12/12 What's the amount of water people advice to drinking? Is it 8 cups/day?
or 8oz/day?
\_ 8 cups (8 oz / cup)
\_ that would be 4 gallons
\_ Troll? 8 cups = 0.5 gallon
\_ 8 gallons
\_ that would be 16 cups
\_ no that would be 4 gallons
\_ doesn't one gallon = 128 fl. oz?
\_ google : "convert 1 gallon to cups" or whatever unit
you want. this works for an amazing array of units,
and google even has the physical constants correct
to the right number of decimal places.
\_ Yes. 4 quarts to the gallon, 2 pints to the quart, and 4 cups
to the pint. 1 cup = 8 fl. oz.
\_ can either of you fools do basic arithmetic?
\_ There was an recent article in Runner's World magazine basically
debunking the 8 cups/day myth. They could find not one bit of
scientific backing to support it. They said 8 cups a day is
overkill for most people, though it doesn't hurt (they actually
recommend about 6 cups a day, more if you exercise).
\- i think there may be indirect effects ... like if you
drink some largish amount of water, that might "crowd out"
drinking too much sugar. --psb
\_ There was also one in newsweek about a year ago, too. But
doctors still believe drinking about 8 cups/day is beneficial
and also a minimum.
\_ right. 8 cups a day, regardless of weight, age, gender,
humidity, temperature, altitude, or metabolism. That's
the stupidest shit i've ever heard, and no i don't care
if some doctors also believe it, it's just common sense that
it's stupid.
\_ Your well-placed vitriol attracts me. Tell me more.
\_ the rant below is entirely for your entertainment.
we aim to please.
\_ Not drinking enough water each day makes your kidneys
work harder (storing toxins 'n all). 8 glasses a day
is the minimum you should drink, but it's your
\_ I'm not making an excuse to drink a small amount of
water. I probably drink way more than that. I'm making
an observation about the real world vs. stupid wives
tales that get turned into medical "fact" by dittohead
morons. Weights of humans vary by as much as a factor
of four, pressure that people live in can vary as much
as 25-30% by elevation, and temperature and humidity
that people live in can vary by absurdly large amaounts
also. Common sense dictates that there is at least
a factor of four difference in the minimum healthy
water intake for different people under different
circumstances. My observation of having to deal with
pre-meds in college is that they lack common
sense, and so i don't really care how many doctors
fail to see the obvious. a 250 pound foot soldier in
iraq has slightly different water needs than a 125 pound
old lady in a temperate climate.
\_ yeah but how many of us are soldiers in iraq?
I bet you everyone on this motd is very similar in
physical characteristics and lifestyle. nice try though.
\- "the kidney is the smartest organ in the body"
--what my affilates learned in med school
\_ why do you think that _weight_ alone has anything to
do with how much water you drink? Yes, some has to be
to replace water (e.g., thru normal function,
exercise, etc), but that has less to do with the
health of your kidney. if you want some layman's
level knowledge about how much water you need and
why, try reading some low-carbo books (atkins,
protein power, etc).
\_ I've read that we need 64 oz of water a day-
The second half of the quoted analysis
was left out in the mainstream media. -ax |