2003/12/7 [Finance/Investment, Computer/HW/Drives] UID:11343 Activity:nil 50%like:29695 |
12/6 Can a modern hard disk operate reliably in a garage with the temperature change that happens when you open the garage door? Like 50 -> 30 deg F. \_ shouldn't be a problem, i presumed. The internal temperature of harddrive shouldn't change that drastically. |
2003/12/7-8 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic] UID:11344 Activity:nil |
12/7 Most people probably already know this, but just in case for those who are not aware of it.. http://www.sco.com/copyright \_ Do you know how many of the senators and representatives now in the presidential race stood up against the DMCA or the copyright extension act? none. not kucinich, not kerry, not liebermann, not gebhart. no one from either party stood up against this. the only way we're going to beat these evil cocksuckers is by becoming as effective a lobby as the media moguls. i'll bet a million nerds who make about 100k/year can beat a dozen or so media moguls in a out and out brawl to buy congressmen. \_ and i'll bet 5 million nerds who make 100k/year won't be as successful buying congressman than a few corporations that rake in billions every year. \_ Interesting. But I don't see any logical basis for his assertion the GPL itself is unconstitutional/illegal. \_ I didn't think so neither. But it's just my personal opinion. An somewhat related issue: copyright suppose to be a temperary protection. Yet, the current copyright last just couple years short of life expentacy of Average Americans, thus, for pratical purposes, permanent. In this regard, our current copyright law can be argued as unconsitutional itself. :p \_ I agree with that. It's clear congress was acting in the interest of Disney rather than the public with that extension although I'm not sure it's unconstitutional. But what I meant was, the guy says GPL is unconstitutional but doesn't directly say why. He just blathers about whether there should be copy- rights, but GPL uses copyrights. \_ lessig argues on his blog that the copyright extension could possibly be considered unconstitutional because it is not in the best interests of promoting the "progress of science and the useful arts," as mandated by the constitution. http://www.lessig.org/blog/archives/001611.shtml#001611 of course, i'm not an expert on the constition, or constitutional law, but Lessig sure is. \_ An important part of his argument regarded retroactive extensions-- the Constitution explicitly mentions 'limited times' for copyright, but by extending the term for 20 years every 20 years, Congress is creating a regime of perpetual copyright. \- i tried to get through this but it was so stupid i couldnt do it. it's an interesting question where did the letter come from, is this to change the topic etc. --psb \_ it's trying to gather up substance behind what it's saying by relying on eldred. but eldred wasn't even a software case. |
2003/12/7-8 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11345 Activity:nil |
12/7 Best. Iraq War Quote. Ever. "With a heavy dose of fear and violence, and a lot of money for projects, I think we can convince these people that we are here to help them," Colonel Sassaman said. http://csua.org/u/568 \_ You obviously don't understand the Arab mind. \_ You obviously have no sense of irony. \_ Oh then tell me please, Mr. Authority on Everything, how it is that we need to destroy the village in order to save it? \_ Actually, I was quoting the Second. Best. Iraq Quote. Ever. "You have to understand the Arab mind," Capt. Todd Brown, a company commander with the Fourth Infantry Division, said as he stood outside the gates of Abu Hishma. "The only thing they understand is force-- force, pride and saving face." \_ The villager photos are being taken with a digital camera, a Sony one it looks like. \_ "Kill them. Kill them ALL!" Cue Dark Empire music. \_ laissez Dieu assortir les morts |
2003/12/7 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11346 Activity:high 60%like:11380 |
12/7 Bush regime pre-emptively kills 9 future terrorists: http://csua.org/u/567 \_ Yeah, he knew they were little kids while sleeping in the White house, mentally took control of the A-10s, mentally imagined the Mavericks taking them out. Oh pluz! Why don't you say the Clinton regime took out two Chinese "spies" in the Serbian campaign while you are at it?! \_ What happened to taking responsibility for your actions? I thought that was a Conservative virtue. I guess not a Neocon one. \_ Yeah but you think we shouldn't even be in Afghanistan. |
2003/12/7-8 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:11352 Activity:nil |
12/7 Recommendations for a good file-sharing client? I'm mainly interested in shamelessly subverting copyright law (ie, downloading music MP3's). Kazaa seems to be sucking as of late. \_ What's your login, I ll email you what I use. \_ phillip@csua \_ If you're looking for mainstream, there are few good bittorrent sites. \_Really? From my experience bittorrent sucked...all you can find is phish and it took all day to download. Lemme know if I'm missing something. The program is cool. -scottyg \_ i will now have to listen to anthrax at top volume for an hour to get that horrible audio image out of my mind. \_ Bittorrent is really good for "0-day" stuff and new TV/movies. It's hard to find good .torrent files though. It's not a good general-purpose P2P; it's good for spreading a few files really fast. \_ I use emule and winmx. winmx for music, emule for everything else. \_ dc++ \_ I second that, especially Scandinavian hubs. \_ soulseek is good (http://www.slsknet.org |
2003/12/7 [Politics/Domestic/Abortion, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29694 Activity:high |
12/6 More fine Republican Family Values: http://www.counterpunch.org/mccarthy08252003.html \_ Free MUMIA! \_ yeah.. i want to free a cop-killer. \_ Dang republicans. Thank goodness for the fine upstanding Democrats, like Ted Kennedy. |
2003/12/7 [Uncategorized] UID:29695 Activity:nil 50%like:11343 |
12/6 What rate of air temperature change can a modern hard disk operate reliably in temperature ranging from 50 to 30 degrees F? |
2003/12/7 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/Asia/India] UID:29696 Activity:high |
12/6 Those dead children deserved it! http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1035432/posts \_ so are the children died in Nuclear and Fire bombing in WW2 \_ Learn english, fucker |
2003/12/7 [Uncategorized] UID:29697 Activity:nil |
12/7 US Forces kill nine future terrorists: http://csua.org/u/565 |