2004/1/26 [Reference/History/WW2] UID:11934 Activity:nil |
1/25 Ok, I'm watching a documentary on WWII (on KCET) and it's ENTIRELY IN COLOR. What the hell is going on? It doesn't look like re-enactments; I'm seeing D-Day and hedgerows and concentration camps and incredibly thin prisoners an IT'S ENTIRELY IN COLOR. Martin Sheen is narrating. n \_ maybe it's technicolor. \_ The world started turning color in the 40's. War-torn areas changed first. Haven't you read your Calvin and Hobbes? \_ maybe it's technicolor. \_ haven't you ever heard of History Channel's The Color of War? Cameras are in color. http://www.fsu.edu/~ww2/press_release.htm \_ there's been color, just that it's too expensive/too difficult so most of the film in that era has been B/W. Economics my friend. By the way Color of War is a really good documentary. \_ Pay attention to the tint/shading. If it's sort of dusty matte, it's probably authentic. Really bright, most likely colorized. Color film was developed in the late 1930s, and started being used for war footage around 1941-2. -John \_ It's real color: http://www.pbs.org/perilousfight |
2004/1/26 [Reference/Religion] UID:11935 Activity:high |
1/25 How come a lot of Muslim countries hate America? I mean, what is it we did that offended them? \_ Interesting theory (not mine): Arab culture, such as it is, grew up in the last 300 years as primarily a trading one, as opposed to western manufacturing/innovating cultures. Combine this with a religion which has never undergone a serious widespread reformation or set of challenges, and you have the dangerous mix of a large, poor class of uneducated people and a very conservative, stick-in- the-mud clergy. It's easy to whip people up against a simplistic the-mud clerggy. It's easy to whip people up against a simplistic enemy (read 1984?) especially if your religion has the grass roots decentralized nature of islam. Voila, instant foe. Could happen anywhere with those criteria. What I'd like to know is why so many Indonesian and Malay muslims I've spoken to think Arabs are such terrible boors. -John \_ Because Indonesians and Malays have a deeper culture that pre- dates their religion. They have plenty of other things to identify themselves with. Outside of Egypt, the Arabs don't because all they can point to in their past is the Crusades which isn't much to hang an entire culture's hat on. \_ What I want to know is why there was such a regression. In the middle ages, the arabs had a _wonderful_ culture, we got a lot of mathematics, poetry, and other science from them. Are we borrowing anything from the Arabs now? (It's not a rhetorical question, I really want to know). Not to mention the Ottomans, the first successful multicultural state (of course it could be argued the Ottoman Empire was really a secular state, nor was it an arab state). Something happened between then and now, and I don't know terrible boors. -John what it is. -- ilyas \_ Islam happened in a big way. When your entire educational system turns into nothing more than studying the Koran it isn't that hard to see how your people could be passed over. Big time slavery and the suppression of women doesn't help either but I doubt those are major causes. \_ Countries don't hate anything or anyone. People do. Governments are distinct entities from the people in each country. Before you ask why X hates Y, you must decide which X and Y you're talking about. Once you have answered that, any of the following motd answers might be partially or fully correct. \_ US arrogance? Support of Israel? \_ There was a time when Muslim countries were rational, even trying to be democratic. But we turned against them, establish Israel at the expense of Palestinian. We supported 1967 war, and we overthrown Iran's democratic government for some puppet mainly for the oil. These series of events made Muslim countries decided that democracy or human right or what not, ultimately, imperialism trumpt all other western preaches. It is then Muslim countries turned Islam Fundamentalism for solution, as support of western values clearly didn't work. \_ Whoa. Back up. Insert the parts about the rise of Arab Nationalism and the oppressive right-wing regimes supported by the West to oppose the Soviets, and you'll be a lot closer to bringing your comments in line with the truth. Remember that the people in many Islamic countries would love to see a marriage between the democratic ideals of the West and the moral resolve of Islam (e.g., Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, and Indonesia). \_ ok, I was talking abou ARABS ISLAM. So, from that, you need to drop Turkey, Iran, Malaysia and Indonesia. \_ Are you completely insane? Do you know any actual history, or just the sympathetic Palestinian line? \_ You forgot "Why do you hate America?" \_ And both of you guys forgot true history, too. \_ jealousy \_ The Imams would lose power if the contries democratized/secularized, hence they keep their position of power by focusing the poeples' hate on us. The governments do the same thing by pointing to the 'plight of the Palestinians' to distract the populace from the massive human rights violations in their own countries. |
2004/1/26 [Consumer/Audio] UID:11936 Activity:nil |
1/25 I often see cars on the street now with these tiny little fins sticking out the roof near the rear window. What is that? Some sort of GPS or XM receiver? \_ yes, sirius or some satellite radio. \_ They're receiving signal from Mars base. -John |
2004/1/26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11937 Activity:nil |
1//25 What's the vegas (/online gambling) line for Bush to win re-election? \_ It is 2:1. It was as high as 3:1 but has come down a bit lately, now that it looks like Dean is not the Democratic nominee. \_ See http://tradesports.com A 'price' of X means the odds are (100-X) : X |
2004/1/26 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11938 Activity:nil |
1/26 Yes! Dean pulls to only 3 points behind Kerry in NH! --Republican http://news.myway.com/top/article/id/43159|top|01-26-2004::07:12|reuters.html \_ Those stupid democrats don't know the real issues. The real issue is steroids in national sports. How come none of them talk about that? Why don't they talk about Saddam's WMD-related program activities? I think they're all a bunch of homosexuals too, they way they go on. \_ Bad troll! No cookie! \_ Troll? GW started it. \_ I thought he was funny. \_ I'm a Republican, and I can't stand GWB. Why do Republicans like him? The government is bigger, more bloated, and more Big Brotherly than it was before. \_ Because they've lost their way. They've fallen into the same "win elections at the expense of what we believe in" trap that the Democrats fell into years ago. Now it truly is a one party system. Two names, one party. --conservative non-(R) |
2004/1/26-27 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:11939 Activity:low |
1/26 My laptop only has USB 1.1. I'm thinking of getting a PCMCIA card that has a USB 2.0 port. Question on this thing. Is it slower than a built-in USB 2.0 port? I'm curious how fast this PCMCIA interface really is. Thanks. \_ assuming you really mean cardbus (or pc card) not pcmcia, ~100mbit \_ I'm seeing CardBus Type II with ~ 50 mebibytes/s. http://peripherals.about.com/library/glossary/bldefcardbus.htm On the official web site, I see similar peak transfer rates: http://www.pcmcia.org/faq.htm \_ What devices do you plan to hook up that are usb2-only? \_ I was planning to buy a iomega DVD writer. They recommend USB 2.0. The bandwidth of the PCMCIA has to be greater than or equal to USB 2.0 for this to work I guess. Thanks. \_ USB2.0 = 480Mbit/sec. DVD = ~10Mbit at 1x \_ Combo PC cards (firewire + USB2.0) are about $50. For CD \_ Combo PC cards (firewire + USB2.0) are about $50. For DVD burning I'd recommend firewire. |
2004/1/26-27 [Health/Eyes] UID:11940 Activity:moderate |
1/25 My doctor says he can lessen astigmatism with glasses but not with regular contacts (both do nearsight but only one does astigmatism). First of all, I've always thought both were the same. Secondly, how come contacts don't lessen astigmatism? \_ correction of astigmatism requires a lense not be rotationally symmetric: there must be some special orientation. Glasses are of course always fixed in their orientation, but contacts are generally at a random orientation. I think there are actually expensive contacts with weights on one edge that can correct astigmatism. \_ Ahhh I see... so is this where "axis" comes in play when they put in axis, cylinder, etc in the prescription? \_ "Ahhh I see", you're so funny! \_ uh, never heard of a pun? \_ yes, that's what I thought was funny. never heard of humor and enjoying it? \_ I'm wearing a astigmatism-correcting contacts right now, Accuvue toric lenses. They're only effective up to a certain point though. \_ i used to wear astigmatism correcting contacts but they fit my eyes really poorly. now i have normal contacts (i think .25 stronger) and my eyes are much happier \_ I'm curious: RGPs (rigid gas permeable) or soft contacts? |
2004/1/26 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11941 Activity:nil |
1/26 Taking bets. Will Kay be Bushco's downfall? \_ No. No one cares and anyway he said a bunch of stuff was moved to Syria so there's room for doubt in reasonable minds. \_ no. \_ No, it will be death by a thousand cuts that undoes Bush. \_ You're assuming that there will be a "something" that undoes him. Is it beyond imagining that nothing will happen and he'll get a 49 state land slide victory a la Ronald Reagan? \_ I agree. I think the democrats might be able to *win* the election, but it's pretty unlikely that Bush will *lose* it in the way the above poster means. \_ if every person who voted for gore votes democratic once again , and a few thousand greens in florida switch over to the dems, bush would lose. how many people like bush MORE now than they did 4 years ago? \_ If every person who voted for Al Gore (including the dead ones, the illegal aliens, and the ex-cons) gave me a nickel I'd have a lot of nickels. So what? \_ Everyone who thinks he did a good job with Afghanistan, freeing Iraq, and creating Homeland Security. That's not a negligible number of people, even with all the critics. Why did people elect Reagan? Because he saw the world in black and white, and a lot of people went with that. \_ Yes it is beyond imagining that Bush will get a 49 state landslide. There are at least a dozen states, California one of them, that Bush will not win in Nov, no matter what. \_ His poll number in CA aren't that bad. So, no, to people who watch these things it isn't at all beyond imagining. \_ I "watch these things" too and I sure that Bush will not get 49 or 50 states. He will not get Hawaii or Vermont or Massachusetes or Rhode Island for four. You are nuts and don't even know it. \_ I predict Bush wins California and another 4 years. You heard it here first. \_ Did you actually read his Sunday comments? "I actually think the intelligence community owes the president rather than the president owing the American people. ... Based on the intelligence that existed, I think it was reasonable to reach the conclusion that Iraq posed an imminent threat." \_ Yes I did, and it seems very reasonable to be upset with a president who appointed a large number of the administrators in that intelligence community. The administration took the worst-case analyses in Iraq to build support for invading, and effectively ignored NK, Iran, etc. They wanted this war and they got it. \_ So what you're saying is, even though Kay comes out highly pro-Bush, that the Democrats will still be able to leverage Kay's comments into Bush's downfall? \_ What I'm saying is, Kay's comments will undercut the public's faith in this administration's ability to maintain national security, and thereby make their downfall difficult to prevent. \_ I just don't think the buck will stop at the President's desk. \_ The public is also seeing the part about Kay saying stuff was moved to Syria and quite frankly doesn't give a shit anyway. You're grasping for straws. WMD in Iraq is not an Achilles Heel of any sort. Bush is polling higher nationwide at this time than any previous P. in modern times at the same time in their first term. You are setting yourself up for some serious disappointment. \_ What about daddy. Approval at 89% in 1991, dropped to 29% by the end of the year. -scotsman \_ Could happen. Lots of things could happen, but Bush really lost because Perot was there. With our Perot, he would've edged out Clinton in 92. \_ Ross Perot didn't make daddy's numbers drop. W was at 60% a month ago. Watch him slide. \_ are you a Republican? \_ no, but I am a conservative. is it the same thing in your mind? \_ for the purposes of my question, yes. thanks. |
2004/1/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:11942 Activity:nil |
1/26 Anybody have stone tiles in your backyard? I'm thinking of putting them in. There's cement covering most of the backyard already around the pool. Would contractors remove the existing cement before putting in tiles? How was your put in? Thin layer of cement and then the tile? I'm thinking maybe they can put the tile over the existing cement, however, some parts have cracks and the surface is a bit uneven. Thanks. \_ Home owners are evil. When the market drops you'll be begging your landlord to take you back! Villain! |
2004/1/26-27 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:11943 Activity:low |
1/26 http://www.microsoft.com/education/default.asp?ID=SecurityPosters Free M$ security posters. Dunno if it was posted before due to to lame-ass URL shorteners found in the archives. \_what is the point? the poster is not even cool. |
2004/1/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:11944 Activity:nil |
1/26 ABC bringing back 'Millionaire.' $10,000,000 top prize. http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/7801595.htm |
2004/1/26-27 [Uncategorized] UID:11945 Activity:nil |
1/26 Fogies: Vh1's Band's Reunited is actually good. \_ http://www.angryflower.com/bobsqu.gif \_ I'm waiting for VH1's "100 Cheapest Shows on VH1" \_ that would be any 100 shows that air music videos \_ I was more referring to: "FoBarBaz Band: Where are they now?" "25 Greatest XYZ Videos of all time" "I love the 1800's" "10 Most inane celebrity things" "Third-rate celebrities talk about memories of dust bunnies" ... ad nauseum |
2004/1/26-27 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:11946 Activity:high |
1/26 Is there a program for Mac that catches programs making unauthorized network access/"call home". \_ Sounds like you want 'Little Snitch': http://www.obdev.at/products/littlesnitch (This is OS X only, not sure if there was something like this for OS 9). \_ it's called a firewall. \_ most home firewalls only block incoming.. and allow unrestricted access outgoing. since he said "call home" i assume he means \_ Yes a firewall can do that. But how is your firewall is going to tell the legitimate outgoing traffic (say web browsing) from such "call-home" connections unless you start monitoring all outgoing traffic or doing something equally inconvenient? something more like zonealarm pro but for mac \_ what you're talking about is a router that does NAT. Any decent software firewall will check inbound and outbound connections. \_ Yes a firewall can do that. But how is your firewall is going to tell the legitimate outgoing traffic (say web browsing) from such "call-home" connections unless you start monitoring all outgoing traffic or doing something equally inconvenient? \_ OP wants zone alarm for the mac. \_ because any firewall that isn't totally stupid will ask you, "hey, program X is trying to send packets to Y on port Z. Do you want to allow this once, always, not this time, or never?" \_ Which is completely inconveniet and unacceptable to lots of users. Many of the sites I visit every day I visit for the first time and I don't want to be asked every minute the same stupid question. Most firewalls have that feature turned off by default for a good reason. \_ ZoneAlarm by default only warns you when a new program tries to access the net, not when the same program tries to access a new site. So after the first day you almost never get new dialog boxes. Get a clue. -tom \_ I used a simple example, but any decent software firewall is rule-based. Rules look like: "Always allow connections from Mozilla. Allow connections from ssh, but only to csua. Deny all connections from Photoshop. Ask me about anything else." It's not that hard. Good firewall programs will let you create rules when they initially prompt you. Yes, you might get a prompt the first time you start your web browser, but not for each site, unless *you* *choose* to configure your firewall that way. \_ Which "firewall" checks if an outgoing traffic is generated by some spyware/MS rather than ssh/mozilla? \_ most firewall will tell you the name of the file which is trying to gain access. |
2004/1/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:11947 Activity:moderate |
1/26 Hm, I never heard about this thing. Guess I'm too young. http://www.awesome80s.com/Awesome80s/News/1980/February/3-Abscam_Revealed.asp \_ Being too young or knowing nothing about a topic or history has never stopped any motd poster from expressing extreme views before. I think it's a good topic. You should go for it! \_ I thought it's illegal for law enforcement to bait targets? \_ No. That's not the definition of entrapment. |
2004/1/26-2/1 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Industry/Jobs] UID:11948 Activity:nil |
1/26 Some cool jobs at DemandTec in Redwood City / San Carlos. http://www.demandtec.com/contact/engineering.html Applied math, CS theory, distributed systems, UI, etc... We also do lots of Operations Research and Stat. Send me your resume if you are interested. -- joshk \_ (We also have some unposted openings for general CS types) |
2004/1/26-27 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:11955 Activity:nil |
1/26 Would you sign up for a contest you think you have a better than average chance of winning in exchange for your info (could be used by marketers) \_ depends on the prize. \_ lots of money. of course, better than average still means low odds. \_ Probably not, if there's not a realistic chance of winning. -tom \_ fyi, a good friend of mine has won two notebooks over his ~ 5 years of entering random contests. just two weeks ago he won a $250 set of Japanese anime DVDs. I guess he's figured out what to do with all the junk e-mail. \_ that is pretty good. But what if they ask for your birthday or even your IM name? \_ if I were to guess he uses the correct year of birth, but uses a random month/day. He probably gives them an IM name created just for this type of thing. \_ and probably the same for email address and uses a POB. \_ my dad and his gf have gone crazy on the online contests. They've won weekends in LA,Vegas, Santana Row. Cruises on the SFBay, front-row tickets to concerts in SJ/Concord/SF/MTview $200 gift certificates, a partially-paid 3-wk trip to Europe and all sorts of other smaller prizes like wine, cameras, portable CD, DVD players, TVs, sharks tix and Bocelli tix. They use all valid info, but several free email accounts |
2004/1/26-27 [Computer/Theory] UID:11956 Activity:high |
1/26 Please list what you think are the most influential/important math/science algorithms of the 20th century: (--PeterM) \_ Let's try this one again... \_ Fast Fourier Transform \_ quicksort \_ fast fourier transform \_ Simplex, resolution theorem proving, belief propagation, Shor's quantum factoring. -- ilyas \_ He said 20th century, not 21st, jackass. Most poeple wouldn't regard factoring the number 15 as influential/important. I think that the factoring of 15 was done after 2000 anyway. \_ Those sound pretty obscure. \_ to someone who can't even format properly, no doubt. \_ RSA to encrypt billions of dollars of transactions -business guy \_ Maybe a more general statement would be "public key crypto" \_ Not an algorithm, maybe a class of algorithms, or better, a research area. \_ Generational garbage collection \_ 2+2=5 \_ ee equals em cee squared. Boom. \_ That's an equation; I don't think that's what the OP was asking for. \_ quicksort \_ fast fourier transform \_ hamsterdance \_ Simplex, resolution theorem proving, belief propagation, Shor's quantum factoring. -- ilyas \_ philcompress \_ "1) invent algorithm, 2) ..., 3) profit!" is my choice. \_ Hashes / hash tables \_ That's a data structure, not an algorithm, and it only works because we have constant time lookup up to 2^32 (or 64). You can't do better than O(log n) access. \_ Generational garbage collection \_ all answered purged because some humorless jerk censored my very harmless 1 line joke. fuck you. i'm taking your ball home with me. \_ Big man. And what a sense of humor too. |
2004/1/26-27 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:11957 Activity:high |
1/26 I just transfered several thousand files from a Mac to a PC. Macs don't have file extensions so is there any UNIX utility (or PC utility) that will differentiate between word and excel files so that I can programmatically add the .xls and .doc extensions? "file" simply says "Microsoft Word" document. \_ write an applescript. Unfortunately, I don't know the syntax for grabbing creator codes from the finder. Maybe someone else on here does. Applescript documentation is horrible. \_ What I ended up doing was using perl to traverse the directory hierarchy. I changed all :'s to -'s (PCs don't like :'s) and add .xls extensions to each file. This is somewhat lame, but 95% of the files are excel files and I was able to do this in less than 10 minutes (I already had the perl readdir traversal code handy, I just had to find it)... of course, I did all this before asking on the motd bc i didn't think i'd find any useful information here. I'd still be interested in a nice solution (ideally, someone would tell me that I just need to upgrade my version of file) \_ you should rename the files while they are on the Mac. http://www.versiontracker.com/dyn/moreinfo/macosx/14404 \_ link not found and this is System 7 we're talking about. \_ DEAR GOD WHY??? Uh. can you transfer them to a more modern mac first? \_ It only took him 10 minutes this way. \_ 'file' depends on the 'magic number' which is stored in a file. you only really needed an updated magic file. \_ This came up on google under "automatically macintosh file extensions". I bet you can find more: http://peccatte.karefil.com/software/MacNames/MacNamesEN.htm \_ using perl, you can issue the file command recursively through your dirtree and dump the results into a text file. You can then open up the text file and issue a rename accordingly to each of the files it finds. Should take about an hour to write up in perl. -williamc \_ An hour? It should take about 5 minutes in any shell. On a bad day. Between commercials and surfing. This is a good time for sed/awk for those too lazy to use the search/replace function on their text editor. \_ Hmmm, apparently you don't do any "shell scripting" on a PC in Windows/DOS. This can be done in five minutes on a UNIX machine, but with Windows through a DOS VM box (assuming you're not using cygwin) I'd have to spend some time testing it to make sure it was functioning correctly. If using the find command you'd have to figure out how to dump the information into an intermediate text file and parse the contents. Regardless, I'd like to see your five minuts solution posted on the motd, it will be informative. Also, wtf does does your text editor have to do with identifying binary files??? Reading comments like these makes you think that the poster didn't understand the problem domain. -williamc \_ i'm not the guy above, but you might want to consider posting anonymously, lest people associate "williamc" with "talking out of his ass". cygwin often works *just fine*, and i don't see any reason to believe it wouldn't in this case. as the OP has already mentioned though, 'file' doesn't give enough information to distinguish between word and excel files. but even supposing it did, you would either want to use sed/awk to massage the output into an easier to parse format, or use a text editor to do it if you don't know how to use sed/awk. perhaps you should keep quiet instead of making an ass of yourself next time. \- ObEmacsDiredMode --psb \_ What I ended up doing was using perl to traverse the directory hierarchy. I changed all :'s to -'s (PCs don't like :'s) and add .xls extensions to each file. This is somewhat lame, but 95% of the files are excel files and I was able to do this in less than 10 minutes (I already had the perl readdir traversal code handy, I just had to find it)... of course, I did all this before asking on the motd bc i didn't think i'd find any useful information here. I'd still be interested in a nice solution (ideally, someone would tell me that I just need to upgrade my version of file) |
2004/1/26 [Uncategorized] UID:29762 Activity:nil |
1/25 ALL CAPS TROLL PURGED. \_ damn that was fast \_ A lot of people read motd. |
3/15 |