2004/1/20 [Computer/Networking] UID:11838 Activity:moderate |
1/19 I can't get DSL or cable Internet connection where I live. What other options do I have besides spending >$450 on a T-1? \_ satellite? \_ I just got satellite net from DirectWay for the same reason. Happy with it so far. -bz \_ move \_ where do you live? \_ Los Altos Hills \_ If you can get a T1 for only $450, you should get one and sell time on it through a wireless network to your neighbors. Be a local ISP. |
2004/1/20-21 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:11839 Activity:low |
1/21 I'm looking for a lawyer who can represent me in a small claims appeal case. Where do I start? Thanks! \_ the phone book. look under "L". \_ John Edwards \_ Generally lawyers don't appear in small claims. That's the point. \_ a lawyer can't represent you in small claims court, period (except in very specific cases, like if you're a lawyer and you're representing yourself). but this guy is asking about an *appeal*, which is probably going to be in superior court. \_ EXACTLY. In appeal both sides can have lawyers, and it is usually wise to do so. |
2004/1/20 [Uncategorized] UID:11840 Activity:nil |
1/19 Just curious. Can you use BSE as an assassination tool? Can you somehow inject it into meat and give it to say, Bin Laden or N Korean people? \_ If you want to wait 20+ years to kill them, sure. \_ If you know the person who feeds food to the person of interest, you must be able to get to that person yourself. |
2004/1/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11841 Activity:nil |
1/19 Dean loses it http://www.machan.info/SA/psychodean.mp3 \_ psycho pension for Dean.. \_ put him on suicide watch |
2004/1/20 [Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:11842 Activity:nil |
1/19 I'm setting up LDAP to replace NIS+ at work. I got the server running and I think I know how to setup the clients. However, what exactly am I supposed to do to add in things like a /etc/hosts table or an automount table? |
2004/1/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11843 Activity:low |
1/19 Iowa: Dean: Crushed. At least Iowans have some sense. \_ So, do you actually believe that Kerry can beat Bush, and that if he does he'll really make a noticable difference? or Edwards? I also find it hard to take seriously a process that has Dennis Kucinich beating Wesley Clark by more than a factor of 10. \_ As a registered voting Republican I find Dean a weak and pathetic opponent. I honestly don't think he stands a chance in Hell vs. Bush in a general election. A Kerry/Edwards ticket is going to be a tough race (assuming they don't stumble, rape any nuns, etc) I don't see what you see in Dean. His only claim to fame is he hates Bush (or says he does) as much as you do. He can't win a national election on "I'm the guy who hates Bush!" Adults won't vote that theme in sufficient numbers. People at the polls want hope for the future, they want the vision thing, not hatred and bile and spewing. \_ Actually, I don't believe Dean could beat Bush. Why? Because Dean portrays himself as a one-issue candidate - namely, the whole WMD thing. Although he may be right about Bush using WMD as a ruse to accomplish his own acts of personal revenge while jeapordizing the lives of thousands of American soldiers, British soldiers, and innocent civilians, most American voters don't seem to give a damn. \_ Clark wasn't running in Iowa. \_ You're replying to a Deaniac. You can't expect him to know anything. \_ I can't get excited about any of the other candidates. They avoid anything controversial, and just do the same old political dance. I agree Edwards is pretty impressive though. It's easy to imagine him getting broad support. \_ Also, Gephardt is expected to drop out of presidential contest. http://csua.org/u/5m4 \_ Good riddance. \_ kind of sad, because I really think Gephardt *REALLY* has a shot against Bush. He is not the most exciting canidate on earth, but he has the organization to mobilize massive mainstream voters. -socialist who love dean, but well aware dean is too far to the left to be successful. \- Do you like Gephardt's OrangeGlow? --psb \_ The more I think about it, the more an Edwards/Clark ticket looks like the ideal. John Edwards is a pretty cool guy. \_ I like the way you think...except don't you mean Clark/Edwards? \_ Why Clark? He's a Republican for Christ's sake! I don't see how any Democrat voter could seriously cast a ballot for him. \_ First of all, I think Clark has the best chance of unseating Bush (honestly, Dean doesn't stand a chance). Second, I'd like to think that I'm voting for a person based on his leadership and not his party affiliation. As a registered Democrat, I'm voting for Clark because I think he demonstrated strong leadership as Supreme Allied Commander during the Kosovo campaign. \_ If he was a Republican would you cross over and vote for Clark instead of any of the other Democrats running? If yes, then great. If not, then you're full of it. \_ I don't think Clark is Republican. The only thing that makes him Republican is Dean saying he is and the fact that Republicans like to make the words Republican and military synonymous with each other (which I think is a load of crap). I don't believe people are born into a party and stick with it their whole lives. There are many people who switch party affiliations. That doesn't make them less of a Democrat or less of a Republican. \_ So you honestly just believe that Clinton called him one day last year and he suddenly had this instant conversion from (R) to (D) philosophy and ideals? It wasn't too long before that he wa heaping praise on Bush and the rest of the Bush Admin. and was out lobbying and promoting (R) causes. As a (R) I'd vote for him except he's so flip floppy. No conviction. \_ During times of war, people usually give the POTUS the benefit of the doubt because there is the assumption that the president isn't a lying scumbag who's willing to risk thousands of lives for the sake of personal revenge. But Bush lied to everyone, including Clark and Kerry. In fact, many people who once supported Bush during the war now oppose him. Things change. People switch from R to D or D to R. \_ Bush is not the (R) party. He's one man. No one switches parties based on the actions of one man who at best will have 2 terms. That's just plain silly. The entire philosophy of the two parties is different. \_ Republicans voted for Swartzenegger. (sp?) \_ Some. So did a lot of Democrats. This Republican voted for Tom. When you see this State swirl down the toilet because we (as a State) elected an actor don't come on here and try to make it out like this was a pure (R) thing. He had broad support across all lines. unfortunately. \_ It's thinking like this that will give us another 4 years of Bush, which is the last thing I want. Wake up! \_ So you'll vote for a Republican, any Republican, if it \_ having a balanced budget and good headway towards reducing some of our national debt would have been a lot better for the poor and middle classes. Instead, some people got a check. To induce spending? In a time when our economy was fucked? This administration took a promise of the first net positive budget balance I can remember in my lifetime, and turned it into an even larger deficit. How exactly does this help the poor? Plus, although I was one of the lucky ones who actually got a $300 check, most of the people I know (family, acquaintances, etc) did not. It was completely random. means getting Bush out of office? \_ He supports repealing the tax cuts, cutting income tax for families making under $50k, and medical coverage for all children. This does not sound Republican to me. \_ Uhm? Repealing the tax cuts means the poor and middle class and married people all get fucked. Are you even remotely aware of who the tax cuts helped and by how much? It seems not. Don't bring that talking points mantra stuff to the motd. It was not just the top 1% that was allowed to keep more of their money or was given more money. Every working family and person got something. Repeal the tax cuts and you hurt those same children you say you want to help. You don't know what a Republican sounds like. \_ Have you looked at what Clark has proposed? Repeal the dividend and estate tax cuts, restructure the income tax cuts and _actually_ help the poor and middle class. \_ Refute me, you ass, don't bother dismissing me. [Somewhat better response either overwritten or deletd.] \_ I refuted you. The tax cuts helped everyone in some way. Repealing them hurts everyone in some way. Do you want me to find and quote the specific lines from the new tax code? If you can't see that I did more than enough to make my case I can't be blamed for your ignorance of what should be common knowledge. Go read a newspaper. And I didn't have anything to do with any deletes or overwrites, btw. \_ I like how people claim that Bush's tax cuts "helped everyone" when I'm sitting in front of my pay check trying to figure out how I was "helped". I guess it must have been that whopping $20 in tax savings. Big fucking deal. \_ stop overwriting. \_ Well, stop writing to the motd when I am. \_ you overwrote my post(the spam post), plus the first reply to it, both of which were completed over 90 seconds prior to your save. I use me, I also merge. Have some consideration, jackass. \_ Reminds me of the Simpsons where Mr. Burns offers the Union a keg of beer in exchange for a new contract that drops their dental plan. |
2004/1/20 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:11844 Activity:nil |
1/19 Anyone tried to build a Athlon 64 based system? What motherboard did you use? Any incompatibility problems? \_ I started to spec it out and then found out that AMD was going to switch socket types in Q2 2k4 and gave up the idea. We have a couple of dual opteron boxes at work (newisys) they are very nice. No problems with Linux (SuSE Enterprise Linux 8 and RH 3.0) or FreeBSD 5.2. \_ Thanks. I don't worry too much about "upgrade paths", since my habit is to just get a new computer every 5 years. \_ Why does a mb change bother you? Are you really seriously going to ever put a new chip in that mb? By the time you're ready to get a new chip, you'll *want* to get a new mb to get all the new stuff on it... like support for that new chip. Just go buy the AMD. I'm only slightly above my break even point and I need AMD. I'm only slightly above my break even point and I need for them to have a good quarter. Thanks! |
2004/1/20 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:11845 Activity:low |
1/19 T-Mobile coverage in the bay area. Good? No? \_ T-Mobile uses GSM, so they have the exact same coverage as Cingular(SBC/PacBell), and share the same towers. \_ I wish SprintPCS will have same coverage as Verizon by virtue of both of them using CDMA. \_ They each can roam onto each others networks, but I don't think Verizon has any need. There's very few extra places they would gain reach to, they'd be taking on a bunch of extra traffic at a lower (to them) price per minute, and they'd nix their single biggest competitive advantage, which is that their network is better than everyone else's. \_ tmobile piggybacks on cingular in some areas, but have been deploying their own network on their own towers or their own antennas on someone elses towers \_ I'm clueless about cellphones. What provider and what type (GSM vs CDMA) should I go for to have the best coverage (south bay, SF and Berkeley) and not have a lot of roaming charges? \_ Coverage is less dependent on technology and based more on how much your provider is willing to spend on building dense networks. Sprint sucks. Verizon and AT&T are relatively good and Cingular tends to oversubscribe. I personally like GSM because of the removable SIM card which allows you to take your phone overseas and use a local calling card. But just to summarize the local providers: Sprint: CDMA Verizon: CDMA AT&T: GSM, non-GSM TDMA TMobile: GSM Cingular: GSM Nextel: iDEN? \_ What about Japan? \_ Cingular, DIE DIE DIE!!! Dropped calls (oversubscribe) in densely populated place, and no signal in some suburbs. DIE DIE DIE!!!!! I've tried AT&T (GSM) and it's the same shit. I've also tried AT&T (TDMA) and it's pretty decent. Right now I'm using Verizon. Costs a lot but it's worth it. |
2004/1/20 [Computer/SW/Security, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:11846 Activity:nil |
1/19 Slow to load, but worth it. This guy is no crook, I used to work with him, he is just a geeky programmer: http://squeedlyspooch.com/blog/archives/000072.html \_ He was being accused of ...? \_ Raping his cats. \_ Close enough: hacking Valve and stealing the source code for Half-Life 2. So, wtf? did he do it? \_ I suspect this particular guy probably didn't or he wouldn't be spewing his story over the net, but I wouldn't be surprised if one of his friends or net.friends did it. \_ http://www.csua.org/u/5m7 |
2004/1/20 [Reference/RealEstate] UID:11847 Activity:moderate |
1/19 I just sold my house but my other house isn't done yet so I need to rent a temporary storage place for boxes/furnitures, etc. I'm looking at around 6-8 months. How much do they cost? By the way I'm in S Cal. Thanks! \_ They vary in price highly with the property values in the area. Bay area storage rental places are pretty high -- a 12x25' was going for ~250/month 3 years ago here in Bay Area. Call around. \_ I poked around on the Public Storage website a little while ago and I remember there was some weird pricing going on, like a closet-sized room was more expensive than a garage-sized one. I seem to rember the cheapest size was like $34/mo or something. \_ I found a place ~3-4 years ago for ~$120. It was right across the Richmond bridge in Marin. Renting a truck to transport stuff is a must, so going a little further to save $50-100 on storage is worth it. \_ This seems like a troll about SoCal and housing prices in disguise. Otherwise, the OP could have just asked about storage in Ca for a few months. \_ Good thing you sold the house and built a new one out in the desert before the bubble popped. Smart move. Now just make sure and stock up on guns, gold and canned goods. |
2004/1/20 [Reference/Tax, Finance/Investment] UID:11848 Activity:very high |
1/20 What do you liberals think of the following: a big chunk of the state budget is in pension funds for gov't employees. How about we stop new enrollment in these state run funds for new govt employees and offer 401K plan instead? Also give incentives for current employees to convert to 401K. The idea is to scale back govt run programs. Empower each individual to think about his/her own retirement and let them manage their own retirement money instead of asking the govt to take care of this. We can grandfather the program and keep everything the same for current employees to keep them happy. But the new teachers or prison guards or other civil service workers will only have 401K instead. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." \_ Out of curiousity, can anyone speak to the tax incentives for a business for setting up a pension fund versus a matching 401k? Or give me a pointer for where I might read up on this. I've been curious about the widespread disappearance of pensions. -scotsmaan \_ Imagine it was this: "A big chunk of the company budget is in the pension plan. How about we stop offering a pension and in stead offer them a 401K. Also encourage everyone in the pension to convert to a 401K. The idea is to get the pension plan off the books." I guess I don't know how I feel about this. What kind of 'encouragement' will you give current and former employees to switch? The fact that the state, as an employer runs a pension for its employees doesn't really seem overly socialist, just standard business practice. \_ Imagine? Those of us with jobs don't have to imagine. What universe do you work in where people still get pensions? Most of us don't even get 401k matching. And more importantly, how do I get a ticket to your universe?? Why should government employees get special benefits the working stiffs don't? Imagine that. The obvious method of conversion is offering 401k matching. It is what the rest of us get (if we're lucky). Pensions are not standard business practice anymore. Not for a long time. \_ that's because "standard business practice" is "fuck the employees" The fact that the state, as an employer \_ Get a better job. My mom's company has both a pension and a 401(k) (which they match 6%). My gf's company has both a pension and a 403(b) (but no matching). Neither work for the government in any way, shape, or form. \_ Many govt. employees (like myself) are paid much less than private sector salaries, live in constant fear of being laid off due to the current fiscal crises, never get bonuses or stock options, and do not get raises when there's a deficit. It's quite a trade-off. \- you dont have a 403b? i dont think the working conditions at say the port of oakland is the same at say lbl or ucb. --psb \_ You think people out here don't have the same fears? Our fears are much much much greater than yours. There have been *millions* of jobs lost in the last few years alone in industry. How many government jobs in the same time? Industry jobs can even go poof during good times. And I've yet to receive a single penny of bonuses, an option worth more than the paper it was on, and it's been a long time since anyone has seen a raise. You get raises in good times, eh? Most of us only get raises by quitting and finding a new job. I've done government work. You basically don't. I have very little sympathy. \_ If you're looking for ways to solve the current budget crisis, how about demanding the billions owed to us by the energy industry? \_ It's in court. |
2004/1/20 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11849 Activity:nil |
1/19 Shouldn't Iraqis be allowed to vote in out presidential election? ... since our leaders are controlling their country. Aren't these the principles upon which the American Revolution occurred? \_ No. Have a cookie, troll. |
2004/1/20 [Industry/Startup] UID:11850 Activity:nil |
1/20 So, a porn company moved in next to our office. We share a common hallway which separates our suites. They already have a PT Cruiser and an Escalade, both with an obvious URL (http://www.blackpuddin.com on the back windshield. Anything we can do, or is their presence totally legal? We're in a nice office park, and their front door says that they are a realty company (we didn't make the connection until they just stopped caring and took the company cars around without hiding). If it matters, they seem to be doing pretty well. \_ why do you care? \_ usually pron companies are more discreet. That they aren't (the cars parked out front), and that the office says they are a realty company when they are (also?) doing porn makes me uncomfortable. \_ You'd be more comfortable if they put a big "bazoombas.com" banner on the front of the building? It's specifically to avoid prudes like you that they front as a different kind of company. -tom \_ hey, are you listening? cars, out front. http://blackpuddin.com. there is a difference between being totally out there, and being halfway hidden and halfway not. It's weird. \_ get some? \_ Check with the building owner--they might have lied on their lease. |
2004/1/20 [Uncategorized] UID:11851 Activity:nil |
1/20 Motd poll. Which is the most reliable troll topic, where "reliable" means "guaranteed to generate lots of responses and possible censor/overwrite war." California sucks because _______ : Isreal/Palestine: . Bush bad because ______ : Liberals bad because ______ : Housing prices: Motd polls: . motdedit: . |
2004/1/20 [Transportation/Car] UID:11852 Activity:high |
1/20 Having been all over this country of ours, but only driven extensively in California, I'm curious: is the rest of the country as full of pathologically bad drivers as California, or are we special in some way?\ \_ Let's start a list of rules that people break: 1. If you plan on driving slower than others, drive on the right 2. Pass on the left \_ This is not a law or even a "rule" when you have more than two lanes. You are just a hick. \_ passing on the right is more dangerous, because you spend substantial time in the blind spot of the other driver. \_ not only that there is an assumption slow people drive on the right lane and when an 85 mph driver passes on your right, he won't show up on your mirror before it's too late 3. Trailing distance is 2 seconds, not 2 feet \_ isn't it 3 seconds? \_ this just isn't possible in high traffic areas \_ Because some asshole will always swerve into any gap large enough. This doesn't excuse the rampant tailgaiting you experience on most major freeways around here. My favorite is when someone follows you 5 feet away at 75 or 80 mph, gesturing and flipping you off, and if you move over for them, they are only able to then tailgate the car in front of you that was moving the same speed. \_ I'm just saying 2 seconds is not going to happen on a crowded freeway. Yes people tailgate too much, but in high traffic areas leaving 2-3 seconds is bad driving not good. \_ Bullshit. I leave 2 seconds all the time. Expect that someone will cut in front of you every couple of miles. That is no big deal. Tailgating is always dangerous and a bad idea, but especially so in heavy traffic. \_ Amen brother! Same with racing up to red lights. If you don't stay at top speed going to that red light they'll ride your ass or race around you. Then you either both sit at the light, or he's stopped there while you're cruising by as it goes green. 4. The on-ramp is for accelerating to highway speeds 5. An entrance to a parking lot is not a parking space \_ I've never seen people flat out park in an entrance. I have seen plenty of people park on parts of a parking lot that aren't really spots and that make traffic a lot messier. \_ That was more of a hyperbole. I was talkinga about people who pull into an entrance, stop, the scope around the parking lot while their ass sticks out into the street preventing others from moving. 6. Don't correct a navigation error with a driving one 7. If there are 2 left turn lanes, you CAN'T make a U-turn from the outer lane. \_ have you ever seen someone do this without making it pretty obvious beforehand? (And waiting till the inner lane is free) \_ Yes I have. Even if it was free, you should still get into the proper lane to makea U-Turn. If you miss the lane change, then at least obey rule #6 \_ Let's start a list of rules that people break: 1. If you plan on driving slower than others, drive on the right 2. Pass on the left \_ This is not a law or even a "rule" when you have more than two lanes. You are just a hick. \_ passing on the right is more dangerous, because you spend substantial time in the blind spot of the other driver. \_ not only that there is an assumption slow people drive on the right lane and when an 85 mph driver passes on your right, he won't show up on your mirror before it's too late 3. Trailing distance is 2 seconds, not 2 feet \_ isn't it 3 seconds? \_ this just isn't possible in high traffic areas \_ Because some asshole will always swerve into any gap large enough. This doesn't excuse the rampant tailgaiting you experience on most major freeways around here. My favorite is when someone follows you 5 feet away at 75 or 80 mph, gesturing and flipping you off, and if you move over for them, they are only able to then tailgate the car in front of you that was moving the same speed. \_ I'm just saying 2 seconds is not going to happen on a crowded freeway. Yes people tailgate too much, but in high traffic areas leaving 2-3 seconds is bad driving not good. \_ Bullshit. I leave 2 seconds all the time. Expect that someone will cut in front of you every couple of miles. That is no big deal. Tailgating is always dangerous and a bad idea, but especially so in heavy traffic. \_ Amen brother! Same with racing up to red lights. If you don't stay at top speed going to that red light they'll ride your ass or race around you. Then you either both sit at the light, or he's stopped there while you're cruising by as it goes green. 4. The on-ramp is for accelerating to highway speeds 5. An entrance to a parking lot is not a parking space \_ I've never seen people flat out park in an entrance. I have seen plenty of people park on parts of a parking lot that aren't really spots and that make traffic a lot messier. \_ That was more of a hyperbole. I was talkinga about people who pull into an entrance, stop, the scope around the parking lot while their ass sticks out into the street preventing others from moving. 6. Don't correct a navigation error with a driving one 7. If there are 2 left turn lanes, you CAN'T make a U-turn from the outer lane. \_ have you ever seen someone do this without making it pretty obvious beforehand? (And waiting till the inner lane is free) \_ Yes I have. Even if it was free, you should still get into the proper lane to makea U-Turn. If you miss the lane change, then at least obey rule #6 \_ they're bad every where, just bad in different ways. \_ Californians do this:" Oh my god, it raining! What do I do? Should I drive *faster*?" \_ I dont knwo where you are, but most californians I've seen drive ridiculously slower in the rain. Like "Oh My Goodness, Rain! I should slow down to 5mph!" \_ I think most people react like this, period. Try living somewhere with snow and ice. Everyone either drives at 5 miles an hour, hunched over their steering wheel, or spins around like crazy at 10 over the speed limit because they think 4wd makes them immune to the laws of physics. We have about 2 months of snow and ice where I live and the idiocy never wears off. Of course, where I live people also will pass you on the right to take a left turn on a red while honking and flipping you off(New England.) \_ My experiences: Tulsa, OK: more aggressive than LA in general; do not slow down at all in the rain, so rain=accidents Tampa Bay: retirement haven. they drive like it. 15 in 25 zones. NorCal: very reasonable. few aggressive drivers. slow down a lot in the rain. SoCal: more aggressive. faster overall speeds on freeways. slow down ~5mph in the rain, but rain != instant accidents \_ SFBA: Terrible. Rarely use turn signals to indicate lane changes, rarely look in rearview mirrors before changing lanes, become spooked at aggressive driving and slam on the brakes. Slow down unnecessarily during rain. Afraid to use horn. LA: Aggressive and belligerent. Fight for every inch of highway. Prone to driving on shoulder, driving 55 in fast lane, and weaving in and out of traffic when frustrated. Like to blow horn. San Diego:Relaxed. Content to remain in slower lanes when slow. Prone to passing on right, left, and whatever. Not perturbed by faster cars passing on right, left, or whatever. Not fond of horn. \_ In SFBA, some drivers are on their cell phones paying most of their attention to the road. In LA, more drivers are on their cell phones paying some of their attention to the road. In SFBA, "Stop" means "Approach stopping." In LA, it means "stop accelerating." No one pays attention what's in front of them if they want to turn or what's beside them if they want to go straight. And aggressiveness begets aggressiveness, so LA really sucks. \_ Yep, LA sucks, but you've missed the main reason. Driving sucks everywhere. LA sucks because you have no choice but to drive. |
2004/1/20 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:11853 Activity:high |
1/20 spam filter poll. did you use only one and are happy, or have you tried one, then switched to the other, and are happy? spamassassin: .. \_ Constantly need to tweak .spamassassin/user_prefs ifile: .. \_ Blocks 60 per day with 1 false positive every couple of months. -scotsman \_ been usin' ifile, but I get soo much spam it what it lets through is still ridiculous. \_ Do you retrain? -scotsman ifile, then spamassassin: spamassassin, then ifile: none of them work: misc: SA, then ifile, then SA+ifile: very happy. If SA+ifile thinks it's spam, then it's spam. If just ifile thinks it's spam, it's almost certainly (95%) spam. \_ just a comment on false positives. One false positive a month is bad. Why? Who wants to go through their whole spam folder daily looking for false positives? If you get to the point where you don't double-check for false positives, that means false positives = unreceived personal email = very bad. \_ going through a spam folder every few days is a lot less of a pain in the butt than having all your real email squished inbetween the spam. It takes like 30 seconds to scan the subjects and say "nope, all spam, nuke it". \_ Well, duh. If I were depending on email for my job, I wouldn't run a spam filter. But my soda mail is just personal email, and anyone who sends there has my cell number, so it's simply a convenience to use a spam filter. If a false positive is a big deal, don't filter at all. Nothing gives 0 false positives. -scotsman \_ ifile gives way more false positives than spamassassin, so if that's your concern, you shouldn't use ifile. In my experience, ifile also lets way more spam through, but because it's Bayseian it depends on the type of spam and regular mail you get. -tom \_ Combining SA+ifile (SA blocks score 5 or higher) has never given me a false positive. I might as well be sending that to /dev/null. I do review the stuff that one xor the other flags as spam, which turns up 1 false-positive every 3-4 months \_ SA works great, as long as the version is recent. I use SA here and SA + yahoo junk mail filter on my well account, which I give out to marketers. \_ spamprobe works well for me. in the three months i've been using it, it has not had a false positive. to me, this is very important because i don't want to spend time to going through the spam folder looking for that one non-spam email. its false negative rate is comparable to ifile in my experience. the one downside is that the db file is ridiculously huge. |
2004/1/20 [Uncategorized] UID:11854 Activity:nil |
1/20 Just saw The Triplets of Belleville last night. Highly recommended to anyone that loves animation of all kinds, or 1920s jazz. |
2004/1/20 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:11855 Activity:high |
1/20 Can anyone recommend a good program to write regular data files (not movies) to dvd? Something like easy cd/dvd creator except good. TIA. - brendal \_ Nero? \_ Seconded |
3/15 |