2004/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:12079 Activity:nil |
2/2 This ricin stuff better not be WHEAT GERM. |
2004/2/3 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:12080 Activity:nil |
2/2 Someone mentioned how that Kurdish thing didn't get much attention. How about the 250+ muslims who got killed in Mecca yesterday? As usual they got trampled in a stampede. \_ The 'Kurdish thing' is on CNN as a major headline. What more do you want, a guy going door-to-door? The incident in Mecca hasn't gotten nearly enough press though -- gotta agree with you there. \_ I just went to their web page and don't see it. I get a big pic of Sharon's face. I do see the Mecca story at the bottom. \_ Huh? It's still there. "Death toll climbs in Iraq suicide blasts..." http://www.cnn.com/2004/WORLD/meast/02/02/sprj.nirq.main/index.html \_ Not so obvious for your average American. I bet a whole bunch didn't even notice over the Super Bowl festivities. \_ Yeah, but see, the U.S. has a track record for abandoning the Kurds, and it seems we haven't gotten out of the habit yet \_ Except for the fact that this is major news in all the newspapers CNN and other cable TV and on the nets. No cookie. \_ uh, no. Please see ~mehlhaff/tmp/motd,v for deleted thread on this. |
2004/2/3 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:12081 Activity:nil |
2/2 FTP question. I am trying to transfer a 5 gigabytes file to another computer (both are PC running Windoze). Doesn't really matter which client I used, after the end of transfering all 5 gigabyte, it said something like "450 can't access" and doesn't write the file to the FTP site. I am running Filezilla Server on the other end. Why such error? \_ that's not an ftp question, it's a filezilla question. either that or ftp doesn't support files that large. \_ I am running Filezilla and made sure it has all the access. (both computers are in same LAN). \_ Is the destination PC using FAT32 or NTFS? FAT32 limits files to 4GiB. \_ Props for using Gibibytes. \_ Here's a nickle kid, buy yourself a real computer. \_ save your nickel, and buy yourself a dictionary. \_ why are you ftping from one host to another on the same LAN? just share out the directory and copy the file. \_ I never really figured out how to config microsoft network \_ Right-click on directory, 'sharing', 'share as', on client PC 'mount network drive', '\\computername\sharename' Geez. -John \_ there is more to it than that. There is this thing called "workgroup" thingy. and I don't know which port or service MS is used to share file. the entire thing is a lot more mysterious than simply setting up a FTP and let go \_ I'd appreciate it if you'd at least try to be vaguely amusing when pretending to be an ignorant fuckwit on the motd. -John \_ Hey guys, thanks all for the input. It turned out that none of the GUI clients (Filezilla, Internet Explorer) I used worked well. The text client that came with Windoze actually gotten pretty far: it hit the 4GB limit before everything died. And yes, that partition of the Harddrive is FAT32. Thanks for pointing that out for me. And for your information, Filezilla seems to be a relatively stable FTP client, eventhough on my P3/384mb machine, it can handle about 1000 files on its queue before it start to thrash --OP \_ Yeah whatever, next time don't come here with your crap. You can't figure out the mysteries of windows file sharing? My parents managed that much on their own. Don't come back. \_ On behalf of the human race, I am pleased to announce that we're revoking your membership until such time as you can see that someone else pissing in your cornflakes still does not excuse you being an asshole on the motd. |
2004/2/3 [Politics/Domestic/911] UID:12082 Activity:nil |
2/2 So, within an hour of Gallup poll results appearing on CNN indicating Kerry or Edwards would beat Bush in a head-to-head matchup, a Homeland Security official leaks info that initial tests indicate ricin is found in a Senate office building? \_ Terrorists are hiding under the bed! Be afraid! \_ I thought it was an 'unidentified substance' as of 20 minutes ago. \_ Jesus Christ. I find 'unidentified substances' in my apartment all the time, yet my apartment terror alert never climbs above a sort of tealish color. Homeland Security is eventually going to get a lot more convincing, or else stage a terrorist attack themselves if they really want credibility. \_ Ok, they really said it was an 'unidentified white powdery substance which was still being analysed in the lab' which I figured was cocaine that some senator's boy dropped in the hallway by mistake on his way to his master. |
2004/2/3-4 [Finance/Banking, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:12083 Activity:nil |
2/2 Can you guys see a problem with this? An online company sells CDs, and they offer to give you a download of the CDs you bought in say 65kbit mp3, 128kbit mp3, 256kbit mp3 and FLAC. That way you are saved the trouble of ripping the CD and getting the right ID3 tags, you also get to listen to the music immediately. As a further extension, you could have them hold onto your physical CD for a while and only ship you discs every few months to save on shipping. The 2 caveats I see are they have to only let the person who ordered download, and they can't sell CDs they don't physically have. Would this avoid the RIAA/MP3.com fiasco? \_ Looks like you've been reading Robert X. Cringely's column. -williamc \_ If you're referring to that "collective ownership" idea, that's not what I had in mind. I'm looking for a way to have a normal pay-to-download music scheme with multiple encodings/qualities and no DRM. \_ Any scheme that doesn't have DRM will instantly turn into song-swapping. \_ Bzzt. Not everyone sucks. Check http://magnatune.com. \_ Thanks. neat site. -!op \_ How does http://magnatune.com stop song-swapping? \_ It doesn't. It accepts it into its business model. If the riaa companies had done this back when cassettes were their big issue, they wouldn't be so far behind. \_ All downloads would happen from a central server, and only at the time of purchase, so there should be little risk of password sharing or the like. \_ that still doesn't stop me from sharing it on say, kazaa, or whatever favorite p2p scheme i might have. \_ There's nothing stopping you from doing it with CDs you already own. It's also legal for a company to rip and encode CDs you own. This combines the two. \_ the law is a tricky thing. is it legal for them to store copies of mp3s they rip and send them to you? it would seem there could be a catch if they didn't rip it from the cd you own. but it wouldn't be a practical business if they had to hire someone to open your cd and rip all the tracks off your cd. then, there's the cost of warehousing a huge backlog of unsent cd's. \_ The company would have to retain, store, and be able to prove that each person's physical CD collection existed in a warehouse some place. Forever. That alone is going to cost way too much to make it worth the effort. I recall reading about someone with a similar idea a few years ago but I guess nothing came of it. Is your startup prepared to be RIAA audited once a month? Probably not. \_ If it kept immaculate records, then after the 3rd audit or so it could either sue or get a harassment reatraining order, or else refuse the audit, get sued, win because everything is well documented, then file a SLAPP suit or invoke the Sherman antitrust act. I do agree it will be harassed and must keep excellent documentation. \_ Assuming the RIAA just didn't get a law passed against this, you still have *huge* storage and IT costs. Music just isn't that expensive. You have a one time sale but repeat costs on each one time sale. It is guaranteed to lose money in the long term. If your plan is to get a million users, own 10% of your $6b space, IPO and walk away then oh wait, we don't do that anymore, this isn't 1998. Forget about it. Come up with a service people would be willing to pay for that you could actually make a profit running. \_ Here's a business model that might work: write good, music, play it in a public concert hall and charge people money to listen. \_ that business model works for Dave Matthews, but not for the vast majority of good bands. -tom \_ Little guys can't make money that way. How does a big guy get to be a big guy without a music publishing and distribution system? No one is going to put me in a 20,000 person stadium because I rock at the kazoo with out at least 20,000 rabid *local* kazoo fans around. \_ Your army awaits you, Captain Kazoo. |
2004/2/3 [Recreation/Dating] UID:12084 Activity:moderate |
2/2 What do people think of the Vagina Monologues? Is it worth seeing? \_I enjoyed it all three times I've seen it, but then again I know a quarter of the cast. If you have a girlfriend/date your assured to get laid if you take her. \_ Heh. Isn't that the one where a 13 year old girl gets raped, and then it's supposedly 'good rape.' \_ No, it is a middle aged woman speaking sort of a feminist diatribe. I am pretty much a SNAG, but I found it to be kind of dull. The women I went with all enjoyed it. I do remember one funny line from it: "My vagina is Angry!". That cracked me up. \_ Hey Mr. SNAG, you really should do your research before saying 'no.' In fact, there was a 13 year old getting raped in the original version, but it's a 16 year old now, and references to 'good rape' were removed. Vagina Monologues are trash, bordering on criminal trash. \_ Have you ever actually seen it performed, or are you just parroting some crap you read on Freep? \_ http://www.equityfeminism.com/articles/2000/000029.html Google for 'vagina monologues 13 year old'. I don't need to see it performed to consider it trash. I haven't seen most things I consider bad face to face. Thank God for that. \_ "I said VAGINA at least a dozen times a day for two months, and I was able to reclaim it as a word." \_ Vagina no longer refers to a woman's parts? \_ So in other words, there is no scene where a "13 year old girl gets raped" no line about a "good rape" and everything you know about the play is from something someone else told you about it. And yet you are certain you are the authority and I am wrong, even though I have seen it. Gotcha. \_ There was a scene where a 13 year old girl describes being raped by an older (over 18) person. And then says 'if it was rape it was good rape.' This scene was REMOVED in subsequent versions, as has been said several times. What exactly are you questioning here? Are you saying this line never existed? Because I can easily prove you wrong. The play is trash for this reason alone. \_ I pointed out that there was no 13 yo rape. I saw it and can verify that fact. The person was asking "should I go see The Vagina Monologues?" not "should I have gone and seen Vagina Monologues four years ago?" There is no rape scene and you are wrong, just admit it. A bunch of women talk about there experiences being raped, but none of them are 13. Say it "you were right and I am wrong." It's not that hard, is it? \_ what's SNAG? \_ Sensitive New Age Guy \_ Also used ironically to describe guys who claim to be sensitive, kind etc but are really just passive-agressive pussies. \_ I have not seen Vagina Monologues, but I have seen Eve Ensler and I think she's a strong speaker. -tom \_ Is it worth seeing if it is other girls putting it on? -op \_ girls? These are wymyn you insensitive rapist clod! \_ Hm, when I saw it was not Eve Ensler doing it. Perhaps it would have been better if it was by her. -SNAG \_ Why would you pay good money to see a woman whine and bash men? \_ you're right, it's better not to know. Ignorance is Truth. You can pay less to take out some random chick and maybe get laid and less than that gets you a bj with no whining. \_ you're right, it's better not to know. Ignorance is Truth. \_ prove me wrong. all i've seen so far is "you're a pig!" which and less than that gets you a bj with no whining. only proves me right. \_ From someone who obviously hasn't seen it.. \_ "My vagina is ANGRY!" Uhm yeah. I missed that line somewhere. Take your sensitive 90s ass somewhere else. Very few guys get laid with that attitude and none have ever been laid posting anonymously on the motd that way. \_ I'd hate to see the women that sleep with your ignant ass. \_ I've yet to be corrected, only insulted. Is your vagina still ANGRY? \_ No one has ever been laid posting anonymously on the motd. In that way, or any other way, so I guess I have to laid posting anonymously on the motd that way. agree with you there. \_ don't make me make a 'yermom' joke. \_ Yay! Ignorant misogyny is still free on the motd! \_ Yay! Ignorant misogyny is still free on the motd! \_ I've yet to be corrected, only insulted. Is your vagina still ANGRY? [you weren't worth a new unique reply] |
2004/2/3 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:12085 Activity:low 50%like:12078 |
2/2 [ Chinese Chess ] http://www.chessvariants.com/xiangqi.html http://www.xiangqiclub.com http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Grid/6544/cccintro.htm \_ thanks for the links. It's hard to remember all those chinese characters (on the Chinese Chess sets) \_ forget all these, try http://www.ourgame.com |
2004/2/3 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:12086 Activity:very high |
2/2 Today is Super Tuesday (for those of you still hung over). Before the poll results come back lets see some guessing about who is coming out of this looking like a winner or loser. Winners: Kerry: ... Edwards: .. Dean: .. Clark: Losers: Kerry: Edwards: . Dean: .. Clark: .. \_ Maybe I'm not getting something. Super Tuesday isn't until March. \_ This is it. By March it'll all be over. --op Winners: Kerry: ... Edwards: .. Dean: .. Clark: Losers: Kerry: Edwards: . Dean: .. Clark: .. \_ Bush stuff removed for being off-topic. It's the Democratic primary. \_ According to early exit poll results, It's Kerry > Edwards and the rest are toast. \_ Yeah. Despite a couple polls I agree Bush will win. Especially if they find Osama. But even if not, Kerry just isn't saying anything particularly different from Bush. The entire south will go Bush and probably a lot of midwest. When it gets to the Kerry/Bush debates, they'll stand there agreeing with each other, except Kerry will come off as an arrogant elite Yankee. \_ I didn't say anything at all about Bush. You can't agree with me that Bush will win. I never said that. sheesh. \_ I was agreeing with whoever else said he would. Sheesh, some people think the world revolves around them. \_ No one said that. You're smoking. \_ No one ever said Bush will win? Who's smoking? \_ But you have to admit that he looks good after the botox. Or at least better. \_ BUSH W1LL W!N ALL 50 STATEZ D00D!! HE L00KS SO KEWL IN THAT FLIGHT JACKET!!!!! HE WILL TAKE CALIFORNIA FOR SURE!@11! \_ I wouldn't bet on it. \_ You only say that because you are a terrorist loving America hater. Bush is not a loud mouthed, redneck, strutting stuffed rooster that will lose every state outside of the Deep South and the Rockies. His big cowboy hat and macho manner play very well in California. \_ One word: Arnold. \_ Another word: Davis. \_ Two more: Movie star. \_ The Final Words: only time will tell |
2004/2/3-4 [Computer/SW/WWW/Server] UID:12087 Activity:low |
2/3 Do I have to purchase an SSL cert from Verisign or one of those places inorder to allow my webserver to accept https requests? \_ yes. \_ You can set this up nicely with OpenSSL. Make sure that the server's DN in the cert matches your hostname so that the only message the browser pops up is something along the lines of "untrusted root certificate". Trusting an unmanaged certificate used only for SSL isn't a big deal. If it's only used by people you know, you can make a root cert available for them to import into their browser. Use google to find one of any number of howtos. -John \_ No. you can set up a dummy certificate if you don't mind getting a popup from your browser. if this is for end users, though, you'll want to buy one. \_ alright, so someone posed this question back on 1/9, but never quite got a full answer... in terms of cheap, reliable ssl sellers... anyone have any good/bad stories to tell about http://freessl.com ? Any other recommended cheap ssl cert vendors? thanks. - rory \_ I posted in january. I think http://freessl.com doesn't \_ I posted the question in january. http://freessl.com doesn't do wildcard certs, so you're limited to one FQDN. do wildcard certs, so you're limited to one FQDN. I want to use if for like <DEAD>mail.example.com<DEAD> and I need to use the cert for like <DEAD>mail.example.com<DEAD> and http://www.example.com and <DEAD>vhost.example.com<DEAD>. For now I'm using a self-signed cert (not "dummy") For clients using it for email, they can "install" or http://www.example.com and <DEAD>vhost.example.com<DEAD>. For now I'm using a self-signed cert (not "dummy") For folks using it for email, they just install the cert. If you're not doing ecommerce a self-signed cert may be all that you need. It does SSL _security_ fine but not without the _autentication_ (trust). -brett accept the cert the first time. If you're not doing ecommerce a self-signed cert may be all that you need. It does SSL security fine but not autentication (trust). -brett |
2004/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:12088 Activity:insanely high 66%like:10979 66%like:32367 |
2/3 Okay, random MOTD poll: Tom: . Jerry: Jerry's annoying cousin: Itchy: . \_ Is the cousin hot? \_ you must be bored: ... Tom's mom: ................. |
2004/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:12089 Activity:nil |
2/3 Has anyone used ES5 for sharing files? Is it any good? \_ Terrorist! \_ RACIST! \_ J00S LINUX! \_ !!!!! |
2004/2/3 [Uncategorized] UID:12090 Activity:nil 58%like:10969 |
2/3 BDG, are you really back? Or is that one of your fans posting as you? Thanks. -BDG #1 fan \_ Where can I go? The only escape from the torment of life is the final embrace of death. It does not come quickly to those who need it most. \_ Hey Bitter Divorced Guy, are you sure you aren't Bad Poetry Writing Adolescent Guy? |
2004/2/3 [Computer/Theory] UID:12091 Activity:nil 66%like:10029 |
2/3 Happy 02/03/04! \_ What the fuck is so happy about it? \_ If you're a numerology idiot it probably means something to you. I was chillin with the Tooth Fairy last night. She was bummed that Santa keeps telling her he's going to file soon but never does, but she met this oddly cool egg laying Bunny and went home with him so it's all for the best. \_ are you guys J0X1N?? This day is so cool... personaly, I'm counting down to 3/4/05... Pythagorean Day! wheee \_ Damn bitch. Not bj? She must've watched the Vagina Monologues. \_ 01/04/09 : Alien Monolith Day! \_ Ah man, I forgot about Fibonacci day: 01/02/03 5:08 |
2004/2/3-5 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:12092 Activity:nil |
2/3 Has anyone seen http://spf.pobox.com? Sounds interesting. AOL is testing this out. This'll go a long way to preventing forged domain spams. --scotsman \_ Doesn't SPF break forwarding? Aside from that it's an interesting idea. -John \_ Yep. Forwarding doesn't work. \_ isn't this like from 3 weeks ago on slashdot? \_ Hrm. never noticed. we've been playing with this since the early draft rfc. --scotsman \_ linkP? \_ #t \_ why are you so lame? linkP is the same as asking, "Do you have a link?" To answer "Yes" or "#t" is a dickhead smarmy thing to write. of course, the op wrote linkP? which is redundant. you're still a jerk. \_ It's all on the http://spf.pobox.com site. --scotsman |
2004/2/3-4 [Finance/Investment] UID:12095 Activity:nil |
2/3 Random economics question: So the dollar keeps getting hammered. Eventually, as I recall dimly from Econ 1 ages ago, this can cause Real Bad Stuff to happen. When does this bad stuff kick in, and how? And what is it? \_ It depends on how fast it declines. If it happens fast then you get things like a run on the banks and then we're all fucked. If it happens slowly enough then you get a shift from imports to exports, some jobs move around, good for some, bad for others. \_ This is a big question and the answer is not universally agreed upon. But some of it is already kicking in, in the higher prices for oil and other imported goods. If it leads to asset flight, the effects would be much stronger: falling stock markets, raised interest rates and falling real estate prices. Right now, the Japanese govt is propping up the US dollar to the tune of $90B/mo, yes that is $1T/yr at the current rate. Who knows how long this can last. \_ I thought it was China. \_ http://business-times.asia1.com.sg/story/0,4567,106947,00.html This article says 7T Yen last month, or about $65B. China is also buying up US bonds, dunno how much. \_ if oil is going up how come my gas prices are going down? \_ You sure about that? link:csua.org/u/5tu (LA Times) \_ Yes. I don't pay the LA Times to tell me what my gas prices are. I see my CC statement every month and the numbers posted all over Bay Area gas stations. |
2004/2/3-4 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29777 Activity:very high |
2/3 U.S. troops dying at rate over 1 a day in Iraq http://www.salon.com/news/wire/2004/02/03/troop_death/index.html \_ fascinating! do you have peace time numbers to compare? \_ ...in IRAQ. \_ fascinating! do you have peace time numbers to compare? \_ Interesting article that explores the numbers: http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/03/07/Editor250703.html Well, collection of letters. One references this report http://amsa.army.mil/1Msmr/2003/V09_N01.pdf --scotsman \_ What in the hell are you talking about? Are you trying to imply that 47 US soldiers died in Iraq in a month before we invaded? \_ not at all, I simply requested more information. if you don't have it, just say so. no need to get so defensive. \_ Its the motd. There's no such thing as a question without an ulterior motive. But anyway, no, I was posting a random AP wire, not a research paper. \_ Ok, so this is just a meaningless unresearched out of context random factoid? Cool, thanks. \_ Look, the ulterior motive rears its ugly head! \_ not at all. i only asked to see if it was standard motd drivel or OP actually knew what they were talking about for once. \_ ok, now you've seen scotsman's link which has a peacetime fatality rate an order of magnitude lower than what we're seeing in Iraq. So now what do you say? -tom \_ By 'peacetime' do you mean 'when uncle Saddam was in power?' \_ 47 days in a month? psycho! \_ *over* one per day are dying. \_ say over 1.5 are dying then twink \_ What in Sam Hill you talkin' about boy? \_ stop masturbating on the motd, people. \_ My vagina is angry! \_ pixP |
3/15 |