2003/12/16 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:11467 Activity:kinda low |
12/16 Anyone here speak procmail? Can you please tell me what the following means: procmail -f someone@somewhere.com -t -Y -a -d mylocaluser this is from a 'ps'. mylocaluser is a user on my box. [formatd] \_ it's all in the man pages. that's all anyone else here would do. |
2003/12/16 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11468 Activity:nil |
12/15 On a home windows XP machine, how important is the user password? What are the ways that someone could log onto that windows box? I only know about MS's telnet server that I guess would allow it. What other crap could be enabled by default? \_ not too important. disable remote desktop and shares. |
2003/12/16 [Computer/Companies/Ebay] UID:11469 Activity:kinda low |
12/15 What's your experience with CheckFree? Better than paypal? \_ they seem like apples and oranges. \_ that's basically what i was about to say. \_ Ok my question was silly. I won a bid on ebay and both paypal and checkfree are payment options. Which one should I choose and why? I lack experience with both. |
2003/12/16 [Finance/Investment] UID:11470 Activity:nil |
12/15 http://money.cnn.com/2003/12/15/technology/jobs/index.htm?cnn=yes \_ so what? why post this link? |
2003/12/16 [Uncategorized] UID:11471 Activity:nil |
12/15 http://users.skynet.be/treet.ta-tra/cut_filled_with_playmobiel.html Not work safe (porn alert), just... odd. \_ what is going on there?? |
2003/12/16 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:11472 Activity:nil |
12/15 Months ago, some guy suggest to set up a FreeBSD / Linux box at front of Exchange Server to serve as a sort of MTA which greatly enhance the security of the email infrastructure. I would like to know more on how to do that. Any pointers? Thanks. \_ the idea is by having inbound connections from the internet connect to the bsd/linux box you protect your exchange server from any security vulnerabilities associated w/ IIS (specifically the MTA piece of IIS). setting it up can be as simple as setting up the box w/ most defaults and being sure to set your MX for your domain on the inside to your exchange server... now you should at least disable relaying from the internet as well. \_ It's just a mail proxy that runs SA or whatever and then reforwards the surviving mail to exchange. |
2003/12/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11473 Activity:moderate |
12/15 Saddam almost blown to bits!: (cnn.com) They heard noises from below. They were about to execute a "clearing procedure" -- firing into the hole or dropping a grenade into it -- when someone saw upraised hands belonging to a bearded, bedraggled man. The man had a pistol but did not fire it. When the soldiers assisted the man from the hole, he said, in English: "I am Saddam Hussein. I am the president of Iraq. I want to negotiate." - jctwu \_ so he's back working for the CIA then? \_ weak! his sons fought like heros, and he himself is willing to be captured alive and face trial which is nothing but unjust humiliation. \_ Humiliation? That's a bizarre arab concept that didn't appear in our press until the palestinians whined constantly about humiliation since they had no other real beef with the jews in comparison to how other arabs treated and still treat them. \_ Unjust humiliation? You know, I have a real hard time feeling much sympathy. \_ of course. You would have real hard time to see why this is a war of pure aggression, as we are still trying to find excuse to justify our invasion. \_ He will face justice on Earth and in heaven, says acid bath victim http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1041100/posts \_ So shall we (ok, only in heaven), who provided him the chemical agents, and kept quiet when he was acid bathing the kurds. \_ If Reagan/Bush had wanted to interfere your parents and their associates would have been screaming bloody murder about all of the people killed and state sovereignty, just as you do today; sorry you're argument is inane. It was politically inexpedient at the time. The difference is Bush was willing to expend the political capital. And please stop propagating lies: there was a university transfer of two biological agents for research. Again, apart from the strains, in terms of equipment for chemical weapons it was supplied by Europe, (France, Germany) Russia and China. How do you reconcile this with their position today? \_ Ah, "politically inexpedient". What an excuse. Saddam could also say that if he didn't keep the Kurds and Shiites under control those two groups would butcher the Sunnis the moment they have the chance, or at the very least, fragment his country. He could argue that he invaded Iran to stop the Shiite brand of Islamic militancy and its threat to Iraq. He could argue that he invaded Kuwait because Kuwait is stealing his country's oil, its lifeblood. The person above is talking about justice and heaven, and last I check (be it the Koran or the Bible), God says to do the right thing, not to do the politically expedient thing. \_ Saddam could argue anything he likes but it wouldn't be true. All you've done is create a short list of Saddam's crimes. \_ Crimes? Nah, they ain't crimes. They are all politically necessary, or should I say, expedient ... snicker. \_ If you're not interested in discussing anything don't bother scribbling on the motd. Oh ho, you're so clever, snicker, yadda whatever. \_ Thanks for admitting that your "politically inexpedient" excuse has been debunked. \_ The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle. It is your killer instinct which must be harnessed if you expect to survive in combat. Your rifle is only a tool. It is the hard heart that kills. If your killer instincts are not clean and strong, you will hesitate at the moment of truth. You will not kill. You will become dead Marines. And then you will be in a world of shit, because Marines are not allowed to die without permission! Do you maggots understand? \_ SIR! YESIR! \_ So shall we, who provided him the chemical agents. |
2003/12/16 [Politics/Domestic] UID:11474 Activity:nil |
12/15 Republican Congress hard at work: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c108:H.R.3687 \_ Interesting: Messrs. Ose and Smith neglected to include the more traditionally profane "goddamn" and "damn," as well as that rap favorite, "bitch." And why include the word "piss"? \_ that's funny, I was actually just listening to "startin' up a posse" by Anthrax when I read this. Look up the lyrics if you care. \_ Why do you hate America? \_ YOU are the one who hates america- we patriots are sick of your corporate masters raping our beloved country. Go back to Nazi Germany where you can oppress everyone who isn't exactly like you! We will fight you no matter whose apron you hide behind! \_ Mmm... easy catch. \_ hardly worth it. anything that easy should be thrown back and allowed to season a good long while. \_ if you love America, then, America should modeled after Saudi Arabia, where Moral Police driving in green police cars roaming freely to enforce proper moral values in the society. \_ wow, that's totally non sequiter. \_ You know they're just doing this because they hate Bono. |
2003/12/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11475 Activity:nil |
12/15 How about a break from Saddam? This is something you geeks would find entertaining: http://csua.org/u/5a0 \_ This is similar to what was found when someone did neural-net robots for netrek as a project--they just learned to butt-torp. -tom \_ What a cruddy article. Long introduction, then four sentences that said what they wanted to say. \_ This is becoming a modern urban legend. Watch the Two Towers documentaries for the truth: the soldiers were programmed to run if they couldn't see an enemy (to close the distance more quickly). With many soldiers, they couldn't see the enemy or were facing the wrong way. Hence they ran away. \_ No facts! No facts on the motd! |
2003/12/16 [Uncategorized] UID:11476 Activity:nil |
12/15 http://www.pantsfactory.org/?action=comments&linkid=872 Do you suck at folding shirts? This video shows an alternate method - may be useful for many geeks who suffer from crinkled shirts... |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign] UID:11477 Activity:kinda low |
12/16 Silly question maybe, but what's the difference between "people" and "persons"? A quick google didn't seem to help. Thanks. \_ "people" is a real word. "persons" is some twisted thing used by paper pushing govnerment types starting in the mid 90s in an attempt to make their crap sound more professional. real people don't use the word persons in everyday conversation or writing. it's dehumanising. \_ actually, if you look in the OED, persons has been used for at least 500 years. persons is the proper plural form of person, but a secondary sense of people is persons, so that is acceptable as well. if you want to be formal and precise, it is "persons" though. \_ e.g. "You persons can go fuck yourself" is very formal. \_ I agree. \_ persons is a good new word. people has too many meanings or shades of meaning, and it can be ambiguous which one is being used. My guess would be that it started not with government types but legal types. \_ Once again, you all need to read this essay: George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language" http://www.resort.com/~prime8/Orwell/patee.html \- while i am a fan of this article, i think Orwell's complaint would be more with say using "individuals" instead of "people". let me call some of my people about the person/people distinction. --psb \- hmm, it looks like "recently" persons was weakly for a specific number [the 12 persons on the jury] but people was for a vague number [many people in the court room], but it is acknowledged "persons" is giving way to "people". however there are some contexts where persons still seems right ... "persons under 17 will not be admitted without supervision". --psb \_ thank you psb! I knew the "people good" "persons bad" guy was wrong. - a once-in-a-while psb fan |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11478 Activity:high |
12/16 Orson Scott Card demonstrating yet again why I can't stand his books: http://www.opinionjournal.com/extra/?id=110004435 \_ What, because he doesn't agree with your politics? \_ jesus this guy is free associating left and right and labeling his drivel as fact. i thought ender's game was ok though. but maybe he thinks enders game actually happened. \_ His politics have never made sense. He calls himself a Democrat for some bizarre reason, but his actual opinions are a synthesis of Ayn Rand, the Old Testament, and the Wizard of Oz. I can't stand his books for almost the same reason - even when he's making a good point, he doesn't have the courage of his convictions. For instance, check out his statements about the meaning of Enders Game - he's the only one in the world who seems to think its not anti-war. He's also made some really bizarre statements vis-a-vis the "Peter" character and the subject of child abuse. \_ Maybe he doesn't like the way people define "anti-war." It never suggests in the book that humans never should have fought the buggers at all, just that they shouldn't have eradicated them. It the humans hadn't defended themselves in the first two wars, it's pretty clear that the human race would have been destroyed instead, for almost the same reason. \_ No, it doesn't suggest that humans shouldn't have eradicated them. It and the sequels show that under the circumstances, the humans had to fight "us vs. them" because there was no way to communicate and negotiate. Indeed, the lesson is to use force last of all, but when you use force, use overwhelming, overpowering force so that the enemy never stands up again. That's the lesson Ender learns over and over again. \_ This is somewhat changing the subject but... Someone told me the Wizard of Oz was a book/movie about communism, but aside from the fact that the midgets live in a Potemkin Village, I don't see it. Anyone have any insight? \_ The Wizard of Oz is a godless Communist screed. And not only that, but flouridation is an insidious Communist plot to suck out and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. \_ Hoping for a serious response on motd... silly me. \_ A serious response would be called for if it was a serious idea. \_ It's not about communism, it's about a political movement in the late 1800's known as populism. Its very pro-populism. Google on it. \_ Specifically, the Wizard of Oz is a character re-mapping of the political figures central to the Silver Standard controversy. My understanding is that it only became a popular children's story by accident - though this sort of thing happens more often than you'd think. http://paws.wcu.edu/mulligan/www/oz.html for one summary. \_ Oh jesus. You can do this with any book. This is like the guy that had the pet theory that the Harry Potter books were an allegory promoting Libertarian thought. \_ Did you actually do any research before this statement, or are you just talking out of your butt again? \_ I read your article. This sort of allegory is bunk unless directly claimed by the author. A little googling will show you that many scholars have many wildly different allegorical interpretations of Baum's book, which just shows how ridiculous it all is. I'm sure you can find a way to show that, say, Terminator 3 is an allegory for the women's rights movement. That doesn't mean you're any more correct than the person that says its an allegory for WWI. \_ The 'Harry Potter supports Libertarian throught' idea seems dodgy, but the Harry Potter books do contain many thinly veiled references to Britain's pervasive class system that would be lost on most folks living on this side of the Atlantic. \_ Look we are war. We will be at war with terrorism for at least a couple of generations. Anyone who questions President Bush during a time of war is a traitor and terrorist sympathizer. Any questions? \_ I didn't know Ann Coulter wrote to the motd! Go Ann! *drool* --Ann Coulter #1 fan \_ "Oh my god! Your cock is so BIG and TAX FREE!" \_ Hi ilya. You can't get over that one, can you? Sticks with ya. --lye \_ wasn't ilya \_ Yeah, lye. How could you soil my good name like that? My polite indignation knows no bounds! -- ilyas \_ Consider it humbly withdrawn. Not that I have any reason to believe anything that anyone says on the motd. --lye \_ Gee lye, do you have a hangup about people lying? \_ No. I always lye. --lye \_ He doesn't address Bush's WMD justification for attacking Iraq. Lamer. |
2003/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:11479 Activity:low |
12/16 Texas police hard at work! http://tinyurl.com/zhej \_ Relevant Texas Law, for those of you who are interested in such things: link:csua.org/u/5aj |
2003/12/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11480 Activity:very high |
12/16 http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story2&cid=574&u=/nm/20031216/wl_nm/iraq_saddam_vatican_dc_2&printer=1 \- gee i guess the bush administration will only be inviting in protestant deminiations to convert the godless heathens --psb I agree with the Vatican on this one. There was no need to humiliate the man. He's a former head of state and prisoner of war and should be treated with the respect due to such a man. I feel bad for the guy. \_ Me, too! I mean he lost his sons to those evil Americans! I mean what's a few thousand dead worth a few moments of standard doctor checkup after living underground for so long without a shave! \_ Let's be clear: I opposed the premature invasion of Iraq, but I am not at all displeased to see Saddam Hussein toppled and his regime destroyed. Given what he did to his own people, the Mussolini treatment would not have been too severe for him. Now, does showing embarassing videos of the man being inspected for lice and disease help the coalition maintain peace and bring about a swifter transition to a real Iraqi government? Not in the least. Yet another PR blunder for the Bush team. \_ PR Blunder? Obviously you haven't seen the polls. I'm glad aren't in charge. I bet you think the Bay of Pigs was a bad idea also? \_ Ah, dear simpleton, let me lay it out for you in lyrics your little brain might comprehend easier: "For every thing (turn, turn, turn) there is a season (turn, turn, turn)." The Prez' invasion was, like many sexual acts perpetrated by semifunctional adolescents, premature. \_ yeah we should have waited until he started offering $100K for every suicide bomber's family \- we should have invaded iraq on behalf of israel? \_ No, we should have waited until we had proof of his WMDs, -OR- we should have declared our mission to rid the world of oppressive regimes, sacked Saudi Arabia, Burma, and Uzbekistan, and then, with that moral justification firmly established, gone into Iraq. \_ One at a time.. \_ Yeah? Then why not this one? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/3324871.stm \_ After all, polls are the only thing that matters. Who cares about morality, I'm in the majority! \_ I have to ask. Is it really all that humiliating to have medical examination? I fail to see why this footage is all that humiliating. It's probably all they had on hand for the press that wasn't either secret or REALLY humiliating. \_ They probably had footage of him showered and shaved, wearing a jumpsuit and glowering at the camera. |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11481 Activity:very high 53%like:11187 |
12/16 Bush signs anti-spam bill: http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/12/16/bush.bills.ap/index.html \_ This is not an anti-spam bill, though it is being marketed that way. It is more of a pro-spam bill. \_ Makes perfect sense in BushSpeak, where a bill to enable more clearcutting is called the "Healthy Forests Initiative" and a bill to remove civil rights is called the "Patriot Act." \_ Hey, it was all that dead wood from beetle infestation that fueled the SoCal fires. \_ The logging industry doesn't cut dead trees. \_ Slightly off topic, but on a recent trip up Highway 1 I noticed whole swaths of oak trees that seem to be dead. From what I've read, this is not directly due to a beatle infestation but a virus which weakens the tree and then makes them more susceptible to the beatles. Its very eerie to see a whole bunch of trees hit this way. Very post-apocalyptic. \_ the massive tree death on the Kenai peninsula is caused by beetles. Not that this has anything to do with Bush's timber industry giveaways, just pointing this out while we're on the beetle tree death topic. it got a lot of press recently because the infestation was brought on by rising temperatures in Alaska--which will continue to rise thanks to Bush's giveaways to the oil industries. \_ Care to explain the Alaska/CA Beetle thing? \_ True, but the Healthy Forest Initiative was about increasing the logging of healthy trees. \_ what's your justification for this (calling it pro-spam)? http://csua.org/u/5ah \_ Spam law analysis: http://csua.org/u/5ai And use an URL shortener! |
2003/12/16-17 [Recreation/Celebrity/MichaelJackson] UID:11482 Activity:moderate |
12/16 Saddam should hire Johnny Cochran. He might pull another OJ. \_ More likely he'll go for Geragos, who's already got Scott Peterson and Michael Jackson |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11483 Activity:nil |
12/16 Why the capture of Saddam, although making the world a better place, is ultimately a "diversion". -sfgate article on what liberals think http://csua.org/u/5ae |
2003/12/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:11484 Activity:nil |
12/16 Hehehe, I never liked the looks of that bookstore anyway... http://csua.org/u/5ad \_ It must've been the right wing activists immitating 9-11! |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11485 Activity:nil |
12/16 Sadam Hussein is an actor and the US government is planning to plant WMD in Iraq: http://www.theonion.com \_ Nothing on the onion says anything like that. What in Sam Hill are you talkin' about, boy? |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11486 Activity:high |
12/16 Why do some people still try to claim that the US did not sell Iraq chemical weapons? The evidence is overwhelming: http://www.counterpunch.org/boles1010.html \_ The author's evidence is tautological. He says, "There were \_ The only evidence the author provides is "There were chemical weapons sold..." so it must be so, no citations no references, nothing. As for cyanide it is ubiquitous in industrial manufacturing. For example, there are liters of cyanide compounds in Cory Hall. Here is what was provided: The Corporations That Supplied Iraq's Weapons Program http://www.thememoryhole.org/corp/iraq-suppliers.htm \_ No references? How about the reference to this PBS program: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/longroad/etc/arming.html http://www.thememoryhole.org/corp/iraq-suppliers.htm \_ It is good you mention Alcatal, as that is the one compnay listed on the other link. What is described is illicit clandestine purchase of a chemical weapon precurssor, which was shut down when discovered by Customs. This completely different from the assertion that the US govt (Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc.) armed Iraq. As for visiting in 1967, well the US military hosts delegates from virtually every other military in the world, including enemies (eg. Soviets during the Cold War). \_ What do you think are the chances that Saddam will be able to call Rumsfeld and Cheney as defense witnesses? And if he's denied, how much will that help him? \_ You people are bizarre. Here you have one of the crulest most sadistic tyrants in the 20th century and all you can think about is indicting Rumseld, who was a civilian throughout the period in question, and Cheney who was House Minority Whip and Secretary of Defense, for concocted conspiracies they were not involved in. \_ Rumsfeld was Secretary of Defense when Saddam attacked Iran. We sent him weapons to help kill the 'evil' Iranians. When Cheney was CEO of Halliburton, he lobbied to be allowed to do contracting in Iraq and said the sanctions hurt Halliburton more than Iraq and should be lifted. \_ Rumsfeld was Fords Sec of Defense. So did every CEO of every international corporation. Cheney has been on the record opposed to sanctions for most of his career. \_ Lobbying is now a criminal offense? Golly.... |
2003/12/16-17 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:11487 Activity:high |
12/16 Do Japanese companies ever make killing games (e.g. killing Germans, police squad, sniper games, etc)? I've noticed that most of the Konami games are like DDR with cartoony characters. Even Virtua Cop looks cartoony. Do they have laws against violence or somethin'? \_ No really, you aren't that stupid, right? \_ no really, after killing about 100 Jap soldiers in Medal of Honor Rising Sun, I started to wonder why Japanese companies don't make games that kill American soldiers and glorify Japanese Imperialism. \_ Because we were the good guys and the modern Japanese want to set themselves apart from their evil WWII selves. \_ Now I'm curious. Do Germans play Medal of Honor Allied Assault? Do they play Wolfenstein? Do Japanese play Rising Sun? Do Vietnamnese play Vietcong? \_ http://penny-arcade.com/view.php3?date=2003-11-26&res=l \_ rave reviews? That IS kind of odd. Thx for the lnk |
2003/12/16 [Uncategorized] UID:29719 Activity:nil |
12/16 What's up with soda's outgoing net? I'm connected to soda, but I can't use links, ping etc. |
2003/12/16 [Uncategorized] UID:29720 Activity:nil 80%like:29564 |
12/16 All you of Earth...are idiots! \_ All your base are belong to us! |
2003/12/16-17 [Finance/Banking, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:29721 Activity:very high |
12/16 Pusan Market on telegraph no longer sells K-pop CDs. Any other place around Berkeley that sells K-pop CDs? \_ No, but do you know where I can get chacharoni noodles? \_ Doesn't Pusan Market have them? Also, try the real thing at the noodle house next to Koryo Sushi on Telegraph. \_ I don't know. I'm just a lazy white boy looking for instant chacharoni. \_ What the hell are you TV magic queers talking about? \_ What the hell is a "TV magic queer?" \_ http://www.snpp.com/episodes/CABF14 \_ I missed that line in the episode. Thanks. Now I have a new phrase of the day. \_ Best. Motd. Post. Ever. \_ Much obliged. But I still want to know what the hell they're talking about. \_ K-pop is Korean music. There's a Korean grocery store on telegraph that used to sell them, but they don't sell 'em anymore. |
2003/12/16-17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29722 Activity:very high |
12/16 http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB82 Saddam and Rumsfeld shaking hands and talking arms. He was our bastard back then. What happened? \_ He turned on us. \_ Wait...so bad guys are okay as long as they're on our side? I thought WMDs didn't matter, and we were there to wipe out a bad guy? Can't... handle... hypocrisy... head... exploding... \_ Are you really this naive and stupid? Sometimes you have bargain with the devil. Iran was (and remains) clearly the more dangerous threat. \_ Nah, the most dangerous threat is GW Bush and his free-spending administration. Oh, and our lovely ally Saudi Arabia, from whence most of the 911 bombers and Osama himself hail from. \_ No, *YOU* are stupid. Iran is the *ONLY* muslim nation in the middle east which has a true democratic government, eventhough their power is not seperated in the same manner as ours is. If we didn't support the invasion of Iran by Iraq, we wouldn't have to deal with Saddam right now, after 166 billion dollars and still don't see real way out of this mass. \_ Iran? Democracy? You've got a really twisted idea of what deomcracy is or you know nothin about how their country is run. Sigh. I have been trolled. \_ We didn't think he'd use WMDs. Up until then, Saddam was our secular ally against the more worrisome Islamic revolution. \_ Which, incidentally, we precipitated by sending the CIA to install the Shah in the 1950s. But never mind about that now. \_ No, you are completely wrong. The Shahs father acended to power in the 1920s. Mossadeq was making overtures to the Soviets. \_ I don't know about the "you are completely wrong" poster, but overthrowing Iran's government was really for the oil (at the same time guarding against Communist expansion) that time. ;-) \_ No, Dubya wanted a ratings boost. Saddam's still our bastard. |
3/15 |