2004/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:11671 Activity:high |
1/5 A Poll for the majority of you out there who do not support School vouchers: Do you think that the advent of FedEx and UPS made the USPS better or worse in the long run? And, while i know it is ridiculous to expect any sort of restraint or accuracy from a motd poll, i am JUST asking anti- voucher folks. Feel free to comment/flame though. -phuqm Better: ... Worse: No effect: \_ There's a much better argument for vouchers based on an analogy. America has competition in it's university system, which is widely regarded as the best in the world, and no competition in it's k-12 system, which is close to the worse in the industrialized world. Also, we already have school choice for those whose parents care enough about education and have enough money to move to a town with a better school system. The current form of school choice benefits only those lucky few whose parents fall into this category, and already has destroyed inner city schools in exactly the way voucher opponents claim "will" happen. The irony is that the people who excersise school choice now, by moving to an expensive town to get a good education for their kids are the very middle class liberals who most vocally oppose school choice. I also think it's worth pointing out that presently the k-12 education system in the US is so bad that the burden of proof is actually on those who *don't* want change, not the other way around. \_ but there are no vouchers for going to a private university so that argument makes no sense. \_ It's not just the Evil Middle-Class Liberals: http://csua.org/u/5fx \_ This is a very good short argument. tnx. And I plan to steal it, and since you didn't sign you name, claim it as my own. :). I have also said the same thing re: burden of proof many times, but the college analogy is not perfect since 1.) it has always been there. (i.e. no sudden change is involved) and 2.) even at the cheapest of public Us the student still pays some. -phuqm \_ I would say the same thing about the burden of proof re: health care. Would you? \_ yes, actually. perhaps you've mistaken me for a conservative? I happen to agree with the conservatives on school choice, but that does not mean i support their love of the insurance industry. For the record, I'm \_ K-12 education is simply not that bad nationwide. What makes you think that it is? If you compare us to other industrialized nations, we do fine. Our worst schools are far worse, but that is true for everything in America, due to the income disparity. also not a libertarian, and am ashamed to agree with "phuqm" on any issue. \- I am not sure what you are suggesting by mentioning school vouchers. Are you going to suggest "since the existence of FedEx improved USPS, we should have subsidized FedEx"? maybe that would have "benefitted the taxpayers" but that would have benefitted the fedex stockholders much more. i think the better question has nothing to do with school vouchers. the usps is obligated to deliver mail to everybody for the same price. i assume there is no reason fedex cant charge more to send a package to a cabin in the montana woods [or just refuse to deliver there ... surely they arent obligated to have an office near by or poll the denizen of said cabin 6 times a week to see if he has anything to mail]. so if fedex gets to cherrypick routes and packages, do what extent does that adverse selection put the usps in a bigger and bigger hole. you should lay your cards on the table. --psb \_ Are you against vouchers? If so, please vote. I will happily "lay [my] cards on the table" soon, but i'd like to get some votes first. (you seem to be suggesting "worse") \- i think the vouchers will be underfunded and will be a total boondoggle. the way they might cause some improvement is by causing the teachers unions to keel over or maybe the unions will panic enough to be more reasonable. but it would seem to make more sense to just take on the unions directly. i think if money is given to decent private school and they are continually allowed to pick their students you will have the quality of the schools improve but the students getting shafted now will continue to be shafted. it's hard to be "for or against vouchers" since it isnt self-evident what you mean by them. --psb \_ Subsidising is beside the point. The USPS pays for itself. Taxpayers already do more than "subsidise" EDU, they pay for it outright. My suggestion is that, imho the USPS has gotten markedly better since FedEx and UPS have arrived on the scene. Since the only reasonable objection to vouchers is that it will make the existing public schools much worse, I would suggest that this is an indication that it might not. Your point about CherryPicking is highly pertinent though, and I think that it is obvious that any legislation re: vouchers should attempt to address the problem of voucher schools rejecting hard cases. ( Which has been a major problem in the "corporate" schools in SF and other places ). Self-selection is an insolvable problem but I believe that advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. \_ The point here is that private schools already exist, so there is already a FedEx equivalent. I don't relate FedEx to vouchers in any way. --dim \_ But parents are forced to double pay. I can choose not to ever pay the USPS but even if I pay full rate to put my kids in private school, I am also paying full rate for them in the public schools which I'm not using. If vouchers meant that money was no longer a double payment you bet your ass the public schools would improve... right after breaking the spine of the very evil teacher's union. \_ Union bad! Neocon Hulk smash! \_ Ah, but "parents" aren't the only ones who pay for public school. Childless taxpayers put into the system too. Do they get their money back too? You are for private school for extra performance, by your choice. Why pay for an airplane ticket when your tax money already pays for the interstate road system? \_ If you don't pay into the system for education, you end up paying down the road with crime and prison costs. Even if you libertarian gun nuts take over, and all justice is meted out by vigilantes, uneducated masses of criminals will cost you time in gunning them down when you could be doing something profitable. Remember, time is money. \_ I think the university argument is a good one. There are no vouchers for university students and those who go to private colleges still end up paying to support public colleges. If there are no vouchers for universities and it works so well then maybe vouchers aren't the answer. --dim \_ BZZZT! University isn't a requirement. I'm not required by law to send my children to a U. but I am required by law to send them to k-12 (or until 18 or whatever age). If U. attendance was required then the same voucher concept would apply. for universities and it works so well then maybe vouchers aren't the answer. --dim \_ You are required to *PAY* for a U, though, whether you send your kids or not. --dim \_ Delivery service is like utility companies. There isn't enough of them to compete for free market, and instead, each and every one has a monopoly in it's small niche. UPS delivers big packages, Fedex delivers next day reliably, and USPS delivers mail. All three domains end up not really competing with each other, and all three end up overcharging the consumers. Like utility companies I think delivery service should be highly regulated. \- i dont mean to insult you but this is too confused to be easily corrected. you may wish to read a book like "optimal regulation" by K. Train, although you will probably need to read some prerequisits ... not sure how far you will have to recurse.--psb \_ you know that by law fedex and ups are not allowed to deliver \_ so there's no real freedom in this market, as I said. regular mail or touch your mailbox, right? the market is not even remotely free. \_ Yeah and FedEx and UPS aren't required by Congress to deliver mail to BFE at the same price as the house next door. \_ so there's no real freedom in this market, as I said. \_ The teacher's unions are the largest unions in America. They have a monopoly on public education monies and are not constrained by the Hatch Act like federal employees. Guess who they donate almost to exclusively, and why the Dems are so anti voucher. \_ The teachers' union comprises under-paid and largely idealistic people who see kids for 8 hours a day (i.e., more time than the kids' parents). They are well-educated and know they could earn more money elsewhere (the ones who couldn't earn more elsewhere can't teach and leave the profession). I have no problem with the teachers' union. I have a problem with the administrators who never taught and never intend to teach and who get paid ridiculous amounts of money only to squander the meager budgets of their districts. \_ I know lots of teachers like that. And I know teachers who have left the profession and made more money elsewhere. amounts of money only to squander the meager budgets of their districts. \_ HOLY SHIT IN A CUP! I don't think you've actually *met* any teachers! Under paid? Idealistic? 8 hours? Well edjumikated? Earn more elsewhere? Leave the profession because they can't teach? *None* of these things are generally true. I think I've been trolled. \_ Well there is no incentive to get rid of the whose incentive is to increase their budget and number administrators. The ratio in the 1950s was 5:1 teacher to administrator, today it is 2:1. The private schools whos incentive is to increase their budget and number cost is ~ 3000$ per student, the public > 7500$ per student. The public cost per student is something like 30% higher than in the 1980s but test results have declined. The inner city schools are nothing but affirmative action self-perpetuating bureaucracies whose incentive is to increase their budget and number of employees, not educate children. How I Joined Teach for America -- and Got Sued for \_ private schools get to pick and choose students. The ones that would cost too much to educate (the disabled, the retarded, the violent, etc) get the boot while the cheap ones get welcomed. It is the 90% for 10% of the cost type situation that exists everywhere. $20 Million http://www.frontpagemagazine.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=5528 As for pay, if you prorate it over 12 months they are not underpaid in a majority of communities. \_ Are you referring to that article as a source for your argument? \_ No, but here's more: The Union That Killed Education http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/846177/posts |
2004/1/6 [Recreation/House] UID:11672 Activity:nil |
1/5 Am I supposed to give tips to moving company employees who do the final delivery and assembly of my furniture? \_ I used to do this job. It's not fucking hard to do, but it's really hard to find decent people to do it for some reason. Don't take any shit from them. just don't give them a tip unless they do their job properly. Me and my buddy who used to do this would pull up at exactly the time we were supposed to, roll out of the van running, take our shoes off so as not to fuck up the carpet, assemble the furniture exactly where it was supposed to go, and get rid of our trash, all without damaging anything. Once I had to go out on a delivery with one of the other fucking clods who did it, and he wanted to stop for donuts every ten minutes. show no mercy! give no tip to hozers who do not deserve to call themselves delivery men! if a "delivery man" earns a tip, give him one. \_ Thanks for the answer, but how much should I give for a good job? There will be 3 to 4 of them. \_ it's not like waiting tables--there's not percentage based tip algorithm. we dilivered to some *really* rich people, and when they saw us sweating buckets but being polite and doing a good job, they might give us as much as 20 dollars each(there were always two of us), or they might give us nothing. We also delivered to a lot of working class homes, and were extremeley happy to get 5 bucks each or even just a couple bucks if they looked poor. If you give them five bucks each, and say "lunch money", they should be happy, if they are true delivery men. that means they don't have to pay for lunch. We were always happy with five bucks each. it's too bad being a delivery man pays so bad; we were damn good at it. \_ minimum $20 each or they'll rape you, your dog, and your gf. \_ That poor dog! \_ On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you. |
2004/1/6 [Uncategorized] UID:11673 Activity:nil |
1/5 Another fucking fascist who needs to stfu and get her face punched in. http://sfgate.com/columnists/nelson \_ look, i *like* trolls, and I even liked this one...the first time. why not find a new troll, instead of re-posting the same one with a new tag line? \_ you seem...very angry. \_ While I generally disagree with her you've made her point for her. |
2004/1/6 [Recreation/Activities, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11674 Activity:nil |
1/5 Is it legal to put a laser guide on your putter? -new rich golf player \_ golf isn't pointless enough without cheating? \_ Not sure. Is it legal to beat you over the head with it? \_ hmmm. time to go watch "falling down" again. \_ no it isn't \_ If you're so rich, why not buy the CSUA 3 21" LCD monitors for beer? \_ because politburo is full of assholes and you guys squished me so I have no sympathy for you poor ars students. Oh and thanks for the entertainment on motd -op |
2004/1/6 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:11675 Activity:nil |
1/5 How easy is it to forge a ski lift ticket? ok thx. \_ the forging part is easy.. just to make it look well... however most resorts use a keyword (or phrase) on the face of the ticket that changes each day. so you will have to get to the resort.. see the tickets.. then go someplace where you can print the tickets for that day. \_ also, some places (i think Sugar Bowl is one) have different colored tickets everyday. \_ that is fine. My primary concern is how easy it is assuming you have a perfect legit copy. For example, say 6 buddies go in a van, and only 1 buys the ticket, then it's easy to duplicate it. The only problem is the texture of the ticket (waterproof) and the ink (ink jet is usually not waterproof), which I don't know how to solve yet. \_ That's easy! Buy 6 tickets each day you cheap ass! \_ No dude! You can't let the Man get j00 |>0\/\/|\|!1!! \_ Forge a season pass instead. \_ Gosh, I kind of feel bad. This was a pretty well-crafted troll to try to draw out a loud moral type.. I just rolled really well on my saving throw. No cookie I guess, though it's not your fault. |
2004/1/6 [Uncategorized] UID:11676 Activity:nil |
1/5 Where can I find the detailed prices of nonconsumer goods? Are they all collected by the Feds as transactions take place? |
2004/1/6 [Politics/Foreign/Canada] UID:11677 Activity:nil |
1/5 Who cares if the US government had an innocent man tortured for 10 months. He was just a Canadian: http://csua.org/u/5fq \_ Heh. "Had." \_ Canadians aren't citizens. Why should I care? Shit happens to American citizens in foreign countries all the time. Are you on here bitching about that? \_ Yeah, Americans are raped and genocided everyday everywhere around the world. Why do you just hate America? |
2004/1/6 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:11679 Activity:nil |
1/6 Maybe my google fu is not strong enough, but I had trouble finding anything about this. Is there a way to make rsync use a rolling average of actual data transferred in say, the last 5 seconds? Right now, if you resume a transfer, the portion you already have will obviously "transfer" very quickly, but rsync uses this transfer rate in its ETA calculation, which becomes totally inaccurate. \_ I have just one thing to say to you. USE THE SOURCE, LUKE! |
2004/1/6 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:11680 Activity:nil |
1/6 How do I post to newgroup with an email account I don't have access to? Thanks. \_ Use your mad el8 haxz0r skillz! |
2004/1/6 [Computer/SW/Virus] UID:11681 Activity:nil |
1/6 There's anti-virus, and then there's the way the Japanese do it: http://csua.org/u/5ft \_ I asked a Shinto Priest about technology while I was back there last April: http://csua.org/u/5fu --erikred \_ That's pretty cool. I stayed at this place when we were in Japan: http://www.komadori.com . The proprietor is the head priest of the local Shinto shrine, which was kind of amusing (really nice guy). The web site kind of threw me, though. -John \_ They should have won the war. Then, Asia would be ruled by Asians instead of whities right now, reducing Western sweat shops for Kathy Lee Gifford and the evil Western influences. \_ Your formatfu sucks, and you have an amazing knack for reading what you want into just about anything. Care to tell us about your mother? \_ We don't have to ask about yermom. We already know. |
2004/1/6-14 [Consumer/Audio] UID:11682 Activity:nil |
1/6 Entry-level NOC jobs at http://Shopping.com. They're pretty low level, but but if you're good, you'll advance fast. Mail casey@shopping.com -ccook \_ Looks like we have some openings for more senior SysAdmin types as well if you're interested. -ccook \_ For those who don't know a NOC is the Network Operations Center. NOC people generally sit around and watch pretty lights, reboot machines and type what they're told. If they do it right they can eventually get a job where they can make a decision. NOC is pure entry level stuff (as the op says). Usually these are shift jobs and the new guy gets the night shift. \_ This is fundamentally correct, but 1. you won't necessarily get the night shift (it's a new NOC) and 2. We're (mostly me) attempting to get smarter people than a typical NOC would have and going to give them more interesting work on the side if we feel they're capable...it's definitely still very entry-level though. Thanks. -ccook \_ btw, I wasn't trying to be an asshole. just explaining what the typical NOC job is to the entry level folks. sorry if I came off that way. it wasn't intentional. \_ don't NOC night-shifters just end up playing Counter-Strike, or is that just a false rumor? \_ the day shifters do at the ISP one of my client companies has their hosted machines. \_ Just read http://www.userfriendly.org to see what Noc guys do. Mostly Quake and nethack according to them. \_ I have 2 Indian friends who will work for the price of 1 American, but the catch is that they need a company to sponsor them for H1B greecard. Can your company do that? |
2004/1/6 [Transportation/Car] UID:11683 Activity:nil |
1/6 If America uses the English system, then why do American cars use Liters in specifying engine displacement? \_ American drug dealers also use the metric system. \_ Not pot dealers, though. Also, "8-balls" of cocaine \_ what's an 8-ball? \_ So are small car tires, using mm. \_ Ever heard of a 454? \_ To the person who said no, it's 454 cu inches displacement. Also seems to correlate to 6 cylinders with 4-inch diameter and 6-inch stroke length \_ Hell, you think that's weird, think tire specs: 215/65R15 that's 215 mm, 65%, and 15 inches |
2004/1/6-8 [Finance/CC] UID:11684 Activity:high |
1/6 I was paying my credit card bill the other day and the guy behind the counter commented on the fact that I've never carried a balance. I've always paid my bills, in full, on time. Would there be a credit rating advantage to carrying a small ($20) occasionally, or would I just be wasting small change on interest? \_ You don't need an 800 rating to get all the credit in the world. I've got a 730 or so and I'm good for $100k credit line just for asking. \_ where do I check my rating? \_ http://www.equifax.com for example. There's a fee. \_ In CA you're entitled to a free credit check each year. Or did congress fuck that up for us? \_ Don't credit checks adversely affect your credit rating? \_ Not the ones you order for yourself. \_ Has anyone on the motd in CA ever done this? Hadn't heard of this option... (have always had to pay, is it a recent change?) \_ It's not free. You do have to pay. If you have been refused a credit card, THEN you can et a freebie. FICO always costs. \_ you mean even if you get refused a credit card, and you request the freebie, you still can't get your credit rating(FICO?) unless you pay? \_ exactly. you get your report w/o the score \_ what is FICO exactly? \_ Fair Isaac Credit Org. It is basically your credit rating. Affects your ability to get credit related financial transactions (such as CC, mortgage rate, even insurance rate!). |
2004/1/6-8 [Transportation/Car] UID:11685 Activity:nil |
1/6 I want to have a car for probably a little less than a year but don't want to bother with all the effort, time and perhaps money (in case I have to sell it in a hurry) wasted on buying and then selling one. Snould I lease one or rent one for long term? What are the places/urls to look for a good deal? \_ RIDE BIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \_ Thanks for the troll. Actually I do a lot of things by walking \_ get a 12 month lease. \_ get a 12 month lease. \_ get a 12 month lease. \_ get a 12 month lease. \_ get a 12 month lease. and bus, but car is sometimes indispensible. -op \_ Lease if you're not going to put a lot of miles on it. I've never heard of a long term rental. \_ get a 12 month lease. |
2004/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics] UID:11686 Activity:nil |
1/6 Nothing wrong with a bit of capitalism to take advantage of trendy righteous indignation: http://www.babesagainstbush.com/main.html -John \_ link:csua.org/u/5fz |
2004/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11687 Activity:nil |
1/6 I've changed my mind about Dean. I'm a conservative non-Republican who was previously in favor of Dean because I figured he'd get crushed (I still think this). I read the WSJ write up on him yesterday and they explained at great length and detail how he's really a silver spoon money bags pro-business north easterner with a deep background in trading, business, and wall street. Right up my alley as a candidate. So Bush vs. Dean is the ultimate win/win for a non-(R) conservative like me. They had a shorter writeup on Clark who would also be a win/win for people like me. So I say, Go Bush! Go Dean! Go Clark! and in a pinch I'd be ok with Lieberman if that's what happened. \_ But what about his opposition to the war? This seems to me the major issue of the campaign, and its why I support Dean. \_ He's a governor. He didn't have to vote on it during a hot political time when everyone else voted 'yes' on it. If he was a senator or congressman I'm sure he would have. I think his anti-war stance is a fraud created to set him apart from the others and give him the 'outsider' look he needed. If you're an outsider, (and as someone with no federal experience, he is), you might as well play it up. --op \_ I'm a fairly liberal voter, and I tend to agree with you. I think a vote for Dean is about the same as a vote for McCain. I also \- dean is pro-life? --psb think Dean's the only candidate out there with any chance of beating Bush, so Dean benefits from my utter hatred of his opponent. It's not a great scenario for a social lib like me, but I'll take what I can get. \_ Why do you have 'utter hatred' for Bush? I never understood that from you libs. I would have preferred a different President in some ways when Clinton was in office but I didn't 'utterly hate' him. I didn't 'utterly hate' Carter either although he was one of the worst Presidents we've had, maybe ever. --op \_ What was so bad about Carter? I ask not as a lib but as a young'un. \_ Bush is an arrogant, cocky, shit talking SOB who never worked a day in his life, never studied hard and got everything he ever wanted because of family connections. I would dislike him in any case, but his politics make me utterly disdain him. He is a reckless and dangerous individual who should not be allowed to operate heavy machinery, much less the country. -!op \_ seconded. I'm giving more money to dean's campaign than i've ever given to any campaign in my life, and if the democrats fuck this up again, I'm leaving the country\ and training for the revolulution in northern canada. I'm ready to go to war if needed to fight the bush types of the world. \_ Good riddance |
2004/1/6 [Recreation/Food, Finance/Shopping] UID:11688 Activity:very high |
1/6 How much can i expect to pay for a cheap lunch in london? \- Ask for Cheep Bubble and Squeak --psb \_ Cheap: 3-4 pounds. Decent (primarily Indian or Kebab): 5-10 pounds. Or you can grab a sandwich for about 1-3. There's some pretty mangy food there, though. -John \_ i don't know why this was overwritten, but thank you thank you thank you! my faith in the motd is restored! \_ What? WTF? Walk into a cheap looking place and read the menu. \_ dumbass, I'm not in london right now. That's why I'm asking. I need to estimate my travel expenses for a trip in the *future* not the present. \_ Useless. You can't estimate to the penny what it will cost you. It will *always* be higher than you expect. It's a first world nation. Prices will be similar. \_ head...hurting...idiocy...aghck!!! \_ Sorry if it was so hard to figure out that a McNugget here will cost about the same as a McNugget there. \_ I think McNuggets are a little more expensive there because of how the dollar has been sliding. \_ If you know where to go, about 3 quid. \_ thanks, but since I have no idea where to go, can I assume 5-10 per meal? I'm looking for a ballpark estimate assuming both frugality and ignorance. \_ Go to http://timeout.com Yes, you'll have to register for a freebie trial, but trust me, this is _the_ mag to have access to. \_ so why are you making a trip to london when you are tight on money? \_ jesus fucking christ you people are amazing. I'm not tight on money, and I'm not paying for it anyway. I just have to sketch out a rough budget for the trip, and like to save money on general principle. \_ London on the whole is terriffically expensive. For good food you generally can't go wrong with Indian or Bangladeshi--you'll want to hit Brick Lane in any case. There is _no_ decent food in the City/financial area. -John |
2004/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11689 Activity:nil |
1/6 Go Bush: Bush pro-immigration: http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/01/06/elec04.prez.bush.immigration/index.html \_ http://csua.org/u/5g0 \_ It's all about bringing in cheap farm labor so you can eat your all vegan diet instead of paying the real cost for your food. \_ good for economy, good for national security, good for immigrants, good for Mexico, good for the Bush, good for the country. \_ But those cheap labor are sending money to their home countries, hurting US economy. Plus they are breaking the law and they are cutting in front of those waiting in line for years to immigrate legally. I guess nobody cares about the law and fairness these days. \_ what if it is a separate queue? |
2004/1/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11690 Activity:nil |
1/6 http://www.bushin30seconds.org |
2004/1/6 [Politics/Domestic] UID:11691 Activity:nil |
1/6 NPR has a radio-only Dem. presidential primary debate. \_ So why did you erase the discussion below this? |
2004/1/6 [Computer/SW/OS/OsX, Consumer/Audio] UID:11692 Activity:nil |
1/6 4GB ipod mini: flash based, size of credit card, $249 \_ don't get this, for $50 more you can get a full Ipod at 15gb. Reminds me of the days when they had the original Mac. vs. the Mac XL (refurbed Lisa). The size is't that much smaller. \_ it's hard drive based \_ I stand corrected. -op \_ the above poster is probably right -- you can't buy 4 GB of flash memory for $249. \_ Apple lied. they tried to quell the rumor that they were releasing the product. \_ Does anyone know if it uses the IBM Microdrive? That's the only thing that would seem to working in that ff. \_ IBM never made the microdrive cheaply or in quantity. There's a 4.4-gig drive from GS-Magicstor and a 1.5-gig from Cornice. |
2004/1/6 [Computer/SW/Mail, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:11693 Activity:nil |
1/6 I wanna post to newsgroups but not with my real email address due to spam. What are some ways to get around it? Thanks. \_ hack your nntp client! \_ why are you using a client that uses your real email? go sign up for a real usenet service if you care or use a bogus spam-only email address. |
2004/1/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:29743 Activity:high |
1/5 Re: stupid sfgate troll thread below. Sweeping generalizations are bad, mmkay people? \_ I'm sure you get this all the time, but just in case: you're an ass. \_ Oh, sweeping generalizations are good? \_ no, but contentless posts about how some other post is a troll are dumb. |
2004/1/6 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29744 Activity:nil |
1/5 Hello csua women, do you think hairy chest hair is sexy? -hairy guy \_ chest hair that itself has hair? that's more bizarre than sexy. \_ Considering the number of csua women, how can you hope to get an accurate survey? \_ good point. we should have changed fields a long time ago. |
2004/1/6 [Transportation/Car] UID:29745 Activity:nil |
1/5 Yahoo! News photos - Auto Shows & Concept Cars: Jeep Rescue http://csua.org/u/5fm Gee. What a great way of coming up with a new model line! Just put a magnifying glass over an existing model line (Wrangler), and here you go! |
3/15 |