2003/11/10-11 [Computer/SW/Languages, Computer/SW/Editors, Computer/SW/Database] UID:11000 Activity:nil |
11/8 I'm looking for free websites that allow you to dig up information on people. Stuff like phone numbers, email addresses, driving records... Any ideas of sites? \_ ever notice how in old comic books they would always print the address of people writing letters to the editor? I wonder when they stopped. \_ google? \_ http://find.intelius.com/index.php \_ this is so fucked up. Is there anyway to protect myself against this? \_ I'm not on it, why not? [formatd] \_ are you a student? few students have done enough in life to get into any public records. when They can start tracking you, you've entered the adult world. public records are the least of your privacy concerns. \_ I'm not on it, why not? \_ it's all public information. you can kill yourself, but oh wait that will get you into the death certificate db. \_ http://peoplefinder.com, http://411.com, http://bigfoot.com, or better yet just pay a PI $50. An unscrupulous one won't ask you any questions about why you want to know where you ex-gf fled with your dog, car, and nintendo and what the butcher knife is for. |
2003/11/10 [Recreation/Dating] UID:11001 Activity:nil |
11/8 http://www.mensactivism.org \_ I was hoping it was Mensa Activisim. Seems to be the opposite. \_ mensa? yawn. what's more boring than discussing the pros or cons of mensa? who cares about mensa? \_ what's more boring? watch this space! \_ what for? \_ obviously you wouldn't qualify for mensa? why? because the website is mens activism (not mensa activism). it's about mens' rights! |
2003/11/10 [Recreation/Activities] UID:11002 Activity:nil |
11/8 Does Einstein care about sports? How about Richard Stallman? Or K&R? Or Feynman? Or Knuth? I theorize that brilliant minds in general don't give a damn about sports and hence people who are fanatic about sports are not brilliant. \_ I theorize that anyone who wastes time logging into soda and posting to the motd is not brilliant. seriously. including me. \_ yeah all hobbies, especially social hobbies are bad. we should all spend 100% of our 23 waking hours each day advancing the arts and sciences. you're right about one thing, though: you're not brilliant but not because you login to soda. \_ personally, i have no problems with sports in general, but think professional sports are the worst kind of wellfare for the rich. I'm sick of hearing the absurd lie that spending 100 million dollars of public money on a stadium will help a downtown in some way. I think it is fitting that one of the "jobs" our corporate whore president had before taking office was owning a team. \_ "wellfare". It isn't about jobs, it's about circuses. Just like at school, if "the team" is doing well, few alumni question what else is going on. \_ Do you have any biographical sources, or are you just projecting? \_ brilliant minds also don't waste time with aphorisms on the motd, moron. \_ I doubt they got much sex either. \_ Heh. Feynman was the player of science. He got plenty. Intelligence is sexy, in case you haven't noticed. \_ Einstein doesn't care about anything. He's dead. So is RMS, but that's another story. I suspect Albert is less smelly than Richard. \_ Ilya, is that you? \_ Like I d put RMS in the same list as the others. Heh. -- ilyas \_ I read that Stephen Jay Gould was a big Yankees fan. Trying to find reasons to think people are not brilliant is an odd pasttime anyway. Did a jock pick on you or something? \_ yes, I hate jocks \_ Chang-Lin Tien loved basketball and ice hockey. \_ GO BEAR! And he's dead now so see what that gets you? \_ Hawking is a big Trek fan. Does that mean we all should be? \_ And Simpsons. \_ Hawking is also a scumbag who treated his wife as less than human while she stood by him before and during his deterioration. while she stoof by him before and during his deterioration. Being smart, or athletic or handsome or a cripple or whatever external characteristics don't make someone a worthwhile person. |
2003/11/10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:11003 Activity:nil |
11/8 UNIX question: Is there any elegant way to do something like command < foo.bar > foo.bar where command is something that modifies foo.bar ? \_ perl -p -i.bak -e 's/OLD/NEW/g' ? \_ not quite. but it's not very hard to write a little wrapper program that first renames the file to something else, then runs command on it, or something like that. \_ in csh: command < foo.bar > out ; mv out foo.bar. this is hardly rocket science. what sort of elegant were you looking for? \_ dd ibs=`ls -l foo.bar | awk '{print $5}'` if=foo.bar \ | command > foo.bar Oh, elegant? No. Do the tmp file thing. --dbushong |
2003/11/10 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:11004 Activity:nil |
11/8 What's the UNIX utility that finds the netblock owner of an IP range? Nevermind, it's whois -a. |
2003/11/10 [Uncategorized] UID:11005 Activity:nil |
11/8 This is cool. We are dropping [a] 500 lb bomb on Iraq to show our might. A fine example of what we considered a[n] act of liberation delivered by precision weaponry. \_ thanks --OP |
2003/11/10-11 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:11006 Activity:nil |
11/10 Does soda keep backups? I accidentally overwrote a file and I'd like to get the version from about one week ago. Does anyone know how to do this on soda? Thanks. \_ Yeah, soda keeps backups on our work and home machines. Each person's homedir is kept somewhere else, just in case, ya know? \_ I think the backups are made nightly at about 2am. mail root. \_ you fucking lose. \_ Right now, Soda only makes disk mirrors at 5am. Yes, this sucks. We (root) are working on a backup server that will provide actual backups for weeks. The hardware has been purchased, and I am in the process of installing OS. So, unfortunatly, you lose this time, but in about a week or two, you win big time. \_ the rest of us win in 2 weeks. this guy lost big time. |
2003/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:11007 Activity:high |
11/10 Sigh...If only those votes could have been recounted... http://www.moveon.org/gore/speech.html \_ Does no one else see the irony of a site called "Move On" is carrying a speech from Gore whining about Election 2000? \_ This speech isn't about Election 2k. Does no else see the irony of opinionated windbags on the motd that post about URLs without looking at them? \_ Sigh, if only Gore had pushed for a statewide recount instead of cherry picking heavily Democratic districts.... Had he pushed for that on day one instead of trying to be clever, there wouldn't have been any Constitutional questions to raise. \_ They were... and in every recount by the major media outlets Bush WON. Sour grapes I suppose, but don't let the rule of law get in your way. \_ Except for all the ones where he didn't... I guess that can be true if you're very selective about how you define "major", huh? Did they discuss the last-minute disenfranchisement of 90,000 black voters in those nicely impartial major media reports? Don't let facts get in your way. \_ They could not identify one, not one. If they could you better believe it would plastered over the entire front page of every newspaper. Please, give me any name. There was a commission that investigated this, they found nothing. And please, don't give unsubstantiated demagoguery by Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The irony here is that is all of these purported districts the election was run Democrats. \_ Cathy Jackson. Donnise DeSouze. Angenora Ramsey. That enough? If you want more, read http://digital.library.miami.edu/gov/voting.html \_ The report was very damning of the Republicans: http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/06/08/florida.vote \_ The rolls are statewide, but nice try. Care to name your sage commission or maybe make up more stuff? \_ Read the report, did you even bother to read it??? They give no accounts of individuals who wanted to vote but were unable, NOT ONE. Just anecdotal evidence blah blah blah. Here's the worst they can say from the abstract: "Potential voters confronted inexperienced poll workers, antiquated machinery, inaccessible polling locations, and other barriers to being able to exercise their right to vote." \_ I read the entire report and I agree with the CNN summary of it, not yours. \_ Then please, give me the name of one of the 90,000. Just one is all I ask. I'm not talking about someone who was too stupid to fill out the ballot properly, rather some one who was prevented from voting. \_ Keep begging you racist right wing fascist! We won't give up one, not one victim for you to hunt down and destroy! \_ So since you cant produce one you resort to thinly veiled threats. Ah yes, the Left. Nice display of reason and rational thought. Let me see if I understand your argument: the Democrat constituency in these districts are too stupid to fill out votes properly. Nefariously, the Democrat controlled canvasing boards in these districts purposely undercounted the said votes to hurt Gore. Is this your contention? Do you have a personal stake in this... were you one the said voters? I just don't understand. \_ http://csua.org/u/4y7 includes five. Are you really a leftist pretending to be a dumb right winger? \_ Even a casual google search turns up dozens. Johnny Jackson Jr, is one a retired cleric. \_ Did these three people try to vote? This is not disenfranchisement, it is a clerical mistake. Even the article admits more whites were removed than blacks. Sorry try again. Somehow it seems you guys still came out ahead. Hundreds of felons cast votes illegally http://csua.org/u/4y8 \_ Not even close to true. A full recount of Florida would have given the state to Gore: http://democrats.com/view.cfm?id=2300 But I guess the New York Times and Miami Herald don't qualify as "major" in your book, right? \_ LOL your article contradicts itself. Somehow every newspaper they list lied in its headline?? From the article: "And why did the New York Times report: "An Analysis of Florida Balloting Favors Bush"" Even the leftwing NYT disagrees with you. \_ "Leftwing NYT"? You crack me up. Read the NYT article. NYT is mildly left of center, at best. Any publically traded corporation with billions in revenue is never going to be left wing, but you are such an extremist, you don't realize that. Thanks for reminding me of the 2000 rip-off. I am going to go donate another $500 to the Dean campaign. |
2003/11/10-11 [Uncategorized] UID:11008 Activity:nil |
11/10 Has anyone had experience using DVD X Maker? If so did you like it or recommend a different program? TIA. \_ just use dvdshrink. it's free. |
2003/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/911, Finance/Investment] UID:11009 Activity:high |
11/10 American Consumerism: Let us honor the veterans during veteran's day. let us celebrate by shopping for clothes! \_ Or better yet, shop for some American Gold Eagle gold coins from the US mint: http://www.goldinfo.net/gvs.html \_ Every other important day has been turned into a lame shopping event. Why not VDay, too? |
2003/11/10-11 [Recreation/Food/Alcohol] UID:11010 Activity:high |
11/10 I'm bringing a Triple Rock beer ball tonight. What do you prefer? \_ Is the beer ball an object or an event? \_ err ok in english: I am bringing a box of beer to the csua bbq Bug Juice: 01 |
2003/11/10 [Recreation/Activities, Health/Men, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:11011 Activity:nil |
11/10 Dennis Kucinich. Why is he running for president? I would think that by now people will realize that short men do not get become presidents. Michael Dukakis, Paul Tsongas, etc. \_ I thought Bush was short. \_ neither do motd twits who can use English properly. |
2003/11/10-11 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:11012 Activity:high |
11/10 http://csua.org/u/4y1 GO RALPH! GO! RALPH'04! Sock it to 'em baby! No Dean-lite! \_ I guess you want more attacks on American soil. \_ There's not a single bear in sight. The Bear Patrol is working like a charm \_ First of all, learn to shorten your URLs. I have done it for you this time. Remember this in the future, it makes your trolls slightly more credible. \_ Sorry, but it's not a troll. 300,000 democrats crossed over and y'all bitch out my guy for having the nerve to enter the race. This is still a democratic republic the last i checked. \_ So you think we're better off with Bush, huh? \_ I think BushGore is the same person. If it can't be the Real Thing then fuck it. I refuse to vote for the alternate, not lesser, evil. It is exactly that sort of non-thinking that gets us the same sort of loser in office every 4 years. \_ I agree! GO NADER GO! RALPH'04! -- conservative \_ Well that's just dumb. Now, granted, Al Gore wasn't a very good candidate. Lacked charisma. But it's pretty obvious that he had differences from Bush. Even if they said the same thing before the election, you could tell. This is a democracy, yes. Which is why Nader cannot win, he is simply too far left to appeal to enough people. He wouldn't win the dem nomination either. So forget it. \_ Your own words, "Even if they said the same thing before the election, you could tell" [they were different]. WTF? That's just plain stupid. GO GREEN! We're taking the SF mayor and after the governator fails we're taking CA and then the country. The reason people don't vote Green is because they believe they can't win, not because they don't like Green politics, platforms and Green philosophy. --Nader'04! \_ hah, are you for real? what I meant was that even if they might sound pretty similar in the useless debates they had, they were different. Do you really think that a Gore presidency would have been no different? The electoral laws in this country are set up for 2 parties. |
2003/11/10-11 [Computer/SW/Virus] UID:11013 Activity:high 70%like:29617 |
11/10 Now that everyone's had ample time to see it, can someone explain to me why all the Agent Smith's started to suddenly explode at the end? \_ okay, after reading a transcript of the final battle, I now fully believe in my Trojan Horse theory which is that when the big machine jacked Neo in for the battle, it jacked him in as a Trojan Horse. So when Smith copied himself onto Neo, the machine now had a link to Smith and could then shut Smith down. Note how the machine does an electrical surge on Neo's body just before Smith copies himself. \_ He's exploding because he can't stand the BAD FUCKING ACTING. The only worthwhile things in that movie were (a) Hugo Weaving, and (b) Monica Bellucci. "Now, Ms. Bellucci, hold still for a moment." *wrap wrap wrap* *stuff stuff* *loud wet pop* *another pop* "Dammit!" *stuff stuff stuff* "Now don't breathe!" *wet pop* *boingg* "shit!" *stuff stuff stuff* and so it goes. -John \_ John is a very persistant 13 year-old. \_ What are you, 13? Jees. \_ Now I *have* to see the movie just to find out what this is about. \_ I don't recall. Did she even have any lines in the movie? \_ Yes, when Trinity has the gun at Merv's head, she says something to the effect of believing that Trinity will pull the trigger because she can see that Trinity will do anything for Neo. \_ I've heard two suggestions, neither all that convincing. a) Neo or the Source was able to infect Smith with some virus by letting Neo be infected. b) Smith's whole purpose was to defeat Neo, and once he did, his program got deleted. \_ The latter is the better explanation. It also fits with the theme of beginnings corresponding with ends. Neo had to be defeated in order to complete Smith's purpose. And without purpose, he would not exist (see M2). \_ So is Neo dead or what? \_ Quite. \_ Probably not dead enough to appear in the sequel. \_ I was bored because I didn't give a rat's ass about the incoherent, incomprehensible story. Contrast with "Oooh, shiny." \_ I thought maybe the part where Smith said he remembered standing Neo before meant that Neo had trapped Smith in something like a virtual machine. But other explanations would be welcome. \_ Conveyed primarily with overwrought, faux-solemn "dialogue" that made little sense. Great. \_ He's defeated the "Neo" six times before. It is his purpose. \_ Norton Antivirus? \_ every program has a purpose. When Smith converts Neo, he converted the entire Matrix. The Matrix could end. Didn't he say: Everything has a beginning and an end? \_ No, Smith's purpose ends. He has destroyed himself. The Matrix never ended. The other programs succeeded in "rebalancing" it. If Neo had not reentered the Matrix for the final battle and lost, then Smith would have destroyed the Matrix, the machines, and Zion while trying to complete it's task. \_ it is == it's \_ Great, so after all that shit it's the same old "GOOD IS NOTHING WITHOUT EVIL!" crap? I was so bored during M3. \_ bored? do you completely lack sensory perception? \_ It's not good vs. evil. It's fate vs. free will and acquiescence vs. sacrifice. If you believe the Ws put that much depth into the film. \_ Wait a minute, i thought Smith's purpose like all other agents is to look for and kill anomalies(people that have already broken out of the matrix) in the matrix. My understanding is that a computer must follow equations, but when Neo broke rules of the equations in the matrix, then the left hand side did no equal the right hand side, so the matrix needed to introduce a new object (the virus/agent smith) to counterbalance the equations. So when neo died, the virus wasn't needed anymore (i.e no purpose). But i guess once a program contracts a virus, it cannot by extracted from the program without killing the program itself... \_ It's an alteration of CS as we know it. Smith (virus) used other programs and humans as resources (as opposed to physical CPU or memory). Upon EOP of Smith, all resources were released with the programs perfectly recovered (See Oracle Seraph and Sati). Dunno about about the humans. \_ If this was the case, do all programs just explode the exact moment their purpose is accomplished? The Keymaster in M2 didn't. I don't buy this explanation, because renegade programs still hide out in the Matrix once they are no longer needed. They don't just explode on their own. They have to get garbage collected. \_ Yes, but if there's any program the system is anxious to do GC on, it would be Agent Smith. \_ You're all looking for sense where there is none. \_ D00D!!!!1!! URA L2M3R1!!!!1!!! M2TR1X III R0000LZ0000RZ!!! I W@|\|T T0 B2NG TR1|\|1TY!!!!!!11!!!! \_ Heh, is there an elite-speak program somewhere? \_ |\|0!!1!!! U D0 n0T U53 2 PR()GR4|\/| T0 SP33K 31337!11!!1 TH4T W0\/7|> B3 L2M3!!!!1!!!!!11! \_ http://www.matrix-explained.com \_ I think the correct response is: Get a FREAKIN LIFE! \_ Wow. I'm enjoying reading this site. Good stuff. |
2003/11/10 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:29629 Activity:nil 50%like:29618 |
11/10 Don't post shit about the movie. \_ When can we post shit about the movie? We shouldn't wait until EVEYONE has seen it. I mean, it took me 3 weeks to see Matrix 2 and I certainly wouldnt have expected people to withold debate that long \_ I haven't seen it yet, but go ahead. It's my own fault for not getting out to see it this weekend. -op \_ Ok, Smith vs. Neo question reinstated. |
3/15 |