2003/10/21 [Recreation/Dating] UID:10708 Activity:nil |
10/20 Duh: Single men outnumber single women in Silicon Valley: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/news/archive/2003/10/20/state2135EDT0153.DTL \_ Statistics by age, please. I'm not going to date any widow- grandmothers. These AP writers need to train harder. \_ AP writers have this weird anonymity about their articles and get reprinted in almost every damn paper. \_ They're the new Urban Mythology. |
2003/10/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:10709 Activity:high |
10/20 To the "athiest" who wants an honest response from a Christian regarding religion and faith: Are you an athiest? or are you searching? I believe that determining whether there is a Creator can be done through reason. Now to determine God's nature, or whether Jesus Christ is God requires some faith. For those who are searching, good for you. Even though I am a Christian, go ahead and do look at the other religions. See what makes them tick, and try to understand each. Of course, since I have faith that Jesus Christ is God, I would like to introduce you to the Faith. You may accept it. You may reject it. It is up to you what to do with that information. I do hope that you do look at Christianity with an open mind, even if you do look at other Religions. We can discuss by email if you wish. \_ I'm glad you have faith in that assertion, because there's no other way to establish it! Now to determine God's nature, or whether Jesus Christ is God requires some faith. For those who are searching, good for you. Even though I am a Christian, go ahead and do look at the other religions. See what makes them tick, and try to understand each. Of course, since I have faith that Jesus Christ is God, I would like to introduce you to the Faith. You may accept it. You may reject it. It is up to you what to do with that information. I do hope that you do look at Christianity with an open mind, even if you do look at other Religions. We can discuss by email if you wish. \_ Unfortunately, Christianity and imperalism are inseperable. Even today, I can see elements of White Man's Burden when I look at these missionaries and their mindsets, even though Christanity's orgin has nothing to do with caucasian nor race. Instead of focusing on things like creation of Universe, try to look at the not-so-gorious aspect of history, i.e. time between fall of Roman Empire and 1500 A.D. Until you understand why people hate Christians, don't try to convince them to join your camp. \_ are you the same person discussing way down below or a different person? \_ It's not me, that's for sure. -- agnostic (weak atheist) \_ I encourage you to keep on searching among the different religions. I do hope you get a good representative to represent Christianity. There are many different "Christian" categories too such as Catholicism and different Protestant sects. And even among them, more liberal, or conservative members. \_ and, of course, they're each the One True Way. \_ Christians do look at the creation of the Universe. Very definitely. It shows God the Creator. Jews believe that the Messiah is still coming. As for Christians, they believe the entire time is part of God's salvation history. Jesus Christ is but one part of the entire truth, IMHO. \_ That's kinda a moot point, unless you're talking about Catholics. Most Christian religions believe that was a time of apostacy, when the church was corrupt and the truth could not be taught. \_ I agree. as an athiest, i view protestant religions as evil idiocy and catholicism as an evil cult. that's an important difference. \_ are you trying to create some devisiveness between Catholics and Protestants? \_ Best. Oblivious-to-the-obvious. Troll. EVER. \_ So how do you explain pre-Christian Roman imperialism, or Chinese imperialism, etc. ? \_ The statement "Xianity and imperialism are inseparable" would be better phrased "Xianity implies imperialism." The proof that the inverse is not necessarily true is left to the reader. \_ What you have, is at best, a weak correlation. Early Christianity flourished under Rome's prosecution Christianity in Korea flourished under Japan's (Shinto) rule. Pressures from British missionaries and churches were key to ending the opium trade in China (against British business interest). Pre-Islamic expansion Christianity in Africa has nothing to do with imperialism. Imperialism deeply affected Asia, Africa and the Americas, but thhe only place were I see a significant corelation is the Americas, and the Filipines. \_ ObTroll: Rome and Japan were merely fighting the imperialistic infection of Xianity in their respective spheres of influence. That Xianity was viral and grassroots in these cases changes nothing about the imperialistic dreams of its proponents-- they were simply far-sighted in their ambitions to bring about the Kingdom of God. \_ You actually think that the motive of the Dutch and British East India Companies is to bring about the Kingdom of God? Ha, what a joke. \_ You actually believe that Japan killed tens of millions of Chinese, Koreans, etc. to preempt Christianity? \_ Ah, but am I permitted to reject your god? Christian sects are rooted in evangelizing. It is not enough that they are Christians, everyone must be. They must be converted to the Christian god. Some people really find that irritating. \_ Yes, you can reject God. But duh, of course we're going to share our relationship with God. It's not relativism. It's what we think is true. |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Web] UID:10710 Activity:nil |
10/20 When did the dailycal switch to using PHP? Articles actually load now. \_ dailycal started working after they stopped using http://autobahn.org, a cheapo ISP managed by lame ass people and admined by a mediocre sysadmin who has a bloated ego. \_ WTF are you talking about? That shit doesn't load at all. I need my SoT fix! |
2003/10/21-27 [Computer/SW/OS/Solaris] UID:10711 Activity:nil |
10/20 Looking for Sr. Unix sysadmin with strong Solaris, Veritas NetBackup, Volume Manager/VCS skills. Experience with HDS and Brocade a plus. Location just south of SF. E-mail me -- Marco |
2003/10/21-27 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA, Academia/OtherSchools] UID:10712 Activity:nil |
10/20 UCB IS&T is hiring! /csua/pub/jobs/UCB-IST (Originally posted to BayLISA jobs mailing list.) \_ will I have to deal with tom holub? \_ if you don't want to deal with me, you'll fit right in. -tom \_ Nice. \_ I thought UC only hired people with college degrees? \_ Get some new material, already. \_ That material is still working nicely. I want to know how someone without a degree can feel so superior to all those around him who have accomplished something which he failed to accomplish and never will. Is it just false bravado to soothe his damaged ego or does he really truly feel superior and if so, what is the basis for those feelings? The ant walks among giants. \_ did tom fart really hard in E260 12 years ago next to you and you've never forgotten? get a life. \_ College degree is just a piece of paper. s.jobs |
2003/10/21 [Politics/Foreign/Europe, Politics] UID:10713 Activity:nil 75%like:10700 |
10/21 Danh is in the news again! http://csua.org/u/4r0 \_ That you, aspo? |
2003/10/21-22 [Uncategorized] UID:10714 Activity:nil |
10/21 <snore> |
2003/10/21-22 [Recreation/Dating, Recreation/Travel] UID:10715 Activity:insanely high |
10/21 What's a good weekend vacation for me and my wife for <$350 in driving distance of the East Bay? I'm looking for specific hotel/resort recommendations, e.g. Orr Hot Springs. -- ulysses \_ Napa \_ Cross Country skiing at Royal Gorge \_ why do people get married so young? didn't you just graduate? \_ Are you thinking of somebody else maybe? I'm probably older than you. -- ulysses \_ I'm 50. How old are YOU? \_ Pull trou, troll. \_ Again, have you been canyoning up in Quincy? It may be cold \_ Cross Country skiing at Royal Gorge you. -- ulysses right now, but it's beautiful and nearly free. \_ Not in many years. Thank you for the suggestion. It will have to wait for summer, I think, though. My wife is not exactly the outdoorsy sort. <Wife says: What do you mean no room service?!> \_ BDG, where are you!? \_ umm... what about the obvious? up in Napa County... Calistoga Hot Springs... or any of the resort/spas up there. You can also go shopping a bit south of there. Specific recommendations? Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa(not in Calistoga) is very close to the limit of your budget. You could go for Sat night, and buy a nice spa package or two, spend a day wine tasting, etc. Or the Calistoga places can be a bit cheaper than SMI. \_ Lavender Hill in Calistoga is excellent and not too pricey.... \_ Bed and breakfast places up the coast on highway 1 in medicino are all also really nice and within your range --sky \_ I know there are good ones but I've had mixed experiences with B&Bs. Can you name one you'd recommend? \_ Sorry I can't remember the names of the ones I stayed at. I usually just drive around and pick one. Another suggestion, closer to home, is Casa Madrona over in Sausalito. Its a totally painless weekend getaway. See http://casamadrona.rockresorts.com --sky |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/Networking] UID:10716 Activity:low |
10/21 If I can't get cable modem service (cuz COMCAST doesn't offer it) and I am outta range for DSL, am I pretty much SOL? \_ long range 802.11b? \_ On a related note, is there any OS that supports multiple modems and phone lines connected to the same machine such that it can get higher throughput via dialup? \_ windows \_ Really? Which version? Thx. \_ http://www.1usa.com/tech/dual-modem \_ yes \_ Fixed wireless...the problem is, it isn't cheap...they are geared towards enterprise users. \_ DirectTV? \_ be careful, most things don't seem to work w/ cable modem. \_ CSS works with cable modem. \_ FUD. please list these "things" that don't work. |
2003/10/21-22 [Reference/Religion] UID:10717 Activity:nil |
10/21 Mohammed Rosenberg was here. |
2003/10/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:10718 Activity:kinda low |
10/21 Stock market performed better under Democratic presidencies. http://polls.yahoo.com/public/archives/57019568/p-quote-273 (Yahoo! Finance) I thought Republicans are the pro-business ones. \_ the difference is statistically small. On the opposite end you could argue that Democratic Presidents start more wars than Republican Presidents by a proportion of five to one. \_ "pro-business" is different from "pro-market". Compare corporate welfare and coddling protectionism (handouts) to the kind of regs that enhance competition (regulation) like the wireless number portability rule that will soon make cell phone companies actually compete with each other. "Pro-market" is good for consumers because it enhances competition. "Pro-business" is usually just big corporate donors getting cushy perks, bought and paid for. --aaron \_ I've heard this theory that the more gov't leaves business alone the better business does. Maybe the dems, by not changing much to do with business, didn't fuck them up? \_ don't think Republicans are "pro-business" as much as they are pro-corporate executive profits. ... if you look at it this way, clearly this attitude will adversely affect business (enron, etc) \_ Ah, got it. \_ What? No snide comments from the self proclaimed "real" conservatives? Here's a thought: a good economy makes life easier for most people, but a bad economy with big tax cuts for the very wealthy is only good for the very wealthy. Republicans don't give a shit about small to medium size businesses, an assertion proven by the current republicans in the white house and in congress. \_ Well, I was going to comment, but you seem to be carrying a nice conversation with yourself, so I ll leave you to it. -- real conservative \_ Gov't is statist on both sides - who he pays receives. So do you want bigger government (more of the same) or less? But the first sentence 'A 2003 paper looked seriously at the 18...', and the last 'Other writers have confirmed a performance difference in favor of Democratic administrations, though one that was too small to be statistically significant.' suggest 1) the sample size is too small 2) the article / paper are overreaching. |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:10719 Activity:nil |
10/20 How do I export some of my folders out from Yahoo mail? \_ I am sure there are easier ways, but this is what I've done. I choose mozilla thunderbird as pop3/Imap client mainly because it store things in the RFC inbox format. Then, you go to sourceforge and download this thing called "postman." It's a proxy server that sits between your yahoo mail and your pop3 client, thus, it can retrieve email from hotmail and yahoo account. It workes like wonder, except the performance issue, which I can live with it. \_ you might also try http://yahoopops.sourceforge.net |
2003/10/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/HateGroups, ERROR, uid:10720, category id '18005#6.75' has no name! , ] UID:10720 Activity:very high |
10/21 http://www.sfgate.com 79% of people polled said having a Caucasian Club is okay. This surprises me, especially from SF. \_ as long as anyone can join, then the 42n ch1x can find their white boyfriends! chinese people can find asian ch1x at any \_ as long as anyone can join, then the 42n ch1nx can find their white boyfriends! chinese people can find asian ch1nx at any 42n club right? \_ Do whites on average really have bigger dicks than Asians? It seems so based on all the porn I saw. \_ who said it has anything to do with dick size? people are conditioned to see Prince Charming as white. \_ maybe the asian guys available are just assholes? \_ I think that SF recently dropped from being a caucasion majority. \_ So 79% of people approve of the KKK? Interesting. \_ yes, this surprises me. I thought SF is liberal. \_ so, white == kkk? no cookie. \_ It sucks that whites are the only race that can't show pride of their race. \_ Actually, I don't think anyone should be able to "show pride of their race". The world doesn't need another source of divisiveness. \_ No the world doesn't need it, but it's about the right to be arrogant. If such right exists, everyone should have this right. If it doesn't, no one has it. \_ But some do have the right while some don't in the US \_ They've had something like this at San Marino High for a while. |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/SW] UID:10721 Activity:high |
10/21 What's the best way to deal with a manager who only wants code monkeys? My manager repeatedly tells us that asking questions is not our job, our job is to do what he asks -- prefer not to be a code monkey. \_ Which company is this? I want to avoid it. \_ Blame all the design flaws on him, then tell him you foresaw these flaws before writing the code, but you didn't ask him since you're not supposed to. Of course you might then lose your job, but for that kind of silly manager you're likely to lose your job for no reason anyway. \_ You don't need to pass blame. That's too hostile. As a code monkey, simply shrug and ask what he'd like to do to fix it. \_ Get him to put that statement in writing to the team, and sign it. Also, look for new job. But you could try showing to your mgr's mgr. \_ if you can't find better job, then, try to enjoy being a code monkey. You are completely free of responsibilities, and doing only what is told doesn't really encourage you taking the initiative. So, you are welcome to be lazy, only move when asked. \_ BINGO! WE HAVE A WINNER! |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:10722 Activity:kinda low |
10/21 I'm trying to write a Perl script with a spam assassin interface so that it'll take out trolls. Please keep up the troll keywords thread below so that I can make the program as perfect as possible. \_ You mean an auto-motd-censor script? I thought these were grounds for sorrying of account. \_ it damn well better be. hey op, go fuck yourself. we know who you are. \_ no no no, no AUTO motd script. Yes, auto motd scripts can get you sorried (case in point dumb ass kchang). My point is creating something that allows me to kill threads that I personally deem as troll with one push of a button instead of having to do it manually. So short of complete automation I believe what I am doing has no grounds for sorried account \_ it just makes you a fucking asshole. \_ If you can do this, then why not create a motd reader that simply doesn't display threads with these words in them? \_ because it isn't about him not seeing it, it's about an infantile need to control what others read. \_ how about an auto script that corrects my grammar on motd post? \_ how about an auto script that purges your account? \_ do you really want to get into scripting wars over the motd? it's been very calm all these years (mostly). if you turn it into a script war you'll find others writing scripts to delete the stuff you've deemed worthy of staying. when we're done the motd will be blank most of the day. suggestion: grow up, you're not the smartest kid in your HS anymore. w3 awl g0t m4d sk1llz!1 |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:10723 Activity:nil 50%like:10848 |
10/21 is there something like usermode linux, for FreeBSD ? \_ Not really. There's a userland network stack available somewhere (gg:phk junior kernel hacker todo). |
2003/10/21-22 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:10724 Activity:high |
10/21 What if you are conservative on some issues, and liberal on others. Do you call yourself liberal or conservative? How do you make the distinction? \_ Then you could be authoritarian or libertarian. \_ authoritarian sounds too negative. Is there a more positive term? And what if even on economic issues, you have both liberal and conservative views? \_ There's a reason Authoritarian sounds negative; because it IS. Anyway, if you are a pussy who is afraid to take on a negative label, why label yourself at all. Why not just be a whiney "If you label me you negate me" liberal -phuqm \_ It's not an absolute. You can have some liberal and some conservative views, but still be overall a conservative or a liberal. If your views are split about halfway, you are a centrist. The libertarian party has a useful (although a bit simplistic) tool which is a square with each apex representing liberal, conservative, libertarian or authoritarian. Most people fall somewhere between those extremes. Take this: http://www.self-gov.org/quiz.html \_ I'm pretty sure the quiz is biased and makes people tend to describe themselves as libertarian. \_ I took this quiz at the Top Dog at 51st and Broadway. At least I got a hot dog there. What do I get from the website? \_ Why do you need a label? Politics isn't a fraternity, or at least it shouldn't be. \_ I'm just discussing self-identification. We are social creatures. \_ Like Governor Arnold you call yourself "fiscally conservative and socially liberal" - or vice versa. \_ 'fiscally conservative and socially liberal' = 'libertarian' We have a libertarian in office! Yay! -- libertarian \_ then you grow up and learn to define yourself by what you do and what you believe and not with soundbite friendly labels that mean nothing. \_ Look, labels are useful. They aren't 100% accurate and they aren't needed once you have a better understanding of the person in question. But, like most generalizations, they are useful. Someday you may "grow up" and realize this, but i'm by no means sure of that. -phuqm \_ based on your motd posts, i can think of several labels for you, but I'm pretty sure none of them are useful. asshole and moron come to mind, but that's just not useful. \_ Still wrong. "asshole" is a perfectly reasonable and "useful" lable. I apply it to myself all the time. For example, if you have friends that are as stupid as you are and who think similarly, you could say "that phuqm is an asshole, don't bother with him" That would very likely be useful to them. (And better it would probalbly serve me too). -phuqm |
2003/10/21-22 [Computer/SW/Languages/Perl, Computer/SW/Unix] UID:10725 Activity:moderate |
10/21 Hi is there a small utility on unix that can replace a word in a file? \_ perl -p -i .bak -e 's/oldWord/newWord/' file. If you want to replace all instances of oldWord with newWord, use 's/oldWord/newWord/g' \_ Actually, without the g it will replace the first instance of oldWord in each line. The g makes it replace every instance of oldWord per line. -geordan \_ Lots. Try sed. \_ the oneline perl script works great with one file. Is there a way to have it process whole bunch files like *.*? \_ Um... perl -p -i .bak -e 's/oldWord/newWord/' * \_ uh no, got an "invalid argument" error \_ here's where you copy paste the exact command you used along with exact error you got, and we go from there. |
2003/10/21 [Recreation/Computer] UID:29580 Activity:moderate |
10/20 I'm 35 years old and I'm on friendster. I have about 80 friends on friendster, and I'd say 65 of those are either from HS or college while the other 15 are acquaintances that I met after college. Is it normal to not make any real friends after college? \_ I have made some. It is not normal. \_ Let's step back a bit here. You say you have 80 friends. You 'know' them and maintain contact via friendster. Those aren't friends. They're just people you know and maybe even like. Friends are people who are there for you and willing to risk your friendship to save you from yourself and others. Friends will sacrifice time and money and go out of their way for your benefit even when you're being a dweeb. No one has 80 friends. To answer your question now: people make just as many real friends after college as they do during or before. You just have more people to party with from your earlier days than most. \_ don't be a loser! Get out of the house! Here, make a movie this weekend: http://www.48hourfilm.com/sanfran_2003.htm \_ normal? who cares what's normal? it's normal to spend most of your time sitting in front of the tv, driving around, working in a cubicle with people you hate, and getting wasted with the poeple from work who you hate the least. \_ hey that sounds like me, except the driving around part since I live only 3 miles from work -happy sysadm who lives in mountain view \_ So you RIDE BIKE! to work to USE LINUX! and LIGHT CANDLE? Once there do you USE SHOWER? \_ less the driving around part, it sounds vaguely japanese salary person -ish. \_ you should question whether the friends from HS and college are really "close" friends, or are they just "acquaintances"? most of my friends from HS and college turn out not to be as great of friends as the ones I made after college. or maybe the friends you made after college are too mature for friendster ;) j/k. \_ I keep in contact with one friend from HS and none from college, unless you count my gf. Most of my friends I met after college. \_ Do you count siblings? \_ They're never friends. You're splitting the estate with them. They're just competition. \_ 7 HS, 3 College, 11 Post-College. I went to Cal, so I made no friends in college. 25 years old. \_ Only 80? I have 29,000+ friendster friends. |
2003/10/21 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:29581 Activity:nil 80%like:10706 |
10/20 Any recommendations for colocation or dedicated server with debian? \_ I always wondered why people care what distro they're using for a server system. What's the difference? A server is a platform for remote applications. It shouldn't matter what directory layout exists below the application layer. \_ heh, as if. \_ no, really, I mean it. it shouldn't matter. \_ okay what about a dedicated server recommendation with Any BSD or Slackware, Suse, or Debian Linux? Thanks -op. \_ Check http://www.webhostingtalk.com |
2003/10/21 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:29582 Activity:high |
10/20 Great Libertarian party statement re: Rush Limbaugh's drug habit: http://www.lp.org/press/archive.php?function=view&record=652 \_ I'm unimpressed. Even Pat Buchannan occasionally has a good point. Libertarians are, overall, far more evil and influential than Buchannan and his neo nazi buddies will ever be in this country. Fuck the libertarians. \_ err...libertarians are influential? since when?!! \_ http://www.cato.org \_ err...libertarians are evil? since when?!! |
2003/10/21 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/Taiwan] UID:29583 Activity:insanely high |
10/20 Informal troll: 1) Taiwan is a renegade of China and should be integrated into the great China ASAP 2) Taiwan should be independent 3) Taiwan should restore the old Republic and reestablish democracy in the mainland. Vote now: 1: .. \_ Which of you idiots is advocating the enslavement of a country lucky enough to be free of a corrupt communist regime, which gave the world such nice things as Tienenmin (sp) Square? 2: . 3: ... \_ Is this poll about what I want to happen, or what I think is feasible without going to war, or what I think is most likely to happen? 1: .. \_ Which of you idiots is advocating the enslavement of a country lucky enough to be free of a corrupt communist regime, which gave the world such nice things as Tienenmin (sp) Square? \_ Tian An Men = Gate of Heavenly Peace. 2: . 3: ... 4: .. \_ to OP: I presume you are a student from Taiwan who left Taiwan long time ago. You might want to take a closer look at Taiwan today and see how economically dependent it is to the motherland. The high political charge/emotions lead by President Lee no longer strike a chord to the majority of people, as they are now plagued by unemployments. If you are looking for stragetic independence, then, I can tell you that it is impossible simply because Taiwan is 100 miles off the coast of the mainland. If you are looking for economic independence, well, President Lee tried to persuate business communities invest in Indonisia and Cambodia instead in the past, and I don't know if you realize how diseasterous it was. If you are looking for political independence, well, Taiwan has never being ruled by the CCP. What more do you want when you are already extracting all the economic benefit of the mainland while not being rule by its draconian government? The smartest thing Taiwan can do is simply keep it mouth shut and wait and see. If the mainland turned out to be ok economically and politically, then, what is wrong with return to the motherland? If mainland imploded, then, you don't need even to do much to be independent. \_ When I grew up in 1980 I was taught to fight the communist and take back China. I even remember the anti-communist songs we sang back elementary school (starting in 3rd grade). It's pretty funny now that I think about it. How could tiny little Taiwan fight the communists and take back its motherland? Har har. Oh well. -Taiwanese who grew up there in the 80s \_ Yea, but at least Taiwan outlasted communism in PRC, and is instrumental in prodding PRC towards greedy capitalism. Unfortunately, Taiwan isn't setting a very good example as a democracy, with Lee and Chen playing divisive politics. \_ It becomes a problem if there is a pro-Democracy revolution in China. But the higher ups really will try their best to prevent that from happening ... \_ Improve English first lah. I presume you are from PRC? \_ Taiwan will never become a part of China until China becomes a democracy. This is very, very likely. No one wants a shooting war. It's all posturing. What do I mean by posturing? Look at all the votes for 3. This is a game mostly about China being able to say it's boss -- stability is China's number one priority. \_ About 4: I think it's possible, and you might see it in your lifetime. Wait 20 years. \_ 4 sounds good to me. I consider that a victory for Taiwan - tainan taiwanese. \_ and a victory for the united states, south korea, japan, russia, one billion chinese, and basically everyone else in the world except North Korea. \_ don't forget those who want TI at all cost, and perhaps some US right wingers. |
2003/10/21 [Reference/Religion] UID:29584 Activity:nil |
10/20 To the "athiest" who wants an honest response from a Christian regarding religion and faith: Are you an athiest? or are you searching? I believe that determining whether there is a Creator can be done through reason. \_ I'm glad you have faith in that assertion, because there's no other way to establish it! Now to determine God's nature, or whether Jesus Christ is God requires some faith. For those who are searching, good for you. Even though I am a Christian, go ahead and do look at the other religions. See what makes them tick, and try to understand each. Of course, since I have faith that Jesus Christ is God, I would like to introduce you to the Faith. You may accept it. You may reject it. It is up to you what to do with that information. I do hope that you do look at Christianity with an open mind, even if you do look at other Religions. We can discuss by email if you wish. \_ Unfortunately, Christianity and imperalism are inseperable. Even today, I can see elements of White Man's Burden when I look at these missionaries and their mindsets, even though Christanity's orgin has nothing to do with caucasian nor race. Instead of focusing on things like creation of Universe, try to look at the not-so-gorious aspect of history, i.e. time between fall of Roman Empire and 1500 A.D. Until you understand why people hate Christians, don't try to convince them to join your camp. \_ are you the same person discussing way down below or a different person? \_ It's not me, that's for sure. -- agnostic (weak atheist) \_ I encourage you to keep on searching among the different religions. I do hope you get a good representative to represent Christianity. There are many different "Christian" categories too such as Catholicism and different Protestant sects. And even among them, more liberal, or conservative members. \_ and, of course, they're each the One True Way. \_ Christians do look at the creation of the Universe. Very definitely. It shows God the Creator. Jews believe that the Messiah is still coming. As for Christians, they believe the entire time is part of God's salvation history. Jesus Christ is but one part of the entire truth, IMHO. \_ That's kinda a moot point, unless you're talking about Catholics. Most Christian religions believe that was a time of apostacy, when the church was corrupt and the truth could not be taught. \_ I agree. as an athiest, i view protestant religions as evil idiocy and catholicism as an evil cult. that's an important difference. \_ are you trying to create some devisiveness between Catholics and Protestants? \_ Best. Oblivious-to-the-obvious. Troll. EVER. \_ So how do you explain pre-Christian Roman imperialism, or Chinese imperialism, etc. ? \_ The statement "Xianity and imperialism are inseparable" would be better phrased "Xianity implies imperialism." The proof that the inverse is not necessarily true is left to the reader. \_ What you have, is at best, a weak correlation. Early Christianity flourished under Rome's prosecution Christianity in Korea flourished under Japan's (Shinto) rule. Pressures from British missionaries and churches were key to ending the opium trade in China (against British business interest). Pre-Islamic expansion Christianity in Africa has nothing to do with imperialism. Imperialism deeply affected Asia, Africa and the Americas, but thhe only place were I see a significant corelation is the Americas, and the Filipines. \_ ObTroll: Rome and Japan were merely fighting the imperialistic infection of Xianity in their respective spheres of influence. That Xianity was viral and grassroots in these cases changes nothing about the imperialistic dreams of its proponents-- they were simply far-sighted in their ambitions to bring about the Kingdom of God. \_ You actually think that the motive of the Dutch and British East India Companies is to bring about the Kingdom of God? Ha, what a joke. \_ You actually believe that Japan killed tens of millions of Chinese, Koreans, etc. to preempt Christianity? \_ Pressures from British missionaries and churches were key to ending the opium trade in China? I thought the monarch was the head of the church there. \_ Ah, but am I permitted to reject your god? Christian sects are rooted in evangelizing. It is not enough that they are Christians, everyone must be. They must be converted to the Christian god. Some people really find that irritating. \_ Yes, you can reject God. But duh, of course we're going to share our relationship with God. It's not relativism. It's what we think is true. |
2003/10/21 [Recreation/Dating, Computer/SW/OS/FreeBSD] UID:29585 Activity:nil |
10/21 What are key troll words? Here are a few to start us out: sex, marriage, israel, WMD, conservative, liberal, bike, linux, windows, bsd, berkeley \_ Iraq, Taiwan |
3/15 |