2003/12/6-7 [Recreation/Dating] UID:11333 Activity:nil |
12/5 Buy yourself an imaginary gf for chirstmas: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2969906214&category=317 \_ if you have one imaginary girlfriend and one real girlfriend your sex life will be complex. get it, imaginary and real-complex! \_ i! \_ | 1+i | = sqrt(2) \_ So this is irrational as well? \_ I'm just curious how this one was found. \_ I was looking for a girlfriend on ebay. \_ I saw it in this thread: http://forums.macnn.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=191663 I'm not sure I want to know why the original poster found it. |
2003/12/6-7 [Transportation/Airplane] UID:11334 Activity:nil |
12/5 How does an airplane know its true speed instead of air speed? Thanks. \_ African or European? -John \_ radar, possibly GPS \_ oh yeah, you can get heading/speed via radar if you're on IFR or on VRF flight following. -csua pilot \_ http://www.csgnetwork.com/tasinfocalc.html \_ That computes true air speed, not ground speed. -geordan \_ what exactly is the difference between the two? \_ If you're flying at an air speed of 300MPH eastward in some wind whose speed is 50MPH westward, your true speed is only 250MPH. \_ but i get screwed in physics question when they think the instrument panel shows true speed. :( \_ there is the true airspeed, indicated airspeed, and ground speed. You get true airspeed by taking in account of indicated airspeed and the environment (temperature, humidity, etc), and the know calibrated errors from the airspeed indicator (indicated airspeed). Then you get the approximate wind speed from ATIS, tower, or other reliable source, recalibrate it (since wind speed is always true north whereas your heading indicator is always magnetic north). From those variables you can get a pretty precise ground speed. However, GPS makes it a lot easier. -csua pilot who quit being a programmer and is now flying turboprops in the midwest \- csua pilot: what are those sign like A45 R16 etc you see by the side of runways at commercial airports. i think they sometimes have arrows on them. \_ A45? Don't think that exists. Suppose you see A16. It means you're at the approach end of runway 16 and that you better hold short of runway till clearance from ground. A15-33 means you're approaching runway 15-33. Runway numbers are aligned to the magnet north rounded up/down and the last digit is omitted. For example, 15-33 means runway 15x-33x (same runway). Say 33x is 330, then it is aligned 330 degrees and 330-180 (150) degrees. All of this information is readily availabe on the annual publication of FAR/AIM which is easily accessible even at Borders/B&N. If you're really curious, go to your local flying club and fly a plane for once! It'll be the most exhilirating $50 you'll ever spend in your life. http://www.beapilot.com \- oh ok good. yeah i was guessing it has something to do bearings, but was wondering why i didnt see larger numbers. now why in large planes, do they open the window shades for landing [so passengers arnt disquieted?] and turn the cabin lights on/off during takeoff/landings. \_ in the old days (and when you're training as a a pilot), you turn off all the non-essential power-hogs so that during take off you don't overload the circuitry and blow off fuses. This procedure has been passed down for historical reasons and we [airlines] still do it just because it works. As for the shades, it's just to shut the damn passengers -csua pilot \_ actually there have been cases where the passenger notices something wrong with the wing or the fuselage (which is not caught in the sensors). But like I said all the non-essential stuff is secondary to flying. \_ yeah, like the time the passenger saw that little monster on the wing and he was tearing apart the wing and no one would believe him \_ yeah!! where was that?? \_ I think it was an X-Files episode. \_ Maybe, but it was definitely a Twilight Zone episode. \_ Episode with William Shatner; in the movie with John Lithgow. |
2003/12/6 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:11335 Activity:nil |
12/5 Santorum: That frothy mix of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savage_Love \_ Somehow I'd expect no less. Charming. The irony is he is right. Polygamists and pedophiles have already invoked Lawrence. Are you a member of NAMBLA? \_ url? \_ He can't give you an URL, because he's a lying troll. \_ link:csua.org/u/55w For the polygamy claim. Haven't seen one for pedophilia, but you can expect it. \_ ZEDO is an add server. I can't get this link. could someone provide a text version? thanks. \_ awesome. the term finally found a meaning! \_ Umm, I don't really see what Dan (funny fucker btw) was upset about. I didn't see the original article but in the quote given at the wiki there is no mention of pedophelia. Obviously Lawrence can not be effectively used vis-a-vis pedo. But why not polygamy? Who here thinks polygamy is a LESS valid form of marriage than gay marriage? Anyone? Of course it's not. People (consentingable) should be able to enter into any kind of "marriage" contract they like and the gubmnt should respect it. -phuqm \_ no one's stopping you from living with a bunch of chicks and calling them your wives, as long as they don't mind. the government doesn't have to legally recognize them as your wives though. maybe i'd like to call you my bitch, but the government doesn't have to recognize that either. at least theoretically, what the majority decides is valid is what will, eventually, come to pass in this country. \_ I was a bit confused. This is about sodomy not gay marriage That being said, I still don't see what Dan was upset about Do you think that the courts SHOULD allow laws agin' incest but not against sodomy? Clearly they shouldn't. Clearly incest and sodomy are equally repugnant to some and there is no reasonable basis on which to say one is worse than the other. Or that only one should be prohibitable by law -phuqm \_ phuqm is my hero. Can I sodomize you, phuqm? --phuqm #1 fan \_ If you were REALLY my #1 fan you would ask if you could by sodomized BY me. Still, i've been waiting to have someone sign a post this way, and the bright sunshiney day has finally arrived. -phuqm as for the generally accepted "coming to pass". That may be true but far from optimal. One generation has been taught that it's ok to be gay and says "o.k. same sex marriages are ok, but you guys and your polygamy that's just perverse. We're not standing for that." Is this reasonable? I'm really curious to know what you CSUAers think. Poll Time: (poll moved to top). \_ "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution, masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are likewise sustainable only in light of Bowers' validation of laws based on moral choices." -Antonin Scalia There are laws against masturbation? Wow, some CSUAers are really hardcore criminals then, I guess. \_ right, so Scalia and I basically agree (It is amazing how it is in the disscenting opinions of the supreme court where reason is most likely to be found): Either legislators have the right to enforce their own moral code in regards to sex between consenting adults or they don't (I exclude bestiality, being an animal rights nut). Though Scalia abhors this decision and I applaud it. (From a "this is the way *I* think it should be libertarian view, not a legal one, which i haven't considered in this case.) -phuqm gay marriages are ok by not polygamy: create whatever wacky marriage you want: . (assuming consenting adults) man-woman is the only marriage gov should recognize: |
2003/12/6 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11336 Activity:low |
12/5 Prohibition Repealed 70 years ago today. Celebrate. http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/1205.html \_ FDR " improved the occasion to address a plea to the American people to employ their regained liberty first of all for national manliness." \_What are "Recovery Taxes" ? |
2003/12/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11337 Activity:nil |
12/5 http://sandiegozoo.org/videos/indexpanda.html Pandas are such cute animals! Check out the videos of the little one. :-) |
2003/12/6 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11338 Activity:nil |
12/5 Anyone know of something like dummynet for Win2000/XP? I've found a windows version of iptables, but all it allows is accept/deny. I need something that I can use for traffic shaping. Alternately, is there a reasonably cheap router that has good traffic shaping? \_ yermom is reasonably cheap, and accepts all shaped traffic, windows or no \_ Yeah, but I heard yermom was full-up till next month... |
2003/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:11339 Activity:high |
12/5 YAMP: gay marriages are ok by not polygamy: create whatever wacky marriage you want: ... (assuming consenting adults) man-woman is the only marriage gov should recognize: polygomy is ok but not gay marriages: . \_ For phuqm: You're right, on the face of it, polygamy and incest are not acts against which a blanket law would take into account all of the circumstances surrounding any any given situation. Unfortunately, we lack the means of divining whether a relation continues due to active, participatory consent or because of undue influence exerted by one of the individuals. In effect, we lack a law against emotional blackmail and psychic domination. Current incest laws seek to provide legal recourse to individuals who may otherwise be kept in relationships against their will because of the inherent authority some family members wield over other family members. Current polygamy laws are a reflection of the growth of women's rights, a set of rights that are often denigrated or diminished in a traditional polygamous relationship; the goal is to provide a legal means of protecting people who may not understand that they have the right to be other than barefoot and pregnant and in the kitchen. What about the rights of the individual? In incest, if an adult and fully consenting brother and sister really love each other _that_ much, they could maintain their relationship with little fear of public persecution provided that they exercise a modicum of discretion. How many people have been prosecuted for consensual adult incest? (Don't bother mentioning Lord Byron; we're talking modern.) As for polygamy, well, as has been mentioned here, as long as you don't obtain a marriage license for each of your marriages, it's not a crime to simply cohabitate. \_ But those who cohabitate with you would not qualify for domestic partners benefits... \_ http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2003/04/03/57389-ap.html \_ phuqm, is this you? http://www.museworld.com/archives/2003_06.html#001027 |
2003/12/6-7 [Reference/BayArea] UID:11340 Activity:low |
12/6 Boston protests >> SF protests http://graphics.csail.mit.edu/~fredo/Photos/Manif/116_1632.JPG \_ Many ugle people in that photo. |
2003/12/6-7 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11341 Activity:low |
12/6 csua pilot, why did you quit your cushy high paying job in Silicon Valley? Are you stupid or something? \_ your and idiot. \_ troll quality has gone down as of late. \_ Sorry, I have been away from the Internet for a class. I will try to make up for it next week. -#1 Troll |
2003/12/6-7 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11342 Activity:nil |
12/6 If you're reading this, you have internet access, free time, and and interest in politics--time to turn on cspan and listen to the democratic candidates. http://www.cspan.org \_ "Why should I waste my beautiful mind on things like that." Barbara Bush |
2003/12/6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29693 Activity:nil |
12/5 Why does everybody care about Finland? What happened to Africa, Israel, Sunni/Shiite/Kurd debates? \_ motd darwinism: who's going to delete a finland thread? it's all the censors have left us with. \_ Too troolish. |
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