2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:10645 Activity:nil |
10/16 Play games while peeing. http://web.media.mit.edu/~hayes/mas863/urinecontrol.html \_ typical idiotic useless media lab product. if they just designed a loud buzzer that would sound off when some asshole pees on the floor, it would cost less, and actaually do something usefull. but, of course, if it was usefull, the media lab wouldn't care about it. \_ No stranger than etching a fly in the bottom of the urinal. See, some people appreciate creativity. \_ I just tried it. It's fun. \_ Dude, get over it. \_ While I think it's really lame technically and socially, from the perspective of exposure and media coverage, it is a BRILLIANT idea. MIT realizes that technology is only a small part of what make a product or a company or a school great, and they do a really good job reaching out to the public. I just wish that Berkeley could be more detail oriented and be as good as MIT. \_ Berkeley is above such things. If you were concerned with the real world you wouldn't have attended Berkeley. Or at least that's what my favorite college drop out csua member would say. |
2003/10/16 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:10646 Activity:low |
10/15 What the FUCK is wrong with these people? The "Jews control the world" notion is supposed to be limited to dumbshits. -nerdy asian \_ you mean shiites? http://csua.org/u/4pw \_ It is, what's your point? \_ agree, Jews controls US foreign policy, thus, in effect, control the world. \_ do you also believe there's a conspircy among long dicked black men to rape your white wife? back to the 50's, you neanderthal. \_ may be this would make you feel better, Malaysia has been racially discrimiting ethnic Chinese for DECADES. So, Jewish boys and girls, you are not alone. \_ no, it doesn't. as a jew I don't think its ok that the malai or anyone else are discriminating against more than just my people. i feel as badly for the kurds, for example, as i do for my own. the irish. the tibetans. what remains of the american indians and those still there in southern mexico. and anyone else you can think of who is abused for nothing more than being different from the majority population. i hope you thought you were being funny (you weren't) because the alternative is truly sickening. \_ It's not that simple. They are not "abused" just for being "different from the majority". The chinese and jews control much of the economic power and make up the business class. There's much more to this than what the Kurds/Irish/Tibetans have going on. \_ Yet another racist canard. Please post your url that proves the banks, businesses, etc are owned by those evil zoggian jews and their wicked chinese business associates. The very thought itself is standard racist drivel meant to create an "us vs them" dichotomy so it's easier for the weak minded to hate people they've never met. Again, I would ask you to keep your racist fears of The Other off the motd. I doubt anyone wants to hear your concerns about black men with large dicks raping your wife, the vietnamese family across the street dognapping your pet for a meal or how you *know* that arab taxi driver went the wrong way intentionally so he could fuck you for an extra buck. |
2003/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:10647 Activity:nil |
10/15 http://radix.cryptio.net/~emechler/engineer.jpg Truer words were never spoken.... |
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito, Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Motd] UID:10648 Activity:nil |
10/15 Who is psb, danh, and aspolito? Someone please describe each person in one sentence or less. Thanks. -newbie \_ psb: cross Sideshow Bob from the Simpsons with one of the alien goths from Dark City. danh: a magnet for chaos, knows where all the weirdest shows are and has a terrible relationship with money. The CSUA mascot, he was once the entire politburo because everyone else resigned. aspolito: the reason your mom didn't want you to go to Berkeley. Like one of the Cenobites from Hellraiser. Except with scat porn. \_ newbie, contact me and I will show you The Way. -brain \_ They are all great guys, super smart and nice and handsome. \_ except danh \_ So, why didn't any one of them run for Governor? \_ They knew they couldn't compete with Georgy \_ Believe everything you read on the motd. Everything you read on the motd is guaranteed by the University of California and the Regents to be The Truth. \_ It is not important that psb. Rather, it is crucial that !psb. |
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll] UID:10649 Activity:low 66%like:28788 |
10/15 [troll deleted] \_ Fuck you. You just dont dare to face your own history. \_ anything that you don't like is considered "troll." Freedom of speech is protected as long as [censored]. \_ I don't agree with you. \_ troll restored. see above thread. Freedom of speech is protected as long as they are agree with you. |
2003/10/16 [Computer/Networking] UID:10650 Activity:nil |
10/15 rip bluetoosh http://www.eetimes.com/story/OEG20031013S0040 |
2003/10/16 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Others] UID:10651 Activity:nil |
10/15 Syria here we come! http://uk.news.yahoo.com/031015/325/eb82o.html \_ finally \_ US from the East, Israel from the South, bye bye Syria \_ I think we should attack the mad mullahs of Iran first. \_ I say we start 2nd Korean War before Iran. This is good shit, we are conquering barbarians everywhere. \_ Let's follow up with Saudi Arabia and then maybe Kazakhstan or sth. \_ then Yemen, Indonesia... \_ You guys aren't even trolls. You're just dumbasses. \_ It's like Maddie said at her confirmation hearing regarding the use of the military. She said the reason to have a military is to use it. She's an ugly old crone but she's a neocon at heart. \_ Ok, let's get this in order: 1. Korea 2. Syria 3. Iran 4. Malaysia (damned racists!) 5. China (Star Wars Episode V) |
2003/10/16 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA/Troll/Aspolito] UID:10652 Activity:nil |
10/15 We are taking suggestions as to what may have led aspolito to to go completely apeshit and avoid all his friends. person with best suggestion wins dinner with him. \_ Missed his period? \_ lost job, lost girlfriend, dog ran away? \_ unlikely \_ he definitely had a girlfriend at one point \_ I find that frightening. \_ I heard he and PSB are on a church retreat in South Korea, learning how to serve God. \_ crack? \_ Someone said he had been without sleep for a couple of days. \_ sounds like crack to me.... \_ maybe he read that article about the Golden Gate Bridge \_ How about danh, being danh, was totally unbearable to aspo, annoyed aspo somehow beyond endurance, and got dumped in Seattle for being intolerable? I think that's more likely than anything else. \_ i'm really not that annoying. really. - danh \_ Dan, are you really telling us that you did *nothing* to provoke aspo's behavior? We've only heard your side of it after all. \_ nah, nah. not annoying in a general sense, just... annoying *to aspo*. dig? \_ if that's the case, then everyone is unbearable to aspo. \_ Frankly, who cares? It's just another childish acting out phase. Only one of many he's had over the years. Or just the same one going on for a really long time depending on how you look at it. |
2003/10/16 [Reference/History/WW2/Germany] UID:10653 Activity:nil |
10/15 \_ http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/Space/2003/10/15/226775-ap.html Hahaha, conservatives LOSE again. \_ "After five years of virtual house arrest and secret negotiations between Washington and Beijing, Tsien left for his homeland in 1955." \_ the negotiation was for downed US pilots from the Korean War. \_ Yes, because "the conservatives" live in a different world so when something bad happens to this country it only hurts them, but the american hating crowd has somehow thing crow about. Sheesh, whatever. With or without this guy they'd be in the same place. They'd just have stolen whatever this guy didn't learn about the V2 from von Braun. \_ Unfortunately, unlike the neanderthals, the "conservatives" still live among us, and their stupidity continues to cost us dearly. I forgot, what's the name of the idiot whose name is synonymous to the 1950s political witch hunt in the US? \_ Joseph McCarthy. Ann Coulter idolizes him. Seriously. |
2003/10/16-17 [Academia/Berkeley/Classes] UID:10654 Activity:moderate |
10/16 Has anyone of you made it through a CS course by watching the recorded lecture webcasts at <DEAD>webcat.berkeley.edu<DEAD> instead of attending the lectures. Is that doable? I am thinking of taking CS61B next semester but its lecture time conflicts with some other class that I really must take next semester too. \_ what happens if the midterms/final are at the same time? \_ The finals don't conflict. I hope the midterms don't conflict. If they do, is likely one of the two classes will have an alternative midterm for people with scheduling conflicts. \_ what's the other class? cs profs usually won't give midterms on alternative dates. humanities *might*, but also not likely. \_ Why are undergrads posting on the MOTD? \_ We still allow that. \_ Because CSAA makes us sound like a 12-step program. \_ Look buddy, you're way off topic here. This is not the proper forum to discuss CS or undergraduate related issues. \_ aw, give him the benefit of the doubt. maybe he's a bitter, laid off guy in his 40's who's going back to school. \_ If hte lecture times conflict, does Tele-BEARS (or whatever on-line \_ If the lecture times conflict, does Tele-BEARS (or whatever on-line interface these days) let you sign up at all? |
2003/10/16 [Recreation/Activities] UID:10655 Activity:nil |
10/16 http://www.terrisfight.org/lead.htm Feeding tube removed from comatose woman at center of long-running legal battle http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1001737/posts \_ These are always tough fights and really punishing on everyone in the family but the courts almost always decide in favor of death. Whether this is a good or bad thing is entirely subjective. I'm not sure what I'd want done for/to me if I was in that situation. I'm sure as hell not in a position to say so for anyone else. |
2003/10/16 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10656 Activity:nil |
10/16 "Bush told his senior aides Tuesday that he "didn't want to see any stories" quoting unnamed administration officials in the media anymore, and that if he did, there would be consequences, said a senior administration official who asked that his name not be used." http://www.philly.com/mld/inquirer/news/nation/7023679.htm \_ See? Bush is an effective leader. \_ Yeah, you can do better. \_ That's quite a vote of confidence! "G. W. Bush: Better Than Some Guy on the Internet". And I think just about any idiot here could manage to get through 4 years without turning an enormous budget surplus into a deficit, selling out the environment, throwing away the last bit of American moral authority, destroying civil liberties, and enforcing a no-tell secrecy policy more ridiculous than Nixon's. Bush is is incompetent, naturally incompetent; but it must have taken him a great deal of pains to become what we now see him. Such an excess of stupidity, sir, is not in Nature. \_ Yeah, he's so stupid. I agree. It would have been so much better under Gore. The economy which was already tanking before the election would have been stellar, the terrorists would have loved us and had us over for tea and the whole world would join in mass group hugs televised from the UN. |
2003/10/16 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia] UID:10657 Activity:nil |
10/16 That whore Coulter is at it again! http://www.townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/ac20031016.shtml \_ I hate Coulter, and think she is an evil stupid bitch. That being said, the above column is the first thing I've ever read by Coulter that I agree with 100%. \_ I love Coulter, (though she has said some evil and bitchy things) and this is one of many(most?) columns that i don't agree with 100%. 1.) liberals rarely claim to have no morals. They are easy targets for the label "hypocrite" see, fore example The ex-governor and all the liberals that hoped to replace him. 2.) She quotes Rush then says "[What should he have said? that drugs are GOOD?]" NO, the part that is hypocritical is the part about SENDING THEM "up the river" You don't have to be pro-drug use to support decriminilization. Jeesh. Now that being said, the general point that liberals cream their pants every time a con. gets caught moraly weak and that it's not nec. wrong to espouse strengths that you yourself may not have, are all good. And there's no doubt that Evan Thomas (like most writers for Newsweek - or Time) is a complete moron and hack. but overall it is not one of her best articles. -phuqm \_ The problems come in when those pundits use there moral base to launch attacks at opponents (e.g. draft dodging pot smoker hippy clinton), and then showing themselves as hypocrits. These people must be held responsible on both sides. \_ She has absolutely no point. Hypocrisy _is_ the great sin in politics. If a majority elects you in, knowing your foibles, you have a true mandate. If you don't practice what you preach, I really don't want to hear your damn preaching. --scotsman \_ Is that really her picture? Looks fairly hot! \_ she is fairly hot. -phuqm. \_ http://www.anncoulter.org/images/webimages/annblack.jpg \_ Yeah, always thought that was the only reason she really got anywhere - all the ultra right wing sexually frustrated dudes get all worked up imagining themselves giving it to her from behind. "Oh! Oh! Your cock is so big and tax-free!" \_ http://www.architectureink.com/tirade/coulter.htm \_ Um. Wow. \_ It's a poor b/w picture. I remember her showing skin once on Politically Incorrect \_ = good or bad? hot or not? \_ page doesn't load. \_ Yes, Coulter is hot but you know she only gets air time because she's hot. She has nothing to say. We should ignore her. We all know she's just another Eeevvvviiill BushCo Conspirator!!! \_ Ann Coulter needs to eat a sandwich. She looks like a crack junky to me. |
2003/10/16 [Recreation/Dating, Health/Disease/AIDS] UID:10658 Activity:nil |
10/16 I'm not sure if the aids infected guy is worse or his wife: http://www.thisislondon.com/til/jsp/modules/Article/print.jsp?itemId=7172821 |
2003/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:10659 Activity:nil |
10/16 Coca Culture: One more reason why we'll never win the drug war Note: This was written by a Quechua coca farmer in Bolivia. http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/15/opinion/15ZURI.html |
2003/10/16 [Uncategorized] UID:10660 Activity:nil |
10/15 I am so glad that we complete our ethnic cleansing to all the Indian tribes before they learn how to make bombs and resist our occupation. God has indeed blessed America. \_ Do you have a point? Some of us Indian tribal types still exist and don't want to be used as your political point for some other problem you've got. Thanks. \_ I think you should work on getting a nuclear program... \_ We're everywhere. |
2003/10/16-17 [Transportation/Car/RoadHogs] UID:10661 Activity:high |
10/16 Is there a reason why Tiger Woods who is in his 20s is in a Buick commercial, a car company that usually appeals to people who are ummmmm, significantly older than 20s? \_ $$$ ? \_ Golf appeals to older people? \_ It's not your Father's Buick anymore? \_ That it's your father's car is exactly the reason they want to have someone like Tiger Woods in Buick commercials. \_ Agreed, ever since Buick started making SUVs. Same for Cadellac, Oldsmobile and Mercedes. |
2003/10/16-17 [Computer/SW/P2P] UID:10662 Activity:high |
10/16 Are there any p2p applications that use port 80? \_ I know there're some that use HTTP, though I'm not sure which ones |
2003/10/16-17 [Computer/SW/Apps/Media, Consumer/Audio] UID:10663 Activity:nil |
10/16 When you buy a song from iTune, what format, and bit rate are the delivered version?? thx. \_ http://www.apple.com/itunes/overview.html About the middle of the page, under "AAC: MPEG-4 audio" \_ i've read it, it says nothing about the technical aspect, what bitrate? are there different versions of the song? one with higher bitrate? \_ the implication from the page is 128 kbps. \_ on a related topic: are there any iTunes-wanna-bes that are selling songs in some DRM-less format? \_ http://eMusic.com (MP3 format), monthly fee (not per song). |
2003/10/16-17 [Uncategorized] UID:10664 Activity:high |
10/16 Let's go Red Sox!!! \_ Yan-kees su-uck!!! (cmon, motd censor, nobody likes the Yankees) \_ For this round alone, I do. -- bitter A's fan \_ Man, I feel you, but I still hate the Yankees more. \_ NOW IT'S TIME FOR "GO MARLINS!!!!!!" -- bitter A's fan |
2003/10/16-17 [Recreation/Travel/LasVegas] UID:10665 Activity:nil |
10/16 Oh my god is it true aspolito is filming Bumfight videos in Las Vegas? |
2003/10/16 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:10666 Activity:nil |
10/16 Why are conservatives so up in arms about illegal immigrants when they're obviously so good for business? You don't see them picketing, complaining about better wages or benefits, or making any effort to be a squeaky wheel at all. We've already seen that profits trump patriotism (Halliburton under Cheney doing big business in Iraq during the sanctions, Reagan selling missiles to Iran for profit, etc). \_ When did you stop beating your wife? \_ The same reason Strom Thurmond switched parties when the Republicans became the new home of southern racists. They blather about morality, but if you look at their other positions racism is the only explanation for the American "conservative" stance on immigration. \_ (a) it's not obvious that they are, when costs to the government are taken into account, and (b) there is a moral argument to be made which is that illegals are breaking the law to be here, and should be deported on those grounds alone. \_ a law that is meagerly enforced, and arguably ineffective because its aim is wrong. If they targeted the demand instead of the supply, they'd go further in curbing "illegal" immigration \_ Often when people get up in arms about an issue it's because they're upset with other things in life and want to feel the pleasure of righteous anger by loudly decrying another group. This is true of both liberals and conservatives. -emin \_ If someone is willing to answer the question: How many people should live in the United States? Then all these issues are easily resolved. -ax \_ that question has no answer. \_ Or What should the population limit of the US be? -ax \_ the same question, the same lack of answer. It's a value judgement. \_ And if the answer is the set of Americans that include you minus one, how are we going to settle this? Fisticuffs at twenty paces? \_ The point is that all this discussion is based on the idea that the US grows without bound. If you set limits, you can set rates of immigration, etc. -ax \_ If you set limits, you must supply reasons for those limits. When you do that, you risk sounding like the previous waves of immigrants who were all for their own immigration but wanted the doors shut behind them. \_ I think it is trivial to prove that we should have limits. No one would like the country to have a population of zero. No one would like the country to have a population of 172 Trillion. I think it is obvious that there is some "ideal" zone somewhere between those two and it is the job of the political process to decide where than number is. Personally, I think the United States and California would be better off with fewer people than we have now. \_ You seem to imply that there's no distinction possible between legal, authorized immigration and illegals. \_ Agreed with above. Even if there is no bound on the number of people who can live here, we, as a country, still reserve the right to choose who comes here, how they do it, and what conditions they should satisfy. \_ What is the basis of this "right"? \_ What is the basis of all rights? This is a good question but one which can be asked with equal force of illegal immigrants themselves: "What is the basis of their right to come to a country unlawfully?" -- ilyas \_ One might suggest that they were endowed by their creator with the right to pursue happiness. And while I don't agree, I definitely think that if one is going to restrict anothers free movement, it definitely falls on the restrictor to justify his right in doing so and not the other way around. -phuqm \_ The right to pursue happiness does not allow one to do so at the expense of someone else. Again, the issue boils down to the effects of illegal immigration on the host country. I take an even stronger position -- even if illegal immigration has an overall positive effect on a country, the country still need not allow it. The same principle applies to my house. I may benefit from having someone over for dinner, but I may not want company that day, and it's my right to refuse. -- ilyas \_ And it goes deeper than this. Was it easier at one point to get into the US? If so, what justifies making it harder now? And if it's unfairly more difficult now, migrating illegally becomes a noble and just activity. \_ It was also easier to break into someone's house because locks weren't as good, and doors weren't as sturdy. It seems perfectly justifiable to make breakins harder. \_ Breakins, yes, but why make it harder to immigrate legally? \_ Was legal immigration made more stringent? \_ That's the question, innit? \_ Perhaps because the country is getting over crowded. \_ Bzzt. There's still plenty of room in the cities and the countryside. \_ No there isn't. Not given the current infrastructure. There is room in some rural areas, but no immigrants ever go there because there is no work. \_ In the end, the fact is that the citizens of this country are here now. We may not "deserve" to be here any more than illegal immigrants however we are perfectly justified in protecting our own. If I buy land I am not forced to sell off bits of it to newcomers. Compared to old times, there is no longer wide open lands to settle (at least not where anybody actually wants to or does go). They pack into increasingly poor living areas and it's within our rights to regulate that process and do it under our terms. There are far more people in the world than we need. That's why we have to work our asses off to even afford a piece of land to live on. \_ I found this link interesting: -- ilyas |
3/15 |