2003/12/20 [Uncategorized] UID:11536 Activity:nil 50%like:10460 80%like:11546 |
12/19 You go girl! http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/12/18/state1259EST0075.DTL |
2003/12/20-21 [Science/Space] UID:11537 Activity:nil |
12/19 NASA is a bunch of incompetents. http://msnbc.msn.com/Default.aspx?id=3761450&p1=0 \_ should i presume you could do it so much better? \_ Russia and Japan have done no better. It's tough to do this work. --NASA employee \_ They have what percentage of NASA's budget? Although to be fair, NASA has far stupider political constraints. -John \_ "NASA's budget" is building the stupid space station, not sending probes to Mars and therein lies some of the problem. The Shuttle was the historical money pit and even that is being shortchanged for the ISS. \_ Fair enough, that's why I mentioned politics. But the Russkies and Japanese aren't sending anything to Mars either; in fact, isn't the only reason the ISS is able to operate the fact that only the Russians have capable supply ships? And I recall reading something about a US-built rescue craft that was supposed to be ready a while ago. I think most people realize what pressures NASA has to work under, but as an uninformed Joe Schmo, I distinctly get the impression that anytime NASA is confronted with criticism, the reaction is always defensive, making excuses. -John \_ just ignore him. Most people have no idea what kind of problem you guys are solving, few is ignorant enough to think they can do it themselves \_ and this guy gets his news from msnbc. \_ Well, why do they always have some investigatory session where they find out about serious design flaws? Shouldn't they have these reviews in a serious way before the thing goes live? \_ The design flaws are almost always known in advance. Rare is the unforeseen problem. The problem is knowing which problems will kill you and which will not and deciding if it is worth it to correct them. Many flaws are only "serious" in retrospect (i.e. after they caused a failure) and there *is* a budget to meet. Current missions are being flown for a fraction of the cost of those done in the 1970s which were much more successful, not surprisingly. \_ What's most troubling is that many of the criticisms Richard Feynman made during his investigations of the Challenger accident seem to have occured again in the Columbia accident. Obviously, space exploration is still very experimental and prone to accidents, but as someone who works for NASA, maybe you can tell us if most of Feynman's chief concerns have truly been addressed in the almost 18 years since. |
2003/12/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11538 Activity:high |
12/19 Howard Dean blames flu epidemic on Bush. haha \_ Well Reagan did create AIDS \_ that's right, I forgot. he sat in a lab and his vagina had this violent little orgasm. thanks for reminding me, \_ that's right, I forgot. he sat in a lab and engineered dumbshit. \_ Isn't that his "mangina"? this virulent little organism. thanks for reminding me, dumbshit. \_ Isn't that his "mangina"? \_ Shakes, he doesnt even have an angina. \_ URL? |
2003/12/20-21 [Computer/SW/Editors, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11539 Activity:nil |
12/19 New post below restored. Watch your overwrites!!! [deleter was the guy who pruned the s.a.d. thread] \_ Use ME or get used to being overwritten. I am tired of having to exit my editor and redo my post simply because you refuse to wait in the queue. You can redo your post just as easily as me. \_ this is why me sucks. you shouldn't lock the file and sit there composing a post. anyway if you learn to use your editor you won't have to exit to update the file. \_ I agree. If you use motdedit you still shouldn't be overwriting people. \_ Well, I disagree. Changing the motd on someone when they have a copy checked out to write is the same as "overwriting". If a**holes intend to change it out from under me, I am not going out of my way to preserve their changes. And I am not going to whine about it when they overwrite mine either. \_ Aside from motdedit/me being in /csua/bin, is there any other way its use has been officially sanctioned? \_ No. Just some pompous lazy jerks decided that ME IS THE STANDARD MOTD EDITOR! and enforce their will at every opportunity with self righteousness. As a non-ME user who *does* patch in the diffs, I have nothing but disdain for the lazy, inept, and simply childish fools incapable and unwilling to do such a trivial thing to avoid unnecessary conflict. \_ how is patching in the diffs better than using me in the first place? \_ ME is the STANDARD EDITOR! ME! ME! ME! \_ This entire thread could be rendered irrelevant if motdedit simply used a patch-based system. \_ Then write it and put it up. |
2003/12/20-21 [Computer/HW/Display] UID:11540 Activity:nil |
12/19 If you use a LCD monitor through a VGA connection, will you never get the full advantage of LCD? Is it still easier on the eys than CRT? \_ From what I read Samsung LCDs really suffer from the analog interface at higher resolutions / screen sizes. There are many LCDs (particularly those which do not have a DVI connector) where the analog signal is fine. \_ url please. Yes I am worried about D->A->D conversion and which monitors will as a result have blurry pictures. \_ yes, it's still easier on the eyes. \_ No it is a bad idea: digital -> analog -> digital Your computer and the LCD monitor are digital. The VGA signal is analog. bad for your eyes. get DVI! \_ You will not get the full advantage of LCD, but it will still look much better than a CRT, if you're running at the native resolution of the LCD screen. -tom \_ unless it looks worse than the CRT due to noise in the signal. the VGA->LCD (analog->digital) conversions are lossy and ugly. |
2003/12/20 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President] UID:11541 Activity:moderate |
12/19 Regarding the neocon movement, its impetus, its icons, and its critics. http://csua.org/u/5bz \_ Eh, the "neocon" movement is nothing more than the Democrats (as opposed to liberals) playing partisan politics--labeling something other than their own belief with a name similar to "neonazi". \_ neocon is what they called themselves. try again. \_ And where would I find an example of that please? \_ http://csua.org/u/5c3 \_ "neo" suggests renewal or revival, as in neo-romanticism, neo-classical, etc. It applies to something already defunct, as in neo-nazi. The neocons want to "diss" the (traditional) conservatives, whom they regard as soft and impotent even though they are very much alive (in the wilderness of power). \_ the neocons are for the neocons. they aren't right or left. conservatives, whom they regard as soft and impotent. \_ What is the csua login for salon? \_ login: watchThe password: damnCommercial \_ Rather than being sarcastic, you could have signed up an actual account, and I would thank you on behalf of a grateful motd. \_ Subscriptions are $18 or $30/year. \_ Ask what you can do for the motd, not the reverse. \_ Getting a paid Salon subscription for the motd would password: damnCommercial \_ Subscriptions are $18 or $30/year. not be helping anyone. Not even Salon. |
2003/12/20 [Computer/HW] UID:11542 Activity:nil |
12/19 There is interesting stuff in Craigslist's "Best of" section \_ Uh, ya. Thanks for the tip. Anyone want to visit the CL servers? They have a 4 rack cage where my company colos. \_ why the fuck would I want to do that? Ohhh look, a server! \_ Duh. If I have to explain it.... \_ Looking at servers is dumb. It's not even 'geek' it's just boring. \_ Who said 'look'? I said 'visit'. Are you ESL? I'm not going to spell it out for you. |
2003/12/20 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11544 Activity:nil |
12/19 Connecting the dots in 1998, but not in 2003. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1043839/posts \_ hard facts would help. |
2003/12/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:11546 Activity:low 80%like:11536 |
12/19 You go girl! http://csua.org/u/5bm (sfgate.com) \_ url shortened \_ Fucking brilliant! good find. |
2003/12/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:11547 Activity:nil 58%like:11492 |
12/20 Someone posted a resume pointer in the motd last week, looking for a kernel job with storage management expertise. drop me email if still interested: charmer@csua.berkeley.edu --charmer \_ or just email jwm. |
2003/12/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:11548 Activity:nil |
12/20 Fremont 9th most desirable place to live? http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/7538860.htm \_ As someone who lived there for far too long, that's really disturbing... --scotsman \_ Note that the list comprises towns with demographics similar to the typical Money reader. It's kind of odd that Fremont is so high since not all of Fremont is upper-middle class. \_ I dunno.. what's bad about it? \_ look at the criteria used. So many other "better" places in the bay area don't qualify. |
2003/12/20-21 [Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:11549 Activity:nil |
12/20 Sorry if this is old, but I nearly pissed myself laughing: ~john/wine.txt -John \_ http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~tom/games.html \_ Speaking of Walmart, I just spoke with a friend from the UK, and he mentioned that Walmart is now decimating the retail grocery and department store chains in England. Walmart purchased the chain store ASDA, and has found a loophole in British zoning law which allows them to build mezzanine levels into ASDA stores to expand into the markets of other surrounding businesses. \_ Germany too. Of course then, most German supermarkets currently suck and could use a kick in the ass. -John \_ what is wrong with Walmart? it's not even close to being a microsoft in the retail industry. \_ ???? Hello? \_ Don't be fooled by the rhetoric. Walmart's total control is only 3-4% of retail sales in America. That's a far cry from MS's 98% of all desktops. Of the two, MS is still by far the more perilous monopoly. \_ having said that, I would say thi is the flaw of our current anti-trust law. Our current antitrust law looks over total market share, ignoring the phenomena of regional monopoly. Thus, Walmart and the baby Bells in telecom welds a lot more power, essentially stifle any competition in a particular geographical area, than the overall market share reflects. |
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