a good dividend. Long-term investors don't buy stocks withoug good long-term prospects. It sounds like you're looking for good short-term growth without looking at long-term. \_ Depends, I would say. If you just run tight stops, then you aren't really a "speculator" you are just an investor with a low risk tolerance. If your average holding time is 3 months, but half the stocks in your portfolio have have been there 2+ yrs, I would call that an investor. But I guess you might not. Certainly not a "day trader," I hope we can both agree. with a low risk tolerance. You just might churn through a lot of stocks until you find the ones with a low enough beta for you. |
2004/2/26-27 [ERROR, uid:12418, category id '18005#9.305' has no name! , , Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12418 Activity:high |
2/26 Kerry's Soviet Rhetoric The Vietnam-era antiwar movement got its spin from the Kremlin. by KGB Defector http://www.nationalreview.com/comment/pacepa200402260828.asp \_ a response: http://www.calpundit.com/archives/003364.html \_ And I'm sure Venona was part of the vast right-wing conspiracy as well eh? Funneling of Soviet money, particularly oil revenues, to Western insurgency groups is all very well documented. Notice the author of your link does not question the veracity of the NRO text - he simply demagogues. Is it really necessary to recite for you Soviet sponsored insurgencies during the Cold War? \_ Bush knew. http://www.buzzflash.com/perspectives/911bush.html \_ It's on Free Republic. Go post there if you care. |
2004/2/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:12419 Activity:nil |
2/26 How come the big flamefest about Gibson's Jesus movie was all *before* it came out? Does anyone who's actually seen it have any comments? |
2004/2/26-27 [Computer/SW/Database] UID:12420 Activity:moderate |
2/26 Someone explain this to me please. Why US Government give Oracle a hard time under the anti-competitive ground, yet gave Microsoft a free hand to do whatever he wants? \_ Why prc no free market noodles make Ayn Rand? \_ Bill gave W more campaign contributions than Larry did |
2004/2/26-27 [Reference/BayArea, Academia/Berkeley] UID:12421 Activity:nil |
2/26 If you have comcast in berkeley, would you please do some fast pinging and find out at what rate do you start to get packet loss (of ICMP ping packets). I moved out of state and can only send 2 pings a second. I want to tell the comcast folks here what the ping rate in berkeley is. If I remember correctly, it was much higher. Thanks. \- 2ping/sec ... you arent hitting the sun icmp throttle are you? why do you need to send pings faster? --psb \_ To rapidly gather network link quality statistics. I can _send_ pings faster than 2/sec, but they get dropped by the comcast equipment upstream. What's the "sun icmp throttle"? \- you have exceeded your anonymous privilages --psb :-) \_ Why do you care? \_ Falls under the "self righteous prick" policy. \_ comcast will not let you "rapidly gather network link quality statistics." That's their job, and there's no reason they'd want to let you hose their network. \_ In berkeley I could ping > 2/sec. In portland I can not. Same comcast company. A network cannot be hosed by 50 pings /second. I'm not doing anything malicious. When the network has problems, I like to run mtr. Would somebody in berkeley please run a short test to determine what the icmp limit is there? \_ What if all 200 people on your local net sent 50/s? \- the throttle is probably an anti-DoS measure in part. i dont think this is too unreasonable. blocking all icmp echo/echo_reply would suck. again, you can use tcp/udb echo ... it might be intersting to see if you can basically write ping with getnetmask --psb \_ Would you be concerned if they raised it to 20/s? \_ Would you have a problem if they raised it to 20/s? \_ Hey, they didn't have this low a limit in Berkeley, and the sky did not fall. Could you just find out what the Berkeley limit is. That's all. |
2004/2/26-29 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12422 Activity:low |
2/26 No, really... /var/mail is getting full: -rw-rw---- 1 njh mail 24023725 Feb 26 17:18 njh -rw-rw---- 1 georgy mail 22633905 Feb 26 17:11 georgy -rw------- 1 vlin mail 20938590 Feb 26 15:19 vlin -rw------- 1 uctt mail 20938475 Feb 26 14:28 uctt -rw------- 1 leec mail 20921676 Feb 26 16:17 leec -rw------- 1 danberry mail 20881048 Feb 26 16:18 danberry -rw------- 1 ericwo mail 20872793 Feb 26 10:55 ericwo -rw-rw---- 1 isabelle mail 20446008 Feb 26 11:41 isabelle -rw-r--r-- 1 nivra csua 19251192 Feb 23 12:36 nivra -rw-rw---- 1 marc mail 18391040 Feb 26 17:20 marc Why isn't there a quota on this partition? \_ I ran for governor and sold net.panties so I don't have to adhere to your mortal limits! \_ two of those accounts are sorry'd. can they still retrieve email? how are they supposed to fix their mess? \_ come crawling back to the politburo and grovel a bit but then they'd get sorried again for being over quota on their mailboxes. \_ how are they even to know they're supposed to come grovelling back? \_ By reading the motd? It's available via finger. \_ I don't know about you, but my /var/mail quota is 15 MB, hard 20 MB. \_ I guess if you're cool and know the right people and maybe run for CA governor as a joke candidate you get more space. \_ I think selling ladies underwear with your name on it should count towards the secret-csua-life-point-that-gives- you-more-mail-quota. No comment on the other evil-doers, though. -John |
2004/2/26-27 [Consumer/PDA] UID:12423 Activity:nil |
2/26 Okay, someone explain to me why, apart from obsessive geekiness, Rialto Pictures is releasing the original Godzilla? http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/godzilla.html \_ They like money. \_ Because it's a classic film. Duh. Only the original King Kong is better. You liked Gozilla 2000 with the stupid giant iguana? \_ That movie was a two shot handicap atleast, more like four. Still, it was lovely seeing Harry Shearer as soon-to-be-iguana- food. He does annoying pricks with such pizzazz. -- ulysses \_ And he looks stunning in an evening dress! \_ Best lines from "Godzilla, Mothra & King Ghidorah": Pilot 1: I hear Godzilla was sighted in New York. Pilot 2: The Americans say it was Godzilla, but we don't think so. \_ Everyone knows the real Gozilla only destroys Japanese cities. |
2004/2/26-27 [Transportation/Car, Computer/SW/Database] UID:12424 Activity:nil |
2/26 Suppose I have a database of car dealers and the cars they have in stock. I want to query this database for N cars that I'm interested in, something like SELECT dealerId, carId FROM cars WHERE (carId=1 OR carId=2 OR carId=42) The problem is, I need to sort the result such that a dealer who has all N cars I'm interested in is ranked higher than a dealer that has only 1 or 2 such cars. Can this be done with some sort of aggregate function? Something like SELECT dealerId, count(dealerId) as numCars, list(carId) FROM cars WHERE (carId=1 OR carId=2 OR carId=42) GROUP BY dealerId ORDER BY rank where the output would be dealer | numCars | list(carId) ---------------------------------------- Fred 3 1,2,42 Bob 2 1,2 Tom 2 1,42 Jerry 1 2 Thanks in advance. \_ Please tell me this is for work. \_ I would, but then I wouldn't get the input from the smart types who do it because it's challenging. -op \_ Your question was better when it was jive'd. \_ Yo! Yo! Shiznitz! Wez be needin' ah jive update! |
2004/2/26-27 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:12425 Activity:kinda low |
2/26 Panzer/Tiger > T34 > Sherman \_ Thank you for that well-reasoned piece of historical analysis. \_ I'm encouraging discussion. \_ Each individual tank was better, but because the Sherman was mass produced in a way the Panzer was not, it could be produced in 5X quantities. Was the Panzer better than 5 Sherman's? \_ you are right. one on one, Panzer > Shermans. But Shermans were mass-produced and tactics had to change. Which tank would you rather be in? \_ None. They were all death traps. \_ I would prefer to be in a Panther. Good gun, good mobility, reliable. I hear some are still in use today in Africa. \_ The Germans called Shermans "Tommycookers" because they easily caught fire. There are documented cases of a Tiger decimating multiple Shermans, without retaliation (Sherman shells just bounced off). America placed production over R&D as a priority for their tank program in the 30s. This unfortunate oversight cost many American lives early in 1944. It took almost a year for American tanks to become useful (they were never very good in WWII). Americans won their battles with excellent supplies, overwhelming air superiority, and general Patton, not with tanks. -- ilyas never very good in WWII). -- ilyas \_ What was that gianormous German tank that they only built a few of? \_ Maus. It was far bigger than the King Tiger, but never saw service. Even King Tigers (or even normal Tigers) were often used as stationary artillery by the retreating German forces. Incidentally, while the Panther was a better tank than the T-34, it had two major problems. One was the much greater complexity, which made it difficult to repair damaged Panthers (or keep undamaged ones operational). Another was the relatively narrow tracks (compared to the wide T-34 tracks) which made mobility on poor roads in Russia much much worse. The Panther was also very expensive and lavishly made. By the time it entered service, Germany's priority should have been stamping out as many tanks as possible, as cheaply and quickly as possible, like the Russians were doing. T-34 was the better tank, per unit of resource. -- ilyas \_ King Tiger? They made 485 of them. They were basically unstoppable until they ran out of fuel. \_ Why? Longer range? \_ They had really thick sloped armor and a gun that could take out any other tank at a range of 2km. But even point blank, the Sherman could just not penetrate the King Tiger armor. The best the allies could hope to do was detrack it. \_ Maybe you mean The Maus, that they only made two prototypes of. They were 180 Tons and never saw combat. \_ there was the Tiger I and the Tiger II (King Tiger) |
2004/2/26-27 [Finance/CC, Recreation/Shopping] UID:12426 Activity:nil |
2/26 I couldn't find this in the motd archive. Google search for credit card processing / ecommerce hosting companies is worthless. What's a good place to go with? Low volume, Ease of use preferred over price... I know that I can go with Verisign, but I'm guessing that they suck (I know that they suck as a registrar). My domains are with godaddy, which does ecommerce, but says you need a shopping cart... is there a good text FAQ that explains the whole process? I'm only selling one (maybe two) items, so I don't need a shopping cart. I don't want to deal with Paypal. \_ Verisign Internet Merchant Account + PayFlow Link. |
2004/2/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:12427 Activity:low |
2/26 Living man a fugitive suspect in sucessful suicide bombing attack. Huh what? http://www.cbc.ca/stories/2004/02/25/khadr_abdullah040225 "In a report earlier this month, Agence France-Presse said a Taliban source had identified Abdullah Khadr as the attacker who on Jan. 27 jumped on Murphy's jeep and blew himself up. He is the 22-year-old son of Ahmed Said Khadr." \_ It's on cbc.ca. Go post there if you care. \_ Are you deranged? |
2004/2/26-27 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:12428 Activity:nil |
2/26 I just got a new laptop but it has no serial port. Are there USB or Parallel to serial adapters (I need a serial port for connecting to random hardware). \_ I would think Belkin would have something like that. \_ there are various USB/serial adapters and port replicators from a variety of manufacturers (e.g. http://www.targus.com/us/accessories_cables_hubs.asp) ... keep in mind that the parallel and serial ports are intended to be used for common peripherals such as printers and mice. I'm not certain that they'd work for, say, attaching a serial debugger. \_ Thanks. I've seen websites selling noname brand versions of this for $20 but I think I'll just get the brand name. \_ Specifically, I'd like to be able to plug into Cisco boxes. The other random hardware is a "would be nice". |
2004/2/26 [Uncategorized] UID:29832 Activity:high |
2/26 I want to view images via putty. Any way to do this? \_ it's on putty. go there if you care. |
2004/2/26 [Finance/Investment] UID:29833 Activity:very high |
2/26 motd stock tip of the day: AUO taiwan LCD panel maker \_ Great. The motd is now the new vehicle for anonymous pump-and- dump. \_ I am still holding onto my EMRG and hoping that it goes back \_ Its on the NASDAQ. Go post there if you care. to where I bought it. I was just kidding about mortgaging the house though. I only bought 100 shares. |
2004/2/26 [Uncategorized] UID:29834 Activity:high |
2/26 I'm on your mom. Does she care? \_ She's on the rag. Do you care? \_ one word... menopause |
3/15 |