Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:December:19 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/12/19-20 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media] UID:11517 Activity:nil
12/18   Re: Winamp resource hog:  Winamp 5 seems to be doing better than 2 for
        me.  I use it to listen to soundtracks when playing games, and was
        having trouble with 2.  5 works great.
        \_ CPU-wise, Winamp 5 seems the same as Winamp2, same for resistance to
           skipping.  Winamp5 seems to use a few megs more memory.  All in all
           it's not bad, although it feels a little like it has feature-creep.
           - op of the old thread
           \_ Also, the new skin takes a while to popup when alt-tabbing.
              Global hotkeys makes up for this though.
        \_ What type of system do you guys have? At work, I have an older
           P2-400, and Winamp3 took forever to load and ran very slow (choppy)
           compared to Winamp2.
           \_ I have a Athlon 1700.  Show 2% cpu usage once it gets started.
              Did you turn off transparency?  Are you using a Winamp3 skin?
              Is it populating your "Media Library"?
              Oops. I just noticed you're using Winamp3.  Winamp5 is most of
              the new features of Winamp3 built on the much faster Winamp2
2003/12/19-20 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs, Reference/Tax] UID:11518 Activity:moderate
12/18   Most of people in California don't like the car tax. Just curious,
        do you guys support the repeal of that car tax at our current
        financial crisis?
        \_ One thing that was conveniently forgotten: 3 years ago, the car
           "tax" was reduced by 66% because we were flush with revenue from
           other sources.  Restoring those pre-boom levels can hardly be
           called a tax increase...  But it was a very effective marketing
           term.  As was the heretofore nonexistent term "Car tax." --scotsman
           \_ That's right.  I used to be paying $400, but now i am paying
              $250 for a car that is twice as much as my old car.
        \_ I guess I'm not most people. I think a tax based on the value of
           one's car makes a lot of sense. -- ulysses
           \_ You must really hate America.
           \_ I bet you'd love socialism, too. -- anonymous coward
           \_ We should base criminal penalties on the value of your car, too.
           \_ I bet you'd love socialism, too.
        \_ Hmm, we're spending way more than we're making....  Oh well, maybe
           it'll get better on its own....  Oops, it didn't.  I don't want to
           spend less, though....  I heard CA has one of the highest car tax
           rates in the country _even_before_ the tripling.
           \_ you heard wrong.
        \_ I would prefer not being taxed over being taxed, but I don't
           think it makes sense to get rid of a tax before figuring out
           where the money will come from or before getting rid of the
           items being funded by the tax.
        \_ Our current financial 'crisis' is due to over spending not lack of
           taxation.  After the state level morons cut a few billion in pork
           everything will be fine.
           \_ may be we can resolve the financial crisis at federal level
              by stop issuing bonds.  after the federal level morons cut
              a few hundred billion in pork, everything will be fine?
              \_ There isn't a financial crisis at the federal level but
                 yes there's a few hundred billion in pork that should be
                 cut and taxes lowered by the same amount.
                 \_ there isn't ??? hello the federal financial crisis is way
                    worse!  The fed govt' is already in amode of borrowing to
                    pay for the interest on its debt.  Can you say federal
                    debts over 10,000 per capita?   The only difference here is
                    there is already an established pattern of borrowing at
                    the federal level, while there is none such for the state
                    \_ No, the biggest difference is that the Fed can just
                       decide to mint money and inflate their way out of
                       any debt problem. The State cannot.
        \_ This is all really very easy.  Davis increased the # of
           gov't employees by 30% during his reign.  Fire them and cut the
           budget 10% across the board.
           \_ urlP
           \_ why didn't Arnold doing so?
              \_ probably the same reason your grammar sucks. laziness, or
                 perhaps sheer stupidity.
                 \_ if you are so smart, then, tell me why Arnie is not
                    firing state employees.
                    \_ what does knowing what goes on in arnold's head have
                       to do with being smart?
                    \_That's easy, fire people = less votes
           \_ How many of those 30% were school teachers, mandated by the
              voters? Not a rhetorical question, seriously interested in
              the answer.
              \_ I don't have the answer, but this is the general problem.
                 Voters have such little trust for the state legislature, that
                 we've passed measure after measure to control their spending.
                 As a result, decreasing the budget without breaking a law is
                 hard.  Other than school teachers, there are also the huge
                 pensions given to prison workers, which can't be taken away,
                 etc. -emarkp
        \_ Americans don't pay for the full social cost of driving anyway, and
           the car tax still doesn't come close to what Europeans and others
           pay in terms of gas prices, etc. The tax should be more of a user
           fee rather than money for local jurisdictions.
           \_ Europe is a lousy god forsaken place full of socialists and
              communists who never want to do an honest days work.  Using Europe
              as a benchmark is stupid and foolish.
              \_ I love how you there's basically no difference between trolls
                 and people being serious on the motd.
                 \_ What'd he say that isn't true?
           \_ Actually I think you have it backwards.  It is the US that pays
              a disproportionate amount of costs for a stable supply of oil
              in the Middle East.  It is the US military that provides
              security in the area (eg. Fifth Fleet).  Much like
              pharmaceuticals and host of the other products Europe is a
              parasite on the US - we subsidize their lazy social welfare
                 \_ Europe is a lousy god forsaken place full of socialists
                    and communists who never want to do an honest days work.
                    Using Europe as a benchmark is stupid and foolish.
                 and people being serious on the motd.
        \_ car tax on my 10-year old honda was tiny anyway ($65 for the total
           DMV registration for the year) - triple that puppy!  Punish the
           SUV buyers!
           \_ why single out the SUV owners?  Heck, why single out car owners
              when the real social cost is on the USE of cars.  A gas tax
              would be ideal here, and be far less noticeable than a several
              hundred dollar a year hit in registration fees.  Plus it will
              disproportionately hit the heavy gas users like SUV owners.
              \_ I prefer gas tax over car tax too.  The more you drive, the
                 more of the purden you pick up to maintain the roads.  Plus
                 that'll encourage people to carpool and take public transit.
                 BTW I drive an SUV.
              \_ Is it accurate to say that most expensive cars (= high car
                 tax) also have lower gas mileage?  E.g. sports cars, large
                 trucks, ...?  Still indirect, admittedly, but doesn't it
                 have roughly the same effect? (not the case with old vs
                 new cars, though)
        \_ car tax on my 10-year old honda was tiny anyway ($65 for the total
           DMV registration for the year) - triple that puppy!  Punish the
           SUV buyers!
              would be ideal here, and be far less noticeable than a several
              hundred dollar a year hit in registration fees.  Plus it will
              disproportionately hit the heavy gas users like SUV owners.
              \_ I prefer gas tax over car tax too.  The more you drive, the
                 more of the purden you pick up to maintain the roads.  Plus
                 that'll encourage people to carpool and take public transit.
                 BTW I drive an SUV.
                 tax) also have lower gas mileage?  E.g. sports cars, large
                 trucks, ...?  Still indirect, admittedly, but doesn't it
                 have roughly the same effect? (not the case with old vs
                 new cars, though)
                 \_ More expensive cars tend to have much worse gas mileage
                    because the vehicles are heavier, have more power, bigger
                    engines, more toys, etc.  Anyway, as someone with an
                    expensive car I only drive a short way to/from BART every
                    day I don't see why I should have to pay a huge tax on it.
        \_ It's always been high. What the tax paid for was covered by state
           taxes when they had enough in the kitty. With the econ down and the
           state can't cover, the taxes returned to their former high level. In
           the spending spree and 0% financing frenzy of the last two years,
           people have been buying lots of new cars (enough to float the US
           economy past a recession) for big bucks thus high vehicle taxes.
           It's the same sort of whining gas prices get "too high" and people
           who bought low MPG cars start crying or when people buy property
           and whine about high taxes. You're fucking rich enough to buy it
           stop whining about the relatively small taxes associated.
2003/12/19 [Uncategorized] UID:11519 Activity:nil 100%like:11526
12/18   Imaginary Girlfriends all over the place:
        \_ they're so nasty it must be real!
           \_ some are pretty cute.
2003/12/19-20 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:11520 Activity:kinda low
12/18   SACD vs. DVD-A. If I can only have one in a player which do I want?
          \_ SACD is technically better in every respect. DVD-A seems to get more
             support in hardware right now. But hybrid SACDs also play on older
             CD players, and there are a lot of them available. Go SACD I guess.
           [above post restored from deletion. plz be careful of overwriting]
        \_ What does DVDA stand for?
           \_ DVD Audio?
           \_ If you have to ask... -phillip
        \_ would you actually use either one?
           \_ Sure.
        \_ At least at Fry's, SACD selection seems *much* larger. Actually,
           it really depends on the artists you listen to. Make your decision
           based on that.
        \_ SACD all the way!  DVD-A *sucks*!
        \_ DVD-A all the way!  SACD *sucks*!
        \_ When I stopped paying attention to high-end stereo, Sterophile was
           indicating that SACD was more likely to win the battle.  I'm not
           as familiar with the current situation, though. -nivra
           it really depends on the artists you listen to. Make your decision
           based on that.
        \_ SACD all the way!  DVD-A *sucks*!
        \_ DVD-A all the way!  SACD *sucks*!
           \_ time to go and buy 4 more monoblock amps to get the same
              sound quality!
              \_ hey, there is a substantial increase in sound-quality w/
                 hi-end equip. Especially now, with SACD, DVD-A.  Not to
                 say I have 4 monoblocks.  But if I had the $$, I would.
2003/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:11521 Activity:nil
12/18   Anybody here have a beowulf cluster? What do you use to manage it?
        If anything.. (such as software updates, remote installs, etc.)
        \_ I have two. Systemimager to install. Manage like any other
2003/12/19-20 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:11522 Activity:nil
12/18   You know, the jury recommended death for John Muhammad.  I think
        they'll recommend life in prison for Malvo, since they want the
        maximum punishment for him, which in this case would be facing
        60+ years in jail at the beginning of his life.  I figure they'll
        think kids will think it's an easy way out if they kill a bunch
        of people, receive so much attention, then get to die painlessly in
        the end.
2003/12/19-20 [Transportation/Car, Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:11523 Activity:nil
12/18   earn some quick shopping money this weekend flyering cars for - the netflix for games.  email brain for details
        \_ Yay!  More trash in the gutters!  Like my email and US mail spam
           wasn't enough, now I've got to toss your shit off my car at BART.
        \_ yeah, like we needed more trash in the gutters.
        \_ what's wrong with
2003/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:11524 Activity:nil
12/18   You all need to stop writing to the motd and just hang out here:
        \_ dull.
2003/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:11525 Activity:nil
12/18   Nice                         ass    .  -John
        \_ Selective = stupid stuff removed.
           \_ I liked the Zagat guide to Middle Earth and Rogue
        \_ huh?
2003/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:11526 Activity:nil 100%like:11519
12/18   Imaginary Girlfriends all over the place:
        \_ they're so nasty it must be real!
           \_ some are pretty cute.
2003/12/19-20 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:11527 Activity:nil
12/18   SpamAssassin failed to block 54 spam emails since yesterday.  What
        \_ It doesn't help that csua's version is more than half a year
           old... (2.54)
        \_ Yeah, since last week or so, SpamAssassin hasn't been doing
           quite as well as it had been previously for me. I noticed that
           the number of spams i've been getting has increased, but so
           has their form. I'm hoping SpamAssassin adjusts soon to the
           new spam styles.
           \_ I've noticed a lot of spams with a score of 0.
              Methinks spamers are testing against recent releases of SA.
              \_ Duh.  One of the main reasons SA is useless in the long run.
                 \_ yeah, just like anti-virus software is useless.  Get a
                    \_ It's all about economics.  Spammers have an economic
                       incentive to get that mail through, so they'll take
                       the time.  Viruses seem to be more for the intellectual
                       challenge, or immature dick waving.  I deal with this
                       stuff every day, man.  --scotsman
                       \_ Except for those trojans which are used to insert
                          spam into your folder.
        \_ Latest subject heading i've received:
           "you have a small weeinner and need to do something"
        \_ I wrote a quick tutorial on using ifile + spamassassin together.
           The combo works well because if one filter misses, the other
           catches it.  And if both label a message spam, then you can be
           quite certain that it's not a false positive.
           /csua/tmp/ifile_tutorial             -- mjm
           \_ Thank you, but I'm confused on step 2.  Where do I put these
              \_ Sorry, you just run them from the command line.
                 You'll need at least one piece of spam to learn on,
                 more is better.
           \_ should be labeled ifile+spamassassin+PINE
2003/12/19-20 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:11528 Activity:nil
12/18   Freedom Tower:
        \_ that doesn't sound too bad.
           \_ Libeskind is impressive.  I visited the Jewish Museum in Berlin.
              One of the most overtly effective and affecting examples of
              architecture i've seen.  --scotsman
              \_ I like it too.  It's like giving the terrorists the finger.
                 A tasteful, shiny finger.
                 \_ or a big sinful erection pointing at Allah.
                    \_ also, as someone unlikely to actually work in the
                       trade center, i'm glad to hear there'll be a
2003/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:11529 Activity:nil
12/18   Would you like some Freedom Fries with that?
2003/12/19-20 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11530 Activity:nil
12/18   Real sues M$:
2003/12/19-20 [Uncategorized] UID:11531 Activity:low
12/19   This Looks like a job for HOYTE, some call him quick!
        \_ Stay away from my asian women white devil!  -Hoyt Sze
2003/12/19-21 [Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:11532 Activity:nil
12/19   How do you get Firebird to handle new file types? Sometimes it tries to
        open binary files in the browser window.
        \_ You can shift-enter on the location bar to force-save the file, or
           wait for 0.8 to fix this issue (branch has already been cut for
           \_ I don't understand why all the Netscape-like browsers do this.
              What's up with the shift-click thing all these years?
                \_ What's up is that the server is sending the wrong
                   Content-Type (probably text/html or text/plain if
                   Firebird tries to display it in the browser window) for
                   binary files.  The reason it might work with IE is that
                   IE violates RFCs by guessing what the content-type really
                   is by looking at the file extension.  -tom
                   \_ I see.  I prefer the functional RFC violation to the
                      geeky, correct, but non-functional version.
                      \_ You think the violation is functional because
                        you think Microsoft is the center of Universe and
                        Windows + Intel PC is the only kind of computer
                        on face of the earth.  Fortunately, there are a lot
                        of geeks who are actually doing productive things
                        on other Hardware/software platform so you don't have
                        to learn another OS, or learn how to type up a paper
                        without using the Word which  you pirated.
                        \_ Actually it's extremely unlikely you know more
                           systems than I do.  Unlike you, I've learned that it
                           is better when they just work, rather than blindly
                           follow an arbitrary standard which makes the apps
                           less functional.  I bought Word.  I also paid for
                           my personal copy of Solaris.  When in school and I
                           couldn't afford Word, I wrote my papers in troff
                           while everyone else was still using type writers or
                           the very few computers available on campus.  What
                           were *you* writing your college papers on in the
                           \_ functional violations of the standard by
                              monpolies are always bad. they make the monopoly
                              stronger. if all the small players don't adhere
                              to the standard and do adhoc shit, they lose
                              to the big player. so blame either the standard
                              or the webmasters. i don't think the browser is
                              at fault.
                              you're an idiot for using troff. -ali.
                                \_ he's actually a liar and a troll for saying
                                he used troff. he's an idiot for implying that
                                was a good thing.
                                \_ i only lied about being a troll. -clooney
2003/12/19-20 [Recreation/Dating] UID:11533 Activity:nil
        Does "dark-skinned" mean black?
        \_ Not necessarily.
           \_ that's what I mean.  If they mean "black", they should say
              something like that.  If he looked like a dark skinned
              Indian,Middle-Easterner, or Asian, they should add that
              info too.
              \_ It was late at night.  Maybe they couldn't tell...
        \_ What was a dark-skinned person doing in the Marina after dark
           anyway? Very suspicious.
           \_ Kill whitey!
2003/12/19-21 [Transportation/Car] UID:11534 Activity:nil
12/19   Yahoo! News - Silver Colored Cars Safest, New Zealand Scientists Say
        How can it be???  I always thought red and yellow cars are the safest
        because they're the easiest to see, and silver and gray cars are less
        safe because their colors are similar to the color of the tarmac
        \_  probably has more to do with the personality of ppl who buy
            silver cars than anything else.
            \_ Got a heavy foot in my silver car, thanks.
        \_ White has been show over and over again to be the most visible.
           \_ I thought red is more visible.
                It is either white (at night) or lime yellow (against snow).
             \_ Only to cops when you're speeding.
        \_ Similar study here 2 years ago said red was the safest.  But then
           again, we drive on the correct side of the road.  -John
2003/12/19-21 [Computer/HW/Laptop] UID:11535 Activity:nil
12/19   People who use laptop as a destop replacement for all/most of their
        time, do your wrist, back, and/or eyes hurt over time?
        \_ A lot of laptop keyboards have shitty give so it's like typing
           on a board.  I never had this problem with my Thinkpads, although
           I've heard from consultant friends who spend 10 hours a day
           typing that they have problems.  5 minute break away from your
           PC (i.e. walking around) every hour, straight back, correct
           height chair and desk and not resting your wrists on your keyboard
           works miracles.  -John
        \_ if you plan to do this I'd be sure and get a laptop with 100%
           keyboard and a large screen (15+"). Alternatively, get all
           external peripherals to use when you are at home.
        \_ I have a notebook with a 13.3" 1024x768 screen where the keyboard
           is full-size (key width and spacing).  The keyboard's fine, but
           my eyes get tired mid-week.
        \_ I've been using a laptop as my primary computer for 10 years
           and I haven't had any problem. I've made sure to get laptops
           with reasonable size keyboards and the best screen.
        \_ Mine has a 15.1" screen, with 1400x1050 resolution, and I find it
           easier to read than a CRT.  Also, the smaller keyboard is easier on
           my hands.
        \_ Everytime I switch from a PC to a laptop when I go on biz trip, it
           takes me two to three days to get used to the keyboard.  After that
           it's fine.  However, I can't stand any pointing device on a laptop,
           so I carry a regular mouse.
2003/12/19-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:11543 Activity:low
12/19   screen help request.  After a few days(3-20?), my screen just goes
        to shit.  Tab's don't indent right, editing anything requiring
        left-right placement, cursor movement, or backspace  becomes hell
        (editor, emacs).  Any idea why? If I kill the screen, then restart
        it, everything's fine again.  -nivra
        \_ what screen version, os?
           \_ Screen version 3.09.08 (FAU) 1-Sep-00
              Linux 2.4.2-2 #1 Sun Apr 8 20:41:30 EDT 2001 i686
              \_ ever considered upgrading?
                 \_ Linux never goes down.  It's rock solid, no upgrades reqd.
                    \_ you're an idiot. anyway, i was talking about screen.
                       and even if you don't have root, given your old ass
                       kernel, that shouldn't be a problem...
                       \_ Are you the same guy who thought the guy who said
                          that Reagan created AIDS was serious?
                       \_ the server is a company server, so no os upgrade
                          possibilities.  I guess I could try moving to
                          screen 4, locally as long as it works with the old
                          linux kernel.  -nivra
                       \_ Kids these days, no sense of humor.
                       \_ Linux rules!  You asked above "what screen version,
                          os?" so yes you were talking about the os or you
                          wouldn't have asked that, dumbass.  RULEZ!@
2003/12/19 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29727 Activity:nil
12/19   my life is so boring.
        \_ Yay, anonymous posting on craigslist.
2003/12/19 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29728 Activity:nil
        Women who had sex with her cousin.  It really turned me on!
        \_ A man wrote that.  Easy to tell by the style.
           \_ I bet it was pretty boy -pretty boy #1 fan
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:December:19 Friday <Thursday, Saturday>