Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:October:26 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>
Berkeley CSUA MOTD
2003/10/26 [Politics/Domestic/Crime, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10788 Activity:nil
10/25   NPR In A Coma
        \_ that wasn't very interesting, and i can barely
           care less about old vegetative people wanting to die,
           i'm sure you can find a more entertaining hate filled
           free republic message topic.  do you really not have
           anything better to do than report uncreative free
           republic webpage titles?  i think you need a girlfriend.
        \_ I concur with the above. I am the worse for having read that. I
           hoped for some vitriolic anti-liberal ranting, but got boredom.
2003/10/26 [Uncategorized] UID:10789 Activity:nil
10/25   Don't forget about your clocks!
        \_ huh?
        \_ Keeping a close track of the current time is for the peasants.
2003/10/26 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl] UID:10790 Activity:nil
10/25   The amazing web site reverser!
        Use any, for instance:
        Search the web for satanic messages!
        \_ Wow!  Amazing!  They ran web pages through perl's string reverse
           function! Wowowowow!
           \_ Actually, it's a little more interesting than that. The layout
              of the page also undergoes a vertical flip, though with varying
              degrees of success. It would be cooler if they flipped the
              images too.
              \_ They do flip the images.
                 \_ Not on cnn, at least.
              of the page also undergoes a vertical flip.
2003/10/26 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:10791 Activity:nil 53%like:29587
10/25   I'm looking for an ATX motherboard that supports the VIA C3 CPU.
        Has anybody heard of using this one with linux?  VIA C3M266
        \_ Do yourself a favor and buy a less than cutting edge intel chip.
           Here's a start:
           \_ can any of those run with no fan?
              \_ probably not but you can get fans quiet enough that ambient
                 room noise will be louder.
2003/10/26 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10792 Activity:nil
10/25   Iraqi bloggers.  These are great, regardless of your opinion on
        weblogs or the war in Iraq and the occupation.  Different perspectives
        from different people that are a great substitute for so called
        "objective" reporting.
        Healing Iraq:
        This guy is very much in support of the war and the new administration.
        He has a lot of great stuff, particularly on the new right-wing Shiite
        Baghdad Burning:
        This woman is not a supporter of the Americans, although she's no
        hardcore Islamist.  Good stuff on where all that reconstruction money
        is really going.
        Where is Raed:
        This the original Baghdad Blogger that everyone knows.  He's still very
        coy about his actual position and seems very I guess you
        could put him somewhere in the middle.
        Supposedly there are two more, but I haven't been able to find them.
        Anyone?  There will probably be even more in the future as the access
        and electricity situation changes.
        (note to motd cranks right and left: this post is balanced and
        there is no reason to censor it, unless you're a pud.)
        \_ Wait... how can iraqi bloggers be great if your opinion of weblogs
           is that they suck...
           \_ I was really hoping there wouldn't be a pile-on with this post,
              but... I would say that your opinion is perfectly valid, but so
              are the bloggers' opinions.  None of them claim to be news
              reporters - they are simply people saying what they think.
              This is not a perspective you can find elsewhere at the moment,
              at least about Iraq.
        \_ Right wing?  You mean Shiite branded Islamic movement?
        Baghdad Burning:
        This woman is not a supporter of the Americans, although she's no
        hardcore Islamist.  Good stuff on where all that reconstruction money
        is really going.
        Where is Raed:
        This the original Baghdad Blogger that everyone knows.  He's still very
        coy about his actual position and seems very I guess you
        could put him somewhere in the middle.
        Supposedly there are two more, but I haven't been able to find them.
        Anyone?  There will probably be even more in the future as the access
        and electricity situation changes.
        (note to motd cranks right and left: this post is balanced and
        there is no reason to censor it, unless you're a pud.)
        \_ too bad there are so many fucking puds around here.
        \_ it'll get censored for simply not being about linux and riding bike.
           anyway, just keep in mind when reading this stuff that no matter
           what opinion is expressed, it is from someone in the upper classes
           of iraqi society.  the typical cab driver not only doesn't have
           net access, but probably doesnt own his cab either.
           \_ Agreed 100%, though I would argue that this is mostly true of
              bloggers in the West as well.
2003/10/26 [Uncategorized] UID:10793 Activity:nil
10/25   Is there a nitrous leak in the bay area or what? what's with the motd?
        \_ This is not the nitrous leak you're looking for.
        \_ what do you mean?
2003/10/26 [Computer/Domains, Computer/SW] UID:10794 Activity:nil 75%like:11560
10/25   Anybody have any good or bad things to say about
        \_ I've had no probs with them.
        \_ Neither do I; I've bought two domain names from them and
           have them do the webhosting for one of them, and both accounts
           are problem-free. They have great technical support too (true
        \_ after using dotster and gandhi, i gotta say like godaddy the best.
2003/10/26-27 [Reference/Religion, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:10795 Activity:high
        So if Jews control the world, why didn't I get the memo?  I want to
        know where to signup for my piece.  I'd like something with a beach
        and friendly natives to keep the drinks flowing and the food fresh.
        Thanks!  --Salary slave Jew who stood in the wrong line
        \_ you lose.  you are not really one of the 12 tribes.
           \_ I don't think you understand how it works.  EVERYONE who was
              born of a jewish mother is a descendant of the 12 tribes.  Now
              most people don't KNOW what tribe they belong to... but that's
              a different story. -- Jew
              \_ does that count for mothers who converted too?
                 \_ no because she's definitely not one of the 12 tribes.  if
                    she can prove a connection to starbuck, apollo, or lorne
                    greene then she can appeal to the elders of zion.
                    \_ So Sammy Davis Jr isn't a chosen one?
           \_ Hey I'm totally from one of the 12 tribes.  None of this lost
              battlestar galactica 13th tribe funny business for me!  I just
              want my piece of the world!  Is one small beach and some friendly
              natives so much to ask when the rest of my people are running
              the whole world?  --op
              \_ Sorry, we don't have your piece of the world.  You are
                 asking the wrong people.
                 asking the wrong people.  And thanks for your insulting
                 patronization of us natives.
        \_ I think Mahathir is still pissed that George Soros screwed his
           country during the Asian financial crisis.
           \_ if your country got fucked half as hard, you would of
              tossing nuclear warheads instead of just bitching about
2003/10/26 [Recreation/Media] UID:10796 Activity:nil
10/25   The Motd Movie Critic reviews "Kill Bill, Volume 1":  See this movie
        immediately.  --MMC
        \_ I dunno it left me cold. Some of it was good but the humor
           mostly fell flat. Lots of uncomfortable moments.
2003/10/26 [Computer/HW/Memory] UID:10797 Activity:nil
10/25   With DDR-SDRAM, what's the benefits/drawbacks of registered vs.
        \_ price vs reliability
           \_ is registered fully supported?
              \_ what do you mean by fully supported?
                 \_ If my motherboard uses DDR will registered "just work"?
2003/10/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10798 Activity:nil
10/25   Hey, think of the positive side. Finally one of Bush's cronies
        has some military experience.
2003/10/26-27 [Politics/Domestic/President/Clinton, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:10799 Activity:very high
10/25   Republicans LOSE again:
        \_ Hmm, control all 3 branches of government, no electable minority
           party candidate emerging from the 9 dwarves for 2004, got bill &
           \_ wow, what news do you read? you're in a dreamworld if you
              think dean/clark/kerry aren't "electable". read anything
              but hard right opinion lately?
              \_ I'll wager $1000 that none of them get elected as
              President in 2004. Are you up to it? -williamc
              \_ What kind of odds will you give me? will
                 give me 60/40, can you match it? -ausman
           hillary lurking about screwing up the party for their own gain,
           and just lost the governorship of the largest state to an actor
           in an election where the majority party split their votes among
           two candidates but still won.  If that's what it's like to be a
           loser I can't imagine how much better winning feels.  Link unread
           because it's not worth the cut n paste effort to read a context
           free url.  At least tell us what's there, otherwise you just look
           like a partisan whiney little bitch.
                  \_ Uhm.  Pot, Kettle, Black.
                     \_ I think the emphasis was on WHINEY LITTLE BITCH,
                        not partisan.
                        \_ I think the emphasis was on the whole phrase.  Nice
                        \_ right, and I'm sure that from 1992 to 2000 the
                           above partisan was totally respectful to the
                           President and never whined once.  People like that
                           on both sides are useless.
                           \_ Heh.  Clinton doesn't deserve respect.  The man
                              is slime.
                              \_ Clinton didn't sell a war on false pretexts or
                                 ignore his staff blowing the cover on a
                                 CIA agent, but he got a blowjob. What are
                                 your priorities? Sheesh.
                                 \_ Dude, did you listen to his speech?  What
                                    false pretexts?  Do you KNOW iraq has no
                                    WMD?  Tell us how?  You can be rich!
                                    \_ What, by reading the news?  Get serious.
                                       \_ I repeat, how do you know?  How do
                                          the reporters know?
                                          \_ Ah.  So this is a NHSG existential
                                             answer, "No, dude!  You totally
                                             roomates thing.  I guess the right
                                             like a railroad spike!"
                                             answer is, "No, dude!  You totally
                                             can't KNOW anything!  Not unless
                                             it gets jammed through your head
                                             like a railroad spike!"  Of
                                             course, as a basis for a voting
                                             adult to make real-world decisions
                                             it's completely assinine.
                                             \_ See, this is what I don't get.
                                                3 billion dollars of Hussein's
                                                money magically slips through
                                                American fingers and ends up
                                                in Syrian banks, and no one
                                                thinks it's strange.  How
                                                much easier do you think it
                                                would be to slip some key
                                                laboratory equipment or
                                                ampules out of the country?
                                                \_ We didn't go to war over
                                                   a few ampules. Money can
                                                   be wired. 10000L of nerve
                                                   agent cannot.
                                                   \_ You really think they
                                                      wired those 3 billion
                                                      to Syria?  Are you
                                                      fucking nuts?
                                          \_ By paying attention in class?
                              \_ Clinton >> Bush. -independent
            \_ viewing a link is harder than ranting for 10-12 lines on the
2003/10/26 [Computer/HW/CPU] UID:29587 Activity:nil 53%like:10791
10/25   Any recommendations on an ATX motherboard that supports the VIA C3 CPU?
2025/03/15 [General] UID:1000 Activity:popular
Berkeley CSUA MOTD:2003:October:26 Sunday <Saturday, Monday>