Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:December:22 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/12/22 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:11557 Activity:nil
12/21   Whoever said Winamp 5 is not a resource hog should go to hell.
        I have a Pentium 3/600 MHZ labtop.  That thing eats up most of the
        CPU cycle. For those who want something light, go for Winamp 5 lite.
        Then again, I don't see any reason for upgrade to winamp 5 light from
        winamp 2.9x, since most of the cool features are in the "full" version
        \_ i run winamp 5 on a celeron 500, and it doesn't use more than 5%
           on mp3s. maybe about 10% on ogg.
        \- all yer cpu cycles belong to us
        \_ I said that it wasn't as much of a hog as ver. 3.
2003/12/22-23 [Recreation/Media] UID:11558 Activity:low
12/21   Yet another Philip K. Dick story going to the big screen!
        Too bad it's Ben Afleck.
        \_ Old news. How about Ray Bradbury and "A Sound of Thunder"
           and remake of "Farenheit 451"?
        \_ Ooooh.  That's one of my favorite short stories.  I hope they don't
           screw it up.
           \_ It's being turned into a movie.  Of course they'll ruin it.
              \_ Yeah, just like Lord of the Rings
                 \_ LotR went out with a wimper.  No sarcasm.  It was lame
                    after all that to squirm in my seat waiting for the
                    closing credits.
                    \_ Apparently the "true Tolkien fans" would have only
                       been happy with a word-for-word 36 hour miniseries.
                 \_ Two words.  Darth Faramir.
                    \_ Flying Flaming Denethor!
                       \_ Forest for the trees, eh guys?
                          \_ Don't even get me started on the trees.
                             \_ What, you mean how a slightly-less-than-average
                                intellectually endowed hobbit outsmarted the
                                oldest being in Middle Earth?
                                \_ Nah, I mean, how the stays on Elrond's
                                   corset were completely realistic, and
                                   how any true fan of Tolkien could tell
                                   that he was speaking Sindarin with an
                                   Telerin accent.... Whaddya mean, it's
                                   just a movie?
                                   \_ Pfft.  Any Tolkien fan would know that
                                      Elrond would not speak with a Telerin
                                      accent, being the son of a Noldo.
                                      Legolas, on the other hand, would.
                                        -- ilyas
        \_ Seen the marketing for "I, Robot" yet?  Looks like they've turned
           Asimov's clever little short story collection into a dumb Will
           Smith action vehicle.
2003/12/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11559 Activity:high
12/21   Hah!  Clinton managed to 'connect the dots' between Iraq and Al Qaeda,
        why couldn't your little bush leaguer do it?    Muahahahaha!
        \_ Post the printer-friendly link if you're going to post a story:
        \_ Okay, so now you are agreeing with the Iraqi war because we caught
           Saddam? Now it's cool to be Pro-War you're digging up articles
           showing that the dems are agreeing that there is an Al Qaida and
           Saddam connection? Boy, you commie left wing liberals sure are
           standing on your last leg... You were wrong about Afghanistan, you
           were wrong about Reagan, you were wrong about Iran, and you were
           wrong about Iraq. The only thing you dems are good for is dragging
           us into lost causes like Vietnam and Korea. Way to go.
           \_ Whoa, whoa, whoa there.  Since when was Korea a lost cause?
              Yeah, we failed to unite the whole country, but the part we
              saved sure turned out well.  You should have said Solmolia.
              (BTW the difference between Korean and Vietnam or Somolia,
              that while the S. Korean's didn't love our soldiers all the
              time, the did generally want us there.)
              \_ Apparently you don't read enough history. Korea was a lost
                 cause and it cost Truman the election. The only reason the reds
                 stopped attacking was that relations were breaking down between
                 the USSR and Red China. They would've whipped them off of the
                 peninsula if the USSR had kept on supporting the war (it was,
                 after all, their jetfighters and their pilots). And I didn't
                 say Somolia because that's small potatos compared to Cuba (yep,
                 you dems lost Cuba too, and you also technically lost China to
              after all, their jetfighters and their pilots). And I didn't say
              Somolia because that's small potatos compared to Cuba (yep, you
              dems lost Cuba too, and you also technically lost China to
                 the Reds, but then the Chang-Kai-Shek gov't was way too corrupt
                 to keep things under control).
                 \_ I pine for the days when they taught history in our
                    country's schools.  Do the phrases "third UN offensive",
                    1951, and "north of the 38th parallel" mean anything to you?
                    Note that this was previous to any serious Sino- Soviet
                    breakup.  -John
                 \_ While true that it cost Truman the election, that just means
                    it looked like a lost cause at the time.  Also, Truman was
                    running the war like an idiot, so just as well he lost.
                 \_ Appearently, you guys have forgotten how Korean was divided
                    at first place. It is you arrogant American decided to allow
                    USSR to occupy Northeastern China and north of 38 parallel
                    of the Korean peninsula (instead of Chinese Nationalist
                    Army) after Japanese surroundered in the Yalta Conference,
                    in exchange for USSR declare war on Japan.  Later, you
                    Americans decided that allowing USSR to declare war on Japan
                    and occupy Japanese islands was a bad idea after all, thus,
                    used nuclear bomb (read: WMD) on 300,000 civilians to end
                    the war quickly.

                    In all, USSR declared war on Japan for one day before
                    Japanese surroundered.  Number of shots fired upon Japanese
                    by the Russians:  ZERO.
                    \_ Except for the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-05 where Japan
                       kicked Russia out of Korea/Manchuria, started by a
                       Japanese suprise attack on Port Arthur.

                    If you guys had any respect of sovereignty of a non-
                    European nation at first place (i.e. China) , none of this
                    nuclear holocaust and Korean War would ever happen.
                    \_ So China would never have invaded South Korea and force
                       reunification as was done in Vietnam? Neato!

                    Then again, you guys at the time were still in that White
                    Supremist mode... not just Americans, but French and English
                    turned around continue to occupies Algeria and Indo China.
                    Democracy?  Human Rights?  give me a fucking break.
                    as well.  French, after crying foul for Nazi's occupation,
                    turned around continue to occupies Algeria and Indo China.
                    Democracy?  Human Rights?  give me a fucking break.
                    \_ Dude, EVERYONE has problems with Human Rights.
                 \_ Korea wasn't supposed to "defended" the US. It was a
                    mistaken statement by the US Secretary of War that included
                    Korea as a protectorate. After that it became a pissing
                    match once MacArthur decided to draw China into the war.
        \_ So now you are trying to pass off Clinton's bombing of the
              to keep things under control).
                \_ I pine for the days when they taught history in our
                   country's schools.  Do the phrases "third UN offensive",
                   1951, and "north of the 38th parallel" mean anything to
                   you?  Note that this was previous to any serious Sino-
                   Soviet breakup.  -John
                \_ While true that it cost Truman the election, that just
                   means it looked list a lost cause at the time.  Also,
                   Truman was running the war like an idiot, so just as
                   well he lost.
           asprin factory in Sudan as some kind of intelligence success?
           I guess it is about as real as Bush's WMD. At least Clinton
           didn't lose 500 brave Americans over his goof.
                       \_ That many died a week in Vietnam because of
                          LBJ's "goof"
           \_ No, I'm saying Clinton was able to successfully make the clear
              connection between Al Qaeda and Saddam's Iraq but that little
              bush leaguer couldn't even when he had access to Clinton's
              intelligence work.  Unable to come up with anything new he went
              in on the hope we'd find WMD because it was too embarassing to
              use the good intel from the previous admin on the Iraq/Al Qaeda
              connection.  Bill Clinton: connecting the Iraq/Al Qaeda dots!
              \_ Read the story. There is no "clear" connection, that is why
                 they call it connecting the dots. More like seeing things
                 that aren't there, if you ask me.
2003/12/22 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:11560 Activity:nil 75%like:10794
12/21   Anybody have any good or bad things to say about
2003/12/22-23 [Computer/Networking] UID:11561 Activity:nil
12/21   My isp for residential service does not allow any commercial use.
        So it means I cannot set up receive emails to at
        home?  How do they enforce this?  Can they read my traffic to see
        if it is personal or commercial in nature?
        \_ Has any ISP ever enfored this?
        \_ Is a commercial domain?  I've been doing it for years
           to my non-commercial @home domain and they don't block or send notes
           or anything.  The problem more recently is that several large ISPs
           now block my cable provider's entire IP range for incoming mail from
           my IP range and there's no way to get individually unblocked.
           \_ Yes mydomain will be a commerical site, but I am not going to
              put any web page there (yet).  I just want to receive emails
              there and avoid using a hosting service until there is a need.
        \_ The can block port 25 incoming or outgoing. My ISP, dslextreme,
           blocks port 25 outgoing.
2003/12/22-23 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol, Recreation/Food] UID:11562 Activity:high
12/21   I want to buy some really nice fancy chocolate; what's a good place
        in SF? Other than Godiva, Ghiradelli. Like the fancy chocolate place
        they went to in NYC in Queer Eye.
        \_ support small businesses
           has been in Burlingame for over 50 years and is GREAT candy.
        \_ If you can mail order,  -John
        \_ Go to Neiman Marcus, top floor.  Ask for "La Maison Du Chocolat."
           By far the best chocolate you've ever tasted, if you're in luck.
           It often sells out VERY Quickly.  Although, I believe the
           boutique store in NY may ship if you desire.  In that case,
           just google, and look for the NY store(upper East side, iirc).
           They might sell directly online, but that would be from Paris.
           If it's too $$ or not fast enough, Neuhaus is _far_ better Belgium
           than Godiva is.  I believe Macy's cellar has Neuhaus.  But I
           would go with LMDC first, if possible. -nivra
           \_ Other than fancy packaging and European, are they really any
              better than America's own See's Candy?
              \_ I've got to assume this is a troll. Ugh.
              \_ Is there a difference between a Tootsie Roll and See's?
                 \_ Silly customer.  You cannot harm the Twinkie.
                 \_ No one ever claimed the TR was made of chocolate.
              \_ In a word, yes.
                 \_ In another word, wax.
        \_ I didn't realize that anyone local sold La Maison Du Chocolat; it's
                                                   \- this is a real name and
                                                      not a joke ... like say
                                                      the fine purveyors of
                                                      "crunchy frog"?
                                        yes, real name.  surprised _/
                                        you haven't come across their
                                        stores while in paris.  would not
                                        be surprised if the name is "la maison
                                        du chocolat" from when they were
                                        in fact the house of chocolate.
                                        personally not particularly fond of
                                        their chocolates.  usually buy from
                                        madame de sevigny instead if i'm in
                                        the pricey-chocolate-for-the-woman
                                        mood.  obtw, thanks for pointer to
                                        nils. didn't visit the outlet with the
                                        hot blonde, but they made still quite
                                        good sandwiches at another location.
                                        \- did you have the reindeer sandwich?
                                           [this isnt xmas trolling ... that
                                           is what i had]. the best sandwich
                                           in paris ... in fact the best swich
                                           i ever had in my life is at
                                           le regency bar at the prince des
                                           galles in the 8ieme. not cheep--psb
                                the one time i set out to find le _/
                                regency on your recommendation, i did not
                                realize it was in prince de galles, so i
                                could not find the restaurant even after
                                walking the length of georges v.  i have not
                                had the time to repeat the quest the other
                                times i've been in paris since.  - tse, obtw
                                                      oh and all of your names
                                                      are being filed away for
                                                      death when the revolution
                                                      comes --psb
                                                      \-Advisory for Garvitch:
                                        A fun paris food guide for Paris
                                        is E. Rubin: Gourmet Paris. For a
                                        longer stay, P. Wells: Food Lover's
                                        Guide to Paris. Other good s'wich
                                        locations are Cosi on R. Seine 6e,
                                        and (IAOC) La Maison du Cassoulet
                                        [I am not making that up] on R. Mont-
                                        orguil in 1er --psb
           the best I've found.  I usually order online from their store in
           New York.  Since it is their policy to only ship via next day air,
           it won't take long to receive (though that does add significantly
           to the cost).  I'd suggest you start with their plain truffles.
           If you're intent on something that originated in SF, I've heard
           good things about XOX Truffles.  Lots of people seem to like
           Joseph Schmidt's chocolates, but I've never cared for them.
                                                                - alawrenc
        \_ let me just say Herschey's Pot of Gold sucks.
        \_ The Candy Jar, in SF.  Their stuff gets resold at places like
           Nordstroms.  Good stuff.  You can drop by their factory store
           and pick up either the pretty packaged boxes or you can get a
           box of assorted seconds that taste just as good.  Give them a
           ring to check hours and such. --Jon
            The Candy Jar Inc
            2065 Oakdale Ave
            San Francisco, CA 94124-2040
            Phone: (415) 550-8846
        \_ has anyone tried cabaret chocolates?  Were they good?
        \_ Depends on your idea of chocolate and your wallet. Some BA makers:
  (SF) sells fresh traditional European-style
            flavored truffles (small irregular balls rolled in cocoa dust).
  (SF) sells fresh American truffles
            (chocolate shell, flavoring inside).
  (BRK) specializes in dark chocolate bars.
  (OAK) are dark chocolate candies (not as
            dense as bars).
           The latter three can be found at The Candy Store on College,
           near Clarmont (across from the Safeway). The first can be found
           in SF but I do remember seeing a reseller on 4th St. next to Peets.
           Note that much of this stuff is the deeper dark chocolate flavor
           with less sugar involved. Your tastebuds may disagree. My family is
           partial to the XOX truffles...
           \_Scharffen-Berger is great...if your areever in Berkeley go on
             their factory tour (about an hour and free).  Their chocolate
             is more like chocolate for wine lovers...very rich/complex.
             \_ I second this. I've tasted a hell of a lot of the world's
                chocolate and there is not much better than Scharffen-Berger,
                domestic or otherwise. They don't do much by way of chocolates
                though - just the pure chocolate. -- ulysses
                \_ Thirded.  Scharffen-Berger is awesome.  Kudos to mconst for
                   first pointing it out to me.  -- ilyas
        \_One of the best chocolatiers I know is Bernard Callebaut, originally
          from Canada.  They used to have a store in SF, but closed because of
          no publicity.  Pricey, though.
          \_ Valrhona and Callebaut are widely considered to be the best
             two chocolates in the world. Valrhona leads all chocolate in
             percentage of cocoa used (over 80% by weight).
             \_ Scharffen-Berger has a 99% one.
                \_ Unsweetened, of course, and for baking not for consumption
                   as a treat.
                   \_ I ve eaten it before.
        \_ None of these places hold a candle to Le Chat Bleu, an artisan
           chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border.
           chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. Famous all over
           France for having the best hand made chocolate.
                \_ It's fucking French, dude.  You don't go to France for
                   chocolate, you go there for cheese.  Schober & Teuscher
                   in Zurich is IT.  -John
                   \_ This report link from XOX says it's merely "acceptable":
                                \- does anyone else think "Leonidas" is a
                   \_ This report link from XOX says it's merely "acceptable":
                                   pretty weird name choice for a putative
                                   high end chocolate? --psb
                                   \_ It's Spartan, but delicious!
                      See the lists on the bottom. I thought you go to Zurich
                   chocolate, you go there for cheese.  Schober & Teuscher
               \_ Don't be a hater.
           chocolate maker on the Belgian-French border. Famous all over
           France for having the best hand made chocolate.
                   in Zurich is IT.  -John
                      See the lists on the bottom. I thought you go to Zurich
                      for bank accounts and watches?
                      for bank accounts and watches?
                      \_ Guns too.
                      \_ Guns too.
                      \_ This list is the "Greatest Chocolates in America". I
                         am not sure what that means except that it excludes
                         a lot of superior European chocolate.
                         \_ Freshness, availability, cost of transport, and
                            perhaps some bit of nationalism.
            \_ Yermom's famous all over France, too.
               \_ Don't be a hater.
2003/12/22-23 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:11563 Activity:high
12/22   I have Linux running from my PC.  Before today, I'd never
        tried to send mail directly from my PC to the outside world.
        While connected to the internet, using pine, I sent out a
        couple messages to my yahoo account as a test.  They didn't
        go through.  They didn't bounce either.
        \_ The pain..  The pain...   Are you running sendmail?  postfix?
           What's your ISP?  Yahoo blocks many blocks of IPs for their
           anti-spam measures.  Does your ISP have an SMTP server you can
           use?  Have you checked that you can connect to any of yahoo's
           SMTP servers.  As you mentioned pine, I'm assuming most of the
           answers are "no" or "i don't know".  Just go back to windows.
        \_If you can send email from windows, you can do it from Linux.
          There isn't a reason why Linux can't use the same SMTP server
          as your Windows setup. Try using a different client, i.e. Netscape/
          Mozilla email. I haven't setup pine in a while, but if you can do
          it through something that is akin to a windows client then you are
          that much closer to resolving your issue.
        \_ just use Mozilla Thunderbird.  Best mail client.
        \_ pine?  is this a troll?
2003/12/22-23 [Science/Disaster] UID:11564 Activity:moderate
12/22   Feel the earthquake?  San Simeon, 6.5:
        \_ Yeah, it was pretty mellow. I thought I was feeling dizzy until I
           noticed stuff swinging.
           \_ Same here.  I thought I was dizzy for about ten whole seconds
              before I realized it was an earthquake, because the building
              was swinging so slowly (frequency, not magnitude) that it wasn't
              like any other earthquake I went through before.
        \_ San Simeon is pretty far away.  (120 miles or so from San Jose).
           \_ It's by Point Reyes.
              \_ no.  Point Reyes is North of SF.  San Simeon
                 is near San Luis Obispo
        \_ no.
2003/12/22-23 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:11565 Activity:kinda low
12/22   Any tips for bringing a machine back to life after some sort of
        ACPI-related badness?  It's new Dell, FreeBSD-5.2RC1, and I tried
        acpiconf -s 3.  It shut down and now I can't even get the thing to
        POST-- no vid display, no beeping, just the power light on and the
        disk light blinking.  I know/knew the risks of running -CURRENT, just
        looking for any advice as to how to reset the mobo.  TIA.
        \_ How do you know that your motherboard or your cpu didn't fry?  Rip
           the mobo out and install a spare. If it exhibits the same problem
           chances are it's the CPU (potentially it could be memory, but if it
           was you'd see the POST beeping at you about bad memory).  If it is
           indeed a screwed up ACPI (I've never seen this happen) then you can
           try ripping out the clock battery, waiting for two minutes, and
           sticking it back in. BIOS should revert to factory setting. If you
           can get the manual to your mobo then there should be a jumper short
           you can do to reset the BIOS, which is the "correct" way of doing
           things since you may or may not be able to do the clock battery
           thing. (Although I haven't seen an encased NVRAM with builtin batt
           for some years).  Keep in mind that ripping out the clock battery
           doesn't guarentee the BIOS settings will reset, the BIOS may have a
           large capacitor associated with it to keep it alive for some time (on
           the order of minutes/hours). It could also store stuff in flash, then
           you're SOL until you dig up the manual for the proper jumper
           \_ If it's a new dell, it should have a service tag (series of
              letters and numbers) you can enter in on the Dell website and get
              to the page of drivers/manuals, etc.
        \_ Ah but, did you know the risks of running FreeBSD?
        \_ There may be a jumper to reset the CMOS.  I had to do it on an
           Abit BH6 recently when I didn't know the BIOS password.  Look
           on the circuit board for something resembling this.
        \_ How do you know that your motherboard or your cpu didn't fry?  Rip the
           mobo out and install a spare. If it exhibits the same problem chances
           are it's the CPU (potentially it could be memory, but if it was you'd
           see the POST beeping at you about bad memory).  If it is indeed a
           screwed up ACPI (I've never seen this happen) then you can try ripping
           out the clock battery, waiting for two minutes, and sticking it back
           in. BIOS should revert to factory setting. If you can get the manual
           to your mobo then there should be a jumper short you can do to reset
           the BIOS, which is the "correct" way of doing things since you may or
           may not be able to do the clock battery thing. (Although I haven't
           seen an encased NVRAM with builtin batt for some years).  Keep in mind
           that ripping out the clock battery doesn't guarentee the BIOS settings
           will reset, the BIOS may have a large capacitor associated with it to
           keep it alive for some time (on the order of minutes/hours). It could
           also store stuff in flash, then you're SOL until you dig up the manual
           for the proper jumper settings.
        \_ Ah but, did you know the risks of running FreeBSD?
2003/12/22-23 [Reference/Celebration] UID:11566 Activity:nil
12/22   A Sun Christmas:
2003/12/22-23 [Uncategorized] UID:29729 Activity:high
12/22   Wait, why are we are orange-plus threat level?  I thought capturing
        Saddam made us more safe!
        \_ weak troll.
        \_ Mission Accomplished!
           \_ Bring It On!
        \_ are all liberals 3 yr olds?
           \_ Who is the "Bring It On", strutting rooster crowd?
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:December:22 Monday <Sunday, Tuesday>