2003/11/5-6 [Recreation/Music] UID:10939 Activity:high |
11/4 Dear motd Etiquette Arbiters: Tonight my wife & I went to the Simon and Garfunkel concert at the San Jose Arena. We ended up seated next to Mr. Self-Important Hipster and his female companion. Throughout the concert, Mr. SIH would *not* *shut* *up*, loudly making attempts at witty remarks to his female companion, following each with a "HEH HEH HEH" laugh at his wittiness. (Mr. SIH didn't wait for applause or breaks in the music; he just talked through everything.) Finally having had enough, I leaned over and asked "Excuse me, but can you please be quieter?" He shot back with "EXCUSE ME, BUT CAN *YOU* JUST RELAX AND ENJOY YOURSELF???!?" Female companion chimed in with "Yeah, it's a *concert*, man -- people can do whatever they want! If you want everything to be all quiet while you listen to music, just stay the hell home and listen to CDs!" After which, of course, they proceeded to ignore me and talk to each other even more loudly. Am I right to be completely appalled? Is it reasonable to expect people to be reasonably quiet at a concert that doesn't involve a nightclub or a moshpit? Or do I just need to shut up and relax in our newer, ruder America? How have the rest of you dealt with similar assholes with a giant sense of entitlement who do their best to make social events unpleasant? \_ I've noticed that this happens more often in the bay area than elsewhere. Depending on the show, of course. Snotty punk kids are usually a lot more annoying in places that are not as interesting as SF. \_ so... this is not exactly like going to La Traviatta or a virtuoso pianist performing near impossible passages from Liszt repertoire. This is popular American music where you'll expect low class white trash the same way you'll expect black trash in hip-hop concerts (and hip-hop is pure crap, I don't understand why kids like that trash. Must be peer pressure) \_ Yo! Yo! Sniznits! It's the buzz! \_ You should stop complaining on soda and reflect on why you didn't beat the shit out of them. But realistically, you should have argued with them until you felt satisfied. Better to have both of you pissed off than just you pissed off. \_ Complain to an usher/mgr next time. They can do something about it. As an example, at a ballgame, they can and will throw ppl out for using foul language, etc. Chances are that others around you are similarly offended and will back you up. \_ Probably not so useful during a concert. A lot fewer ushers and there is a general buzz level that is to be expected. \_ But worth a shot. Anyway, when confronting someone who is obviously an asshole, the OP needs a different approach. When you were polite about it you showed weakness. Your opening should have been, "STFU you asshole! I paid to be here and \_ agreed. there are really only four ways of dealing with these people: 1) ignore it 2) move 3) talk to management, or 4) BE PREPARED FOR VIOLENCE. If you're not actually prepared to start a fight and win, stick to 1 thru 3. I had to pull a knife on a guy in a movie theater once, and in the end, I ended up back at number 3) which was far more effective (fortunately the management were all punks who sympathised with my cause, since the perps were jocks.) \_ But if everyone had guns there'd be no problems! \_ "I dream of a world without guns." -- bkid \_ then only criminals will have guns. "Guns are as dangerous as ideas" - Stalin if I hear one more word out of your stupid mouth I'm following you back to your car and knifing your dumb ass!" The asshole is a lot more likely to respect someone else who is both an asshole and potentially violent than someone who is polite. \_ oh come on, be a little more civilized. of course, the problem with civilization is you can't just kill his dumb ass on the spot. \_ the OP tried to be civil and got his face rubbed in it. if he waved a knife in the asshole's face, he and his dumbshit whore would've stfu real fast. \_ Go to the gym immediately and start out with some bench presses, as heavy as you can. Repeat this every other day for a few years. If you can't stare down someone at a Simon and Garfunkel concert, you have real problems. -ax |
2003/11/5-6 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10940 Activity:high |
11/4 http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/gulfwar.asp \_ dubya is a dumbass. I still can't believe he went through with it (Gulf War II) \_ This is what I don't understand. Bush Sr. never intended to invade Iraq. I presume that was not just his lone opinion, but rather, consensus among his staff. Consider that a good number of Bush Jr's staff are inherit from his father, wouldn't you expect there is at least SOME degree of consistancy in opinion regards to this Iraq business? \_ Yeah because 12 years didn't change the world at all. Everything in the world remains exactly the same over time and the same response is always appropriate in all situations. \_ Look.. oh ignorant of histoy one.. you always need someone outside to blame.. in this he was a despot that took a little longer to remove. \_ Do any of you so called geeks engage in strategy / role playing games? Do you fight defensively on your own territory or take the offensive and attack. In virtually every game the attacker wins. War is no different, the aggressor has a huge advantage. Hence, fight the Islamicist's on their territory - not in the West. \_ But, but, that would be racist and mean! \_ Nice troll try. Your use of games vs. reality tempted me. \_ I heard Russia won every war that it's the defense in history, but lost every war that it's the offense. \_ Russia lost over 20 million in WWII, St. Petersburg and Moscow were destroyed completely. All of their war material was supplied by the U.S. through lend lease. Napoleon was driven back by the winter. Russia 'won' neither of these conflicts, only harsh, early winters and inept planning by their enemies saved them. \_ Nah, US supplied a little material, but most of it was made by Russians. The number of tanks and planes the Russians made is about the same level as what the US made in WWII. They moved many factories to the Urals. Zhukov is probably better than any of the US or British generals. \_ Are you sure? http://www.geocities.com/Pentagon/6315/lend.html You are right I exagerated by saying all but a significant contribution. 1100 locomotives 440,000 trucks 12,000 aircraft 28000 jeeps nuclear material 1,200,000 tons of steel. You are right I exagerated by saying all but a significant contribution. \_ WTF? Pianos, new 2 $530 Phonograpbs, except coin-operated 4 $ 67. \_ Zhukov? Yeah right, the guy's got how many Russian soldier's deaths on his hands? If any American general lost 300,000 American lives in a single battle, he'd be executed if he was lucky. \_ 800,000 died in the battle for Stalingrad. \_ I've seen a map of Russia's size over the last 1000 years. They've grown and shrunk dramatically several times which can't happen unless they attacked and won something. \_ Genghis Khan (or should that be Ogotai?) kicked their arse but that's about it. \_ I play Age of Empires, and yes a good defense can win the game. \_ Bull, none of the expert players play defensively you will always lose. |
2003/11/5 [Uncategorized] UID:10941 Activity:nil |
11/4 Thanks |
2003/11/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:10942 Activity:nil |
11/4 Has anyone read "The Politics of Anti-Semitism". Reviews? \_ No, but I read the motd and it's the same shit the Nazis, the Spanish, the Arabs, the Russians, and everyone else has been spewing since ancient times. |
2003/11/5-6 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:10943 Activity:nil |
11/4 OS question. normal Linux requires a partitioin for its swap files. Why, and where is such restriction exists? Is it has something to do with the kernel? I recently stump into this thing called Knoppix Linux, which can be run on a CD without ever being installed. Obviously it doesn't use a seperate partition for virtual memory because by default, it mount all other HD read only. Now I am absolutely confused. Any ideas? pointers? \_ Not sure, but I noticed that the first two days I ran knoppix last week, I had to reboot my computer the next morning... it doesn't do that anymore. maybe there is no VM? First google shows that it will mount any linux swap partitions that you have, unless you specify otherwise. \_ Linux does not require a swap partition. It doesn't require any swap whatsoever. (at least not debian or slackware) Nothing to do with the kernel. Also, you have the option of using a swap file if you don't have enough physical RAM. |
2003/11/5-6 [Recreation/Dating] UID:10944 Activity:low |
11/4 Matrix >> Matrix 3 >> Matrix 2. Gotta love the nipple twisting. \_ You can get nipple twisting in most SF bars. \_ Hell, you can get that nearly anywhere. You just need to ask. |
2003/11/5 [Uncategorized] UID:10945 Activity:nil |
11/4 Lila, any relationship to the famous General Patton? |
2003/11/5-6 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:10946 Activity:nil |
11/4 How can my FSB run at 133MHz but my DDR-SDRAM run at 333MHz? My BIOS settings appear to allow this. \_ Short answer, FSB and "memory speed" are independant. The CPU doesn't "talk" directly to the memory, they both "talk" through the North Bridge. Google for North Bridge. \_ They are both valid settings, but it you use them together there might be trouble. My guess is the RAM would operate at double the FSB speed. |
2003/11/5-6 [Uncategorized] UID:10947 Activity:high |
11/4 I love salami sandwiches. You have to toast the bread (buttermilk is the best) and then put a thin layer of mayo on each slice. Then add a layer of premuim salami, two slices deep. MMmmmmmmm. \_ um. why is this on the motd? \_ why not? you going to censor *this* too? sheesh. stfu. -!op \_ don't be hypersensitive. I'm just wondering why. \_ it's useful information for anyone wanting to know how to make a salami sandwich. \_ not really. It's just and opinion. personally, i think the op is full of shit. |
2003/11/5-6 [Recreation/Dating] UID:10948 Activity:nil |
11/4 I'm reading some men's magazine that claims that men have twice as many partners as women. That is fine except they didn't have any reference and didn't explain how they conducted their survey. I think it's totally flawed. Suppose there are 10 men and 10 women in some planet (50/50 equal sex distribution), and 1 man has sex with 10 female partners (the other 9 are hermits) and each women has sex with that 1 male partner, then ON AVERAGE, wouldn't each person have just one heterosexual partner? And if you change the numbers, in the end, ON AVERAGE, it'll still be the same? Do you see something wrong fundamentally with that claim? Few factors that may contribute to the flaw: 1) Men inflate data, women deflate 2) Men have sex with lots of hookers but the survey doesn't ask the hookers, driving the average up 3) Gay sex included in the survey 4) The survey reports MEDIAN, not average What do you think is the more likely factor? \_ The answer is that journalists don't understand the most basic math and in the case of this survey they're just repeating what they think they heard someone else say. There are few people on the planet less educated or less intelligent than the typical journalist. \_ There are a few women who have a lot of partners. They aren't necessarily hookers and the only one using the word average is you. \_ Since he didn't provide a url for the survey you have no idea if the survey uses the word "average" or why he's using that word. From OP's use of the word, it makes sense that the survey or more likely the reporters who munged the report on the survey used the word. \_ Maybe he needs to tell us what it said then. |
2003/11/5 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10949 Activity:nil |
11/4 Washington Post: "Only one in seven Americans agrees with President Bush's assertion that the conflict in Iraq is the most important fight in the war on terrorism, according to a Washington Post-ABC poll." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A857-2003Nov4.html |
2003/11/5 [Recreation/Media] UID:10950 Activity:high |
11/4 Motd Movie Critic, will you do us the honors of reviewing the matrix 3? Thanks. -MMC #1 fan \_ who cares. the only reviews that matter are the ones posted on http://ter.air0day.com - danh \_ Matrix >> Matrix 3 >> Matrix 2 \_ Agent Smith is really Neo's father! \_ Agent Anderson is really Neo's father! \_ Search your feelings. You know this to be true. \_ I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate \_ Whoops made a mistake, that was supposed to be M2. In this one we find out Trinity is really Neo's sister. \_ But... we had sex during that rave! \_ I get a hard-on fantasizing about Neo and Trinity being brother/sister having an incestuous relationship. \_ First time reading the motd? \_ They are the last survivors and have to repopulate the Earth with their inbred children. Half the movie is them making out. But then we find out Neo was taken over by Smith, who is actually both Neo's and Trinity's father. \_ Then Rocco and Aurora show up and they have a big four way which ends with Rocco doing Trinity in the brother/sister having an incestuous relationship. Earth with their inbred children. Half the movie is them making out. piledriver position. \_ Have you been reading my diary? |
2003/11/5 [Consumer/Audio] UID:10951 Activity:high |
11/5 Used market question (example: Speakers): Since speaker technology doesn't change that fast, and since more and more speakers are produced, will the price of used speakers tend to hold well? Or will the price of used speakers go down because more speakers are produced (greater supply)? \_ It's called fucking ebay. Use it. \_ I was hoping for a theoretical discussion. \_ You also have to consider the rate at which speakers are destroyed and/or blown-out. |
2003/11/5 [Uncategorized/Profanity] UID:10952 Activity:high |
11/5 To the elitist fuck with bad taste in music and too much money to burn on stupid shit below: fuck you. And fuck you hippie bastards as well. \_ Fucking FUCK, you fucking fuck fuck. Fuck it! You're fucked! \_ You forgot to tell him how much he sucks ass at sucking his own ass. |
2003/11/5 [Recreation/Music] UID:10953 Activity:nil |
11/5 To the Garfunkel concert dude below. Your problem is not the other person. Your problem is YOU. When you go to low class events like pop music concert, football, basketball, baseball, and such, you expect low class people. If you want to avoid being in such a quagmire, avoid low class events at all cost, and instead, try out some of the finer things in life like going to SF Opera, listening to Chopin's Piano Concerto, playing golf, and other things. Good luck. \_ You know, I've been to the symphony and to a number of theatre events over the years, and I've had just as many issues with people being noisy and inconsiderate. It's not a 'classiness' issue, man, no matter how much your pretentious self-image deigns that it must be so. \_ Have you ever listened to Simon and Garfunkel? It's like the pansiest music possible. You would expect manners at pansy events. And even at places w/ low class theater, like the movies, you should still be able to watch a movie w/o having to bring a baseball bat. \_ theatre's full of immature high school students. That's why I prefer waiting till the movie's on DVD and watch in the comfort of my home theatre (got a hi-lumen hi-res projector with 8 cushy seats). The other advantage is that you don't have to wait in line -ops \_ I wouldn't expect hs students going to see S&G. \_ you would expect better sort of people going to see Simon and Garfunkel \_ You mean people who don't talk and sit there like zombies? The OP has issues and probably bitches when people stand up at sporting events. --dim \_ Hell, I've got problems with people standing during sports so to wave at the idiot friend on the cellphone calls or to go to the snack bar, stands, and take a group poll of who wants nachos during the action. Sit down, you freak. \_ how is an s&g concert that different from say, a movie or a symphony? i think people can reasonably expect to be able to listen without overly loud conversation in the background. \_ It's still a "rock" concert. People talk. Some loudly. It's a permissive society. |
2003/11/5-6 [Recreation/Dating, Reference/Law/Court] UID:10954 Activity:low |
11/5 I won in Small Claims and the Defendant filed for an appeal. I got the new court date which will happen on 1/2/04. However, today I just got a new notice titled "Clerk's Notice of Continuance RE: Hearing" and the date is 2/27/04. Does that mean the date on 1/2 is canceled? \_ Should file to dismiss the appeal. Ask opposing council why a court should even consider an appeal. Are they offering new evidence? \_ how can this be done? \_ Yes. \_ Call the court clerk and explain and ask what your options are. I wasn't even aware an appeal of a small claims judgement was possible but I guess it makes sense sort of. Anyway, see if there's a way to file to dismiss or otherwise squash their whole thing and try to get any dates moved up because it looks like the person is just trying to delay in the hopes you'll give up and go away. \_ This means that he has asked the court to move the date out to 2/27/04. Unless you are in a hurry, just show up that day. IANAL. |
2003/11/5 [Uncategorized] UID:10955 Activity:nil 61%like:12218 |
11/5 [ BUH-BYE. ] |
2003/11/5 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:10956 Activity:nil |
11/4 When is the next election? I wanna vote for someone who'll undo the mess we're in, including: post-war mess, environment mess, economy, abortion, and everything else. Thanks. \_ California primaries are in March. Federal Presidential Election is in October. CA requires 15 days notice to register to vote, \_ ???? Another person who suddenly became aware of politics since Clinton. not sure what the national requirement is. \_ IFILE! I mean, DEAN! \_ Don't you mean ED?! ED! for president! He's the standard! \_ Yeah, I trust you know who to pick when you don't even know when the next election is. Just how many years of politics did you study that you think a new President will magically "undo" the economy. |
2003/11/5 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:10957 Activity:nil |
11/4 http://www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/TV/11/05/offbeat.pornstar.tv.ap/index.html \_ http://csua.org/u/4wf |
2003/11/5 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Foreign] UID:10958 Activity:nil |
11/4 If you haven't read it already, you should: George Orwell, "Politics and the English Language," 1946 http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell46.htm |
2003/11/5 [Uncategorized] UID:29610 Activity:nil |
11/4 Uh, so this site makes the motd look grown up and respectable: http://grouphug.us |
2003/11/5 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:29611 Activity:high |
11/5 If anybody deserves the death penalty, it's this Green River Killer fucker. Why the hell can he just admit and not get the death penalty?? So, if someone just go out and start killing people, all they have to do is to admit and they won't get the death penalty? WTF? Is this the so called best criminal justice system in the world? This is so fucked up I think even the Chinese government can do better by putting a fucking bullet in this guy's head. \_ see, the Chinese government wouldn't give a crap about finding out what happened to all 48 women. Justice is not just about punishing the guilty; it is also about protecting the innocent -- in this case, giving families of the deceased women some closure. \_ I am not so sure about this. There's far less crime in China, a country with hell a lot more people than the US, than here. All this because WE care about our people? I think not. the criminals are simply not afraid of the law here, period. \_ Far less crime in China? Do you have any idea what you're talking about? \_ do YOU have any idea what you are talking about? ever been to China? \_ Ever been to the US? Ever spent time here? Or do you just believe everything you see on television? \_ you need to come beijing so our local boys can beat you up and show you a thing or two about crimes in china. \_ don't need to go to China for that. There's PLENTY of spots in EVERY FUCKING MAJOR US CITY that you will get the crap beat out of you. You will NOT find a city like east palo alto in China, they may be poor, but poor != crime. \_ Because trials cost $. \_ No death penalty because all but 2 murders were not in a death penalty state. He might get it for the 2 murders in Oregon, though. |
2003/11/5 [Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:29612 Activity:nil |
11/5 Errors and Defects in Mann et. al. (1998) Proxy Data and Temperature History http://www.uoguelph.ca/~rmckitri/research/trc.html \_ Hey look! Its everyone's favorite crank! |
2003/11/5 [Recreation/Dating] UID:29613 Activity:nil |
11/4 I'm reading some men's magazine that claims that men have twice as many partners as women. That is fine except they didn't have any reference and didn't explain how they conducted their survey. \_ It's not fine. In fact, it's mathematically impossible. Think about why the expected number of sexual partners of heterosexual men and women cannot be different. I think it's totally flawed. Suppose there are 10 men and 10 women in some planet (50/50 equal sex distribution), and 1 man has sex with 10 female partners (the other 9 are hermits) and each women has sex with that 1 male partner, then ON AVERAGE, wouldn't each person have just one heterosexual partner? And if you change the numbers, in the end, ON AVERAGE, it'll still be the same? Do you see something wrong fundamentally with that claim? Few factors that may contribute to the flaw: 1) Men inflate data, women deflate 2) Men have sex with lots of hookers but the survey doesn't ask the hookers, driving the average up 3) Gay sex included in the survey 4) The survey reports MEDIAN, not average What do you think is the more likely factor? \_ The answer is that journalists don't understand the most basic math and in the case of this survey they're just repeating what they think they heard someone else say. There are few people on the planet less educated or less intelligent than the typical journalist. \_ There are a few women who have a lot of partners. They aren't necessarily hookers and the only one using the word average is you. \_ Since he didn't provide a url for the survey you have no idea if the survey uses the word "average" or why he's using that word. From OP's use of the word, it makes sense that the survey or more likely the reporters who munged the report on the survey used the word. \_ Maybe he needs to tell us what it said then. \_ I believe in the Chris Rock answer. "That one night with that guy at the club? He don't count." |
3/15 |