2003/11/20-21 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/HW/CPU] UID:11153 Activity:nil |
11/19 My lab got a bunch of computers and it's idling most of the time. I guess I could download that ET signal program, but what other things can I use it for? \_ http://www.mersenne.org/prime.htm \_ cure cancer! http://www.stanford.edu/group/pandegroup/folding \_ I recommend omega@home! Join the worldwide effort to solve all open mathematical problems! -- ilyas \_ can't find it on google \_ Sorry it's a bit of a geek joke. The program doesn't exist yet, but the "all" is actually real. The idea is that you want to find bounds on a certain number called Chaitin's omega. If you know something about that number you can solve lots of problems. In fact, if you know that number precisely you can solve any problem which can be precisely stated. You get lower bounds by simulating programs until they stop, and you get upper bounds by searching for programs that print certain strings. -- ilyas \_ didn't you learn in high school to take "all" with a grain of salt? i guess not, since you never learned to format either. \_ who learns to format the motd in high school.... \_ I had that in class. \_ Duh. Game servers. \_ Well, that consumes bandwidth too. \_ So? If the lab is idle most of the time, it's idle. \_ http://www.fightaidsathome.org \_ I seem to remember there was a guy in your situation and his university fired him and had him charged with unauthorized use of their equipment and he got like 1 year of probation and a big fine. Sorry, don't remember the exact details. \_ IIRC it was the UofGeorgia. I didn't know Georgia even had a university. I thought they stopped at 5th grade. \_ Turn them off while not in use. Saves power. |
2003/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:11154 Activity:very high |
11/19 \_ People in *USA* need to realize that USA is not the greatest nation at certain things. Infant mortality rate is just one example. Adult illiteracy rate and percentage of adult incarcerated are also among the highest among industrialized nation. Not to mention math/science score among teenagers... \_ No one said the US was the greatest wrt infant mortality. I think the point in that thread was that the US was *industrialized* and sufficiently technological that it makes little sense to eschew that for home birthing crap. Reading comprehension--, grasshopper. \_ People believe in all sorts of crap. Look at the morons who refuse to vaccinate their kids these days at a time when we need them more than ever. Here comes the plague. \_ yep, and US has one of the biggest white hate groups (KKK), white hating groups (Black Panthers), white trash, religious phreaks (Davidians), crazy guys (Kazinsky), conspiracy groups (Tennessee Militias), etc etc. Go diversity!!! \_ well I attribute most of it to blacks, mexicans, and the rednecks. I bet if you disregard results from them the score would be so much higher. \_ DEAN! \_ huh? btw, it's a factual statement that those groups are more illiterate and more incarcerated. Is it racist to say that? \_ Depends, are you saying that those people commit more crime and are slow learners? Or are you just a smug asshole who points out the difference between "verbal" and "oral"? \_ Per capita, they commit more crimes. And don't get oral with me, young man. \_ per capita, the poor and uneducated commit more crimes, yes. Defining it in terms of ethnic groups is divisive and unhelpful. Is it Tiger Woods' fault? Or A-Rod's? -tom \_ TW is asian. Mixed race at best. No, it is not the fault of any one individual of any race. No one said it was. We were talking per capita. Where'd you get this TW crap from? That has nothing to do with anything. \_ It's not the fault of the race, either. -tom \_ These days, yes. You can't state a fact if it offends someone without being called racist. You must be new to Berkeley. You've erred when someone else's feelings are hurt. There are no standards. \_ Stop being so petulant, man, it really doesn't give your arguments much weight. You might also want to take into consideration that statistics without context are largely meaningless and can pretty much be distorted to mean anything.... \_ I'm not. It's the truth. You're either a Cal student or alum, right? You should know that victimhood is now defined by the alleged victim. If she says it's rape, it's rape. If he says you're racist, you're racist, because you're white, he's not and you hurt his feelings. \_ Boohoo! We are victims of non-white male victimhood! \_ Wow, you're an idiot. How do you ever expect anyone to ever get along and end the hate when you believe it's ok to hate certain people? Talk about totally missing the point. You missed the entire universe. \_ I think it's still ok to hurt the feelings of certain white folks. \_ That was always ok. White people aren't really human so anything goes. \_ Hey, stop trying to be the victim. \_ what's really funny is that most of this thread/flamewar is in reply to the one line troll "DEAN!" \_ no that was ignored if you read the thing that actually replied to it. but it is funny that you think so. \_ fine. at least we both think *something's* funny. \_ Sorry, I forgot. White people have no rights. White people are all evil just because they're white. Kill whitey! |
2003/11/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Computer/SW] UID:11155 Activity:nil |
11/19 I've never seen any of his links posted here, so... What does the csua think of Joel (as in "On Software")? \_ Seems like any moderately competent mentor. |
2003/11/20 [Recreation/Celebrity/ParisHilton] UID:11156 Activity:nil |
11/19 What happened to Paris Hilton thread? \_ /csua/tmp/paris_hilton.wmv \_ Who's the guy in the video? \_ Does he make you wet? \_ Rick Soloman. He made the video and is now suing the person who gave it to a porn company. \_ Paris Hilton: yet another nobody famous for being nobody. sheesh. \_ Paris Hilton... zzzz.... |
2003/11/20 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:11157 Activity:nil |
11/19 A good summary of ethanol: http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/Courses/E11/PatzekEthanolPaper.pdf \_ This has nothing to say about air cleanliness. \_ and... as it is right now, it takes *MORE* energy to produce Et-OH from corn than the energy contained in Et-OH. \_ Not according to that article. That article plays some weird sleight of hand by claiming that solar energy is not free. \_ He's not discounting solar energy. Let C be the amount of corn required to produce the equivalent of 1 gallon of gas in ethanol. He's saying that through fertilizers, tractors, irrigation, harvesting, drying, and conversion, 1 gallon of real gasoline is used to grow and convert C. It's zero sum, you could have burned that same gallon of gas directly. \_ If you have even one scientific article claiming the EtOH \_ If you have even one scientific artile claiming the EtOH does not decrease emissions, I would like to see it. It might not be worth the cost, but it certainly cleans the air in CA. \_ Here is a good cost/benifit analysis saying the whole thing is not really worth it: \_ ok, here's the deal: gasoline is bad for the environment. the stuff we add to it doesnt change that much. nothing much will happen until we get a non-oil based economy going. don't hold your breath for that one, folks. http://www.esm.ucsb.edu/fac_staff/fac keller/papers/Abstract21.pdf |
2003/11/20-21 [Recreation/Media] UID:11158 Activity:high |
11/20 I watched the matrix 3 last weekend on IMAX. It was great! I heard all the people bitching on the motd about how bad the movie was so I went in with low expectations. I enjoyed the movie. Yeah, it's mostly fighting and not much story development. But hey, we already know the story. It's a trilogy. Imagine if Morpheus pontificated all the time in all 3 movies. That would be a disaster. I like the "mech warrior" fighting scenes a lot. \_ Morpheus going off all the time about fate and The One and all that bullshit was a low point in the other movies. It was actually painful to watch in the second movie. \_ he was basically reduced to copilot for #3. fine by me, especially after his painful speech in #2 \_ It made my skin crawl and I squirmed in my seat in movie 2. \_ No, it was not a trilogy. It was a movie, then an afterthough movie split into: two movies, a collection of animation, a single-player video game, and a MMORPG. \_ Did you enjoy the nipple twisting scene? \_ meh. enjoyed bullucci's breasts a whole lot more. \_ They look even better on IMAX. \_ Would be even better if there's a 3D version of the movie. \_ I thought those are big, until I searched her pics in other settings in Google. Now I think they're just pushed-up in M3. \_ Of course they are, that's what bondage clothing does best. \_ This is an excellent summary of Matrix 3: http://maddox.xmission.com/c.cgi?u=matrix3 \_ BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!! \_ i especially like how he does give spoiler warnings... at the end of the article. \_ Filmforce is saying Revolutions on DVD by Jan 6th. Is that some kind of record for fastest theatre release to video release turnaround? \_ No. |
2003/11/20 [Health] UID:11159 Activity:nil |
11/19 This hasn't been posted in a while, if ever. The intellectual whores homepage! Take it to heart, it's 99% true. http://www.dallaslynn.com/iw/index.html |
2003/11/20-21 [Recreation/Computer/Games] UID:11160 Activity:high |
11/20 Does anyone else use eMule to pirate games/sw? It's great! \_ Don't Copy That Floppy! \_ Best. Video. Ever. \_ usenet. the only way you can be tracked is if your isp turns over logs. \_ I like W.A.S.T.E. but you need ot trust your friends, and it doesn't scale too well \_ how do new warez get into the system? \_ By the whim of trystero... |
2003/11/20-21 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11161 Activity:kinda low |
11/20 What kind of Windows and Office were sold on the market between 2/18/1995 and 12/15/2001? I'm asking because I'm filling out the M$ claim form and I don't want to put anything that is wrong, like adding WinXP or OfficeXP when it wasn't out in 12/15/01. Thanks. \_ I bought Windows 3.1 (retail ~$100), Word/Excel 6 (retail ~$120) both in early 1995. \_ are you sure about that? Windows 95 was retailed at $80-$88 at the time. I remember this because it was the only legit MS copy I ever purchased, and I bought it at 10% of the retail price because my friend got it at for me at employer's discount. -ashamed to admit that I once actually purchased M$ product. \_ 95,98,nt,2k, and maybe ME. word95,97,2k and maybe others. \_ So you didn't actually buy any Windows or Office during that time but you're just filling out the form to get money from M$? Cool! \_ xp was definitely out in 2001. my laptop from 11/2001 came with a copy preinstalled. |
2003/11/20-21 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11162 Activity:high |
11/20 Keep deleting, and I'll keep restoring, fuckwit. What are you afraid of, anyway? Richard Perle admits invasion of Iraq was illegal: http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,1089158,00.html \_ Our wonderful Anonymous MOTD Censor is terrified that there might actually be non-technical conversation that would highlight his complete lack of real world savvy. Poor, twisted, socially inept thing. \_ No. There is no such thing as international law. We've been over this before. Laws with no enforcement mechanism are not laws. They are suggestions. Get over it. Not interested in your or GW Sr's New World Order, thanks. \_ I'm curious - why is this rigid debating style of immediate dismissal, moral absolutes, and snap judgement so popular? It makes you look like an idiot, and makes everyone listening or reading just tune out. The hard right and hard left are equally guilty of it. \_ It isn't a debating style. It's a fact. A law with no enforcement mechanism isn't a law. If there is no statuatory punshiment associated with a violation of an alleged law, then how can be there a law? Using my brain and knowing what a law is will only make me look like an idiot to the ignorant. \_ Regardless of the fact that you completely ignored my question, I'll take your bait. Of course there's a law. The WTO and UN, for instance, both have systems to enforce their rules. These rules worked pretty well in both the first Gulf War and the US action in Afghanistan. We decided to flagrantly violate them in Iraq because we weren't getting our way. We can't just pick and choose which laws we choose to follow based on whether we are getting our way in a given situation. How can we ever expect any other country to take international law seriously if we don't? International law has got some really important aspects, chief among them the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty. For an even more recent example, look up Bush's decisions on steel and textile tariffs, which are the antithesis of good trade policy and only serve his immediate political gain. \_ Bush took an oath to uphold the law of the U.S., not to placate the rest of the world. I didn't agree with the way the Iraq war was carried out, but I agree strongly that doing the right thing should take precedence over following a European interpretation of "law." [formatd] \_ I just find this extremely interesting because in the whole build up to the war, they kept saying that the war _was_ justified under international war via the original UN resolution. No one bought this argument, and now Perle is simply admitting that the war was illegal under generally accepted terms of international law, not a "European interpretation" as you put it. If the "war on terror" is ever to be successful, we need to work with and through international bodies, not against them. Unilateralism and projection of military power isn't enough, and probably just works against us in the long run. \_ I agree that unilateralsim is a bad idea in general and i agree that it was a bad idea in this case. I just think that there are circumstances in which it would be justified, regardless of international law. \_ Richard Perle is not a decision maker. He is an advisor. Also, do you believe in following any law just because it is a law or do you believe it is ok to violate an unjust law? If you believe the latter, you can't cherry pick which laws are ok to violate and which are not. |
2003/11/20 [Reference/BayArea] UID:29646 Activity:very high |
11/19 So how many of you Berkeley educated Bay Area sysadmins are going to make more than $107k this year: I'm not a sysadmin, and my salary is less than 107k, but it's worth more because of lower cost of living here: . I am 3133+: . Not me: . \_ How many of your Berkeley educated Bay Area non-sysadmins have a bigger dick than this guy? I'm guessing all of us. \_ what is 3133+e, spell it out, don't use uncommon wire messages. you are not an alien. If sysadmins get paid $107k/yr, should software engineers get paid more than that? \_ Depends on yer benefit to the company. If everyone depends on you to keep yer servers up, might be worth more than a programmer... \_ Supply and demand. Good people of any type are hard to find. \_ what makes you think a programmer is worth more than a sysadmin, other than your being a programmer? the schools are cranking out good coders. they're not making sysadmins. it's also pretty hard to outsource your sysadmins to india. programming is getting easier every year. sysadmining is not. \_ is that adjusting for public sector being 20-50% under industry? \_ What's special about 107K? I guess it's your salary. Well, I happen to earn more than that. |
2003/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29647 Activity:high |
11/19 'Operation Iron Hammer' name used by Nazis for operation against Russia http://tinyurl.com/vr4v (news.yahoo.com) \_ Hey, and I use an Iron Hammer for carpentry projects at home! \_ That proves...? You know the names of the Operations depends on the level it was initiated at, and purpose. Operation Gothic Serpent sounds particularly non-Pentagon but taht's what Black Hawk Down was first known as. \_ I never implied it proves anything. I do think it's somewhat ironic and humorous. -op \_ I was going to explain how they come up with op names but nevermind. You don't really care and it doesn't matter anyway. \_ Please explain! I'm interested. -- !OP \_ Please explain! I'm interested. Also, I wonder why they bother to come up with operation names for operations that are not secret. Isn't the purpose of op names to cover up the operation? -- !OP |
2003/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29648 Activity:nil |
11/19 Pile on! http://www.users.qwest.net/~broger1/3_cats.jpg \_ catpile is the word you're looking for. |
2003/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29649 Activity:nil |
11/19 Alright, 2nd try. Any google employees on soda? Please send me an email. I'd like to ask you some questions about working there. Thanks - rory |
2003/11/20 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Kinney] UID:29650 Activity:kinda low |
11/19 Can someone explain the existence of Kinney? Who was he? Why did he post such scatterbrained essays? Drugs? \_ I don't know, but my last post which you(?) keep deleting reminded me of kinney too! (and why do you keep deleting it? Just 'cause it is so long? or because you are one of the ADM dupes? I see the summary was kept, is this a compromise? Should i stop reposting my overly-long response to a dead thread? \_ yes please. |
2003/11/20 [Uncategorized] UID:29651 Activity:nil |
11/19 First is steel, now, textile. Please don't tell me American is defender of capitalist free trade. |
2003/11/20-21 [Uncategorized] UID:29652 Activity:nil |
11/20 What kind of Windows and Office were sold on the market between |
3/15 |