2003/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:10852 Activity:nil 52%like:10864 |
10/29 Fox threatens to sue itself: http://media.guardian.co.uk/broadcast/story/0,7493,1073216,00.html Is it just me or is the whole world turning into an Onion article? |
2003/10/30 [Recreation/Dating] UID:10853 Activity:nil |
10/29 Prositution is illegal in California. Let say, some horny 17 yr old high school kid decide to buy a pop and got busted, should the prositute herself be charged with child molestation for having sex with a minor? This is what happening to Taiwan, as the 17 yr old kid and his guardian is not being charged, while the prositute in the mainland is charged with child abuse. I am wondring is there any similiar case in USA. \_ Maybe they'd just make the 17 year old go back to school so that he doesn't end up at America's top public university posting to a public message board in broken English. Jackass. \_ It would be statutory rape, but as the punishment for prostitution is harsher, they'd probably forgo the stat rape charge. Now, if there's proof that the kid paid for sex, they could charge him with solicitation, but this is harder to prove. \_ In the US the cops would walk away because the whole thing is too messy and just not worth it. \_ But then again most prostitute in the US are savvy enough to ask whether you're over 18 before you're getting something. |
2003/10/30 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10854 Activity:very high |
10/29 This Paul Krugman guy sounds like a commie. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/16730 \_ Krugman rocks, despite the impending denunciations and accusations of hating America that are sure to follow in this thread. Thanks for the link. \_ There won't be any followups because no one reads zero context links or cares about Paul Krugman. \_ My my, very presumptuous aren't you. \_ Whatever. The only thing going on now is us bickering about why others aren't bickering over the URL. The fact that no one has read it and commented on it makes it clear I'm right and you're, well, just being yourself. \_ Obviously you weren't around last night before the thread got extirpated. \_ No, I wasn't. I don't sit here 24x7 talking about Paul Krugmna's latest article. \_ It may come as a shock to you, but not everyone cares about you. \_ There. Thread was requested. Thread was restored -anonymous motd uncensorer \_ And how did they come to power? Through "the increasing manipulation of the media and the political process by lavishly funded right-wing groups. Yes, Virginia, there is a vast right-wing conspiracy," he concludes. I think rather than denounce him, I ll just laugh at him. -- conservative \_ Fox News. \_ How fair and balanced of you. \_ I think this is really funny. Whenever someone wants to talk "right wing conspiracy" in the media they ALWAYS say Fox news. Errr.. what about NYT? ABC, NBC, AP, and UP, and every other news source? The're all extremely left wing. One news station makes a conspiracy, huh? \_ umm... "extremely left wing!?!?" Are you kidding me? Holy shit. you _really_ need to wake up and think a bit objectively. None of them dared criticize Bush until recently. The _most_ they could be is a little left, if that. But "extremely?" Stop reading crazy ass neo-con rags and start thinking for yourself. \_ A conservative who is getting screwed in the arse by a huge budget deficit and loving every minute of it? \_ I am not getting screwed in the ass. I am getting my taxes back. At any rate, the government needs a constant deficit as an incentive to become more efficient (much like a corporation needs constant scarcity). Without scarcity or deficits, neither governments nor corporations have any need to innovate or solve problems elegantly and cheaply. They will simply expand. -- conservative \_ Nah, more likely they will just do another "read my lips no new taxes" to solve the deficit problem. Under Clinton, with a budget surplus, number of government employees and government spending both decreased according to the WSJ. \_ Think about it, who wants to work for the gubmint when times are good? What for? \_ gubmint? is that the racket Junior is running? Minting the country's future away with lots of IOUs? \_ Your logic is flawed. \_ Brilliant. Perhaps you'd like to elaborate? \_ Under your logic, Iraqi government should be the most efficient government on earth, as it is drawning with debt, so much so that USA is asking Russian, and French to forgive their debt... why? \_ You are confusing necessary and sufficient conditions. A cash starved government is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for a small, effective, workable government. A government flushed with cash always results in corruption and inefficiency, simply because there is no incentive for a government to produce anything, as it is not driven by profit like a business. However, more than just a shortage of funds is needed for a government to be good (things like a tradition of democracy, rule of law, etc). \_ Nah, more likely they will just do a "read my lips no new taxes" to solve the deficit problem. \_ unfortunately, his voice doesn't have much influence in terms of policy. |
2003/10/30 [Reference/RealEstate, Finance/Investment] UID:10855 Activity:low |
10/29 John Templeton predicts that housing prices will fall by 90% http://moneycentral.msn.com/content/P52744.asp \_ probably not mentioned: the bay area exception \_ When there is a big one, it will fall to 1/10 the value. \_ If it does then I'm buying all I can afford, baby! \_ see also the threat of greater inflation as our economy tanks. I'm looking forward to my loan suddenly be worth 10 times what I owe on it. \_ As bearish as I am about housing prices, I find that hard to believe. \_ Actual quote: "After home prices go down to one-tenth of the highest price homeowners paid, then buy." The meaning is slightly different. \_ In my area houses just went over 600k recently. If you wait until they hit 60k before you buy I hope you really like paying rent because you'll be paying it for the rest of your life. Homeless motd kids, keep up the housing price drop fantasy. I was hoping the same thing a few years ago when houses here were going for 350k. I bought in at 430k and no, virginia, there's no end in sight. It's very simple. More people keep coming in than there is available housing. The author needs to take econ 1 at some place better than hayward. \_ yea, that's what they once said in HK too. No, I don't think the price will drop to 1/10, but you are the one fantasizing if you think housing prices always go up. \_ In the long term, they do. \_ Son, God is always making more people, He isn't making anymore land. And yes, historically, housing prices have always gone up. Real estate is one of the best long term investments you can make. The only way you can lose is buying swamp land. Prove me wrong. History is on my side. \_ The stock market is also a good "long term" investment and consistently beat real estate "long term". That doesn't mean you should buy stocks in March 2000. Yea, God made like 100 million people in Java, and is making plenty more everyday, so why don't you go invest in Java real estate? \_ Hey good shot as changing the subject. Let me refresh your memory. The topic was real estate in the US. This is a growing nation and getting richer everyday. Here's the econ 1a part: with more and more consumers who are wealthier each day than the one before and a housing supply that doesn't grow as fast, the housing market will continue to climb until those conditions change. Java? That was a nice try but ultimately feeble. Housing prices will continue to climb over the long haul and unlike the stock market, you can live in your house after a crash. Housing values can't go to zero, unlike your portfolio. \_ Wealthier? Did you even read the article? It mentioned the increasing debt of Americans as one of the principle causes of the predicted crash. That means negative wealth, if you need a translation. \_ Housing prices in the Bay Area have been growing much faster than wealth, income and population. Much "wealth" was destructed in the tech crash. Income has gone down slightly while unemployment has risen. Only thing sustaining the housing prices is the low interest rate, which can't go any lower. You can live in your house after a crash? Not if you lose your job. Not only will you not be able to live in your house, you will still be responsible for the mortgage which would be more than what you can get selling the house. Bankruptcy would be the only choice left. \_ If you lose your job the only place you will live is your mom's basement, anyway. --dim \_ I think you would rather live in your mom's basement without debt than with a shitload of debt, and debt collectors going after your arse day in and day out. |
2003/10/30 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/India, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Others] UID:10856 Activity:nil |
10/29 How do I find archived news on CNN finance? I'm having problems researching news on past dot coms, thanks. \_ try http://fuckedcompany.com |
2003/10/30 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:10857 Activity:nil |
10/29 Is there a way to turn off encryption of the data stream in openssh? Encryption during the authentication process is fine and good, but sometimes I want to transfer files across a fast network on slow machines, and the data encryption becomes the bottleneck rather than the network. I've check the manpage, but the openssh guys seem a little fascist about encryption. Thanks. \_ telnet rcp \_ weird how a bunch of dudes writing security software would be so anal about all that encryption stuff, huh? \_ there's anal, then there's too anal. \_ go ahead and write your own encryption method and compile it in and just have it not encrypt. the source is always built with an option to let the user change methods. use it. \_ you can build it yourself with a null cipher, or just live with -c arcfour as one of the faster ones. btw, if you are transfering smallish files, tar cf - | ssh tar xf - will gain much more than tinkering with ciphers on the crappy scp protocol. \_ I would think that part of a secure transmission is ensuring that the data stream hasn't been tampered with. If you don't encrypt everything, someone could possibly inject bad data. |
2003/10/30 [Computer/Networking] UID:10858 Activity:nil |
10/29 Last socket question, I swear: in a normal setup, you've got a client socket, a socket listening for connections, and a socket created by accept() to handle those connections. What are good names to denote the latter two? \_ I use "sd" to name socket descriptors. For the server, I call one sdListen because you listen() on it, and I call the ones that are returned by accept() just sd for brevity. I could also call them sdConnection. |
2003/10/30 [Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10859 Activity:nil |
10/29 Are there anything similar to cacheFS for linux? \_ AFAIK no. Consider synchronizing files on a daily basis with rsync or something instead. \_ Okay then... We have about 100 linux NFS clients and nfsstat shows a typical getattr of >40%. Any suggestions to unload this? Thanks. \_ "/bin/rm -rf /mnt" run from cron once a day. |
2003/10/30 [Recreation/Humor, Science/Space] UID:10860 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/29 The ORIGINAL Neil Armstrong moon landing tape (NSFW) http://www.blogjam.com/neil_armstrong \_ Okay, that was really funny. |
2003/10/30 [Politics/Domestic/Election, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast] UID:10861 Activity:nil |
10/29 Here it is. Dean in '04. No one cares about anything but the royal mess we're making out the Middle East: http://csua.org/u/4ue \_ Dream on. It's about the economy, stupid. \_ Hey, you know what? Fuck you. I feel so much better now. Thanks. \_ Yeah, it is: "And despite a quicker pace of recovery, 41,000 jobs were lost in the third quarter to bring the number of jobs lost since President Bush took office to 2.6 million." (Reuters) |
2003/10/30 [Finance, Finance/Investment] UID:10862 Activity:nil |
10/29 Here it is. Bush in '04. No one cares about anything but the economy: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20031030/D7UGHGD02.html \_ Yeah, no one cares about blatant lying, coverups, or botched invasions. No one cares about America's debt. No one cares about the rape of the environment or the erosion of our civil liberties. Not if they can buy more Playstation 2! *sigh* How's Canada these days? \_ Nope, they don't, actually. If they cared about any of those things Clinton wouldn't have been elected the first time. The economy is the most important thing to voters and to many voters the only important thing. You're naive and childish if you think it's about playstations. It's about being able to raise one's children better than one was raised. Welcome to the adult world. \_ so if the nations parks and wild lands have been destroyed and we're in a constant state of war with the rest of the world with increased child asthma rates from pollution and the inability to live safely in our homes without being randomly detained without trial how exactly do we provide a better life for our children? Also, if you see how wrong things are going in this country and turn away becuase you don't believe you can change it it doesn't make you mature it makes you a coward. \_ You know air pollution levels have been dropping steadily since the 70's. Even under *gasp* republicans. And I don't think most Americans mind that we're in a constant state of war with people who have been attacking us over the last 10-20 years. \_ Fine, so we dissagree. My point is that the motivation for poeple caring about these issues is that poeple want to make this country a better place for their children than it was for them. You claimed that all people care about is the economy because that's what matters for the quality of life of their children. When I refute you, you come back with "oh yeah? well the Republicans are better on these issues anyway." I believe that some of the republican leadership is right on about the environment, actually. I just think that the average republican on the street (like you) is a loudmouthed selfish jerk who votes based entirely on their projected income tax burden and doesn't care about society at large or the long term future of this nation. Your comments bear that stereotype out to a tee. \_ And fuck you! \_ If you're such an adult, how come you can't be bothered to use motdedit like the rest of us? \_ *laugh* That's the best you can do? Golly, it's gotta be Gore in 04 now with *that* great zinger! Ouch! \_ Hey you know what? Fuck you too! \_ You are right... MOVE THERE THEN. \_ Guess what? Fuck you! \_ The economy? The economy has a good chance of crapping up next year. |
2003/10/30 [Computer/SW/RevisionControl] UID:10863 Activity:nil |
10/29 Hey, this motd is so old I can smell the mold on it. Is someone actually geeky enough to have a CVS repository set up or something? \_ With all the censorbots around it's required or conversation dies seconds after a thread starts if it doesn't involve USE LINUX, RIDE BIKE or LIGHT CANDLE. \_ Exactly what was the last "ride bike" thread on the MOTD? For that matter, there's very little about Linux. As for "light candle", the proverb "it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness," totally applies to people who post questions about how to fix broken Microsoft products. -tom |
2003/10/30 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10864 Activity:nil 52%like:10852 |
10/30 This was funny enough to repost. Fox News threatens to sue Fox: http://media.guardian.co.uk/broadcast/story/0,7493,1073216,00.html \_ I'm convinced that Fox News' idiotic lawsuit agains Al Franken was a publicity stunt to increase revenue for both the publisher of the book and the news station. There are only so many people in the media industry after all, and the idea that people making fun of Fox News actually hurts them is absurd. Hell, i'd never even heard of Fox News until prominent progressives started attacking them. |
2003/10/30 [Computer/SW/Security] UID:10865 Activity:high |
10/30 Somebody once mentioned editing the motd via scp. How does that work? \_ See, when you edit by scp, you're off by one whole day. \_ err, think about it. What does scp do? It copies files. Copy, edit, copy back. \_ Yes, thank you. I'm wondering *why* someone would do that, instead of editing it on soda. \_ to attempt greater anonymity, duh. |
2003/10/30 [Recreation/Humor] UID:10866 Activity:nil Cat_by:auto |
10/30 Can someone re-post (or email me) the URL for that Japanese-version of the Matrix? (the hilarious clip of two guys playing ping-pong?) Thanks a million! - jthoms \_ grep the archives. Luckily, no dummy used the URL-shortener on it: http://www.ntv.co.jp/channel/asx/hkzkt10.asx \_ flash version: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/pingpong.php |
2003/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:10867 Activity:nil |
10/30 FreeBSD 10 yr. Anniv. Party @ DNALounge http://www.offmyserver.com/cgi-bin/store/rsvp.html \_ Not entirely on the subject, but Jamie Zawinski is a dickhead. \_ that's nice. then don't go to the DNA. please. \_ I don't. Because he is a dickhead, and his club has a seriously weird vibe. \_ Been there lots of times, haven't noticed. Can you clarify what you're talking about? \_ A friend of mine has worked there since it was newly opened. They rent it out to whatever promoter wants it on most nights so the 'vibe' will vary greatly every single night. I get new and unique stories about the goings on every week. What are you talking about? \_ I'm gonna hazard a wild guess and say you probably dye your hair black and may even have a Skinny Puppy T-shirt. \_ Maybe, but WebCollage/Xscreensaver is pretty hilarious when run on an overhead projector in an internet cafe... -John \_ Err...considering how many web images are pr0n...Dunno if I want to be sipping my coffee and suddenly look up at Belladonna getting a double anal. \_ Wow. That was a mental image I *so* didn't need. Christ. \_ Then I suggest you avoid Amsterdam at all costs. -John \_ Who is Belladonna? \_ I don't know what these fucking nerds are talking about. Belladonna was the lead singer for the greatest heavy metal band in the history of the Universe: Anthrax. \_ Uhm. STFW, dumbass. \_ If you can't infer from the context, or take it upon yourself to do a google search, you really need to see a professional \_ If you have to ask... \_ you could do a hell of a lot worse than belladonna. |
2003/10/30-31 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10868 Activity:moderate |
10/30 I'm not sure when this was published, but this compares current events with Athens trying to conquer Sicily: http://www.csua.org/u/4ui - danh \_ I still contend that oil slicks keep seals young and supple. \_ why not just assume that people who want to listen to NPR already do? \_ look, even people who listen to NPR / read harpers don't do it ALL the time. One of the great things about the motd is that there are a bunch of opiniated half-bright individuals out there going through lots of media so i don't have to. Now, they don't always get it right. But i am happy to have the freepers post when they find something they think is particularly interesting, as i am glad to have had this posted. -phuqm \_ i thought the article was interestiing, and i admit the tone of harper'ss magazine can be a lilttle obnoxious iis \_ Re: the quote: isn't folly the result of incompentence and perversity the result of decadence? (not always but often) -phuqm \_ [s/Sparta/Sicily/ completed, you're welcome] \_ Nice article, thanks. |
2003/10/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10869 Activity:moderate |
10/30 memo from Fox News staffer on whether they are really 'fair and balanced.'. I guess it's not any new information but it's interesting: http://poynter.org/forum/?id=letters#foxnews - danh \_ "For the staffers, many of whom are too young to have come up through the ranks of objective journalism, and all of whom are non-union, with no protections regarding what they can be made to do, there is undue motivation to please the big boss." Oh yeah. Objective journalism like the LA times who refused to dig dirt at one point on Davis because claimed they don't do that to political incumbents. They also had more than 20 (!?) people working on digging up dirt on Arnie. Objective journalism my ass. Fox is tame by comparison. They actually let people lean both sides, as long as one side doesn't get the last word. \_ Are you trolling? This is patently false. \_ If you are referring to the LA Times story, it was all over the news here in LA. Too bad it didn't make national (or even state) news... Actually one wonders why not... A bloody LA times reporter confirmed the 20+ figure. \_ I think he referred to the "fox lets people lean both sides" falsehood. About the dirt-digging, well I have no knowledge of that but I'm not concerned. Davis has been in politics a long time and dirt is out there. Arnie on the otherhand declared candidacy just weeks prior to a recall election, and therefore any dirt would be very timely and informative. \_ That 'falsehood' was a quote from that Fox-bashing article posted above which started this thread, you know the article you probably didn't read... If that's bias, we need more bias in the media! \_ Attempting "moral equivalency" between LA times and Fox News is ludicrous. Are you really comfortable with the level of systematic, intentional bias creation in that memo? http://www.prospect.org/weblog/archives/2003/10/index.html#001768 \_ Actually, we need less of both. I'm sure people would laugh at you if you said "Fox is tame by comparison". \_ Why should they laugh at me? I believe bias in media is unavoidable. What we need is less hypocricy by people denouncing sins of which they are guilty themselves. \_ They should just change the slogan of Fox News to "The Patriotic News Channel" and be done with it. That's more accurate for what they think they're doing. \_ But it's not "patriotic" when a Dem is prez. \_ yes because republicans are patriotic and dems are sleazy commie traitors. \_ You're in the wrong camp: it's the libs who yell "hypocrite" and the cons who scream "unpatriotic." Get your slogans right. |
2003/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10870 Activity:nil |
10/30 How to check if pyzor and razor are installed? |
2003/10/30-31 [Computer/HW/CPU, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:10871 Activity:moderate |
10/30 I want to run a script that checks if a machine has active users on it, and if there aren't any, than starts a CPU intensive process, and also to turn it off if there are users. Is there a way to check this easily? The best I've come up with is running ps and who -u checking for idle users and/or processes. TIA. \_ uptime \_ can't you just run the process with a weightless priority. then it will only use the CPU when nothing else is using it. The only downside is if it uses a lot of memory you may experience swapping issues. 'npri -w <command>' (at least on IRIX). \_ hmm... sounds like it would work. However, I don't run Irix. Anyone know of a Linux equivalent? nice -19 is too intensive \_ what do you mean by "intensive"? \_ I mean that users complain that the system is slow and sluggish even when the job is nice -19 \_ The problem probably is not CPU time, but that the working set of your process is too big. \_ if you're trying to reinvent a queueing system, don't. install openpbs, lsf, or condor instead. \_ Sun Grid Engine is free and worked well when I used it before. |
2003/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10872 Activity:nil |
10/30 Hello spamassassin experts. Should I put in a return message to spammers saying "Sorry but the email does not exist -root" and hope that they may take off my name? Or should I just dump spam into /dev/null or a spam folder? \_ I think you should put in a return message with your credit card number (and expiration date), because--hey, you can never have too much viagra! http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2003490664,,00.html \_ By the time spamassassin sees it, your machine has already confirmed that the address exists. The return address is almost always bogus |
2003/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10873 Activity:nil |
10/30 I just installed spamassassin on my Linux box and would like to try it. However, I don't have any spam yet (it's a new domain). What's the best way to receive a LOT of spams? Thanks. \_ Place the email on a web page that is linked to by sites a spider would find. Include a <mailto:> link too. Also, sign up for lots of crap on different sites... Gator, Xupiter, Comet Cursor et. al. \_ Post to Usenet. \_ Use Expedia. 'Ba-dump-ching!" \_ or Orbitz \_ Actually, I was referring to the news that crackers stole their customer email list and prolly sold it to spammers. |
2003/10/30-31 [Science/Biology, Computer/Theory] UID:10878 Activity:nil |
10/30 Yahoo! News - Robots to Gain Eyes in the Back of Their Heads htt://csua.org/u/4um It reads " But as computer scientists at the University of Maryland proved mathematically in 1998, if robots could see in all directions they would not need any other sensors." What kind of mathematical proof would that be? How do you go about proving something like this mathematically? \_ why doesn't evolution favor eyes at the back of animals heads? \_ Prey animals usually have very widely-spaced eyes and can see in almost 360-degrees. Predators (and humans) have forward facing eyes which give good depth perception. Why do no vertebrates have more than 2 eyes? \_ The fundamental answer guiding all evolutionary processes: efficiency. \_ only able to last 15 seconds in the sack, eh? \_ How is turning the head to look behind more efficient than procesing more signals from more eyes in the brain? \_ You save the energy needed to grow more eyes and the brain structures needed to process the extra input. \_ But you need to grow the muscles to turn the head, and for some mammals, even part of the body. \_ good point. \_ Eyes have a lot of muscles and things, at least our full functioned ones do. Also, head movement is needed anyway for eating (maybe not for humans, but for prey animals). Since prey animal eyes and hearing suffices, more eyes probably cause more problems than they help. They might also be vulnerable to injuries. Head movement is also used for smelling. \_ You might also want to take into account that more eyes also translates to more brain mass/complexity to process the information. \_ Flies have many eyes in two groups. \_ I said VERTEBRATES. \_ and mammals (and many verterbrates) have many rods/cones in two groups. \_ But flies have many separate lenses whereas mammals have only two. \_ The article explains it pretty well: "The ability to navigate was the lowest level of capability needed by a robot to work in an unknown environment, she said." "Providing a robot with "omni-directional" vision could vastly improve its navigational skills, ..." Thus, you make the assumption that navigation is needed, then you prove that 360-degree eyes are sufficient for navigation, thus it doesn't "need any other sensors." |
2003/10/30-31 [Health/Disease/General] UID:10879 Activity:nil |
10/30 Yahoo! News Photos - SARS http://csua.org/u/4ul A govt. health minister can't even wear a goggle right. |
2003/10/30-31 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:10880 Activity:nil |
10/30 I have a tarfile of some pretty hilarious exploits a friend of mine obtained through a honeypot running on port 23 of a Linux box. Anyone interested? -John \_ sure. |
2003/10/30-31 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton] UID:10881 Activity:moderate |
10/30 Man, if Clinton was doing this kind of shit the media and the GOP would have been screaming about it 24/7. To elaborate, this is a Reuters article about how companies awarded lucrative contracts in Iraq have made very large Bush campaign contributions. http://csua.org/u/4uk \_ I'm not saying there's nothing dodgy about it, but using Bechtel as an example seems fairly weak--they are, after all, one of the world's biggest construction companies, and a really big company in its own right. Wouldn't you expect them to have political connections, just like Microsoft, GM, US Steel, Exxon, and RJR Nabisco (among others) do? And frankly, I don't think it would have gone over too well if we'd started paying the Binladin group to build roads in Afghanistan. Although regarding the Clinton thing, I don't know if it would have started a real shitfest-- don't forget, the GOP screams about everything. That's what makes them so cuddly and lovable. -John \_ There are contracts, and there are no-bid contracts. --aaron \_ And there are also Federal sole source regulations that constrain the structure of no-bid contracts. \_ Which have been violated in Iraq. \_ Halliburton is a great example, though. \_ Yeah, and Halliburton is one of the biggest oil engineering firms in the world (or at least US.) I'm not doubting the potential for monkey business, but the examples given are like saying "Red Adair has a good relationship with the government, including giving campaign contributions, so it's suspicious that he's given all those contracts to put out oil fires." -John \_ This is what you get for 1. non-bid contracts, and 2. the sheer fact that the Vice President, which a has the shear fact that the Vice President, which a has overwhelmingly influence in Iraq policies, was the CEO of Halliburton. Last time I check, Halliburton is still paying for his compensation today. \_ Which still doesn't address my point. They are a big company, with lots of references in their field. Yeah, Cheney was on their board and probably still has ties, which is wrong. Are you saying that no company, no matter how competent they are, with any ties to politicians should be given any govt. contracts? -John \_ They should be forced to compete in a fair and competitive bidding process. Halliburton was given a no-bid contract. And I personally believe that politicians taking campaign contributions should not be allowed to grant federal contracts to those companies. But that is not the law, at least not yet. -ausman \_ While I agree with you that competition is good and healthy, it is not always feasible. One should be careful with statements like "all bids should be through competition"--it has the competition to create lots of still paying for his compensation today. inefficiency and other side effects. -John \_ Also, Bechtel has had big government contracts for decades, under the administrations of Dems and Repubs. the administrations of Dems and Repubs. \_ Bechtel built the Hoover Dam. \_ So why don't I see any criticism of URS Corp., owned in part by Diane Feinstein's husband, which receives several billion annually in government contract? They were just awarded 4 billion dollar contract. \_ Because We Love Diane Feinstein! She can Do No Wrong! If she were a republican, however, her actions would be unspeakably evil and beyond redemption. annually in government contract? They were just awarded 4 billion dollar contract. \_ No, because those contracts were awarded after a fair and competitive bidding process, while the Iraq contracts were not. Are you honestly unable to see the difference? |
2003/10/30 [Finance/Investment] UID:29598 Activity:very high |
10/29 when you chip, do you: 1) use the same swing but change club to change distance or 2) use the same club (P/S) but change the swing to change distance Poll: 1: . 2: \_ Another poll. Who thinks motd polls about golf are: Dumb: Pathetic: . Both: ... \_ i felt the guy in Falling Down had the right idea about golf and golfers. \_ when I chip I put yermom over the arm of the couch and take her ass just the way she likes it. how about you? how you do take yermom's ass? \_ Whenever possible I chip with my 7 iron with alot of run - this gives me much more accuracy. Elevated shots or where an abrupt stop is required use a wedge. -freeper guy (10 handicap) wedge. Perhaps you meant pitch rather than chip? -freeper guy (10 handicap) \_ golfers deserve no sympathy, ever. \_ why am i not suprised you are a golfer? could you please do the world a favor and sterilize yourself? thanks. \_ hate speech from the left? Who would of thought. \_ I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk? \_ Clint Eastwood plays golf too. \_ so do 90% of the presidents of US. By the way the old George Bush really kicked Clinton's ass in one of the games even though Clinton said he really really wanted to win. |
2003/10/30 [Uncategorized] UID:29599 Activity:nil |
10/29 Just bought a ThermalTake III v2000 case. Poorly wired fan regulator caused the thing to literally go up in flames with black smoke. I've never heard of this happening before, and the things usually get good reviews. Opinions? -John \_ I know a guy who bought one recently and the poorly wired fan regulator cause the thing to literally go up in flames with black smoke. Sounds like a bad purchase to me. |
2003/10/30 [Recreation/Food] UID:29600 Activity:high |
10/29 My company is putting everybody through mandatory training. Training takes place at 12:00 and usually takes 90 minutes, during which time we are served lunch. They remind us that, since they're serving lunch, we are expected NOT to charge time for the first hour of training. Training only occurs about 1-2X a month, and the burden is not great, but it irks me that they expect a tray of tacos to cover the combined hourly wage of 70 engineers. What would you do in this situation? \_ I'd eat my tacos. But then again, I'm a starving PhD student. (I'd also learn to follow everyone else's indenting convention). \_ Somebody didn't use motdedit. I restored it. \_ Stuff motdedit and your assumptions in your ear. \_ Suck it. \_ If you're REQUIRED to be there, it's billable time. Problem is they might say it's not required, and then give you bad performance reviews or fire you for some made-up reason. I'd eat the tacos and bend my timecard a little \_ I get the labor law thing... it's a good company and I'm not complaining, except about the jackasses in one department. \_ Are you an hourly employee? I'd expect a really nice lunch from them. Your lunch hour is about more than food. \_ salaried \_ what knucklehead told you you cant bill this time? it doesn't matter if they've got 77 dark eye virgins dancing naked for your pleasure, if it's mandatory then it's *their* time not yours and it should get billed. if you're at the kind of company where you can bitch about it without getting fucked then go ahead. otherwise just fudge your hours somewhere and don't let them screw you. if you're hourly you're expected to fudge hours anyway. \_ Bring your own lunch, and then see what they have to say. \_ Some of you guys don't seem like team players. \_ heh \_ formatd was here. what the hell is so hard about hitting tab at the start of line instead of 6 spaces? \_ read above. It was copy-pasted out of the archive. |
2003/10/30 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux, Industry/Startup] UID:29601 Activity:nil |
10/30 Can you smell the IPOs? IBM's "Prodigy" Linux commercial: http://csua.org/u/4ug \_ the kid looks like eminem \_ Hate marketers. hate 'em. |
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