2003/11/17 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:11102 Activity:high |
11/16 Search for Hitler on eBay has over 1300+ items. Search for Hirohito on eBay has 19 items. Both are evil killers, why is Hitler 68X more popular than Emperor Hirohito? \_ Here we are again at the Troll Olympics folks! Our latest contestant shows good form by mentioning the Japanese and "evil" in the same sentence, but tips his hand with the Hitler reference. We're afraid that this particular Troll won't make it past the qualifying round, but we'd like to thank him for playing anyway. \_ he got almost 2 pages. that's not bad. no one picked up on his use of the word 'popular' in reference to hitler though. \_ this is a pretty great troll. However, comparing Hirohito to Hitler is a little inaacurate. Your bogeyman is Tojo, not the Emperor. During WWII, the Nazis didn't hate the British royalty... they hated Churchill. It's similar with Japan. -brain \_ ebay is an American site, and is in English. How many Americans even know who Hirohito was? How many Americans can name even one post-war Japanese leader? Everyone's seen Indiana Jones and knows what a Nazi is. \_ people still believe that Hirohito (aka the Showa Emperor) was a doddering old puppet ruler who had little control over the actions of the Japanese military and government. This is a myth that was fostered by the MacArthur regime in post-war Japan to protect a useful figurehead. Also, Japan, despite doing some pretty atrocious things, never did it on quite the scale that Nazi Germany (or the USSR for that matter) did. --Jon \_ Jon. As a Chinese, I find your ignorance extremely offensive and insulting. Compare with what Japanese has done to the Chinese, gas chamber actually looks pretty darn humane by compareson. The casualty on Chinese side is estimated between 20-30 million. At least you are not trying to hide your racist view. -kngharv \_ Are they 20-30 million civilian casualties or war casualties? Not to trivialize these deaths, but there is a distinction, as far as warcrimes are concerned. \_ No, it doesn't matter whether it was 2m civilians or 20m civilians. What the Japanese did to the Chinese was on the same level of evil as what the Nazis did the Jews. \_ It does matter. \_ You are stuck in a conversational autopilot. Read the question again. I didn't ask for exact numbers, I asked if the casualties were soldiers or civilians. There is a distinction. For instance, Russia lost huge quantities of troops fighting the Germans. While regrettable, such casualties are not a cause for initiating a war crimes trial (instead this is handled by reparations at the end of the war). \_ Most of the Chinese casualties were civilians. Others were like peasants attacking Japanese troops with a cooking knife. Are those troops with cooking knives when the Japanese tried to burn down their village. Are those considered civilians? \_ trolling is fun. \_ They hanged Tojo, the leader of the military government. There was no need to hang the Emperor, as he was only tangentally linked to the Pan-Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere plan. \_ Mao killed 85-100 Million, so Hirojito's massacres kind of pale in comparison. \_ Japanese warlords killed millions and millions of Japanese though centuries of constant warfare, yea, so let's just drop a few more nukular bombs on Japan. Besides, if the Japanese didn't invade, CKS would probably have squashed Mao. China in the 1920s and early 30s was improving until the Japanese invaded. Also, your figures of 85-100 million sounds high to me. Most of the deaths came during the GLF which is severe famine exacerbated by extremely misguided \_ thanks, corrected. policies, but the figure for that is generally estimated to be about 20-30 million. \_ I think there are still many white trashed pro-Nazi, \_ and I assume you're also while but don't see yourself pro-White/Blond views out there who admire Hitler and his evil ideals. On the other hand, Asians, including Japs, care more \_ why do you people keep using this offensive term? \_ It's short for "Jewish American Princess"! about work, marriage, houses, stock portfolios and don't really care about world domination and ethnic purification, hence they don't really care about Emperor Hirohito. \_ Get over your bad self: You're not finding as many items for Hirohito because 1) you're not searching in Japanese, and 2) right-wing fanatics in Japan who would trade in this sort of thing know each other and don't need to demean the honor of the late Emperor by placing his items on ebay. Do a search for holy relics some time. \_ "holy relic" came up with 43 items on eBay. \_ Nice way to insult two races at once. That's a nifty bit of racism on your part. I'm guessing you're white but don't see yourself as *that* kind of white but some genetically superior offshoot. \_ and I assume you're also white but don't see yourself as the above racist but somehow superior to him. \_ I AM SUPERIOR TO YOU ALL! \_ what is the url for the Japanese equivalent of eBay? \_ <DEAD>www.ebay.co.jp<DEAD> |
2003/11/17 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:11103 Activity:nil |
11/16 After I installed firebird .7, I can't run several different applications on my FreeBSD-4.7 box, including mozilla and some random games because of missing object files in my /usr/libexec/ directory (specifically libXft.so.1 and libintl.so.1) Is there a way to get these files back? Thanks. \_ You installed something with a version number < 1.0. \_ What did you do while installing MFB? You probably deleted/overwrote the X11 files something like that. You can reinstall X, but then you might have probs with MFB. |
2003/11/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq, Politics/Foreign/Europe] UID:11104 Activity:high |
11/16 Seven million died in the 'forgotten' holocaust http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1022860/posts?page=1,50 \_ It's a free republic link, it must be nonsense! \_ It's a reprint of an article from a real paper. of course, this is almost certainly illegal. not that i would care normally, but \_ Unless of course they have permission. there's a certain irony to all these law and order conservative motherfuckers building a site on routine violation of copyright law. kind of like rush limbaugh being a drug fiend copywrite law. kind of like rush limbaugh being a drug fiend who for some reason doesn't have to be locked up for ten years like a typical War on Drugs victim. \_ how many people have been locked up for ten years for abusing prescription drugs? none? thought so. come back when you're less bitter about being in the minority and want to discuss facts instead of your bitter delusions. \_ It's not forgotten as are killings of millions of other peoples during the Stalin's era. The brutal past is probably the reason why the people in the Baltic states and Ukraine (specially Western \_ Not just "these days". They've always been. 1955 for a good example of modern but not too recent events. like a typical War on Drugs victim. Ukraine) are so anti-russian these days. |
2003/11/17 [Computer/SW] UID:11105 Activity:nil |
11/16 Maybe this is a silly question, but can anyone tell me why banks do anything besides annual compounding? It seems to me that annual compounding means they pay the least interest to you. At first, I thought it was because the balance in your account changes, but I think this is already taken into account because they say they compound based on the average balance of your account in a given time period. Thanks. \_ It might be marketing... sure, we only give you 1% APR, but we COMPOUND DAILY! That's the equivalent of a MUCH higher APR! \_ Your first inclination is likely correct. Many people need their interest more often than that in order to pay expenses. Why compound any other way ever if annual works? \_ Regular interest means less variation. Rates change constantly. If rates drop, the bank isn't stuck paying the high rate. If rates climb, they don't want to lose your account by paying below market. Some people rely on interest as income, so regular payments are necessary. Annual payments means less flexiblity for customers, making them less likely to stick around. Finally, it helps keep investors on a psychological level to see interest added every so often. If you want annual payments, get a CD. |
2003/11/17 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11106 Activity:kinda low |
11/16 Why Are We Losing The Peace In Iraq? http://www.military.com/NewContent?file=Defensewatch_111303_Peace \_ thanks for the link. It's very informative. \_ because we're not killing enough people? \_ no, because the Muslims are not killing enough of us. \_ so if they killed more Americans you believe there would be peace in Iraq? Uhm, wow, you've exceeded all bounds of trolldom. there's no way to respond and keep your troll going, sorry. |
2003/11/17 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:11107 Activity:high |
11/17 Why is there not a corollary to Godwin's Law that specifies that discussion ends whenever Stalin or Communism is invoked? They serve exactly the same purpose as mentioning Nazis or Hitler: to stifle thoughtful discussion and provoke anger. \_ you're taking it all too seriously, son. let it go. \_ It's called Niwdog's Rule. \_ Nah, in American culture, Hitler==evil. Stalin doesn't evoke much of anything. It doesn't matter what he did, it's not part of pop cul- ture to know or care about that. It goes back to WW2 when he was an ally, hence no propaganda against him. Communism is a big yawn also, China is still "communist" and this is not a problem for consumers or politicians. of anything. It doesn't matter what he did, it's not part of pop culture to know or care about that. It goes back to WW2 when he was an ally, hence no propaganda against him. Communism is a big yawn also, China is still "communist" and this is not a problem for consumers or politicians. |
2003/11/17 [Consumer/Audio] UID:11108 Activity:low |
11/17 I have an older but high-end TEAC receiver and four Bose speakers. Any time the system is on I hear buzzing through the speakers. What does it take to get rid of the buzzing. (Already checked grounding). \_ probably picking up interference. are they near some other power source like your computer or monitor? \_ Near a TV but the sound occurs whether or not the TV is plugged in. \_ your speaker is not magnetically shielded? \_ was it always like this? Maybe it just broke. Loose connections? |
2003/11/17-18 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:11109 Activity:kinda low |
11/17 I seem to remember there is at least one Google employee on soda. Any of you care to post your login? I'd like to ask some questions about how it is working there. thanks. \_ last | grep "216.239" \_ why don't you post your login so they can email you?!? why should you get to be anonymous instead of them? after all, you are the one with the questions. \_ it's a cult. they wanted me to sell my house and move to mountain view to take a job there and were confused and insulted when i said i wouldn't do that. \_ I think living where you work is great...as long as you don't have to live *or* work in silicon fucking valley. -happily walking to work 3000 miles from SV \_ What silicon fucking valley? I never get enough fucking in silicon valley. \_ where do you work out of curiosity? \_ Yes I'm sure it is but to tell me I'm not getting an offer because I won't *SELL MY HOUSE* and move to mountain view is fucking ridiculous. To work at a dotcom. Sheesh. It's a cult, plain and simple. \_ What rationale did they offer for this? Would the commute have impacted your work that much? \_ Something like, "We like it when everyone lives close" which was not helpful. The guy who did my tech phone screen was some kid who had never worked anywhere but there and only knew "The One True Google Way" of doing everything. It was a miracle I was able to guess enough right answers and read his mind enough over the phone to not get dropped right there. So HR dropped me for not being willing to sell my house and move to mountain view because they're going to be the next netsca-- nevermind. It was stupid. They're a cult. I'm *very* happy I got a much higher paying job with fewer stupid people around. I wasn't looking forward to being some kid's dumping ground for projects he found boring. \_ how far did you get in the interview process? \_ too far. what a waste of time. if you need a job and they make an offer, take it. don't sell your home to join a cult. BTW, I believe today is the 25th anniversary of the Jones' Town massacre, speaking of selling your home to join a cult. \_ Anyone remember "Murder Can Be Fun"? - danh \_http://www.weeklyuniverse.com/2002/tempslave.htm |
2003/11/17-18 [Computer/SW/Languages] UID:11110 Activity:moderate |
11/17 Anyone read news using a RSS-browser? Any comments or feedback on RSS-reader used, and how rule/ass it is appreciated. Try FeedReader \_ This works on soda: use XML::RSS; use LWP::Simple; my $rss = new XML::RSS; \_ This works on soda: $content = get($ARGV[0]); die "Could not retrieve $ARGV[0]" unless $content; $rss->parse($content); print "\t====== $rss->{'channel'}->{'title'} ======\n"; foreach my $item (@{$rss->{'items'}}) { print "$item->{'title'}\n" if defined $item->{'title'}; } use XML::RSS; use LWP::Simple; my $arg = shift; my $rss = new XML::RSS; if ($arg =~ /http:/i) { $content = get($arg); die "Could not retrieve $arg" unless $content; $rss->parse($content); print "\t====== $rss->{'channel'}->{'title'} ======\n"; foreach my $item (@{$rss->{'items'}}) { next unless defined($item->{'title'}) && defined($item->{'link'}); print "$item->{'title'}\n"; } } |
2003/11/17-18 [Transportation/Car] UID:11111 Activity:very high |
11/17 Is Toyota Celica much less popular than Acura Integra/RSX or Honda Prelude these days? I've see very few on the streets. \_ Dood Acura Integra Hel-la fresh. Got great space for Pioneer sticker and fat spoiler on back. Don't forget fake Mugen badge. -John \_ Or the VTEC and Type R badges. GT-R badges are good, too. \_ I've actually seen more Celicas this year than previous years. Still doesn't compare to the number of RSX's out there. \_ Yes, I have a Celica and can tell you they are much less popular. I had a Integra before. Based on the pre-2000 Celicas and pre-RSX, Acura's are much better cars and cost less, so \_ how do you figure that? \_ Speaking on the 97 models, the Integra had standard roughly 30 popular. I had a Integra before. Based on the pre-2000 Celicas and pre-RSX, Acura's are much better cars and cost less, so \_ how do you figure that? more horsepower, cruise control, sunroof and DOCH. All extras on \_ It's DOHC, fool. Do you even know what DOHC is? the Celica. By nature, Acura is a luxury car and Celicas are not. that would explain their popularity. But I got a Celica because it's not as common and like the body better. \_ Preludes are no longer being made (at least not for the US). But, anyways, they were in a separate class from the Celica and RSX (Integra). The Prelude was a true sports car and much nicer than the other two. It was likewise priced at a much, much higher point than the other two. (the S2000 took over that market for the defunct prelude). \_ Prelude a "true sports car"? FWD? Rear seats? Um, no. \_ ahh, he shows his ignorance. FWD works quite well for handling when the balance of the vehicle is forward, i.e. a front (not mid) mounted engine. Also the prelude has AWS in many models. It also allows you to drive out of a turn like a mother f***er. And for the rear seats, hmmm, 280zx, 300zx, not true sports cars either? How about the Ferarri 456GT? Not a true sports car? Hmmm, american muscle, is a trans am not a true sports car? \_ Having a forward weight bias is bad for handling dynamics. Any car that makes large concessions to comfort and convenience is no longer a "true sports car". The Prelude's a pretty good sports coupe, IMO. |
2003/11/17-18 [Computer/HW/Laptop, Computer/SW/OS/OsX] UID:11112 Activity:nil |
11/17 Audio engineering on the cheap: Mbox with ProTools vs. M-Audio with Cubase or something else? What should I made sure to look for in buying a laptop that can handle this? Will I need a firewire drive? Is a Centrino better or worse for this? \_ I can give you lots of advice. I do electronic music production and I have records coming out. Send me email. --lye@csua \_ dude, other people are interested. why not enlighten us masses with a few pointers? -!op \_ Are you considering a Mac too, or just PC? If you are considering a Mac, I would advise against the Mbox. I personally don't see any important differences between the major multi-track sequencers -- go with whatever you feel comfortable with, unless you *need* to run some particular plug-in format (e.g., TDM). But the Mbox has notoriously bad drivers on the Mac, so i'd advise against that. |
2003/11/17-18 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:11117 Activity:nil |
11/17 A friend of mine wants me to ask if there are aany CNET employees on soda. -- ulysses \_ cnet still has employees? I thought they laid them all off. \_ How about ex-employees? How about ex-employees who still talk to the going-to-turn-off-the-lights guy who is still there? Post what you want to know. \_ Yes, there are some ex-C|net employees on Soda, I'm one. \_ I used to work there and still talk to people who do. I hear it's not a good place to work now. -chrchan |
2003/11/17-18 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29638 Activity:high |
11/17 Top US administrator in Iraq, Paul Bremer, dismissed the new Saddam message as "a voice from the wilderness". Doesn't Paul Bremer realize that the phrase is usually used to refer to John the Baptist and prophesies of the coming of Jesus the Messiah? Are Neocons all fake Christians? (restored, unfortunately the followups were lost) \_ hi troll! \_ Ok, I'll bite--JtB got his head cut off, his boss got nailed to a telephone pole, their followers got fed to giant cats by effeminate Italians in dresses. Case in point, we did a Bonnie & Clyde on Uday and Qusay, the little thugs, so now there's only dad left to go. What exactly is your point? -John \_ Come to think of it, Bush Jr. is about as cartoonish as Nero the Roman Emperor. \_ Come to think of it, Bush Jr. is as cartoonish as Nero the Christian killing Roman Emperor. And that's about where your silly analogy ends. \_ Open the eyes of Christians to the true colors of the neocon ideologues. |
2003/11/17 [Uncategorized] UID:29639 Activity:nil |
11/17 Kennedy calls black woman neanderthal and nothing happens \_ Citation? URL? Troll? |
3/15 |