2003/11/1 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10892 Activity:nil |
10/31 Remember all those rosy estimates about how much it would cost to rebuild Iraq from the White House? Remember how many on the motd said that $200B and 10 years was wildly too high? Who turned out to be right? http://csua.org/u/4v5 \_ Of course the Marshall plan cost over $1 Trillion. And that gave us France and Germany. Oh well. \_ BZZT thanks for playing anyway. The Marshall Plan allowed the European countries to devise their own reconstruction plans, and make their own priorities, which the Iraqi reconstruction does not. US corporations did not participate - the money was given to local organizations and companies. Also, the Marshall plan cost 11.8 billion, about 100 billion in todays dollars, not 1 trillion. You're off by an order of magnitude even taking into account inflation. \_ The value I saw was $1T in today's dollars. I'll double check. Do you have a reference for your figure? \_ Yawn. I don't recall seeing $200b and 10 years on the motd and certainly never thought such a figure was wildly too high. I'm still stuck on the motd postings about how it's going to be another Vietnam quagmire and we'll never beat them and how the CA recall can't possibly pass and Arnold can't possibly get elected if it does and Bush can't win in 2000 and the tax cuts will never pass and the economy will never recover and we're running out of oil and housing prices are going to crash. If I had to blindly bet with 1:1 odds on whether a motd prediction would come true or not I'd be fabulously wealthy always betting against the motd. |
2003/11/1 [Industry/Jobs] UID:10893 Activity:nil |
10/31 I want to start a professional society that finds the most painfully hideous implementations of various electrical engineering practices and tracks down the engineer responsible and shouts at them on speaker phone after getting rip roaring drunk. any takers? \_ what's it called? \_ I'll figure that out when I sober up. |
2003/11/1-3 [Uncategorized] UID:10894 Activity:nil |
10/31 Alien: The Director's Cut in Bay Area theaters. KICK ASS. \_ This is for Resurrection, the 4th or 5th or 6th movie, isn't it? \_ The original Ridley Scott film. \_ Its just another way for them to make more money out of old crap. It should have been on DVD to begin with |
2003/11/1-2 [Uncategorized] UID:10895 Activity:nil |
10/31 Worrying About Jobs Isn't Productive http://www.fortune.com/fortune/valuedriven/0,15704,526435,00.html \_ formatd \_ you'll all work for walmart |
2003/11/1-2 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Shopping, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:10896 Activity:kinda low |
10/31 Oh great. A Vietnamese man just bought my building and has now cancelled the property management firm, the cleaning contract, and the pest control contract. He claims he can do it all himself. There are 19 units and over 30 people in the building. This is stupid - 5 years ago they finally beat back the roach invasion and now this chump is going to let them back in? Why is he so cheap?! \_ why do you still live in the Bay Area?! \_ Where do you live? And who do you work for? \_ Vietnamese people are always cheap. They are your worst nightmare as your employee (stupid) and your landlord (cheap). They're also your worst roomates (dirty). I'm speaking from personal experience. Do yourself a favor and move out ASAP. \_ I've got 7 months left on my lease. ARGH! \_ You can break lease and move now or wait and pay double in 7 months after the economy improves. Or you could kill him. \_ um, how are we vietnamese dirty? \_ heh, you'll accept stupid and cheap but dirty isn't ok? \_ ha that's pretty funny. Anyways, how come Vietcongese bashing is ok but black/white/jews bashing gets trashed by motd custodians? Is it because our custodians don't like Viets as well? \_ No, b/w/j bashing mostly causes the flamefest intended by the trolls posting. When that section of the motd grows to 5 pages, it gets deleted. \_ Edit it yourself. I like Vietnamese so well I married one, I just don't see the need to censor idiots. It is better to let the world see how stupid the bigots really are. \_ sheesh, what a bigot! \_ Property management firms ... snicker. Those are usually run by lazy, incompetent know-nothing do-nothing english major suit-wearing money-grabbers who think they are entitled to a high fee without providing any service. Of course he should fire them and cut some fat. Helps the economy, if nothing else. \_ I have yet to see an exception to the rule you state. \_ personal experience: management company did what was needed to be done at my apartment complex. it was very industrial and there was no personal touch to anything but stuff got done. i moved from there to another complex run by the one-owner-guy and it was a big fucking filthy broken mess and a fire hazard to boot! i'll take a prop. management firm anyday. \_ I think you mean "industrious." \_ no, I mean industrial. exactly like I said. thanks. \_ At least your landlord wasn't the Lucky Reddy dude who bring indian peasant girls to the country to serve as sex slave and to help clean the apartment buildings. \_ If you're not an Indian peasant girl what do you care? |
2003/11/1-2 [Politics/Domestic, Politics/Domestic/California] UID:10898 Activity:low |
11/1 How many of you libertarian fuckheads are planning to go try to ruin the great state of New Hampshire? http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/27/national/27LIBE.html \_ I loved the major party reactions. GOP: "Great to have you, guys! Come on over!" DNC: <trembling voice> "The best way to describe these people is anarchists..." -- libertarian fuckhead \_ What's so fucking great about NH? Their only claim to fame is voting second in the primaries and being almost the smallest state. Is there *anything* they do right? \_ Libertarians have a hardon over the slogan on their license plate: "Live free or die" \_ And the lack of state income tax makes them ejaculate. \_ Lye, is that you? \_ I'm guessing all the rightwing assholes at Dartmouth have something to do with it also. It's probably the most right-wing of the Ivy League colleges. |
2003/11/1-2 [Politics/Domestic] UID:10899 Activity:nil |
11/1 I understand how a US trade deficit translates to a downward pressure on the US dollar, but does a big US budget defict also put downward pressure on the dollar? How? \_ budget deficit solution is usually issuing bonds. A strong supply of US-currency based-bonds means we would have to work extra hard later to pay that debts. Pretty much like what happens to companies which sells bonds to stay alive - their stocks tank. The Federal government has an obligation to pay interest first before spending on the citizens. |