2003/10/9 [Academia/UCLA] UID:10540 Activity:nil |
10/8 When I was in UCB I didn't have any sex, but now that I'm in UCLA, I'm having a LOT of sex. The ugrad girls here are definitely prettier and a lot hornier, and I guess they really dig grad students more than bitchy UCB girls. I really really like UCLA better than UCB. I'll take a lesser degree over a lot more sex any time. -happy ucla cs student \_ Your reporting is flawed. Were you an undergrad cs student at UCB? Have you changed your hygiene or attitude since you were at UCB? Are you paying for sex at UCLA? Are the ugrad girls you're sleeping with students of yours? It's hard for your peers to review your research when you're this vague. \_ Agreed. We need a peer reviewed journal for getting laid. \_ And no, "Penthouse Forum" doesn't count. \_ Glad you left UCB. I wish more people who were more interested in sex than an education would just go to the state schools and open slots for people who want good academics. \_ so...you're saying UCB is *not* a state school? \_ My apologies. California State University vs. University of California. \_ But last I heard, UCLA is University of California at Los Angeles. Or did it move to Los Alamos? \_ Sorry dude, but an education isn't just academics. And frankly, a lot of the undergrads at Cal are narrow-minded swamp pigs. I know that it makes a lot of Cal students bitter that there are good schools out there, bogus magazine rankings notwithstanding, where people do receive rewarding academic and personal development, end up with excellent jobs, AND have a bit of a life while doing it. Good job, UCLA student. -John \_ Bitter ex-Cal students that can't get laid pretty much explains the entire motd, really. \_ Wow, now that you mention it, that's actually pretty much spot-on... -John \_ Sorry to hear that John, come to California, and we'll get you laid. \_ "Ex-Cal Student" is about all I have in common with the demographic being discussed. I live on the continent of girls without major 'tudes, and "hey-it's-summer-let's-take-off-all-our-clothes". I am sometimes so glad I moved out of CA that it defies words. Even just leaving Berkeley was a huge eye-opener. -John \_ Yet, you are still in love with the motd, like a bitch in heat. |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10541 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 "Arnold Schwarzenegger strongly suggested that he would call on President Bush to provide federal aid to California." -nytimes Crap! Stupid Californians need us non-Californians to bail them out again. \_ I hope the Pres. refuses. Though some might say that the reason for letting the states stew was to prevent encouraging the states to run for federal aid whenever they have trouble. However, we did oust our Governor, so we are trying. Maybe that's an argument to rethink an aid package. \_ But that would leave less money for his golfing buddies who are rebuilding iraq! \_ CA gives more to the Feds than it receives each year. \_ So does my state. What's your point? That CA shouldn't pony up for its share of national defense? \_ Which state is that? \_ No, bitch, that both your state and ours should get a larger chunk of that sweet federal pie. \_ Keep your dirty paws off my pie! \_ But! CA voters, voters on the West Coast mostly, like to throw out their federally elected officials fairly often that they build almost no seniority. Which is why CA gets back so little. Look W.VA. miles of new highways going to cities with hardly any people. Why? KKK Byrd \_ Boxer and Feinstein have no seniority? Train harder young grasshopper. (also see Pete Stark, Nancy Pelosi...) \_ Yeah and look what they bring back... see any bases? Any kind of bacon? \_ CA should secede from the union. We can survive on our own. We are the 5th largest economy in the world. The fed tax we pay should cover our state deficit. \_ i guess that's one way ahnold can be president \_ Yeah... try that.. you forget about defense. Except for San Diego, there's not much left. Even San Diego lost the NTC and those enviro nuts want the carriers out of there. \_ What could possibly threaten California militarily except the US? And no amount of military force could defend against that threat, anyway. \_ Mexico? \_ Don't need defense when you're no longer "USA", and not poking you nose into middleast affairs. \_ Let's see. North Korea invades the Republic of California and then put tons of short-range missles here pointing to the USA. \_ Not possible. USA invades and occupies north korea before they have a chance to invade new CA. You think USA would let north korea to reach that far? \_ Of course not. US would just slap CA around like it does to Mexico. \_ CA != Mexico. \_ They _want_ us to secede. They'd invade, slap martial law on us, and never have to worry about winning the CA vote again. \_ We have no oil. No worries. \_ ??? We have oil, onshore and off. \_ Why doesn't North Korea invade Canada, then? |
2003/10/9 [Computer/SW/OS/Linux] UID:10542 Activity:nil |
10/8 Why does imagemagick on linux take SO MUCH longer than MS paint to resize a picture? \_ Define "SO MUCH longer". Have you timed how long it takes to launch paint, load a file, resize, and close? Are you resizing jpegs? Then remember that you're loading, decoding, resizing, encoding, saving. \_ I also believe ImageMagick defaults to using bilinear interpolation which results in a much nicer looking elargement than the naM-ove route. |
2003/10/9 [Computer/SW/Mail] UID:10543 Activity:nil |
10/8 I emailed my friend to her yahoo account and I got the following: Reporting-MTA: dns; http://soda.csua.berkeley.edu Received-From-MTA: DNS; localhost Arrival-Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 21:15:21 -0700 (PDT) Final-Recipient: RFC822; XXXXX@yahoo.com Action: failed Status: 5.5.0 Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 553 Mail from not allowed - VS99-IP1 deferred - see http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html (#5.7.1) Last-Attempt-Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 21:15:21 -0700 (PDT) Please don't tell me soda is on the open-relay list. How to fix this problem? \_ Yahoo has (apparently inadvertantly) blocked large swaths of the net because of a broken open relay test. They even have a large number of their own servers listed. Sigh. --scotsman \_ Stanfurd is also blocked according to the motd of a machine I have an account on. \_ Soda is not currently on any of the blacklists at http://rbls.org, and (according to pxytest and http://www.abuse.net/relay.html is not running any open proxies or open relays. I've mailed yahoo; hopefully it will be fixed soon. --mconst \_ How will they get the mail? \_ yeah, this sucks. What's going on? \_ me 2. Has someone mailed root? |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Foreign/Asia/China] UID:10544 Activity:nil |
10/8 what's the best source for China-related news(in English or Chinese)? \_ Asia Times is a good, indy HK rag, but they cover everything. http://www.atimes.com You could also try the South China Morning Post, but that requires a paid subscription. |
2003/10/9 [Uncategorized] UID:10545 Activity:nil |
10/8 Davis went to Stanfurd. How come we didn't kick him out earlier? \_ Uhm, probably because he's not a csua member. \_ NO WONDER he has no charisma. \_ From what I've seen of MOTD, you'd think it's the other way 'round. |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Domestic/Election] UID:10546 Activity:nil |
10/8 http://csua.org/u/4nt Patroit Act made Watergate legal \_ Why use a plumber when you can use the FBI? \_ boy, you would think this would be bigger news. One would also think the FBI would be quick to defend themsleves and at least MAKE UP some charge against the mayor. "Hey, he's black, so we are pretty sure he's a cocaine addict". It looks very bad that they can't even say why the bug is there. |
2003/10/9 [Reference/Law/Court] UID:10547 Activity:nil |
10/8 I just won in a Small Claims court and the Defendant applied for an appeal which will be in another court, NEXT YEAR. What are the chances that the appeal will go through? Should I attempt to negociate with the Defendant before next year? \_ how could we possibly tell without knowing more? \_ 1) Outlook not so good 2) Reply hazy, try again \_ whatcha win? \_ I lend him my vehicle and he crashed it and refused to pay for it. However both of us acknowledged that he had no license. The judge awarded me the full amount of the repair PLUS money I paid to a private investigator who found his address/new number because he did a pretty good job evading me (moved, changed #, etc etc). \_ For the sake of the motd's collective edification, can you tell us how you ended up lending your vehicle to him in the first place? Sounds strange given what you've mentioned, and no one would want to repeat whatever mistakes were made. |
2003/10/9 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Languages/Misc] UID:10548 Activity:kinda low |
10/8 my google foo is weak, any css wizes around here? I want to make a box.italic class that makes a little slanted box around whatever like so... ___________ / yermom / ----------- (but with solid lines). Can i do this? how?, o.k. thanks(ia) -phuqm \_ OK, since there are no constructive responses yet, I'll give it a crack- look at the code for the index page for slashdot- specifically the headers for each article. It's a image of a corner on a colored background. You can do something similar by defining a style and prepending a slanted mask to your SPAN and appending another at the end... If you want a border on this slanted monstrosity you are going to have to define a background also which will be covered by the slanted ends, and cannot use transparency. This is because the background will show through, so you have to cover it on the ends. For a similar reason you cannot use the CSS "border" attribute. For more ideas check out http://csszengarden.com -brain \_ I'm fairly competent with CSS, and this is probably beyond anything CSS 2 can reasonably do. http://www.csszengarden.com for some cool alternatives. \_ you can do this relatively easy using any server side language. \_ uh, if you can't get a browser to render a slanted box with solid lines, wtf can the server do about it? \_ I think he's talking about auto-generating an image with "yermom" in it. Don't do that though. \_ why would you need to auto-generate an image with yermom? there are plenty of those images on the web already. \_ I would do it because it is not always going to say yermom, sometimes it is going to say "whatever" (as the original example given). I could create a script which auto-generates an image with $words in it, but then i get into size issues, transparency issues and all kinds of crap. It is far from "easy" and far from optimal. -phuqm \_ One of many CSS-related bugs in M$ IE. |
2003/10/9 [Transportation/Car] UID:10549 Activity:nil |
10/9 I am thinking about buying an Acura or Infiniti. Does anyone here have shopping experience in both dealerships? How do they compare (in terms of both sales and service)? A related question... do these luxury brands (Acura, Infiniti, Lexus) treat you better than their mainstream counterparts (Honda, Nissan, Toyota)? \_ yes. they treat you better. -nivra \_ Doo! Honda Acura Integra hel-la fresh! Just make sure you get the big fat wing on the back, the bad window tinting and the huuuuge-ass pioneer sticker. -John \_ My caaa so haaaa! My hair so haaaa! \_ Sad to say, but these days it's either German or Japanese. Detroit only makes junk. Check out the Saturn Ion. The engineers must have been drunk. \_ And don't forget the "Hong Kong Student" sticker. :-) |
2003/10/9 [Science] UID:10550 Activity:nil |
10/9 I just want to say the technology behind OSes is cool. Reading about some the cool shit that is done behind the scenes make me intellectually wet. \_ really? try reading an abstract or linear algebra book sometime. \_ nerds \_ No no no, its NEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDS!!!!!! (with a bit of gutteral growling in the lower register of the "E" sounds) \_ Yeah, especially the http://BeEmployed.NET (TM) technology that Micro$oft engineers invented which creates security holes in the OS at run- time periodically. |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California] UID:10551 Activity:nil |
10/9 Is it possible to recall the president? \_ ohmygod it's a troll \_ I believe that's called impeachment. \_ That's a different process -- there's no federal mechanism for an electorate-initiated impeachment as such. The best you can do is raise enough ruckus in enough congressional districts that your congressman catches wind of it and gets the idea that that's what his people want. \_ Is there such thing as impeachment to the CA governor then? \_ No. The recall process in CA is state law. There is no process of that sort in US federal law. See above. \_ BTW for those trollers who think this recall law is unique it's on the books for 34 states and DC. \_ And has only been used twice to recall a governor. |
2003/10/9 [Computer/SW/Editors/Emacs] UID:10552 Activity:nil |
10/9 in elisp, what's the difference between setq and set-variable? I've googled to no avail. \_ According to M-x describe-function, the name of the variable in setq is not evaluated. So I guess you can't do something like "(setq (foo bar baz) 3)" but you can with set-variable. |
2003/10/9 [Reference/Religion] UID:10553 Activity:nil |
10/9 Egypt's new neoliberalism: http://mondediplo.com/2003/09/03egyptislam |
2003/10/9 [Uncategorized] UID:10554 Activity:kinda low |
10/9 What's a reel mower, how is it different than a regular mower? \_ Are you an idiot that doesn't know how to use Google? --dim \_ "who" not "that" \_ outdated grammar rule. both are acceptable. \_ That is a sentence fragment. --dim \_ Who is a sentence fragment? |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10555 Activity:nil |
10/9 Anybody experience mozilla(1.2) mail (on rare occasions) truncate sentences, like it will say "Arnie wo" instead of "Arnie won"? It looks good before I send it out but it's lost letters at the end of some lines by the time the recipient gets it. \_ Have you seen the same thing in copies sent to yourself? This may be on the receiver's side. I know mutt has a single line display limit of 255 characters. --scotsman \_ Upgrade to 1.4 \_ Does it fix it? Just wondering. Tried bugzilla but no hits. |
2003/10/9-10 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:10556 Activity:nil |
10/9 Yahoo is bouncing email from CSUA. We're working on resolving it. \_ Yahoo seems to be accepting mail again; if you're still getting bounces, could you please mail root? --mconst |
2003/10/9-10 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/SW/Editors/IDE] UID:10557 Activity:nil |
10/9 Anyone use Emacs for Java dvlpmt? What packages & modes do you use? \_ No. Eclipse. Eclipse. Eclipse. There is no other IDE. \_ Sure. Java mode. Cygwin. I had to tweak the elisp for java mode to make it work according to taste, but then, I'm kind of particular. \_ IntelliJ is pretty nice as well. \_ Wait for it...... \_ ED IS... ED IS THE... ED IS THE... \_ ED! ED! ED! \_ A horse is a horse of course of course But Mister ED is a talking horse \_ Of course! ED! is the Standard Talking Horse! \_ ED and the Horse, Having an intercourse. "Ya doin' him anal?" "Of course, of course." said the Talking Horse. |
2003/10/9-10 [Academia/Berkeley/CSUA] UID:10558 Activity:nil |
10/9 /var full. /csua/tmp full. Clean up yer shite! -- crusty old alum |
2003/10/9-10 [Computer/HW/Drives] UID:10559 Activity:nil |
10/9 Can somebody post the SJ Mercury News link to the weekly Fry's newsprint sales ads? Thx. \_ http://techbargains.com posts a link for the Bay Area and Orange ads on fridays. \_ http://newspaperads.mercurynews.com/advertisers.asp?aid=32664&ppg=1 \_ Thanks. Is there any such equivalent site that shows Fry's ads in Southern Cal area? \_ OC Register and LA Times used to, but it doesn't appear that they do anymore. |
2003/10/9 [Uncategorized] UID:10560 Activity:nil 80%like:28262 85%like:29838 |
10/9 is /var/mail full again? \_ Is it ever not? |
2003/10/9 [Recreation/Dating, Politics/Domestic/Crime] UID:10561 Activity:nil |
10/9 http://www.cnn.com/2003/LAW/10/09/bryant.case/index.html Allegations detailed (Kobe is going to jail!) |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/California, Politics/Domestic/SocialSecurity] UID:10562 Activity:nil |
10/9 Texas Republican Party Platform for 2000: http://csua.org/u/4o6 How can Democrats be "left wing loonies" and yet Republicans that propose platforms like this are moderate and reasonable? Check out especially the bits about abolishing the income tax, taking away the Supreme Court's ability to determine the Constitionality of a law under the bill of rights, and the bit about re-annexing Panama. Look here for a good summary: http://www.calpundit.com/archives/002393.html And here for a California Democratic Platform for comparison: \_ Sounds like the AIP platform. Wow. \_ What's wrong with abolishing the income tax? It's an abomination, at least in its current form. -John \_ Why is it an abomination? It needs to more progressive, especially the SS payroll tax, but other than that I don't see it being worthy of that particular adjective. Besides, John, aren't you in Europe, home of the VAT and the 45% marginal rate? \_ The 2002 platform (a pdf), contains a ringing endorsement of the Pres.'s "War on Terrorism," concluded with an exuberant Texan "LET'S ROLL!" Yeah, they're all level-headed. \_ " we urge our legislators to fully investigate and prosecute, where appropriate, any breeches in national security" I hate it when pants end up in the national security, too. Sheesh, can't these guys afford a proof reader? |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Domestic/RepublicanMedia, Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10563 Activity:nil |
10/9 Just like we told you all along: Republicans are misinformed about the world. Fox News is part of the reason why: http://www.rense.com/general42/werep.htm \_ I like Republican bashing as much as the next guy, but I don't know if that study proves causation. I think its just as likely that one might be more willing to watch Fox News *because* you are misinformed or deluded. \_ I want a study comparing the perceptions of those who watch Fox vs Al-Jazeera. |
2003/10/9 [Academia/GradSchool] UID:10564 Activity:nil |
10/9 nweaver, dpet, and other grad students... do you guys actually have time to enjoy yourselves (e.g. Warcraft, Counterstrike, movies, fine dining, etc)? -thinking about grad school \_ depends on lots of factors... (advisor, group, research area...). I've enjoyed grad school, and know a lot of others who also did so. -mds |
2003/10/9 [Uncategorized] UID:10565 Activity:nil |
10/9 John, come to LA, we'll party -ucla cs student \_ I smell a rat - !John \_ I smell yermom -A rat |
2003/10/9 [Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Iraq] UID:10566 Activity:nil |
10/9 What does 87 billion look like? http://www.crunchweb.net/87billion \_ $166B total. Why does fixing up Iraq need $6385 per Iraqi? That's way overpriced! We're not building everything from scratch. \_ But Halliburton does *quality* work. \_ That is just the down payment. \_ Why are they using $1 bills? There exist $1000 and possibly $10000 bills |
2003/10/9-10 [Computer/Companies/Yahoo] UID:10567 Activity:nil |
10/9 I can't send mail to yahoo. I tried 4 different address. And the same result: ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <address@yahoo.com> (reason: 553 Mail from not allowed - VS99-IP1 deferred - see http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-02.html (#5.7.1)) It seems that we are considered an open relay or something. Can this be fixed? \_ uh, hello? see the bottom of the motd? \_ oops \_ It's been quite a few hours, and it's still a problem. What's up with this? \_ Yahoo has already been contacted about their mistake. What more do you want? \_ I want them to fix it, of course. Or, maybe someone understands better than me why it's taking so long. \_ Because yahoo is gigantic, and has very poor external communication skills. I'm on a few lists with yahoo contacts, and they have been apprised of the situation and are working on it. --scotsman \_ doesn't nickkral work at yahoo? what a useless contact \_ looks like it's fixed now |
3/15 |