2003/10/31 [Computer/HW] UID:10874 Activity:nil |
10/30 Any pointers on how to export addressbook from Exchange Server to openldap? \_ you can do ldap queries against an exchange server. i'm sure you can use that to import back into ldap later. |
2003/10/31 [Computer/SW/Compilers] UID:10875 Activity:nil |
10/30 What is __P()? I've seen the DragonFlyBSD guys crowing about finally getting rid of it. What does it do? \_ Hackery for allowing old K&R non-prototype compilers to work with ANSI/ISO C89 prototypes in headers. \_ How does it work? Links? It's hard to get anything in google. \_ look at sys/cdefs.h, and then look at how it is used. Like was said before it is there to allow old non-prototype compilers to work with prototype code. |
2003/10/31 [Science/GlobalWarming] UID:10876 Activity:nil |
10/30 Double standard on environment issue. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3229211.stm So, shut up and stop bitching about how China/India is ruining the environment. \_ Right now, the US uses about 4 terawatts of the 12 terawatts of global energy usage. In 2050, that's likeley to be 40-50 terawatts of total energy usage, with the US total about the same. That means that when you're projecting decades or centuries into the future, which you must do in climate policy, you *have* to consider the developing nations as more important than the US. A devoloped-nations only policy simply won't fix the problem, and forcing quotas on the developing nations is politically impossible. our only way out is technology. we must develop a way to generate 50 terwatts of clean power that is cost-competitive with petrochemicals. It is a matter of both national and global security, and I believe it's not so far out of our reach. \_ Uh, nuclear. Clean, safe, unlimited. \_ What part of nuclear waste is clean? \_ nukular energy is eevviiil! \_ How much uranium or plutonium of the right isotops can we find on earth? \_ I can't tell if you're being facetious. \_ Bah, it's more fun to Blame America First(r) and Hate America(r) and Kill Whitey(c). You just killed the op's perfectly good anti-US troll. -!op \_ 12 terawatts to 40-50 terawatts while US use stays the same? Sounds like a huge exaggeration of developing countries' energy usage growth. Past history doesn't substantiate such claims. \_ Nah. Even if the developing nations' energy usage stays the same, US still would not do anything simply because vested business interests don't like it. Developing nations energy use is just an excuse for US not to do anything. It's called the Blame Developing Nations(tm) tactic. |
2003/10/31 [Reference/Military] UID:10877 Activity:kinda low |
10/30 Do fighter planes still have guns? Or they ditched them for all missile configuration (because dog fights are rare nowadays)? \_ if you are talking about F-15/F16/F18/F14, yes. I think they got something like 3 seconds worth of machine gun ammo on them. \_ Yes. Even the F-22 has an M61A2: http://www.lmaeronautics.com/products/combat_air/f-22/weapons.html -geordan \_ What I don't understand is how the F22 manages to engage close range with its weapons stored internally behind really slow doors. \_ The gun is mounted internally -- not behind doors. As compared to a chin-gun on an AH64 or something where the actual gun mechanism is mounted externally. Internally mounted cannons has been standard on fighter aircraft for decades. \_ Not the guns but the missles. The F22 sidewinders are stored internally. \_ "close range" for a missle is differnt than for cannon. \_ A friend of mine in the Air Force was telling me that the Vietnam Era F-4 was the only fighter plane to try to go w/o guns. It was just supposed to be a missile platform. They found out that was a bad idea. And put guns on the F-4 as well. \_ why is this a bad idea in today's air fighting environment? \_ BVR (Beyond visual range) engagement is still a pipe dream. Sure, missles can engage and kill targets at long distance way beyond BVR, but IFF (ID Friend/Foe (or non-combantant) at those ranges is still lousy. And once you get inside BVR to Visual Range, missles are not always an option: no more left, too high chance of locking onto friendlies or non-combatants after enemy evasion, enemy target is too close for use of missle which has a minimum time from launch till arming ... With the F-4, pilots fell to relying on long distance kills from missles, losing high-end skill in ACM as well skill in flying as part of a group of fighters. F4 pilots were exhausting their missles early in engagement, only to picked off by MiG cannon fire. There are also times you don't want to shoot a plane down, but merely disable it or even warn it off. You can't use a missle for that -- you need cannons. \_ Can guns or cannons on fighters shoot in directions other than straight forward? In movies like Top Gun, the pilots in dog fights have to try hard to point their jets at the enemy jet before firing the guns. Why don't they just make guns that can swing? \_ Well, there's two main problems. With aricraft moving in excess of mach 1, side mounted guns are almost useless. Rear mounted guns assume that another pilot has moved into the classic kill position, and no pilot would willingly allow this. You also wouldn't want big protrusions on a plane that is supposed to fly in excess of mach 1.5 -- like a turret mounted gun, for example. This would disturb the aerodynamics of the aircraft far too much to be controllable. There's a reason that most weapons are either mounted internally or are aerodynamic themselves (ie, missiles). \_ So that pilots can split their concentration between guiding their high-speed planes at the same time while trying to adjust their heavy swinging guns to point at the rapidly moving target while conserving their 3 sec worth of ammunition? \_ Naturally, intelligent computer systems would auto- track and destroy both planes and incoming missiles, and never shoot down your wingmen. \_ Oh, that's right - using "tried and true" windows XP technology, right? \_ Go OTS Technology! Oh yeahhhh! \_ uh huh. yeah, sure \_ Early revisions of the Phantom F4 had wing-mounted cannon pods to make up for the lack of an internal cannon. These proved to be useless as discussed. It wasn't until the F4E that it got an internal cannon and stopped sucking. kills from missles, losing high-end skill in ACM that were necessary as BVR IFF was even worse then than now. |
2003/10/31 [Uncategorized] UID:10882 Activity:nil |
10/31 Today we teach our kids how to beg for feed. \_ No, it's intimination. They already know how to beg. |
2003/10/31 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10883 Activity:nil |
10/31 New Iraq 'well on way to becoming Islamic state' Interview with the man advising the white house on the new Iraqi constitution: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5099.htm 'Any democratically elected Iraqi government is unlikely to be secular, and unlikely to be pro-Israel. And frankly, moderately unlikely to be pro-American.' \_ You are starting to sound suspiciously like a terrorist supporter there boy. \_ That's why we will install another dictator there and call him "president". \_ Who said any of those things was the point of the invasion? Did you know that Iraq's new government is also quite unlikely to be made of cheese, and frankly moderately unlikely to be in favor of finer French wines for all it's citizenry? |
2003/10/31 [Uncategorized] UID:10884 Activity:nil |
10/31 Happy Haunting Daemons! |
2003/10/31 [Computer/Domains, Computer/Networking, Computer/SW/WWW/Browsers] UID:10885 Activity:high |
10/31 http://www.justchooseme.com/rules.html \_ what? \_ one of the worst designed sites around. Don't even bother. Fat chix |
2003/10/31-11/2 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10886 Activity:nil |
10/31 When was spamassassin 2.6 released? Didn't someone ask on the motd last week why SA wasn't catching as much any more? Looking at the default version on soda, it's 2.54, from May... X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.54 ( \_ IFILE \_ How can you claim ifile is better if you don't even have the latest version of spamassassin to compare? \_ IFILE. \_ good -84925 troll -84374 God damned ifile. \_ I'm running an ancient version of SA and it hasn't been wrong yet. Don't be a gn00waReZ kid. Newer isn't always better. \_ OK, how would old rules that spammers have adjusted their spam to defeat still prove effective in this case? Not. What possible incentive would there be to *not* upgrade? (other than upgrade-time-cost) \_ genius because they kept readjusting to the new SA but no longer account for the old one. it isn't rocket science. the incentive to *not* upgrade aside from being a waste of my time is the old version works really well whereas the new version is at best unproven and the spammers are targetting it so gn00waREz kids are trapped in an endless upgrade cycle while I happily continue to successfully toss out spam with my ancient and distinctly not new but very functional version. \_ you're a moron. \_ IFILE \_ yes, I'm a moron but my SA works perfectly and you're sucking down spam. think about it. \_ it's very easy to prove a point if you don't bother keeping to actual reality. \_ Does that even parse in English? Maybe you'd like to try again? \_ it's parseable english. -- impartial observer \_ Agreed. -- language snob \_ Then you uber geniuses can explain to this native speaker what he was trying to say. \_ that the guy who claims his old version of SA works perfectly is lying. \_ I just upgraded my SA. In -MCPAN shell I just typed in: install Mail::SpamAssassin, got some tea, came back, and 2.60 was installed. I'm not sure if it's any help, but generally the newer rules work better. |
2003/10/31-11/1 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:10887 Activity:nil |
10/31 John, why did you move the switzerland and became a swiss citizen? Is it because of the fat american women here totally turned you off? \_ He's not a swiss citizen. The swiss don't naturalize first gen immigrants. \_ Introduction. you are an idiot. Proof my aunt became a swiss citizen some years ago. References http://live-in-switzerland.com/e/faq/citizenship.html Author Bio -ali. \_ make sure to bring your committee members donuts \_ I moved here because my girlfriend lives here. I'm a born dual citizen, but you can very well get a passport. After 5 years, you can get a 'C' or unlimited 'B' permit, which is the same as citizenship without voting rights, regardless. I really like it, the climate is nice, Zurich is a great city, I'm close to a lot of cool places, there's virtually no crime, the trains run on time, taxes are low, I'm an hour away from 5 great snowboarding areas, and the girls are cute and pretty stylish (on the whole.) Downsides are having to be tolerant of some pretty questionable attitudes (no difference from elsewhere), and lack of good cheap Chinese food. Why do you ask? -John \_ No voting rights? Why don't you let illegals vote and get driver's licenses like more civilized countries like the US and California? \_ Because it's Europe. Unlike the USA/California where the right to vote, drive and own guns is an inalienable right even though most of the population don't know how to properly perform any of the three. \_ *shrug* it's got its problems. I just find it to be a really pleasant place to live. There are a lot of Americans and Brits who bring their families here because it "just works". -John \_ Yeah but they can't vote like here. |
2003/10/31-11/1 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:10888 Activity:nil |
10/31 So I went to Small Claims Court and won. However, I'm really dissappointed at how it works. It is quite informal and arbitrary, just like politburo, and you're at the mercy of whoever's the judge that day. For me, I spent a lot of time organizing photos, documents, NOTORIZED documents, etc but the judge didn't even ask for them. Like I said it's really arbitrary like politburo. Court system sux. \_ and even after you win, how do you collect? \_ go to their employer and garnish their wages if they don't pay up. \_ I won by default 10 years ago when the defedent didn't show up in the court. She hit me in a crash and she didn't have a driver's license. That's the end of the story. I never collected the money. Oh, the judge did look at the repair estimate slips I showed him before setting the amount, though. \_ It's your own fault for not persuing it further. The court only decides who wins and for how much, if anything. There are other mechanisms for extracting payment. The court system is excellent. It allows little people without a lawyer to sue and win thousands of dollars with little time, expense, or expertise in the law. \_ How does one force the other guy to pay after winning in Small Claims Court? \_ There are a few ways, the best is garnishing wages if they have a real job. If they're entirely under the table it will be harder but not always impossible if you keep on them. However, it is true that for a very small claim you will spend way more time and effort than the money involved. Then it becomes about revenge or personal satisfaction. \_ you can pay a collector, $0 if no payment collected but about 50% if collected. The court case is a really powerful document. The paper gives you rights to garnish any information on that person and allows you to mess up his/her credit rating and allows you to seize properties, assets, and more commonly, wages. The other way is to pay for a private investigator who will do these things for you. You can always find one that'll charge $0 if not collected. money. |
2003/10/31 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:10889 Activity:nil |
10/31 I remember the days when soda was a spam-free zone. \_ s/soda/the Internet/ \_ I remember when there wasn't a soda or an internet. We still had spam though. |
2003/10/31 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10890 Activity:nil |
10/31 How come my spamassassin questions are getting deleted? \_ IFILE! IFILE! IFILE is the STANDARD! \_ Does anyone have the SA plugin for ED!? ED! is the STANDARD! |
2003/10/31 [Computer/SW/Virus] UID:10891 Activity:kinda low |
10/31 Spammers have gotten a LOT smarter and have been using things like ViaTgra instead of Viagra in their subjects, etc. The more I think about this the more I think we're losing the war. It's like the virus/anti-virus co-evolution. There will always be a few virus that gets through the filter and screw us up majorly. \_ IFILE! \_ Somebody screw us up the bomb! \_ No, the more they use non-English words and misspellings the less it looks like real email and the easier it is to filter. The fact they they do such things means the good guys are winning and winning big. \_ "These latest attacks show the terrorists are becoming more desperate." \_ Nice try but no relationship. \_ exactly. \_ There was an interesting article I found a few days ago, on networks of subverted zombie machines acting as distributed, dynamic spam sources, web proxies/gateways and content sources, and even DNS servers (auto-switching themselves to new IPs from a pool of controlled hosts.) 'ViaTgra' is soon to become the very least of your problems when dealing with spam. If you're interested, mail me and I'll dig up some articles. -John |
2003/10/31-11/2 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:10897 Activity:nil |
10/31 Can someone recommend a very small vga monitor? I'm looking for something that I can hook up to a kvm switch as a combination X11 and CLI console for two FreeBSD boxes, but which should be tiny enough to just sit in a corner and not bother anyone. Ideally flat screen--small laptop screen size would be optimal. -John \_ I think you want one of those things they have for POS in retail stores. Don't know where you'd get one though. \_ Something like that--what'd be perfect is a subnotebook- sized monitor (like the Libretto or Vaio Picturebook) |
3/15 |