2003/12/5 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:11319 Activity:nil |
12/4 http://www.hookonline.org/resources/ftr_hh.htm \_ Not work safe, thank you very much. Now the admins think I'm gay. \_ GAY PANIC! \_ What exactly about that site assumes you're gay? It's about male prostitutes. They can serve male or female. \_ Hell, I'm still working on why it's not work safe. \_ GAY PANIC! |
2003/12/5-6 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:11320 Activity:nil |
12/4 Has anyone played either "San Marco" "El Grande" or "Puerto Rico" (the games)? Any comments/reviews? \_ Puerto Rico is very good. At almost every turn, there's a "correct" move--it's a game for the analytical. -tom \- Complexity? Is it a social game or all strategy? \_ moderately complex. More strategy than social. -tom \_ Played puerto rico for the first time last week, it's a hoot. Lots of strategy, though, that we were just scratching the surface of, I think. http://Funagain.com has decent prices. \-hola, is "funagain" the default game site on the weeb? ... at least for price? i am thinking of buying PR, EG, SM and Princes of Florence from them. There is a place in florida still selling MORE COSMIC ENCOUNTER(shrink wrap) for $30. This is a pretty good deal iff you have the Mayfair Cosmic. I am pretty sure you'll be able to sell this at a profit if in good condition. Ok tnx. --psb |
2003/12/5 [Reference/Religion] UID:11321 Activity:nil |
12/4 I've always found it ironic that anti-god enviormentalist types sound so darn religious. http://csua.org/u/55a \_ Dude, don't be so damn dumb. A lot of environmentalists are religious. In fact, many of the pioneering environmentalists went out of their way to _justify_ their beliefs with religion. Not everyone fits into a neat little box like you want them to. \_ No! NOOOO! Do not you bring logic or facts into this! \_ God hates the environment. He also hates poor people. Poor people are poor because God is angry with them, like AIDS people. \_ what does anti-god, environmentalist, and religion has anything to do with each other? |
2003/12/5-6 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:11322 Activity:nil |
12/5 Sendmail question. I have a Sun which is MXed to another machine so I made sendmail not listen on port 25. But when I try to send mail from that machine, when I do a verbose, it tries to connect to port 25 on the local machine to send the mail. What do I need to do? Does someone have a sendmail.cf file I can look at? This is the latest sendmail version. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! \_ MSP mode. \- on a "recent solaris/senmail 8.12" change /etc/mail/submit.cf D{MTAHost}[] to point to the PTR or [A] of your relay machine ... assuming you dont have m4 files. --psb |
2003/12/5-6 [Finance] UID:11323 Activity:nil |
12/5 James Baker just put in charge of "restructuring" Iraq's debt. Yeah, that James Baker http://www.hereinreality.com/baker.html |
2003/12/5 [Uncategorized] UID:11325 Activity:high |
12/5 I don't understand the motivation for invasions by Attila (the Hun). Why can't he settle down, create art/culture, and live comfortably? \_ It's that wife Helga. \_ Chicks dig guys on elephants. \_ i think he prefered a horse. you might be thinkin Hannibal. \_ I ate his liver with some fava beans, and a nice chianti. \_ Why do you hate America? Our invasion was perfectly justifi...oh... never mind. \_ How about Alexander the Great? He honestly believed it was his destiny to conquer the world. Not rule... CONQUER. |
2003/12/5-6 [Computer/SW/Apps] UID:11326 Activity:nil |
12/5 Photoshop question: I'm using Photoshop 7.0 on WinXP. I have swapping turned off, but Photoshop insists I have lots of swap, even though I have 768M RAM. Is there a way to tell Photoshop to not care about swap? \_ Does Photoshop still have it's own cache/swap setting? You set this to off or zero? What about the OS swap file? It is probably Windows that is swapping to disk, not Photoshop doing it on it's own. \_ No it does not, unless it's hidden in some file/registry key. Photoshop requires there to be a swap file, but then does not use it. When there is a swap, windows uses it for other things when Photoshop is closed, even though there is gobs of memory free. When I have swap off, windows runs faster and doesn't run out of memory. \_ I'm not sure PS' caching works in the normal sense. I allow PS to use two of my partitions for swap, and with 512MB RAM, it rarely swaps. Only when I have, say, 10+ 12MB tiffs open at once does my HD start churning. \_ When I turn on cache for it, it doesn't swap, but turning on cache makes windows swap even when it doesn't need to. \_ I think it's just inefficiencies in PS. PS is a memory hog. And I've found it has a problem unloading images from memory. So it gobbles up more and more memory if you load more and more files, even if you have saved and closed other images. \_ I'm not doing anything crazy. WHen I give it cache it doesn't use it, so I'm looking for a way to run w/o cache to improve general system performance. \_ Photoshop is bloatware. It amazes me that people often talk about MS office being bloated. But nobody talks about Photoshop or Acroread being bloated. Anti-microsoft people can be quite selective in their criticism. \_ Nearly all major commerical software is obscenely bloated. Microsoft is way more than most. Adobe is somewhere in the top ten, but the distance between #1 and #2 is huge. \_ Must add more features, so we can have new version, so we can sell upgrades! |
2003/12/5 [Finance/Banking, Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:11327 Activity:nil 50%like:11332 |
12/5 What is the point of the african banking spam? It doesn't seem to be selling a product, it's not a chain letter, and it doesn't ask directly for money. I don't get it. I just got two more of these things this week. \_ They get you all excited about making big money, and then use that to entice you to either travel somewhere unsafe, or else front them money for a 'transfer fee' or 'investment tax'. There have been cases where someone goes to Africa with a suitcase full of cash and a couple Rolexes and gets held for more ransom. \_ if i forward the letter to the FBI, will they do anything? \_ I think the FTC handles this, but they won't do anything other than log it, unless you find out the scammer is in USA. \_ Pretty much what has been posted before, but from the Secret Serv. http://www.secretservice.gov/alert419.shtml \_ spanish prisoner? |
2003/12/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:11328 Activity:nil |
12/5 Torture, thy name is Internet (with some help from a mad Frenchman) http://static.hugi.is/video/fyndin/maestro-1.wmv Worksafe. I will not be held responsible if you loop this near colleagues with sharp objects, however. \_ He did popcorn! Mmmm... mod4win. |
2003/12/5-6 [Science, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11329 Activity:nil |
12/5 Bush Backdrop Generator: Fun for the Whole Family! http://home.comcast.net/~freshlaundry/bush.html |
2003/12/5-6 [Recreation/Sports] UID:11330 Activity:nil |
12/5 Campbell's Tackling Hunger effort: http://www.chunky.com/click_for_cans.asp Support your football team and make Campbell donate for you. \_ And remember, http://www.thehungersite.com is still alive and kicking. |
2003/12/5-6 [Reference/Military, Health/Women] UID:11331 Activity:nil |
12/5 Random Facts About Finland Thread: I heard that the Fins are actually Huns, unlike the other Scandinavians who are Nordic. Is that true? \_ IIRC, Finns don't consider themselves Scandinavian. \_ Most Scandinavians don't consider Finns Scandinavians either. -John \_ According to a recent _Scientific American_, there is no genetic basis for race. (I didn't read the article and am somewhat skeptical (as i always am) but it is interesting if true). \- richard lewontin just gave a talk here on this. you can google for him. --psb \_ how come nobody posted the day/tim, i possibly would have sat in. :( \_ "/csua/bin/webster Scandinavia" says "2 Denmark, Norway, Sweden, & sometimes also Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, & Finland" \_ the finnish language is related to hungarian, as is estonian. they are the only three extant members of the finno-ugric language family i believe. make what conclusions you will. \_ Don't forget Quenya. -- ilyas \_ BTW, in Finnish last name goes first, just like in East Asian languages. This is rare in European languages. \- finnish is a central asian language. \_ I heard 1/4 of Finland's GDP is from Nokia and its subsideries. \_ From few Finnish Americans I know personally, I learned that despit the graphical proximity, Fins and Swedes have a very different culture (at least the language). While Fins in some way still held some degree of animosity toward Swedes, they are forced to learn Swedish as part of their regular curriculum in their public education today. -kngharv \_ Finland also has a section of the army that speaks primarily sweedish. A finn i know joined the sweedish speaking finnish army to practice his sweedish during his army service. imagine if we had a spanish speaking army here in the US. \_ Finland was part of Sweden for 600 years or so before it became part of Russia. Now Swedish is one of the official languages in Finland. \_ Are Finnish women slim and beautiful just like Swedes and Norwegians? Or are they more like fat american cows? \_ they are thin. They also tend to dye their hair dark, unlike the Swedes who dye blonde. \_ Finns had the highest suicide rate in the world in 1997 (they've since begun an aggressive anti-suicide campaign, so it's hard to assess whether this ranking still holds true). They also have one of the highest alcoholic rates in the world. What does this tell you about Finnish women? Nothing, but I'm just saying.... \_ both of these are also true of alaska, canada, poland, siberia and scandenavia. it's the cold and dark, but mostly the dark. \_ eh, in the summer it's the opposite of dark. it stays light basically all night long. the drunks get drunk regardless. \_ well, ok. the only one i know much about is alaska, since i grew up there, and worked there in the summers in college. the winter/alcoholism effect is worsened by the number of seasonal industries like fishing that can make you alot of money in the light months, which you can save up to basically become a professional drunk throughout the winter months. I've known people who lived that way. \_ Sigh. Huns are huns. People who call other people Huns are usually idiots, except in your case. You're just stupid. |
2003/12/5-6 [Politics/Foreign/Canada] UID:11332 Activity:moderate 50%like:11327 |
12/5 What is the point of the african banking spam? It doesn't seem to \_ What is the point of women shaving most of their crotch but leaving a "landing strip"? Why dont they shave it all off? \_ "Landing strip" looks ugly. \_ Does not, you hun! Landing strip is superb. Just because you're still attending University in the town of gigantic scary jungle bush... -John \_ What about my question? Does anyone think the "Landing Strip" is cosmetically better than nothing, or is there some other reason for it? \_ I don't like it, but I think the idea is that it is almost totally shaved w/o looking prepubescant. be selling a product, it's not a chain letter, and it doesn't ask directly for money. I don't get it. I just got two more of these things this week. \_ They get you all excited about making big money, and then use that to entice you to either travel somewhere unsafe, or else front them money for a 'transfer fee' or 'investment tax'. There have been cases where someone goes to Africa with a suitcase full of cash and a couple Rolexes and gets held for more ransom. \_ if i forward the letter to the FBI, will they do anything? \_ I think the FTC handles this, but they won't do anything other than log it, unless you find out the scammer is in USA. \_ i heard a story on the radio about a woman in canada who has made it her mission to bait these people and try to bring them to justice. she actually got some people to come meet her in canada and they were arrested. \_there are some pretty funny correspondences of this sort at http://scamorama.com \_ another one. http://www.ebolamonkeyman.com \_ http://www.419eater.com \_ The letters archive are great. \_ Predator fell prey. Cool! \_ Pretty much what has been posted before, but from the Secret Serv. http://www.secretservice.gov/alert419.shtml \_ spanish prisoner? |
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