2004/1/9 [Finance/Investment] UID:11723 Activity:nil |
1/9 Ultra leftist Warren Buffet hates America: http://www.pbs.org/wsw/news/fortunearticle_20031026_03.html |
2004/1/9-10 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:11724 Activity:nil |
1/8 My laptop display appears to be in trouble. After about 18 mos. use, it all of a sudden looks like every other column has died. Anyone have this trouble? It's a Compaq laptop with an ATI chipset. I doubt there's anyone in town (I live north of Sacramento) who can fix it--so any recommendations on a place that I can send it to for service? \_ If you're unable to get it fixed, check ebay for laptop displays. Last time I checked, there were hundreds for sale at pretty low prices. -John \_ If it's still under warranty, Compaq can probably tell you the best "authorized service center" to send it to. \_ It's definitely not under warrantee. And it's probably the connection to the screen. It flickered like that when I was tilting the screen. Also, hooking it up to a monitor shows the graphics card is just fine. \_ if you bought it with a credit card, check if your card offers extended warranty. that'll usually give you an extra year. \_ I bought it privately from someone else. \_ A co-worker had a similar problem with a Dell Inspiron a year ago (video developed horizontal or vertical garbage suddenly after 1-2 years). He had on-site support, so the tech guy fixed it, possibly by replacing the LCD half of the notebook entirely. \_ FYI, my co-worker yanked a part off her notebook. She called Fujitsu tech support and they told her the nearest service center, which promptly declared the problem "not covered under the warranty" and charged her $13 for parts and $185 labor. Coincidentally, another co-worker had a problem with his Toshiba. It turned out it was the same place that did repairs, and they determined it was a bad CPU fan, that it was covered under warranty and they also told him he was using a 3 Amp AC adapter when it should have been a 5 Amp and it was probably causing his heat problems. This place is in Venice, CA -- Galaxy Computer Center or something. \_ buy a new laptop since they're cheap now. Or if Compaq is a cool company, they offer parts, so you can fix it yourself. I try to only deal with Toshiba and IBM and even then, only with the higher-end business laptops -- better service/quality. \_ Glad you're made of money, but I'm not. A laptop with the features I need costs well over $1000. \_Since the display is probably the single most expensivve part of your laptop, you are going to need to bite the bullet and shell out some cash \_ Wow, glad you are made of money. I'd be happy to even have a laptop, broken screen or not. \_ It's still under warranty, right? Call Compaq. They'll probably tell you what's the best "authorized service center" to send it to. |
2004/1/9 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11725 Activity:nil |
1/8 Hey, what a suprise, President Bush fudge the WMD report: http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1589731 \_ NPR? Don't even bother bringing that biased shit here. You're no better than the freeper guy. Find a real source and we'll talk. \_ How 'bout that liberal bastion, MSNBC? http://msnbc.msn.com/id/3909150 \_ How 'bout USA Today? http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2004-01-08-report_x.htm \_ How 'bout reading the report yourself? http://www.ceip.org/files/pdf/Iraq3FullText.pdf \_ How about you see who the http://ceip.org is before taking their 'report' seriously? \_ The administration obviously took it seriously enough to offer a rebuttal. --scotsman \_ Because it was reported everywhere even though the source is trash but that never stopped the media. \_ How 'bout fox's take? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,107798,00.html \_ See, we need more fair and balanced articles on the motd. \_ All of these are clones of each other, some taking things more out of context than others but none of them backs up the garbage in the so-called "report". Posting lots of links that say the same thing doesn't prove the crap in the links are true. \_ You expect actual insight in journalism? You expect unbiased reporting in journalism? Debunk it if you're bored. \_ Already debunked. The source is more biased than the freepers. \_ Like what? \_ Here we go. NPR is just quoting a think tank. Let's go see their website: http://www.ceip.org and then decide how likely it is that their 'report' is in any non-partisan or unbiased. For those who won't bother, it's a ultra left wing .org that makes the typical motd leftist look like a right winger. \_ NPR is not "quoting a think tank". They're reporting on a think tank's report and the response from the administration. If you haven't noticed this sort of reporting comprises probably 90% of "journalism" over the last couple decades. You don't complain like this when it happens in the other direction... And calling them ultra-left-wing is pretty knee-jerk. Not all pacifists are left-wing, and vice versa. --scotsman \_ So you admit it is a pacifist .org? What are the odds of getting a "report" from a pacifist .org that there was justification for any violent act? \_ I thought liberals didn't need tanks to think... \_ Like I said, calling them ultra-left-wing is knee jerk. They seem to have a platform of pacifism. Who knows if they have a fiscal policy agenda? Who knows if they supported LBJ but not Nixon? Do the research and decide for yourself. --scotsman \_ Eh. The 'religious right' is lumped with conservatives for moderate coalition politics reasons. I see no problems with lumping irrational pacificts along with irrational fiscal socialists. \_ Quite seriously, calling them "ultra-leftist" just makes you look like a kook. They publish Foreign Policy, the most respected journal of International Studies published. They are financed by such far left organizations as Boeing, Citigroup, GE and Boeing. Their chairman is a venture capitalist! http://www.ceip.org/files/about/about_trustee.asp \_ Indeed. Have you noticed how campaign finance reform is hurting _democrats_ more than republicans? Republicans get a lot of their support from ordinary middle class and small business owners. Democrats rely on big business with a case of white guilt and hollywood. Orson Scott Card was right, liberals are the modern status quo. Warren Buffet's a liberal. You can't be stupid enough to insinuate that big business or venture capitalists would necessarily fund conservative causes. \_ I am saying that they are not "ultra-leftist" Are you claiming that GE, etc are ultra leftist? Did you look at their board of directors? \_ I agree with your comment about journalism 100%. Now here's the hard question: what the hell do we do about it? \_ So, you think this is the ultra-leftist conspiracy? give me a a break. If Bush's WMD report was true, we would of find WMD long time ago. Instead, Bush (and all your supporters) is saying that the reason to go to war is "not important" because Saddam is a dangerous man at first place. \_ No, I'm saying there are WMD and we either haven't found them yet, we're still going through millions of documents to find and prove them or they were there and moved and need to be tracked down. We *know* he had them. Everyone in the Clinton administration and almost every (D) at the time agreed. Did they just suddenly evaporate when a (R) got into office? That's just plain stupid. If you believed Clinton, you must believe Bush as well. \_ Stop believing what politicans tell you. |
2004/1/9-10 [Recreation/Activities] UID:11726 Activity:moderate |
1/8 Having living in the BA most of my life and never travel to cold places, I need some advice on what kind of clothing I need to buy if I plan to travel to Quebec this month? \_ I bought a thermal long-sleeved t-shirt. I've also had some silk longjohns which work wonders. -John \_ good jacket, gloves, thing to cover your head, thermal underwear, snow boots \-TNF Baltoro Jacket: To Everest and back ... http://home.lbl.gov:8080/~psb/PSB_MISC/PSB_Baltoro-head.jpg \_ Any recommendations on particular brands and where to get them? \_ Dupont Thermax Thermal is incredible. A tiny light piece of top+bottom underwear offers the same warmth as a thick jacket. They're not cheap, but totally worth it. If you want a super warm thermal, get Patagonia R.5. $75 a piece. \_ not really. What about REI/Walmart/Target/Sportsmart/North Face? \_ why do you think Quebec is worth a trip? \_ Uh, no. It's the Carnival: http://www.carnaval.qc.ca \_ NorthFace goretex and a windproof liner. They make the liners with differing warmths, so you can zip in a liner for the appropriate weather. Without the liner, you can still use the jacket for wet weather (like nowadays). When it snows, the snow won't accumulate on your jacket which is kinda nice. And with global warming, you might have rain or sleet in Canada. You can can combine goretext pants with your jacket and use it for skiing...very versatile. \- you know i like the jacket/layering too, but if it is ass cold, there is nothing like a fleece and thick down jacket. these walking sleeping bag jackets arent as functional, waterproof etc, but they warm up a hell of a lot faster than other things. --psb \_ The motd purveyor of outdoor gear knowledge for geeks who will mostly use their stuff in town speaks a little sense! Exactly! The same gear somebody wore on an Everest ascent or for six days in the Sierra backwoods is not necessarily the best choice for walking from your front door out to your car in Milwaukee or, for that matter, Manhattan. Your best bet is to ask somebody local to that area, maybe? One of your future coworkers/neighbors perhaps? \_ One thing that I would highly suggest is a good pair of waterproof shoes or boots. If there's snow on the ground, you'd be pretty miserable with damp or wet feet. I also got some nice thick socks (I got Thorlos, but you don't have to spend that much money) that I used while I was in Beijing last year. -chaos \_ Seconded. I grew up on the East Coast, and the only thing that really makes life bearable in winter is warm, dry toes. (Well, sure, a good sweater, a thick jacket, warm gloves, and a warm beanie also contribute, but don't skimp on the boots!) \_ Thirded. I love my Vasque boots (lined with goretex). Keeps my feet dry, but not sweaty. Good in the bay area, or out east during winter. Plus, they last forever - 21 mos and counting. About $200 @ REI. \_ Do you hike in the bay area with them? Aren't they too heavy? \_ Yes, I hike, walk around town, etc. They are actually a little smaller than my original vasque boots (these are the leather chestnut brown version). Once you brush the dust off and reshine them, I've even used them for some casual job interviews. \_ 4th'ed. i also lived exclusively in NoCal,SoCal&LoCal before appropriate weather. heading out to Minnesota. the locals in Minnesota suggested Soreal boots to keep the toes warm&dry when the temperature goes below 0F (or ice-fishing on a frozen lake.) \_ don't forget about something warm for your head, and maybe something for your ears, or a scarf if that's your style. |
2004/1/9 [Transportation/Car/Hybrid] UID:11727 Activity:nil |
1/8 Are there any mass-production hybrid vehicles that also let you recharge it by plugging in to an electric outlet? \_ whatever happened to Honda's hybrid vehicles? I gotta say, when Insight came out, I was impressed, but its technology is getting outdated and obsolete by Toyota. What's up with Honda's research team? \_ They have had a hybrid Civic out for a year or two. I see a lot of them on the roads around here. \_ I wish Toyota dadded hybrid to the 2004 Sienna, since they were re-designing it anyway. \_ It would require an extra component in the car, and wouldn't really save fossil fuels or money (unless you had solar cells on your house or something like that) \_ If you have solar cells on your house and it generates more than you consume, PG&E doesn't let you sell the surplus power to them. So recharging a hybrid (or electric) vehical with the surplus power will be a good way to save fossil fuel and your money. Or, if you get your power from a green source like Commonwealth Energy instead of PG&E, that'd save fossil fuel too. |
2004/1/9-10 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:11728 Activity:nil |
1/8 Hey, if anyone owns wizardry 8 and wants to do me a favor, can you post your login or email me? -- ilyas \_ That reminds me: I registered DOOM 1 for DOS and my floppies went bad a few years ago. Anyone have DOOM 1? --dgies \_ In my case, one of my cds got really scratched when I moved, and I need one of the files from it. -- ilyas \_ http://www.dosgamesarchive.com/download/game/7 \_ Thanks, but I know where to get the shareware version. I paid for the full version back in the day and was wondering if I could still get it somehow... |
2004/1/9-10 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:11729 Activity:nil |
1/8 Follow up the question I asked earlier about record streaming contents. The best way to do this, if you are on Windoze machine, is to use this software called Stream VCR. FYI, The entire process is a bit more painful than I would like, but it's managable. If you are interested in it, email me. kngharv \_ you sure you don't mean Streambox VCR? It's kind of dated; it works well for RealMedia files but doesn't work with some newer ASF/WMV stuff. For those, I prefer SDP. |
2004/1/9-10 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:11730 Activity:nil |
1/9 The final word on the O'Reilly-Jeremy Glick interview: http://www.frankenlies.com/glick.htm \_ look at the name of this website \_ See... They must have known Glick's position before his appearance. O'Reilly pulled him on to make what he thought was a point. Instead of being polite, he turned belligerent. It's his show. It's his responsibility to set the tone. This is what the flack is over. He's a waste of airtime and should hang up his mic. \_ Wow! It's like the having the motd on a website! And about half as relevant! \_ You learn ad hominem well, grasshopper. \_ So did the website author. \_ damn, I thought you wrote "Jiminy Glick" and I got all excited \_ me too |
2004/1/9-10 [Science/Space] UID:11731 Activity:nil |
1/9 Wtf? From an AP story: "Apollo was drilled into space with the giant Saturn V rocket, the most powerful launcher ever built by the United States. After the Apollo program ended, the equipment, tools and plans for building the rocket were lost." I never heard of that. How could all that stuff just be "lost"? \_ I think the author is using 'lost' as an overly-dramatic synonym for abandoned or discontinued. \_ I've actually heard this before. As in, in order to recreate a Saturn V rocket at this point in time, either one would have to be reverse engineered, or all new research would have to be done. \_ blueprints destroyed. manufacturing capability abandoned, but microfilm of blueprints was kept, albeit with exceptions. read the pop mech. link, then the addendum. http://www.mail-archive.com/europa@klx.com/msg03046.html \_ This was a hard nut to crack, but http://popularmechanics.com came to the rescue: http://csua.org/u/5hz The relevant portion is located in the last paragraph of the article. \_ addendum: http://csua.org/u/5i1 \_ Thanks, that's interesting. Maybe the Russians got the plans. |
2004/1/9-10 [Health/Skin, Health/Dental] UID:11732 Activity:high |
1/9 motd poll--who is the most badass Doctor? Add more as needed. (non Dr. Who posts deleted.) Jon Pertwee: . Tom Baker: . J: . Teeth: . Hook: . Phil: . NUNEZ (And fuck you for nuking it.): ... Doom: . Octagon: . Pepper: . Dean: . \_ My phone number is DOCTORB. The B is for Bargain! Nick: . Dre: . Jon Pertwee: . Octagon: . Tom Baker: . J: . Teeth: . Hook: . Phil: . NUNEZ (And fuck you for nuking it.): ... \_ probably an overwrite \_ no. this was intended to be a Dr. Who flame war about which regeneration was the best. -op \_ In other words, you were trolling for flames from Dr. Who fans, forgot to specify that you were only interested in Drs. Who, and then deleted the postings that were relevant to the question but not to your ambiguous intentions? And I thought the motd censor was petty.... \_ I figured it was obvious because I capitalized "Doctor" and because Jon Pertwee and Tom Baker were first on the list. \_ Who? (No pun intended.) Doom: . Pepper: . Dean: .. Kevorkian: . Octagon: . \_ "Hello this is the offices of Dr. Octagon. If you have insurance or medical problems I'm here for you for any type of intestine surgery rectal rebuilding relocated saliva glands... and chimpanzee acne! And of course moose bumps. You can call 1 800PP51 DooDoo. I'm in your corner." |
2004/1/9-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:11733 Activity:high |
1/9 hey what happened to danh. I enjoyed his walls of bizarre stories. haven't seen those in a while. -danh #1 fan \_ I heard he got married and settled down in Antioch. \_ he has a cat and a baby on the way... due in June \_ rad! I love cats! Is the baby due the same month? \_ The cat will steal the baby's breath! \_ uhh, you guys are kidding right? \_ Dude, "he has a cat and a baby on the way" in a danh context can only mean he's mail-ordered some horrid Mongolian jungle tiger, and a Somali war orphan to feed it with. -John \_ this is funny. - motd humor critic \_ no it's not. John is not as funny as the anonymous motd comic. -amc #1 fan \_ Yes he is. amc, what have you done for me lately? |
2004/1/9-10 [Recreation/Pets] UID:11734 Activity:nil |
1/9 Merc review of Top Dog: 'The best dog in San Jose' http://csua.org/u/5hx |
2004/1/9-10 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:11743 Activity:nil |
1/9 What have you done with your old 5.25" floppies? Or even your 3.5" ones? \_ coasters \_ Threw them away, keeping the ones that looked important. It's a shame you can't recycle floppies, CDs, or jewel cases in the normal way. \_Alameda county will take media: http://www.accrc.org/what.html \_ I installed a fdd in my linux box and I'm just about to dd image each floppy and keep all those images on disk or possible make a single CDROM of them all. then I'll destroy the floppies. They are not worth their weight. What's the best way to destroy them (w/o using the fdd) \_ Crack open the plastic shells, then cut the magnetic media into a long thin spiral. Then thread the metal hubs onto string and make a mobile and hang it from the ceiling. Oh sorry, I thought you said funnest. \_ They make a fun sleeve for a CD, if you can take the magnetic disk out and keep the plastic part surrounding it. |
3/15 |