2003/11/14 [Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:11064 Activity:nil |
11/13 http://www.townhall.com/columnists/robertnovak/rn20031113.shtml This is so great! Ann Coulter talking action figures for sale! God damn, I love the net! You can find anything! |
2003/11/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11065 Activity:nil |
11/13 http://tinyurl.com/uya4 "Abandoned" building has owner and textile machinery which got wrecked by US plane strafing it. Or is that a different building? \_ Same building. Is Bush personally directing the strikes? \_ Yes, it's just like Johnson in Vietnam. He's actually on the radio counting down to tell the pilot when to drop each set of bombs. War is so cool when you're the king! |
2003/11/14 [Politics/Domestic/California, Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11066 Activity:nil |
11/13 Anyone else get a California - Microsoft Settlement mail? what are you going to do about it? (postal mail) \_ I already sent in my claim. When will we get our money back? \_ how did they get all of our mailing addresses? \_ We are Microsoft. All your info are belong to us! \_ That's what I'd like to know. \_ addresses are public info. stop being an ignorant paranoid. \_ Yes, and I plan to milk them for as much as I can. Is there somewhere we can look to find out more information about this settlement/suit? \_ You need proof you bought something in that time frame. Your warez copy of office and win2k doesn't count. \_ It says you don't need a receipt. |
2003/11/14 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:11067 Activity:kinda low |
11/13 The other day on the motd, I said that there are only like 200 guerillas in Iraq. Now, the Bush administration is saying that it's like 5000. Guess I am wrong. Sorry for being a moron. \_ Bastard piece of shit. *I* said it was 200-300 and the Bush admin today said it's more like 3000. Do you have to lie while being an asshole? I'd rather be wrong than a liar like you. And I didn't get my 200-300 from the Bush admin. It was my own guess for the number in the Sunni triangle area, not the entire country. \_ I am sorry you believe what Bush tells you, too. But thanks for the apology. \_ Who do you think you are to not believe what our president tells us? He is a most honest man. Besides, he got the data from the most seniorest American commander in the middle east. Even Christian lass Condoleeza Rice agreed. She never lies. Have you even been to Iraq? tells us? He is a most honest man. Besides, he got it from the most seniorest American commander in the middle east. Even Christian Condoleeza Rice agreed. She never lies. Have you even been to Iraq? |
2003/11/14 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan] UID:11068 Activity:nil |
11/13 Destroying empty building boost moral. Consider what we and others has done in the past for devastating other's moral or boost our own (i.e. drop nuclear bomb, fire bombing defendless Dresen, and killing 300,000 in Nanjing), I would say this is, though stupid, pretty civilized. \_ The firebombing of Dresden was done not to boost morale, but to destroy the enemy willingness to fight. The allies believed, and Hitler's rhetoric supported this belief, that WWII was a total war, not just a war between opposing armed forces. The nuclear bomb was dropped as a message to Stalin, and perhaps to force the japanese surrender (though there are indications the japanese were ready to surrender as is). \_ That is the point. I really hate the idea of doing something for the purpose of devastating enemy's "willingness to fight." We've done it in Dresen, German has done it in Russia, and Japanese have done it in Nanjing. Yet, somehow, only German got punished. Japanese got a slap on the wrist, and Americans, some of them (see below) still felt that their action was justified, not realizing that they have gotten away with crime against humanity only because they won the war. \_ No way in hell was it worth the estimated 100,000 American lives to take the mainland vs any number of Japanese to drop the bomb. Not 1 American life. The idea that we magically knew they were ready to surrender and nuked them anyway just because is pure bullshit. \_ You may really hate the idea of destroying enemy's willingness to fight, but that is the essence of war. Some Sun Tzu and Clausewitz might be helpful. \_ I agree. When in war, you do what you have to do to end it quickly. \_ That's not what Sun Tzu said though. \_ sounds good enough, but that's what I heard some generals say. \_ Powell Doctrine. \_ The Japanese didn't surrender even after the first bomb hit Hiroshima. They surrendered only after the second bomb hit Nagasaki. So they weren't ready to surrender without us bombing. \_ Dresden was a key transhipment (something ~ 3rd largest) for the German military. As we all know (or should) war is all about logistics. It was a valid military target. The Japanese had ample time and warning to unconditionally surrender. Realistically invasion of the home islands would have incurred millions of casualties. There were 300,000+ on Okinawa alone. We also had to stop the Russians from entering the war, etc. etc. \_ (1) "moral" != "morale" (2) destroying buildings in a "regime change" operation may undermine morale of the civilian population who is supposedly on our side. I much prefer bombing the shit out enemies types of operations as opposed to gnarly regime change types of operations. \_ Yea, like when commie chinese attacked commie vietnamese, they had a really bad time cause the vietnamese were like very tough after fighting usa for a long time, so the chinese commie gave up, but instead of like admitting defeat, they blew up the two vietnamese cities in their hands, dynamiting like every single damn hutch they found, to boost morale and show they have big penis. \_ i forgot. all commies, aside from the size of penis, are all the same. \_ Yea, like Microsoft bombed Netscape out of existence and will soon finish off Realplayer and then screw Google. And if they can't win, they'll ship old Java. \_ Screw google. They haven't returned decent results in months. And Netscape, too, while you're at it. They had given up and stop improving their browser around version 3.x or 4.x depending on who you ask while MS continued to work on theirs. Go load up an old NS and feel the pain. NS sucked and deserved no less than death by that point. \_ What about NS 6.x and 7.x? \_ 7.x is broken mozilla 1.0 and 6.x was unspeakably bad. Did anyone actually use 6.x if there was any other choice for their OS? Anyway, by then NS was long gone. \_ I'm using 7.1 and it seems much better than 4.8 except bigger memory footprint. |
2003/11/14 [Politics/Foreign, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:11069 Activity:nil |
11/13 Ex-Mexican consul arrested in connection with trafficking of illegal Arab migrants http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1021304/posts \_ Government Employees (Foreign or Domestic) - The Enemy Within!! |
2003/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:11070 Activity:nil |
11/13 Socket question: how do I reduce the timeout for a socket to connect()? |
2003/11/14 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11071 Activity:nil |
11/13 Is there a politics code (a la the geek code)? \_ 3 choices: (D) (R) (I) \_ Yeah man, DRI rules! But Sick of it All is better. \_ play pac man and i watch TV! i'm so happy cause it pleases me! couldn't really ask for anything else maybe my own chain of taco bells!!!!!!! \_ my favorite category is poor whites who vote based on coded appeals to race. boy the republicans are fucking those guys up the ass. \_ wow, what a weak ass troll! go home, boy! there's no room for little boys on this ride. |
2003/11/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/Gay] UID:11072 Activity:high |
11/14 About Judge Moore, I'm curious about the anti-Moore people here. Moore was elected by the people to his office. Do you think it is ok that some appointed body removed him from office? If so, did you think it was *not* ok for the people of CA to vote to remove an official the people of CA elected? If so, how do you reconcile that double standard and why place an appointed body above the will of the people in the greater scheme of things? What was so wrong about the 10 commandments statue that it required Moore's immediate removal by an appointed body while we were supposed to wait until the next election to remove Davis in a time of crisis? It's 8am. I hope that's not too early to try to start a real non-troll discussion on a hot topic. \_ it's worth pointing out that the decision to remove him was a *unanimous* one, made by a group of legal experts from both the Democrat and Republican party, which included elected officials. The issue at stake was not the ten commandments statue, it was an open contempt for the law. \_ Judge Moore is a complete moron, I don't see how anyone can defend him hauling his 10 ton commandments monument INTO THE ROTUNDA OF THE STATE CAPITAL BUILDING. the mind boggles. \_ Yeah. The guy keeps saying that he's being forced to "deny god". What an absolutely refrickindiculous statement. Hey Christians, do you have giant statues with biblical crap on them in your workplace? If not you're denying god and will BURN. \_ this "judge" reffered to homosexuality as a "violation of the laws of nature and of nature's God upon which this nation and our laws are predicated." That means that 10 percent of the Alabama citizens who walk through his courtroom door have already commited a mortal sin in his eyes before their guilt or innocence is determined. This man cannot be allowed to be a judge. I believe this case is severe enought to warrant *any* action to remove this man from power. Don't forget that majority will of the people of Alabama was to hold *slaves* until we beat them in a war, and to have black people live as second class citizens until we had to send troops down there in the 60's. If it comes to war again, so be it. \_ In the 1700s there were more slaves in New York than all of South. Only a few percent of Southerners, ie. landed aristocrats, were slave holders. For 2000 years homosexuality has been considered unnatural - they can't reproduce! Don't you secular humanists see the contradiction with evolution? \_ I want more fags and less lesbos in the world. That way there's less competition for the women. \_ And i suppose that all the animals who demonstrate homosexuality in the wild are just victims of an evil liberal conspiracy by the Clintons? \_ Being gay may be an evolutionary disadvantage, but having some 'gay' behaviors may be an advantage, so the gene lives on. Sort of like a heterozygus recessive, if you'll pardon the pun. \_ So then it would be morally wrong for a guy to just work all the time and never date? I mean he can't reproduce! \_ The question is why some minority group deserves special protection under the law simply because of what the do in the bedroom. The irony is this exact was predicted in a concurring opinion in Griswald vs. Connecticut. \_ This is a canard. No one (almost no one, okay) wants special protection, just equal treatment. \_ That is not what existing statutes provide for. So now "equal treatment" based on how you have sex is a natural right? As dictated and regulated by who? How do renconcile this with freedom of association. Now the government tells us how we have to treat people because of what they do in the bedroom. \_ No, the government is telling us we must treat all people equally _regardless_ of what they do in the bedroom. How this is not simply common sense seriously boggles the mind. \_ So if a congregation believes homosexuality is a sin the government has the power to force it to accept a gay pastor in the name of being 'fair'. The term 'fair' when related to sexual choice is so vague that its invites gross abuse and the infringement of freedom of association. Now bestiality fetishes and trangenders have the right to force businesses them to hire them because its 'fair'. Sorry, you are a fascist. You should not have the right to force your bizarre agenda on other people. If you want to do it through 1) referendum 2) the legislature, fine. However, as you know that will never succeed. \_ Bestiality involves non- consensual sex. It is possible (and preferable) to make rules that allow for certain conduct while continuing to outlaw other conduct. The Santorum argument ignores the ability of people to make moral distinctions outside of Biblical proclamations. Stop trying to throw the baby out with the bath water. \_ Never is a long time. People thought slavery would last forever, too. \_ I think it's unnatural to drive a car. Thus, it's immoral! And airplanes are even more immoral. Fire too! Let's all go back into our caves. \_ RIDE BIKE! LIGHT CANDLE! USE LINUX! \_ Dead wrong. The Catholic Church widely condoned homosexuality until about the 13th C, and even allowed gay marriages. -- hetersexual catholic \_ I think you mean clerical marriage. John Boswell died of AIDS complications at age 42 - think he could have had an agenda? This is called historical revisionism, an art perfected by the left. http://www.dailycatholic.org/issue/2002May/may23tru.htm \_ That's right. And the banner that read "Mission Accomplished" was mysteriously hung on the aircraft carrier by leftist insurgents. \_ Yawn, redirection with a puerile display of stupidity. \_ Yet another classic case of right-wing of civil disobedience, but if you are at all familiar with the concept as practiced by Ghandi, King and Thoreau, you understand issue dodging. No, seriously, you don't believe the right engages in historical revisionism? \_ I agree. the left does historical revisionism \_ To a Christian, all men are sinners, and all sins are mortal. Adultery is sin too, for example. That doesn't book, just a simple political power struggle, which he lost. \_ nice. mean they would advocate criminalizing adultery. \_ Well, yes and no. Most sins can be forgiven if the sinner repents or feels remorse and goes to confession. You can be in a state of grace at least some of the time. Homosexuality is unrepentant, ongoing sin. Isn't alabama one of the states that has sodomy laws which are technically still enforced? the US Circuit Court judges for ignoring the 1st and 10th amendments. \_ there are also venal sins. er, venial. \_ Do you have a source that 10% of people are homosexual? I don't believe this claim to be true, from personal experience. -- ilyas \_ Even if it's one percent or half a percent -- the man is a JUDGE -- he's supposed to be passing judgement based on the laws in the LAW books...not the religious ones. The exact figure is kind of irrelevant. \_ When has he ever stated that he ignores the law in favor of the Bible. In the interviews I've seen he states just the opposite. \_ The 10% is based on the Kinsey study, which I personally think overstated it, since they based it on lifetime behavior not self-identification. But there are many studies (use google) that indicate that the real percentage of active GLBT in the general population is at least 4-5% -ausman \_ I don't know. I lived in San Francisco, Berkeley, and Los Angeles, not the most sexually repressed places in the world. The figure of 4-5% still seems quite high. -- ilyas \_ My estimate is kind of on the conservative side, actually. I am only including people who are sexually active. Look at this study: http://www.qrd.org/qrd/www/youth/tremblay/app-a.html Do you think that 4-5% of SF is gay? You have got to be kidding me. The real number is more like 15-20%. \_ I don't think ilya gets out much. \_ When I was in the co-ops, I'd guess 2% gay, additional 2% Bi \_ 2% bi? Heh, not among the girls. Sweet! \_ Straights have notoriously bad gay-dar. \_ A judge takes a vow to uphold the law. Moore believed himself to be above the law and willfully violated it. So yes, I think he should have been removed. I am well aware of the principle of civil disobedience, but if you are familiar with the concept as practiced by Ghandi, King and Thoreau, you understand that you accept the punishment that comes from violating the law as part of the deal. Additionally, they were not judges. I think by holding himself above the law, he made a mockery of the whole idea. He was not engaging in civil disobedience in my book, just a simple political power struggle, which he lost. \_ nice. \_ he's preparing for a senate run, or governorship, duh he's happy to be removed, do you think he's that dumb? \_ If you support his removal then you must also support impeachment the US Circuit Court judges for ignoring the 1st and 10th amendments. \_ If you think that boolean logic applies to the real world, you must be a hopeless twink. \_ If an appreciation of the historical context of the amendments and their authors designates a twink, I suppose so. \_ Nice try, but your twinkness hinges on your inability to see the shading between black and white, a disability that will make you a great and courageous crusader, but a poorly socialized member of society and a twink. |
2003/11/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:11073 Activity:nil |
11/14 BLAM!! Take that you mean and humorless juvenile motd! BLAM!!!! |
2003/11/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11074 Activity:insanely high |
11/14 Story time! Everyone add five words. There once was a hoser Who owned a bulldozer And rode it to Cal every day His major was EECS His Classmates were freaks And now he's decided he's gay. He had posted to the motd He could not go potty! And now he is messy all over. So then he did yermom. or so he thought--but it was tom! yermom looks like tom? Then MOTD censor erased everything. because of his small thing. Who needs the Quick-E-mart? To buy condoms, you say. That does not make sense "It does if you're making spunk parfait! Fuck you, MOTD censor" So said the Fuzzy Bunny. Who forgot to add zinc \_ Apparently a lot of you either don't know how to read instructions or don't know how to count to five. \_ IFILE. |
2003/11/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11075 Activity:high |
11/14 Do I have to register as a Democrat to vote in the primary? \_ I believe the 'open primary' law was struck down. Stil plenty of time to register, though. Also, party registration is not needed to vote on any ballot measures on the primary. \_ Open Primary was squished by Supreme Court. If you want to vote for a particular Dem candidate, you'll need to register as a Dem. \_ what was the reasoning for the squish? \_ Private organizations (the parties) have the right to control who can vote in the organization. Althouth I liked the open primary, it sets bad legal precedant. \_ I think private organizations should pay for the poll and hold it themselves then. If the government (public) is paying for it then everyone should be able to vote in it. --dim \_ Well, they can vote in the other primary. Why do people want to help choose a different party's candidate? You don't support that party anyway. Would the repubs vote for someone they like, or someone they think would be a bad candidate? \_ Personally, I voted for the guy I liked most. If this is a Party thing then the Party should conduct its own selection process and let us all know who they chose instead of putting it on a general ballot. \_ If my heart is with the Republicans, can I register as a Democrat and then vote for the lamest one among the Democratic candidates in their primary? And vice versa? \_ No, you may not. As a Republican, you're bound by the supposedly higher morality that your kind constantly bray about to vote your conscience, not for political gain. Anything else would be hypocritical. The rest of us godless heathens, OTOH, are free to make sure that bozos like Bill Simon represent you in close elections. \_ nice. \_ no, you have to register as a hypocrite first. |
2003/11/14-15 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:11076 Activity:very high |
11/14 ausman, stop overwriting other people's posts, you bastard. \_ motdedit is not an excuse for just overwriting what people have written. grow up and take some responsibility. \_ Why do programmers use CVS? If you are a CS person and you do not understand the need for version control, they I pity you. \_ What about re-writing motdedit to patch/merge the new file with an updated motd.public? It would reduce lock-contention and would make the pseudonymous posters (who don't use the locks) happier. \_ Write your post in a separate editor. Use motdedit. Paste your your post in. Save. Haven't gotten a warning to overwrite someone else's changes in a long time. \_ Or not. Motdedit isn't a requirement. It's an option some choose not to use. Look, we've been down this path before and you can't force people to use motdedit. Using motdedit doesn't provide the moral authority to overwrite other people's comments either. I neither use motdedit not do I overwrite other's comments. It is possible to do. But when I see some arrogant self righteous motdedit using asshole overwrite stuff I feel no guilt smashing over their shit immediately no matter whose comments they rudely destroyed. \_ Whoever you are, you just overwrote _two_ other people's comments, at least one of whom(me), who doesn't overwrite other comments. \_ Acutally, that probably me. I had an ohno-second. Sorry. \_ the overwrite happened at the same time(2:48:40) as the above post. Both overwrites now restored. \_ If you cannot see the impossibility of resolving simultaneous conflicting edits, you are a moron and I am annoyed that you matriculated from Berkeley. \_ out of curiosity, shouldn't it be possible to make the motd file such that it can ONLY be modified by people using an access script, forcing the serialization of edits? \_ yes, with root level support and the like, but then you lose pseudonymity, which people seem to like. If we improve motdedit to use patch/merge, then we reduce the window of opportunity for overwrites. \_ I'll think about it. I still think you should stop jumping the queue and expecting others to merge your changes. -ausman \_ I use JOVE. It tells me when changes have been made to the doc since I started working on it. I then copy whatever I've just written, exit without saving, open the motd again and paste. If everyone did something similar, we wouldn't have this problem. \_ I use MOTDEDIT. It tells me when someone else is editing the motd. I then wait for that person to stop finish, then write my post. If everyone did something similar, we wouldn't have this problem. |
2003/11/14-15 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11077 Activity:moderate |
11/14 Posted on slashdot yesterday, Gore Vidal interview. http://www.laweekly.com/ink/03/52/features-cooper.php \_ [Franklin:] I am in favor of this Constitution, as flawed as it is, because we need good government and we need it fast. But then, Franklin said, it will fail, as all such constitutions have in the past, because of the essential corruption of the people. He pointed his finger at all the American people. And when the people become so corrupt, he said, we will find it is not a republic that they want but rather despotism government suitable for such a people. \_ In other words, we get the government we deserve. |
2003/11/14-15 [Consumer/CellPhone] UID:11078 Activity:very high |
11/14 What's a good site for getting FREE (I say FREE) cell phone ring tones. It could even be the kind you have to enter the notes by hand. Gracias. \_ FOAD \_ I'll second that. -mice \_ for the love of god, don't use custom ring tones, okay? \_ HEY MACARENA! \_ If I owned a gun, you'd be dead. \_ this little one's not worth the effort. now, come, let me get you something... \_ I have ten. \_ All it takes is one. \_ What, one for each finger? Go, Johnny Socko! \_ Please die. Cell phones are annoying enough. Now we're going to have another 100 million cell phone using idiots using the cell as their only phone soon and each moron thinking they're special unique with their obnoxious and tweaky ringtone set so loud it wakes up the dead two BART cars over. Put it to rest. \_ there are technical solutions to deal with assholes who use cell phones, but then you become an asshole as well. \_ Wow, I never know what's going to set you socially-retarded geeks off. You know, I know how to set the ring volume to low. - o.p. \_ *clap* Nice troll op. Nice follow up troll too. \_ *we're* the social retards? you're the one who wants to annoy everyone around you with a ring-tone. \_ Here's the California Fight Song! Not free though. http://csua.org/u/50e |
2003/11/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:11079 Activity:very high |
11/14 why did They travel millions of miles just to stick metal things up our asses? \_ Huh? \_ Because they can. \_ All the asses on their home planet already have metal things in them \_ Exactly. It's a limited resource issue. \_ wrong, too much metal on their planet, have to put it somewhere \_ if they were all R2-D2's, that's the only access ports their dimunitive bodies could reach. |
2003/11/14-16 [Uncategorized] UID:11083 Activity:nil |
11/14 job opp: http://list.nten.org/lists/arc/501techclub-sf/2003-11/msg00000.html |
2003/11/14-16 [Computer/SW/OS/Windows] UID:11084 Activity:nil |
11/14 macboy here. I updated Office to 10.1.2, then had to update Entourage (?) to 10.1.4, then updated to 10.1.5. No crashes so far. BTW, this isn't my computer, I run Win2k, I'm helping out a friend who loves Macs but is more clueless than me. \_ try reversing the polarity. \_ if you vector the tachyon particles through the deflector grid array then surely the muon flux capacitor will align with the anti matter wave field. Or maybe the entire universe will disappear. I'm not sure. Give it a try. \_ and if that doesn't work, read the man page, look at the source code, and recompile the kernel. |
2003/11/14-15 [Uncategorized] UID:11085 Activity:nil |
11/14 In Fortran, runtime can be found by t1=TIME(), t2=TIME(), runtime=t2-t1. What's the equivalent to TIME() in C? \_ man gettimeofday (time in seconds + useconds since 1970) \_ Or, if you're lazy and just want seconds, you can use C's own time() function: time_t t1 = time(NULL); |
2003/11/14 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:29634 Activity:nil |
11/13 CNN: "An AC-130 Spectre gunship was called in to destroy a warehouse in southern Baghdad used by Iraqi insurgents to meet and plan attacks against U.S. forces around the Iraqi capital, the officials said. There were no known casualties in the incident." Great, so we shoot up an empty building (so we won't accidentally kill civilians) with a plane with a big cannon, and this is the war on the insurgency? \_ Hey! It helps to build morale. \_ According to _Jarhead_ by Swocroft, this is true. Blowing things up will most certainly raise GI morale. \_ that's Swofford. and I wouldn't exactly describe his state at the end of the book as one of "high morale" after blowing shit up. \_ They destroyed an abandoned building instead of wasting troops sitting there to patrol and guard it. What's your beef? \_ my troll is bigger than yours! \_ uh? yermom! \_ That's great. But why stop at "abandoned" buildings? Just get rid of Baghdad altogether, and go home. |
2003/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:29635 Activity:nil |
11/13 I heard somewhere that Kuninich supports an anti flag-burning constitutional amendmant. Is this true? It seems out of character. \_ You're thinking of Clark: link:www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/politics/7237425.htm \_ I know about Clark. But et tu, Kuninich? -op \_ Check the bottom of the article. \_ What about burning hair pieces? \_ Banned. Too smelly. \_ Does it matter? He's not getting more than 5% anyway. |
2003/11/14 [Uncategorized] UID:29636 Activity:nil |
11/14 Story time! Everyone add five words. There once was a hoser Who owned a bulldozer |
3/15 |