2003/10/6 [Computer/Domains] UID:10483 Activity:nil |
10/6 Is there a network-slowing virus going around? I keep getting timeouts on DNS lookups and connection attempts. \_ Usually. \_ It's because stupid ICAAN made Verisign turn off their new service. It was helping the Internet and now it's worse off again. \_ Now who will help me find http://www.verisignsucksass.com ?! \_ How is it worse off? The net doesn't work the way you seem to think it works. Their stupid 'service' wasn't speeding the net. |
2003/10/6 [Uncategorized] UID:10484 Activity:nil |
10/6 MAME Jump! http://www.powerstrike.net/Tehkan/mamejump.html |
2003/10/6 [Reference/Tax] UID:10485 Activity:moderate |
10/6 Does anyone else remember back a couple of years when they lowered the "car tax" by 2/3s? And all the statements that this would probably have to be revisited in times of a shortfall. Davis didn't "triple the car tax." He gave relief when we could, and asked us to tighten when we couldn't. How short memories are. \_ yep you're right, but that doesn't make a good sound bite \_ Yeah, just like "temporary" tax increases. \_ I remember. I also remember when sales tax was 3.5%. When does it end? --dim \_ I remember when the bridge was $1 and BART parking was free and it cost $2 to cross the entire length of BART. I'm not sorry that the people finally got some of their money back. \_ BART parking is not free? When did this change? I think it still is free. \_ There are free and pay sections of BART parking. \_ The original promise when BART was created was there would never be a charge to park at BART. Another broken promise. So now they charge and the lot where I live has v promise. So now they charge and the lot where I live has 1/2 to 1/3 as many cars in it as it did when it was free. they gained a few $1/day parkers at the expense of many more $5/day riders. Stupid, stupid, stupid. I didn't have to pay for parking because there's always room in the free lot. I just walk further now. \_ Oh yeah? Well I remember when we had to walk to school, in the snow, uphill both ways! And we liked it! \_ You had legs? We didn't have legs. \_ Yeah, I remember this, too. No good deed goes unpunished. \_ i was bitching about the tax relief at the time. Any tax relief, including this stupid car tax, is benefiting the wealthy. I don't pay that much car tax on my $19k CR-V. \_ What are YOU complaining about. I drive a 13.5-year old Civic. I still get 30+ mpg, too. I still get 30+ mpg, too. \_ Buy a new car you loser! Help the economy! \_ Are you a complete idiot? The registration fee (car tax) is regressive, like sales tax, etc. \_ Do you mean that it taxes poor people more? How so? It's definitely not progressive, but that doesn't actually make regressive. \_ Yes, it is. A poor person buys a $15k car and pays a much higher percentage of their income in tax than a rich person buying a $85k car. Anyway, this is all backwards. Tax reduction don't benefit anyone. The original tax was designed to punish the wealthy in the first place and getting rid of it just restores fairness. Being rich isn't a crime... yet. \_ Fair is subjective. Those who benefit the most from society bear the greatest interest in supporting it via their taxes. That'd be fair. Rich fucks complaining about taxes make me sick. Like they would be junkies if the marginal tax rate was 70% like it was before. Wow, you mean they might WORK LESS? After making 40 million? Wow, what a fucking bad thing it would be for them to spend time with their kids or working with their community. \_ Or producing jobs and growing the economy. Yeah, \_ Less tax on profits stimulate jobs... Really? Someone better call the economy and tell it it's been stimulated. \_ Indeed. Say I'm a business owner. Suddenly I'm making more profit on the same workforce and my production isn't slacking. I'm going to hire more workers... why? that would suck! Tax the rich til they aint rich no more! The poor already get more in services than \_ Or they simply leave the state. they could possibly afford to pay the real price of. Police, fire, emergency medical, 911, paved roads, garbage collected, electrical and phone and housing at rates *well* below market value, etc. This is the 5 second short list off the top of my head. If you're poor and not taking advantage of the free education offered in this country to improve your lot in life then I have absolutely no sympathy for you. I'm neither rich nor poor. I work 40-70 hours a week based on company need and it sucks and I don't whine about how the gub'ment *owes* me anything or that I'm *entitled* to anything. When the hell did we start refering to welfare and other social(ist) programs as "entitlements" anyway? What makes anyone *entitled* to the money I've *earned* and *worked hard* for? Fuck, now I'm pissed. I'm going to vote recall now. \_ Are you trying to say poor people aren't entitled to emergency services? Wow. Yeah let those poor people's house burn down, they didn't pay enough taxes. What the fuck is wrong with you? It's all about you! \_ Good way to ignore everything I said and focus on one tiny thing mentioned along the way. I isn't a crime... yet. see no reason to go into further detail for someone that's intentionally blind. \_ Which states have the lowest taxes? Mississippi and Alabama. Would you like California to be like them? |
2003/10/6-8 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold, Politics/Domestic/California/Prop] UID:10486 Activity:high |
10/5 Arnold's Enron Secret http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=16902 \_ That guy sounded compelling except a) no references and b) the "Hitlerian mustache" comment at the end. \_ and umm, isn't the state budget deficit more like 36 billion? \_ Thanks to cuts, cuts, cuts, and the car tax, we're passing $8 billion to next year. \_ I believe there were something like $11B in loans to get through the year. That's going to hurt, especially with the piss-poor bond rating CA has now. \_ The courts over turned the loans as illegal. No loans to carry over into next year. The budget is busted. Now they *must* raise taxes or cut all the stuff they added in last 5 years. If we have 1994 levels of income we should roll back spending to the same level. End of story. \_ They're doing this in Alabama. Its great! High school kids are paying textbook fees and they've fired half the bailiffs in the state, among many other instances of "fraud and abuse" ferreted out. \_ Kids here already didn't have books. They need to break the teacher's union so the money being dumped into education will actually get to the kids. \_ GAH! More like they need to break the text book oligarchy's stranglehold and move to free Internet-published text books. Need chapter 7? Print it out on recyclyed paper. \_ Yeah, we all know how accurate the information on the Internet is. \_ You'd be surprised at how bad some textbooks are. \_ If the state can dictate curriculum, why can't it write and publish online text- books? \_ Do both. I had forgotten about the textbook industry's crimes. Bust the teacher's union and the textbook industry as well. Works for me. --guy you replied to about unions \_ Just raise property tax to levels similar to other states. \_ Then the only people left in the state would be the rich you hate so much and the illegals tending their gardens and raising their children. The only way to pay property tax on a home that's gone up in price in a state where income increases don't match housing value increases is to sell your home and leave the state. That's why we had prop 13 in the first place. I'm trying not to be overly rude here but other states don't have our whacked out property value rate of increase vs. income rate increase #s. \_ That income and property values are so out of whack is indication that something is wrong with the property values. Don't worry, lots of people would move in from out of state to take over once the property values go down. Stupid Californians fucked up their state. They don't deserve to run it anymore. Get the heck out. \_ More people are already moving in, right now. That's what makes property values so high. It isn't something you can legislate away and any _public_ official who tried to destroy property values would be hung in public and rightly so. \_ Actually there is a net outflow of people to other states. \_ But total increase in population due to immigration. \_ Property values held up well in all the US metropolitan areas even though they have higher property taxes. Seems like there is a lot of worry about property values in California. Smells like a bubble to me. It's going to be pricked one way or another. Crappy economy, high crimes, lousy educational system, lack of business investments, high income people from other states not moving to California because of expensive houses, and high income taxes, etc., bankrupt state government. None of the above will help with property values \_ So many times people have predicted this for the very same reasons, since at least the early 60s. So many times they have been wrong. \_ If that happened probably 1/2 the state would have to sell their houses tomorrow and go back to renting.. property values would plummet plummet, markets would crumble crumble... sorry, Hudson Hawk moment. But it's true. \_ Raise property tax while reducing income tax. Burst the housing bubble. This will attract lots of high income people from out of state to come to the state, and attract business investments too. \_ Reduce income tax? How exactly is that going to help all the old people living in their home for the last 40 years which is now worth so much on paper that their social security can't cover even a small part of the tax without prop13 laws to protect them? You either weren't here when prop13 was passed, you're too young to remember, or you're a mean vicious person who wants to destroy people's lives. I prefer to think you're just young. It makes me feel better to think the least worst thing about you. \_ Arnold and Buffett are going to repeal prop 13. \_ Heard of home equity loan? What about old people who rent, or who live with reason I will not vote for him. there's just too many others. their relatives and are still working to make ends meet? Or old people who depend on their children (who pay income taxes) for support? \_ I heard about it last week. Sounds credible but that's not the reason I will not vote for him. there are just too many others. The main reason is that he's clueless based on what he said he will do. For example, he wanted to open the book and audit everything. That sounds good to uninfomed Californians, but CA already has independent auditors to do that (according to SF Chronicle) and the state budget is online for anyone view it Second example, he wants to repeal the VLF. (It's nice for me, since I drive an expensive car.) The problem is he couldn't explain how he'll get the $4B to replace the VLF. Repealling the \_ they should roll back to 1994 population, housing prices, gas prices, etc. sources of revenue to fill it. Arnie will provide. VLF is devasting to the local governments if he can't find other sources of revenue to fill it. \_ Don't worry your pretty lil head about such complex things. Arnie will provide. \_ You misspelled "hooters." \_ If you're truly concerned about the economy, you should be voting for Tom. \_ Guess how much of California's energy Enron supplied during the summer of 2001 - less than 4 %. \_ I don't see how that makes them any less sleazy, or how it changes Arnold's intent in participating. \_ There was no fraud accusations against Enron until the fall, the company was solvent. Gray Davis had many of these these meetings with Enron, as he should have, Enron was the largest energy company in the nation. Davis has yet to return 100's thousands from Enron. \_ I'm sure there's a lot more to the story than this. There were several suppliers taking advantage of the badly-deregulated system to gouge us. |
2003/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/Immigration] UID:10487 Activity:nil |
10/6 'Currently, more than 25 percent of our federal prison inmates are illegal aliens who committed crimes. ' Excessive immigration is sinking Golden State http://www.bayarea.com/mld/cctimes/news/opinion/6937903.htm \_ if you really want, erect a wall between United States and Mexico. If Chinese can do it 2000 years ago, you can too. By the time you erected the wall, you then will discover that certain part of US economy is actually *DEPEND* upon illegal aliens(read: agriculture) Instead of bitching about illegal aliens, may be you can use your limited brain power try to resolve this economic dependency, Unless we resolve this issue, not even a wall will resolve the illegal alien problem. |
2003/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/President/Bush] UID:10488 Activity:high |
10/6 George HW Bush went to Japan and threw up all over the Japanese PM and lost the election. In order to complete the circle on George junior, I think he should travel abroad and throw up over another head of state. Who do you want Dubya to throw up on (feel free to add more): The Pope: Ariel Sharon: . Tony Blair: Jacques Chirac: Hamid Karzai: . Putin: . Ahmed Chalabi: . Yassir Arafat: . All of the above: . \_ Holy Puking Presidents, Batman! \_ any links that talks about this? \_ I doubt that's why he lost the election, you can thank Ross for that but it's an amusing premise. My vote is for the Queen of England. If you're going to throw up on someone, you should really go for it. Queen Elisabeth: . Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck: ................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... ............................ \_ Why should anyone care of Bush vomits on the King of Bhutan? \_ I think the poster was trying to win obscure reference of the week award. \_ I think it should just be the current Japan PM, Junichiro Koizumi. |
2003/10/6 [Computer/HW, Consumer/Camera] UID:10489 Activity:nil |
10/7 photography people, what online gallery (other than your own machines do you use (if any) to display your work samples? \_ http://onedollarhost.net \_ http://onedollarhost.net/SERVICES.ASP The page cannot be found. er, uh... \_ works for me, though I clicked on services and got this page: http://www.onedollarhost.net/solutions.asp the site went down 2-3 times in one year. usually for less than a day. I guess you get what you pay for. \_ http://pbase.com |
2003/10/6 [Computer/SW/Languages/Java, Computer/Rants] UID:10490 Activity:nil |
10/6 http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/33217.html http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/7/32038.html is this a good prediction, or a self fulfilling prophecy. Are computer jobs going to go the same way as weaving/sewing/clothing jobs? \_ No. I read an interesting take on it recently (Economist?) which said that manufacturing jobs were going due to efficiency as much as corporate migration, and that with high efficiency, time-to- market and responsiveness to local needs outweighed the minor resulting cost gains from moving manufacturing offshore. I see the same happening with IT, regardless of what people tell me about Indian call center workers with perfect Texan accents. I've seen too many offshore moves by development and support teams (don't even start on business IT consulting) to have any faith that it'll make a really serious impact in the long run. On the other hand, there's historically been a trend for 'simpler' work (witness mining, steel, shipbuilding, electronics) to move from 'core' to 'periphery' countries, without really affecting prosperity in the developed world. -John \_ Why would they not? There was an article that mentioned silicon valley will recover by 2010, but the trend to offshore jobs will continue. There will always be cutting-edge jobs here, but the easier jobs will go overseas. One thing they haven't taken into account is the transfer of intellectual property to these countries, and the new competition that will result. \_ Dontcha just love globalization? \_ Not until software is truly a commodity and bug free. You'll see a swing back from foreign countries for core work that must be done right because quite frankly they aren't skilled enough to do that overseas. \_ Not to mention the communcation issues (language, culture and time difference) which make requirements/specifications difficult to iron out. \_ Yep. I've seen a three year, $50 million project from India produce nothing but bills. And oh yeah, some folks got fired. That was the only good to come from it. \_ I ve seen a dilbert about this recently. |
2003/10/6-7 [Computer/SW/SpamAssassin] UID:10491 Activity:nil |
10/6 Hey spamassassin folks. I know how to use blacklist_from to block a specific from line or group of from lines, but how do I block everything coming from a specific mail server - something in the Received: line. I am pretty constantly deluged from spam clever enough to get around SA originating from mail servers at http://j-connect.com. \_ use procmail directly. man procmailrc or procmailex. \_ :0: *^ Received:*.j-connect.* /dev/null \_ Thank you! \_ This might not work, you will have to test it. Learn how regexs work if you can, they come in handy. |
2003/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/California/Arnold] UID:10492 Activity:nil |
10/6 This weekend, I got a bunch of prerecorded phone calls asking me to vote for a specific candidate. Thanks Arnold, Davis, and Bustamante. That's just what I wanted. \_ you can thank the Do-Not-Call list for that. \_ nonsense. They were able to do that before the list. Also, it walks a fine 1st amendment line to stifle political expression by not letting them call you. You wouldn't have a list at all if no one was allowed to call you at all. Government is about compromise. \_ No it doesn't. It's not 1st amendment once it hits my phone. It's property rights. If they want to talk to me, they can knock on my door. \_ THANK YOU! Does anyone have any info on when 1st Amend. started covering a) advertizing, and b) phone calls? \_ Yup. First amendment means you may say what you have to say. it does not mean you can force people to listen. \_ Are they breaking the law by knocking on your door? It is your property... \_ i think i remember that some local "mormon ban" laws have been ruled to be constitutional. personally, i enjoy telling them to fuck off. particularly since unlike the telemarketer who's just trying to feed their family by doing a shit job, the door to door religeous nut is some self-righteous asshole who's decided to harass me in their spare time for free( after giving a large portion of their income away to the religion.) \_ Unfortunately, no, they're not and your phone is no different. |
2003/10/6 [Politics/Domestic/911, Politics/Foreign/MiddleEast/Israel] UID:10493 Activity:moderate |
10/6 This is a serious troll. Who thinks Israel's action is a little out of line? Maybe Cuba ought to fire a missile at Florida for there's a lot of anti-cuban people there. \_ No one in Florida is sending suicide bombers to Cuban cafes the last I checked. If you're going to troll, you need to start with a better premise. I salute your efforts, Young Troll, but ready for trolling, you are not. \_ Well, actually: http://www.nscuba.org/Docs/Terrorism/TerrorActs-1.html \_ And...there's been little more than "cause we said so" to indicate the camp was active or that Syria has been responsible for anything other than happening to be there. \_ Well...it's Florida...how about Mississippi? It's almost as close. Or Alabama. \_ "We'll try to stay cool and calm when Alabama gets the bomb!" \_ "Israel must not feel constrained in terms of defending the homeland." -GWB There Bush formally said it. Israel has a green light to do whatever it feels like and not feel bound by the Geneva Convention, International Law, or any other pesky constraints. Watch them nuke Damascus next. \_ How is this different from what they have been doing in the past? Israel has bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor into oblivion, invaded Lebanon, raided PLO's headquarters in Libya. What you see is a normal state of affairs in the middle east.. |
2003/10/6-7 [Reference/History/WW2/Japan, Recreation/Media, Politics/Foreign/Asia/Japan] UID:10494 Activity:high |
10/6 What did he whisper in her ear in "Lost in Translation" ? Anybody? Anybody? \_ does anybody think that the representation of japanese people in this film is kinda f'ed up? I mean, I feel like she was just trying to show how the characters were alienated by being in a foreign culture or whatever, but there definitely were quite a few laughs just based on "those wacky japanese". \_ it's the experience of the novice traveller in Japan. trust me, you'll spend a lot of time thinking, "wow, those wacky japanese." The movie also had a good deal of beauty (the wedding procession in Kyoto, for example). For more on the wacky, imcomprehensible nature of Japan, check out "Max Danger: Adventures of an Expat in Tokyo" by Robert J. Collins. \_ http://imdb.com/NewsFeatures/lostintrans.html \_ Sorry, it was lost in translation. HAH! Damn, I'm good. \_ I think the point is that you're not supposed to know. That said, I'm guessing it's something along the lines of "become yourself" or other sentimental "bye-bye" pap.... Great movie, though. \_ Why don't you download it and run the enhance the audio track so that you can listen to it. In all likelyhood he said nothing of relavance to the movie. Why say something, when you can say nothing and get the same reaction out of the audience \_ well, now I'm more interested in seeing this movie. So if it gets people talking... \_ He says, "For you". \_ Do you understand about modern lit. crit. and self-referentiality? \_ "Nan nen nihon ni irun desu ka?" That was the funniest scene in the movie. For those who don't know Japanese, the old woman at the medical clinic was slowly asking him how many years he was in Japan. \_ the best part is the two middle-aged ladies in the row of seats behind them trying, very politely, not to bust up. |
2003/10/6-8 [Consumer/Camera] UID:10495 Activity:moderate |
10/6 Photo people: What's the best developing service? In terms of quality? Price? Value? Digital pictures. \_ How do you "develop" a digital picture? \_ you know what I mean. What's the proper word then? \_ "process" \_ developing what? film? digital? portraits? \_ sorry. Digital Pictures. I modified the original post. \_ You want online or offline? \_ I use costco. $0.19 per print at 4x6. picture quality is excellent at the Sunnyvale store. It does show some sharpening artifects, but i think all digital printing service do. they uses Fuji machines and print on Fuji Crystal Archive paper, the same machine that prints the 35mm photos. \_ do they do contrast and brightness adjustments? \_ no. why do you need them to do it? I'd do it myself if it needs any adjustments. They crop the center by default to make your image fit on 4x6. on some images you may want to crop it yourself. they take CD, compactflash, etc... \_ Good advice. I heard similar advice in some photo mags \_ I use costco. $0.19 per print at 4x6. picture quality is excellent at the Sunnyvale store. It does show some sharpening artifects, but i think all digital printing service do. they about adjusting the photo yourself, so that a machine doesn't adjust your image incorrectly (e.g., make your snow look gray) or crop out the face of your loved one. You can take control of how your photo's turn out by using photoshop (elements, 7.0, or similar) and a little knowledge on how to best do this. \_ Nah, that's just the Fuji machines they're using. Go some place uses Fuji machines and print on Fuji Crystal Archive paper, the same machine that prints the 35mm photos. \_ do they do contrast and brightness adjustments? \_ Nah, that's just the Fuji machines they're using. Go some place that uses Kodak. Don't settle for less than the best. It isn't becuase you're digital. that uses Kodak. Don't settle for less than the best. It isn't becuase you're digital. \_ nonsense. Costco also has Kodak machines for their 35mm development. I use it regularily. The fuji-digital prints are excellent quality compare to the 35mm Kodak processing. If anything, the differences are film/digital rather than the printing machine. The 35mm prints looks 'better' because I have better photo gears, but the printing quality is more \_ either. \_ I use costco. $0.19 per print at 4x6. picture quality is excellent at the Sunnyvale store. It does show some sharpening artifects, but i think all digital printing service do. they uses Fuji machines and print on Fuji Crystal Archive paper, the same machine that prints the 35mm photos. \_ do they do contrast and brightness adjustments? \_ Nah, that's just the Fuji machines they're using. Go some place that uses Kodak. Don't settle for less than the best. It isn't becuase you're digital. \_ http://Ofoto.com's got the best quality. \_ nonsense. they use the same fuji crap that costco uses. if you want Kodak quality you need to go to a place that uses Kodak equipment, paper, etc. That isn't Ofoto. \_ either you or ofoto are mistaken, becasue they claim that a) they're a "kodak company" and b) they print on kodak paper, at least. -chialea or less the same. \_ http://Ofoto.com's got the best quality. \_ nonsense. they use the same fuji crap that costco uses. if you want Kodak quality you need to go to a place that uses Kodak equipment, paper, etc. That isn't Ofoto. \_ either you or ofoto are mistaken, becasue they claim that a) they're a "kodak company" and b) they print on kodak paper, at least. -chialea \_ They don't claim to use Kodak printers, scanners, development equipment, processes, chemicals or anything else. Know why? Because they don't. The paper is the least important part of it. They imply the rest but won't and can't say it because it isn't true. Call them up and ask what model equipment they use and who makes it. It's Fuji. |
3/15 |