2003/11/6 [Academia/Berkeley, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10959 Activity:nil |
11/5 Does the ASUC store still sell school rings? I checked the ASUC store page http://csua.org/u/4wm (which I got from http://www.asuc.org Under jewelry they have watches and cuff links and so on, but no school rings. Anyone knows where else I can buy that? Thanks. \_ I will never understand why a man would want to wear jewelry. ( I also don't understand why a woman would want to wear a "class ring" but then, there is so much i don't understand about women that specifying just one like this is kind of silly) -phuqm P.S. There should be an uber high sales tax on jewelry and at least 100% on "jewelery" diamonds. \_ The mark up on jewelry is already near infinite. What's wrong with jewelry such that society needs to burden those who wear it? I don't and I think punching holes in your flesh to wear some of it is odd but I don't see the societal harm. My question to the OP is why would you want a class ring? It's not like we have a real 'class' at Cal like other schools where people might know each other from year after year starting as freshies through senior, sharing classes, profs, experiences, etc. Of the small percent that make it only a tiny itty bitty fraction of those make it in 4 years. Put it on your resume and forget about it. \_ Umm, why does society need to "burden" those that make 35K a year doing manual labor? They should "burden" those who wear it because they obviously have more money than they need or are capable of spending reasonably, and, theoretically, you could then use that money to lower the burden on someone who may actually need their money or be able to put it to better use. Specifically, you could lower property taxes which are often a real burnden unlike a diamond tax -phuqm \_ Whoa! A card carrying communist hits the motd! And here I thought we stopped at the extreme left of simple socialism but you like to go all the way, eh? Hey, why should that rich guy who works his ass off for what he has have to support some slacker loser who has never done anything for himself? Why not just give everyone a government issued allowance of $5/day so we can feel like we have some control over our lives and have real choices and just have the government take care of us? \_ You are no conservative phuqm! What's with taxing stuff 'just because'? \_ It's not me who want a class ring. It's my father who wants one. He didn't even get to attend high school when he was a kid, and having a college degree was his childhood dream. So now he just wants a class ring to feel good about having a son graduating from Cal. Yeah I have Asian parents. --OP \_ In that case, just get one from Josten's. You can pick a school of your choice. \_ Got it! http://www.jostens.com Thanks a bunch!! Gee, price tags starts around a whopping $500. \_ two words: status symbol |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:10960 Activity:nil |
11/5 How many people have left software work to move to other careers? What fields? \_ Education . \_ nuclear eng: . \_ fast food: . \_ I think it's funny that the education person was the only one to not use a colon. But that's just me. \_ "... not to ..." -- !education person \_ BZZZZT! Try again? As posted it was correct. |
2003/11/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10961 Activity:kinda low 50%like:13489 |
11/5 STOP NUKING THE MOTD!!! \_ How long has it been since the last official squishing? \_ new politburo policy as of the paolo administration is that it's OK to have automatic scripts deleting the MOTD. -tom \_ how about past users who were squished? take kchang for example. some guy wrote a "kchang is a fag" motd adder script and tricked him into writing a motd deletion script which got him squished. \_ i hate it when people trick me into writing complicated perl scripts! damn kids. \_ Is that really why kchang was sorried? If so, that's fucked up. -phuqm \_ no. \_ Don't believe the hype. Ask someone who was on politburo at the time if you're really interested. \_ The blame falls squarely on Clinton's shoulders. \_ really? so if I add a line to my .login that zeros the motd the politburo and everyone else thinks that's just spiffy? \_ no. that would fall under the definition of being "fucking retarded", like the guy posting motds from previous months. If you can't tell the difference, please kill yourself, thanks. |
2003/11/6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10962 Activity:kinda low |
11/5 Total amount of lend lease for Russia from US: 11 billion. That is significant but it's still a small sum compared to what Russia produced. Granted it's in 1940s dollars (I presume), but just a few months of a small war against a minor power like Iraq already cost us like 200 billion. \_ According to the bottom of the page http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/lend.html most of the stuff was sent afterthey had announced that they intended to take over the world and fight a war against the US? WTF? And we sent them 2.2lb of uranium metal and 1000+ pounds of uranium compound? \_ Well the US did invade the Soviet Union. You can see them being upset about it. \_ 200 billion is nothing. You need to compare the $$$ spent vs the GNP or GDP during each conflict to see what fraction of the economy went towards war. The figures in WWII are astounding. The numbers today are so miniscule it's barely a line item in the budget by comparison. \_ I would welcome figures for: * The equivalent of 11 billion in today's dollars. * GDP of Soviet Union in the 1940s in 1940s dollars. \_ no, you need figures for the US since it was all done in US currency, then and now. obgoogle. \_ No, what we need is SU's GDP in US dollars so we can compare that to the "11 billion" of lend lease. I think everyone except you understood that's what is needed and that's what I was asking for. \_ What exactly does "lend lease" mean? Is Russia supposed to pay us back? \_ The UK, USSR, China, and British Commonwealth were "lent" money for war material. At some point, they provided material for US troops there (reverse lend lease). After the war, arrangements were made to pay off the loans. A good percentage was dismissed. The Soviets stopped payment some time in the late 50's but then a deal was made with Russia who made a final payment in 2001. \_ In terms of finished military hardware produced (e.g tanks) it was not as significant but the raw materials were very significant. Throughout the 30's we were giving the Soviets pieces of our nuclear weapons program and nuclear supplies. FDR and Stalin were in love. \_ Trucks. Truck were useful. Trucks >> anything else, as far as supplies were concerned. \_ We didn't even have a nuclear weapons program in the 30's. Take your pathetic lies elsewhere. |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:10963 Activity:kinda low |
11/5 Matrix thread tactically nuked for those who haven't see the movie yet. \_ thank you. lets give it a few days at least for crying out loud. \_ The Matrix is the name of Neo's sled when he was a child. |
2003/11/6-7 [Uncategorized/Profanity, Recreation/Media] UID:10964 Activity:nil 62%like:29618 |
11/5 Don't post shit about the movie. Fuck. It's not like the rest of us have bothered to see the movie since it opened on Wednesday. \_ Roseanne Barr was awesome as the Oracle. \_ nuked from orbit. |
2003/11/6 [Science/Electric] UID:10965 Activity:nil |
11/6 For AC adapters, if something says it needs 4.5V 300mA, is it all right to use something higher-rated, like 4.5V 500mA? Why or why not? Thanks. \_ The neutron flux can break down the gamma field. Get some ball bearings. \_ Good advice. Also, don't cross the streams or there will be a total protonic reversal. \_ and don't forget that in the interstitial space-time vortex, E=mc^3, not mc^2. \_ Only one other person got the joke :-( \_ It's ok if it goes through the deflector shields after a biphase zeta wave realignment of .856 megaparticles. \_ And dial down the induction manifold to -3i to delay the capacitance of the electrostatic relay inhibitors. \_ Captain! No don't! You forgot about the tachyon wave emitters! We'll fry the transdiode reverse couplers! \_ Don't worry, this is all taken care of by the Heisenberg Compensator. \_ As long you don't forget to reverse the polarity of the phased conjugate graviton beams you'll be okay. \_ Important safety tip! \_ yes it is ok, though dont go *too* far overrated. And, of course, make sure you're matching DC/AC, and polarity of plugs. \_ The reason why it is OK is because the current is just the maximum current the adapter can put out. If your adapter can put out 2A, and you need 1mA, nothing will blow up. \_ I think these guys are screwing with you. I once plugged an AC adapter for a phone into my Speak 'n' Read and that shit blowed up. I think the wattage on the adapter is what it puts out, not what it's capable of handling. \_ Unless you can tell me the voltage of the adapter and the voltage your Speak 'n' Read needs, it just sounds like you mismatched voltages, which will obviously be bad. \_ Yeah, I was probably 6 or 7 years old at the time. \_ Current = Voltage / Impedance. For a 120V input the max current an adapter can put out is determined by it's impedance. When you hook up something to an adapter, you get a more complicated circuit. The current the adapter can put out is the limit before its internal resistance becomes a factor. When you need way less than that, the resistance of your device is the limiting factor. It's sort of like how it's OK to run a garden hose off of a huge pipe (high current) just as long as the pressure isn't too high (high voltage). \_ it's also worth pointing out that the consequences of doing screwy things with the power depend strongly on how well-designed the device is. A good designer should *assume* that the user will do horrible things to the power, and plan accordingly so no damage is done unless you do something *really* terrible. On the other hand, there are more horse's asses in the world then there are horses. |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:10966 Activity:nil |
11/6 humorless person: go away. all silly star trek references restored. \_ you also restored a brilliant obscure Dr. Who reference. can you spot it? |
2003/11/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/C_Cplusplus] UID:10967 Activity:nil |
11/6 How do i get the local port number of a socket after it connects in c? (solaris). i am doing socket() followed by connect()... Thanks a lot!! \_ I believe you can check the sin_port field of the sockaddr_in structure after calling connect(). |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:10968 Activity:nil |
11/6 http://www.celebrities-eating.com URL says it all... I suggest the free tour. \_ work safe? \_ nothing obscene... but your co-workers might think you are very strange if they see. |
2003/11/6 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10969 Activity:moderate 58%like:12090 |
11/6 Anybody know what happened to BDG? Your fans need you. Don't leave the motd without some explanation! - BDG #1 fan \_ The sad truth is that he is recently betrothed. And so it goes... \_ No, that's a lie! That's a squishable offense! --BDG #2 Fan \_ bring on Bitter Twice-Divorced Guy! \_ BDG is dead! Long live BDG! \_ Intolerable Cruelty has some interesting dialogue on pre-nups. \_ You spent money on that? Your money? \_ http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3146042998OB \_ That made my day. Thanks. \_ I looked a little deeper and he got an email from a woman asking that he have some of the more rare ones verified as genuine. He replies that he doesn't know if any are fake and makes no gaurantees. He blocks the complaining woman from bidding, but she makes a new ID and is the winning bidder for $860. Some of them are fakes and she complains... \_ Obviously the seller knew the rare ones were fakes. (not that i give a rats ass) -phuqm \_Complaint : 5 FAKES among 26. Honest Listing? Ha! HE HAS A WIFE not an EX-wife. Response by thedrunkensailor - This wench used a second ID to bid after i blocked her and I am dishonest? B*tch Follow-up by glorybeeto - 2d ID breach of 'Bay rules; selling counterfeits Fed CRIMINAL offense. Where is BDG when you need him? But seriously, he had to know they were fakes. Do you know how much those camels go for??? \_ As he made no claims to the authenticity, you, and the dumbass bidders have very little to stand on. \_ As he made no claims to the authenticity, the dumbass bidder has very little to stand on. |
2003/11/6 [Politics] UID:29614 Activity:high |
11/5 Hey weener-boy. Why do you insist on bringing these dead motds back to life? \_ Why do you insist on blindly wiping the entire motd that other people were still using to discuss active topics? Is this where I'm supposed to add some childish personal insult? They're only dead because some moron killed them. Think about it. \_ I didn't wipe it, but I was really glad to see it go. Let's face it, the motd is a toilet for the feces of the human mind. Best to just flush it. \_ Mr. Hanky was here. \_ And yet you still keep coming back for more. \_ Yes, its a kind of sick fascination with the innards of the human psyche. However, I'm not blinkered enough to spend my time backing up and restoring all this nonsense. \_ yeah the 'cp' command is a tough one. "man cp" |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:29615 Activity:nil |
11/5 http://www.hardcorepawn.com/zombie3 Change simulation speed with 's' |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:29616 Activity:nil |
11/5 Thank for further chipping away at my faith in humanity, assholes! - danh \_ I FIND YOUR LACK OF FAITH DISTURBING. \_ thank you for bitching about it! -asshole \_ You had any faith left? |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:29617 Activity:nil 70%like:11013 |
11/5 Someone want to explain to me why all of the Agent Smith's started to all explode suddenly at the end? |
2003/11/6 [Recreation/Media] UID:29618 Activity:very high 62%like:10964 50%like:29629 |
11/5 Don't post shit about the movie. Fuck. It's not like the rest of us ran out to see it at 6am. \_ I saw it as a matinee (345pm at the Grand Lake Theater). I'm happy I saw it (sense of completion), but I'm glad I only paid matinee price. --erikred \_ so, if the movie were better, you would regret not paying nine bucks? huh? \_ no, but if I had paid nine bucks and the movie had not been better, I would feel ripped off. --erikred \_ Matinee price is what I'm pretty much prepared to pay for most movies. M3 qualifies. \_ I was actually surprised the 6 am show was matinee priced. I thought they'd try to milk more money out of the people who are willing to wake up early enough to see it. \_ weren't they showing it at 10pm the night before like they did for m2? \_ Why are engineers so underpaid these days that a movie is worth $6 but not $8??? If you're that frugal, just use an old student ID. \_ It's the principle of the matter. And I got out of work early to watch it 'cause Enterprise was on last night! \_ You are a sick, sick man. |
2003/11/6 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Health/Women] UID:29619 Activity:nil |
11/6 Fox asks health care, education, protection for Mexican migrants The president of Mexico called Wednesday for improved treatment of Mexicans who enter the United States, including better health care and education and respect for the human rights of migrants... "We must work together so that they can have health insurance," http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1016347/posts |
2003/11/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Reagan, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:29620 Activity:nil |
11/6 Sanity from the Economist http://www.economist.com/world/na/displayStory.cfm?story_id=2189237 \_ You just wanted to tie in to the Beanie thread below: "For all his rhetoric about keeping Washington in check, Mr Bush, as one Republican analyst puts it, has been spending like 'a drunken sailor'." \_ yeah, but it's all on the war against terrorism, not on government handouts and abortionists -troll \_ I thought it was all spent on Halliburton contracts and scaring Americans into thinking they're faced with imminent nuclear destruction. |
2003/11/6 [Uncategorized] UID:29621 Activity:nil |
11/6 What are the top Nerdiest references/topics? \_ I could tell you, but you wouldn't understand. \_ fnord \_ "Could you use it for dating?" "Yes, but the matches would be so perfect it would eliminate the thrill of romantic conquest." |
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