1/11 In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding
warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500)
target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive
felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.
\_ Hmm... which is more likely?
A) Illegal aliens commit 95% of murders
B) Illegal aliens are much more likely to run away or hide.
\_ While I agree with you, please don't edit my response.
\_ I'm sorry. Let me fix that:
\_ I think you may have intended to append "...if suspected,
\_ I think may have intended to append "...if suspected,
regardless of actual guilt" to option B.
\_ Of course they're more likely to run away or hide. It's easier
for them to commit crimes and disappear. This is good how?
\_ Well, if they could get drivers licenses, health care, submit
W-2s and all the miscellany that most people have, it would be
\_ Those "most people" are citizens, son. This is a country
and a nation, not a free travel zone opened to the world.
Onlt the US and third world nations have such porous
borders. The third world has an excuse.
a lot easier to track them down.
\_ Or we could just enforce our existing immigration laws.
\_ But it's impossible to seal the borders totally. People
\_ Just because it is hard or not economically feasible
to do something at 100% is not in any way a good
reason to not put in the 99% effort. For example,
it is *extremely* expensive to run a 100% uptime
network of servers but you can run a 99.999% uptime
system for something most mid- and some small-sized
companies can afford. The only 100% system I've
ever seen was in a *very* high end government lab
and cost the tax payers hundreds of millions to
build and maintain.
\_ You must be using some technical definition of '100%'
I am not familiar with. Nothing can be fully reliable,
as you well know, regardless of how much money you
spend on it.
will get in, so we might as well know they exist.
\_ And what happens when they obtain 5 or 6 pieces
of indentification, like they do now?
\_ And as soon as we know they exist, we deport them.
Legal immigration rates should probably be increased,
but illegal immigration should not be tolerated.
\_ See, this is why I can't understand the Right's
opposition to driver's licences for illegal
aliens: once they're registered, you'll know
right away where they are and whether you can
deport them. The beauty of the system is that
\_ "and whether you can deport them": if they're
here illegally they can be deported.
the aliens themselves will come to you!
\_ I think the idea is that illegals can get a
drivers license and not be deported just based
on that. They can be deported if found out by
other means though. The upside for the state
is that illegals are at least subject to the
\_ Why would an illegal bother? They're
getting along just fine right now without
being 'on the books'. I wonder how many of
you actually know any illegals and I don't
mean the anonymous faces that you see doing
gardening or construction.
\_ 1) Under the mistaken impression that
they won't be deported the next time
they're pulled over, and 2) thanks for
the non-sequitur.
\_ http://www.streetgangs.com/topics/2003/112103hoodlums.html
requirements of licensing and insurance.
\_ Why do we need immigration at all any more? Are we really running
low on people? -ax
\_ We're low on people who will do crappy jobs for minimum wage.
Also, it's a fairness issue, unless your parents are both Native
\_ Fairness? Please explain. I was going to go off on you but
maybe you're not saying wha t think you're saying so I'll
reserve judgement for now.
\_ End welfare and people will work.
\_ Those damn 5 year olds on AFDC, why won't they get a job!
\_ That coal isn't going to mine itself, you know!
\_ Why should the parents be allowed to have 10 children
while on welfare?
\_ What are the alrernatives? Deny welfare to a woman
with 10 children and probably no marketable skills,
forced abortion, forced sterilization. None of these
seem reasonable.
\_ You seem oblivious to how government handouts
work. When you give people free money or
healthcare the take all they can and will
act in a way to maximize their return.
\_ I'm not at all oblivious. I know all about
incentives and market forces. I'm a former
Libertarian. I'm saying you can't pull the
rug out from under people without causing big
\_ Libertarian turned statist? Admit it you
want someone to take care of you. You
want cradle to grave protection by some
faceless bureaucrat.
You don't have the ability to make your
own decisions and live with the
\_ And therein lies the paradox: California agribusiness is built
on the labor of people who are criminally underpaid; they
continue to be criminally underpaid because they have no legal
status and will be deported if they complain or try to organize,
but the institution of employing them remains because if all
illegal aliens were deported, agribusiness would be forced to
pay minimum wage to American workers and that would bankrupt
California agribusiness. The parallels between the current
labor situation in California and the pre-Civil War agricultural
economy of the South are striking.
\_ The cost breakdown in agriculture is ~ 10% labor.
\_ The margins are tiny though.
\_ And what would that be if ag was paying $6.75 per hour?
but illegal immigration should not be tolerated.
Americans. |