2004/2/6 [Transportation/Airplane, Reference/Military] UID:12116 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 speaking of death: http://www.anesi.com/accdeath.htm \_ I like this: "If you are really concerned about your safety, stop smoking, lose weight, and get moderate exercise. And watch your drinking and use of non-prescription drugs" while not saying anything about driving. They should say "If you are really concerned about your safety, stop driving." \_ and to be truly safe, go live in a cave. \_ Read "The Hot Zone"? Things like ebola may grow in caves. \_ yeah yeah ride bike, light candle, use linux, whatever. the rest of us have lives to lead. we don't live on your utopia. \_ go fuck yourself. it's not that hard to live near where you work. \_ Uhm, yeah, if you work at Safeway, moron. Or you're a kid willing to way overpay *rent* on a shitty little run down 1 room in a south bay or penninsula pit. Some of us have real lives going on and can't just pick up and move to the next slummy pit for a new job. Did I mention you're a moron? Yes, I did. I think I forgot to mention you're also a self righteous smug little ignorant bastard, too. \_ I work in the Financial District and live one half block from the Muni stop. For the last 10 years I have lived and worked in San Francisco. It isn't that hard if you make it a priority. |
2004/2/6 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:12117 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 So I've been trying to download stuff on Kazaa and I'm very impressed at how the record industry is fighting back by uploading fake music files. 95% of the stuff I download now are bogus. I'm very very impressed. At any rate, what are some other non-sucking p2p programs I could use? Thanks. \_ IRC \_ my friend swears by suprnova (w/o the e). it's bittorrent \_ suprnova is great, but only if you're looking for something either incredibly popular or very recent. I use suprnova as my Tivo. \_ if there's some version of a song that has 50 sources, don't believe it. Download a different version. \_ you should sue. you have the right to download non-bogus files. the information wants to be free! \_ I like Ares alot... just started using it, no ads, good selection of music. \_ Someone asked about earthstation5 recently, but no replies. Has anyone used this at all yet? \_ It had a bug or backdoor (which one is a matter of controversy) which gave a remote attacker complete RW control of your drives. I won't touch it anytime soon. |
2004/2/6 [Reference/Military] UID:12118 Activity:high |
2/5 Speaking of guns, can someone tell me what makes for a good handgun? What is the best handgun on the market? I'm not "anti gun guy". \_ umm. tell me what the best laptop on the market is and i'll tell you what the best handgun is. your problem is not well-defined. \_ since it's not well defined you're free to answer how you wish. \_ Some reliable handguns: almost any revolver, some 1911s, almost anything by Glock, H&K, or SIG. Some accurate handguns: anything by H&K with the little rubber ring around the barrel, some custom revolvers, some custom 1911s. The most beautiful handguns, in my opinion, are the classic 1911, the SIG P210, some old revolvers, and the German Luger. Did I miss any other notion of 'best'? -- ilyas \_ Well, maybe the best balance of everything, that is readily available. And/or your personal favorite. Thanks :) \_ I might have given the impression that 1911s are really great. Some of them are, but it's important to buy from the right folks. There are lots of junky 1911s floating around. It is a great gun though, my personal favorite. -- ilyas \_ The 1911 is a fairly complicated gun to take apart, IIRC. The Glock, Beretta, and a handful of others have fewer parts to keep track of. I rather like the lines on the Beretta 92's myself, though there's something rather attractive about the Browning HiPower. \_ True. Modern guns are easier to take apart. Revolvers even easier still. -- ilyas easier still. -- ilyas easier still. Modern guns tend to look like a wad of prechewed plastic though. -- ilyas \_ You might want to at least start with caliber, size, and what you want to use it for. That'll narrow things down for a start. \_ I just want completely subjective opinions, out of idle curiosity. \_ Okay, well my personal preference is to avoid single- action only (I don't like the idea of keeping a gun cocked and locked). Also I like either a safety, or a decocking lever. SIGs seem to fit my criteria best; they're reliable, come in a variety of sizes and calibers, but do tend to be a bit expensive. \_ just out of curiosity, do people see any huge benefits between .40 and 9mm? .45 has more stopping power, IIRC, but what about the other two? \_ arrrrrrggggggg! Doesn't it bother anyone that the gun world still uses a random mixture of English and SI units? Why do American gun manufacturers continue with the 9mm when it's only three thousanths of an inch shy of a .357? -unitsgeek \_ Because they don't shoot like .357s? I've found shooting a 357 mag a bit too much. Haven't tried the 357 SIG yet. \_ Use the largest calibre you are capable of shooting comfortably. Truly comfortably, no need to be macho about it. \_ This is very good advice. -Peace Officer Cadet \_ what are people's favorite shooting ranges? (for handguns). Anyone happen to know of a good one in the Davis area? \_ Target Masters in Milpitas has a truly excellent pistol range. \_ Seconded. Try before you buy. Go to: http://www.thegunplace.com/range.htm (But turn down your sound-- they play a cheesy 007 theme on the page.) \_ You could have a hand gun or a cannon And you still struggling to be dealing Without the knowledge and wisdom and understanding of A .22 (derringer) A .38 (long) A .44 (desert eagle) A Glock Nine Time to protect the fam I'm a cock mine I make the streets run red like a stop sign, stop lying \_ The one I pried from Charlton Heston's cold dead hands. \_ Hi Eli! \_ Where'd all the anti-gun nuts go? I'm shocked this didn't turn into a flame fest.a \_ What would be the point? So, I'm curious, anybody ever fire a Broomhandle Mauser? --anti-gun nut \_ I think we'd be better off without guns, but since there are so many in the hands of criminals, it seems unfair to deny them to responsible gun owners. -- Moderately anti-gun. |
2004/2/6 [Reference/Military] UID:12119 Activity:nil |
2/5 http://www.sportsmansguide.com/section/sl.asp?s=3280&p=1 So I don't shoot gun and don't know anything about it but this is just disturbing. I can actually get 1000 rounds for only $100, or 10 cents per bullet where each bullet is capable of killing 1 person. Is there something wrong with the gun industry? -anti gun guy \_ Maybe some of our resident chem geeks can tell us how much the chemicals required to kill 1000 people with sarin cost. -anti molecule guy \_ Happy trolling! |
2004/2/6 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:12120 Activity:nil |
2/5 So what's up with this Simon guy on American Idol? I mean, is he actually someone famous like Paula Abdul? Does he actually sing? \_ simon and randy are both talent scouts. they make a living searching for talent for record labels and signing them, and they both have a great track record. \_ I'd love to see Simon sing and have someone like him critique his looks/voice/moves \_ Pointless. That's like saying you'd love to see Judge Ito on trial for murder. Ito is an idiot but we know he didn't kill anyone's wife or bloody his white SUV. |
2004/2/6 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:12121 Activity:nil |
2/5 Just got my California Suplemental Voter Guide. So Arnold couldn't find $15 billion dollars in waste after all, and wants to borrow it? Isn't this what the feds do? Anyway, the measure is sponsored by "Join Arnold," which makes me think of that part in Evil Dead II where Bruce Campbell is outside the house and the eyes appear...and some cheesy processed voice says, "Jooooooooin Ussssss." \_ This is the first you have heard of this? \_ If it doesn't pass, then he will do deep cuts. \_ Anyone notice Arnold is spinning this as a way to pay for excesses in Davis' budget, as in we need to recover from a debt, when we're really covering a regular deficit by incurring a new debt. |
2004/2/6-7 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:12122 Activity:nil |
2/5 I use my cell phone only occasionally. Does anyone have any recommendations for prepaid plans in the Bay Area? TIA. \_ The cheapest prepaid (on a $/month basis) is AT&T. Most expensive, by far is Verizon. -- Verizon non-prepaid user \_ AT&T rocks...if you renew your acct with more minutes within 45 days, the remaining minutes roll over. The only thing bad are the phones you get with this plan. This is a great plan if you don't use a wireless phone much, but still need to use one occassionally. \_ Don't know if you care since you're going prepaid, but a number of my friends had serious issues porting away from AT&T, and they sold me a locked GSM phone without informing me that it was locked. Consequently I don't do business with AT&T, and discourage others from giving them money. Basically I don't want to support a corrupt and dishonest phone company. ymmv. - dans (Happy T-Mobile Customer) |
2004/2/6 [Recreation/Celebrity/WilliamHung] UID:12123 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
2/5 William Hung needs to get a CSUA account \_ What the hell is the big deal with this guy? Some no-talent loser gets on some stupid show and now he's popular? \_ After macho@csua. \_ who? \_ she bangs! she bangs! \_ http://www.williamhung.net \_ OH. MY. GOD. Well even if he had the looks and the voice, he would not have made it. He doesn't do kung-fu/karate. \_ just say martial arts. |
2004/2/6-7 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:12124 Activity:nil |
2/5 shmat(2) local exploit on OpenBSD and FreeBSD (there is an exploit in the wild): ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/CERT/advisories/FreeBSD-SA-04:02.shmat.asc ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/3.4/common/010_sysvshm.patch ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/patches/3.3/common/015_sysvshm.patch \_ Workaround installed, thanks. --mconst \_ Since everyone seems to go apeshit about how Linux sucks and *BSD is so much better when this happens, this is the obligatory counter-comment. \_ Hrm. Difficult to parse your comment, but I'm assuming this is the standard rant of "See, *BSD is no better." Sorry, the centralization, speed, and ease of upgrade puts any linux distro to shame. \_ how's that? unless you've got some 1-click thing that does it all for you (hah, yeah right), i don't see how it can be significantly easier than what i do on linux to upgrade or patch a kernel. \_ Where's the motd format Nazi when you need him? |
2004/2/6 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:12125 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 We Worship Jefferson, But We Have Become Hamilton's America Excellent historical perspectives throughout this thread. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1071513/posts?page=1,50 \_ No shit Sherlock. We talked about this when I was in HS. How is this news now? \_ We did? I don't think you and I went to the same high school. What'd you think of that hottie 23 year old number they got in to teach social studies? \_ Dude! Totally! She was HOT! I'd totally do her! \_ I don't know what dumbfuck HS you came from but we talked about Jefferson vs. Hamilton and how it relates to differing stages of the country pretty early on. It's one of the standard essays you write on the AP and it's a common topic amongst historians. \_ We didn't all go to your nice white elite HS. That is the kind of dumbfuck HS I went to. My HS wasn't even accredited so my grades didn't count. I got in on my test scores alone, not my nice white fluffed up inflated grades. Any more questions? |
2004/2/6 [Computer/SW/Unix/WindowManager] UID:12126 Activity:kinda low |
2/5 Gnome or KDE? \_ emacs! vi! \_ tracker! gullwing! \_ neither. both suck big giant hairy donkey dicks. |
2004/2/6-7 [Science/GlobalWarming, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:12127 Activity:nil |
2/6 WSJ babbles incoherently about WMD and whatever. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110004651 \_ It's a nice theory: We invaded Iraq, therefore Libya gave up their weapons, Iran capitulated to inspections, and the lone weapons- proliferator in Pakistan threw up his hands and confessed all. It's nice because they're absolutely correct about Libya, but it falls down when it comes to Iran, where negotiations for inspections have been getter more and more amicable since before the invasion, and Pakistan, where if you really believe that one man, on his own, coordinated the proliferation of WMD to Pyongyang and Tripoli, I've got a nice slice of peaceful Kashmir to sell you. \_ Negotations in Iran had been going nowhere fast until very recently. It's obvious to everyone that Khan didn't do the nuclear proliferation thing on his own or without his government knowing and approving. That's an easy one. |
2004/2/6-7 [Reference/RealEstate, Recreation/House] UID:12128 Activity:moderate |
2/6 Anyone have experience with taking a former landlord to Small Claims Court? I just got our itemized statement of damages from moving out of our old place, and the landlord is including $1750 for complete carpet replacement. The carpets did *NOT* need to be replaced -- they weren't pristine when we moved out (wear in high-traffic areas, small stains), but they weren't pristine when we moved in, either. Unfortunately, pre-existing carpet problems weren't something I noted during our move-in walkthrough, and the carpet wasn't discussed during our move-out walkthrough, either (beyond the understanding that the \- this is what you should base your claim on. it is ipso facto unreasonable not to mention a $1000 item at the joint walk through. you willl certainly win if the fact you state are accurate. you may be able to get "jerk around" damages. since you are out of the country, this will be an asspain of course. i would write the landlord a demand letter [which will improve your case too] and have it sent from a usa address. be sure to specify a time by which you want a reply ... say two weeks. --psb last thing I'd do before I left would be to steam-clean the carpets). I can present witnesses (friends who helped us move) to attest to the condition of the carpets on move-in, but given my lack of backing paperwork, am I pretty much screwed? \_ Got pictures? Got a receipt for the steam cleaning? And more important than any evidence, do you live in Berkeley or San important than any evidence, do you live in Berkeley of San Francisco? If so, then you should always take your landlord to court, no matter how right s/he is because you'll probably win despite all evidence to the contrary. BTW, $1750 is pretty fuck cheap carpet. I'd want to see the billing statement showing the bastards even put new carpet in. Death to landlords and other property owning scum! The earth belongs to us all. \_ I lived in San Jose. Unfortunately, now I'm overseas (so I pretty much knew the answer to the "Am I screwed?" question before I asked here). When you're talking about average lowball carpet, how much *should* it cost to buy and install n sq. yards of new carpet? (Believe me, if it weren't cheap, my landlord wouldn't be putting it in. That was part of the problem with the *old* carpet.) -- OP \_ Unless they have proof of damage, you shouldn't be charged. Normal wear-and-tear doesn't count. Damage would be torn, stained, rust or oil stains, burned, etc. In your case, the question is how stained was the carpet and how large and how many were there? It would also help to know which city you're in. If you didn't mention stains on the move-in or have photos, you're not in a good spot. \_ Landlord just wants a sap to fall for this trap and buy free carpet for him/her. Don't fall for it. Fight! Fight! Fight! Maybe you can counter-sue for lost wages, etc. \_ your landlord sounds like my old landlord. Is she russian? was your apt between haste and channing? anyway, i went back to her and asked nicely and she gave some of my money back. don't know Fight! Maybe you can counter-sue for lost wages, etc. if it will work now though. |
2004/2/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12129 Activity:kinda low |
2/6 I don't really blame bush for this but it's ironic timing... Feb. 5, 2004 | WASHINGTON (AP) -- On the same day a poison-laced letter shuttered Senate offices, President Bush asked Congress to eliminate an $8.2 million research program on how to decontaminate buildings attacked by toxins. Buried in documents justifying Bush's 2005 budget proposal released Monday is an Environmental Protection Agency acknowledgment that his proposed cut "represents complete elimination of homeland security building decontamination research." \_ a good wash down should be good. There's something about the great outdoors taht kills germs. \_ This is about poisons (chemicals), not germs, (biological). \_ water should dilute them, then just wash them into the sewers. \_ Do you dump your oil changes down storm drains too? |
2004/2/6-7 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Functional] UID:12130 Activity:nil |
2/6 Am considering going back to school to get a BS in CompEng (I already have a BA in wholly different field). Pros and cons of doing it at Cal? Hayward? SFSU? Will I have to take Gen. Ed. all over again? Odds of getting financial aid/grants? \_ gen ed again? dont be ridiculous \_ wtf is computer engineering? do you have to write interesting \- i know in india most of the space "computer science" majors go into is called "computer engineering" ... which i suppose is more accurate than "computer science" [certainly what they do is braoder than programming] but i agree it sounds weird. --psb \_ Damn, psb has the most consistently bad formatting in motd history. code? do you see transistors? is it engineering without the harder stuff? do cs if you want to code, ee if you want to do hardware. don't do some watered down bs program that still won't get you a real job. \_ Some idiot that just read /. article on how "Computer Engineer" grads have higher/st starting salary. \_ You tell me, tough guy: http://csua.org/u/5vi (Slashdot) \_ great. so wtf is a computer engineering degree? some personal history... worked at a joint where the manager had a real hard-on for cmu grads. flew like 5 of them computer engineer major types out here to interview. they can't do transmission lines (sort of important when you're trying to build big buses and backplanes), can't code worth a damn. didn't hire a single one of them. \_ Damned if I know. But say I want to do EECS. Should I go back to Cal? I want to stay local (Bay Area). \_ I think Cal undergrad program doesn't accept anyone who already has a bachelor degree. \_ this couldn't be further from the truth. \_ it is very, very rare for Cal to grant a second bachelor's degree. -tom \_ Depends on what you want to do with your degree. A few variations: Want to teach or do research? Get a high quality brand name degree. Want to teach HS or low end CC? Get an easy degree and all A+s. Want to work in industry? Some places only care about your GPA. Get the easy degree for those. Other places are more picky and won't even talk to you or if they do you won't ever get promoted without a quality degree. For my field and what I want to do my B-ish grades at Cal hurt me badly. I would have done better with all As from CS Hayward. But then I wouldn't know all you lovely people! It was worth it! Oh God! I'm shedding tears now! \_ gen ed is a bit different in the college of engineering compared to gen ed in the college of letters&science. in EECS, there are other lower division requirements like CS61 series (especially if you are thinking of computer engineering.) there is also the engineering physics requirement (lower division) along with the 2 years of math (calculus, linear algebra, diff equations, multivariable calculus) and the one semester of a lower division science course (bio or chem). there is a chance that you can waive some of the requirements with high school AP courses (but not physics or probably not CS courses.) (But, only one english course is required!) in terms of future employment, Cal is a much better choice (some companies don't look at you if you went to Hayward or SFSU.. meaning you won't get an interview.) although, i think that Cal Engr does not take anyone beyond a sophomore. maybe, cs in l&s might be possible. SJSU or UCD might be a better choice (in terms of reputation among companies..although it might a bit farther) and of course.... should i say it.... there is stanfurd.. i figure with computer engr, you can do digital design or write hardware/software interface/drivers software.. i can't predict the future, but digital design seemingly can be done overseas (as long as the EDA keeps improving.) i'm starting to think that chemE might have a better future.. \_ Waitressing can't be outsourced. \_ Turns out EECS only takes 3-4 "Second Degree" students per year and currently requires a 3.97 GPA. Go beah! \_ 3-4 out of how many applicants? And if as a returning student you can't manage a 4.0 in your forst year or two you are pretty fucking lame. Can you imagine how easy it would be to take all your freshmen classes now? You wouldn't even have to try. \_ That requirement is for your GPA from your *first* degree. That is, only the best students get the opportunity. -tom \_ And you're not re-taking freshman classes, either. It seems unlikely you'll be one of those 3.97+ people returning so don't worry your pretty little head about it. \_ aren't there special programs/exceptions for women? (that is, if you are a woman going into EECS) \_ like women don't get enough freebies already. \_ the admissions committee might give a bit more leeway here esp. if the candidate is borderline.. \_ Don't there exist (Masters Degree?) CS or EE programs already specially targeted at people who have a BA degree in some other field who want to get fast into EECS? \_ if the ba degree is something related (eg, i can see physics majors going into ee specializing in applied physics or semiconductor physics/materials or chem majors going into semiconductor process), then ee programs exist for those from a different field. something related would be a mba in mis..i suppose.. not having the prereqs for grad courses makes it pretty difficult.. (it's a bit different from not having the prereqs in undergrad.. and even this is not easy.. depending on the program & university..) \_ what about getting courses prereq at a community college then take a Masters? Or maybe some Masters will allow you to take some prereqs. \_ This is an excellent idea. Thank you. \_ most masters will allow their students to take undergrad prereqs.. community college might be a good intro.. but courses like a graduate level parallel architecture class (a typical comp engr course) will more likely need a upper division class like cs150 and/or eecs141.. \_ hahahaha... mcb huh? \_ i majored in both eecs&mcb..and mcb classes were just as difficult as eecs classes.. \_ MCB is commonly known as a "hell major" at cal. Along with CS, and Architecture. \_ Architecture!?!? That's a joke, right? \_ um, no. architecture guys apparently have crazy big projects (or maybe just tedious and time-consuming). \_ please don't frighten the EECS droids by suggesting that other students at Cal work hard. -tom \_ architecture people, on average, work a hell of a lot harder than EECS people while in school *and* after school and definitely get way less money after school 99% of the time. \_ what about taking prerequisites at a community college then take a Masters? or some masters program may allow you to take prerequisites first. |
2004/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:12131 Activity:nil |
2/6 Anyone happen to have a recording of the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ this morning, where they kicked the head of the Church of Scientology out of the studio? |
2004/2/6-8 [Recreation/Media] UID:12132 Activity:low |
2/6 http://www.ichithekiller.com the site is work safe, but not the movie trailer. Anybody seen this movie? Supposedly it's better and more gory than Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I haven't seen it but I believe that. You don't know violence and gore until you've seen asian horror movies. Thanks. \_ ichi is very gory, yes. it also has a sort of nonsensical plot, which is supposed to have a lot of hidden meaning or some shit, but which didn't really strike me as that. i felt like it was a waste of time, though this is probably one of those films where you love it or hate it. \_ the plot sort of makes sense if you really analyze it. I thought ichi had a lot of extremely artistic digital composting. Very dada, though. Gore for the sake of gore, compositing. Very dada, though. Gore for the sake of gore, gore to the point where it transcends just plain old gore and becomes a statement on the nature and reason for gore in films; a statement that you as the viewer have to decipher and decide for yourself. Plus it has Shinya Tsukimoto playing the mastermind of all the violence. \_ I love Takashi Miike. This is one of his gorier films, though I'd personally start with something like Dead or Alive or City of Lost Souls and move up from there. I think you'll appreciate Ichi more that way... and though my personal favorites are Audition and Happiness of the Katakuris, they don't have quite the effect unless you've already seen his gorier films. Visitor Q has one of the best necrophilia scenes ever put to celluloid. Oh, BTW, he has a new one in the SF Indie fest, called Gozu. http://www.sfindie.com \_ I've seen both Audition and Happiness of the Katakuris, and thought the latter was really excellent while the former was somewhat boring. Do any of his other movies veer towards arty, rather than gore-as-spectacle? \_ all of his films are different. After seeing Dead or Alive, I found Audition to be one of the most suspenseful movies I've ever watched. Everything seemed so tame and maybe normal, it gave me heart palpitations waiting for it to get as weird and gorey as I knew it must get. There's a lot of gore, and to some degree that's the point of a lot of his films. It's more than just shock cinema, though. It's shock cinema that makes me, at least, re-evaluate the boundaries of conventional taboo and consider their purposes. \_ I loved the Audition. Kiyoshi Kurosawa is also the shiznit. \_ slightly OT: has anyone seen Kitano's version of Zatoichi..worth $$? |
2004/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:12133 Activity:nil |
2/6 I never knew that the plural of antenna was antennas if you are not referring to Zoology. I'm glad I looked it up and didn't make a nerd out of myself. |
2004/2/6-8 [Consumer/Audio] UID:12134 Activity:nil |
2/6 How do you listen to MP3s/CDs in your car? What's your setup? Do you even use your cassette tape deck? \_a freind of mine works for phatnoise, they make a mp3 hardrive that works with any car stero that can interface with a cd changer: http://www.phatnoise.com \_ you can get an mp3 cd player with a carkit for pretty cheap. take a look at the iriver ones. \_ iriver rocks! \_ Alpine CD/MP3 player \_ does it show tags? \_ In jail! Pirate! \_ I'm waiting for Alpine's upcoming units designed specifically to handle IPods. Might be worth a look. In the meantime, anyone tried some of those wireless FM transmitters? \_ They work great if there's an open frequency where you want to use them, but in the Bay Area, it's very hard to find a frequency which doesn't have some weak station outcompeting your transmitter. OTOH, the cassete-tape dealies work pretty well. \_ I tried the iTrip and the iRock with my iPod. They do not work very well in the bay area since it is hard to find a free station. \_ I've had no problems with 87.9 with my iPod/iTrip all over the bay area. -meyers \_ tapes work better than FM transmitters \_ why don't audio units come with auxiliary input? \_ Some do. That's why I bought the model I did. \_ newer ones: it should be almost mandatory \_ http://www.logjamelectronics.com/auxinpconv.html If they have your model listed, maybe that'll work best. \_ thanks for the info! |
2004/2/6-7 [Transportation/Car] UID:12135 Activity:nil |
2/6 Smog cutting paint: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994636 |
2004/2/6-7 [Politics/Foreign/Canada, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:12136 Activity:moderate |
2/6 Heh, cover photo of Canadian news magazine on Bush http://www.drudgereport.com/bm.jpg (see web site or http://www.macleans.ca for full story) \_ Found it through macleans.ca via "Customer Care" -> "Back Issues" http://m1.buysub.com/wcsstore/RogersCommunication images/M02S176555_FS.JPG \_ Well, that's intuitive. \_ fuck you and your drudge report. here's a link to the Canadian news magazine: http://www.macleans.ca \_ calm down, son. I already looked for the cover photo on macleans.ca, and I couldn't find it. \_ That's because youre a moron. See "fuck you" above. \_ where's the cover photo, genius? |
2004/2/6-7 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:12137 Activity:high |
2/6 Global Warming is shrinking the atmosphere: http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994650 \_ yay! we save on satellites! \_ Global Warming doesn't exist. \_ Silly troll. Global warming exists. At dispute is how much warming, whether it's a bad thing, and whether humans caused (or can do anything about) it. |
2004/2/6 [Uncategorized] UID:12138 Activity:high |
2/6 ilyas, teach me Russian so that I can pick up this hot Russian chick in my sociology class, thanks. \_ Ok! -- ilyas \_ "ya ti bya ha choo" |
2004/2/6 [Recreation/Dating] UID:12139 Activity:nil |
2/6 I love Pho. Do you like Pho? Would you like to be my friend? -tran \_ Where fo is the best pho in Berkeley? \_ not exactly in berkeley, but that place in 99 ranch? \_ Is Pho Hoa on Shattuck any good? \_ They're... okay. |
2004/2/6-7 [Science/Biology, Science/GlobalWarming] UID:12140 Activity:nil |
2/6 In biology, how is a species classified as Old World or New World? \_ http://csua.org/u/5vp \_ yer mom - old world. |
2004/2/6 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:12141 Activity:nil |
2/6 procmail folks: I'd like to filter a mail iff it matches 2 dif rules the below doesn't work, what should i do? (besides rtfm :) :0 * ^From: Mail Delivery Subsystem* * *Dis address be full, (myguysforward_address@@yahoo.com)* mail/trash \_ Put one rule and then in an inside block put the other rule. I don't know how deep procmail rules can go, but your case is easily handled. |
2004/2/6-7 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:12142 Activity:nil |
2/6 Fuck you motd censor! Fuck you in the ear! \_ FYRITE \_ are you complaining because someone nicely deleted the 2000 pages that someone posted or just because of the censor's normal twitish behaviour? (btw, he prob. likes the attention) \_ The asshole who deleted the actual threads. I hope you got your jollies. \_ ^you^he && ^your^his , punk. \_ I think the motd censor has fine taste. How else could we get the motd down to the least read, least replied to, and least interesting threads without someone butchering away full time? Vivre La Censor! |
2004/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:12143 Activity:nil |
2/6 man blinded by janet's super bowl stunt has sued http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/news/news-media-jackson.html \_ I love America! \_ Yup, the country of lawsuits. Although in this case I side with the plantiff. \_ Why? If she's that pissed off about breasts she needs to sue the entire Fox lineup. \_ Fox? \_ Where does it say anything about a man being blinded? \_ Are you intentionally being dense? |
2004/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:12144 Activity:nil |
2/6 Is there a *nix library for writing menu driven UI on console much like old dos programs? \_ man dialog ? man ncurses ? \_ Wow! dialog is COOL!!! --- !OP \_ thanks and I also found cdk. |
2004/2/6-7 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:12145 Activity:nil |
2/6 I got a 'phishing' spam email. The phishing site gets DNS and registration from Yahoo Domains. I've tried emailing Yahoo to get them to revoke the registration, but no luck, and their phone trees are designed to prevent me from talking to anyone. Anyone know the super secret email or abuse phone numbers? \_ (408) 349-3300 x 0 \_ Tried that without the extension and got the runaround.... Ok, they gave me a different phone number that really just points to another branch of the same phone tree. That tree just sent me to a person who said "I can't do anything. Send us email." No wonder most companies sue first and ask questions later. |
2004/2/6-7 [Reference/Military] UID:12146 Activity:high |
2/6 Guns. \_ Are they good, or are they wack? \_ Aight? \_ Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun \_ Guns: I don't support the right to own automatic firearms or munitions, but I support the right to sport shooting and intelligent implementation of personal pistol ownership (i.e., trigger-locks, registration, and deep background checks). On a purely personal note, I enjoyed shooting down a range, but I don't want a gun in my house; hey, I enjoyed bungie-jumping, but I'm not going to put a 150' pit in my house, either. \_ You are a wuss who is unwilling to defend constitutionally protected rights. \_ Damn straight. I want a gun to keep the King of England from barging into my house. \_ King of England? \_ Charles will soon have this title. You want him in *your* house? \_ You didn't include enough "Black helicopters! Black helicopters!" to get me excited. \_ Black helicopters are not the problem. Big gub'mint-luvin' Berkeley libs are the problem. \_ You're almost there... a few more and you might have a real troll going! \_ Repeating: Target Masters in Milpitas offers a wide variety of guns to test on their range. Worth the trip: http://www.thegunplace.com/range.htm \_ Motd Moral Dilemma of the Month: A friend of mine has a roommate who is exhibiting strong signs of paranoid schizophrenia and/or methamphetamine abuse. He has deteriorated in the last two months into a raving loony who tells his other roommates that they are "out to get him" and they are "all in on it." Recently it came to light that this little lovely somehow managed to mail order an AK-47 knockoff and a short barelled 9mm handgun, and has been seen skulkling around various random San Francisco political events that involve supervisors. Here's the dilemma: my friend and his other roommates having discovered this, they felt that it was a) extremely bad for this guy to have such guns without telling anyone in the house and b) extremeley bad for this guy to have guns at all. They have taken the guns away and they are now sitting in my house where he (hopefully) can't get them. Am I doing the right thing? Also, how in California, land of the assault rifle ban, did he manage to mail order such a gun? Crazy roommate claimed it was "Russian surplus," which seems halfway plausible since it has a bayonet attached. \_ Not all guns sellers are aware of, or honor California law. This is a bad situation and it's hard to do much. If he hasn't threatened or hurt anyone, there's not much the authorities can do unfortunately. If I were you, I'd have a casual chat with the police. They can probably just arrest him for having the assault rifle, but it's best to have all your ducks in a row before you go ahead and confirm your roomate's paranoia. --had loony roomie \_ If this is real turn the guns in and tell them how you got them and maybe they'll get this guy taken in for a 3 day eval. \_ 5150, yo! \_ five by five, yo! |
2004/2/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:12147 Activity:nil |
2/6 Motd censor: Please don't kill active threads. Be more selective. \_ OK, I give up. No fun threads for anybody! \_ Woot! I love the Motd Censor! Rock on! Bring on the boredom! |
2004/2/6-7 [Uncategorized] UID:12148 Activity:moderate |
**/** Holy shit! What was that psycho stalker crap appended down here? PURGED! \_ C'mon respect people's privacy here. He obviously did not intend for this to be world readable. \_ should someone tell the person what happened? Maybe he wasn't the one who posted it here. \_ I dunno who posted it or who wrote it originally but the original author is a psycho, needs help, and should seek help immediately because they've created a record of their stalking which is now forever logged and can be had by the prosecutors when she finally presses charges. sick sick sick!!! \_ Maybe it is all a joke. \_ Attaboy... ignorance is bliss. |
2004/2/6-7 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29784 Activity:high |
2/6 Have you seen any cute women at Fry's or any other geek shop? \_ do booth bunnies count? \_ what are booth bunnies? \_ A.K.A. booth babes. Attractive women hired to get your attention for a product. \_ they do not count. \_ does not count \_ Usually some geeky asain dude with hit 2hot4him gf on his arm looking painfully bored waiting for a hotdude like you to sweep her off her feet! \_ yes, in the punky DIY tattoed chick way \_ There is this hot 19 or 20ish latin woman that works the cafe at the Sunnyvale Fry's. But other than that, not really. \_ There's this tall greek woman that works at the RMA dept of Sunnyvale Fry's. Same one? \_ She is tall, so we might be talking about the same one. |
3/15 |