Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:February:07 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2004/2/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iran, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:12149 Activity:high
2/6     A guy I work with who is not a US citizen wants to give money to an
        American political campaign.  He's convinced that he can just use his
        credit card to donate a hundred bucks and no one will notice.  Is he
        right?  I actually like working with this guy, and would hate to
        see him get deported over some dumb stunt like this.
        \_ Judging by the responses below, he should consider the prevalence
           of hostile idiots in the US, decide that he doesn't give a rat's
           ass about our defective political machinations, and use the
           cash for something that will benefit mankind a bit more in the
           long run, like a down payment on a hot tub.  Some of you people
           don't seem to know (or care) about the extent to which other
           parts of the world look on US politics with a mixture of amusement
           and sheer unbelieving horror.  -John
           \_ Hey John, guess what?  No one in the US cares *or should care*
              what other people in the world think of our politics.  They
              should mind their own fucking business and worry about their own
              very often very fucked up systems.  The *least* important concern
              for anyone here is what anyone anywhere else thinks of our
              system, our politicians, or anything else.  Envy and jealousy
              are so ugly.
              \_ Of course we should care about how others think about
                 our political system cause we are always trying to
                 regime change other countries, by force or otherwise,
                 to be like ours, and it would make our job a little easier
                 if they like our system.
                 \_ That'll never happen since they get a highly distorted view
                    of our country from their government run media.  You really
                    think a foreign government is going to go out of it's way
                    to show it's people anything good about our system?  Esp.
                    in places like the middle east?
        \_ what a DUMB ASS. $100 will not make a difference. Better donate
           that money to Redcross, and/or the Green Linux Association or
           Bay Area Bike Ride Fanatic Club
        \_ If he is an Israeli AND was not born in Iran/q, then he can do
           whatever he likes.  If not, he might get in trouble.  If he is from
           some other countries, he would be damned by just having the thought.
           \_ oooh, nice little racist troll.  good one.
                \_ here's a helpful little tidbit you should try to keep in
                      \_ You still haven't explained why it is racist.
                         \_ no cookie, troll.
                            \_ it's obviously not a troll, moron.
                               (the request for explanation that is)
                               \_ quite obviously it is and I'm not biting.  no
                                  cookie, troll.  that's the best you'll get
                                  out of this one.  calling me a moron and
                                  abusing the word "obviously" doesn't make it
                                  different from the troll that it is.  troll.
                   mind next time you want to voice your opinion or call things
        \_ why not jsut have him give the money to you and you give the money
                   racist:  You are an idiot.  You have a reading comprehension
                   problem, and are too stupid to be runing around using loaded
                   words like that.  I am not the person who posted the replied
                   to comment, and the comment isn't correct, but it was not
           \_ can't this be construed as money laundering?
                   racist.  You probably can't do anything about your stupidity
                   but you can refrain from subjecting others to it; please try
                   \_ Here's a little tidbit that's about as helpful or useful
                      as anything you've ever posted to the motd: FUCK OFF AND
                      \_ You still haven't explained why it is racist.
                            \_ it's obviously not a troll, moron.
                               \_ He's right, it's a troll.  Trollity troll!
        \_ why not just have him give the money to you and you give the money
           to the candidate?
           \_ can't this be construed as money laundering?
           \_ Even better, have him give you the money and tell him you donated
              it and pocket it for yourself.
              \_ Bingo!
        \_ Maybe he should influence politics in his own country.
           \_ He comes from a neutral country with the world's dullest
              \_ That's his own fucking problem and no excuse to mess with
                    \_ The amazing thing is that this thread was actually
                       not intended as a troll, although it seems to have
                       turned into the troll of the day. Oh well.  -OP
                    \_ No I don't think it was a troll since I know foreigners
                       with the exact same intent and attitude.  You have the
                       right to do anything you'd like to international law
                       breakers as soon as there's an international law, troll.
        \_ Maybe he should influence politics in his own country.
              to improve it through internal efforts.
                 the politics in this country.
           \_ Nah, now that US is world's police man, openly defies
              international laws and claims the right to regime change
              other countries, he has every reason to try to influence
              politics in the US since it's easier to improve his
              country by cajoling US to regime change it than to try
              to improve it through internal efforts.
              \_ Everyone in the world has a reason to attempt to influence
                 politics in the only super power.  They don't have the right.
                       \_ All national governments do (or should do) what is in
                          the best interests of the nation as a whole.  Your
                          government has chosen to interfere in foreign
                          nations.  Other governments have chosen to interfere
                          in our government.  You are a citizen, not a national
                          government and by interfering in a foreign government
                          you are creating your own foreign policy which is
                          detrimental to the rest of the nation as a whole.  If
                          you'd like to create your own foreign policy go make
                          your own nation somewhere else first.
              \_ can I help a foreigner to influence politics in his
                 And I'm not going to even bother with the trollish bit about
                 international laws nonsense.
                 \_ You haven't noticed this whole thread was a
                    troll and you jumped right into it?  And
           for the guy.
           directly to a candidate, give money to an interest group that
           supports his positions.
                    yes, I have an inalienable right to dethrone the
                    international law breaking lying through its teeth bush
                    \_ The amazing thing is that this thread was actually
                       not intended as a troll, although it seems to have
                       turned into the troll of the day. Oh well.  -OP
                    \_ No I don't think it was a troll since I know foreigners
                       with the exact same intent and attitude.  You have the
                       right to do anything you'd like to international law
                       breakers as soon as there's an international law, troll.
        \_ Nothing wrong with that.  It's not like he donated millions
           for the guy.
           \_ This is almost the right answer.  The real answer is that he
              *can* do it because it is such a small number no one will
              notice but he *shouldn't* do it and you sure as hell shouldn't
              be helping a foreigner influence politics in your own country.
              \_ can I help a foreigner to influence politics in his
                 \_ Can?  You *can* do many things.  I don't think you should.
                    \_ My country is doing it all the time.  Why shouldn't
                       I do it too?
                       \_ All national governments do (or should do) what is in
                          the best interests of the nation as a whole.  Your
                          government has chosen to interfere in foreign
                          nations.  Other governments have chosen to interfere
                          in our government.  You are a citizen, not a national
                          government and by interfering in a foreign government
                          you are creating your own foreign policy which is
                          detrimental to the rest of the nation as a whole.  If
                          you'd like to create your own foreign policy go make
                          your own nation somewhere else first.
                          \_ are you really this stupid?
        \_ Perhaps the better thing for him to do is, instead of giving money
           directly to a candidate, give money to an interest group that
           supports his positions.
           \_ He should donate to a political party in his own country that
              supports his positions.  As a foreigner he has no 'positions'
              in this country.
2004/2/7-8 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo, Computer/Domains] UID:12150 Activity:nil
2/6     My completely not tech savy (and not local) friend set up a
        yahoo webhosting account.  He registered his domain through them
        and pays $15 /month or so for hosting.  I told him i'd host for
        free but I don't know how yahoo-as-registrar works.  Where does
        he have to go to change his DNS servers?
        \_ uh... good luck!  maybe some at yahoo can help or your new registrar
           will know what to do.
2004/2/7-8 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:12151 Activity:nil
2/7     I just installed FireBird for the first time today after Mozilla
        kept on crashing in an old, underpowered Linux machine. I've never
        seen a browser this amazing before. I mean, seriously, the first
        browser upgrade that really blew me away was Netscape 3.x. Firebird,
        while still in beta, recaptures that experience. I immediately
        started installing this thing on every machine that I use. This
        thing just blows IE out of the water.
        \_ tell us why it is so much better. Reliability? Feature? What else?
           Give us the specifics.
           \_ It's hard to explain why exactly it's better. I think it's just
              that Mozilla always felt very clunky and this basically just
              strips everything off of Mozilla which was clunky and just makes
              the whole epxerience a lot better. It feels a lot more
              responsive than Mozilla and the UI is really a lot more
              organized and a lot simpler. You can do everything that you
              did in Mozilla but in a smaller footprint. In terms of
              stability, it's not necessarily any more stable at this point
              than Mozilla, but it seems to load up quite a bit faster.
              I think it's also much closer to IE in the sense of just having
              a browser. There isn't all this clunky shit that comes with
              Mozilla like the email, the page layout tools, the chat, the
              IM, and all that other garbage. I guess it's like the smaller
              tool mentality of UNIX in general, and that makes it much
              better than trying to be an environment. It reminds me very
              much of older versions of Netscape before the bloat.
           \_ standards-compliant rendering, features, speed.
              \_ the first is identical to mozilla, the second is less than
                 \_ and the speed?
                    \_ the point is, a slightly faster browser with fewer
                       features and the same rendering engine as mozilla
                       shouldn't be considered "amazing".
                    \_ well, after you reduce features, it's a lot easier to
                       improve speed.  don't drink the lemonade.
                    \_ interface speed is much faster (menus, dialogs, window
                       opening, etc)  rendering speed is the same.  mozilla
                       w/ quickstart starts up faster (since it's already
                       loaded)  firebird works better on low-cpu, low-mem
                       boxen.  on high-end boxes, they feel pretty much
                       identical, and mozilla has more features  --dbushong
                       \_ even low cpu isn't that big a deal (on my celeron 500
                          with 1 gig of ram, they're both quite fine). the
                          real killer is if you don't have much ram and have
                          to start paging stuff out.
                          \_ Killer for which?  I've got <512mb of ram but
                             1Ghz processor. Which is better for me?
                             \_ umm, i think i made it quite clear that ram
                                is the killer. i'm not quite sure what to
                                make of your "<512mb". Does that mean
                                256MB, 128MB, ...? it kinda starts to make
                                a difference when you get down there.
2004/2/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:12152 Activity:kinda low
2/7     Are there any good, free utilities that let you print out calendars
        for windows?
        \_ see tucows or
2004/2/7-8 [Uncategorized] UID:12153 Activity:high 57%like:29787
2/7     Minority voters in Michigan being disenfranchised.  Racism suspected.
        \_ Did you mean  ??
           I couldn't get the above to work.
2004/2/7-8 [Recreation/Computer] UID:12154 Activity:high
2/7     How is it possible that Phillip Nunez doesn't have an Orkut ID, yet?
        \_ Does Phillip read mail? Cthulhu does, evidently, since he's got
           an Orkut ID.
           \_ shut up, nweaver
        \_ Orkut?  Who cares?  The whole thing is a waste of bits.  Almost as
           bad as blogs.  Google should spend more time fixing their broken
           search engine and not wasting time on this garbage.  What is this
           now, their 4th or 5th failed IPO?  Stick a fork in it, Martha, it's
           \_ Hmm, google has shitloads of revenue and is apparently turning
              something like a $300 million annual profit at the moment.
              Stick a fork in it?
2004/2/7 [Uncategorized] UID:29785 Activity:nil
2/6     Lions? In Africa???
2004/2/7 [Computer/Networking, Consumer/Audio] UID:29786 Activity:nil
2/6     Any wireless headphone recommendations?
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2004:February:07 Saturday <Friday, Sunday>