2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11177 Activity:nil |
11/21 if Nader runs in 04, how many of you would be willing to buy a t-shirt that says "fuck you ralph nader!" on it? \_ NADER '04! GO RALPHIE GO! SHOW THEM SELLOUTS! -- conservative \_ bitter dems can't stand a real party for the left. you guys really are sellouts and we're going to keep running candidates until you're gone. it'll be green vs. republicans with no room left for the democrats. it wouldn't be the first time in this country a party was formed... or died. \_ go go national polarization! |
2003/11/22 [Transportation/Car] UID:11178 Activity:nil |
11/21 ~ 100k hp engine: http://www.bath.ac.uk/~ccsshb/12cyl \_ will it fit in my car? |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/President] UID:11179 Activity:nil |
11/21 So WHEN will we get the official files that have been hidden away from public on the assassination of President Kennedy? Why can't they release that info after the assassination? \_ seriously, who cares anymore...it's been 40+ years. \_ The Truth Isn't Out There Fox. - Cancer Man \_ when all those people are dead. |
2003/11/22 [Recreation/Activities] UID:11180 Activity:nil |
11/21 zsh users: any way to _really_ put a process in the background? i.e. let me exit my shell and keep my background processes running I get "zsh: you have running jobs." and am returned to the zsh prompt. \_ learn to stfm. from the zsh manual: "If a job is started with `&|' or `&!', then that job is immediately disowned. After startup, it does not have a place in the job table, and is not subject to the job control features described here." you can also use the disown builtin. \_ What's stfm, a combination of rtfm and sftw? or does it mean "search the motd"? \_ yeah, i mean "search the fucking manual." zsh has a fairly complete manual in info format, so using C-s to do incremental search works nicely. \_ thanks.. \_ try "man screen" |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11181 Activity:nil |
11/21 Paul Wolfowitz flashback, 1991, in regards to the Kurdish and Shi'ite uprising: "No one can read about what's going on there without feeling a great sense of sympathy for what's going on. But that doesn't mean it is in our power to straighten it out. It's a mess that, to be a little harsh about it, is to some extent of their creation, and they are going to have to come up with a solution." \_ If they did anything effective "world opinion" would have declared their actions illegal and restore Hussein to power. \_ Your head must stink from being up your ass so much of the time. \_ wow, with a brilliantly written reply like that, what more need be said? you've certainly shown yourself to be the most intelligent and educated person on this thread. got any other little bits of your 'special olympics' quality wisdom you'd like to share with the class? \_ hi, motd wowboy! who are you? |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11182 Activity:nil |
11/21 Latest time/cnn poll: bush would crush any of the democrats if the election were held today. \_ Which is nothing more than a function of name recognition. Bill Clinton was in almost identical position in 1992. \_ Ross Perot isn't running this time around. |
2003/11/22 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:11183 Activity:nil |
11/21 Question for motd conservatives: Why is it smart to disagree with scientific consensus on global warming, but dumb to disagree with economic consensus on the effects of globalization? \_ Personally, I take any consensus with a grain of salt. "Consensus == dogma" surprisingly often. -- conservative \_ 1) there isn't consensus. it remains an open issue. the ability of science to predict super complex systems like long term global weather patterns and temp. changes is zero. \_ Actually, there is a great deal of consensus. The only "dissent" comes from climate scientists on the payroll of the petroleum industry, who are kept funded to create the illusion of debate. \_ references, please. also, go look up consensus. it is a very black and white word. you either have it or you don't. you don't. there was consensus at one time that the earth was flat. when i was a pre-teen there was consensus that we were heading into an ice age. where the hell is my ice age, huh? all the same scientists said so. \_ There was never a consensus the world was flat. The Greeks had estimates of the diameter of the world in 500 BC. The notion of a "flat earth" an anti-clerical myth initiated in the 1800s. 2) i don't know what we motd conservatives think about the 'economic consensus on the effects of gloablization'. if you could tell me what i think, i could tell you why. \_ Sorry, there is no consensus. You seem oblivious to how research grants are delegated. Global warming is a gigantic self-perpetuating money industry. Try getting money from the UN EU, Canada on a proposal that contradicts the warming hypothesis. http://www.clearlight.com/~mhieb/WVFossils/ice_ages.html My favorite study as of late: Researchers question key global-warming study http://www.uoguelph.ca/~rmckitri/research/trc.html As for trade, I'm with Pat Buchanan who has been predicting this for over a decade. Fair trade I support... but what exists today is not reciprocal in any sense of the word. \_ the "oblivious to how research grands are delegated" argument has become one of my favorite tinfoil hat statements. keep up the good work! remember, the federal reserve is in league with The Jews to take away your guns! I have applied for grants, my grandfather spent most of his career as an NIH grants administrator, and as a professional scientist I know a lot of poeple who have to apply for grants constantly and several who review grants. you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about (I'm assuming you're the same dumbass who usually posts this argument.) \_ Who do you think wins grants? There are certain scientists of a certain stature who receive 90% of the money in a given field. They gained their stature perhaps by good science (and sometimes not) but they are not always right. There is a lot of politics involved. \_ so you're saying grants aren't political? then why was the sf chronicle printing an article last week about how several dozen NIH grants are being cut or re-reviewed due to their content? anyway, any idiot can apply for anything. you didn't say how many were granted or what they were for and if that contradicted the prevailing theories at the time and what political connections your family or their associates have with the grant givers or if the grant applications fit the grant giver's other ambitions already. in short, you've told us nothing except you can file paperwork and everyone else is ignorant because, well, you can file paperwork. \_ Unfortunately this same problem exists for publications as well. In fact, Nature recently ran an editorial decrying the incestuous review process. These journals should do blind reviews of submissions. \_ that doesn't solve the problem. if a field is small and everyone knows eachother, there is no such thing as a "blind review." when your close friends post anonymously to the motd, don't you recognize their posts? perhaps more useful would be removing the anonymity of the reviewers to put more pressure on them to do their job. \_ I do not think that word means what you think it means. Hell, 30 years ago there was a consensus about global cooling, so I'm a bit skeptical for just that reason. Then there are the astrophysicists who point out a link between solar activity and global temperatures. But the clear proof that global warming is not a scientific conclusion was the *reaction* to the book The Skeptical Environmentalist. It was criticized, derided, villified, etc. but no one refuted its serious scientific claims. \_ The global cooling theory only was out for a little while. See it didn't add up and further research proved that. So it was thrown away as a theory that was wrong. Global warming on the other hand has had a hell of a lot more time spent on it and beyong a few partisan shrills of questionable veracity, it hasn't been refuted. Yes bogus theories sometimes get their time in the limelight, but the idea that a theory that has had so much further study is still considered good and yet is a crock of bullshit is, well, laughable. Tin foil territory about a vast conspiracy of scientists that Want You To Fear Greenhouse Gasses For Their Own Neferious Reasons aside. \_ Nefarious. \_ IIRC, the various global warming theorists attacked the man for having no scientific training in global warming theory/politics. in other words, he was derided for going against the status quo and nothing else. he wasn't in the boy's club and wasn't playing by their circuluarly defined rules about what can and can not be good global warming science/politics. \_ Global warming is BULLSHIT. Enough said. -sameer (does anyone sign their motd entries anymore? What is this world coming to?) |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11184 Activity:nil |
11/21 California secretary of state anounces that all electronic voting machines must provide paper receipts by 2006 http://tinyurl.com/w26j \_ This is good news. Including the fact that voters can't take them outside of the polling place (preventing vote buying). \_ So you get the receipt and then you have to throw it away right away? What's the use then? \_ The election officials keep the slips. You verify the result, then put the slip in a lock box, and they keep the slip in case they need to verify/recount. \_ sounds like a complete waste of time and money. -tom \_ You're right. Democracy is the least efficient form of government, but it's better than the alternatives. \_ you prefer what? nothing? i found it really spooky to hand my e-voting card to some old guy who plugged it into some hand held toy which beeped after a few seconds. at least with the paper i know there's a real thing out there someone can check if need be. \_ If you don't think that *some* kind of physical audit trail is necessary, then I suggest that you google "Diebold 18181". \_ Slips? Why not punch cards? |
2003/11/22 [Health/Disease/AIDS, Politics/Foreign] UID:11185 Activity:nil |
11/21 S.F. has nation's highest syphilis rate http://csua.org/u/52d Must be the foggy weather \_ Must be that you're an evil rich white male oppressor racist! \_ You really are obsessed with this. You need help. \_ It is good to be #1 in something, at least. \_ SF is #1 in several things, none of them good. |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11186 Activity:nil |
11/21 Uh oh, here come the Dean Draft Dodger headlines... Look out! Actually nevermind, being a draft dodger didn't hurt the GW2 or Clinton. Sigh.... Nader'04 for the people and environment! Restored. Why are you trying to censor the real left? \_ The real left? Don't make me laugh, Mr. Motd COINTELPRO. \_ What's more left in this country than Nader? Certainly not the sellout Democrats who voted for war on Iraq. \_ Hey, Because of Nader, Bush won the presidency. Am I going to fuel his personal glory ? probably not. We got more important thing to do, i.e. get Bush out of office \_ Hey, Because of Gore, Bush won the presidency. Am I going to fuel his personal glory ? probably not. We got more important thing to do, i.e. get Bush out of office. If Gore hadn't run then Nader surely would have won. Gore running made Bush win. Keep voting for the pseudo-left. I'm voting for the real thing. |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11187 Activity:nil 53%like:11481 53%like:29667 |
11/21 Congress voting on Anti-spam: http://news.com.com/2100-1024_3-5110622.html?tag=nefd_top |
2003/11/22 [Computer/Networking] UID:11188 Activity:moderate |
11/21 Anyone know where I can get a 5V/2.5A power adaptor for my SMC barricade wireless router? I checked radio shack and they don't seem to have anything that fits my specs. thanks. \_ Rat Turd is a fucking joke. Try one of these: http://www.newark.com http://www.digikey.com http://www.alliedelec.com \_ Electronics parts catalog. See, EECS40 came in handy! |
2003/11/22 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:11189 Activity:nil |
11/21 SAS users - I'm in SAS for Windows 8.2 I've maxed my virtual memory but it won't compute a logistic regression because it is out of memory. What the fuck? It's only about 180,000 observations in the data set. Email fab if you know an easy fix for this. |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11190 Activity:nil 54%like:11196 |
11/21 Here's the "Dean is a draft dodger" link. From the NYT. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/11/22/politics/campaigns/22DRAF.html?ex=1070082000&en=a4240500ff458bcb&ei=5062&partner=GOOGLE \_ i'm confused as to how this is ammunition for critics in a race against W. \_ Right now, Dean is in a race against Clark and Kerry, not Bush. \_ In the current climate, it's important to look strong on defense. Bush has shown this in his current term, whereas the Dems have to find some other way to show it. Dean as a governor doesn't have any national defense or foreign policy experience, so he could lean on a military record--if he had one. Frankly, I don't care much about what any of the candidates did 30 years ago (that is, unless they killed a woman in their car or something). |
2003/11/22 [Uncategorized] UID:11191 Activity:nil |
11/22 What the hell happened to my Global Cooling and The Coming Ice Age?! They promised me perpetual snow, ice, and snowball fights when I was kid. Where is it? We had scientific consensus at the time! ACK! |
2003/11/22 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Women] UID:11192 Activity:nil |
11/22 Lots of American women bitch about American men dating foreigners. You want to know why? Because YOU SUCK. You are a pain in the ass. Period. Foreign women are easy to deal with. Having dated Europeans and Latina's, they are infinitely easier to deal with than American women. They just accept you for being a man. I hear lots of women say foreign women are pushovers - its the furthest thing from the truth. Particularly the Italians and the Latina's - they will fight with you and are very vocal. They just don't have all \_ i don't think that's the right choice of word. and btw, that guy is a moron. do you want to marry an uneducated, boring housewife? go right ahead, save the decent ones for the rest of us. this bullshit that you carry around with you. http://www.nomarriage.com/fd.html \_ hi, bitter, lonely geek mysogynist. \_ In his tally of the 99.9% of American women who are out of the running for marriage, he includes women who have been raped. |
2003/11/22-23 [Recreation/Dating] UID:11193 Activity:low |
11/22 http://www.nomarriage.com/slave.html BDG is that you? \_ No. Though, this poor soul's experience is similar to mine. \_ And what's your experiance? \_ BDG, is that really you? Glad you're back. The motd can use your wisdom. \_ this is the most retarded rant i've ever read. if the only form of relationship you can get into is the one prescribed to you by society then i bet all other aspects of your life are equally boring and disappointing. -kane \_ Yeah, kane, wait until homosexuals win the gay marriage battle. Then there will be homosexuals giving testimonials on that site. \_ *laugh* I love it when the know-it-all motd types get on here and make themselves out to be intellectually, culturally and otherwise superior in all ways to the general public, usually by attacking a commonly held cultural trait but they *never* provide an alternative. So, kane, tell us about your perfect non-prescribed-to- you-by-society relationship. This is going to be good! \_ She just thinks that two women and a two-way dildo makes a functional equivalent of a family. \_ Oh leave the poor girl alone. She just never got a good dicking. \_ it doesn't make a family, but i could use video of that for my 13gb/day pron site! |
2003/11/22-24 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:11194 Activity:moderate |
11/22 Any thoughts on the medicare bill on the house? There was lots of discussion on the energy bill, but little on this one. Good/bad? \_ The democrats are opposed and republicans in favor: it must be bad. \_ It has this really curious feature where beneficiaries with very low bills and very high bills are given lots of coverage, but those with bills within the median are given much less coverage. Anyway, both sides can go stick it where the sun don't shine - this is just more expansion of the entitlement system for immediate political gain, when they should be taking much more important (and of course, politically painful) steps to reform the system. Neither the Congress nor the President have displayed anything approaching the courage and integrity necessary to make that happen. --motd liberal \_ What is a liberal doing bitching about an entitlement system? You're no liberal. You sound more like a libertarian. \_ Yup, agree. -- another motd libertarian \_ I consider myself a liberal because of my opinions on social issues and the workings of the justice system. I recognize the need for serious reform of our entitlement system for the elderly, however. From what I have seen, those than consider themselves libertarians would like to dismantle the entire entitlement system, rather than change the way that it functions. Also, I think corporate welfare (i.e, the ethanol subsidy which amounts to a direct transfer of taxpayer money to ADMs executives) is equally in need of reform, but I haven't heard the same from many libertarians. Not every liberal is a raving Marxist/ANSWER loony, just like not every conservative is a jingoistic dittohead. BTW, the Economist has a very nice graph on what may happen to the budget deficit in the next 10 years: http://economist.com/images/20031108/CSF889.gif --motd liberal \_ Whoa there, bucko. If you haven't heard that corporate welfare is bad from libertarians, you haven't heard from any libertarians. \_ that's the biggest load of shit on todays motd. Libertarians blather about this, but when you look issue by issue, they clearly favor the rights of corporations over individuals, which will always lead to corporate welfare. Libertarians are quite possibly the biggest threat to american society today. if libertarians continue to destroy the government, issue by issue, they clearly favor the rights corporations without any legal or ethical restraint will rule our lives. [formatd, big time] \_ Please point to ONE single instance of libertarians, or even the libertarian party supporting "the rights of corporations over individuals". Libertarianism is ALL about the the rights of individuals. You don't know what the hell you are talking about. Your irrational fear of what you clearly know nothing about is disturbing. -phuqm \_ read their fucking platform http://www.lp.org in particular, see http://www.lp.org/issues/program/health.html Yeah, I can't wait till we eliminate the evil FDA so we're free to take whatever drugs the pharmas feel like marketing. \_ Health Care is what i assumed you would say. I didn't consider opposition to the FDA. I didn't realize that not being able to buy drugs that have been legal in Europe for ages was one of the "rights" of individuals that you would be concerned with. For the record, I personally believe a Food and Drug admin. could play a valuable role in society. But THE FDA is a net loss even In terms of "rights" I don't see how any you just have no standing whatsoever. Exactly in terms of absolute benefit to society. In terms of "rights" I don't see how you will rule our lives. [formatd, big time] drugs the pharmas feel like marketing. can make any argument whatsoever. Exactly WHICH "individual" right do you think is being threatened by this position? -phuqm \_ Just because you SAY libertarians favor the rights of corporations over individuals, doesn't make it true. Personally, I am not even sure all libertarians are willing to grant corps legal person status. At any rate, the libertarians don't trust government much in the same way your amusing, ranty little self doesn't trust Big Business. Big Business is motivated by money. What is of corporations over individuals, which will always lead to corporate welfare. Libertarians are quite possibly the biggest threat to american society today. if libertarians continue to destroy the government, corporations without any legal or ethical restraint \_ You're not the only one, you should http://www.freerepublic.com Lots of libertarians. will rule our lives. Big Government motivated by? Think about that. Big Government motivated by? Think about that. \_ this libertarian thinks it's insane that corps have legal person status and the rights that go with it. that was a *huuuuge* mistake we'll be paying for forever or until changed. \_ agreed. It was primarily libertarians railing about this in the motd previously. (e.g. me). It is also mostly libertarians fighting eminent domain abuses, where government orgs steal private entity's property to give it to other (invariably richer) private entities. -phuqm \_ You're not the only one, you should http://www.freerepublic.com Lots of libertarians. \_ nice graph. looks like we're just repeating the same numbers as the clinton glory years of economic health. anyway, it's easy to knock something. how would you reform the system if you had the power? \_ Just politicians spending more of the taxpayers money to buy votes. \_ Isn't that what all entitlement programs are? |
2003/11/22-24 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:11195 Activity:nil |
11/22 Linux RAM question, why the slight descrapancy between the available (non AGP) phsical RAM and the available (non kernel) RAM reported by the kernel messages? (these from three different computers) 1024MB-0MB(pci) = 1024MB : 1048576k - (dmesg: 1048560k) = 16k 512MB-16MB(agp) = 496MB : 507904k - (dmesg: 507840k) = 64k 96MB-0MB(pci) = 96MB : 98304k - (dmesg: 98112k) = 192k \_ Guessing: bios caching? \_ Is that the bios copying itself into RAM? \_ Just a guess, but probably. Check the bios settings for video and other caching. It's likely that if you disable all of that you'll see the ram numbers match or at least get closer. 192k is a lot on that last machine but could still all be bios caching if it's all turned on. Please report back if this is the case. I'm curious. \_ The last machine is a ThinkPad 600. I'll check into the bios when I get a chance. I'll post something. Thanks. -op |
2003/11/22 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11196 Activity:high 54%like:11190 |
11/21 Here's the "Dean is a draft dodger" link. From the NYT: http://tinyurl.com/w3sa \_ i'm confused as to how this is ammunition for critics in a race against W. \_ Right now, Dean is in a race against Clark and Kerry, not Bush. \_ In the current climate, it's important to look strong on defense. Bush has shown this in his current term, whereas the Dems have to find some other way to show it. Dean as a governor doesn't have any national defense or foreign policy experience, so he could lean on a military record--if he had one. Frankly, I don't care much about what any of the candidates did 30 years ago (that is, unless they killed a woman in their car or something). \_ So you're not voting for Ted Kennedy, huh? \_ Personally, I don't see dodging the draft as all that big a deal, heck, my dad did it. It only bugs me when guys who have never served send troops into some fool place we have no reason to be in, like Somalia, but that bugs me regaudless. \_ Right, because W is such an exemplary example. no reason to be in, like Somalia. |
2003/11/22 [Uncategorized] UID:29662 Activity:nil |
11/22 Kennedy's dad was pro-Nazi. |
3/15 |