2004/2/10 [Transportation/Car] UID:12183 Activity:nil |
2/9 Got a parking ticket cuz I didn't have a front license plate. My bumper doesn't have any holes, can I simply drill into the bumper and nail in my plate? \_ I thought it was only illegal to DRIVE without plates, not park without one. \_ Yeah now prove to the judge that you got to that parking lot via tow truck. Stupid clown, the world doesn't work like that. \_ Unfortunately no matter what the car you must have a front plate in california. There are very few exceptions to this (other than motorcycles). For any car there is some sort of mounting kit. You may need to call a dealer and ask for the parts department. \_ Take it to a judge and beg. \_ Check with DMV. It might be legal to put inside the car on your dashboard. \_ Depending on your car, there's sometimes other mounting options. I've seen front bumper mounts where they drilled on the underside of the front bumper, so if they ever take off the front plate there won't be any visible holes. Then they just used a special bracket. If you don't care, then you should be able to get a front mounting bracket from whoever manufactures your car. \_ but who cares what your bumper looks like when you take off the plate since it is illegal as the op has found out \_ It might be legal in other states. \_ a new buyer might be willing to take the risk. \_ alright so I went to the dealer and they want to charge $50 for buying the plate, and more if I want them to install it. BTW my front bumper doesn't have any pre-drilled holes or anything like that. So given that I'm kind of short on money, can I just drill into the bumper with any drill and screw the plates on, hoping the bumper material will hold the screws? Thanks. \_ If you care about the value of your car, then it is worth spending $ to professionally mount the plate holder. |
2004/2/10 [Uncategorized] UID:12184 Activity:nil |
2/9 I turned on the stove with a new empty stainless pan on it by mistake and when I realized that, I erred again by pouring cold water into the pan. Now it has that brownish layer on the surface. What is the chemical composition of this layer and is it harmful? If not I would rather leave it as it is. \_ next time put a nice tbone steak on it instead, leave for 2 minutes \_ You are kidding me, right? Heating won't get rid of the oxide. \_ wow, could you have misread that any worse? \_ It's no big deal. \_ If you're really set on getting rid of the brownish layer, try Barkeeper's Friend, but follow the directions or you might mar the finish. |
2004/2/10 [Finance/Shopping, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:12185 Activity:kinda low |
2/9 I'm planning to go to New Zealand at the very end of December. Can you recommend a local (Bay Area) travel agency? \_ Why bother with a travel agency? I've never understood this. \_ They can often get you better fares since they have allocations of cheap tickets long after you cannot buy them retail. \_ Good luck getting cheap tickets to new zealand for the end of December. \_ I got good prices from Air New Zealand's web site for my Nov. trip. Dec is more, but you should at least try there and make sure you can't get the ticks there cheaper than through an agent. But they do kinda spam the address I gave them. -crebbs \_ ANZ has a $999 roundtrip special running until Nov. to celebrate adding SFO to their route, but no specials after that. I'll keep an eye on them, though, thank you. --OP \_ Don't forget to bring your ozone layer. \_ At least I don't have to bring my own Hobbit clothing: link:csua.org/u/5xe (jpg) |
2004/2/10-12 [Industry/Jobs] UID:12186 Activity:nil |
2/9 A rare opportunity! WebFeat, a start-up provider of patent-pending Knowledge Prism technology for academic, public, corporate and government libraries currently has a position for a Software Development Engineer. see /csua/pub/jobs/webfeat \_ So, what, you sell shitty European automobiles over the web? \_ More buzzwords than you can shake a stick at! \_ Is the stick fully buzzword compliant? \_ "Knowledge Prism technology"? \_ Maybe marketroidian for 'data mining'? \_ Just like on Startrek where everything is stored in data cubes. Beam me up! |
2004/2/10 [Transportation/Car] UID:12187 Activity:nil |
2/9 Thanks for the car accident advice. I forwarded the long list of suggestions. \_ Wow, the motd actually helped someone. \_ Coincidentally, my co-worker was being driven by a friend on the freeway last night, and they skidded out of control as well (avoiding object on freeway), ending up wrecking on the median. A car behind them picked them up. Shortly thereafter, another car in the #1 lane crashed into the wrecked car, sending flying metal and glass everywhere. Everyone's fine, except for some sore/stiff muscles, and the friend in this case happened to have non-cheap insurance. -op \_ remind me not to hang out with you \_ ?? \_ mild humor hint: it's too dangerous. |
2004/2/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:12188 Activity:moderate |
2/10 Is it me or is rpm's whole dependency system totally fucked? Installs are failing because of alleged dependencies on other rpm's that I know I have, -force isn't overriding this... any suggestions? \_ It isn't you. You can try removing and reinstalling newer or required versions (as appropriate) of the things you're depending on, or (and no this isn't a troll) move to a system that doesn't use rpm such as debian or a non-linux system, or you can compile and install from source by hand the way we used to do it. \_ Speaking of moving to another system, has anyone used gentoo lately? Is it usable? Does it feel like it'll stick around? --scotsman \_ FWIW one of the devs at my company goes into religious fits of ecstasy everytime he has a chance to say the magic word, "gentoo". I've never used it though. \_ RPM has a really screwed up dependency system, esp. the way that it figures out what files it thinks your code depends on (building RPMs that work on multiple versions of RPM based distros is a PITA). The only think that I've seen that does a good job of handling the rpm dependencies is apt-rpm: http://moin.conectiva.com.br/AptRpm Other than that you can try to use the --nodeps and --force options. \_ i had a corrupt DB once, so also try "rpm --rebuilddb" |
2004/2/10-13 [Academia/Berkeley/Ocf, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:12189 Activity:low |
2/10 The ASUC Elections Council is now accepting applications for the position of Technical Coordinator! see /csua/pub/jobs/ASUC \_ Heh, the odds of a technically clued student/person getting this job are about zero. It is ASCU, afterall. \_ Nope, it's ASUC. this job are about zero. It is ASUC, afterall. \_ Actually, I know the Election Council folks. They're honest, and they know when they don't know something and need to ask for help. I also have some insight into this matter that you don't. They'll probably do okay. -dans \_ insight? so you know who the pre-chosen candidate is and they just need a few warm bodies to fill out the roster to make it look clean and legal? \_ No, I put together the folks from the CSUA and the OCF that made this happen last year, and defacto did this job. If I say ``This candidate is an idiot, don't hire him/her, they will take my advice.'' The original comment indicates a complete and utter lack of knowledge of how the ASUC works. While the ASUC does lots of stupid things, not everyone involved in the ASUC is an idiot. -dans \_ MOCK |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:12190 Activity:very high |
2/10 So what do you guys think: (a) WMDs were destroyed before the war (b) WMDs are buried in the desert in the middle of nowhere (c) WMDs are in Syria/Lebanon/etc (d) There were never any WMDs (e) WMD's are hiding with Osama. \_ No fair relabeling your options. It makes everyone look nonsensical \_ Aren't you sick of this topic already? (d) WMD's are hiding with Osama. (d) WMD's are hiding with Osama. \_ I don't think even Wolfowitz was nutty enough to suggest (d). \_ how about: \_ I don't think even Wolfowitz was nutty enough to suggest (e). \_ We know some of (A) is true. (B) wouldn't be a bad guess since the Iraqis have buried plenty of other things in the sand but obviously there's no proof (B) is true or we wouldn't be wondering about it. (C) is based on intelligence rumors which is never a 100% guarantee especially in the Middle East. American intel has been weak since we started putting up lots of high quality spy satellites and letting the human intel skills dry up. \_ I think, more than likely, people under hussein probably had them destroyed to try and get back into the graces of the UN, and that the posturing was a balance between putting on a show of strength for their general populace and appeasing hussein. The inspectors were there and were looking. We should have let them continue. It was, apparently, an effective containment. --scotsman \_ Wait... that makes no sense. Why would people under Hussein want to get into the graces of the UN? UN could not save them from Hussein sending them to shredders. What possible motive do they have for trying to appease an org which could do NOTHING for them, vs. appeasing a dictator who could kill them on a whim. Hussein had nothing to gain by giving up WMDs. At the same time, almost every major nation except the US had something to gain by having US appear with an egg on their face. Thus, what I think happened is, the WMDs are in Syria, possibly with Russian, etc. help. Of course, it will be really difficult to prove, since Syria can move them somewhere else, or destroy them discreetly. \_ I think by "people under Hussein" scotsman is referring to his underlings, not his peasants. The people in his party would want to help him avoid getting invaded. That being said, if there were WMDs, it wouldn't surprise me if they had were in Syria or buried in the desert. \_ BUSH IS ALWAYS RIGHT! \_ [ I have less patience than poster below. ] \_ Good way to kill a decent conversation, trollboy. I'd censor your dumb ass but I believe everyone has the right to publicly demonstrate just how stupid they are. \_ There was a really great article about this subject by the guy who wrote "A Gathering Storm." Wish I had the URL, but basically he had a fairly good argument that the WMD thing post 1995 was a bluff meant to help Saddam's domestic political situation. There's also the whole issue of the large numbers of weapons scientists who were claiming to work on programs in order to get money but then simply embezzling it. Then again, his book turned out to be all wrong so who knows. \_ Uhm, in 1998 the entire world still believed Iraq had WMD when the inspectors left so either the bluff was very effective and Iraq's internal security aparatus was rock solid or there were WMDs somewhere in Iraq. \_ Uhm, please don't speak for the entire world when your knowledge of the world is limited by what your third rate media and press dumps on ya. \_ Gee, you're right. I never read foreign press or see what foreign dignitaries say or do anything else but mindlessly suck up what ABC/NBC/CBS dish out at 8pm everynight! Thanks for enlightening me! Ok, asshole, back here in the real world, the entire world is on public record as believing there were WMD in Iraq in the 1998 post-inspector era. Thank you. \_ You keep saying, but it is still not true. Hans Blix said otherwise, Colonel Ritter (Retired US Marine Corp Colonel, head of the UN Inspection Team in 1998) and Russia said otherwise. Your repetition of a lie in the face of overwhelming evidence makes you less credible. It does not make the lie more believable. \_ Now you're just outright lying. I've seen interviews with both Blix and Ritter and both have said in public interviews that there were wrong so who knows. your knowledge of the world is limited by what your third rate media and press dumps on ya. repetition of a lie in the face of overwhelming evidence makes you less credible. It does not make the lie more believable. still WMD in Iraq in 1998 post-inspectors. I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and just call you ignorant but you've gone beyond that. \_ Prove it. I have the URLS and have posted them time and time again. Show me the interviews where Hans Blix or Ritter say that there are still WMD in Iraq. You will never be able to produce them because they never said any such thing. You are just a big fat liar. \_ But, but, but it works for Fox News! \_ bingo. nicely put. |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:12191 Activity:nil |
2/10 According to the McKinsey Global Institute, offshoring will benefit the US by saving money (which can be passed on to the customer or the investor, and you guess which one is more likely to see the money) and by creating wealth overseas that will be used to buy products from the US: http://csua.org/u/5xg (Economic Times of India) How does this make any sense? Why wouldn't offshorers take their wages and invest them locally (i.e., buy knock-off CDs and DVDs) instead of paying US prices for goods? \_ Don't worry. The invisible hand will make everything right. \_ No, it doesn't make any sense. The report is easily shredded. This is just PR puffery from Indian IT firms. \_ This PR Puffery is echoed by the bush administration. \_ Yes, so? What's that have to do with the OP's questions? Are you trying to say that because the current administration says something is true makes it true? Think for yourself for once. |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:12192 Activity:nil |
2/10 Hahaha, even O'Reilly is turning against the pResident: http://csua.org/u/5xf \_ [OP typo corrected] \_ That was no typo. \_ I was being kind. \_ At least he is (very belatedly) living up to his promise from before the war. First it was two months, then three, then four, then six. Still, I'm impressed. I'm sure you'd never get even that much \_ Well, Rush was high as a kite on some serious dope, you gotta cut him some slack. \_ Sigh, why is this such a big shock? I've been telling you on the motd for a looong time that Republican != conservative and that Bush is no conservative. Jesus, here have a cookie, live it up. --conservative \_ It's a shock because O'Reilly is extremely egotistical, and to see him sacrifice some pride for the sake of his word is quite refreshing. \_ Oh, well yes O'R is an egomaniac but he's a fun egomaniac. \_ O'Reilly is much more skeptical about the Bush administration, yet he blames the CIA? |
2004/2/10 [Finance/Banking] UID:12193 Activity:nil |
2/10 Someone told me that Perkins Loan doesn't have any interest rate while you're in school. So it's a good insurance to have even if you don't need the money right away. At any rate, to apply for Perkins Loan, do you simply fill out FAFSA which then calculates the EFC which then determines how much money you receive? |
2004/2/10-11 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:12194 Activity:nil |
2/10 New remote buffer overflow for Windows. Patch available http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Advisories/AD20040210.htm http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS04-007.asp |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12195 Activity:high |
2/10 So much talk about outsourcing. Nobody can give me the official Bush stance on the issue? If he's for it, that's fine. Just come out and say it and tell us how he's going to re-train or deal with the millions of people who are going to lose their jobs. \_ Both Kerry and Bush are / will be for it. You seem to forget how much money corporations pour into politics. You free-traders are naive; Walmart is the largest corporation on the planet today, refenues larger than the GDP of all but 30 countries. Where does Walmart produce most its products and where does it sell the same. The trade deficit consists predominantly of US corps importing their products to the US. |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:12196 Activity:nil |
2/10 Why are you wondering about WMD? Bush already said they found them. End of story. "We've found the weapons of mass destruction." http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0305/30/wbr.00.html \_ Uh, huh. And they were where, exactly? |
2004/2/10-11 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:12197 Activity:moderate |
2/10 Hmmm...Motdedit with merge seems to make some...interesting mistakes. \_ such as? -nivra \_ Well I'm not sure...it may be some other ulletin/MS04-007.asp \_ yay for non-mandatory locking. \_ Well I'm not sure...it may be some other soda fuck-up-ed-ness... but at several points today there was lots of threads which had sections that seemed to repeat at random points, or threads which got mixed together. Not sure if these were transient errors what with the constant editing going on. |
2004/2/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley] UID:12198 Activity:kinda low |
2/10 Daniel Pipes at UC Berkeley -- TODAY! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1075408/posts#4 |
2004/2/10-11 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:12199 Activity:high |
2/10 If you are just an independent agent (real estate, travel, etc.) that sells a product for other companies but never really stock it in you own warehouse, do you need to get a seller's permit? -- confused by the rules' wording. \_ Depends on the product. Real Estate requires a real estate license, but not a sellers permit. Sellers permit is for hard goods. \_ What about an independent agent who sells hard goods for others, i.e. he negotiates and arranges for the transaction, but unlike a distributor he never sees or stocks the product himself? |
2004/2/10-11 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:12200 Activity:very high |
2/10 I've been seeing a lot in the news about outsourcing IT jobs recently, but nobody ever brings up economic arguments about how free trade benefits everyone. To me it seems like the best thing for the US would be to allow outsourcing and use taxes from increased corporate profits to help temporarily displaced workers. Any thoughts on why all the outsourcing arguments are emotional outbursts instead of rational economic arguments? \_ It's money going into foreign economies, to be used there. I don't know how increased corporate profits really leads to increased tax intake... my impression is that any corp worth its salt will create a shelter around the outsourced call center so that the CC can report great profits without being taxed at the US rate. Can somebody back me up or correct me? \_ Actually no. For various reasons, foreign economies, esp. those 3rd countries that you are worried about outsourcing to, have a historical difficulty in keeping money in their own country, and it is not getting any better. In fact this is one reason driving them so hard to keep exporting and getting sourced -- just to keep afloat, barely. \_ Temporarily replaced until what? They get a burger flipping job? But oh yeah even McDonald's was closing storefronts and laying off people. What could be worse than getting laid off from McD's? These are not American companies. They are vast multinational corporations with no concern or regard for this or any other country's people. Profit is God and it isn't being put back into the economy in a useful way. How did HP eating Compaq, laying off 10's of thousands of Americans and moving their jobs to India help Americans? \_ Are you saying Carly Fiorina isn't American? \_ I understand what CF owes to her kids. I understand what she owes to her shareholders. I understand what she owes to her neighbors and secretary and employees. Can you explain to be what special duties she owes to Americans? Does she have some special obligation also to say white people? --psb \_ Partha, you're an American. From this we can prove \- how do you figure that? my point being if you \- how do you figure that? my point is: if you feel she/HP owe something to "all americans" because they are "more like" americans, then why doenst this apply to race? i would like you' to argue why race and nationality should be trated differently ... or fess up that they are equally valid moral categories based on which to treat people differently. --psb \_ I would say that distinguishing CF from the entity of HP dilutes the point. The point is the corporation is operating in this country. It reaps benefits from this country and its stability. We should have the balls to say "If you don't employ people here, you should be paying higher taxes." -scotsman \_ So you're not an American? Then wtf are you doing here then? Go back to your own country. \_ He might be a permanent resident which would mean that he isn't an American, but he has every right to remain here provided he does not commit a deportable offense. \_ Race: a function of genetics. Nationality: a function of social grouping. I'd argue that race is less important than nationality on that basis, and that nationality is less important than tribe, and that tribe is less important than family. Depending on the level of nurture/support you received from those levels, you could conceivably swap them around, with the exception of Race, which may form the tenuous basis for initial social interaction, but which does not inform or impose social groups/interactions on its own. Again, depending on the level of support/nurture you receive, your loyalty to the various levels in the hiearchy may also vary. CF owes no moral duty to other white people (or, for that matter, women); she does owe a moral duty to America for providing her with a socio-economic environment conducive to satisfying her corporate greed. As a captain of industry, it is her duty to perpetuate the corporate industrial model by providing jobs and strenghtening the economy. \_ You've contradicted yourself with your own arguement. Sure, a CEO *should* show loyalty to their nation. However, their tribe, the tribe of CEOs and other members of the plunderer class holds far more loyalty from its members than nations do from their citizens. Which is why we need laws, and which is why the world would be a better place if the motd libertarians would just fucking keel over and die. \_ *shrug* I never argued that a person should owe loyalty to their nation over the loyalty owed to their tribe. I simply argued that the duty to Nation is more morally justifiable than the duty to Race. that not all Americans are white people. In addition, Prince Charles is a white person. From this we can prove that not all white people are Americans. Having dispensed with the mythical relationship between being white and being American, we can now move to the specifics: CF is American and her kids are Americans. Therefore, anything that CF does to increase her bottom line benefits Americans, regardless of whether she has some special duty to do so. \_ Your sound like a classic Marxist-Leninist class warrior, who believes wealth is redistributed rather than created. I am not fond of Bush yet if it would be truly disastrous should we replace him by a protectionist demagogue. Economy by its very nature has ups and downs. Why didn't we complain when the time was too good? Are we too spoiled to adapt and create? Besides, other than psychological stress, do you know anyone who is suffering horribly (homeless in People's park don't count - they never did.) \_ Why don't the homeless count? How about other poor people? How about the guy who is raped nightly in prison? \_ Well, it helped in that we can now buy computers for something like $500 instead of $2000. More people own them now than ever and are proficient in using them. Is losing those high-paid R&D jobs worth it (ex DEC guys)? The answer is that it depends. \_ This conversation is funny because you guys are all talking about jobs which YOU hold that could be the target of such outsourcing, and you're goofing off at work to talk about it. Get back to work, drones. \_ These responses are perfect examples of what I'm wondering about. Imagine that everyone in the US can produce either 8 sodas per day or 2 pizzas per day while people in India can produce 1 soda per day or 4 pizzas per day. If people in the US refuse to allow outsourcing then all Americans must make do with s/8+p/2 <= 1 (where s is number of sodas and p is number of pizzas). If we allow outsourcing so that Indians specialize in pizzas and Americans specialize in sodas which are traded 1-to-1 then Americans can have s/8+p/4 <= 1. Thus Americans *benefit* (You can show that Indians benefit too). The end result turns out the same pretty much no matter what numbers you plug in. Essentially everyone benefits by spending their labor on what they are best at. Of course, this model ignores things like American pizza maker's being put out of work when pizza making moves to India. But the solution to that would seem to be to use tax revenues to retrain them so that everyone is better off.-op \_ Retrain them for what? These are American companies setting up shop in other countries (basically international co's). So the skill and knowhow are transferred, while labor, tax, environmental etc. regulations are better for them and wages are dirt cheap. Labor itself is a tradeable good, which puts downward competitive pressure on labor standards. Without protection, regular American workers can't be competitive with other countries willing to have lower standards, as over time the competitive advantage in skills narrows and disappears. US still has the advantage in certain tech areas and research, but that's not a broad employment area and corps can just use that here with minimum investment in the economy. \_ Retrain them for jobs in the medical profession for example. We have a shortage of doctors in this country. If another country can do something dirt cheap then why not let them do it cheaply and spend our effort on higher value products? The money saved by outsourcing to India can be used to make our economy stronger by investing in research, education, science, etc. Why not take the $70K IT job and ship it to India for $20K and spend the $50K on training the former IT worker to do something even more productive like discovering a cure for cancer? -op \_ White collar jobs being outsourced to India aren't being sent there because Indians do it better, but because Indians will do it for less. You really just explained why trade is good. \_ I realize that, but this was simpler to show quickly. Like I said, no matter how you set things up, free trade usually benefits everyone. My point was that I can't these good economic argument against outsourcing as long as some provision is made for temporarily displaced workers (e.g., retraining, education, unemployment). -op \_ "free trade" does not benefit everyone. There are winners and losers. Ask Detroit if they benefited from the mad rush of manufacturing jobs overseas. It benefits shareholders and CEOs. Probably overall hurts the working and middle classes. \_ I agree that Detroit is an example of what can go wrong with free trade. But I fault our society and government for not making the effort to retrain and educate former auto workers for careers in better professions. If they had done that, we would have cheaper foreign cars and more prosperous workers.-op \_ Our middle class was built on a robust manufacturing economy. That economy was outsourced, causing massive upheavals of all sorts and lots of Bad Stuff (c.f. 1970s, early '80s). It was replaced by a service economy that now seems to be in the early stages of being outsourced. What I'm wondering is twofold: What are the consequences, economically and socially, of another such upheaval, and what will replace the service economy? Another way of putting the first part of the question is, "Have you ever seen what happened to Detroit?" Free trade definitely has its benefits, and I'm in favor of it with some caveats, but keep in mind its a CHOICE, not an inevitability, and I think it benefits some much more than others. \_ The borrow-from-the-Chinese economy. \_ The middle/upper management economy. \_ So do those of you who oppose IT outsourcing buy American? If not, why is it OK for you to buy foreign cars, clothes, or electronics but not OK for a company to offer cheaper service by outsourcing IT jobs? I'm curious since a good response would let me drive my Toyota, oppose outsourcing, and sleep well at night. |
2004/2/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus, Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:12201 Activity:kinda low |
2/10 What is the equivalent of "protected static int COUNTER=0" in C++? Either protected or private would be ok. Thanks! class foo { protected: static int COUNTER; }; in foo.cpp int foo::COUNTER = 0; |
2004/2/10 [Uncategorized] UID:12202 Activity:nil |
2/10 Amateurs. soda [70] wc /etc/motd.public 270 2480 15425 /etc/motd.public \_ pornP |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12203 Activity:kinda low |
2/10 Serious inquiry. I don't think Bush has talked about outsourcing. What is his official position? I've heard Kerry talk on the radio saying that he'll remove tax breaks to companies that move jobs overseas. Also he called those CEOs Benedict Arnold CEOs. He has also proposed legislation that would require call centers operators to answer the phone announcing their location. I'd go farther. All call center operators should announce their REAL first name and location. All those sweatshops in india pick up the phone and LIE about their name. I can tell the phony accent. They name is not John or Mary. It's Prakash, Rajesh, Lakshmi, etc. I don't like people lying to me. Where does Bush stand on this issue?! \- When the people at Safeway/McD which you a great day, do you think they should be randomly checked under peine forte et dure for sincereity? How about when a cafe announces they have the best coffee in the world? what is *your* stand on steel tarriffs? --psb \_ When the people at Safeway/McD which you a great day, do you think they should be randomly checked under peine forte et dure for sincereity? How about when a cafe announces they have the best coffee in the world? what is *your* stand on steel tarriffs? --psb [formatting corrected. I just couldn't take it anymore.] \_ why should they have to announce their location? how would you like to do that? \_ "Hello, my name is Prakash in Bangalore India. May I verify your social security number?" "What?! I want to talk to a supervisor in the United States. I'm not giving my social security number to somebody in India." \_ the opening phrase used by the call center person is not a concern for the call center person. it's just a script. their feelings in the matter are of no concern. |
2004/2/10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:12204 Activity:nil |
2/10 Do different versions of tcsh have different policy regarding env. variable names? I use names with a period in them and it was OK for setenv until I upgraded. \_ apparently not. \_ apparently so. |
2004/2/10 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12205 Activity:nil |
2/10 Can't wait to see the ads the Democrats put together with this collection of headlines: LA Times: "Bush Supports Shift of Jobs Overseas" Seattle Times: "Bush Report: Sending jobs overseas helps U.S." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "Bush Economic Report Praises 'Outsourcing' Jobs" Orlando Sentinel: "Bush Says Sending Jobs Abroad Can Be Beneficial" \_ I forget where I saw this one: "Intelligence Probe Could Be Trouble For Bush" \_ Reminds me of my favorite recent headline: "Justice Department to Probe Cheney's Staff." They're probing Dick's Staff! Huh huh huh huh huh huh.... \_ It hardly matters. The average voter is used to reading left wing 'mainstream' media headlines and assigning them proper value. It would be woefully stupid to run a political campaign based on media headlines anyway. OTOH if they had actual Bush quotes standing at a podium saying "Sending American jobs overseas is good for American workers!" then there'd be something to talk about. \_ So a report out of the administration isn't as disturbing to you as a press conference? These are the same arguments that pushed NAFTA through and decimated our factory-job supply. Keep pushing those margins and you'll have a lot of angry, out of work people. Sounds like a good recipe for crime or revolt. \_ Please put more words in my mouth so I don't have to think. Thanks! No, a report out of the administration is actually the same as a press conference or speech. A headline from the 'mainstream' media is useless. I'm anti-NAFTA, btw, so be careful you poke that stick. \_ The headlines are talking about that report. What is your point? Do you disbelieve that report exists or what? \_ I truly wonder if liberals aren't so disorganized that they can put together such an ad. Are they really that far from Dean's mentality on rallying his base? \_ YEEAARRRGGHH!! \_ Needs more Gs. |
2004/2/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:29788 Activity:nil |
2/9 I'm in search of a new blogging script. I've used b2 in the past, but it's no longer being developed, and I thought I'd see what else is out there. What do you use, and why? \_ b2 is still being developed; it lives on as WordPress. I use it because it's free and simple. http://www.wordpress.org |
2004/2/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:29789 Activity:nil 76%like:29791 |
2/10 How come the following print 1,2 instead of 2,2? CONFUSED. class A{ int m; public void Main(){ B b; A a; b = new B(); a = b; b.mb(); a.m = 2; System.out.println(b.m); System.out.println(a.m); } } class B extends A{ int m; public void mb(){ m = 1; } } |
2004/2/10-11 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:29790 Activity:high |
2/10 Bluetooth phones are hackable: http://news.com.com/2100-1009_3-5155927.html?tag=xlr8yourmac |
2004/2/10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java] UID:29791 Activity:nil 76%like:29789 |
2/10 How come the following prints 1 and 2? If I do a=b, shouldn't they contain equivalent member variables? class A{ int m; public void Main(){ B b; A a; b = new B(); a = b; b.mb(); a.m = 2; System.out.println(b.m); System.out.println(a.m); } } class B extends A{ int m; public void mb(){ m = 1; } } |
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