2004/1/2 [Computer/HW/Memory, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:11644 Activity:high |
1/1 I got a IBM R40e recently with windows Xp. I'm wondering what I should run (if anything) to stress the computer out. I heard that if a laptop is going to break it's going to break in the first few months of use. Should I worry about this? I'd much rather ship this back in 30 days to the seller rather than deal with IBM warranty. Thanks. \_ setiathome \_ bah. recent games are still generally the things that work a computer the most. \_ In terms of actual stress testing, not really. \_ yeah goof point. seti only stresses the CPU. \_ Video editing and reencoding. \_ I had a Dell Inspiron that had an overheating GeForce GPU -- only found out after playing Flashpoint on it for a day. It also took two or three exchanges with Dell before they figured it out. \_ M$ Fight Simulator in demo mode with highest randering options. That's how I stressed a PC I bought a few years ago. Turned out that it hung after 15min or so and it was a CPU problem. \_ Prime 95 has a good stress mode, not for the video card though. It was able to detect faulty CPU operation when overclocked, even though stuff would appear to run ok. http://mersenne.org. You have to run the specific stress test. Some people run two instances. \_ is it just me or it seems like modern computers are less fault tolerant than ever? \_ It's just you. Personal computers are much more fault tolerant now than they used to be. Apparently you've never run an AppleII or a C64. People's expectations change and they forget about the recent past. It would have been ludicrous during the dawn of the PC era to think that a C64 could have uptimes of months. You were lucky if it didn't bugger out after a couple hours. You can't compare today's multipurpose PC to mainframes of the past because that's like comparing apples with oranges. The fact is that PCs have essentially replaced mainframes because they have become increasingly more fault tolerant to the point that they can be reasonably used in an enterprise market. That doesn't mean that they are as fault tolerant as a mainframe, but the fact is that you can keep a Linux/BSD x86 box running for months shows the vast improvement over time of the OS and the hardware archtiecture of PCs. \_ By "fault tolerant" was the poster asking about how often something goes wrong, or how likely the machine keeps going after something has gone wrong? \_ Not all modern computers are designed to be fault tolerant. If you have a plain Pentium IV and non-ECC RAM, you aren't getting the greatest reliability but probably enough for most people. With a Xeon and ECC RAM, you get better data integrity in both the CPU and from the RAM. Enterprise storage equipment has more. I guess data integrity isn't the same thing as the real fault tolerant stuff on servers like RAID and other redundancy, which is what you would need to tolerate disks, psus, cpus etc. going bad. |
2004/1/2 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11645 Activity:nil |
1/1 Voters Crossed the Line in Miami http://csua.org/u/5ei |
2004/1/2-11 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:11646 Activity:low 54%like:10317 |
1/2 SpamAssassin 2.61 installed (finally); bugs to mconst. \_ if you specified "| spamassassin" in your .procmailrc recipe, please change to "| spamc" instead -- it is lighter weight/faster. \_ now that sa does bayesian analysis, what are the pros of ifile? \_ It's the standard. \_ Who thinks that, other than you? Do you have URL or anything suggesting that "it's the standard"? \_ like IDS, it is better to us spam catchers that are NOT the standard. -phuqm \_ Spam Assassin rocks... Say goodbye to the Nigerian scam, toner, FREE VIAGRA, and the lot. Awesome. \_ Thanks, joshk \_ 3 days of spam-free inbox and counting. Thank you! \_ It's only a matter of time before those fuckers figure out how to get past the filters again. \_ I'm loving it! It's great, Thanks. \_ Damnit. My brain immediately coughed up McDonald's. Yay America! \_ Thanks. \_ I did this. The next day there was lots of spam and no indication that spamassassin had been working. I also see nothing via ps to indicate a spamassassassin-related process running. I'm switching back to the old executable line because I know it works. \_ please don't do that: spamc and spamd work together, and they are much more efficient. If everybody ran "| spamassassin" like you do, soda would be really slow. /usr/local/bin/spamc man spam ps aux | grep spamd \_ If it worked for me as you have it here, I would use it. It doesn't, so I don't. \_ Not to mention, spamc is forked by procmail only at the receipt of new mail- it's pretty transient. RTFM. \_ Uh-huh, but spamd or some such should show up via 'ps -aux' regardless. \_ try 'ps -auxww' you ingrate. \_ How dare you post useful information! (thanks) \_ IFile still catches about 50% more of my spam than SA \_ SA caught 137 spams for me with one false positive. No spam got through for me. -ausman \_ I also switched from spamassassin to spamc and there was no indication it worked. Maybe that's why it's so fast! \_ spac is a standalone program, no need to call perl was that your problem? it bit me that spamassassin had been working. I'm switching back to the old executable line because I know it works. \_ Could you please send me mail, so I can try to figure out what's going wrong? --mconst \_ I'll try switching to spamc again today. If it appears to not be working when I check mail tomorrow, I'll mail you then. Thanks. \_ okay, here's exactly what you do, put these in your .procmailrc before your other recipes: :0fw | spamc :0: * ^X-Spam-Status: Yes <spam-folder-name> ====================== next if you have any spams that fall through, you sa-learn to teach SA to filter those. See man sa-learn \_ two stupid questions: 1. is there a better way to invoke procmail than through .forward? 2. is there a better way to disable the report text with spamc than spamc -c ? \_ 1. you don't need .forward at all, just .procmailrc 2. man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf, or just put "report_safe 0" in ~/.spamassassin/user_prefs \_ 1. what calls procmail then? 2. man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf -> No manual entry for Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf \_ I'm having a problem with sa-learn, it keeps telling me: soda [34] sa-learn --spam /tmp/uncaughtspam_20040109 Learned from 0 message(s) (1 message(s) examined). However, I have over 250 spam messages in the file. -gsu \_ RTFM: "sa-learn --spam --mbox /path/to/mbox" \_ I RTFM and the man page must be out of date because it says: Use this tool to teach SpamAssassin about these samples, like so: sa-learn --spam /path/to/spam/folder sa-learn --ham /path/to/ham/folder Thanks though, because --mbox works. \_ notice that the example says /path/to/spam/folder, NOT /path/to/spam/mboxfile. Without --mbox, it's expecting you to point it to a folder containing each message as a file. |
2004/1/2-4 [Uncategorized] UID:11647 Activity:nil |
1/2 Your application, That movie, Wicked screensaver, Details. Over two thousand emails in one day. what was the name of that virus? Has it returned? \_ i also received about one thousand starting Dec 31, addressed from www-owner. is this also the case with you? -jwang \_ the ones I got were addressed to www@csua. which I am on. |
2004/1/2-5 [Consumer/Camera, Computer/Companies/Google, Computer/Theory] UID:11648 Activity:nil |
1/2 Computer science question for you PHDs out there. What would be the feasibility of a program that, given a set of images that form a mosaic, produce the "most correct" composite image, based upon some definition of correctness that could be supplied in advance (color compatibility, smoothness of lines, etc)? For instance, such a mosaic could be a 360 series of photos that form a panoramic photograph. Such a program wouldn't necessarily need to be perfect, and any of amount of "hints" could be given to the program as well as the input images. This might already exist, or it might be solving the halting problem - I don't know. I'm asking the question for a materials science post-doc friend of mine that is working with crystal lattice images. --lye \_ Does the camera rotate as it takes pictures? Is there overlap between individual images? At its most general, this problem involves object recognition and so is vision-hard. There are some papers on this problem, google for obvious things to find them. \_ such programs exist. if the camera undergoes pure rotation and no translation about the optical center, the problem is very easy to solve (assuming overlap between the views). other- wise it's harder and you have to rely on some kind of approximation because you need to know the 3D geometry of the scene. other things that help: if you know the exact motion of the camera, the problem is easy again. -ali \_ There is a ton of literature on this kind of problem, which is known as "registration." A standard approach is to define some kind of error function (distance between edges, or distance between overlapping pixels in color space, etc) and try to minimize it over the space of transformations. An algorithm that works well for a lot of problems of this type in the pairwise case is called "iterative closest point," due to Besl and McKay. If you don't know an approximate solution to start with, it is a lot more difficult. -lewis \_ homeslide, iterative closest point requires you to know the 3D geometry of the scene to perform registration. altneratively, you need some kind of parametric transformation model for your images. |
2004/1/2-5 [Consumer/Audio] UID:11649 Activity:nil |
1/2 Have the musical programming merits of XM vs. Sirius been debated on the motd recently? If so, would someone be kind enough to summarize? Otherwise, your humble opinions would be much appreciated. Most reviews of satellite radio programming I'd googled had been limited to technical interest sites and the talk boards of XM/Sirius loyalists (who often troll each others' discussions) until last Friday, when one of the NY TIMES pop music reviewers wrote a paen to XM DJs that amounted to 1.5 pages of the kind of positive advertising money can't buy. Question: does XM programming really represent a rebirth of the radio DJ? is Sirius not that far removed from Clear Channel-controlled FM radio? The input of those who play instruments and/or listen deliberately to music would be most appreciated. --elizp |
2004/1/2-5 [Consumer/Audio] UID:29740 Activity:nil |
1.5 pages of the kind of positive advertising money can't buy. So, does XM programming really represent a rebirth of the radio DJ? is Sirius not that far removed from Clear Channel-controlled FM radio? --elizp \_ I think this varies from channel to channel. I can attest to the much higher program quality for a few XM channels I tried. |