2004/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:11895 Activity:nil |
1/22 Heh, this woman doesn't know her geography very well. http://www.cnn.com/2004/EDUCATION/01/22/king.controversy.ap/index.html \_ How do you figure that? Or do you think blacks only come from the Congo and the ghettos? You're not all that bright for a Cal student. Who let you in? Can your entry be revoked? |
2004/1/23 [Science/Space] UID:11896 Activity:nil 50%like:30088 |
1/22 Money for Mars mission, yay or nay? \_ Should the Spanish have spent tons of the government/ kingdom's money to set voyage to explore uncharted waters and lands (America)? \_ the Spanish could reasonably have expected that uncharted lands had riches for them to exploit. We already know Mars is a barren rock. \_ Bullshit. We don't even know if it has water on it or not. We know more about the fungus between your toes. \_ like saying we don't know if the mojave has water or not \_ Uh? What? We know all about the mojave, we know almost nothing about Mars. What are you talking about? \_ But it might have OIL!! \_ That's a complicated question. The Spanish had huge problems with their overseas holdings, went bankrupt a few times due to the inflation caused by all the gold they plundered, etc. Even leaving morals aside, conquering stuff isn't always the best thing to do for a country. -- ilyas \_ No problem, just don't have a 'mars rock' based economy. As of this date it doesn't appear there will be any natives to exploit so there's no morals issue. \_ Sure there is. Whenever public money's used for something, you need to make a moral case for it. Also, it's not really about the gold. Expanding the country is just like expanding the economy, it has to be done 'organically' or you get counterproductive results, like inflation or revolts or whatever. In the case of Mars I don't even see a non-scientific reason to go. Personally, I think there are better ways to explore space than NASA (and better ways to spend government money than NASA). -- ilyas \_ You don't need a morals case to spend public money. You need a "public good" or "national good" case to spend public money. Or you should, anyway. You don't see a non-scientific reason to go? Neith do I. I think the scientific reasons alone are reason enough. I agree that NASA may not be the right place to spend the money, but we should continue the/a space program. Putting everyone on the dole is not in the public's best interests and certainly immoral. See the Indian Reservations for how that works out (or not). \_ "Public good" is a (utilitarian) moral argument. A lot of people, btw, will disagree with this sort of argument for spending public money, either because they themselves are not utilitarian, or because they think 'the public' cannot have a good. As for "we should" go to Mars, I might as well say "we shouldn't" with equal force. "We should" is not an argument. -- ilyas \_ The argument 'for' is the advancement of science, the possibility of getting access to new materials or energy sources, and the value that tech can bring to everyone to increase quality of life for the entire human race. I see the argument 'against' as "let's just keep wasting limited resources doing the same thing over and over until we can't do it anymore and we all starve and run out of energy. Feel free to present your own version of the 'against' argument. \_ There is nothing utilitarian or moral about the term "public good" in economics. The term refers to items for which it is generally not possible to restrict the benefits only to the payer. Some examples are national defense, preventing disease epidemics, and emergency services (police, fire, ambulance, etc.). Since market mechanisms are not efficient for allocating resources to such goods, there is a good economic argument for paying for these with "public money" such as taxes. -!op \_ the life of a few is worth sacraficing for the the life of many. or something like that. \_ which has what to do with the way welfare has utterly destoyed what was left of the Indians? \_ Military intervention, landgrabbing by the US govt., discriminatory business practices, and outright fraud and theft legitimized by a racist judiciary is responsible for the devastation of the Indigenous Americans and their ghettoization on the Reservations. Welfare has raised some people out of the borderline starvation they were in. Don't blame the victims, George Armstrong. \_ You're in the wrong century. Once on the reservations and being completely "taken care of" by the government, those on the reservations were essentially destroyed as a viable people. Entire generations were lost to Indian "welfare". And really, stop with the "Indigenous" crap. If you ever met one, you'd know they prefer "Indian" all alone without the PC shit confusing things, if you don't know their exact tribal affiliation. \_ How do you think they got on the Reservations? What do you think the conditions were like before welfare for the tribes? They had to rely on handouts from missionaries. Welfare, while certainly not perfect, gave some people on the Res. space to concentrate on more than where the next meal was coming from. Next, I know self-described Indians, Native Americans, Amerindians, and Indigenous Americans. That I choose to use the last one is my choice. I wasn't blasting your choice of language, so stop being such a sensitive prick. \_ Before welfare? Missionaries? You think missionaries supported millions of Indians at some point? I blasted your word choice because it's PC garbage. The welfare reservation handout system has destroyed the tribes. It was the last step required to genocide them as a people. \_ The nail was already in the coffin. Welfare is not perfect, but it did prevent starvation. Much better, of course, is the gaming money and the recognition of sovereignty on the tribal lands. And as for being PC, fuck you, hater, and your honkey-ass cracker vocabulary. \_ I think he was blaming welfare, not the Indians. \_ money will be spent on scientists and on manufacturers (most likely in the U.S. soil), hence will create jobs and must be good. Bush is brilliant. Go Bush! \_ I'm sure you'd prefer to believe that the money is more likely to create jobs if spent on welfare. \_ A chicken in every pot, an ethernet cable in every butthole. \_ An excellent plan. Free net for every whore will create jobs, so long as the whores become a public resource. \_ But yermom is already a pubic resource. \_ She doesn't charge so she isn't a whore but you do have to line up behind tom for your shots after you get syph or some other 'easily cured' STD. You ok with that? |
2004/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:11897 Activity:nil |
1/23 We need more of these people - they do the jobs americans wont Queens Rapists http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1063528/posts \_ They have rights, too, ya know. Is this really any different than foreign diplomats who rack up and ignore hundreds of parking tickets? |
2004/1/23 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11898 Activity:nil |
1/23 cool. answer some questions, the site determines which candidates you agree most with: http://www.presidentmatch.com/Main.jsp2?cp=main \_ That survey gave me 100% on a candidate who i disagree with on several issues, as measured by *their* tally. Is crap. \_ I agree. \_ cf. http://www.vote-smart.org \_ Me and Joe L. matching at 100%, 94% Edwards, 90% Kerry and 86% Bush which just goes to show they're not all that different afterall. Even got a 67% with Kucinich who I think was always just clutter and 69% with Sharpton who never should have had any press at all. Poor Joe, I actually do think he's a good guy, but he was so stupid to give deference to a scumbag like Gore. If Joe had balls I might actually be a supporter. \_ rofl i support kucinich who??? \_ Kucinich 100% w00t! \_ Yeah I also got 100% Kucinich. It's hard to avoid "no opinion" on some of the issues. I'm not sure what I think on healthcare. Getting the deficit and debt under control is probably more important to me than all the other crap. I might actually be a conservative at heart but I hate most actual republicans. \_ Kerry 100%, Bush 27%. \_ Sharpton 100%, Bush 14% (is it sad that I wasn't trying?) \_ hahaha, it gives me Kucinich 100%, Dean 90%, Clark 87%, Bush 13% \_ That site is just wrong. I'm conservative yet it rates me wanting Democrats. Dean and Sharpton over Bush. How wrong. \_ What issues are you conservative on? How much did you prioritize them over the issues you're liberal on? If you're a libertarian sort of republican, it's not surprising your views don't mesh Bush. \_ Many of Bush's supporters are simply too stupid to realize his views and policies don't fit with their own. \_ how ignorant of you. The problem is with their calculations, not with Bush supporters. \_ Their calculations are based on what you stated as your positions, and what Bush states as his. Why don't you tell us which of Bush's positions they misrepresent? \_ You can tell that there are serious problems with this site just by how it lists Bush as having served in the military. True, but not really. \_ heh, I agree. Although if Bush was a reservist today deployed for a year in Iraq, then I'd see it. |
2004/1/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:11899 Activity:nil |
1/23 I'm trying to track down and/or minimize the number of fax calls to my number. I've used Selective Call Blocking and have blocked about 8 numbers so far and it worked for a few months but lately I've been getting calls from Private Callers. What are some other options I have? Is Call Trace useful when you don't know who is calling you? Thanks. \_ Block private callers. Why should anyone need to anonymously fax you? |
2004/1/23 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11900 Activity:nil |
1/23 Cho: don't dish it out if you can't take it. http://www.nydailynews.com/01-23-2004/front/story/157605p-138358c.html \_ Haha, from Drudge? This is the guy that's famous for excerpting words from speeches that are sometimes minutes or even hours apart and then using ellipsis to glue them together into whatever phrase he wants to publish. \_ "Cheney... gather... violent... law enforcement personnel... and... come all... over... my... face." \_ From anyone. If you're going to spew, be prepared to get quoted, misquoted, and slammed. |
2004/1/23 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:11901 Activity:nil 54%like:29757 |
1/23 http://www.pantsfactory.org/?action=comments&linkid=1038 KisMAC: Kismet, airsnort, airjack, and several other tools rolled into one for OS X |
2004/1/23-24 [Science/Space] UID:11902 Activity:nil |
1/23 Water found on Mars: http://www.esa.int/export/esaCP/SEM8ZB474OD_index_0.html \_ I thought we already knew this. \_ We suspected it. Now we know. \_ just the EU boys trying to lay claim to *something* since they have had nothing but failures and we're looking good this week \_ It was known a couple years ago or earlier: http://www.govertschilling.nl/artikelen/archief/2002/0203/020304_sc.htm |
2004/1/23-24 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:11903 Activity:nil |
1/23 What's the best weekend parking near U.C. Berkeley? How much will it cost? Daytime hours, let's say 10am to 8pm. \_ Depending on where you want to park, possibly free. \_ how? But do I have to drive 45 minutes to look for parking? \_ Once again, be more specific. Near Soda? Near Haas pavilion? If it's near Soda, I'd find free parking on Ridge or LeConte streets within a couple blocks. Of course, if there's an event at The Greek, that probably won't work. \_ eh, i think you need a permit to park on those streets. there are parking meters in front of soda tho. \_ Except near Soda you don't need a permit or to feed a meter to park on the weekends. -- lived on ridge rd. \_ I am pretty sure that you can park anywhere in Berkeley without a permit on weekends now. Excpet meters, that you have to feed on Saturdays. \_ near Sproul. But if it's cheaper near Soda, that's okay too. \_ Ouch. Parking will be a bitch all the time around there. I'd just pay for a university lot. Don't remember the price but it was not insane. |
2004/1/23 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11904 Activity:nil |
1/23 The Motd: we remove your faith in humanity at no extra charge! \_ Exactly. What I don't understand is why I come back here every day. I need to see a shrink about it. I have learned a lot about a certain breed of libertarianism and what passes for legitimate debate therein though. \_ maybe you need your faith in humanity removed. i know i do. \_ there's very little legitimate debate on the motd. you're being terribly unfair to other philosophies if you're going to accept the motd as the One True Source about anything. \_ I do try to be fair, hence "a certain breed". \_ So true. |
2004/1/23-25 [Consumer/Shipping] UID:11905 Activity:nil |
1/23 Say I forward USPS address from A->B. Will USPS notify both address A and B regarding the change? I'm asking because my former roomate lost in Small Claims and I want to hide address B from him so that he can't scratch my car or put holes in my tyres. I'm wondering if mail forwarding is a good way of hiding my address while still keeping the possibility of him sending me payments. Thanks. \_ when you fill out the forms they send a notice to both addresses but neither has the other address in them. however apparently someone (the sender) can request address change info... http://www.usps.com/ncsc/products/ancillary.htm \_ Get a PO Box. USPS forwarding is an unreliable mess. only use when absoluteley necessary. I just moved out of state. had many delays and I probably lost mail. \_ If you're in Berkeley, I recomend Postal Annex, between Channing and Dwight by the parking garage south of campus. I had a box there for a year and was really happy with it. Unlike a USPS post box, they'll let you call your box an apartment on your addresses, so you can claim it as your residence and avoid all mail at home. |
2004/1/23 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:11906 Activity:nil |
1/23 http://tinyurl.com/2utfc JWZ vs Mailman, round ONE fight! \_ Do you get a kickback from Pants Factory? If not, try posting a direct link: http://www.jwz.org/doc/mailman.html \_ normally I would, but the rebuttals from mailman's OG writer are on http://pantsfactory.org |
2004/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:11907 Activity:nil |
1/22 [Can't stand the commentary? Bye-bye thread.] |
2004/1/23-25 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11908 Activity:high |
1/23 US fought the first Gulf War to help Kuwait defend its sovereignty. So how come US can continue to violate Iraq's sovereignty given that it has found no evidence of WMD or terrorist activities? \_ It's never about sovereignty, son. The first golf war was to prevent Iraq control 36% of world's total oil output. We never cared about Kuwaiti people, nor does the Kuwaiti Royal Family for that matter. \_ That is just one factor. The first gulf war is when international law, people of Kuwait's interest, and US's interest are in alignment. Unfortunately, in the second gulf war, international law is not our our side, and whether it's in the US's interest and whether it's in the people of Iraq's interest are highly debatable. It is in the Bush admin's interest though. You have much to learn, boy. \_ "international law was not on our side". since there is no such thing, it is hard to say if it was or not. there are competing views on this point from reliable people on both sides of this. The 2nd GW was certainly in the Iraqi people's interests as long as you're not one of the Sunnis who was getting along just fine at the expense of the Shiites and Kurds. You mave much to learn, son. \_ Why don't you ask Pentagon hawk, Richard Perle, who said: "I think in this case international law stood in the way of doing the right thing." As for the existence of international laws, try <DEAD>www.un.com<DEAD> -> english -> international laws. Even Perle understood that there are international laws and the US invasion of Iraq is illegal. As for whether it is "doing the right thing", it's highly debatable. You have much to learn, boy. \_ I thought I'd replied to this, but I guess not since it was the same as the rest. 1) Richard Perle doesn't speak for me or anyone else important. 2) As I said every other time you bring up this nonsense, if there is no enforcement there is no law. And slapping "boy" at the end of your posts doesn't add anything to your case. You're still naive and ignorant even though you pretend otherwise. After a dozen times we've gone over this you are still incapable of telling me how those "international laws" get enforced. Because they don't and can't be. No enforcement = no law. I should just save this to a file and paste it back in everytime your silly little ass comes on here with worthless URLs to the UN website. You never have anything new to say because there's nothing more you can say. There's no international law. There are a *lot* of international suggestions, hints, and advice. \_ Well you did reply to it, at least you tried. No, law is law. Enforcement is enforcement. If say commie China invaded some small country on its border today, it broke international law irregardless of whether anyone dared to send an army to chase it out. Your silly ass no perfect enforcement means no law argument is bogus. As for slapping "boy", it's just to counter the use of "son". Your protest against my use of "boy" without also mentioning the use of "son" thus exposes you again as the hypocritical silly ass that you are. \_ Nice try at a back handed compliment on line one. I only used 'son' to show you how stupid you look putting "boy" on the end of every one of your cut'n'paste posts. As far as the actual topic goes: China would not be in violation of anything if they were to invade a neighbor. Law without any enforcement mechanism is silly. It's the same idea as when Bush gets attacked for making the "No Child Left Behind" act but not putting any funding into it. There's no reason to respect a "law" which has no enforcement mechanism. If you'd like to say "oh boo hoo! the law was broken, woe unto the the earth and all peace loving good peoples!" go right ahead, it doesn't matter what you whine about who 'broke' what pseudo-law when there's nothing anyone can or will do about it, especially when your 'laws' are, at best, just a list of rules countries are supposed to more or less follow BY AGREEMENT, and there's nothing in any of your 'laws' which says what the punishment shall be for a violation. There's no internatn'l legal system, no police, no judges, no cops, no nothing anyone can or would do to even a second rate nation, such as France, much less to a Hyper Super Power like the U.S. It's silly and naive to talk about violations like that. The obvious response is always, "So what? Go do something about it". And the fact that no one can, would, or even wants to is what makes International Law and the violation of said myth the farce that it is. \_ the only "competing view" is GW supporters in the US. Everone else in the world knows US broke international law. \_ You're right. We should just walk away and let it fall to total anarchy. Then assholes like you would be here saying "why did we leave the poor Iraqis to their fate? We should have stayed and helped them!" Have a cookie, troll. \_ the sad thing is I don't think the poster intended it as a troll \_ It is not a troll but a lead to raise additional questions. And yes, you need to think more before feeling sad. \_ okay, so your post was written to raise additional \_ [ expression of sadness noted ] questions. I've thought about it more, and I still think it's sad. To each their own, I guess. \_ um, whatever \_ Assholes like you should learn to stop putting words into other people's mouth. \_ blah blah blah, heard it all before. when you hate the man so much it doesn't matter what he does or says you can still put them there. find fault and make him into hitler if you like and feel good about yourself doing so. the words were there. no one else put them there. \_ I know you have an irrational hatred for Clinton, so you project that onto others. You need to grow up. \_ Just tell me one thing: what makes you spill the drivel about hating "the man" when the original poster mentioned nothing about it? Where did you get the juvenile belief that anyone who questions the Iraq war has to be a hater of Bush? \_ What about those of us who support the Iraq war, but hate Bush for other reasons? \_ It can't be. If you support the war then you're a fascist (R) and love Bush. If you hate Bush and the evil fascist (R)s then you are opposed to the war to your core. There is no middle ground in leftist politics. \_ From reading the motd everyday. Where'd you get the opposite idea? \_ all the more reason for you to be less presumptuous instead of contributing to the idiocy. \_ Uhm, what? We're on the motd, so I'm perfectly in context. other people's mouth. put them there. \_ I know you have an irrational hate for Clinton, so you \_ I know you have an irrational hatred for Clinton, so you project that onto others. You need to grow up. \_ You don't know any such thing. I have no hatred for Clinton or anyone else. He's just another scumbag politician no different than the rest. My original point remains: the poster is a hypocrite and a troll and you've done nothing to refute that in any way. \_ So you are saying that any country can invade any other country by first making false accusations, then invading, and then saying that they have to stay because if they leave, since they already destroyed the former regime and its \_ That's the point. Us broke international law, and the reason for the war turned out to be based on a lie and has to be changed to "regime change". If WMD or terrorists were found, even if democracy and peace failed, the war would still be justified. Now, we have 20000 Iraqis dead, 500 US soldier killed, thousands of US soldiers injured, hundreds of bilions of dollars spent, thousands of Iraqis homes and property destroyed, and still no WMD. If we can find WMD or at the very least have a UN mandate, these losses would be justified, but without them, now it boils down to the only justification left - whether we can build a peaceful and democratic Iraq. All the more reason to put pressure on the administration to do the right thing instead of throwing Iraqi people's money to the admin's business and defense cronies. Take this Ayatollah Sistani problem. If WMD has been found, t his would be a much smaller problem, but now that the whole basis of the invasion rests on regime change, and helping the oppressed Shiites, and now you have this Sistani mullah whom all the Shiites seem to adore, and he's ignoring Bremer and calling for direct elections, there is very little one can do except try to placate him. I hope things turned out well, not because of, but in spite of. \_ Not finding WMD doesn't make it any harder to clean up after. It's still a very difficult thing. And as far as "justifying" all those deaths, lost homes, and general mayhem in Iraq goes, I don't think the average Iraqi gives a flying fuck about your "justifications". That's Western White Boy think. If we rolled in and found a ton of anthrax on every street corner those Iraqis would still be dead, injured, homeless, etc, and not at all agree with your "justification" theory and be just as pissed off that we're there. Sistani would still be there as before and we'd still have the same mess to clean up. It would just be harder, not easier, because of the resources we'd have to divert to WMD clean up. You can't justify the loss of family and home to anyone on the receiving end of that loss. You're so fucking colonial it makes me ill. \_ Your fucking underestimation of the people of Iraq makes me sick. Iraqis can think and they watch and read the news, and they see the Bush admin caught in lies about WMD, constantly change its justification for the war, and inability to find any WMD. They also read news about how Bush admin gives fat contracts to its cronies led companies using Iraqi money and oil to pay for these. You think all these make no difference to the Iraqis? Are you that naive or are you just plain dumb? \_ Who said the Iraqis aren't smart? I never said any such thing. Go back and *READ* what I said, not what you wish I'd said. I'll repeat: the average Iraqi who lost a family member or home or whatever doesn't give a flying fuck if there were WMD or not. They don't give a flying fuck that Bush is handing contracts to his buddies or not. They don't give a flying fuck about the whether the war was "just" or not. Those are your Western White Boy concerns. They only care that their family member is dead, their house blown up, or their business destroyed and no amount of Western justification for the invasion will change that. If it was your house that got blown up and 2 tons of anthrax was found next door the day after you'd still be pissed off your house was blown up no matter how "justified" some white boy in the US thinks it was. \_ So you are saying that any country can invade any other country by first making false accusations, then invading, and then saying that they have to stay because if they leave, since they already destroyed the former regime and its institutions, there will be chaos? \_ Bush says: That's a CIA failure. institutions, there will be chaos? \_ Whatever the quality of the reason for invading, walking out now would be a case of two-wrongs-don't-make-a-right. If you broke the cookie jar you should at least help buy new cookies and some elmer's glue. There's no relationship between whether or not invading was right and what we should do now that we have. The fact is we did invade and now have a moral responsibility to clean up the mess we made. You seem to think that we only owe the Iraqi people something if we had found tons of WMD. That makes no sense to me. \_ 10 years of Resolutions are false accussations? \_ Where is the WMD then? \_ Bush says: That's a CIA failure. \_ Are you trying to make him look bad? \_ No, that's the genuine administration position. \_ And if you want to talk about UN resolutions, no, US did not obtain a UN resolution to invade Iraq. There are many UN resolutions condemning Israel. That doesn't mean other countries have the right to invade Israel. \_ Bush says: An earlier resolution made the war legal. \_ Only problem was Bush tried to obtain a UN mandate for war but had to withdraw. That shows that the earlier resolution doesn't stand. \_ Bush says: The earlier resolution still made it legal; the new resolution was a chance to show Saddam that the world was united in opposition. \_ earlier resolution says "severe consequences". analogy would be a law that says it is illegal to possess marijuana and anyone found in possession of marijuana would face "legal consequences". this doesn't give john doe off the street the right to kill someone found in possession of marijuana. To determine what the consequences should be one should go back to the institution issuing the law (UN in this case). \_ the US isn't john doe off the street and 'legal' is not the same as 'severe'. did you think the original un resolution that said 'severe' meant "we'll sic our lawyers \_ Try http://www.un.org -> English -> International Laws. Who enforces it? Member nations through UN mandate of course. You prefer throwing away international laws and going back to genghis khan era? \_ "member nations through UN mandate". bullshit. So you claim the US is in violation of UN/international law. Why is there no enforcement? Why aren't all the member states enforcing their will upon the US? The law is the law and must be applied equally to all. If any are above the law or there is no enforcement the law doesn't exist as such and becomes a mild suggestion at best. We're still in the Khan era. We never left it. When did World Peace suddenly strike the planet? What year did the Age of Enlightenment begin? \_ [I knew this one would go unanswered. Score one for the "international law is bullshit" side] \_ No actually I just feel that it's so stupid it doesn't deserve to be answered. This guy can't even distinguish between law and its enforcement. See above example about scenario where commie China invades a small country. \_ Been there, done that and answered it a number of times. You just prefer to change the words around and reply to your own words that you put in my mouth instead of what was there on screen. \_ Bush says: An earlier resolution made the war legal. one should go back to the institution issuing the law (UN in this case). you think the original un resolution that said 'severe' meant "we'll sic our lawyers said 'severe' meant "we'll sic our lawyers on you in the international courts!"? on you in the international courts!"? \_ it's an UN resolution, so go back to UN to decide what it means. otherwise, on you in the international courts!"? \_ it's an UN resolution, so go back to admit that you are breaking international law. UN to decide what it means. otherwise, admit that you are breaking international law. \_ if there was a real thing called international law then maybe it could be broken. if you have to go back and 'ask' 10 years later what was really meant by something then the whole process is a farce anyway and it really doesn't matter. tell me, who exactly enforces this 'international law' you speak so highly of? where can i go and read the laws and the consequences for breaking them? \_ Just to stick up for those opposed to the war: not all of us are saying get out of Iraq; we merely don't trust the current administration to do the right thing while there. We never should have invaded, but we're there and we're stuck for now. \_ A fair position. Question: if Gore was in office, what do you think he would have done post 9/11 with Al Qaeda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc? Were you also opposed to what happened in Afghanistan? \_ [ Bad idea. ] \_ I am not the first guy, but I agree with him. We need to clean up what we broke in Iraq. I was in favor of the \_ Either way will do. The Jews need more living space. the nasty selfperpetuating evil it's mired in now. Now, realistically, how likely are one of these two to invasion of Afghanistan. I think Gore would have invaded Afgahnistan and then called it a day. He probably would have tried to continue the Clinton peace process \_ Nah, despite all the wars and killings, Israel is the peace loving nation, once it has attained its rightful King Solomon era Greater Israel size and thrown all the Palestinians out. Jews need more living space than present day Israel. \_ not really. we should just let the arabs kill them all and then we wouldnt have to worry about it. in Palestine and Israel, which was making some progress unlike "The Roadmap." -Motd Liberal \_ There is no realistic chance of peace in the Middle East. Here is how it could happen: (1) Israel is nuked, or otherwise destroyed, and never rises up again. (2) The palestinian society/culture/infrastructure is irrevocably broken and rebuilt again without the nasty selfperpetuating evil it's mired in now. Now, realistically, how likely are one of these two to happen? What will probably happen is, Israel will wall itself off and try to live as a besieged state. Palestinians will continue to blow themselves up and train their children to do the same, and everyone will go on their merry (?) way. \_ nah, the likely outcome is Israel will bring in more and more settlers, and expand with more and more settlements until it reaches its size during King Solomon's times, and all Palestinians are thrown out of Greater Israel. \_ Possibly but I think it won't happen due to the increase in settlements but yet another Arab inspired war and this time the Israelis will just push them all out and be done with it like they started but wimped out on doing 50+ years ago. \_ Genocide. The Palestinians want genocide, and eventually they are going to get it. \_ The palestinian nation is a peace loving nation and if only the Jews would just jump in the ocean and all die we could finally have peace in the ME. \_ People once thought the same thing about Ireland. While things are still somewhat bad there, they do credit Clinton with bringing people closer to compromise. There can be peace in Israel/Palestine; it just takes the right time, the right man, and the right motivation. Bush's policies have set back that possibility a great deal. \_ The Ireland situation was different. You had a different kind of rebel there and it didn't infect the entire Irish culture. Irish mothers \_ What do you mean it can't be fixed? If we can fix Kurds, Shiite and Sunnis in Iraq, we can fix Jews and Palestinians in Palestine/Israel. Just send in the marines, and force these quarrelsome shemites to learn to live together peacefully or be shot. \_ Start shooting arabs then. didn't blow themselves up and leave tapes behind saying they did it because they loved their children. Nor did they send their children off to blow themselves up in discos and pizza parlors \_ oh boo hoo! if only we understood and accepted their differences as a people then we could all just get along! The willful blindness and naivete of some is TRULY astounding. \_ Eh. In some sense I don't _care_ what exactly goes on in their heads. Do I care why a serial killer kills? Why should I care why a serial killer nation kills? I just want to put the serial killer away to pay back his debt to his victims. There is no excuse to be found in palestinians' heads for what they are doing. It's simply wrong and evil. \_ SOrry, guess my statement was unclear. I was trying to say, the Palestinians (and most arabs) will simply ignore overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they wish to believe. It's in the religion. I should tell the story about the guy who refused to believe California is bigger than Azerbaijan. Basically, people who belive peace is possiable with those people don't have any idea what they're talking about. \_ Yeah those people are inscrutable. They cannot be understood. Their thinking process is alien to us. They are like serial killers. Their culture is evil. They are not normal humans. In fact, they can't even be called humans. They are more like rats. They should be exterminated. We should burn them so normal humans like us Jews can have more living space. long live Greater Israel! \_ They may very well be understandable. But they don't deserve to be understood, much like any serial killer. The palestinians have a serial killer culture. \_ Pick up an English language arab newspaper or read them on the net. Then come back here and tell us how peaceful and loving and understanding and how if only the Jews would just give up a few more square miles here, and there, and everywhere, peace would be at hand. Your ignorance is almost painful but you do the Berkeley hippy long haired PC leftist thing really well. Give peace a chance! Think locally, act globally! Everyone just wants love! \_ Well, Israel has never stopped the continuation of the process. With settlers and ongoing miserable conditions in the territories, it's not credible to say they would always have been the same way. The ones that went to Jordan seemed to be able to lead normal lives. Leaving those camps there for all those years was a mistake either way. \_ Jordan? Yeah the ones who went to Jordan lived nice normal lives after tens of thousands got butchered on that side of the border by their fellow Arabs. If you don't know the history of the area you really should take 5-10 minutes to read a summary online before sharing your opinions here. The mistake Israel made is they started to kick out the Arabs 50 years ago but chickened out and didn't finish the process. That left them with a few million really pissed off Arabs inside their borders which is the worst situation possible for all sides. Israel will eventually either lose a war or be overwhelmed by it's internal Arab population and then be no more. The only other option that exists for Israel to survive beyond the next 20 years is a war that they win which has to be started by the Arabs so the international community types are appeased which then leads to them kicking out the 5th column Arabs inside the borders now. I don't see any other paths that lead to anything other than the complete destruction of Israel and genocide inflicted upon the Jews by the Arabs. At least maybe someone will pass a UN resolution asking them to please stop or something. See the Tutsis for how that turned out. \_ Why do you believe that the Israelis have the right to kick the Arabs out 50 years ago? The Arabs didn't kick the Jews out during the hundreds years during which they ruled the region. I never said they had the right. I said what _/ should have done and that what they did was a huge mistake. The Arabs are on that land all the way through North Africa and elsewhere because they waged a bloody war of conquest to take it from the previous owners. I don't see you crying about them. And yes, the Arabs *did* kick out Jews from all over the ME and took their property as well, but there's a long history of that through the ages, so it must be ok. They're just Jews. You said they left "a few million really pissed _/ off Arabs inside their borders". Well, the only real problems have been from the ones who have have been under occupation in fenced camps, while over time a lot of land grabs and other injustices have been inflicted on them. I say again, it's just not credible to wilfully ignore that and pretend there was no other way to deal with the territories. It was done out of militarily strategic concerns, with an eye to the other Arab states. But that does not mean it was the only option. \_ Fenced camps? You've never seen the "camps" which btw are supposed to be weapons free as guaranteed by the UN which is supposed to be running them until such time as the people can be found living space in other Arab nations but we know none of that ever happened, including your illusionary fences. I do agree and said so before that the push was for military/strategic reasons. There's no crime there. saying get out of Iraq; we merely don't trust the current administration to do the right thing while there. We never should have invaded, but we're there and we're stuck for now. administration to do the right thing while there. We never should have invaded, but we're there and we're stuck for now. \_ A fair position. Question: if Gore was in office, what do you think he would have done post 9/11 with Al Qaeda, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, etc? Were you also opposed to what happened in Afghanistan? happen? What will probably happen is, Israel will wall itself off and try to live as a besieged state. Palestinians will continue to blow themselves up and train their children to do the same, and everyone will go on their merry (?) way. \_ nah, the likely outcome is Israel will bring in more and more settlers, and expand with more and more settlements until it reaches its size during King Solomon's times, and all Palestinians are thrown out of Greater Israel. \_ Genocide. The Palestinians want genocide, and eventually they are going to get it. in the name of anything and say on TV how proud they are afterwards. Golda said there won't be peace until palestinian mothers love their children more than they hate jews. She was right 40 years ago and it's still true today and for the future. The palestinian 'culture' is just broken. The few people that were in favor of peace were executed by Arafat as 'collaborators' when he came back from exile in Tunis. Never bargain with terrorists. Letting Arafat back in and giving him some form of credibility was the worst possible mistake for both Israel and the Palestinians who wanted a nation and a real life and peace. Not until Afarat is dead and forgotten can anything positive happen. Bush, Clinton, etc, don't stand a chance. I find it shocking that you'd say Clinton was making progress when in fact he had already given up long before his term was over. Bush only got involved because he was pressured into it and wasn't all that serious about it. This is one of those things we should not bother with until there's a local change of some sort. It can't be fixed from the outside and it is sheer American ignorance and arrogance in the best colonial sense that says otherwise. \_ It's amazing how so many people claim to "understand" the minds of the palestinians, when the really have no idea. The willful ignorance ALONE is astounding. \_ oh boo hoo! if only we understood and accepted their differences as a people then we could all just get along! The willful blindness and naivete of some is TRULY astounding. \_ Eh. In some sense I don't _care_ what exactly goes on in their heads. Do I care why a serial killer kills? Why should I care why a serial killer nation kills? I just want to put the serial killer away to pay back his debt to his victims. There is no excuse to be found in palestinians' heads for what they are doing. It's simply wrong and evil. \_ SOrry, guess my statement was unclear. I was trying to say, the Palestinians (and most arabs) will simply ignore overwhelming evidence that contradicts what they wish to believe. It's in the religion. I should tell the story about the guy who refused to believe California is bigger than Azerbaijan. Basically, people who belive peace is possiable with those people don't have any idea what they're talking about. |
2004/1/23-24 [Transportation/Car] UID:11909 Activity:nil |
1/23 And a good place to get a good car wash (i.e. they actually clean the insides, wash the carpets, etc.), also in the East Bay? |
2004/1/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:11910 Activity:nil 54%like:32346 |
1/23 Good place to get a Jeep aligned in the East Bay? \_ If you want a dealer, I like the Michael Stead dealer in Walnut Creek. Otherwise, just go to any Midas or similar shop. |
2004/1/23-25 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11911 Activity:nil |
1/23 Kay gives up the search for the mythical WMD, admits that they probably never existed: http://csua.org/u/5oa \_ Yeah, I am sure that's the end of it. \_ Already, the Kay report identified dozens of weapons of mass destruction-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations. - Dubya 2004 State of the Union \_ Yay, SOTU! It's like campaigning, only no one calls you on your lies! \_ Yeah, after last year I was expecting some real whoppers. I didn't hear any obvious lies this year, though. Did you? \_ well, I wouldn't say the statement was a lie. look at the words he uses. \_ I love how it went from WMD, to WMD programs, to WMD related program activities. Orwell would be proud. \_ A WMD Program-Related Activity would be writing a memo saying "Gee, wouldn't it be nice to have some WMDs?" \_ Read unspinned statements direct from David Kay http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1063926/posts?page=21#21 \_ "unspinned" [sic]? On Fox News? Look at the intro and the first question--the whole interview is slanted. \_ how do you slant an interview - he either said the words or didn't. Are you implying the transcript is false? \_ When did you stop beating your wife? \_ "I have never beat my wife" is a fair answer in an interview. You think D.K. is an idiot and was some how entrapped by the Evil Fox News interviewer? This isn't grade school and he's no grade schooler. He said what he said. \_ He's a Republican lap dog given leading questions by a right-wing propaganda machine posing as a news program. It's all spin. \_ That's ok. CNN will rescue us from the clutches of spin and bias. \_ Then it wasn't at all "beating your wife" questions? Then why say it was? Why do you care at all what is in any of his reports or anything he does? If he's a (R) lapdog then he should be out there planting evidence so you tin-foil hat types can continue salivating. \_ I'll use small words, so you have some chance of understanding. I was responding to the question, "how do you slant an interview?" with a typical example of a leading question designed to slant an interview. The questions given by Snow were not attempts to put Kay on the defensive; rather, they're attempts to get him to defend the administration's position. As for your last sentence, there's a big difference between going on TV because the party machine told you to toe the line, and falsifying evidence. \_ I'll use small words, so you have some very small chance to understand. It doesn't matter what the interviewer asks. It doesn't matter how. It never does. Tv interviews exist so the subject has the opportunity to spew forth whatever their views are on whatever the subject wants to talk about, not the interviewer. This is true for political, entertainment, sports and all other standard Tv interviews. In the next class, we'll be discussing how you can post to the motd without looking like the ignorant tinfoil hat wearing slut you are. \_ right...that's why the Michael Moore interview of Charleton Heston had the same message as Fox News interviews do. \_ MM isn't an interviewer. He's a political figure with an axe to grind. I shouldn't have to explain that MM doesn't make any bones about being a leftist or pretend to be neutral in any way. Why do you even bother mentioning MM as if he was anything else? Do you really seriously see him as a journalist?? |
2004/1/23-24 [Science] UID:11912 Activity:nil |
1/23 What's the profile of a troll? I don't think I'm a troll but people here think I make trollish statements. \_ people here will apply the word "troll" to a lot of things. \_ Motd troll: anyone who disagrees with someone else when that anyone doesn't have a good counter statement. \_ Anyone who posts on anything non-technology related, as sodans are clueless and/or angry about any other subjects. Thus said non-technology related post can only serve to incite flamewars. \_ but can't you have technology related flamewars? geek-wars? \_ what for? you can get more than enough of that at slashdot and other garbage sites trolled by the ignorant masses of wanna-be know-nothing fan-boys. \_ we seem to have some of those here too. \_ but we don't have to feed and encourage them. |
2004/1/23-25 [Consumer/Audio] UID:11913 Activity:nil |
1/23 Drink the Kool Aid! http://www.apple.com/hardware/ads/1984/1984_480.html \_ so why did they bother adding the iPod to that commercial? |
2004/1/23-24 [Reference/Religion] UID:11914 Activity:high |
1/23 I'm not trolling, I'm really curious: What is the reason given by Christians that human life or a soul or whatever happens at conception, and not later, such as late brain development or birth? It's sure not in the bible... \_ Jeremiah 1:5. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" \_ That kind of implies you have a soul before you're even concieved. \_ That's why the Church says condoms are bad? \_ too complicated to explain here on the motd. But that's not the reason. \_ That's why onanism is a sin. \_ Is it a sin if, instead of tossing your sperm on the ground to die in cold, dry misery, you give it a nice, warm home in someone's stomach? \_ But sperm die on their own anyway. And the sin of Onan was that he was denying his brother an 'heir' out of spite. \_ That's how I see it too, but many have interpreted it as the act of wasting your seed outside a vagina. \_ And Mormons believe that the soul preexists our physical existence. When I've talked with traditional Christians about interpretation of that passage, they respond by saying that it just means that since God knows everything, including the future, he could know a future-existing person before he was born. -emarkp \_ So you exist before you're concieved, and if a baby is concieved, it's God's will. And if they're not concieved that's also God's will, but if they're concieved but then aborted, it *wasn't* God's will? That reminds me of how parents will say stuff like "My son is so smart" and then turn around and say "Look what your son did!" \_ Hey, I'm just reporting what people have told me. -emarkp \_ From God's perspective, God knows what happens. But from our human perspective, we still have free will. It's still our choice. God doesn't force us to choose good or evil. It's free will. \_ Pre-ordained free-will. Cool paradox. \_ Yeah, free will is so pesky.. \_ Depending on your philosophical axioms, free will may or \_ Depending on your philisophical axioms, free will may or may not be contravened by foreknowledge. -emarkp \_ Let's send a rover to the planet Kolob! \_ Kolob is a star, not a planet. Get better sources. -emarkp \_ Sorry, planet near the star Kolob. \_ We don't know if there are any planets near the star Kolob. -emarkp \_ I'll stop reading Bruce McConkie then. \_ Well, keep in mind he presents his opinion as his opinion. However, on rereading, you can read Kolob to be a planet or a star. My bad. star Kolob. -emarkp \_ I'll stop reading Bruce McConkie then. -emarkp \_ what's your definition of a traditional Christian? \_ Typically I mean non-Restorationist Christians. Catholics and Protestants mostly. I haven't had much interaction with Orthodox faiths. Granted, I don't have -emarkp a full survey of those faiths, but have discussed this point with members of many of them. -emarkp point with members of many of them. -emarkp \_ http://tinyurl.com/2tb77 \_ Either way, if it has a soul, souls can't die. So no problem. "Go directly to heaven. Do not pass go, do not collect $200." \_ but they haven't been baptized yet, so maybe they won't go to heaven. \_ that God, he's a vengeful one. he'll throw you out on a technicality. \_ not necessarily. we can't say for sure what he'll do. but why risk the salvation of souls? \_ I thought only a hundred odd thousand souls were getting into heaven. And they've already been chosen, since god is all-present and fore-knowing. And that \_ something I heard from some jehovah's witnesses. I'm paraphrasing... and he's pretty ironic, so who knows what he actually believes. go to heaven. \_ that God, he's a vengeful one. he'll throw you out on a technicality. \_ not necessarily. we can't say for sure what he'll do. but why risk the salvation of souls? Prince is one of them. Damn. I'm going to be stuck burning in hell and he's going to be up in heaven rocking out all the ladies. \_ Why do you think that Christianity (a minority religion on this planet) is the right bet? \_ did it come from one of his songs or is that one of his "beliefs"? \_ something I heard from some jehovah's witnesses. I'm paraphrasing... and he's pretty ironic, so who knows what he actually believes. \_ Yeah, for all we know you're damned unless you die \_ Yeah, for all we know you're damned unless you die wearing a green top hat. I always wear one. wearing a green top hat. I always wear one. \_ believe what you want, but we'll all know the \_ http://www.op.org/steinkerchner/fenwick/cccbaptism.html \_ believe what you want, but we'll all know the answers when we die, and we'll have all eternity to contemplate what we could have done differently \_ If they're Catholic, they get to wait in Limbo. \_ wait for what? answers when we die, and we'll have all eternity to contemplate what we could have done differently \_ only if there is an eternal afterlife. \_ are you a gambling man/woman? Do you want to bet on your eternity? \_ Why do you think that Christianity (a minority religion on this planet) is the right bet? \_ if "not taking the chance" is the core of your faith and beliefs then it seems unlikely that you're going anyplace other than Hell. I suspect "pragmatic faith" is not the route to Heaven. \_ If they're Catholic, they get to wait in Limbo. \_ wait for what? \_ until their souls are cleansed and they can then go to Heaven. \_ http://www.op.org/steinkerchner/fenwick/cccbaptism.html \_ just wait. nothing in particular. \_ wait for all eternity then. \_ Pretty much: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09256a.htm \_ Faith and logic/reason. |
2004/1/23-24 [Uncategorized] UID:11915 Activity:nil |
1/23 pantsfactory turns out to not suck that hard. It's kind of like fark with more of a geek emphasis |
2004/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:11916 Activity:nil 66%like:11923 |
1/23 R.I.P. Captain Kangaroo |
2004/1/23-24 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:11922 Activity:nil |
1/23 I've used RogerWilco for gaming and ICQ to send files directly to another user. Now I've heard RW has some security issues and ICQ requires account setup etc. I'm interested in replacements for both in a corporate environment, preferably open source. Any suggestions? \_ gaming in a corporate environment?? \_ No, distance collaboration. Right now we're using phone conversations (and sometimes Yahoo messenger voice chat) and a common ftp server to xfer files. I'd like to xfer files directly from one site to the other without the interim point (these are scientific data sets and can be quite large). \_ ftp and a phone. |
2004/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:29755 Activity:nil |
1/12 As predicted by South Park: http://salon.com/ent/wire/2004/01/22/bennifer/index.html |
2004/1/23 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:29756 Activity:nil |
1/22 Are people who support "pro-free-downloadable music" conservatives or liberals? \_ doesn't enter into it. the industry has failed by not recognizing basic facts about the material. check out http://magnatune.com. \_ In the sense of RPG alignment, I'd say they are Chaotic, not Evil. \_ Nah, they are Neutral or even Lawful. They just don't care about that law too much. They'd rather not break it, but it's pretty minor and they obey most other laws. It's hard to make the case they are really hurting anyone so it's not Evil. \_ I said they're not evil, but since they are breaking the law as a matter of course, they are NOT Lawful and probably Chaotic An otherwise moral filesharer would probably be Chaotic Good \_ Not to elevate this into an Iron Geek contest, but breaking s few minor laws doesn't make a character Chaotic. Most people are just opportunistic. Ok, they're not Lawful. But if they're otherwise regular folks who fit in with society they're not Chaotic. \_ I agree. otherwise moral filesharer is Neutral-Good \_ when "minor" laws are broken in large numbers, it becomes a major problem. \_ can you please refresh my memory? Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic, ... \_ two axes: one of good-evil, and one of lawfulness-disregard \_ Very roughly: Lawful=Act on principles or laws Neutral=Balanced motives Chaotic=Act on pragmatism or impulse for law: L-N-C, and Good,Neutral,Evil, so every character is one of G-N-E, and one of L-N-C, for a total of 9 different personality types. \_ They are the fallen paladins of the 'net, the blackguards if you will. \_ I suppose in the strictest sense of the definitions, a true conservative would say it is illegal, and a true liberal would say the laws should be changed. You know, conservative = conserve the status quo. Liberal = liberalize laws or social norms. \_ but don't liberals want to protect the rights of artists? \_ I was just speaking as to the original meaning of the words, not what they mean in common parlance. I don't want to open that can of worms, unlike the OP. \_ What if you support it, but you don't do it? \_ what if you do it, but don't support it? \_ play the monkey-spank game until you change your mind \_ I'm conservative and support a total reexamination of IP law. |
2004/1/23 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:29757 Activity:nil 54%like:11901 |
1/23 http://csua.org/u/5o3 [pointer link replaced with direct link] KisMAC: Kismet, airsnort, airjack, and several other tools rolled into one for OS X |
2004/1/23 [Uncategorized] UID:29758 Activity:nil |
1/23 Motherfucker loves cheetos \_ MONKEYBUTT!!!!!!!! |
3/15 |